Chapter 7: We're Friends, Right? (Updated)
On the sixth episode of Baby Lincoln, Lincoln awakes to find himself in a cell, captured by Paragas after Baby's battle "The hell? Baby, you there? Baby?" Lincoln whispered to himself
"Your voice is different this time, kid," said a voice as Lincoln turned around to see Paragas with bandages of his own with what seemed to be prison bars between them. After talking, Broly and Paragas make a startling discovery, Lincoln had grown a tail "Gah, oh dear god, son, he's a boy! Of course he's going to have a-a-a," Paragas said as he took a closer look at Lincoln as saw a brown monkey tail between Lincoln's legs "my god,"
"W-why are you staring at me like that?!" Lincoln asked in alarm. Pargas had his jaw to the ground as he whispered to himself "H-how is this possible? H-he didn't have one a week ago, unless-". It was then Lincoln had a breakdown and Paragas shut him up. The old man then explained what he was and Lincoln did the same "Alright, I'm missing information here, what are you- wait... *sigh* I think I get it," Paragas said, "your planet was destroyed by a Saiyan or at least a group, weren't they?"
"Y-yes," Lincoln said
"I see... well then, do you mind if I asked what age your planet was destroyed?" Pargas asked
"I-I think Baby said something about being on the planet for 11 years... And the age... I-I think it was Age 731,"
'7-731?! T-that was 30 years ago! He should be Broly's age!' Paragas thought as he stood up "I should get going,"
"W-where are you going?"
"I'm getting me some food... Broly will bring you some," Paragas replied as he walked out, leaving Lincoln alone
"Hmph... a-a prisoner by the people who killed mine, and turned into one no less," Lincoln said. Time passed by as is was 7 days later that Baby reawakened Lincoln was sitting down eating the food he was given alone in his cell when he heard 'Urgh, anyone get the plate number of the truck that hit me?'
"BABY?!" Lincoln shouted
'GAH! Not so loud!'
"You've got a lot of explaining to do! For instance, why the hell do I have a tail?!"
'What are you talking ab- wait, something's wrong with your blood. And why do I smell monkey?'
"I'm part Saiyan numbnuts!"
"That's what I said!"
'Grrr, those blasted Saiyans must have done something! Just let me take over your body again brat, and I'll kill them!'
"Are you crazy? Have you seen Broly fight?". And now, Paragas and Baby try to make a deal "You really are senile, didn't you say he tried to kill you last time?!" Lincoln shouted
"I know, but I think we can come to a compromise," Paragas said
"Alright, give me a minute," Lincoln replied as he grew red lines on his face
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't turn you into a red mist?!" Baby shouted
And Now We're Friends, Right? Begins Now! (Play Intro!):
Paragas and Baby looked at each as Paragas had a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face "Well, aren't you going to give me an answer?" Baby asked as Paragas coughed
"Baha, ah, yes! Ahem, first, how about we introduce ourselves, my name is Paragas, I'm a Saiyan from Planet Vegeta," Paragas replied as Baby growled
"Hmph, Baby, Tuffle Parasite, and this boy is my host. Now talk before I kill you!" Baby said as Paragas scoffed
"You remember the last time you did that? My son beat you down,"
"Grrr, don't remind me," Baby said as he subconsciously rubbed his head
"Alright, I guess I better get straight to the point... we both have a common interest, that much I can say," Paragas spoke as Baby looked at him questionably. Baby shook his head as he said: "Bull, I want every last Saiyan monkey gone and dead by my hands!"
"And I want Vegeta dead," Paragas replied as Baby raised an eyebrow
"Vegeta? As in the guy who led the extinction of my race?! Why would one of his men want him dead?" Baby asked as Paragas tightened his fists
"I want him to pay for sending my son to this planet! He sent my boy here out of fear for his latent power!" Paragas shouted as he struck the side of the cave, causing it to shake a little "I was powerless to do anything! And now, we've been trapped here for over 30 years! 30! LONG! YEARS!" Paragas continued to shout with each punch. Baby was confused as he watched Paragas let out his rage "Why would you care? Don't all Saiyans sent out their children to eradicate planets at a young age?" Baby asked as Paragas calmed down
"He banished my son to this planet out of jealousy! He didn't want anyone to be as powerful as his own son! And because my son had more power than his, he sent him here in order to kill him!" Paragas explained as Baby gave a soft glare
"And why should I believe you?" Baby asked
"You should, now I believe the deal is simple. I train the boy and you; and you help me kill Vegeta and his son, deal?" Paragas said as Baby thought about it
'All things considered, if he trains Lincoln, it could make him stronger, if not as strong as the monkey that blasted me into oblivion. I guess there's only one option,' Baby thought as he said: "You got a deal,"
"Good, we'll start tomorrow," Paragas said as he unlocked the cell
"Why not today?"
"Bodies injured, isn't it?" Paragas argued as he walked out of the cave. Sighing, Baby let Lincoln take control again "Oh, I don't think I'll ever get used to that," Lincoln said as he shook his head "hey, we're out,"
'Yeah, thanks to my negotiation skills!' Baby said as Lincoln sweatdropped
"What negotiation skills?"
'GAH! You wound me with your doubt!'
"You deserve it," Lincoln replied as Baby sighed inside Lincolns head
'*Sigh* Alright, listen, you'll begin your training tomorrow with Paragas and Broly, so today's a rest day. So you might wanna take things slowly today,'
"Well, I might wanna have a look around. I've never left my planet before... not like I can return," Lincoln said as he walked out and his eyes burned "MY EYES!" Lincoln shouted as he quickly covered them
'Yeah, I think I should've asked for eye-protection. It's pretty sunny out here and with you being in there for a little over a week; the sun's going to do that to ya,'
"YEAH! THANK'S FOR THE WARNING!" Lincoln shouted through his teeth as he slowly removed his hands. His eye's started to adjust as he slowly turned his head to see a world of rock and dirt "This place is a dessert," Lincoln commented as he looked over to see Paragas walking into another cave "HEY! PARAGAS! WAIT UP!"
2 Weeks Later:
"No, no, no, no. You're doing it all wrong," Paragas stated, moving his head to the side as he dodged a punch from Lincoln. Sidestepping, Paragas tripped Lincoln and made him fall, hitting his nose on a rock "OW!" Lincoln shouted in pain
"And you're footing is off! Who thought you how to throw a punch?!" Paragas said in a loud coaching manner
"A little hard when you move, don't you think?" Lincoln replied
"You're opponent isn't just going to stand there and let you hit them! And if that is the case then it isn't a fight, it's just a mercy killing!" Paragas shouted as he walked over to a rock "Now get back up and let me show you how it's done!"
"Alright, I'm getting up," Lincoln said as he stood up, his nose bleeding from the rock he landed on "don't you think I should get this patched up first?"
"You're opponent isn't just going to let you heal either! Now get in front of this rock and take the same stance as me!" Paragas ordered as Lincoln reluctantly agreed
'This old man is pretty strict, how his son managed to deal with him is a mystery to me,' Lincoln thought as he heard something in his head
'*Guns shooting and explosions* How the fuck did he get me from here?!' Baby shouted from inside Lincoln's head
'Oh, you were listening?'
'What the hell did I just hear?!'
'Oh, that's just me playing video games. Hey, once you're done with your training for the day, mind picking up player 2? I need another guy on my squad, I'm getting tired of playing with randoms,' Baby asked
'W-what? I've got video games? I've got multiplayer? I'VE GOT FUCKING INTERNET?!' Lincoln shouted in his head
'Yeah, hard to believe, but you've got an Omnidirectional wireless set up in here. The best part is since we're so far away from any civilization, I'm getting a ping of 200,'
'Still not understanding,'
'It means once we find a civilization with internet, I could get an epic ping of 1! 1! HAHAHA!' Baby laughed
"LINCOLN ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!" Paragas shouted as Lincoln was brought back into the real world
"S-sorry! B-Baby said something, sorry," Lincoln said as Paragas rubbed the bridge of his nose. Taking a deep breath, Paragas dragged Lincoln over next to him and had him stand up straight "Alright, first, position your feet shoulder width apart, alright?" Paragas said as Lincoln did that
"Okay, what next?" Lincoln asked
"Now, place your least dominate foot behind you, allowing the other to be used to push off and deliver a more powerful punch," Paragas instructed. Lincoln did as he was told as his arms were at his side "Good, now place your arms in front of you; keep your chin down and your hands covering your face," Paragas said
"Like this?" Lincoln asked as he raised his arms up
"Exactly, now bend your knees a little, and when you're ready, throw a punch with your shoulder. Rotate it as you lean in and push off with your foot behind you," Paragas instructed as Lincoln took a deep breath. Looking at the rock, he did as Paragas said as punched the rock. Once he did, the rock cracked a bit as Lincoln smiled "Perfect!" Paragas stated as Lincoln continued to smile. But Lincoln's smile began to fade as he felt a slight pain in the fist he threw. The pain then began to grow as he pulled back his punch and shouted into the air "OWWWWW! MY HAND!" Lincoln screamed as he looked at his hand, which was red and throbbing
"Urgh, this is going to be a long day," Paragas said as he looked at Lincoln, who was on his knees, cradling his hand.
1 Month Later:
"Alright... BEGIN!" Paragas shouted as Lincoln launched himself at Broly. Lincoln readied a right hook as Broly moved to the side, causing Lincoln to miss. Pivoting his right foot, Lincoln turned with a left hook as Broly simply caught the punch and pushed him back. Lincoln stumbled backward as he caught himself pushed off his right foot. Sending a straight jab with his right arm, Broly dodged it as Lincoln pulled back and used the position he was in to strike Broly in the stomach with his elbow. Broly barley even flinched Lincoln raised his left hand to land a punch to Broly's jaw, which still did nothing. Grabbing Brolys head, Lincoln managed to bring himself up to Broly's eye level and started to use his knee to strike the ladder in the nose. He did this multiple times as Broly took every hit. After the seventh strike, Broly headbutted Lincoln's knee and uppercut Lincoln off him. Lincoln was sent flying into the air as he clenched his teeth and backflipped in the air. Landing on his feet, Lincoln then fell to his knees as he held his jaw "*Sigh* Alright, that's enough for today, seems you're still only at my level," Paragas said as he stopped the match "Broly?"
"Thank-you for the match," Broly stated as he bowed
"T-think nothing of it, man you're strong, you know that?" Lincoln said as he stood up
"I do," Broly replied
"I'm going back to the cave, you two do your own thing," Paragas said as he walked away. Broly then walked in the opposite direction as Lincoln caught up with him "Hey, Broly!" Lincoln shouted
"Hmm? What is it, Lincoln?" Broly asked as Lincoln walked up to his side
"How about we hang out? You know, talk a bit?"
"I don't mind,"
"Cool... s~~~~o, wanna talk about anything?" Lincoln asked
'Way to go, how about we talk about the giant-ass cockroaches that want to kill us with a harpoon for a tongue? Or how about the weather; I'm sure we would love to talk about the sun beating down on us!' Baby said
'Shut-up will ya?!' Lincoln thought as he coughed "Ah, so, do you have any hobbies?" Lincoln asked as Broly raised an eye-brow
"What's a hobby?" Broly asked
"Well, a hobby is something you like doing, you know? Like collecting things or reading,"
"What's reading?"
"*Sigh* You're dad didn't really teach you a whole lot of things, did he?" Lincoln asked
"I don't think so. Father has only taught me how to be polite and fight, but he still has I have much to learn," Broly replied
"Hey, I got an idea, how about you be my friend?"
"What's a friend?" Broly asked as Lincoln sweatdropped
"W-well, a friend is someone you hang out with, who you can trust. Someone who knows you and cares for you," Lincoln said as Broly looked up at the sky
"I think I had a friend once," Broly said
"Yes, I called him Bah," Broly replied as he grabbed onto the green fur pelt his wore around his waist. Broly had a sad look as Lincoln sighed 'Great, now I made him sad!'
'Way to go, dumbass,' Baby said inside his mind
'SHUT! THE FUCK! UP!' Lincoln replied to Baby
"You know, this pleat I wear is the last thing I have from him. I wear it as a reminder of him, so I always keep him close," Broly stated as Lincoln listened "I named him after the sound he would make sometimes. It was scary when it got mad, but I got over it quickly. I would train with him almost every day by avoiding his teeth,"
"Okay, mind explaining what Bah is?" Lincoln asked as Broly looked at him. Broly then motioned for Lincoln to follow him as they flew over to a ridgeline. Lincoln fell to the ground with a thud as he rubbed his rear "Owww! I'm still not used to this whole flying thing," Lincoln said as Broly pointed out past the ridgeline
"That is what Bah was," Broly said as Lincoln looked out and saw giant pools what seemed to be green fur
"Wha?" Lincoln asked as the giant vampa beetles surrounded them and launched their tounges into them. Once they did this, giant dog-like heads shot out of them and started to eat some of the beetles
"WHOA!" Lincoln shouted, "You were friends with one of those things?!"
"Yes, we were good friends... really, good friends," Broly explained as he sat down, watching them
"So one of these things was the first friend you ever made?" Lincoln asked
"Yes, but dad didn't like it. He said that being friends with Bah was training, but playing. So he shot off Bah's ear with a gun, making ti angry with him... and me," Broly said as he started to tear up," after that, B-Bah was never the same again. T-that's why I keep his ear, to remember when we were friends," Broly continued as he wiped away his tears. Lincoln saw this as he walked over to Broly and put a hand on his shoulder, sitting down next to him as Broly looked at him "You're not alone anymore, Broly. We're friends, right?" Lincoln asked with a smile as Broly smiled back
"Yeah... friends," Broly replied as both their stomachs growled
"I'm hungry," they both said as they hopped off the ridge
[Hope you both enjoyed the chapter and want more! Cause if you're drunk for the next chapter, 2 will be turning into 4 with good versus evil with a battle on the inside!]
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