Chapter 6: Training?

of Baby Lincoln, Baby and Lincoln seemed to have made a truce as they fell down to planet Vampa 'Hey, I don't mean to bother you, bu~~~~t WE'RE GOING TO CRA~~~~~SH!' Baby said in Lincoln's mind



"AHHHHHHHH!". After the crash, Paragas, a Saiyan of unknown origin, sees their ship crash and rushes with hope of getting off. But instead finds a months worth of supplies and a fight "T-that tail! Y-you're a Saiyan!" Baby said as he pointed at it

"Hmm? Yes, I'm a Saiyan, you've got a problem?" Paragas asked

"A HUGE ONE! DIE SAIYAN!" Baby shouted as he launched himself at the old man and struck him in the chest, sending him flying out of the cave. The fight was short as Paragas dominated a majority of the fight. That was until, on planet Namek, a Saiyan by the name of Son Goku unlocks a transformation the same time as Baby "I-I won't let you... GET AWAY WITH THIS!" said a man wearing a blue shirt with orange pants as he screamed at the top of his lungs

"DAMN I~~~~~~T!" Baby shouted at the top his lungs as a huge wave of energy pushed the old man back

"W-what is this power?" the old man said, astonished at the energy rolling off of Baby. The ground beneath their feet began to shake. Baby's face then gained the red lines across his face, crosshair-like lines on his eyes with a black color. His body gained a golden aura as Baby's screamed started to change from that of a shout to a roar as the old man was pushed back a dozen feet as Baby stood up. After that, Paragas is defeated easily by Baby, but then Broly appears and defeats him just as easily, with the last thing Baby hearing being the screams of pain Broly shouted and the sound of lightning striking his ears.

Training? Stars Now! Play Intro!:

Lincoln woke up and groaned in pain "Ohhh, my head, where am I?" he whispered as he looked around. It was a cave containing a makeshift bed made from metal and some green soft material. He sat up as he touched his body to find himself covered in bandages and felt pain at the base of his spine "The hell? Baby, you there? Baby?" Lincoln whispered to himself

"Your voice is different this time, kid," said a voice as Lincoln turned around to see Paragas with bandages of his own with what seemed to be prison bars between them

"Uhh, who are you?" Lincoln asked

"Y-you seriously don't remember me? You beat me to a pulp!" Paragas shouted as he pointed at Lincoln

"I-I what?!"

"So you honestly don't remember me?" Paragas asked 'I knew something was off with the kid! His voice is different, and that power he had from before... he seems to be waker'

"L-look! I'm sorry I did anything to you, b-but can you tell me where I'm at and who you are?"

"You're on Planet Vampa, your ship crashed here along with the supplies I managed to save,"

"THE FOOD! GAH! There probably isn't enough for me to last a week!" Lincoln shouted in distress. Paragas sighed in annoyance "Are you going to let me finish?" he said as Lincoln quickly got quite "As I was saying! There's enough for a whole month at the rate we ate and if we portion it correctly,"


"I forgot to mention my son, Broly. BROLY! COME INTRODUCE YOURSELF!" Paragas shouted as Broly walked into the cave "Broly, this is- uhhh... what's your name again?"

"O-oh, sorry, my name's Lincoln.... Lincoln Loud," Lincoln introduced himself

"Yes, Broly?"

"Hello, my name is Broly, it's a pleasure to meet you," Broly said with a slight bow

"So, mind explaining what I'm doing here?" Lincoln asked

"Last time you woke up you attacked me, I'm not taking any chances," Paragas explained. Lincoln looked at him with a raised eyebrow as it suddenly came to him "Oh... l-listen, it's probably best that I stay here... I'm sorry he attacked you," Lincoln said as he turned around

"He? Now you're the one saying strange things," Paragas said

"It was Baby that attacked you... I'll have a talk with him once I'm able to,"

"Baby? As in a little infant?"

"No, that's his name. His a Tuffle inside of me, in a way... he's a parasite," Lincoln said as he remembered the bad things Baby had done and said

"A-A TUFFLE?!" Paragas shouted in surprise

"You know them?"

"Know? I WAS THERE IN THE INVASION!" Paragas shouted as Lincoln's eyes widened and looked at him


"Yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday! I was sent in the second wave to take Planet Plant!" Paragas explained as Lincoln's jaw began to quiver

"N-no... t-then that would make you a-a-a,"


"YES! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Lincoln shouted as he backed into the cave

'Either he's crazy or he's telling the truth. I'm going to say the ladder considering not many remember the Tuffle Race, and the fact that bastard Vegeta found old paper files for a parasite-like project belonging to them... I can only say that this kid hasn't been a host for long,' Paragas thought to himself

"Father, why is he... scared us? Isn't he one too?" Broly asked

"Before you were born, I and the entirety of our race, eradicated the Tuffle race. I don't know if there were any survivors,"

"No... look at the thing between his legs," Broly said as he pointed at Lincoln

"Gah, oh dear god son, he's a boy! Of course he's going to have a-a-a," Paragas said as he took a closer look at Lincoln as saw a brown monkey tail between Lincoln's legs "my god,"

"W-why are you staring at me like that?!" Lincoln asked in alarm. Pargas had his jaw to the ground as he whispered to himself "H-how is this possible? H-he didn't have one a week ago, unless-"


"KEEP QUIET BRAT BEFORE I THUMP YOU INTO NEXT WEEK! YOUR SHOUTING IS GETTING ON MY NERVES!" Paragas screamed at the top of his lungs as Lincoln cowered "And just great, way to go Paragas... Gah, damn me and my parenting," Paragas whispered to himself as he facepalmed

"Father, it's nearing lunch, should I go get food?" Broly asked

"*Sigh* Please do, son, please do,"

"Right away," broyl replied as he left. Paragas sat down on the floor as he closed his one remaining eye and took a deep breath. Taking a few minutes to think, he finally said: "Listen... Lincoln, right? I'm sorry for yelling at you, but I'm under a lot of stress between Baby beating me and seeing that tail between your legs,"

"T-tail? What ta- HOLY HELL I HAVE A TAIL!" Lincoln shouted in surprise as he saw the tail "W-why is this thing on me? H-How do I get it off?!"

"Calm down, kid. I'm assuming this is your first time seeing a Saiyan tail?" Paragas questioned

"W-what does this mean?" Lincoln asked as he looked at Paragas. Paragas uncurled his own tail as Lincoln looked at him with a realization "No... no, no, no, no, no! I don't want to be a Saiyan! I don't want to be the same bunch of monsters that destroyed my planet! That killed my family!" Lincoln said as he started to cry "I don't wanna be a Saiyan monster!"

"Alright, I'm missing information here, what are you- wait... *sigh* I think I get it," Paragas said, "your planet was destroyed by a Saiyan or at least a group, weren't they?"

"Y-yes," Lincoln said

"I see... well then, do you mind if I asked what age your planet was destroyed?" Pargas asked

"I-I think Baby said something about being on the planet for 11 years.. And the age... I-I think is was Age 731,"

'7-731?! T-that was 30 years ago! He should be Broly's age!' Paragas thought as he stood up "I should get going,"

"W-where are you going?"

"I'm getting me some food... Broly will bring you some," Paragas replied as he walked out, leaving Lincoln alone

"Hmph... a-a prisoner by the people who killed mine, and turned into one no less"

1 Week Later:

Lincoln was sitting down eating the food he was given alone in his cell when he heard 'Urgh, anyone get the plate number of the truck that hit me?'

"BABY?!" Lincoln shouted

'GAH! Not so loud!'

"You've got a lot of explaining to do! For instance, why the hell do I have a tail?!"

'What are you talking ab- wait, something's wrong with your blood. And why do I smell monkey?'

"I'm part Saiyan numbnuts!"


"That's what I said!"

'Grrr, those blasted Saiyans must have done something! Just let me take over your body again brat, and I'll kill them!'

"Are you crazy? Have you seen Broly fight?"

'Who the fuck's Broly?'

"Oh yeah, you haven't met him y-"

"Lincoln!" shouted a voice as Lincoln turned around to see Paragas

"Paragas? What are you doing here?" Lincoln asked

"I've decided something," Paragas said as he stood in front of Lincoln's cell

"And what would that be?" Lincoln asked

'Let me out, kid! I'll kill the old man!' Baby shouted from inside Lincoln's head as Paragas opened his cell

"I'll be training you from now on, but I must ask... is this, Baby, awake?" Paragas asked as Lincoln nodded "then let me talk to him"

"You really are senile, didn't you say he tried to kill you last time?!"

"I know, but I think we can come to a compromise," Paragas said

"Alright, give me a minute," Lincoln replied as he grew red lines on his face

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't turn you into a red mist?!" Baby shouted

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if it feels rushed and unfinished. I have other things to take care of so sorry this chapter sucks]

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