Chapter 5: Tuffle Vs. Saiyans! (Whoops! Mistakes Were Made!)

On The fourth episode of Baby Lincoln, Baby is trapped in the black hole, seemingly outside of space and time. He was trapped for who know how long until he grew bored after training and decided to bring Lincoln Loud out for a chat "I GOT IT! I'll just have the brat talk to me!" he said as he shook his body "Now let's see here if I just do this," and Baby took a deep breath and fluctuated his power. He then fainted as when the body awoke, Lincoln was in control and Baby was outside "Wh-what's that?" he whispered as he walked toward it. He reached out his hand to grab it when he suddenly found himself in the ship. He was on the floor as he looked around in surprise "W-what? How did I get here? Where's my family?! Wh-" he shouted when he was interpreted

"H-hey, a-a l-litt-le he-help here?" said a familiar voice as Lincoln looked around

"Who said that?" Lincoln asked

"D-down h-here," replied the voice as Lincoln looked down to see Baby on the floor

"Wh- wait... YOU! YOU BASTARD!" Lincoln shouted as he kicked Baby across the ship and hitting the wall. Lincoln went into a rage as he beat Baby into a pulp thanks to Baby training his body. But after a while, Baby managed to talk Lincoln down so he could share information about his past and the Saiyan race that destroyed his homeworld "I LOST MY PLANET TO A RACE OF MONKEYS, HOW DO YOU THINK THAT MAKES ME FEEL?!" Baby shouted as Lincoln looked at him with questionable watery eyes

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Lincoln asked

"L-Let's talk, k-kid," Baby said as Lincoln dropped him to the ground. They talk and shared some common interest, but Lincoln still wouldn't really trust Baby. So more time passed and they managed to escape from the black hole, but Baby retreated to the comfort of Lincoln's body, leaving Lincoln to have to deal with the crash to the planet that the black hole shot them at "YOU BASTARD!" Lincoln shouted as he ran over to the front window and saw that they were exiting the black hole. They shot out at high speeds as Lincoln was blown back to the end of the ship.

Tuffle Vs Saiyans Starts Now! Play Intro (Sorry If It's Cheesy):

Lincoln frantically pushed buttons as he tried to make the ship pull up "DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT!" Lincoln shouted, "WHY DID I DESTROY THESE BUTTONS?!"

'Hey, I don't mean to bother you, bu~~~~t WE'RE GOING TO CRA~~~~~SH!' Baby said in Lincoln's mind




On The Planet:

An old man was eating a leg of a large bug. He was a tall and well-muscled man with spiky grey hair that stood up with long bushy sideburns, and a well-groomed mustache and a full beard and noticeable wrinkles with fair-skin. He had armor with small yellow shoulder-padding and midsection. He also wore a blue legless bottom, white gloves, white boots with yellow tips, and long white cape with a big collar around his neck. And around his waist was a brown monkey tail.

As he ate, he looked up in the sky to see the ship crashing "W-what?! A Ship?!" he shouted in surprise as he ran as quickly as he could to where the ship was going to land "Finally! We can get off this planet and get our revenge!" he said as the ship entered the atmosphere and started to crash land onto the planet. A few minutes passed and the sound of the ship crashing could be heard as the old man rushed to the site.

At The Crash:

Sheets of metal were scattered around the site as a crater held the destroyed ship in the center. Some pieces of the ship were on fire as the old man looked down at the crash ship "Damn it!" he said as he hopped over to the ship and saw the food. He walked over and picked up a now roasted chicken and sniffed it. He took a bite as he chewed it and began to eat it all, bones and all "Awww, that was good. About time I had real food for the first time in 30 years," he whispered as his ears heard something and saw some bits of the ship move. Slowly moving over to it, he lifted up the metal with ease and tossed it a good dozen feet away. Looking down with a single wide eye, he saw Lincoln, bleeding out on the ground "What's a kid doing here?" he asked himself as he crouched down and checked a for a pulse "He's still alive!" he said in surprise as he looked around frantically until he found a small white box "Please let this be what I think it is," he whispered as he opened it up to reveal medical supplies. He grabbed a pair of scissors, two needles, a medical tube, and bandages as he rushed over to Lincoln and started to patch up his wounds. When he got all the wounds he could cover up, he placed the needle heads on the ends of the tube and inserted the needle into Lincoln's arm "I don't know if this will work, kid, but it's gotta," he whispered as he injected the other end into his own arm and his own blood started to flow into Lincoln. When the old man started to feel light-headed, he removed the needle from his arm and wrapped more bandages around Lincoln's arm to cover the needle. Picking up Lincoln, the old man turned around to come face-to-face with a giant beetle. The beetle seemed to have a large smile on its face as he opened its mouth to reveal a harpoon-like tongue

"BROLY!" the old man shouted as the beetle was sent flying in a boom. Floating in the air was a young man with spiky black hair reaches his upper back and has an overgrown look to it. He has a scar across his left cheek, left bicep, and an "X"-shaped scar on his left pectoral. His attire consists of blue skin-tight pants with white boots that have a yellow striping at the toes, a green fur pelt draped around his waist and flows on the backside, and blue wristbands. Around his neck was a metallic device that looked like a choker.

The young man looked down at the older man and asked: "Who is he?"

"I have no idea, but I guess we have to thank him for bringing up some food, real food, Broly," replied the old man

"So, what do we do with him?" Broly asked

"First, let's wait until he wakes up, then we'll start to ask questions. Take him to our home, and be careful, I just got done covering his wounds," the old man said as he handed Lincoln to Broly. Broly then flew off as the old man walked back into the crash site and banged his head against some metal "Damn it, Paragas! What the hell were you thinking?!" he shouted at himself as he banged his head against the metal over and over again.

Two Days Later:

Baby opened his eyes to see a rock ceiling "Ohhh, my head. I feel like I got hit by a truck," he said as he looked around and saw that he was in a cave "where am I?" Baby asked as he looked at his wounds "Hmph, seems like someone patched up the kid. And since I'm in control, that means the kid must still be out of it,"

"Good, you're awake," said an old voice as baby turned around to see the old man

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Your voice is annoying, you know that, kid?" the old man said as Baby looked at him closely and saw the tail wrapped around his waist

"T-that tail! Y-you're a Saiyan!" Baby said as he pointed at it

"Hmm? Yes, I'm a Saiyan, you've got a problem?" (Play Music)

"A HUGE ONE! DIE SAIYAN!" Baby shouted as he launched himself at the old man and struck him in the chest, sending him flying out of the cave. Continuing his assault, Baby tried to kick the old man as the ladder dodged the kick and sent a punch of his own at Baby's jaw. The punch managed to damaged Baby as the old man then kicked him in the side of the chest. Baby flinched as he sent a left hook, of which the old man caught and threw him over his shoulder, slamming him into the ground "You're strong for your age, and your power level is astonishing," the old man commented as Baby tried for a leg sweep, only for the former to flip over him and throw him at a rock. Slamming against the rock, Baby coughed out blood as the old man came flying at him and punched him in the stomach, pushing him into the rock and making it crack. The old man then twisted his hips and side kicked Baby through the rock, sending him flying "Even though I've praised you for your power, you're still weak in comparison to someone like me," the old man stated as he walked toward Baby. Baby slowly stood up as he held his left arm "D-damn it... I-I'm still weak," Baby said to himself as the old man walked toward him

"What's the matter, I thought you said you were going to kill me?" the old man shouted, "Or are you just all talk?"

"SHUT UP!" Baby shouted as he ran at him and threw a flurry of punches. The old man either dodged them or blocked them as Baby threw a kick to the old man's ribs. The old man didn't even flinch as he punched Baby in the throat "GAH!"

"*Sigh* Seems I've made a mistake saving you," the old man said as he extends his hand and a light purple ki orb formed "but that's an easy mistake I can fix" he continued as Baby had thoughts running through his mind

'Huh... guess the second time's the charm, eh death?' Baby thought as he was on his knees holding his throat 'So this Saiyan is going to kill me and the brat, not like the kid had much of a choice all things considering. Death by monkey, I'll be the laughing stock of the afterlife!' he continued to think as he struck the ground. Baby ground his teeth as the old man prepared to fire "This is the end, kid," the old man said as the ki orb became more concentrated

'This is how I'm going to die this time, by the hands of a monkey! By the same damn race that killed my planet! The brats planet! I promised myself I would never let it happen again! But I'm still too weak! DAMN IT!' Baby thought as suddenly his ki began to rise and he let out an echoing shout "DAMN IT!"

At The Same Time:

"I-I won't let you... GET AWAY WITH THIS!" said a man wearing a blue shirt with orange pants as a white lizard-like creature with pure solid-white skin with purple sections on his head, shoulders, forearms, abdomen, and shins with the lines on his cheeks had a hand extended. They both looked worn for wear as the man was seething with rage as lightning clashed around him

With Baby:

"DAMN I~~~~~~T!" Baby shouted at the top of his lungs as a huge wave of energy pushed the old man back

"W-what is this power?" the old man said, astonished at the energy rolling off of Baby. The ground beneath their feet began to shake. Baby's face then gained the red lines across his face, crosshair-like lines on his eyes with a black color. His body gained a golden aura as Baby's screamed started to change from that of a shout to a roar as the old man was pushed back a dozen feet as Baby stood up. Baby looked down at his hands as he saw the golden aura that surrounded his body. He then looked up at the old man as the ladder fired a barrage of ki blasts. Baby just stood there as the ki blasts came into contact with his body, exploding once they did. A large cloud of dust covered the area as the old man was taking deep breaths "There... huff... I killed him... huff..., oh this brings... huff... back bad memories," the old man said, "Whew, it's been years since I last did something like that. I'm getting old,"

"You think so?" said a voice from behind him as the old man turned around, only to get punched in the throat and sent flying through the landscape. Baby stood there as he looked at the fist his used and smirked

"My, my, this is great! This power, it's unbelievable! I think I'll call it... Super Lincoln, in honor of the brats body!" Baby said as he vanished and appeared next to the old man, who was in the fetal position holding his throat and covered in cuts and bruises. Baby grew a large smile as he extends his hand and said: "Seems the tables turned, Saiyan," as a dark purple ki orb formed in his hand, "after you, I'm going to kill every last one of your kind!"

"Y-you.... You'll p-p-pay fo-for this," the old man said as Baby was suddenly struck in the side of the head and sent flying. Baby felt his head rattle as he rolled across the ground, the already broken body that belonged to Lincoln was becoming even more so as large plots of blood were splattered all over the ground. It stopped when he was embedded into the side of a mountain. Vomiting up blood, Baby didn't see the next attack coming as he was punched in to head and sent straight through the mountain. The said mountain crumbled as Baby laid on the ground, looking at the person that had beaten him with two punches. Floating in the air, was Broly with yellow eyes and a green aura with sparks jumping across his body. He had a serious look on his face as he let out a massive roar and opened his mouth. A green ki orb formed in front of his mouth as he fired it at Baby, hitting him.

It caused a massive crater as Baby laid at the bottom, smoke coming off of him as his eyes were rolled into the back of his head. Broly was about to fire another one when the device around his neck started to shock him "GAHHHHHH!"

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'm sorry if you didn't like the GT intro, I'll try other intros in the future to see what you like in order to correspond to the Arcs that will happen. As such, after a few chapters, you know where Lincoln is heading]

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