Chapter 23: Search For The Dragon Balls!

Last time, on Baby Lincoln. 5 years have passed since Lincoln began his training with Vegeta. During that time, Lincoln had become stronger than he could've ever imagined. But after visiting his sister and asking about his niece, they find that the bank across the street was being robbed "How am I supposed to eat with all this ruckus?" a small patron asked. Lincoln sighed as he stood up,"*Sigh* I'll take care of this," Lincoln said as he stepped outside to see a horde of police in front of a nearby bank, "HELP ME!" a woman shouted as she was being held hostage by a man wearing a red beret and holding a gun to her, "FINE! WE HEAR YOU! NO MORE GAMES FROM US! JUST LET THE LADY GO, SHE'S ONLY A METER MAID!" an officer said through a megaphone

"I MAKE THE RULES HERE! NOW BRING US WHAT WE WANT!" the man holding the woman shouted as Lincoln walked up to the crowd of police. "Someone ruined my lunch," Lincoln said as he caught a bullet. Lincoln turned his head to see the man with the beret had fired his gun and Lincoln frowned. He looked at a fat man with a rocket-launcher and flicked the bullet in his hand at him. Lincoln hit the man with the launcher in the shoulder, causing him to drop his weapon. Lincoln vanished and appeared behind the man with the beret, grabbing his arm with the gun. Lincoln slammed the arm onto his knee, breaking it. The man screamed as Lincoln tossed him into the crowd. A third man pointed a pistol at the back of Lincoln's head and said: "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

"Nobody you'll remember," Lincoln replied as he vanished. The man gasped as Lincoln appeared behind him and chopped him in the neck, causing him to fall to the ground. Lincoln turned around to see the final man with a machine gun and a pink beanie. Lincoln cracked his knuckles as he said: "Well? Wanna try your luck?"

"I surrender!" the man said as he tossed his gun away

"Good man," Lincoln replied as he looked at the crowd, "hey, you can arrest them now,".

After the scuffle, Lincoln interested with the strange kid Lynn had saved, only to find out it was Goku "Hey, over here!" he said as he walked over to them

"Master Roshi, what are you doing here?!" Pan and the boy shouted as they looked at each other

"Wait, you know him?" they asked again

"Hey, do I know you? You look oddly familiar," Roshi asked

"Of course you do, it's me! Goku!"

"Goku... GOKU! You're back! Why the hell are you the size of a tike?! Oh, who cares? My friend is back!"

"GOKU/ KAKAROT?!" Lynn, Lincoln, and Pan shouted, "NO FREAKING WAY!!!"

Now, Search For The Dragon Balls, Begins! (Play Intro):

Lincoln was pacing back and forth in Goku and Chichi's home as Chihi was crying her eyes out, "How? How could this have happened?!" Chichi asked through her tears

"They caught you off guard, huh?" Gohan asked his father

"Yeah, believe it or not, I had no idea that the dragon was there to begin with. Pilaf made the wish and poof, I'm a kid again," Goku explained

"Now I have a pip-squeak grandpa that looks like he should be in diapers," Pan whined as she looked out the window

"This is something I didn't expect to see today, not at all... yet I feel like something worse is about to happen," Lincoln said as Chichi looked at her husband and pointed at him

"I bet you did this on purpose!" Chichi accused Goku

"N-no! I liked being old, honest!"

"Now's not the time for arguing about Goku's age, we just need to get the balls back and fix this!' Lincoln shouted

'Hello? Goku? Can you hear me?' said a voice in their heads, making Goku smile

"Yeah, sure can, King Kai,"

'Listen, I've done some research on these Dark Star Dragon Balls and it's not good. You need to get them back as fast as possible within the year, or else the Earth is going to explode!' King Kai said

"WHAT?! HOW?!" Lincoln asked

'You see, when a wish is made using these balls, all the negative energy left behind builds up and causes the planet to explode!'

"We've got our work cut-out for us," Lincoln said as he grimaced

"You're telling me," Goku replied

"Lincoln? Does Bulma have a ship Goku can take?" Chichi asked

"More than likely," Lincoln answered

"Good! Then tomorrow you all can take it and go get those Dragon Balls!"


Lincoln was carrying several boxes of food behind Lori as they helped Bulma with the ship, "So you do know that I'm going with them, right?" Lincoln asked

"Yes," Lori replied

"And you're not gonna stop me?"


"Why not?"

"Because I know you can take care of yourself," Lori replied as she pointed next to the ship

"Place the boxes there,"

"On it," Lincoln said as he walked over and put the boxes down. Taking a deep breath, Lincoln turned back to Lori as he said: "So... do you have anything to say?"

"Yeah, just one," Lori stated as she turned around, "don't get your ass kicked,"

"As if!" Lincoln replied as he continued to help with the supplies.

The Next Day:

"This thing looks like an Octopus!" Goku said with wonder as he stared at the ship

"And despite how old you actually are, you act like a child," Lincoln said

"Hey! What happened to the saying 'act your age'?"

"You're over 40 years old,"

"Ahem!" Bulma coughed as she crossed her arms. Lincoln and Goku stood up straight as she smirked, "As I was saying, this ship holds 3 people comfortably, but can hold up to 4 if you squeeze them just right... you know, Goku, seeing you like this, it reminds me of when we first met," Bulma said as she ruffled his hair

"Yeah, it does bring back good memories,"

"How did you two first meet anyways?" Lincoln asked

"Oh yeah, I never told you," Bulma said as she looked at him, "to keep things short, when I was younger, I made a device to track the dragon balls. During my search, I sorta... ran-over Goku and shot him," Bulma explained

"W-wait, what?! You ran over Kakarot?" Lincoln asked

"Yeah, she did. But it was an accident, ever since then we've become friends!" Goku said with a smile

"Holy crap! I-I wish I could've been there to see it! Hahahahaha!" Lincoln laughed out loud as Bulma and Goku joined in

"Yeah, looking back I can certainly laugh about it! Even though it still hurt,"

"*Sigh* Listen, I better get going, I need to say goodbye to everyone before I leave with you," Lincoln said as he walked away

"Okay, see you tomorrow!" Bulma said, waving him goodbye.


Lincoln flew through the sky at a casual pace. Below him was the sea, and Lincoln could smell it even when he was so high up. He looked out into the horizon and saw a small island with a house on it. Slowing down, he floated above the island and saw Lily sparring with Leni, "Excuse me, girls? Got room for one more?" Lincoln asked as Lily and Leni looked up

"Lincoln! What brings you here?" Lily asked

"Oh, just came by to check-up on you. How have things been?" Lincoln asked

"Oh, you know how things are. Same as yesterday and the day after," Leni said

"You mean 'before', right?"

"Didn't I say that?"



"Any who, how about we spar for a bit?" Lincoln asked as he now stood on the ground

"Sure, why not?" Leni replied as she got into a battle stance. Lincoln too got into a battle stance and he got ready to fight. After a few seconds of staring at each other, Lincoln pushed off and charged at Leni. Leni ducked underneath Lincoln as she swung her leg up and tried to kick Lincoln in the head. Lincoln blocked the attack as he grabbed her leg, spun around, and threw her into the air. Leni rolled through the sky as Lincoln flew upward with a right hook. Leni blocked it and redirected the strike to let it go by her. Managing to get inside Lincoln's defense, she kneed him in the stomach. Lincoln grunted as Leni smirked, but it was soon reversed as Lincoln elbowed Leni in the neck, "GAH! T-time out!" Leni said

"Wait, what?"

"T-time out!" Leni said as she back away from Lincoln

"What? Did I hit you too hard?" Lincoln asked


"Ohh, sorry,"

"I-It's alright... but I think that's enough,"

"But it was so short,"

"And you're starting to sound more like a Saiyan,"

"Uh huh," Lincoln replied as they floated down back onto the ground

"So, why are you here?" Leni asked

"I came to say good-bye,"

"What?" Lily asked

"Yeah, I'm going into space. Gotta find some Dragon Balls and save the planet, with Kakarot," Lincoln answered

"B-but what if you don't come back?!" Lily asked

"I'll come back, don't worry," Lincoln said with a smile, "besides, I've already mastered Super Saiyan 2 and I can hold Super Saiyan 3 for longer than 4 hours. I think I can handle my own,"

"If you say so," Leni said, "but we'll miss you,"

"And I'll miss you both," Lincoln said as he hugged them

"Come back home safe," Lily commented as they seperated from the hug and Lincoln flew away.

The Next Day:

"Alright! Let's get going!" Trunks said

"Right behind you!" Goku shouted as he hurried behind him

"Where's Gohan? Isn't he supposed to be with us?" Lincoln asked as he followed behind them

"He said he'd be a bit late, but he'd be here before we launch," Trunks explained as the three of them entered the ship

"Hey guys!" a voice shouted as they all saw Pan in the cock-pit


"AWAY! WE! GO!" Pan said as she pushed the launched button


[Yeah, this chapter was trash, but I promise the next one will be better!]

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