Chapter 22: The New Kid! (Fixed)
Last time, on Baby Lincoln! Lincoln fought Piccolo after escaping from Capsule Corp "I refuse to be a part of your amusement! I'll get stronger my own way! And I'm taking these weights!" Lincoln said as he walked down the hall. He saw an open window and flew out of it as Leni and Lori rushed toward the window "LINCOLN!"
"WAIT!" they shouted as Lincoln flew through the sky. Lori and Leni hit their heads against the wall as Bulma was screaming at Vegeta, "VEGETA YOU IDIOT! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" Bulma shouted as Vegeta grunted. Lincoln jumped into the air and did an ax-kick, where he then spun around and pretended to hit someone with the back of his heel. But he tripped and fell to the ground. One of the weights on his wrist fell onto his face and smacked him on the nose, "GAH!" Lincoln let out a muffled grunt of pain as he sat up. His nose was bleeding as he wiped away the blood and stood back up, trying again to shadow-box, but only fell down again. This happened over and over again until he heard someone, "Mind telling me what you're doing here?" and he looked up to see a green-skinned man wearing a dark purplish-blue gi, pointy orange shoes, and sky blue obi. He also wore a white turban and a white cape along with it. "My name's Lincoln Loud, last of the Tuffles," Lincoln replied
"Piccolo," Piccolo replied as he shifted his body, "now answer my question,"
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. All that matters is I get stronger to beat him... to kill Vegeta and the last of those damned monkeys!" Lincoln said as Piccolo spread out his stance
"If you're gonna kill them, you're gonna have to get through me first," Piccolo said as Lincoln growled
"Fine then!" Lincoln shouted as he rushed at Piccolo. Piccolo jumped into the air as he kicked Lincoln in the face. Lincoln stumbled back as he went to throw a punch. Piccolo blocked it but was pushed back a couple of feet. Lincoln quickly threw another punch at Piccolo, but Piccolo dodged it by pulling the punch passed his body and dropping his elbow onto Lincoln's shoulder. Lincoln grunted in pain as Piccolo then kneed him in the ribs. Using the back of his hand, Piccolo struck Lincoln's jaw and kicked him in the back, sending Lincoln into the side of a mountain. Lincoln coughed and wheezed as he slowly pulled himself out of the mountain and saw Piccolo standing there with his arms crossed, "If this is the best you got, then you've got no chance of beating Vegeta and Goku," Piccolo said, "and yet... there's something different about you,". After preparing to finish Lincoln off, Piccolo was stopped by Goku, Lynn, and Uub. In the end, Lincoln reluctantly agrees to train with Vegeta in an effort to get stronger "Come on, boy. We've got training to do," Vegeta said, making Lincoln growl, "don't get an attitude with me or else I'll make your training even harder,"
"Have fun, bro!" Lynn said with a smirk
"We'll come to see ya from time-to-time, okay?" Lily said as Lincoln nodded
"Sure thing!" Lincoln replied as he slowly followed Vegeta to train.
Now, The New Kid! (Play Intro!):
5 Years Later:
Lincoln dodged a punch from Vegeta as he countered with a kick. Vegeta blocked it with his right palm and elbowed Lincoln in the chest. He brushed it off as slumped down and kneed Vegeta in the stomach. The gravity chamber shook as the battle continued, both of them wearing weights so as each punch they threw at each other was enough to cause some damage, but not enough to knock the other out cold. Outside of the Gravity Chamber, Bulma was trying to drink some coffee with her breakfast as Lori and Leni were trying to eat too, "Those two, I swear they've gotten worse this past month," Bulma said as her mug trembled in her hands
"You're, like, telling me," Lori replied as she ate her eggs
"At least they didn't blow the thing up, right?" Leni stated, just as they heard several explosions from the Gravity Chamber. Bulma accidentally let go of her coffee and it split onto Lori, causing her to jump up and throw her shirt on the floor "HOT! HOT!" Lori shouted
"GALICK GUN! FIRE!" the three of them heard as a massive explosion shook the entire building. Bulma fell on her back as Leni followed her to the ground. Lori was struggling to stand as the shaking stopped. Bulma growled as she tried to stand up. Leni hopped onto her feet and helped Bulma up "I'm going to kill them!" Bulma screamed as she stormed off to the Gravity Chamber. When she arrived at her destination, Bulma opened the door only for the said door to fall to the ground. She looked inside to see Lincoln on the ground with torn clothes and broken weights. Vegeta was leaning against the wall in the same condition, "999 to 1... y-you still have a lot to learn," Vegeta huffed as he walked over to Lincoln, holding his left arm as he spat out blood onto the floor
"Y-yeah, I-I guess I do," Lincoln replied as he slowly sat up. Vegeta extended his good hand and helped Lincoln onto his feet. Lincoln cracked his neck as he struggled to stand on his feet, "You two... do you have any good reasons why I shouldn't beat you both senseless?" Bulma asked
"A-a little hard w-when we a-already d-did that to each other," Lincoln replied
"Hmph, get yourselves dressed," Bulma ordered, making the both of them scoff.
Lincoln was walking out of his room wearing an orange, sleeveless shirt. His hair was cropped and spiked upwards with what was left of his redshirt around his head, worn like a bandana. Blue leather gloves wrapped around his hands with blue boots.
(Sorry for bad cropping)
He rolled his shoulders as he heard someone call his name, "Lincoln! You're finally out of the chamber with dad!" as he turned around to see a girl with long blue hair wearing a red midriff top with exposed shoulders, red fingerless gloves that go up to the shoulders, a red mini skirt with a yellow belt buckle, and red thigh-high boots. She also wore a red hairpiece, gold choker, and gold hoop earrings.
Lincoln sighed as he said: "Bulla... what are you wearing?"
"What? Don't you like it?" Bulla asked as Lincoln shook his head
"No, no I do not,"
"Awww! Come on! This makes me look sexy!"
"YOU'RE 10 YEARS OLD! You don't need to think about being sexy! Go color a coloring book! Watch TV! Don't try to act older than you really are!" Lincoln said as Bulla pouted as punched him in the nose. Lincoln recoiled as he held his nose after Bulla punched him, "You're so mean!!!" Bulla shouted
"It's the truth!" Lincoln replied
"What's going on? Bulla! Lincoln!" Bulma shouted as she walked toward them
"Bulma, do you see what she's wearing?" Lincoln asked
"Yeah, what's wrong with it?"
"Y-you're joking, right?"
"No, I don't see what's wrong with it," Bulma replied. Lincoln took a deep breath as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, "I'm going out, see you all around dinner," Lincoln said as he walked away
"Where are you going?" Bulma asked
"For a walk,"
"Through the city,"
"Okay, see you later!" Bulla said as Lincoln left. Bulma looked at her daughter as she grew a small frown, "Now that he mentioned it... it does look a bit... mature, for you,"
Later, With Lincoln, (Slight Crossover, incoming):
Lincoln walked through the city as he took in all the sites. People driving in their cars. Children pulling their parents to toy stores and ice cream. Lincoln smirked as he saw a little boy drag his mother to a video-game store trying to get the latest Ace Savvy video game, "Maybe I'll get a copy on my way home," Lincoln said to himself as he approached a building. He looked up at the name of the building and read it out loud, "Lynn-sanity's Gym," he whispered as he walked into the building. Walking inside, he spotted a desk to the left of the room with a man and a woman on computers. To his right, he saw weights and other exercise equipment. Then in the back was a boxing ring. Lincoln smiled as he grabbed a nearby chair and walked toward the ring, "E-excuse me, sir. You have to check-in," the man said as Lincoln looked at him
"Tell your boss she can make an exception," Lincoln said
"Can you give us a name?" the woman asked
"Lincoln Loud," Lincoln replied as he sat in front of the boxing ring. Both the man and woman at the desk instantly became quiet as a man wearing nothing but a pair of white boxing shorts walked towards the ring.
The man looked at Lincoln and asked: "Excuse me, who are you?"
"Just a spectator," Lincoln replied
"Why are you here?"
"I'm here to see a fight between you and the famous Lynn Loud, of course," Lincoln said
"Really? Are you a fan?"
"Wouldn't really say a fan, just someone that loves fighting,"
"Dave, my name's Dave," Dave said as he introduced himself
"Lincoln, and try not to die," Lincoln said, introducing himself. A few minutes later, Lynn came walking out with a man wearing a suit behind her, "W-what are you doing?! What are you trying to prove?" the man asked
"Nothing, just gotta do this, okay?" Lynn replied to the man as she fixed her red boxing gloves. She wore a skin-tight boxing shirt with the number '1' on the back and red boxing shorts. She walked up to the ring and hopped into it, "He's gonna get hurt, how much do those things weigh?" asked another man with a suit
"18 ounces," Lincoln answered, "or half a pound, depends on what system you want to use. Now be quiet, the match it about to start,"
"S-sorry," the man replied
(Watch for Lynn's fight with Dave, replaced Ali Jr. with Lynn)
(After the fight)
Lincoln clapped as Lynn stepped out of the ring, a smile on her face, "You seem in a pretty good mood. Did something happen this morning? Lynn asked
"Maybe? How about we talk about it over lunch? My treat," Lincoln said
"Sure, let me just get dressed. Feel free to put in a little work-out while I'm gone,"
"Yeah, sure," Lincoln replied as he stood up, tossing his chair back over to the entrance.
Lincoln and Lynn sat in a Chinese restaurant as Lincoln was eating a very large plate of food while Lynn was eating something similar, just smaller. As Lincoln set aside a plate, Lynn coughed into her hand and said: "Well? What happened?" Lynn asked
"I actually beat Vegeta today," Lincoln said
"Yup, but I don't feel like I won,"
"Why do you say that?" Lynn questioned as Lincoln ate an entire bowl of fried rice
"He beat me 999 times,"
"Then that just means that's 999 ways, how not to defeat Vegeta," Lynn stated with a smile. Lincoln rolled his eyes as he swallowed the food in his mouth. Setting the plate aside, Lincoln jugged down some tea and asked: "So, how are things with Francisco? I heard he's going on tour with Yamcha,"
"Yeah, I'm gonna miss him,"
"It's only for a season. How long is that anyway? Half-a-year?"
"Almost." Lynn replied, "But I think what's gonna be upsetting in the fact that I'm gonna have to take care of Three-bee by myself,"
"Oh yeah, how is my niece? I haven't seen her since last month," Lincoln said
"Oh, she's doing great! She just started preschool 2 weeks ago and she says she's having fun,"
"That's great to hear," Lincoln replied, giving her a smile. As they continued to eat, the sound of gunfire echoed in their ears as a bullet shot through a window and hit a lamp, causing it to fall on a near-by patron, "How am I supposed to eat with all this ruckus?" the patron asked. Lincoln sighed as he stood up,"*Sigh* I'll take care of this," Lincoln said as he stepped outside to see a horde of police in front of a nearby bank, "HELP ME!" a woman shouted as she was being held hostage by a man wearing a red beret and holding a gun to her, "FINE! WE HEAR YOU! NO MORE GAMES FROM US! JUST LET THE LADY GO, SHE'S ONLY A METER MAID!" an officer said through a megaphone
"I MAKE THE RULES HERE! NOW BRING US WHAT WE WANT!" the man holding the woman shouted as Lincoln walked up to the crowd of police. The man and his friends holding large bags started to fire at the police. Lincoln sighed as he looked over and saw that the stray bullets were destroying the Chinese restaurant. It collapsed as he saw Lynn appear in front of it, holding a kid with spiky hair and a blue gi.
Lynn set the kid down on the ground as he said: "Hey, thanks for the save, Lynn. But I think I would've been fine,"
"Do I know you?" Lynn asked
"Yeah, you do. Don't play games," the boy replied
"I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! THEY THINK THEY CAN RUIN THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE?! I DON'T THINK SO!" shouted a little girl's voice as Lincoln saw a girl wearing a red shirt, jeans, sneakers, a backpack, and a yellow bandana hop into the fray.
She landed on a shot-up cop car and said: "Let that woman go and hand back the money you stole from the bank!"
"Who do you think you are little girl?!" shouted the man with the red beret
"She's a friend," Lincoln answered as he jumped between them, "hey, Pan. How ya doing?"
"Lincoln?! What are you doing here?"
"Someone ruined my lunch," Lincoln replied as he caught a bullet. Lincoln turned his head to see the man with the beret had fired his gun and Lincoln frowned. He looked at a fat man with a rocket-launcher and flicked the bullet in his hand at him. Lincoln hit the man with the launcher in the shoulder, causing him to drop his weapon. Lincoln vanished and appeared behind the man with the beret, grabbing his arm with the gun. Lincoln slammed the arm onto his knee, breaking it. The man screamed as Lincoln tossed him into the crowd. A third man pointed a pistol at the back of Lincoln's head and said: "Who the hell do you think you are?!"
"Nobody you'll remember," Lincoln replied as he vanished. The man gasped as Lincoln appeared behind him and chopped him in the neck, causing him to fall to the ground. Lincoln turned around to see the final man with a machine gun and a pink beanie. Lincoln cracked his knuckles as he said: "Well? Wanna try your luck?"
"I surrender!" the man said as he tossed his gun away
"Good man," Lincoln replied as he looked at the crowd, "hey, you can arrest them now,".
"It's not fair!" Pan cried as the boy from earlier comforted her
"It's gonna be alright, Pan," the boy said
"Hey, Pan, what's wrong?"
"I-it's nothing," Pan replied as she sniffed. Lynn sat next to her as they heard, "Hey, Pan, what are you doing here?" and looked over to see an old man wearing a pink shirt, sunglasses, a cap, a red umbrella, purple shorts, and a duffle bag.
"Hey, over here!" he said as he walked over to them
"Master Roshi, what are you doing here?!" Pan and the boy shouted as they looked at each other
"Wait, you know him?" they asked again
"Hey, do I know you? You look oddly familiar," Roshi asked
"Of course you do, it's me! Goku!"
"Goku... GOKU! You're back! Why the hell are you the size of a tike?! Oh, who cares? My friend is back!"
"GOKU/KAKAROT?!" Lynn, Lincoln, and Pan shouted, "NO FREAKING WAY!!!"
[Sorry if this chapter sucked, but hope you enjoyed it]
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