Chapter 21: Fine! I Accept! (Fixed)
A/N: I noticed some Grammer errors, they're fixed now
Last time, on Baby Lincoln! Lincoln fought Vegeta in a rage in a False Super Saiyan form as Vegeta was trying to draw out Lincoln's power, "You know, kid, you're pretty strong... maybe you're not like the rest of those fools who call themselves fighters down there," Vegeta said as he cocked his head back and head-butted Lincoln, "so do me a favor and give me a good warm-up!"
"I'M GONNA PAINT THIS TOWN RED WITH YOUR BLOOD!" Lincoln screamed as he felt the pain of his nose being broken by Vegeta's head-butt. After fighting for a while longer, Lincoln manages to transform into a Super Saiyan and yet Vegeta is still not putting up much of a fight "Come on, this all you got, boy?"
"MY NAME IS LINCOLN! AND I WILL BE YOUR DEATH!" Naruto shouted as he gritted his teeth. His muscles tensed as he gave an ear-piercing scream as his hair flashed from that reddish tint to golden. Throwing his head back, Lincoln shouted again as his hair turned golden, causing Vegeta's eyes to widen, "A-A Super Saiyan?" Vegeta said in surprise as Lincoln rushed at him. Not before long, Lori and Leni appear to have stopped the fight, but when Leni said they were robots, Lincoln thought of them as puppets for Vegeta's amusement, not knowing that there were just a type of cyborg. Going into another blind rage, Lincoln ascends into a Rage Mode version of Super Saiyan 2, "I... I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!" Lincoln screamed at the top of his lungs as his skin gained a slight pink tone and blue bolts surround him, even turning his eyes blank. His hair stood on end with a caramel gold color. Having to end the battle quickly, Vegeta turns into a Super Saiyan and beats Lincoln.
Vegeta curled his fingers and places both his hands together at chest level facing the same direction, so that the palm of one hand is on the back of the other, "GALICK GUN!" Vegeta said. He gathered energy into the palms of his hands and then thrust both hands forward, shouting: "FIRE!!!!!!!!!!" engulfing Lincoln in a fuchsia-colored ki beam
"GAHHHHH!" Lincoln screamed as he was blown away. Vegeta, thinking the battle was finished, decided to return, but he was surprised to see Lincoln standing back up, "Hmm? Still alive?" Vegeta said as he stopped
"My home. The heritage given to me by my friend. All of it is gone. The last of a race thought dead years ago, slaughtered by the 'proud' race of monkeys who thought themselves gods. I-I was weak... too weak to do anything. To stop anything... and I lost it all," Lincoln stated as Vegeta narrowed his gaze. After a long transformation, Lincoln finally achieves Super Saiyan 3, much to the disappointment and surprise of Vegeta as Lincoln passes out not even 20 seconds after ascending.
Now, Fine! I Accept! (Play Intro!):
3 Days Later:
Lincoln woke up to find himself in a bed. He tried to get up, but he felt something weighing him down. Looking at his ankles and wrists, he saw weights. Struggling to sit up, Lincoln gritted his teeth as he looked around. A normal bedroom, but there was a TV, a night-stand with a lamp, and a few pictures. He took a few deep breaths as he stood up, struggling to even stand. But he heard the door to the room open as Bulma walked in with some food, "You're awake!" Bulma screamed in surprise
"Y-you!" Lincoln replied with wide-eyes as he soon glared, "Where's Vegeta?!"
"VEGETA!" Bulma shouted as Vegeta appeared in the door-way
"So you're finally awake. About time," Vegeta said as Lincoln glared at him. Gritting his teeth, Lincoln tried to move forward as Vegeta stood there, "He's up!" Vegeta said behind him as Lincoln heard footsteps. Soon, Lori, Leni, Lynn, Lily, and Uub stood behind Vegeta as Lincoln could only growl "LINCOLN!" Lori and Leni screamed in joy
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Lincoln shouted as he struggled to raise his hand and form a ki blast. Lori and Leni stopped their approach as they got in front of Lily. Uub slowly started to move forward as he said: "H-Hey! Linc, calm down!"
"N-No! T-they're just metal puppets! Robots! They're not my sisters! My sisters died years ago when a damned Saiyan landed on my planet, turning into an Oozaru!" Lincoln replied as he continued to point his ki blast at them
"What are you talking about?" Uub asked
"I-I remember everything! E-everything I did... e-everyt-hing I-I was powerless to stop," Lincoln said as he started to cry
"What are you talking about?" Lori asked
"I-I was coming home with Clyde one night after a little play-night... I-I ran into someone... I-I hurt Ronnie... I-I hurt Lynn... I-I h-hurt everyone," Lincoln said, tears flowing down his face. The ki orb in his hand started to get bigger as he spoke, "I-I went into space trying to getaway! S-some Capsule Corp. or something. B-but all I saw was destruction... a-an Oozaru in the forest! In the mountains!" Lincoln said
"Into space?! We never did such a thing!" Bulma said, "Hell! I don't even know you!"
"And what do you mean you hurt Ronnie and Lynn?" Leni asked
"Lynn, I can understand, you beat her earlier this week, but Ronnie? Really?" Lily asked as Lincoln's face went to one of shock and horror. The ki orb vanished from his hand as his arm went limp at his side "I-I did it again... a-and I was aware of it... o-oh god. What have I done?" Lincoln whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. He collapsed to his knees as he cried, "Lincoln?" Uub said as he saw Lincoln punch a hole in the floor
"DAMN-IT!" Lincoln shouted as the whole building shook, "WHY AM I SO WEAK?! WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO HURTS THE PEOPLE THAT I CARE ABOUT?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!" Lincoln screamed as he unknowingly went Super Saiyan. The transformation was enough to knock Bulma off her feet, but Vegeta quickly caught her as Lori quickly caught Uub. Lori and Leni stared in awe at Lincoln's transformation as Vegeta helped Bulma stand back up, "W-why? Why do I only cause sadness?" Lincoln asked himself as Vegeta walked over to him
"Get up boy, crying won't do anything," Vegeta said
"Vegeta!" Lori shouted as Vegeta held up his hand. Lincoln looked up at Vegeta as he lowered his hand, "Crying won't do anything and neither will laying on the ground... how about we make a deal? The brat over here is going to be training with Kakarot and things are going to get boring around here. So you train with me?" Vegeta asked as he extends his hand to Lincoln. Lincoln looked at Vegeta's hand and then at the man's face. Lincoln slowly raised his hand up to his... and knocked it away, "I refuse help from a m-monkey!" Lincoln growled through his tears, "Besides, isn't that stupid? Training someone who wants to kill you? The moment I'm stronger than you, I'll blow a hole in you,"
"I know, that's what I want," Vegeta replied with a smirk
"What?!" everyone in the room shouted
"Y-you're playing with me? Aren't you!?" Lincoln asked as he stood up, still a Super Saiyan
"Not yet," Vegeta said, his smirk slowly growing on his face. Lincoln gritted his teeth as he stomped out of the door "Where do you think you're going?" Vegeta asked
"I refuse to be a part of your amusement! I'll get stronger my own way! And I'm taking these weights!" Lincoln said as he walked down the hall. He saw an open window and flew out of it as Leni and Lori rushed toward the window "LINCOLN!"
"WAIT!" they shouted as Lincoln flew through the sky. Lori and Leni hit their heads against the wall as Bulma was screaming at Vegeta, "VEGETA YOU IDIOT! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" Bulma shouted as Vegeta grunted
"So? He's a Saiyan, he should've jumped at the opportunity,"
"YOU MORON! HE'S IN SHOCK! DON'T YOU GET IT?! HE PULLED A YOU!" Bulma screamed in his face
"What are y-," Vegeta started to say as he remembered all the times he trained without help just to spite Goku, "never mind,"
"Yeah, I thought so. Now go get Goku! He's better at talking to people than you," Bulma said, crossing her arms. Vegeta grumbled as he walked away.
A Few Hours Later:
Lincoln was exhausted as he was in the middle of nowhere. The weights on his arms felt even heavier as he took deep breaths. He looked around to see nothing but mountains of rock and dirt. Gritting his teeth, he took another deep breath as he spread out his feet and started punching the air. After a few punches, Lincoln jumped into the air and did an ax-kick, where he then spun around and pretended to hit someone with the back of his heel. But he tripped and fell to the ground. One of the weights on his wrist fell onto his face and smacked him on the nose, "GAH!" Lincoln let out a muffled grunt of pain as he sat up. His nose was bleeding as he wiped away the blood and stood back up, trying again to shadow-box, but only fell down again. This happened over and over again until he heard someone, "Mind telling me what you're doing here?" and he looked up to see a green-skinned man wearing a dark purplish-blue gi, pointy orange shoes, and sky blue obi. He also wore a white turban and a white cape along with it.
"Who the hell are you?" Lincoln asked as the man floated down onto the ground
"I could ask you the same thing,"
"Well if that's all, go away! I've got things to do,"
"Like what? Falling flat on your back?" he replied. Lincoln gritted his teeth as he looked at him, "You wanna go, Green Man? Cause I'll beat you black and blue," Lincoln said as he faced the green-skinned man
"Who are you?"
"My name's Lincoln Loud, last of the Tuffles," Lincoln replied
"Piccolo," Piccolo replied as he shifted his body, "now answer my question,"
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. All that matters is I get stronger to beat him... to kill Vegeta and the last of those damned monkeys!" Lincoln said as Piccolo spread out his stance
"If you're gonna kill them, you're gonna have to get through me first," Piccolo said as Lincoln growled
"Fine then!" Lincoln shouted as he rushed at Piccolo. Piccolo jumped into the air as he kicked Lincoln in the face. Lincoln stumbled back as he went to throw a punch. Piccolo blocked it, but was pushed back a couple of feet. Lincoln quickly threw another punch at Piccolo, but Piccolo dodged it by pulling the punch passed his body and dropping his elbow onto Lincoln's shoulder. Lincoln grunted in pain as Piccolo then kneed him in the ribs. Using the back of his hand, Piccolo struck Lincoln's jaw and kicked him in the back, sending Lincoln into the side of a mountain. Lincoln coughed and wheezed as he slowly pulled himself out of the mountain and saw Piccolo standing there with his arms crossed, "If this is the best you got, then you've got no chance of beating Vegeta and Goku," Piccolo said, "and yet... there's something different about you,"
"SHUT UP AND FIGHT ME!" Lincoln screamed as he ran at Piccolo again. Piccolo dodged the next set of attacks as he caught Lincoln's hand and pulled it down, "You have a good heart, I can sense it. But why are you doing this?" Piccolo asked
"I wanna tear Vegeta down, bit-by-bit. Make sure he shares every ounce of pain I've felt for years! And after I kill him, I slaughter his people like his kin did mine!" Lincoln replied as he managed to head-butt Piccolo. Piccolo stumbled backward a bit as Lincoln formed a ki blast in his hand and slammed it against Piccolo. A large cloud of smoke was created from the explosion as Lincoln tried to wave away the smoke. He saw a tattered and burnt cloak on the ground as he was suddenly kicked in the side of the head, "I hate to disappoint you, but Planet Vegeta was destroyed years ago. Your revenge isn't going to come," Piccolo said as Lincoln was sent flying again. Piccolo watched at Lincoln managed to catch himself and stand back up, "YOU LIE!" Lincoln shouted
"It's the truth, you'll only be killing one true Saiyan. Goku was raised here on Earth, and the rest are innocents who have nothing to do with the Saiyan race, despite their ancestors," Piccolo said as Lincoln subconsciously went Super Saiyan
(Play Music)
"I'LL DESTROY YOU!" Lincoln screamed
"A Super Saiyan?!" Piccolo shouted as he blocked Lincoln's attack. Lincoln punched Piccolo in the stomach as he landed a cross-elbow on his chest. Lincoln struck Piccolo with an upper-cut as he then tried to kick him, "You'll have to do better than that!" Piccolo said as he blocked the kick with his hand and punched Lincoln in the nose. Lincoln recoiled as he stumbled back. Piccolo swiped Lincoln across the chest and he landed a chop on the side of his head. Kicking him in the throat, Lincoln was sent into the air as Piccolo followed up with a knee to Lincoln's face and a double-ax-handle to the back, slamming Lincoln into the ground. But before Piccolo could continue any further, Lincoln managed to get himself out of the ground and kick Piccolo with both his legs, "If you insist!" Lincoln said, extending his arms out, Lincoln formed ki orbs in his hands and fired a barrage of ki blasts, "REVENGE VOLLEY!" Lincoln shouted. Piccolo saw the attack coming as he flew through the sky, dodging every ki blast he could. When Lincoln was done, Piccolo started to fire his own barrage of ki blasts, each one hitting Lincoln. Lincoln pushed through the attack as he head-butted Piccolo again, "COME ON!" Lincoln gave a war cry as he felt his energy flare. Wrapping his arms around Piccolo's body, he performed a suplex on Piccolo and sent him into the ground. It created a small crater as Piccolo hopped out and extended his arms. They stretched out towards Lincoln, much to the ladders' surprise, and grabbed him by the shoulders. Piccolo slammed Lincoln into the ground and tightened his grip, pulling himself toward Lincoln and landed another knee to Lincoln's head. Lincoln reverted back to his base form as Piccolo stood up and pointed his open palm at Lincoln, "This is the end," Piccolo said with a hint of regret in his voice. Before Piccolo could finish, he heard: "PICCOLO STOP!" and turned his head
"G-Goku?!" Piccolo said as Goku, Uub, and a bandaged Lynn approached him
"Heya, buddy, sorry I haven't come to see ya yet," Goku said as Uub and Lynn landed on the ground next to Lincoln
"Come on, Lincoln, get up," Uub said as he helped Lincoln up
"Come on, bro," Lynn said as she helped Lincoln
"W-what are you two doing here?" Lincoln asked as Lynn playfully punched him
"Here to save your ass," Lynn answered as she helped him stand
"G-get off me, puppet," Lincoln said as he tried to shove Lynn off him
"What are you talking about? I'm all flesh and blood," Lynn said as she tightened her grip around him, "And I'm not losing ya again,"
"Come on, Lincoln, we need to take you back to Capsule Corp.," Uub said as Lincoln shook his head
"No! I-I refuse to be Vegeta's play-thing!" Lincoln said as Goku walked over to him
"You're Lincoln, right?" Goku asked
"So what if I am?"
"Good, cause Vegeta wanted me to talk to ya,"
"Y-you're a Saiyan, aren't you?" Lincoln asked, making Goku smirk
"Yeah and I'm surprised someone like you has such immense power, it'd be a shame if you just threw it all away," Goku replied. Lincoln gritted his teeth as he looked up at Goku and said: "You know that saying 'don't mess with a man who has nothing to lose'? Cause I'm gonna show Vegeta how much he has to lose, and I'm going to use his people's power to do it,"
"You know, you're not a bad guy. Uub's told me how you help around the village, it would be sad to see you throw everything away for revenge... trust me, I've seen it happen with Vegeta. He ended up dying, too," Goku said
"Yeah... you know, come to think of it, you two are more similar than you think!" Goku said with a smile
"H-how so?"
"Well, you claim that your planet was destroyed, like Planet Vegeta. You both lost family. You both wanted to get stronger. Heck, you both want to do something to spite someone," Goku replied as Lincoln growled
"W-what's your real name? Your Saiyan name?" Lincoln asked
"Well, Kakarot. Tell Vegeta that I accept his training... but once he has nothing left to teach me, I'm going to kill him and you. Understand?" Lincoln said as Goku gave a thumbs-up
"Yup!" Goku said as he placed a hand on Lynn, "Come on, Piccolo, we're going to Bulma's,"
"Alright," Piccolo replied as he walked over and placed a hand on Goku's shoulder. Goku placed two fingers on his forehead as they suddenly found themselves in the living room of Bulma's home, "Hey, we're back!" Goku shouted as Leni, Lori, and Lily came into the room to see Lincoln, beaten and bruised
"LINCOLN!" shouted as they piled onto him
"What happened to you?"
"Are you alright?"
"Are you going to be okay, Linc?"
2 Days Later:
Lincoln stood outside as he saw Uub and Goku standing next to each other. Everyone was here saying goodbye to them as Goku and Uub smiled, "See you guys later!" Goku said as Uub was on his shoulder
"See you later, Lincoln!" Uub said with a smile
"You better get stronger, ya hear?!" Lincoln replied with a smirk as Uub laughed
"You too!" Uub said as he and Goku flew away. When they were gone, Lincoln turned to Leni, Lori, Lynn, and Lily as Lincoln sighed. Lori crossed her arms as she walked towards him and hugged him, "Hey... listen, I may not be your sister. But I'm the next best thing you got," Lori said. Over the last few days, Lincoln sat down and talked with them and they concluded that things didn't add-up. It wasn't until Bulma did her thing and found-out that Lincoln was their brother, and yet he wasn't. He was Lincoln... yet he wasn't their Lincoln. Lincoln nodded as he hugged Lori back, "Yeah, I know. But you're still Lori," Lincoln said as he saw Vegeta walking up to them
"Come on, boy. We've got training to do," Vegeta said, making Lincoln growl, "don't get an attitude with me or else I'll make your training even harder,"
"Have fun, bro!" Lynn said with a smirk
"We'll come to see ya from time-to-time, okay?" Lily said as Lincoln nodded
"Sure thing!" Lincoln replied as he slowly followed Vegeta to train.
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter!]
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