Chapter 19: Lincoln Vs. Leni

Last time, on Baby Lincoln. Uub and Lincoln talk about Uub's upcoming match when Lynn approaches them.

"May we help you?" Lincoln asked as the woman walked up to him. When she was about a few feet away from Lincoln, the ladder could see that she was at least an inch smaller than him "You can, bud," she said as she pointed at Lincoln, "Why don't you know who I am?"

They argue before Uub's match is called and try to leave. But Lynn stops Lincoln "You're not going anywhere," Lynn said

"And why's that?" Lincoln asked

"We've got unsettled business,"

"I still don't understand why you are upset with me," Lincoln continued to question as Lynn growled

"You're playing dumb, aren't you?"

"If this is because I haven't heard of your 'Boxing Status', I'm sorry, okay?" Lincoln asked as Lynn cracked her neck and spat out her cigarette. It was shot into the air a few feet before Lynn hopped off the ground, did a backflip, and kicked the cigarette out with her heel. She landed on the ground with perfect form and said: "This has nothing to do with my fame".

The clash between the two was confusing to Lincoln, has his memory triggers in the middle of the fight, causing him severe pain and anguish. But when Lincoln's name is called, he calls the match "No... no, no, no, NO! NO! NO! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!" Lynn shouted

"It's my turn to fight, we continue this after the tournament," Lincoln said as Lynn was getting pissed

"FUCK THAT! WE FINISH THIS RIGHT HERE AND NOW!" Lynn screamed as Lincoln turned around

"We'll finish this later,"

"ONLY I DECIDE THAT!" Lynn shouted as she spat at the back of Lincoln's head. Lincoln stopped and felt the back of his head. He took a deep breath as he grabbed a piece of brick from the ground and crushed it in his hand. Lynn smirked as she watched him walk back toward her. She raised her guard up again and got ready for round 2. But as Lincoln got closer, he threw what remained of the brick into the air. She was caught off guard and threw a wild jab. Lincoln redirected the punch and countered with a punch to her left cheek. He continued with a thunderclap to her ears by slamming both his hands into the sides of her head, causing her ears to ring. Lynn was dazed and tried to throw a haymaker, yet Lincoln blocked it with his elbow and struck her in the stomach. Lincoln blocked Lynn's attempt at an attack and used his elbow to hit her in the right side of her jaw, following up with a straight punch to the same area; causing it to fracture. Lincoln continued his assault by throwing a dozen punches to her ribs, breaking them. He then seemed to back off as Lynn was in shock, but her world went black after Lincoln round-housed her in the side of the head. Lynn started to fall to the ground, but Lincoln caught her. He carried her bridal style and his vision started to get watery "W-why... why do I feel so much sadness?" Lincoln asked himself as he carried her to the nearest medical service.

Now, Lincoln Vs. Leni! Begins! (Play Intro!):

Lincoln made his way to the stage as he looked around and saw Uub sitting on one of the benches with his opponent, Goku. Uub ran to Lincoln as he said: "Hey, Lincoln!"

"Hey, Uub, how did it go?" Lincoln asked as Uub made a small frown

"It was a draw... but after this, I'm gonna train with him! And it turns out, I'm stronger than I even realized!"

"That so, well be sure to visit often," Lincoln said with a smile

"I'll try... hey, what happened to you?" Lincoln asked as he looked at a small trickle of blood coming from the side of Lincoln's mouth. Lincoln wiped it away as he said: "It was just a scuffle,"

"O-Okay... good luck in your fight!" Uub said as Lincoln nodded. He watched Uub ran back to Goku, who seemed to wave at the both of them. Lincoln waved back as he hopped up onto the stage and saw that Leni was already there "About time you showed up, they were gonna make me the winner if you didn't show up," Leni said as Lincoln bowed

"I'm sorry, I had a run-in with someone, shall we begin?" Lincoln asked as Leni rolled her shoulders

"With pleasure," Leni replied as she pushed off her foot and launched at Lincoln. Lincoln managed to dodge the attack as he stepped to the side and punched Leni in the side of the jaw. Leni was sent into a spin as she landed at the edge of the arena. Rubbing her jaw, Leni put her hand up to block the next attack from Lincoln as she pushed him back with a kick to the ribs. Lincoln flinched as he did a backflip to gain some distance between them "WOO WHOO! YOU TWO GO AT IT!" Goku said from the audience as Uub stood up next to him

"LINCOLN! YOU CAN DO IT!" Uub shouted as Lincoln rubbed his ribs

"That was a nice kick," Lincoln said

"Nice punch," Leni replied as she leaned forward, "you're so past my warm-up," and launched herself at Lincoln. Lincoln blocked the incoming punch from Leni as he was pushed back. He then jumped over her and punched her several times in the back. Going for a leg sweep, Lincoln managed to knock Leni down as she fell to the ground with a thud. Bringing up his leg, Lincoln went to kick her with an ax-kick but he fell over as Leni spun around and kicked him in the ankle. Hitting his head against the stage, Lincoln's brain was rocked as Leni got on top of him and started to punch him. While in great pain, Lincoln managed to raise up his guard, blocking every other attack to his head. Gritting his teeth, Lincoln managed to push past one of Leni's punches and struck her in the nose, making her recoil off him. Jumping up, Lincoln landed on his feet as he held his head. But something went through his mind. A teen with light-blonde hair wearing a seafoam-green dress and sandals, "Leni... Leni... where have I heard that name before?" Lincoln whispered as he saw Leni stand up. She had a broken nose and was bleeding, "T-that was a d-dirty punch... b-but I'm n-not one to g-get angry a-at things like that," Leni said as she popped her nose back in place, "you're strong, probably strong enough to face off against Goku if you ever got the chance,"

"Thanks, but I still need training," Lincoln said between breaths, 'Let's see, 2 cracked ribs, an almost broken ankle, and a concussion... t-this is... getting really EXCITING!' Lincoln thought as he grew a smile on his face. His heart-rate started to accelerate as he started to breath faster and faster, "Yes, YES!" Lincoln shouted as Leni raised an eye-brow

"What are you ta- wait, your heart?" Leni said, "W-why are you- no, you're excited?" Leni asked as Lincoln spread out his stance and took a deep breath. He then let out a guttural war-cry as he started to gain a green aura. Raising his foot, he stomped the ground, causing it to shake. But he wasn't done as he started to charge at Leni, leaving foot-prints in the stage as he did so. Jumping into the air, Lincoln head-butted Leni, making her whole body shake. She took a few steps back as Lincoln continued to smile, "WHAT'S THE MATTER?! NOT GOING TO FIGHT BACK WHEN THE ENTERTAINMENT JUST STARTED?!" Lincoln shouted as he grabbed Leni's head and repeatedly head-butted her. Everyone in the audience flinched every time Leni was struck. As Lincoln continued to strike her, Leni somehow got her arms around him and performed a German suplex. Lincoln slammed into the stage as his head was buried into the concrete. Leni let go as she looked down at him, his whole entire head buried. But What she didn't expect was for Lincoln to use his legs to grab her waist and pull himself out. Bending backward, Lincoln released his legs and grabbed her. Pulling her forward, he slammed her into the ground, "W-what's happening down there?" Goten asked as he looked at Goku

"I don't know, hey, Uub, is your friend usually like this?" Goku asked

"N-no, not really. We've only gone all out one time and it was a draw... well, I guess I would say I lost, but still, h-he's not this violent," Uub replied as Goku stood up

"HEY! STOP THE MATCH!" Goku shouted

"WHAT?!" the announcer shouted

"You heard me! Stop the match! Someone is going to get killed if this continues!" Goku ordered as something happened down on the stage. Lincoln was kicked off Leni as she aimed her fist at him, "ROCKET PUNCH!" she shouted as her arm launched at Lincoln and struck him in the face. She then appeared next to her arm and double ax-handled him. But she was so fast that it looked like she just punched him. Lincoln pushed off his hand and kicked Leni in the stomach "H-HEY! IT'S A TIE! A TIE!" the announcer shouted as Leni looked down at him

"A-are you kidding me!?" Leni screamed

"IT'S A TIE!" the announcer repeated, causing Leni to grumble. Lincoln was still excited as he went to attack her again. But before he could strike her, Goku appeared in front of him and caught the punch "The match is over, calm down," Goku said as Lincoln's smile grew wider

"LINCOLN! STOP IT!" Uub shouted as Lincoln looked over at him. He soon started to calm down as Uub approached him "It's a tie, Lincoln! Calm down," Uub stated as Lincoln's breathing started to slow along with his heart-rate. Taking several deep breaths, the green aura around his body vanished as he fell to his knees "I-I'm tired," Lincoln huffed out

"Yeah, that was a good fight, but you gotta learn restraint," Goku said with a chuckle

"I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know what came over me," Lincoln said as he stood up, "I need something to drink,"

"Figured, you look exhausted," Uub commented as he led Lincoln to the nearest water fountain.


Lincoln was drinking water like no tomorrow as Uub was bandaging him up "You took a beating, you know that?" Uub asked

"Uh-huh," Lincoln replied as he gulped down water

"So, you know how Goku-sensei is going to take me training, right?"


"Well... I don't think I'll be able to visit you very often,"

"Huh? Why's that?"

"I don't know, but I promise I'll try to see you as much as I can!" Uub said. Lincoln was happy for Uub, someone strong to teach him. He wasn't going to deny that Goku was stronger than him, many times fold. Yet he was saddened that he wouldn't see his friend often after the tournament "HEY YOU!" shouted a woman's voice as Lincoln looked over to see three people walking toward him. Two from the tournament and a woman in a suit with blue hair.

The woman seemed to be the one yelling at him as she stormed towards him, "What's the big idea?!" she shouted

"M-mom, please, calm down. You weren't like this in the other tournaments," Trunks said

"No, you stay out of this, young man!" she screamed as she looked at Lincoln, "You gave Leni a broken nose! Her ribs are broken too and do you have any idea how long it's going to take me to repair her!?"

"Excuse me, do I know you?" Lincoln asked

"Y-you're Bulma! President of the Capsule Corporation!" Uub pointed out as Bulma huffed

"You bet your sweet-ass I am!" Bulma started with a smirk

"I still don't know who she is," Lincoln dead-panned, causing both Uub and Bulma to face-fault. But they got back up as Bulma coughed into her hand, "As I was saying, you're gonna get what's coming to ya!" Bulma said as the man with spiky hair stepped forward

"Bulma, leave this boy alone. It was a fight, Leni enjoyed it herself too,"

"NO VEGETA! I'm not letting this down!" Bulma shouted

"V-Vegeta?" Lincoln asked

"Yes?" Vegeta replied as Lincoln's eye began to twitch

"V-Vegeta... V-Vegeta," Lincoln repeated as he started to grind his teeth, "V-Vegeta! VEGETA!" he shouted as he threw back his head and gave a painful cry. It echoed through the air as he started to cry, tears flowing from his eyes as he held his head, "P-PRINCE... VEGETA!" Lincoln shouted. Vegeta's eyes widened his muscles tensed, "So you know who I am, yet I don't know you," Vegeta stated as Lincoln took a step forward

(Play Music)

"Prince! Vegeta! I'm going... to kill you!" Lincoln said as a burst of energy that shook the ground as he took another step, making bits and pieces of the ground float into the air and dissipate

"FATHER, DUCK!" Trunks shouted as he jumped over Vegeta and kicked Lincoln in the neck. Lincoln didn't even react as Trunks bounced off him and held his leg "T-that hurt," Trunks muttered as Vegeta smirked

"Well, well, well, looks like you're more powerful than you let on," Vegeta said, "yet I know nothing about you or what I've done to you,"

"LINCOLN! CALM DOWN!" Uub shouted as Lincoln ignored him

"VEGETAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lincoln screamed at the top of his lungs as his body began to float into the air. The energy rolling off of Lincoln was enough to cause an explosion, knocking everyone back "ARGHHHHHHH!" Lincoln screamed as he continued to power up.

When it was over and done, Lincoln stood in front of Vegeta with no pupils in his eyes. His muscles increased a little and his hair was straightened out. His skin color also appears to have a yellow hue to it, but there is no considerable change in feature other than a red tint to his hair with the golden and green aura around him "Prince Vegeta! From the eradication of the Tuffle Race, I shall execute you for your crimes by order of the innocents killed by your Saiyan-Monkey hands! And the blood spilled by your race!" Lincoln stated as he pointed at Vegeta, "You shall be the first of the first of my victims,"

"Trunks, take Bulma and get out of here," Vegeta ordered

"B-but, fa-"

"DON'T QUESTION ME, BOY! NOW GO!" Vegeta shouted as Lincoln appeared in front of him with a ki blast in his hand

"DIE!" Lincoln shouted as he landed the attack on Vegeta's face.

[Sorry it took so long to make and sorry for not updating, I was doing some other things, but I hope you enjoyed!]

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