Chapter 18: Off Match Fight!
Last time, on Baby Lincoln. Uub and Lincoln have signed up for the Tournament and have already found their match-up's "Alright, the matches are set! The first round is Pan vs Lori Loud!" he said as he continued to list the match-ups, "Round 2 is Goku vs Uub! The third round is Leni vs Lincoln! After that is Mr. Buu going against Goten! Followed by Trunks battling Otokosuki! Then rounding things out will be Vegeta vs Nock! Alright, so that should wrap things up, the first round will begin in a few minutes. Until then, you're welcome to walk around, but please listen when you're name is called," said the Announcer. But soon after the matches had been called, Leni Loud says a name that causes something to trigger in Lincoln "You're gonna do fine, stop panicking," Lincoln said
"I-I know, it's just... *sigh* I know you're gonna win this thing," Uub said as Lincoln raised an eyebrow
"What makes you say that?"
"You've beaten me every time we fought, and if we end up fighting each other you'd win hands down,"
"I wouldn't be too sure," Lincoln said just they heard a crash. They looked behind them to see Nock had crashed into the wall and was out cold on the "Somebody better tell them that we got our first forfeit," said the man with the widow's peak as he lowered his arm
"Man, that's Vegeta for ya," said Leni as she leaned on Lincoln. Lincoln felt something in his brain twitch as he released a burst of power. Wind seemed to burst forth as Uub was almost blown away. The whole stadium raised their arms to protect themselves from the gusts of wind that Lincoln had created "L-Lincoln! W-what are you doing?" Uub cried out as Lincoln snapped out of his trance
"Oh, sorry Uub, I don't know what came over me," Lincoln replied as he turned to Leni, "I'm sorry for what I've done,"
"Whoa, whoa, you did nothing... but I am surprised that you could've done something like that. Name's Leni, I'll be fighting you," Leni said with a smile
"I'm Lincoln, may our fight be a fair one," Lincoln said as Uub started to pull his arm
"C-can we talk?" Uub asked
"Sure, see you at the fight," Lincoln to Leni before she could get another word in.
Now, Off Match Fight! Begins! (Play Intro!):
Lincoln and Uub were outside of the arena as Uub was taking several deep breaths "M-man, I don't know, Lincoln, I-I think I should j-just give up," Uub said as Lincoln raised an eyebrow
"Uub, what are you talking about?" Lincoln asked
"Didn't you see what that guy did? He sent him flying across the place!" Uub shouted as Lincoln snarled, much to Uubs surprise
"I know... and for some reason, I'm angry," Lincoln replied as he balled his fists, "Vegeta was his name, right?"
"Y-yeah, that's what Leni said," Uub confirmed
"I can't explain it, but I feel like he's got something to do with my past... and this," Lincoln said as he touched the large scar on his stomach. Uub nodded in agreement "Maybe if that thing you did had anything to say," Uub commented
(Play Music)
"Hey! You!" shouted a woman's voice as both of them turned around. Walking up to them was a woman with brown hair tied in a ponytail. She wore a red hoodie with a big number '1' on the front and sweat pants. She wasn't wearing any shoes, but she did have cloth wrappings around her feet and ankles. One hand was in her pocket and another was hanging at her side, it too was wrapped in cloth up to her knuckles. She seemed to be smoking a cigarette as she walked over with a fire in her eye "May we help you?" Lincoln asked as the woman walked up to him. When she was about a few feet away from Lincoln, the ladder could see that she was at least an inch smaller than him "You can, bud," she said as she pointed at Lincoln, "Why don't you know who I am?"
"Excuse me?" Lincoln asked
"Why. Don't. You. Remember?" she asked again
"Am I supposed to remember you?" Lincoln questioned as the woman took a deep breath and exhaled a large cloud of smoke
"Yes, you are," she replied, "and I want you to remember me,"
"Can we start with a name?" Lincoln said as the woman gave a small smirk
"My name's Lynn Loud," said Lynn as Uub's eyes went wide
"W-wait? THE Lynn Loud?" Uub asked, "As in, the world-famous boxer?" Uub continued as Lynn's smirk became bigger
"So, the squirt's heard of me," Lynn said as Uub was quickly patting himself down
"Ah, man, and I don't even have anything for you to sign," Uub sighed with some sadness
"Will Uub and Goku, please step up to the stage?" called the announcer as Uub's sad demeanor turned into panic
"OH NO! I gotta go! I-Is is possible we can talk later?" Uub asked Lynn as she nodded
"Sure," Lynn replied as Uub said his thanks and left. Lincoln and the other hand was holding his head in pain. He was grinding his teeth as her name echoed through his mind. Taking several deep breaths, Lincoln calmed down his pain and started to walk to the arena to watch Uub's fight. But before he could leave, Lynn placed her hand on his chest to stop him "You're not going anywhere," Lynn said
"And why's that?" Lincoln asked
"We've got unsettled business,"
"I still don't understand why you are upset with me," Lincoln continued to question as Lynn growled
"You're playing dumb, aren't you?"
"If this is because I haven't heard of your 'Boxing Status', I'm sorry, okay?" Lincoln asked as Lynn cracked her neck and spat out her cigarette. It was shot into the air a few feet before Lynn hopped off the ground, did a backflip, and kicked the cigarette out with her heel. She landed on the ground with perfect form
and said: "This has nothing to do with my fame,"
"Then what is it about?" Lincoln questioned as Lynn started to bounce on her feet
"I'm tired of you playing dumb! YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS ABOUT!" Lynn shouted as she leaned forward and punched Lincoln in the side of the jaw. Lincoln was surprised by this as Lynn went to connect a left jab. Lincoln was in a daze as he barely had any time to react to the second punch Lynn shot at him. He moved his head back a bit as the left jab grazed his chin. Lynn shot out a right punch after that as Lincoln took several steps back. Lynn continued to push forward with a series of punches and jabs as Lincoln either dodged them or got struck by them. As Lynn then sent another punch at Lincoln, the ladder blocked it and countered with a punch to Lynn's stomach. Lynn flinched as she smirked, "You're not really a kind gentleman, you know that?" she said
"You're a boxer, it shouldn't matter if your hit by a man or woman. You got hit, end of story," Lincoln replied as Lynn pushed off her right foot and struck Lincoln with an uppercut. Lincoln felt his teeth clash together as Lynn then punched him several times in the chest. She then reeled her left arm back and with a straight punch, socked Lincoln in the side of the ribs. Lincolns' eye's widened as he felt pain like never before... or did he? Lincoln was taking several steps back after the last punch and thought to himself 'The way she moves... it's almost hypnotic, and that punch' he said to himself as he twisted his body to avoid another punch. Lincoln spun around behind her as he raised his leg to kick her, but Lynn ducked and punched him in his inner thigh "You're not that good at fighting, are you?" Lynn asked as she shot upward and uppercut Lincoln again
"No, not really," Lincoln replied as he watched Lynn rush at him with another series of punches, 'if I remember correctly, Uub said she was a boxer... so then what's her weakness? And what's with this boxing style?'
"GET YOU'RE HEAD OUTTA THE CLOUDS!" Lynn screamed as she punched Lincoln in the side of the head. After that punch, Lincoln felt like he was missing something. Something that made his head hurt. Stumbling backward, Lincoln held his head in pain as a few tears fell to the ground "W-why... why am I crying?" Lincoln whispered to himself as he was trying to wipe away his tears. As he did, he saw an image flash before him. It was Lynn, but she looked younger, and she was on the ground. Lynn was bloody and bruised as Lincoln grabbed his head in more pain "GAHHH!" Lincoln screamed as Lynn as surprised by this
"Hey, you alright?" Lynn asked as she scoffed at herself, "of course he wouldn't be, he just took a full-blown punch from me," she whispered as Lincoln slowly stood up straight
"You... You were there, from before," Lincoln said
"You, you were that girl, you know who I am," Lincoln said as he turned toward her, "from before I got amnesia,"
"Amnesia?" Lynn questioned
"I want answers, and you're gonna give them to me," Lincoln said as Lynn smirked
"Oh yeah, well you're not the only one,"
"Then we've reached an agreement?"
"Sorta, first person to be knocked out answers the winners' questions," Lynn replied as Lincoln whipped away his last few tears
"Deal," Lincoln replied as Lynn didn't even spare a single second and launched at Lincoln with a full power punch to his face. Lynn saw Lincolns hair fly back from the punch as Lincoln took a step back. She smirked as Lincoln did so, but then "First, you had my interest... now, you have my attention," Lincoln said as he raised his right arm and punched her in the jaw. Lynn was surprised by this "Your fighting style, it's almost like you're dancing," Lincoln commented as Lynn gave him an angry grin
"Dancing huh? Well, I guess normal people like you... COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND MY DREAMS!" Lynn shouted as she seemed to vanish and appear behind Lincoln. She went to give Lincoln a kidney shot, but the ladder moved to the side and the punch missed. But just as Lynn was following with her attack, Lincoln kneed her in the face, causing her to flinch. Lincoln punched Lynn in the back as Lynn gasped. Lincoln hopped away from her as she got up "Now that I think about it," Lincoln began as Lynn shot forward again, "it's not really a dance,"- Lynn throws a punch at Lincoln but blocks it- "at first glance, you fight like an agile boxer, but after fighting you, you fight like a Martial Artist,"
"So? What's that have to do with anything?" Lynn asked as she continued to throw punches, of which were either hit or blocked
"Yet, your punches have some weight to them, like you're combining a punch and a kick into a single attack," Lincoln explained as Lynn froze. Lincoln watched her stand up straight and started to shake. Soon, Lincoln saw tears fall from her face as she stuttered out: "Y-you do understand,"
"Hm?" Lincoln asked as he was suddenly struck with a punch that made his feet leave the ground. Lincoln was launched a few feet into the air as he witnessed Lynn jump and punch him again. He fell to the ground with a thud. Lynn landed next to him as she smirked "Looks like I win," she said as she started to hear Lincoln chuckle
(Play Music)
"Y-you're fighting like a completely different person, Lynn," Lincoln said as she slowly got up, "This isn't boxing... this is Martial Arts!" he said as she shot up with a small smile on his face, "I haven't had a good fight like this since Uub and I decided to go all out at each other just to see what happened!"
"Oh, looks like you've still got some fight left in ya. Well, show me what you can do!" Lynn replied
"Punch, strike, kick, grapple, slam, catch. An all-compatible fighting technique. You could call it... The Lynn Loud Mixed Martial Arts!" Lincoln said as he vanished and appear behind Lynn. Lynn was surprised as she was kicked in the ribs and sent flying into a wall 'W-what a kick! I-I haven't felt anything like that since Dabura!' Lynn thought as Lincoln launched at her with a punch to her face. It connected as Lynn's head was smashed further into the wall. Lynn felt her brain rattle in her head as she saw Lincoln go for another punch. She curled into a ball to dodge the attack and rolled underneath him. Pushing off the ground, Lynn managed to get some distance between herself and Lincoln. Lincoln turned around to run at her and just as he was about to grab her, Lynn threw a quick punch and hopped over him. Lynn raised up her guard by putting both her arms in front of her as Lincoln turned around "What the-?" Lincoln asked as he felt something across his arm and looked down to see a cut. He touched it and found that it wasn't that deep "That was a quick punch," Lincoln commented as he got a good look at Lynn. Lynn had a half-broken nose and some blood coming from her mouth, He wasn't really in good shape either as he had a few cracked ribs and bruises on his body and a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth "Thanks for the compliment," Lynn replied as she was getting ready to fight again
"Will Lincoln and Leni Loud please come to the arena?" shouted the announcer as Lynn's eyes grew wide. Lincoln turned around as Lynn watched him walk away "No... no, no, no, NO! NO! NO! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!" Lynn shouted
"It's my turn to fight, we continue this after the tournament," Lincoln said as Lynn was getting pissed
"FUCK THAT! WE FINISH THIS RIGHT HERE AND NOW!" Lynn screamed as Lincoln turned around
"We'll finish this later,"
"ONLY I DECIDE THAT!" Lynn shouted as she spat at the back of Lincoln's head. Lincoln stopped and felt the back of his head. He took a deep breath as he grabbed a piece of brick from the ground and crushed it in his hand. Lynn smirked as she watched him walk back toward her. She raised her guard up again and got ready for round 2. But as Lincoln got closer, he threw what remained of the brick into the air. She was caught off guard and threw a wild jab. Lincoln redirected the punch and countered with a punch to her left cheek. He continued with a thunderclap to her ears by slamming both his hands into the sides of her head, causing her ears to ring. Lynn was dazed and tried to throw a haymaker, yet Lincoln blocked it with his elbow and struck her in the stomach. Lincoln blocked Lynn's attempt at an attack and used his elbow to hit her in the right side of her jaw, following up with a straight punch to the same area; causing it to fracture. Lincoln continued his assault by throwing a dozen punches to her ribs, breaking them. He then seemed to back off as Lynn was in shock, but her world went black after Lincoln round-housed her in the side of the head. Lynn started to fall to the ground, but Lincoln caught her. He carried her bridal style and his vision started to get watery "W-why... why do I feel so much sadness?" Lincoln asked himself as he carried her to the nearest medical service.
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if this was boring and sorry it took so long to make it. Also, the winner of the vote from the last chapter was
Janemba with 3 votes
Cooler in second place with 2
Perfect Cell with 1]
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