Chapter 17: The Match-Ups!

Last time, on Baby Lincoln. Time passed as Lincoln started to heal from his injuries and 4 months later, Lincoln rediscovers his true potential "HEY! MAD BULL! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" from one of the villagers and Lincoln saw a bull running toward them. . Lincoln blew steam out of his nose as the bull did the same, a one-sided struggle. Locking his knees, Lincoln moved his hands around the bull's neck and put it into a reverse headlock. The white-haired boy then started to bend his back as the bull was tossed into the air. People around them watched in amazement as a half-ton bull was thrown 40 feet in into the air. As the bull was coming back down, Lincoln caught it and chucked it onto a small wagon full of corn. The bull fell with a crack as the wagon shattered. Lincoln shifted his feet as he got ready, in case the bull came back for more. But the bull didn't move as a man walked over to it and touched it. He felt it twitch as the chest of the bull moved up and down. He then opened an eyelid and closed it when it didn't move "It's out cold!" he said as everyone looked at Lincoln. Later, he takes training from King Chappa after the incident and years go by. Nearing his 5th year, Uub comes to Lincoln saying that they get to go to the World Tournament "HEY! LINCOLN!" and turned to see Uub running at him

"Hey, Uub, what's happening?" Lincoln asked as Uub stopped in front of him

"I-It's the greatest things ever! We get to fight in the World Tournament!" Uub shouted with glee. Lincoln was stunned, to say the least as he fumbled his words "W-what?! R-really!? H-how? How did Chappa agree to this?" Lincoln asked

"He said it's about time we finally take action and do something for the village! And with a prize over 10,000,000 Zeni, we've gotta win!" Uub replied as Lincoln shook his head

"Alright... let's get ready!"

"Yes!" Uub said as he jumped into the air with a smile. After they reach the place where it's being held, Lincoln has Uub have fun while he looks around. But not long after that, Lincoln helps a woman who is being swindled "Mind if I give it a try?" Lincoln asked as he pulled out a small pouch 'I gave Uub the majority of my Zeni, I've got this in case of emergencies,' he thought as he gave the man at the desk some of it and he gave Lincoln three balls. Setting the bottles up the man walked back up to the front as Lincoln looked at the woman "What are you trying to get?" Lincoln asked

"Umm, uh, oh, it's embarrassing," she said with a blush

"It can't be that bad," Lincoln said as the woman pointed at a giant stuffed bunny. It was all white with a black nose and looked to be the same size as her. Lincoln nodded as he picked up a ball and cocked his arm back. He then threw the ball as it made a loud 'BANG!' and struck the bottles. The woman and man had to cover their ears as Lincoln smiled and pointed at the bunny "I'll be taking that," he said as the man looked at the bottles and found them destroyed with a hole in the back of the wall. The man's jaw was on the ground as he handed the bunny to Lincoln, who then handed the bunny to the woman "Here you are," Lincoln said with a smile as the woman hugged the bunny

"Thank you! This is the best day ever!" she said

"I'm Lincoln, by the way," Lincoln introduced himself as the woman froze again. She slowly removed the bunny from her body as she still held onto it "Hello? Usually, people give their names after you give yours," Lincoln said as the woman gave herself a light slap

"M-my name's Lily! Lily Loud!" Lily said quickly as Lincoln felt something twitch in his head

"Lily?" Lincoln whispered under his breath

"Is there something wrong?" Lily asked as Lincoln shook his head

"Nothing at all, just you share the same name with the kind of flower I like," Lincoln replied as Lily blushed

"O-Oh, uhhhh, wow," Lily muttered

"Will Lincoln please come to Registration Desk 2, please? Will Lincoln please come to Registration Desk 2, please?" a voice echoed

"Oh, gotta go," Lincoln said as he turned to leave

"W-wait! Where are you going?" Lily asked

"I'm entering the Tournament with my friend, Uub, sorry I can't talk to you," Lincoln said

"C-can we meet after the tournament?!" Lily shouted as Lincoln smiled

"Sure, just name the place,"

Now, The Match-Ups!, Begins! (Play Intro!):

"H-how this place called, Burp'N'Burger?" Lily asked as Lincoln shrugged

"Sure, though I feel like... I know that name," Lincoln said as he shook his head, "I think I heard that name thrown somewhere,"

"It's actually a nice place, after the tournament we can meet there, okay?" Lily asked as Lincoln nodded

"Okay, see you then," Lincoln said as he waved her goodbye. As Lincoln walked away, he couldn't hear Lily whisper: "D-did the Dragon Balls work?" as she started to sniffle.


Lincoln was walking next to Uub as they waited for their matches. They won the preliminary rounds as now was the time for the drawings. But as they walked, Lincoln kept on looking at a few people in particular. One was a little girl wearing an orange gi, another was a large pink man-thing, another had silverish hair wearing a black shirt and pants, a teen wearing the same orange gi as the little girl, a man with a widow's peak hairdo, another man wearing a light blue gi with green pants and finally what looked like a pair of sisters with blonde hair. The older looking sister had her hair just cut before her shoulders and she wore a white tank top, navy blue shorts, black shoes, and white earrings. The younger sister had her hair go past her shoulders with side-swept bangs and wore a sea-foam, long-sleeved shirt under a jean-vest along with slim-fitting pants and white boots. As they stood on the center stage, Uub tugged at Lincolns pants "What is it, Uub?" Lincoln asked

"Those two girls are looking at you funny, do you know them?" Uub asked as he motioned toward the sisters. Lincoln felt some pain in his heart and mind as he shook his head. He wanted to nod, but he couldn't find a reason to "No, no I don't know them," Lincoln said

"Oh... did you do something to them then?" Uub asked

"No, Uub, this is my first time being here, you know as much as I do about them," Lincoln said as he patted Uub's shoulder, "now let's just worry about the fights to come, alright?"

"Sure!" Uub replied with a smile as Lincoln smiled back. Just as they finished talking, a man wearing a two-piece suit walked onto the stage "And now! The moment you've all been waiting for! The moment where fate decides who each of these fierce combatants face first!" he said as a pair of guys pulled up a white-board behind him and a small box. The man walked to the edge of the stage and continued to speak "As you all know, this is a single-elimination tournament. The winner of each bracket will go on to face the other brackets winner. These matchups are set up by a lottery drawing so everything is fair play, the final contestant to win then moves on to face the World champion! Mister Satan!" he said as Lincoln heard the teenage boys start talking

"Hey, you see anyone here as 'out of this world' strong as your dad was talking about?" asked the silver-haired boy

"No, not really. Aside from Lori and Leni, the only other person I think w- hold on, you feel that?" asked the orange gi wearing teen as they both turned to face Lincoln

"Holy crap,"

"Well, which one is he, Kakarot? Tell me," Lincoln heard the widow peak man say to the man wearing the blue gi, "is it the one with white hair?"

"Close! But you'll see!" replied Kakarot

"Okay contestants! When we call your name, step up to the box and pull out a number! First up is Goten!" the suit-wearing man said as the orange gi teen raised his hand

"Right here!" said Goten

"Step right up, kid!" said the man as Goten walked up and pulled out a ball with the number '8' on it, "huh, number 8,"

"Number 8! Goten will be Number 8!" said the man as he looked down at his list, "okay, the next person will be... Lori Loud!" and the woman with white earrings stepped up. She walked passed Lincoln and Uub as she gave a quick glance at Lincoln and then gave a small smile. Lori then pulled out a ball "Lori will be Number 2! Number 2 everybody!" said the announcer

"Why did she give you a smile? Are you sure you don't know her?" Uub asked as Lincoln closed his eyes and took a deep breath

"I not sure, Uub, that's the thing," Lincoln replied


"I may have known her because her name sets off so many bells in my head. My heart aches and my head hurts, why? I don't know," Lincoln said

"Maybe... you knew her before 5 years ago," Uub suggested as Lincoln nodded

"That's possible, but I don't know why that doesn't sound right," Lincoln said

"Pan drew Number 1! I repeat, Number 1!" said the announcer as the little girl skipped away from the box and board

"I'm Number 1, I'm Number 1!" Pan sang as she skipped passed Lincoln and Uub. Lincoln had to chuckle a bit as he watched her sing and skip "Next up, a former champion! Son Goku!"

"It's about time!" said Kakarot as he walked up to the man, "hey!"

"It's been a while, Goku. We missed having you at the tournament these last couple of years," said the announcer as 'Goku' pulled out the number 3, "and it looks like Goku is Number 3! Next up, is Lincoln!"

"Finally," Lincoln said as he started to walk up to him. Lincoln then pulled out a ball "Number 6! Lincoln is Number 6!" said the announcer, "okay, next is... Uub!"

"Wow! Already?" Uub asked as he walked by Lincoln

"Hey, don't worry about a thing, you're gonna do great," Lincoln said with a smile, trying to calm down Uub

"O-okay, I'll do my best," Uub replied as he walked up to the announcer and pulled out the Number 4

"Uub is Number 4! Now will, Leni Loud, please step up!"

"Yes!" said the vest-wearing blonde as she walked to the announcer and pulled out the number 7

"Leni is Number 7! I'll say it again, Number 7!" said the announcer as this continued for a while. When everyone had drawn a number, the announcer went to the edge of the stage again, he put the mic up to his mouth and said: "Alright, the matches are set! The first round is Pan vs Lori Loud!" he said as he continued to list the match-ups, "Round 2 is Goku vs Uub! The third round is Leni vs Lincoln! After that is Mr. Buu going against Goten! Followed by Trunks battling Otokosuki! Then rounding things out will be Vegeta vs Nock! Alright, so that should wrap things up, the first round will begin in a few minutes. Until then, you're welcome to walk around, but please listen when you're name is called,"

"This is bad! Why do I have to go up against Buu in the first round!" Goten yelled as the silver-haired teen walked up behind him and patted his back

"Well I guess it's just luck of the draw!" he said. As everyone is talking, Lincoln was having his own chat with Uub "You're gonna do fine, stop panicking," Lincoln said

"I-I know, it's just... *sigh* I know you're gonna win this thing," Uub said as Lincoln raised an eyebrow

"What makes you say that?"

"You've beaten me every time we fought, and if we end up fighting each other you'd win hands down,"

"I wouldn't be too sure," Lincoln said just they heard a crash. They looked behind them to see Nock had crashed into the wall and was out cold on the "Somebody better tell them that we got our first forfeit," said the man with the widow's peak as he lowered his arm

"Man, that's Vegeta for ya," said Leni as she leaned on Lincoln. Lincoln felt something in his brain twitch as he released a burst of power. Wind seemed to burst forth as Uub was almost blown away. The whole stadium raised their arms to protect themselves from the gusts of wind that Lincoln had created "L-Lincoln! W-what are you doing?" Uub cried out as Lincoln snapped out of his trance

"Oh, sorry Uub, I don't know what came over me," Lincoln replied as he turned to Leni, "I'm sorry for what I've done,"

"Whoa, whoa, you did nothing... but I am surprised that you could've done something like that. Name's Leni, I'll be fighting you," Leni said with a smile

"I'm Lincoln, may our fight be a fair one," Lincoln said as Uub started to pull his arm

"C-can we talk?" Uub asked

"Sure, see you at the fight," Lincoln to Leni before she could get another word in

"Wait, I-"

"Hey, Leni, you ask him yet?" Lori asked as she walked up behind her. Leni sighed as she turned to her sister and said: "No... no, I didn't,"

"I see, well it was, like, literary strange what happened when you said Vegeta's name," Lori said

"Yeah, very... might as well wait until we fight,"

"Good plan... now I've got to talk to Pan and see if she could go easy on me," Lori joked as Leni giggled

"As if,"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It would only be a warm-up for me," Lori said as she walked toward the main group of Goku, Vegeta, Pan, Gohan, and Trunks.

[Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and sorry it took so long to make. I was on break if you all didn't see my post. Also, choose one

Perfect Cell



Don't ask, just choose]

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