Chapter 14: Sisters Promises! The Battle Comes to a Close!
Last time, on Baby Lincoln. Baby survived the explosion after trying to take down BBL "Baby? Buddy? Please wake up," Lincoln whispered as tears started to fall on his face. Gritting his teeth, Lincoln felt his heart accelerate as he wanted to cry out to the sky. But he couldn't... because someone grabbed his hand "You cry like a little bitch, you know that?" Baby asked as he spat out blood
"B-Baby? Y-you're alive?! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Lincoln cried out as he hugged Baby
"H-hey! Ouch! C-come on, e-everything hurts man!" Baby replied as Lincoln let go
"I-I know, I'm just so happy to see you," Lincoln said. But the reunion was cut short as BBL raised up from the ground and shot Baby in the shoulder with a ki beam. After kicking Lincoln aside, BBL killed Baby as Lincoln was helpless to watch. 'Guess I'm the one that got my ass kicked,' Baby thought as he was engulfed by BBL's ki sphere. It collided with Baby's body as a massive explosion was generated, creating shockwaves as BBL laughed "HAHAHAHA! THESE FIREWORKS ARE NASTY! HAHAHA!" BBL shouted as Lincoln stared in disbelief. This triggered something in Lincoln that caused his power to sky rocket, and release a mournful cry throughout the multiverse. Lincoln's iris and pupils shattered as he was covered in a giant green blast the erupted from the ground. BBL stood there in shock as Lincoln started to ascend into the air "RAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" Lincoln cried out as BBL shook his head
"Th-this power! I-it's getting stronger by the second!" BBL said as Lincoln gave one final scream
"RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!". In Lincoln's home universe, Luna encounters Baby's older sister, Bebe. "Then I guess we both have something in common, a missing brother, am I right?"
"H-how do you know that?" Luna asked as the woman threw her into the alleyway. Luna landed in a pile of garbage as the woman suddenly had silver liquid escape from her mouth. The woman fell to the ground as a small being reaching up to Luna's waist walked toward her "Now let's get started," it said with a feminine voice as Luna got up from the garbage and started to run. Soon after, Bebe took over Luna's body and walked in the direction of the Loud House 'so I was right, we do have a lot in common. Well, I guess there's no turning back now, spent nearly 3 years on this planet looking for Baby with only his hosts' sister as my own... *sigh* Bebe, what a hole you've dug.' as she started to make her way to Luna's home.
Now, Sisters Promises! The Battle Comes to a Close! Begins! (Play Intro!):
Bebe was walking down the street as she was making her way to Luna's home. As she walked, something caught her eye as she saw her reflection. Three red lines were on her face as she frowned "This isn't good," she whispered, "if my little brother did anything like this then they would remember the marks," she continued. Looking into Luna's memories, she saw a bathroom cabinet filled with make-up "Perfect, that solves that," she said as she went on her way.
When She Arrived:
Bebe walked through the door of the Loud residents as she hurried upstairs "Hey, Luna, you back?!" shouted as voice as Bebe covered her face and saw Leni at the door
"Y-yeah, just gotta use the bathroom, dude," Bebe replied
"Oh, okay," Leni replied as she exited out of the house. Bebe sighed in relief as she turned and went into the bathroom. Opening the cabinet, she looked through the make-up until she found what she was looking for "Urgh, this stuff sucks," Bebe said under her breath as she put on the make-up, "thank god I don't have to wear this when I'm not possessing someone," she continued as she covered her markings up. Inspecting her face, she smirked as she said: "Perfect! Now... to go to this, 'funeral' that my brother caused,". She walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs "Luna, you're back!" said a voice as Bebe looked behind her and saw Lola coming down the stairs, "took you long enough, come on... we're going to see Lincoln,"
"Right behind ya," Bebe said as she detected Lola's sad tone.
That Night:
Bebe laid in Luna's bed as she waited for everyone to be asleep. She waited for a few hours until she got out of bed and went into the basement "I'm gonna knock my brother's head off once I find him," she whispered as she went downstairs, "but first I gotta talk to the girl," she continued as she entered the basement. Sitting on the ground, she crossed her legs as she took a deep breath and bit her tongue. Bebe soon formed as she exited from Luna's mouth and stood in front of Luna. Luna's body fell to the ground with a soft thud as Bebe stood there with her arms crossed. Looking down at her invisible watch, Luna suddenly shot up as she said: "W-what happened? Where am I? A-Am I dead?!"
"Calm down, rocker, before I knock you off it," Bebe said as Luna looked at her
"Y-you! Y-you tried to kill me!" Luna shouted as Bebe covered her mouth
"Shut up before they hear you!" Bebe said
"B-but why?! Where's my family? What did you do to them?!" Luna shouted while Bebe covered her mouth with her hand. Bebe shook her head as she said: "I'll explain if you shut-up! Deal? I'll maybe even throw in information about your sibling,"
"L-Lincoln?" Luna asked
"Yeah, sure," Bebe replied as Luna thought it over. After not saying anything for a minute, Bebe removed her hand from Luna's mouth as she said: "Good, now my name is Bebe, and I'm a Tuffle Parasite,"
"Tu-what?" Luna asked
"*Sigh* This is gonna be one long night. Okay, you know what, I'll just start with my creation," Bebe said as she sat down, "alright, many years ago, I was the first of a project called 'Saiyan Extinction' in a plan to eradicate a race,"
"Questions for after the story, now be quiet!" Bebe said as Luna covered her own mouth. Coughing into her hand, Bebe continued her story "Now, I am one of two Tuffle Parasites crafted for this. Me being the successful prototype, and my younger brother is the 'improvement' of me," Bebe said as Luna nodded, "but the reason why they made a second one is because I was too laid back in the objective to eradicate the Saiyan race. I was sent out a few years beforehand as an attempt for a back-up plan if my brother failed and god I hoped that didn't happen,"
"So now you're looking for your brother?" Luna asked
"Yeah, to sum it up,"
"So what's this got to do with me?"
"My brother chose your brother as his main host," Bebe said as Luna was shocked
"I-I hate to tell you... but my brother's dead," Luna replied as Bebe shook her head
"No, he's alive," Bebe said. Luna shook her head now "Bullshit, dude! He's been gone shot into outer space by the fucking Capsule Corporation! W-we found out a month after Lincoln b-beat up Ronnie and Lynn," Luna said as she started to cry
"Impossible! Then why do I still have an active link with him?!" Bebe said
"Oh yeah, forgot to mention. My brother and I had a link created to that we could 'feel' each other's status. If he was dead then this," Bebe said as she turned over her right arm to show a green square on the other side of her arm guard, "would be grey, and how I know my brother has a permanent host is the fact that it is green. Beforehand it was red and information about the host was sent to me,"
"S-so wh-what does th-that make you? A-a h-headq-quarters o-or something?" Luna asked as Bebe shrugged,
"I don't know... all I do know is that our brothers are alive, out there somewhere," Bebe said as she pointed to the ceiling, "and we gotta find them,"
"H-how are we going to get out there?" Luna asked
"How do you think I go there? I flew through space!"
"Yeah, possessing people, sucking their energy, adding it to my own. At some point, I no longer needed a host to survive the vacuum of space,"
"S-so... you want me to join you?" Luna asked as Bebe nodded
"Yup, just gotta ask if you want to be my host," Bebe said. Luna thought it over as she dried her tears and said: "I'll do it,"
"Good! We leave in a few days, now just gotta hop back in, open your mouth please," Bebe asked as Luna raised an eyebrow, "made you bite your tongue,"
"So that's why my tongue hurts,"
"Open up!" Bebe said as Luna stuck out her tongue, "That'll work," she said as she turned into her liquid form and went back into Luna. When Bebe was back in Luna's body, Luna asked: "So, you promise that we'll get out bro's back?"
'I promise,' Bebe replied as Luna sighed. But then Luna felt something tug at her heart as she asked: "W-what was that?"
'I-It can't be,'
"What is it?!"
'B-baby has been... killed,'
Back With Lincoln:
Lincoln was surrounded by a giant green orb as BBL was shocked "T-this power!" BBL mumbled as suddenly the orb exploded, sending hundreds of ki blasts all over the area. BBL tried to block one, but when it hit he was sent flying into another one and caused a chain reaction of explosions. After about hitting the 10th ki blast, he tried dodging them with little success. When it was all over, BBL was covered in scratches and burn marks as they started to heal "W-what is this? What happened to the little brat from before?" BBL mumbled as the green orb vanished and floating in the air was Lincoln. He grew a few feet as his hair was on end. Lincolns' hair was now a light-yellow and a green aura around him. BBL had no idea what to think before Lincoln vanished and did this (Play video 8:50-8:56)
Lincoln then threw him into the air as he fired several orange-green ki blasts at BBL. BBL's world was shaking as he tried desperately to dodge the ki blasts, but a few still his him as moved out of the way and fired ki blasts of his own. They hit Lincoln as Lincoln took them head on "RAGHHHHHHH!" Lincoln cried out as he flies through the ki blasts, each on hitting him until he reached his target. Lincoln gathered ki at his chest as it formed a ki orb and when Lincoln reached BBL, he released it in his face as BBL was blasted away. Rolling through the air, BBL charged up an attack as he gathered ki and fired a large ki wave at Lincoln. The ladder suddenly got a green barrier around their body as Lincoln rushed BBL. Going through the attack, Lincoln pushed through as he reached BBL and struck him with a heavy punch to the face. But Lincoln wasn't done as he punched BBL in the face again, grabbed his neck and threw him to the ground. BBL bounced off the ground as Lincoln came down and stomped on him. He then proceeded to do this (Watch video)
When Lincoln was down, BBL raised his hand and blasted Lincoln in the head. Lincolns tears still rolled off his face as he gave one last shout and kicked BBL away. Raising his hands into the air, Lincoln gathered ki as a giant large energy sphere formed. The giant orb was green and orange as BBL rolled through the ground when Lincoln threw it. As BBL was getting up, he was struck head-on with it as BBL shouted: "NO! I CANNOT BE KILLED! I AM THE ONE TO KILL THE SAIYNS! ME! MEE! MEEEEEE!" as he died. When BBL was gone, Lincoln hovered above the ground as he gave one more shout... destroying the area.
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if the Bebe and Luna section was short and sucky. I'm having some trouble explaining Bebe's back story, but I think I'm getting a point across. If not, here it is; Bebe is the older sister of Baby, as she was the first of the Tuffle Parasites made to kill the Saiyans. But she had more of an understanding of right and wrong, yet at the same time did what it took to complete the mission. She was sent out before Planet Vegeta was taken over the by Saiyans and it took 3 years for her to learn of the extinction of the Tuffles. She later found out that Planet Vegeta was destroyed and is now looking for Baby to tell him to 'old' news]
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