Chapter 11: False Death! (Improved!)
Last time, on Baby Lincoln; Broly fights an Oozaru Evil Baby as he tries to get Lincoln out of him. Broly fired several ki blasts as he charged at Evil Baby and punched him in the stomach. Evil Baby gasped as he gritted his teeth and slapped Broly into the ground. Rearing his head back, Evil Baby spat fire from his mouth. The fire scorched the earth as Broly flew into the sky through the flames "JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE HIGH GROUND DOESN'T MEAN I CAN'T GET YOU!". Meanwhile, Lincoln fought Evil Baby in the Dream Realm as he was in the Oozaru form as well. Lincoln punched Evil Baby across the city, destroying every building Evil Baby was sent through. Lincoln ran at Evil Baby as he grabbed the top half of a building in one hand and slammed Evil Baby with it "I thought you said you were going to kill me?! Looks like you're all bark and no bite!" Lincoln laughed as Evil Baby flew out of the rubble from under Lincoln's hand and shot into the sky. But this was short lived as Broly removed Evil Baby's tail in their fight "RAGHHH!" Broly shouted as he slammed Evil Baby into the ground. Broly's hands were wrapped around the tail as he raised Evil Baby into the air and started to spin him. He continued to spin him in the air, creating a tornado-like vortex as Broly hopped off the ground threw Evil Baby so hard that it ripped off Evil Baby's tail. Evil Baby crashed into the ground as he struggled to stand up "Y-you bastard!" Evil Baby screamed as he started to shrink. After this, Lincoln managed to gain control of his body again and pleaded with Broly for the only solution he could come up with. "What are you going to do?" Broly questioned as Lincoln closed his eyes
"Listen to me, I don't know how long I'll be out here, so here's my plan. In order for him to be defeated and you safe... y-you need to kill me," Lincoln said as Broly's eyes widened. Standing up, Broly protested by saying: "No! NEVER! I won't kill you just to get to Baby's Evil half! There has to be another way," as Lincoln started to tear up
"B-Broly, I-I've been weak all my life. I've never won any fights, I was powerless to protect the ones I love. There was a saying back where I came from that went; Never pick a fight with a person who has nothing to lose... I've got nothing to lose Broly," Lincoln explained as he felt a familiar tug in his head "h-hurry! BROLY!" Lincoln shouted as he felt himself going back into the dream world
"LINCOLN! PLEASE! FATHER CAN HELP YOU!" Broly said as Lincoln shook his head
"N-no, t-this is something I-I need to do on my own, now, please... KILL ME!"
And Now, False Death! Begins Now! (Play Intro!):
In The Dream World:
Play Music!:
"LINCOLN! WAKE UP!" Baby shouted as he looked at Lincoln, who laid on the ground with his mouth agape and eyes rolled back into his head. He dodged a punch from Evil Baby as he had somehow gotten stronger since Lincoln went unconscious. Evil Baby jumped away as Baby fired a small but focused ki wave at him, but the former crossed his arms as he blocked it. Baby then charged at his counterpart as Evil Baby vanished and appeared in front of him, slugging him in the jaw. Baby was sent spinning out of control through the air as Evil Baby charged at him and kicked him. After being sent flying, Baby managed to get his senses back together as he vanished and appeared behind Evil Baby, who turned around and caught a punch. Trying to land a punch with his other hand, Evil Baby caught it as he said: "Is that all you got?!". Evil Baby pulled him in and kneed him in the gut, causing him to bend over; he then performed a double ax-handle across his head, sending him crashing into the ground. Baby had half his body in the ground as Evil Baby approached him "You know if you killed me when you had the chance all those months ago, we wouldn't be doing this. But since I had time to gather my strength and plan my attack, you're fighting me at my BEST!" Evil Baby screamed as he grabbed Baby's leg and swung him around into a half-destroyed building. Smirking, Evil Baby started to walk over to Lincoln as he prepared to finish him "I think it's finally time you went to bed, and I don't mean milk and cookies," he said as he charged-up an attack. But before he could, Evil Baby grabbed his head as Lincoln started to come to. Looking up, Lincoln went for a leg sweep and tripped up Evil Baby. Lincoln then flew away to Baby as he launched several ki blasts "Baby? BABY?! You alright?" Lincoln asked as Baby groaned
"Oh yeah, just peachy," Baby replied as he managed to pull himself out of the ground
"That's good to know,"
"I was being sarcastic you moron!"
"So was I!"
"You two bicker like an old married couple," said Evil Baby as he floated above them with a frown on his face. Lincoln helped Baby out of the ground as they both got ready for a fight. Evil Baby continued to frown as his good counterpart launched at him, but he slapped him out of the way as Baby was sent away. Lincoln soon followed behind as he kicked him in the side. Yet it was blocked as Evil Baby grabbed Lincoln by the leg and slammed him into the ground. Lincoln coughed up blood as Evil Baby picked Lincoln up by the throat "I've had enough of this game. Playing with you was fun, but it's about time I end this... not before I get some help," Evil Baby started with a smirk
"W-what are y-yo- GAH!" Lincoln murmured as Evil Baby clenched Lincoln's chest and almost wrapped his hand around Lincoln's heart. Evil Baby started to pull as Lincoln gasped for air as his jaw quivered. As his hand pulled on Lincoln's heart, a purple orb was extracted from Lincoln's body as Evil Baby dropped Lincoln and threw the orb to the side. Soon, the orb started to take form as it created a purple colored replica of Lincoln. The clone smirked as he said: "'Bout time you got me out,"
"I wanted to have some fun, now we end this," Evil Baby stated as the Clone Lincoln nodded
"Yes, let's!" Clone Lincoln said as he punched Lincoln into the ground. Clone Lincoln then kicked him across the ground as Evil Baby flew over to his counterpart. Lincoln was breathing heavily as the metallic taste in his mouth stained his mind "You're probably wondering who I am. Allow me to introduce myself, I am, who you would ball, Purple Lincoln. Why this is... well you can see it for yourself," Purple Lincoln introduced himself as he picked up Lincoln and headbutted his nose
"S-so a-are y-ou my-my e-evil pa-part?" Lincoln asked as Purple Lincoln nodded
"Of course, dumbass, now di-EEEE!" Purple Lincoln stated as the world began to shake, "W-what's going on?!"
"Hehehehe... he did it," Lincoln whispered as he fired a small ki blast at Purple Lincoln and punched one of his knees. Kneeling down, Purple Lincoln got a punch to the face as Lincoln ran away.
(Ignore The Armor)
"RAGHHHHH!" Broly screamed as he stomped through the ground, trying to get Evil Baby. Evil Baby rolled around as he dodged every stomp with haste. But he managed to get out of the way as he fired several ki blasts at Broly, of which of useless as the ladder took each orb to the chest and continued walking "GAHHHHHH!" Broly screamed as he punched Evil Baby across the face and sent him flying. Evil Baby crashed through rocks and boulders as Broly launched at him. Catching himself, Evil Baby dodged out of the way from a kick as he tried to punch Broly. But when the fist connected with his body, Broly didn't even feel a thing as he grabbed Evil Baby's arm and started to swing him around while slamming him into the ground. This happened several times before Evil Baby bounced off the ground and Broly clotheslined him into the side of a mountain. But Broly wasn't finished as he started to drag Evil Baby's head into the mountain as he ran alongside it. When Broly was done he tossed Evil Baby to the side as he stood there with a triumphant roar "D-damn it! I'm going to lose to a fucking monkey!" Evil Baby whispered, "NO! NO! I REUSE!" Evil Baby shouted as something happened. Like the incident nearly a year ago Evil Baby accessed that same power as his body gained a yellow aura around him "My, my, this power again," Evil Baby stated as he looked at Broly with a smirk "you think you can beat me this time mo-"
'Shit!' Evil Baby thought as he was punched into the sky. Broly then gathered ki into a single point... and fired it at Evil Baby. The blast engulfed Evil Baby as the ladder felt his body failing. Gritting his teeth, Evil Baby tried to escape, but he felt the pain of death approaching as he shouted: "DAMN YOU, YOU SAIYAN MONKEY!" as he was blasted into space. When he left orbit, Broly roared in victory as suddenly, the collar around his neck was activated and he fell to the ground "RAGGGHH!" Broly screamed as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and fell to the ground. A wounded Paragus slowly approached Broly as he pointed the remote to Broly's collar at him. Taking several deep breaths, Paragus dropped the remote and fell to his knees "L-Lincoln... you-you st-upid boy, t-there h-had to be a-another wa-way" Paragus whispered as he looked in the direction of Evil Baby's corpse floating through space. That was until a black hole opened up and swallowed him, somehow closing immediately after he went through.
Dream World:
"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Purple Lincoln shouted as he kicked his counterpart into the stomach "YOU HAD TO GO AND RUIN EVERYTHING WITH THE MONKEY! THAT ABOMINATION! THAT FUCKING SAIYAN!"
"Hehehe, Broly... Imma miss ya," Lincoln said as he suddenly felt a new power. Just as Purple Lincoln was about to kick him again, Lincoln grabbed Purple Lincolns leg and began to crush it "W-what?!" Purple Lincoln shouted
"This feeling," Lincoln said as he started to stand up
"Y-you bastard!" Purple Lincoln stated as he went to punch Lincoln
"Enough," Lincoln said as he countered with a punch to Purple Lincolns inner thigh and roundhouse kicked him in the head. Purple Lincoln was sent flying as his counterpart looked at him "I have no idea what this power it... but I'm gonna use it to defeat you," Lincoln stated as he vanished and appeared above Purple Lincoln. Lincoln pulled back a fist as he punched Purple Lincoln into the ground. A huge crater was created from the punch. With an emotionless face, Lincoln kicked up his clone into the air as he double axe-handled him back to the ground, appeared below him, and kicked him in the spine. Purple Lincoln gasped as he shouted "HEY! S-SOME HELP HERE!" and Evil Baby was connecting fists with Baby as he saw Purple Lincoln in need of some help
"COMING! EYE FLASH!" Evik Baby shouted as he blinded Baby
"GAH! WHY DO I ALWAYS FALL FOR THIS SHIT?!" Baby shouted as his evil counterpart flew at Lincoln and kicked him. But Lincoln didn't feel a thing as he looked at Evil Baby and backhanded him into Purple Lincoln. Purple Lincoln caught Evil Baby as Lincoln punched both of them, sending them flying. Purple Lincoln was coughing as Evil Baby popped up next to him "Well, looks like we're gonna have to end this now," Evil Baby said as he cracked his neck
"Yeah," Purple Lincoln said as he took a nearby piece of metal and cut himself across his palm "hop in,"
"Couldn't be any happier," Evil Baby replied as he entered Purple Lincolns body. When he did that... a massive explosion happened as Lincoln was blown back by the blast. When Lincoln was able to see again, there stood a black and white figure with large metallic shoulder pads and a smirk on his face "We are neither Purple Lincoln or Evil Baby... we are Baby Black Lincoln!"
[Sorry this chapter sucks and was rushed. I'm trying to get to the next arc as soon as possible because I'm running out of ideas to keep this fight going. But if you did enjoy it... then thank you for putting up with this. Revision is done!]
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