Chapter 10: KILL ME!
Last time on Baby Lincoln, Lincoln and Baby fight against Evil Baby in a desperate attempt to defeat him "So weak and pathetic, killing you would be a mercy. Like killing a wounded animal," Evil Baby stated as Lincoln struggled to stand up. Evil Baby slowly walked toward Lincoln as he took his time. Lincoln finally stood up as he shook his head and raised his fists. Pushing off one foot, Lincoln cocked back a fist as he launched at Evil Baby and socked him in the jaw. Evil Baby smirked as he was attacked from behind "You think that'll take me down?!" Baby shouted as he leg swept Evil Baby and double axe handled him into the ground. This caused a large crater to be made as buildings toppled to the ground. Baby was about to slam a foot down on Evil Baby when Evil Baby shouted: "EYE FLASH!" and blinded Baby
"GAH! MY EYES!" Baby shouted
"Now you know what it's like!" Evil Baby commented as he pushed off the ground and struck Baby in the throat with his foot. Baby was sent flying into the air as Evil Baby then shouted: "REVERSE SHOT!" and fired a stream of magenta ki blasts. But outside, Evil Baby had managed to take over Lincoln's body and is battling Broly in the real world.A huge explosion erupted as Evil Baby laughed "HAHAHAHAHA! Now to take care of tha-GAH!" was all he said before he was sent flying through the air. He crashed into the ground as a huge crater was created where he landed as Broly floated there "Why? WHY?! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS, LINCOLN?!" Broly screamed as Evil Baby stood up with cuts and bruises on his body
"CAN'T YOU HEAR, MONKEY? I! AM! BABY! I swear you're all so ignorant," Evil Baby mumbled
"WELL, THINGS CHANGE!" Evil Baby shouted as he raised his hands in the air and started to create a huge ki orb. Once it was done, Evil Baby threw it at Broly while shouting: "REVENGE DEATH BALL!". And in one desperate attempt, Lincoln launched an attack the created a false moon in the dream world, causing him to turn into a great ape "NOW! BURST OPEN AND MIX!" as it created a bright flash of light and Lincoln's teeth grew in size as his features became more feral. He started to grow as he grew fur across his body and his clothes started to tear. Soon, in place of Lincoln, was a giant brown muscular monkey with red glowing eyes "HAHAHAHAHA! You're screwed now!" Lincoln laughed. But as the transformation happened on the inside, the same happened outside as well "GAH! W-What's g-going n-AHHHHHHHH!" Evil Baby shouted as the shout forced Broly back. Evil Baby then started to grow in size as the same transformation the Lincoln underwent, also occurred in Evil Baby "Haha... HAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! This is wonderful! The brat must've undergone the Oozaru transformation inside the mindscape!" Evil Baby laughed as he looked down at Broly "Now I think it's time you DIE!".
And Now, KILL ME! Begins Now! (Play Intro!):
Play Music!
Broly fired several ki blasts as he charged at Evil Baby and punched him in the stomach. Evil Baby gasped as he gritted his teeth and slapped Broly into the ground. Rearing his head back, Evil Baby spat fire from his mouth. The fire scorched the earth as Broly flew into the sky through the flames "JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE HIGH GROUND DOESN'T MEAN I CAN'T GET YOU!" Evil Baby shouted as he grabbed a huge boulder from the ground and chucked it at Broly. Broly flew into the rock as he punched through it and continued to strike Evil Baby in the side of the face "I will defeat you and bring Lincoln back!" Broly said as he felt his Saiyan blood was starting to boil. Evil Baby stumbled backward as he caught himself, pushed himself off the ground with a single foot, and launched himself into the air. Bringing his hands together, he landed a double axe-handle on Broly and sent him into the ground. Broly slammed into the ground as his body bounced off it, but before he could retaliate, Evil Baby stomped on him when he landed. Smirking, Evil Baby started to jump up and down with glee as each stomp caused Broly more and more pain "This all you got, monkey? Some Saiyan you are, you're nothing but an insect fighting a lion! HAHAHA!" Evil Baby laughed as something snapped inside Broly. His eyes turned yellow and he gained a green aura with sparks flying around his body. Just as Evil Baby was about to stomp on Broly again, the ladder caught the formers foot and threw him over nearly a mile away "BABY!" Broly shouted as he jumped into the air and charged at Evil Baby. Evil Baby rolled across the ground and caught himself by grabbing the ground "This power!" Evil Baby whispered as he slammed a foot into the ground, "JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT A POWER BOOST DOESN'T MEAN I STILL CAN'T KILL YOU!". Evil Baby launched at Broly as they both cocked their fists back and shot them forward. The clash caused a shockwave that echoed across the planet as a giant crater was created, with them at the center.
In The Mindscape/Dream World:
Lincoln punched Evil Baby across the city, destroying every building Evil Baby was sent through. Lincoln ran at Evil Baby as he grabbed the top half of a building in one hand and slammed Evil Baby with it "I thought you said you were going to kill me?! Looks like you're all bark and no bite!" Lincoln laughed as Evil Baby flew out of the rubble from under Lincoln's hand and shot into the sky
"Don't underestimate my power, you monkey bastard!" Evil Baby screamed as he put his hands together with ki orbs in each hand and fired a barrage of ki blasts at Lincoln. Lincoln raised his arms as the attack connected and pushed him back a little. A large dust cloud was created as Evil Baby wasn't done and shouted: "REVENGE CANNON!", firing a magenta ki wave into the dust cloud. Taking several deep breaths, Evil Baby smirked as he said: "There, got him,"
"I wouldn't be so sure yet!" shouted a deep voice as Lincoln ran out of the dust cloud on all fours and slid under him. Lincoln took a deep breath as he spat out a hot stream of fire at Evil Baby, he started to fly away. Lincoln managed to turn his head as he kept on attacking while Evil Baby was flying out of the way of it. Drawing his hands back down to his sides and charging two energy spheres in his hands, Evil Baby then combines them together in front of him and fired an energy wave at Lincoln. The attack hit Lincoln's eyes as the said person grabbed them in pain "GAH!"
"HA! Got ya! Revenge Cannon!" Evil Baby shouted as he fired a magenta ki wave at Lincoln from behind. Lincoln took the hit as he fell over and landed face first into the ground. Evil Baby laughed as he turned toward his good counterpart and smirked "REVERSE SHOT!" Evil Baby shouted as he fired multiple ki blasts as Baby
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT!" Baby said as he tried to dodge each of the attacks, but got hit with each one. Falling from the sky, Evil Baby smiled as he put both hands in the air "NOW DIE!" he shouted as Lincoln got up from his spot and planted his feet into the ground. He then reared his head back as an orange-green ki orb formed in his mouth. Lincoln fired it at Evil Baby as he spun out of control. By the time Evil Baby saw the blast coming, it was too late as he was struck head-on. Lincoln smirked as he heard Baby say: "WHOO! HOO! You did it Lincoln! You're the best! Also, that was very anti-climatic,"
"You bet I am! Man, that was easy... too easy," Lincoln said he heard giggling and out of the dust cloud, floated Evil Baby with half his body destroyed
"Yes... this is what I needed," Evil Baby stated as he regrew the half he lost and let off a huge burst of energy. Lincoln raised a hand to cover his face as Baby's jaw dropped "B-but how?!" Baby shouted as his evil counterpart smirked
"It's simple really," he started as he tapped his head, "It's in my design, the DNA that runs through my veins,"
"W-what are you talking about?" Lincoln asked as Evil Baby glared. Crossing his arms, Evil Baby started to explain: "Paragus gave you his blood to save your life and by doing so with us inside of you, tweaked your own DNA around. Making you one-third monkey!" he shouted as he pointed a thumb at himself, "And with ME inside you, I've accessed the Saiyan genome that makes them the most dangerous beings in the universe!" he shouted as he released a burst of energy. Lincoln frowned as he said: "this is going to be harder than I thought," as suddenly his world shook. Lincoln took a knee as he started to breathe heavily "W-what's going on?" Lincoln asked
"What's the matter? You've finally accepted your defeat?" Evil Baby asked as Lincoln's jaw quivered
"W-what's h-happening! GAHHHH!" Lincoln screamed as he started to become smaller
"RAGHHH!" Broly shouted as he slammed Evil Baby into the ground. Broly's hands were wrapped around the tail as he raised Evil Baby into the air and started to spin him. He continued to spin him in the air, creating a tornado-like vortex as Broly hopped off the ground threw Evil Baby so hard that it ripped off Evil Baby's tail. Evil Baby crashed into the ground as he struggled to stand up "Y-you bastard!" Evil Baby screamed as he started to shrink. Soon, he was back to normal as his breath was tattered and heavy. Grinding his teeth, Evil Baby glared at Broly, who was approaching him with rage in his eyes "Give. Me. Back. Lincoln!" Broly said as each word held a rage unlike any other
"S-sorry, bud, b-but death isn't an option at the moment... EYE FLASH!" Evil Baby shouted as his eyes flashed and blinded Beoly
"RAGH!" Broly screamed as he covered his eyes. Evil Baby quickly flew away as he felt something was wrong and crashed into the ground "W-why a-am I so-so weak?" Evil Baby asked himself as he grabbed his head "W-what's going OOOOONNNNN!" he shouted as he felt a tug in his head. Evil Baby's world went black as when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a destroyed city "HEY! ME!" he heard as Baby kicked him in the face "REVERSE SHOT!" Baby shouted as he fired the same attack Evil Baby used on him. Meanwhile, Lincoln awoke to find himself in a valley of destroyed rocks and scorched earth. Trying to stand up, he knocked his head against a rock as he felt like he was hit by a truck "BABY!" he heard as he saw Broly flying toward him with a ki orb in hand
"W-wait, WAIT! BROLY! IT'S ME! LINCOLN! IT'S ME!" Lincoln shouted as he held his hands up to protect himself. Broly saw this action as he screeched to a halt and the ki orb disappeared. Broly looked down at Lincoln as he asked: "L-Lincoln? I-is that you?"
"Y-yeah, hey Broly," Lincoln replied as Broly knelt down and hugged him
"I-I thought I would never see you again," Broly said as Lincoln hugged him back
"Well I guess this time is the last time you see me,"
"What are you talking about? What's going on? Why did Baby turn on us?" Broly asked as Lincoln took a deep breath
"Listen to me, Baby's been split in two. The Baby you fought was his evil half, I have no idea what's going on out here, but from the way I look I could only assume that,"
"What are you going to do?" Broly questioned as Lincoln closed his eyes
"Listen to me, I don't know how long I'll be out here, so here's my plan. In order for him to be defeated and you safe... y-you need to kill me," Lincoln said as Broly's eyes widened. Standing up, Broly protested by saying: "No! NEVER! I won't kill you just to get to Baby's Evil half! There has to be another way," as Lincoln started to tear up
"B-Broly, I-I've been weak all my life. I've never won any fights, I was powerless to protect the ones I love. There was a saying back where I came from that went; Never pick a fight with a person who has nothing to lose... I've got nothing to lose Broly," Lincoln explained as he felt a familiar tug in his head "h-hurry! BROLY!" Lincoln shouted as he felt himself going back into the dream world
"LINCOLN! PLEASE! FATHER CAN HELP YOU!" Broly said as Lincoln shook his head
"N-no, t-this is something I-I need to do on my own, now, please... KILL ME!"
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry it took so long to make and I'm sorry if it doesn't live you all your expectations. I'm having a little trouble wording this all correctly and trying to make it seem interesting]
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