Chapter 8
Hii sorry for the long wait but I've been really busy last week :) Also, thank you for the comments on the last chapter, over 600 ! Amazing !
I saw the Where We Are movie yesterday and it was great, did any of you see it? It was like a concert in the theatre because everyone was standing and singing, just perfect :)
I hope you like this chapter, and let me know your thoughts throughout the story :D
(Also, Chapter 7 was on private so I hope everyone read it? If you couldn't read it, you need to follow me, log out, and then back in. Then just wait for a bit :) Hope it helped)
The next week passed by kind of slowly, since we didn't have Niall in almost every class making jokes or just plain stupid remarks.
Another thing I noticed was that girls literally stopped trying to dress up so much, or maybe it was just my imagination.
It was Friday already, and all I wanted to do was get home and sleep until I couldn't anymore. It's weird how I used to hate afternoon naps as a child, but as a teenager they were like a Godsend.
All seniors were called in the gym for an assembly during third period; God knows what Principal Brooks wanted to tell us now. I was sitting between Jake and Luke when Mr. Brooks finally entered the gym, looking serious. He was followed by Mr. and Mrs. Flack, Mr. Grey, Coach Daniels, and Mr. James, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but right here.
Mr. Brooks clapped his hands together and yelled for everyone to shut up so he could start talking.
"As some of you know, there are to seniors trips every year and the first one is already close. We decided to take forty students on the trip to Scotland this year, since we have more chaperones. If any of you are interested to take part in it; we'll be leaving on Thursday morning from the school parking lot, and we'll be back on Sunday evening. It's fifty pounds per person, and that pays for everything. Sign ups are in the secretary's office. Any questions?"
Five people had questions about the hotel/chalet we'll be staying in, and about the rooming assignment, and fifteen minutes later we were allowed to return to our classes.
"Oh, and can Renee please stay for a bit after class? I need to talk to you." Mr. Grey said once the last period of the day was over, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes because WHY.
I waited for the whole classroom to clear before I stood up from my seat and walked to the desk with my books in hand.
"Oh, Renee, great. I have here Niall's assignment for the next class and the worksheets I handed out this week."
"And what should I do?"
I hope he's not implying I should go over to his house and drop them off
"You should give him those if you can. You two were partners before so I think it's okay?"
"Sure I'll do it, no problem."
I grabbed the sheets he offered me and he smiled as he dismissed me.
Jake and Sophia were waiting by my locker already, obviously confused as to why I was held back.
"He wants me to deliver these to Niall which I don't want to do but have to."
"Liam's going over there to sleep today you can ask him to drop them off for you." Sophia offered.
"And how do you even know his schedule?" Jake questioned, turning around to look at her.
She shrugged. "He asked me to come over there tonight but I don't think I'm going to."
"Why not? Are you crazy?"
"What am I going to tell my parents?"
"That you're coming over to my house you dumb bitch!"
"Whoa, easy on the compliments." I laughed as I took the stuff I needed out of my locker and put them in my backpack. I just wanted to go home, shower, and then sleep. That was literally it.
"Okay then maybe we'll go out this weekend Zayn just texted me what that we have to go bye!" Jake said and quickly waved before he sauntered off.
"Maybe I should go there tonight." Sophia contemplated and I gave her my backpack so I could put my parka on.
"Oh, boyfriend's coming." She whispered and I didn't have time to turn around before someone's arms wrapped around my waist.
"Hey." Luke said and smiled once I properly turned around to look at him.
"Hi." I answered as I pulled my hair out of the collar and then grabbed the backpack from Sophia.
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Um...nothing really. I think I'm just going to go home and sleep. Do you want to do something?"
"I don't know. My mum wants me to babysit for my aunt but I'm not in the mood. You could come by over there later?" he suggested as the three of us finally exited the school building.
"I don't know." I said, scrunching my nose. "Maybe some other time."
He pouted. "Think about it okay? That's my ride there, but I'll text you later bye babe!"
He pressed a quick kiss to my lips before he ran towards Sean's car that had stopped at the curb.
"Go over tonight, don't be an idiot." Sophia spoke as we started walking towards the bus station.
"I might, but I'm so tired right now I can barely see. Is school supposed to be this hard and exhausting?"
"No." she laughed and then I realized that I couldn't take the bus because I needed to go to Niall's house.
"Is there any way I can get the bus to Niall's?"
"Um...I don't know. Take a taxi."
"I don't have enough money for the ride back to my house."
"I can give you some. Five quid enough?"
She pulled out her wallet and handed me the bill, just as the bus stopped in front of us.
"Bye bitch." She laughed and blew me a kiss before hurrying to the doors.
I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket to call a taxi.
Ten minutes later I was already in front of Niall's house, walking up the large driveway. The gates were opened so the taxi drove all the way up to the fountain.
I rang the doorbell as the taxi drove away, and tapped my foot against the pavement until the door was finally opened.
Niall's mom was looking down at me with a surprised expression. She was wearing PINK sweatpants (oh God I wished I had the money to get something from Victoria's Secret), a matching tank top, and comfortable house shoes. Even though she wore comfortable clothing, she still looked like a million bucks.
"Hello...I'm Rey. Um, sorry to be a bother but I brought Niall the worksheets and homework for the week?"
"Oh! Hi! I'm Jazmine, Niall's mom. Come in."
"Thank you." I smiled and stepped inside, awkwardly waiting for her to close the door.
"He's upstairs in his room, but knock first, he hates it when you don't." she smiled.
"Okay. Should I take my shoes off?"
"Oh God no!" she laughed.
I nodded and quickly walked towards the stairs.
I knocked on Niall's door a few seconds later, and it took about half a minute for him to open it. He was wearing sweatpants as usual, a white shirt, and white socks. He looked good, even though his right eye was still purple from Monday.
He looked at me confused, and before he could ask me what the fuck I was doing in his house, I spoke:
"I brought over the homework. Mr. Grey asked me to, but I'm pretty sure there is more than English in the pile."
"Oh, okay." He snorted and stepped aside so I could walk into his room. It smelled like cigarettes and pizza, which wasn't that bad at all, since he smelled like really good expensive cologne.
I placed my backpack on his desk and pulled out the sheets Mr. Grey had given me, placing all of them on a pile next to Niall's open laptop. I turned around, about to tell him that I'd be going then, but my phone rang and it was my mum, so I was forced to answer.
"Yes mother?" I asked, annoyed.
"Are you home yet?"
"Not yet, why?"
"Your father and I are about to leave and we're going to drop you off at your grandma's before we do because we have to hurry to get to the airport."
"You told me you were leaving for Paris next week."
"I said that last week Renee, Christ. Just get home."
"But can't I stay alone? Where is Katherine? And Chris?"
"Chris is staying over at Ellie's and Katherine is already at Jake's."
"What? Since when? I want to go over there too, and I'm eighteen years old for Christ's sake! I can take care of myself."
"You're seventeen, and I don't trust you three days alone in the house since you almost burned the kitchen down three months ago."
"It was an accident!"
"Well!" she exclaimed, meaning that she'd won, for whatever reason. "Just get home and we'll talk then, hurry."
"Fine, bye."
I didn't wait for her to say goodbye before I hung up.
"What was that about?" Niall asked.
"They don't trust me home alone at fucking seventeen years old."
He snorted. "Why?"
"Because I almost burned the house down in August. ANYWAY, I need to go stay with Jake."
"And that's bad why?"
I shrugged.
"You can come stay here." He offered and my eyebrows met my hairline because WHAT.
"Sure. Liam's coming over too so probably Sophia. My parents leave at nine and we'll have the house to ourselves. And your boyfriend just sold me some great weed by the way."
"Shut up."
"Did you talk to him about that, by the way?"
"About the fact that he's a drug dealer? No, it didn't come up at lunch." I answered sarcastically.
He shook his head. "Anyway, come over."
"Why are you nice to me?" I asked, skeptical.
"I'm being nice, we're friends right? Or do you have to fake an orgasm for me to get you to stay over?"
I punched his arm and he laughed, plopping down on his seat. "Fine then. I'll be over at...eight maybe, I don't know. What bus brings me the closest to the house?"
"Do you honestly think I take the bus?"
"Rich people." I scoffed.
"You have to stop using that line in my house."
"Or what?" I asked, pretending to be scared.
"I'll get mad and you don't want to see me mad."
"I'm shaking." I mocked.
He tilted his head as if to say 'you'll see', so I took it as an opportunity to say goodbye and leave.
When I got home, my parents had already aligned their luggage at the door, and my mother was pacing around the house, trying to do last minute adjustments.
"Renee! Finally! Go pack a backpack to take to grandma's!"
"I already told you that I'm going to stay at Jake's with Katherine."
"Fine, but hurry because our plane leaves in two hours and we're already late."
I hurried upstairs and quickly started shoving clothes into my backpack. I was going to take my house key with me, and come back tomorrow to be home alone. Katherine could stay at Jake's but I just wanted some piece and quiet.
When I got back downstairs, Katherine was already there with a backpack slung over one shoulder, and everyone was waiting for me.
"Here is some money for the weekend, you can take a taxi to Jake's." My dad said and handed each of us fifty quid.
"Thank you." I smiled, knowing very well that I wouldn't ever spend more than ten.
"Okay then, take care of yourselves!" mom said once we were outside and they locked the gate.
We waited for them to drive away in a taxi before I turned to Katherine, who was already looking at me.
"So um, I'll call a taxi then." She said.
"Are you going to Jake's?"
"Are you?"
"Me neither."
"Where are you going then?"
"To a friend's. Where are you going?"
She raised her eyebrows. "Niall? Horan? Since when are you two besties?"
"We're not. But he offered so I wouldn't have to go to grandma's."
"Oh. Okay then. I'll get two taxis."
Twenty minutes later I was back in front of Niall's house, with a backpack slung over my shoulder and a heavily beating heart. I wasn't sure why I was here anyway, why I got myself into this. It would've been much easier to go to grandma's.
I rang the doorbell once again, but this time Niall opened the door, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips.
"Hey." He said and left the door open for me to step in.
"Hi. Um. So I came."
"I can see that." He laughed and closed the door behind me.
I followed him back up the stairs and into his room, where I saw Liam sitting on the couch, a controller in his hand. I immediately felt out of place because I'd never talked to Liam in my life, and I think he hated me for whatever reason, that I bothered him for being here.
"Hi." I awkwardly said and he turned his head to look at me.
"Hey." He smiled and that wasn't half as bad as I would've expected it to be.
I placed the backpack on the desk and then turned to look at Niall, who was bending over to put out his cigarette in the ashtray on the coffee table next to the couch.
"So how long are your parents gone?"
"Until Sunday, but I'll probably go over to Jake's tomorrow."
He didn't offer for me to stay over one more night, so I decided to drop it. We didn't have anything to talk about anyway, and I knew it would be a bad idea from the start.
I sat down next to Niall on the couch and watched them play for a while, until Niall finally had enough and said he wanted to order pizza.
My heart stopped because I managed to go two days without eating; I wouldn't give it all up now. I was down to 57 kilograms, which was great.
"I don't have money for pizza." I lied.
"I'll pay for you."
"You can't just-"
"What do you want?" he asked and handed me the flyer for Domino's. I told him my order before he called.
"Isn't Sophia coming?" I asked Liam, trying to make conversation.
"She texted me five minutes ago that she'll be here in an hour."
"Oh." I smiled. Finally, someone to save me from this awkward situation.
Liam got up and said that he was going to the bathroom, which would've given me some time to come up with interesting topics to talk about, if Niall hadn't sat back down with a bottle of beer in hand, and the remote in the other.
"So why didn't you go help your boyfriend babysit?"
"How do you know all these things?" I asked.
"I talked to him yesterday when he brought weed over."
"I thought you two were fighting."
"Please, boys aren't like chicks. If we fight, we stay mad for like an hour, and then go back to normal."
"And girls aren't like that?"
"No." he snorted, taking a sip from his beer. "So why didn't you go?"
"Because I didn't want to go and end up getting cockblocked by five year olds. Speaking of five year olds, where are your siblings?"
"Grandma's. And I noticed you changing the subject by the way."
"Can I have one?"
I pointed to the Marlboro pack on the table.
"Go ahead." He shrugged and started surfing through the channels on the TV. "Aren't you uncomfortable in jeans?"
"I am, but I'll change when Liam comes out of the bathroom."
I placed a cigarette between my lips and lit it up, before I took it between two fingers and crossed my legs under myself on the couch.
"So what do you guys do at sleepovers? Do you braid each other's hair and talk about girls?"
"No. It's a manly sleepover. We drink beer, play FIFA and smoke weed." He snorted.
"So are we going to smoke that weed today?" I asked him.
He turned his head to look at me, surprised.
"You're coming out of your shell." He snickered.
I rolled my eyes. "Nevermind."
"Aw, don't pout now. Of course we are."
He pinched my cheek and smiled, turning his head back to the TV.
When Liam came out of the bathroom, I had already finished my cigarette. I grabbed my backpack from the floor and went to change into a pair of sweatpants and a white Nirvana top, which would also serve as pyjamas.
Fifteen minutes later the pizza had arrived and I had to admit that I was very hungry, but I felt a bit weird eating in front of people, especially two boys from my school that had a reputation.
I ate half of the pizza before I felt like I was going to explode, and told them that I'd save Sophia the other half.
Speaking of Sophia, she came around eight instead of seven, and would only stay until midnight.
"You saved me pizza? Aw." She said and sat down on the couch between Liam and I.
We watched an action movie as she ate, and once she was done, Niall cleaned up the table and placed the pack of weed on it, together with some small papers we were supposed to fold ourselves.
Liam went downstairs to get four bottles of beer, and when he came back he let us know that Niall's parents had just left.
Everyone had their own joint, and it was great, because thirty minutes later we were laughing at a story Liam was telling that wouldn't have been as funny if we weren't high.
I finished my spliff first, as usual, and when I looked to make another one, the bag was gone so I turned to Sophia who was sitting on the bed with Liam, sharing a bottle of wine. She didn't want to share and I was too ashamed to ask Liam, who was now in a deep conversation with her in their own little world.
I ended up looking at Niall, who was leaning back against the couch next to me, watching the TV with red-rimmed eyes.
"Can I?" I asked.
He handed me the joint without any questions, and I took a drag before handing it back to him.
"Thanks." I said and blew the smoke in his face.
He opened his mouth to inhale it and I bit my lip because he looked too hot when he did that.
"Shotgun." He simply said and who was I to oppose? It didn't count as cheating.
He took a long drag from the joint before bringing out faces close and blowing the smoke straight between my lips. They touched, and I ended up blowing the smoke out.
"Good girl." He smirked and put the joint out in the ashtray, since it was starting to burn out.
He then stood up from the couch and went over to the balcony to open the door and let some fresh air in. It got cold really quickly so I put my jacket on and turned my head to see that Liam was now over Sophia on the bed, and they were in a pretty graphic makeout session.
"I can hear the disgusting sound your tongues make." I told them and Sophia flipped me off with the hand that wasn't down his pants.
I ended up joining Niall on the balcony, who was now smoking yet another cigarette, even though he had just finished his joint.
"They're going to have sex on your bed."
He laughed.
"I don't think so." He said, shaking his head.
"Why not?"
"Because Liam is the private type."
"Really? I would've never guessed."
"Well." He shrugged, putting off his cigarette against the railing.
We walked back inside five minutes later, to see that Liam and Sophia were now gone.
"See? I told you Liam was private." He snickered and sat back down on the couch.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Half past twelve."
"Do you think they'll finish until midnight when Sophia has to leave?"
"Duh. It doesn't take half an hour to have sex Rey. Well, it depends on the girl, if she's hot, you can finish in five minutes. If she's not, it can take all day."
"That's rude."
"It's the truth. Speaking of sex, did you and Luke do it yet?" he asked, folding a leg under himself to face me.
"Um, that's none of your business."
"So you didn't."
"No Niall, we didn't. If we jump into it too quickly, we'll break up soon."
He snorted. "You think it's going to last with you two?"
"Uh, I hope so?"
He nodded and turned back to the Tv, grabbing the last bottle of beer from the coffee table.
We watched some reality TV until Sophia came to say goodbye to us, all rosy cheeked and erratic breathing.
Liam walked her to the door and it was way past midnight when he returned, announcing that he was going to bed because he was tired.
"Good sex?" Niall laughed and Liam winked, before wishing us goodnight.
"Where am I going to sleep?"
"There's another guestroom next to Liam's, you can sleep there."
"Oh. Okay. I think I'll go to bed too then. Thanks for letting me stay by the way."
I left Niall's room with my phone in hand, since I would probably stay up all night anyway on Tumblr.
The bed was twice as big as the one in my room, and the sheets were so felt like heaven. However, I was extremely paranoid about sleeping in a huge house without adults and I kept hearing screeches, which kind of scared me and made it harder for me to fall asleep.
It was past one am when I decided that there was no possible way I would fall asleep alone in the huge room, so I pulled my phone out and texted Niall, just in case he wasn't asleep.
Rey: I need to sleep with u ok
He responded one minute later.
Niall: (innuendo emoji) or (sleep emoji)
Rey: Niall pls
Rey: I can't sleep alone in this fucking house it's too big and scary :/
Niall: sure ;) come over then
Rey: ok
Two minutes later, I was entering his room.
He was already in bed, leaning against the headboard while eating some chocolate and typing on his phone with one hand.
"Thanks." I said and got on the other side of the bed, pulling the blanket up to my waist, and unlocking my phone because I'd just gotten a WhatsApp notification.
Jakeee added Niall to the group 'bitchez'
Jakeee changed the group name to 'SQUAD'
I rolled my eyes and typed out something.
Rey: why aren't yall sleeping
Jakeee: good evening
Niall: :)))
Rey: and why is Niall in the group? Wtf
Niall: _|_
Rey: (nails emoji)
Niall took a picture of me and sent it on the group, which caused Jake to freak out and type out in Caps Lock.
Niall and I laughed at once, before I sent a smiling emoji and exited WhatsApp.
"Since when do you talk to Jake?" I asked Niall, who had also put his phone down and was now finishing the chocolate. He placed the empty package on the nightstand next to the phone and turned off the lamp, the only light coming through the window from outside.
"Since ever? He's on the team and he's cool."
"Do you want to hook up with him?"
He turned his head to me. "Why? Would you be jealous?"
"Um, no?"
He smirked and turned to face me.
"You sound jealous."
"Don't even flatter yourself." I laughed and he licked his lips, his eyes drifting down to my mouth and then back up to my face.
"Am I?" he teased and I crossed my ankles, propping my head up on my palm as I looked at him.
"What?" he asked, laughing.
"Nothing. You're high."
"You're high too."
"Not like you though."
"Mhm. So has Luke given you that orgasm yet?"
"Why are you so set on that?"
"Because I think it's unfair that you never had an orgasm."
"How did you know that?"
"Wait, you're serious? You never had an orgasm? Like, not even from masturbating?"
I shook my head.
"You poor girl." He laughed.
"It's not that bad."
"Yes it is!"
I shook my head and laid back down on my back. "You're tipsy and high, go to sleep Niall."
"But I'm not sleepy." He answered, and I suddenly felt him toying with the strings of my sweatpants, pulling on them quite slightly.
"Niall." I said, not really know how to react. I knew what was going to happen in the back of my mind.
"Shh. Let me take care of your problem."
"I don't have a problem."
"Trust me." He said and I felt a shiver go down my back when he pressed his lips against the left side of my neck, hovering over me slightly as he untied the strings of my sweats.
I bit my lip and closed my eyes because the way his lips played with the skin of my neck, sucking and biting and licking felt too good for me to ask him to stop.
He pulled my pants down to my knees, before brushing his lip against my ear:
"Take your underwear off too."
I did as asked, not really hesitating to think about my actions because he was hotly breathing into my ear and neck, and I was so turned on right now I couldn't think straight.
Once my underwear was off, his hand traveled down over my shirt and cupped my naked crotch, just like he did a few days ago in the club.
"You're so wet already, so eager for it hm?" he whispered into my neck and my core clenched because his accent was so deep and rough, so hot.
I bent my legs and he pulled my left one down to have better access at my opening. His fingers grazed the slit and he teasingly flicked his index over my clit, just to see how I would react.
I bit my lip and tried to concentrate on his hand, but it was too hard with his lips right next to my ear and his amazing smell.
His mouth wandered down from my ear to my throat, occasionally leaving kisses or sucking on the skin there.
His palm pressed against my clit once again and his middle finger entered me, before he started rubbing it in circles, sending shivers through my entire body because it felt so good.
When he lifted his face up from my throat, he sent me a wink and buried his face back into my neck so I was breathing right into his ear.
"You're so tight around my fingers." He observed and I could hear the smirk in his voice as he started moving the finger faster, his index already teasing his way in.
The stretch wasn't painful at all, mainly because Luke had fingered me twice before, it actually felt good. Better, even.
One of my hands came up to his shoulder and I reached my head out to kiss his neck, mark him up too because I loved giving hickeys. But then I remembered that it would probably count as cheating (him fingering me probably also counted but whatever), so I gave up on the whole idea.
Once he was two fingers in he picked up his pace, causing me to moan once he pressed his thumb against my clit, pushing against it with each movement. It was breathtaking, how good he was, so all those things I heard girls say, about how good he was in bed, were actually true.
He kicked the blanket off completely with his feet, so that I wasn't covered up from the waist down anymore, and he could see me half naked. I was lucky that it was dark and he couldn't really see my fat thighs or my belly.
I bucked my hips up when he curled his fingers to reach the rough skin of my g-spot, making me moan and clamp my thighs together because it was too much.
"No." he said in a bossy tone, pushing my legs apart with his elbow.
"I'd eat you out, but I can feel that you're already close."
"Please." I said, cheeks heating up because I'd gotten to a stage where I was begging for him.
"Not today."
Does this mean it's going to happen another time?
"Please what?"
"Make me come. I'm so close." I breathed and he sucked on my earlobe before pulling at it with his teeth.
I felt heat building up in the pit of my stomach and my back arched off the mattress as I came apart on his fingers. It was the best feeling I'd ever experienced, that sent tingles through my whole body and had me longing for more.
"How was that for a first orgasm hm?" he asked with a cocky smirk on his face, pulling his hand out and trailing his wet fingers up my stomach, slipping them under my shirt.
"Good." I smiled.
I was too blissed out to care about the fact that he probably felt my stomach and thought it was too big.
He smiled and flicked his index against my clit once more, making me shudder and clench my thighs shut against his arm.
"Stop." I said because he was teasing my sensitive parts on purpose.
"Just teasing." He laughed and got off the bed to go to the bathroom. He returned with toilet paper, which he used to clean me up.
I pulled my underwear and pants on myself, still not quite comprehending the fact that I had just had my first orgasm ever, and that it felt amazing, absolutely mind-blowing.
"You okay?" I asked once he laid back down on my side, so close I could feel his hard-on. "Do you want me to take care of that?"
I was blushing, but I couldn't help but ask.
He looked down at the tent in his sweats and shook his head.
"Wouldn't that count as cheating?"
"Oh and you fingering me doesn't?"
"No, it doesn't because you didn't do anything and it meant nothing."
"Right." I said.
"So I'll go and take care of meself." He spoke and got off the bed once more, to go to the bathroom.
It took him about five minutes, which I used to respond on the 'SQUAD' group with a simple smiling emoji.
When Niall came back, I was already snuggled under the blanket with half opened eyes, ready to go to sleep.
"So when you said 'not today', what did you mean?" I asked when he was in bed too, on his back and staring at the ceiling, probably trying to fall asleep.
"You know what I meant."
"You meant that it would happen again?"
He shrugged, turning his head to look at me.
"If you want it, all you have to do is say the word, and I'm yours."
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I just hope you enjoyed it :) Let me know what you thought of it!
What would you like to see happen in the ski trip?
Updates will be on Saturdays around 8pm UK time !
Hope you have a great day and don't forget to follow/vote/comment if you liked the chapter :)
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