Chapter 6

Hi everyone ! Thank you so much for over 700 comments on the last chapter, I love reading through them you're absolutely amazing :)

I was wondering, how old are you guys? I'm 20 by the way (even though I don't act like it haha)

Enjoy reading !


It was two weeks later that I was informed about Niall having another party. Jake asked me (where, more like demanded) to go two days beforehand, and I had to say yes.

"What's the occasion for the party?" I asked and sat down at the lunch table across from him.

"No occasion. Just for fun." Harry said and sat down next to me, knocking our trays together as he did so. "He throws a party at least once a month for no reason. He has too much money and weed just for himself."

I rolled my eyes just as Sophia and Perrie joined us.

"Oh, speaking of-"


I looked up to see Louis stopping next to me with a tray of food in his hands.

"Hi." I said, confused as to why he was talking to me. Maybe he greeted Harry?

"So I talked to the manager and they said that if you can work a register and resist the urge to steal money, you can work at the record store."

"That's it? With no interview?"

Louis shrugged. "They were looking for someone anyway, they would've hired anyone who could work without really interviewing."

"And um...does it pay well?" I asked, a bit embarrassed.

"Is twelve pounds an hour alright?"

"That's great." I smiled. "Thanks Louis."

"See you after school then. Harry can drive us right pal?" he asked and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry nodded and smiled, leaning into his touch too obviously. Louis pulled back at that and smiled once more before he walked away towards the 'popular table'.


"Are you going to the party later?" Katherine asked me and slipped her head through the crack of the door.

I was on my laptop so I stopped procastrinating on Tumblr to look up at her.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because I was wondering if you had like, maybe a tight skirt I could borrow?"

"Uh, sure? Why? Wait. Are you trying to impress a guy?" I asked smirking and pushed the laptop off my lap, before getting up from the bed and walking over to my closet.

"Well...sort of." She mumbled and stepped into my room, closing the door behind herself.

"Okay so I got a black one and a red one? Why one would you like?"

"Black one." She answered and sat down on the bed, putting a leg under herself.

I threw it at her before picking my own clothes because it was starting to get late and Zayn was coming to pick us up in an hour.

"So what do you think?" I asked, holding out the clothes I wanted to dress up with in front of her. A pair of ripped skinny jeans, a Little Black Dress shirt, and a leather jacket.


"What the fuck is that? It won't even show off your boobs!"

"That's exactly the point!"

"And why would you wear long shirt with jeans? You know that's supposed to be a dress, right?"

"It's short."

"It reaches your upper thighs and goes over your ass. It's a dress."

I sighed.

"Well I'm going to wear it with these ripped skinny jeans and the black sneaker wedges. And the leather jacket."

"I agree with everything, except of the shirt. If you don't want to lose the jeans, then go with a tank top or something."

"I like my choice of clothing."

"Fine. Do you want me to do your makeup? I mastered the art of winged eyeliner."

"Sure." I smiled. "'m gonna go shower now and then you can."

She nodded and told me that she'll get changed since all she had wrapped around her body was a short towel.

When I came out of the shower, she was already on my bed, dressed in a tight blouse and the skirt, a pair of black pumps resting by the foot of the bed.

"So who are you planning on hooking up with tonight?" she asked once I sat down in front of her on the bed.

"What? No one worth mentioning."

"Rey." She said squinting her as at me and opening her make up kit.

"Fine. Well...I don't know. Niall?"

"Niall Horan?"

"Are there more than one Niall's in our school?"

She shook her head. "I think Luke wants to hook up with you."

"Luke Black?" she nodded and gripped into my chin, the other hand already holding the eyeliner.

"Close your eyes and stay still. And yes, I heard him talk to Niall about it today at practice."

"I thought he wasn't on the team."

"He's not, but it was during the ten minute break we always get and he came by."

 "And what did he say?"

"He asked Niall how you snogged because he thought Niall hooked up with you before. Okay, open your eyes."

"And what did Niall say?"

"He said that he didn't hook up with you but you look like a good time."

"He said that?"

"He did." She repeated.

"And what did Luke say?"

"He just nodded and thanked him. So maybe you should shave for tonight."

"I shave every week so I'm good. But...I don't think we'll do anything if we actually hook up. The farthest we'll go is probably some under the shirt action."

She snorted.

"Mhm. Sure."

"I'm serious! I'm not that easy."

She shrugged. "You'd look cute together. I think he likes you."

"What?" I laughed. "Why would Luke like me?"

"I just have a sixth sense about things like these."

"Oh you do? What do you think of Louis and Harry?"

"What about Louis and Harry?"

"Do you think they have something-"

"Oh definitely."

I smiled. "Me too."

"Perrie and I call them Larry."


"You and Luke would be Ruke."

I scrunched my nose up. "That sounds...ugly. So tell me about the guy you want to impress tonight."

"I'll tell you if anything happens."

"Okay then." I said, pouting.

"Don't pout now, let me do your lashes and then we can go."

After she applied some mascara on me, I looked in the mirror and thanked her for doing my makeup.

"We'll be back tomorrow afternoon." Katherine told my parents when we got downstairs a few minutes later.


"It's a sleepover kind of thing. Goes on until the morning." She explained as she put her coat on.

"Okay then. Take care and call me if you want me to come pick you up." My dad said, looking at me.

Why was he looking at me?

I rolled my eyes and said goodnight, before I followed Katherine out of the house. Zayn was already waiting in front of our gate. Katherine and I got into the backseat, next to Jake and Sophia. Perrie was in the front seat, smiling and greeting us as soon as we opened the door.

"Bitch your makeup is A plus tonight." Jake complimented.

"Thanks. I can see your nipples through that tight shirt."

"That's what I was waiting for." He smirked and winked.

We got to Niall's house fifteen minutes later, and we could already hear the music coming from the house. There were more cars in the driveway this time, probably because everyone was going to spend the night here.

"Man I didn't even touch a glass and I already feel drunk." Jake commented when he saw the alcohol in the kitchen. The island counter was literally filled with all kinds of opened alcohol bottles, ready for everyone who wanted to fill their cup.

"Do you want to do a round of shots? If I want to fuck Max tonight I need alcohol in my system." Jake asked and I nodded as he took out two shot glasses.

"Okay but after this you need to come with me to leave my jacket somewhere. It's too warm in here."

"You should take your jeans off too."

"What? No way."

"Why not?" he laughed and filled our glasses with Absolut Vodka. I shrugged and he counted down from three, before we both downed the shots.

Two more followed but I still didn't feel a thing. Jake followed me to the coatroom after that and we put our jackets on two of the hangers, before we walked back out towards the living room.

The room was already filled with people who were dancing and chatting away, and almost everyone had red cups in their hands. Jake and I were empty handed, but he quickly fixed it by going to the table and grabbing two cups filled with beer.

"Didn't know you liked beer."

I turned around to see a smirking Luke staring down at me.

"Yeah...not really. I just didn't want to look awkward because I was the only one without a drink."

"You look nice."

I knew I was embarrassingly blushing. "Thanks."

"Want to share a spliff? Niall just got the stuff out."

"Uh...sure? I guess."

I followed him in the middle of the room, where the two couches were. Our group was already there, taking up all the space on the couches.

Luke sat down between Niall and Harry, taking the last empty place.

"Uh." I said, not sure what I should do next because everything was occupied.

"You can sit on my lap babe." Luke suggested and patted his thighs.


Now everyone will laugh at me because I'm too heavy to sit on his lap

"C'mon." Luke insisted.

Fuck it

I turned around and sat down on his lap, and he pulled me by my hips against this chest immediately. I made eye contact with Niall.

"What's up Parker." He said and I smiled.


He then diverted his attention to rolling the joint properly and handing it out to the first person that held their hand out. Luke took the third the joint and Niall lit it up because they wanted to share it.

"So what's going on here?" Niall asked after a few drags, motioning between Luke and I.

"Nothing. Yet." Luke answered and I took the spliff from Niall's fingers so I would have an occupation and wouldn't have to talk about the uncomfortable subject.

And wait he said 'yet'


"Give it to me." Luke said and I handed him the joint, before he asked me to open my mouth, and I knew what he was planning on doing.

But I did it anyway.

I turned my head and he took a drag of smoke with the arm that was around my neck, before he cupped my chin with his free hand to blow the smoke into my mouth.

What I didn't expect though, was for him to sneak his tongue into my mouth for a pretty explicit makeout session. I didn't actually bother to push him off me, mainly because he smelled good and tasted like weed and Bacardi.

"Whoa, get a room." Jake whistled from the opposite couch, and I would've flipped him off it I wouldn't have been gripping into the back of Luke's head.

I could feel his hand sneaking up on my thigh as we continued kissing, tongues a tangled mess. He didn't waste any time to attach his lips to my neck, sucking and licking at the skin behind my ear. I made eye contact with Niall as soon as I opened my eyes. His eyes were rimmed red from the weed and he was not doing any efforts to pull his gaze away from mine.

So I did that.

I pulled away from Luke, whose lips were swollen red by now, and told him that I wanted to go get some more drinks. Because there was no way I was going to do anything with him if I wasn't drunk, or at least tipsy.


He lifted me off his lap with no trouble at all, before he placed a hand on my lower back and guided me through the people towards the kitchen.

"Tequila? Vodka? Jäger?"

"Um...Jäger I guess."

I'd never tried it before but if it was strong, I wasn't opposed to it.

He filled two shot glasses before he smiled and downed the first one without a warning. I followed suit and did two more.

"Damn you can sure handle your alcohol." He laughed and I shrugged.

It would make its effect in a bit and it would hit me like a brick, I was sure of it.

"You okay?" Luke laughed when I took a step back but accidentally tripped over my own feet. He gripped into my arm to stabilize me.

"Yeah...'s just...I'm a bit dizzy. I want to lie down somewhere."

He smiled. "There's a room upstairs if you want to?" he suggested.

I knew it was a probably a bad decision to do so, but I let him guide me up the stairs anyway. I was a bit nervous (god knows what would happen).

He pushed the door open to a room I hadn't been in before, turning the lamp by the bedside table on and taking off his leather jacket, revealing the fact that he had a few tattoos on his arms.

I sat down on the bed, before I leaned my elbows on my knees and my head in my palms.

"Do you want me to bring you some water? Or maybe something to eat?"

"Water is fine." I said, smiling.

"Okay. Be right back."

He seemed really nice and caring, so I climbed properly on the queen-sized bed, before I laid on my side with closed eyes. I tried to calm down so maybe my dizziness would go away.

Luke came back a few minutes later, with a glass of water in hand. He sat down at the edge of the bed, right by my waist and handed me the glass, which I quickly downed.

"Thanks." I said and smiled up at him.

"You have...a droplet there."

He reached out to wipe the water from the corner of my mouth with his thumb. We made eye contact for a heavy ten seconds, before he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.

I reacted a few seconds later by kissing back and soon enough, he rolled over me, then on his back, pulling me over him. I really didn't have time to worry about crushing him under my weight because his hands had found their place on my thighs and his tongue was in my mouth.

His hands travelled up the back of my thighs and cupped my bum, pulling me closer into him. I hadn't kissed anyone in a long time but he seemed to like my technique so I didn't worry about it too much.

His lips then found my neck again and he started to suck on it for the second time that night, but this time with more force and determination.

He lifted my shirt up to my bra and was about to flip us over when I suddenly felt like I had to throw up.

"Oh my-I have to-throw up." I said and quickly sat up.

"There's a bathroom right down the hall. Hurry." He said and I didn't waste any time to get up from the bed and rush down the hall to the bathroom. Thank God it was empty. I barely had time to hold my hair back before I emptied the contents of my stomach in the toilet.

My throat felt sore and I had gotten some vomit on my jeans in the process. After I flushed the toilet I looked down at my jeans, which were now a bit dirty.

"Fuck." I mumbled and saw Luke leaning against the doorframe, causing me to turn red.

"Maybe you should get them off. You can't walk around like that. And I think the shirt is pretty long anyway."

"Ugh, but I hate wearing dresses."

"You'd look great." He said.


I took off my shoes before I shimmied out of my jeans, and then folded them.

"Where should I put them?"

"Just put them in the clothes hamper and you can ask Niall to bring them to school once they've been washed."

"I can't do that. It's rude."

"Everyone does it, trust me."

"Okay then." I said and let the jeans fall in the hamper by the door, over several other shirts and jackets.

My cheeks were burning because now I was only wearing a long shirt that could go for a dress, and that only reached my upper thighs. Thankfully it went over my ass though.

"You want to go back down?"

"Sure. And...sorry."

"Here you go, and don't worry." He said and smiled, showing off a dimple. He offered me a Spearmint gum pack, and I took a piece.


We walked back down together, and I was aware of people staring at me for too long, probably because of the horrible way my legs looked.

"Ooooh." Jake said and clapped his hands when I neared the couch. "Nice outfit."

"I...spilled something on it." I muttered and sat down next to him.

Perrie and Katherine were missing, so there was enough space for me to sit down too.

"Nice golf ball you got there." Harry pointed out my neck with the hand that was holding the joint, and I frowned, before I remembered that Luke had sucked the life out of my skin there.

Niall's eyes fell on my neck, before he leaned over to Luke to whisper something in his ear. I frowned because he definitely said something about me, which caused Luke to nod and wink.

"What?" I asked and stood up to take a step closer to them.

"Nothing." Luke smirked and patted the place next to him. I looked over at Niall with raised brows, but he was shamelessly tracing my body with his eyes.

I sat down next to Luke and he offered me a cigarette, which I happily accepted. I felt better now since I threw up and had no alcohol in my system.

After we smoked two cigarettes, he decided he wanted to snog me again so he grabbed the back of my neck with no warning whatsoever, and brought our mouths together for the third time that night.

"Do you want to maybe dance?" he whispered in my ear because the music was too loud.

"Sure." I nodded and stood up, reaching a hand out for him.

The fact that we'd already made out three times made me sort of confident. I found my way through the people in the middle of the living room, where he pressed his chest against my back.

A David Guetta remix started and I smiled because his arm came around my waist, pulling me even closer, which caused my shirt to ride up a bit.

His other hand came up to my neck, tilting it to the side so he could press kisses along it.

The bass dropped and he stilled, letting me move against him, more specifically against his crotch. His fingertips dug into my hips and he started grinding himself against me, and soon we were moving in sync.

I closed my eyes and moved an arm around his neck to kiss him. He complied and we started making out, completely standing still now. I turned around and he slid his hands down to cup my ass once again.

"I need a drink." I yelled into his ear over the music and he nodded, letting go of me.

Everything became a big blur after that. I remembered having one maybe six shots of Tequila and making out with Luke a bit more on the couch, before we went back upstairs where I may have (definitely did) sucked him off, and then we fell asleep next to each other, fully-dressed.

The next morning his me like a wall of bricks. My head was pounding and I still had the taste of alcohol mixed with cigarettes in my mouth.

I avoided rubbing my eyes as I sat up, stretching my arms out. I looked to my right to see Luke still sleeping, and there was another person at our feet.

I stood up from the bed and looked around, taking in the room. We were in Niall's room and five more people were passed out on the floor.

I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and then my teeth with my finger. I managed to comb my hair before I walked back out, and then out of the room completely.

A lot of people were just sleeping on the hallway, against the walls or just plain on the floor. The kitchen was a mess and I found Niall talking to Zayn in the back garden, on the lounge chairs.

"Hi. Um, good morning." I said awkwardly and sat down on the same chair as Niall.

"Rough night eh?" Zayn teased and Niall eyed me curiously.

"Here. Helps with the hangover."

I turned around to see Perrie walking towards me with a glass of green juice in hand.

"That looks fishy." I said and she sat down next to Zayn, across from me. "Thanks though."

"Nice hickey." Zayn observed and nodded towards the purple mark on Perrie's collarbones.



"Who did you get it from?"

Wait what?

"Aren't you two together?" I asked, surprised and also confused.

The three of them burst out laughing.

"Zayn and I? Good one." Perrie laughed. "We've been friends since we were in diapers, but that's about it."

"So who did give you that?" Niall asked, reopening the subject.

"No one worth mentioning." She answered and I frowned. "But speaking of hickeys, what's up with Luke? Someone said they walked in on you sucking him off in Niall's room?"

"Oh." I said and blushed. "Well um-yeah."

"Is it big?" Niall asked, turning his attention to me.

"I mean-I don't have anything to compare it to but-"

"Did you choke?" Zayn questioned.

"What? No."

"So it's either that he has a small cock or you have no gag reflex. Both are good." Niall said in a suggestive tone.

"So you think you'll become a thing now?" Perrie asked and Niall rolled his eyes.

"Jeez Pez just because she sucked him off doesn't mean they're dating."

"Yeah but he clearly likes her and she seemed to enjoy herself last night."

"Well...I mean. I wouldn't mind doing it again if that's what you mean. But I don't know if he wants to."

"So you're saying you'd like him to be your boyfriend?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

Then I started drinking the juice that tasted horribly, but it was worth it if it meant that I wouldn't have to talk to them about it anymore.

One hour later, Jake and Katherine were up and found us by the pool, so around one in the afternoon I was dropped off at home.

I ended up sleeping the whole day and woke up at eight in the evening, still dressed with just my shirt and wearing the shoes in bed. Charlie was sleeping on my legs so she wasn't that pleased when I tried moving away from her.

I had thirteen messages on WhatsApp, eleven of them from our group. They were irrelevant, just photos Jake and Sophia sent front the other night.

The other two were from an unknown number.

Unknown number: hey what's up? :)

Unknown number: this is luke btw

I smiled as I added him into my contact list.

Rey: hi :) nothing much, just woke up :))

Luke: oh cool me too :))

Luke: just wanted to tell you that ur not half bad at bj's ;)

Rey: * blushing emoji *

Luke: so do u want to go out sometime?

Rey: like a date?

Rey: :D

Luke: sure :) how about we go to a movie tomorrow?

Rey: okay I'd love that * heart emoji *

We talked about school and the party after that, but I couldn't keep a smile off my face because I hadn't been asked out in four years.


We ended up going to a movie with Natalie Portman, and even though it seemed really interesting, we spend half of it making out.

He walked me back to my house and kissed me at the gate before telling me that he was going to see me at school tomorrow.

That night he send me a goodnight text and I fell asleep with a smile on my face, even though there weren't butterflies in my stomach like they used to with Sam.

But it was going to get there, I hoped.

It was Monday morning at school and I was at my locker, talking to Jake, when I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and someone kissing my cheek.

I frowned and saw Jake look at me surprised, before I turned around to see Luke.

"Hey." He said smiling and I smiled back, obviously taken aback by his bold movement. "So I was wondering if you'd want to go out again tonight?"

"Uh...sure? Where?"

"I was thinking maybe just to a restaurant or something? Whatever you fancy."


The bell rang so he pressed a quick kiss to my lips before rushing off to his class.

", what was that?!" Jake questioned as we walked together to History.

"What do you mean what was that? We went out on Sunday after we hooked up at Niall's party."

"And you didn't think it was worth mentioning it to me?" he asked, putting a hand on his hip like the typical drama queen he was.

"It's nothing important, at least not until we're together."

"So you want him to be your boyfriend? I never heard you talk about having a crush on him." He observed and we sat down at our desks.

"I mean...I never really thought about it until a few days ago. He's cute and he makes me laugh and I can definitely see myself being with him."

"I hope you're not getting in a relationship just because you want a boyfriend."

"Jake, I'm not." I said, kind of offended.

"Okay then. If you say so."

We stopped talking after that because Mr. Flack entered the room and Jake's eyes (and also his dick) drifted up to the teacher.

"Simmer down class."

Simmer down simmer down they say we're too young now to amount to anything else



"Renee Parker?"

"Present." I said, snapping out of my daydream.

"As you know, the winter formal is approaching." Mr. Flack started, going through his files. "Mr. Brooks asked me to let you know that tickets will be available as of next week and the money goes to charity. You can take whoever-"

"Can we invite girls?" a girl asked, raising her hand.

"Um. There is no rule against-"

"Can we invite teachers?" Jake asked, not even bothering to raise his hand.

Mr. Flack blinked, frowning.

"Mr. Malik I'm sure no teacher wants to go to jail."

"How about the after party?"

"The after party isn't any of the school's business so-"

"Can we bring our own alcohol?" Kylie asked.

"No. But I'm going to ask you to direct all the questions you have to the administrative office or the organizing committee. Now. Open your books to page thirty."

Everyone groaned and I shot Jake a 'what-the-fuck' look. He shrugged and winked, before he opened his book, telling me to pay attention to the teacher.


"Hey babe."

I was startled by the voice in my ear a week later at school. I hadn't even woken up yet, trying to remember the combination to my locker, when someone pressed their chest against my back.

I recognized Luke's voice so I smiled, stepping away from him.


"Winter formal tickets are being put up for sale today."

"I know."

Is he going to ask me to the formal


"And?" I continued, smirking.

"Aaaaand do you want to go?"

"With who?" I teased.

"With me?"


"And I was wondering if maybe...we could go as a couple?"

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend? Isn't this moving too fast?" I asked, unsure but also excited about the idea.

"We've known each other since ninth grade. And I've liked you since last year."

"You never said anything."

"Didn't have the guts to. And we did a lot more than just friends do. So what do you say? Don't leave me hanging."

"I guess." I said and smiled; before he leaned down to kiss me. It soon turned into a PDA.

"Whoa we're at school you sex animals." Sophia said as she approached with Jake.

"So are you guys like dating or something?" Jake asked when Luke intertwined our fingers.


"Oh my God congratulations!" Sophia exclaimed and came in to hug us.

"Relax bitch, they're not engaged."

I frowned at Jake's lack of excitement. He usually got excited when I talked to a guy, so his behavior seemed out of character. I'd have to ask him about it later.

Around lunch people had already found out about Luke and I (Jake had a big mouth that wasn't good just for blowjobs), and almost no one seemed to have a problem with it.

It was the end of the day and Luke walked me to my locker after last period, apologizing that he couldn't drive me to work because he had chemistry tutoring at fifteen past three.

"So I bought the tickets for the formal. I hope we'll still be together by then."

"Why wouldn't we be?" I asked.

"Maybe because you get bored?"

"I don't think so." I laughed. "You're going to get bored."

"I don't think so."

He smiled and pressed a quick kiss to my lips, before he waved and walked away.

I watched him go and then started to take out the books I needed for homework.

Fuck maths

Fuck homework

Fuck school in general

"You and Black huh?"

I turned my head to see Niall approaching me, already dressed in his football kit. They had practice in a few minutes and he was just exiting the boys' bathroom, which was weird, because they also had a bathroom in the locker rooms.

"Yeah." I said, unsure of how to answer his statement.

"How come?"

He stopped a meter away from me, hands on his hips.

My eyes drifted behind him, where a boy I didn't know was just walking out of the bathroom, wiping his mouth and grinning as he passed Niall, obviously checking him out. Niall winked at him before he turned his head back to me.

Jesus in the bathroom? Really?

"I don't know." I said, shrugging. "We just got together. Started at your party."

"Be careful."

"About what?"

"With Luke I mean. He's not a saint."

"Neither are you."

"Yeah but you and I aren't going to happen."

"So what's your point?"

"My point is, don't rush things with him. You're too good for him."

"In the way that he doesn't deserve me, or that I'm a goody two shoes?"


"I know what I'm getting into Niall, I can take care of myself."

"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you though."

I rolled my eyes and he walked away, not saying anything else. I watched him leave, but then he stopped and turned around once more.

"Oh. And when you finally decide to break up with him, I just want to let you know that I got a bigger cock."

"You're disgusting." I said as he continued walking.

He laughed.

"You love it princess."


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I hope you liked the chapter because I honestly didn't really, but I'm excited for the next one. I already know how it'll play out :)

Also, I was wondering why do you guys think Niall told Rey to be careful with Luke? 

And what do you think will happen further in this story?

(Also, for those who read my Larry fic, it has been updated today !)

Updates will be on Saturdays around 8pm UK time !

Hope you have a great day and don't forget to follow/vote/comment if you liked the chapter :)



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