Chapter 5

Hellooooo everyone hi! I hope you like this chapter because I for one enjoyed writing it. Thank you SO much for over 500 comments on the last chapter, it would be amazing if you guys could beat that !

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL!!!!! I'm born on the 22nd of July, when are you guys born? :)

Before you start reading, I'm just curious if Wattpad showed you the update?


I quickly returned to my room and went straight for the closet, trying to find the darkest clothes I owned. Which, wouldn't be that hard since most of the clothes I owned were black.

I chose a pair of black skinny jeans, a black shirt with an R in the middle of it, plain black Vans, the black jacket and a 'Homies' beanie.


I was a bit nervous and actually contemplated on whether I should do this or not, but Niall was waiting outside for me and I wasn't going to let him down so he could think that I was a loser.

The only problem was sneaking out, which turned out not to be that hard since everyone was already sleeping and our door didn't have an alarm. I took my keys out of the jar by the door and after I made sure not to make any noise, I walked out of the house, closing the door silently.

Opening the gate wasn't that hard and didn't make any noise, so soon enough I was standing before Niall with my hands on my hips.

"Why are you even doing this? It's a teacher for crying out loud." I said once I got into the car and he turned it on.

"Because I can't sleep and I've hated him for a long time."

"What are you planning on doing exactly? To 'teach him a lesson'?"

"Graffiti his board and put explosive chalk in his desk."


"Hey if you think this is a horrible idea, why did you come in the first place?" he asked, turning his head to look at me.

"Because..." I sighed. "I've never done anything remotely exciting with my life. Let alone with a guy."

"Oh so you did 'exciting' things with girls? Tell me about it." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "That's not what I meant. I meant...I never went on adventures and stuff like that. And I know I sound like a three year old but is the most fun I've had in a long time and we're not even there."

He snorted and didn't even bother to stop at a red light because the streets were deserted. It wasn't long before he was pulling in the parking lot of the school, which was completely empty. It looked weird like that.

"Why did you park all the way in the back?" I asked him as we got out of the car.

"Because there are two security guards on their night shift right now; one outside and one inside."

"Oh my God what if we get caught?" I asked and started to panic because I had the habit of overthinking everything. Always.

"Then we'll go to jail and I'll pay to get us out."

"You say that like it's nothing."

"It's not like I haven't been to jail before."

"You've been to jail?" I asked. "So the rumor was true then."

"What rumor?" he asked as he opened the trunk, getting out a graffiti bottle and a small pack of pink liquid.

"What's in that?"

"Liquid chalk." He answered before he thought about something, and then got out another pack.

He stuffed them in his pockets because they weren't that big, and then slammed his trunk shut.

"We need to go in the back."

"Aren't the doors locked at night?"

"They are but if we go through the main entrance the security guard will see us."

"Doesn't it count as school vandalizing only if we actually get caught inside?"

"Yes. But to get inside we need to find a door. And that won't happen if we take the front entrance." He said sarcastically, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I appreciate your sarcasm." I told him and followed him. He made sure to sneak behind the trees as he passed the front of the school, which unfortunately was half made out of giant windows and three double doors in the front.

"We have to jump over the fence to get inside."

"What? I can't jump over!"

"Yes you can. Come on, I'll give you a lift."

"I'm too heavy. I can't. Let's just go back."

"Come on. It's easy. You can't climb up on it or you're afraid you're going to fall when you're on the other side?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to fall."

"I'll catch you then. Hold this and throw it over."

He handed me the graffiti bottle before he gripped into the metal fence and pulled himself over it quickly. It wasn't that hard for him because the fence was a head taller than him. The metal bars were vertical though, which were really hard to climb unless you had his body strength.

"Come on now." He said once I threw the bottle over at him.

I took a deep breath.

This is it

You're not a loser

So what if he's going to see your giant ass as you climb down?

You're not a loser

I finally gripped into the bars and struggled to climb over, but I couldn't.

"Come on. It's not that hard." He said and slid his hands between the bars, tangling his fingers together to give me a boost.

"You can't lift me up-"

"Just fucking do it."

I sighed and place my foot into his joint palms, before he gave me a push and I pulled myself up. One of my legs got over the metal bar at the top so I was sitting on the fence.

"If I fall I'm going to die."

"No you're not. It's two meters off the ground. You won't slip. Do you trust me?"

"Not really." I answered.

"Too bad. Do it."

"Fine. Jesus."

I swung the other leg over the bar before I gripped into it and slowly let myself down. His hands gripped into my waist and he told me to let go. So I did.

And to my surprise, he placed me on the ground with no effort at all.

"Now was that so hard?"

"Not really. For me at least."

He rolled his eyes but didn't say anything before gesturing for me to follow him to the back door.

"It's locked." I said before he even tried it. It turned out to be indeed locked.

"I can pick a lock."

"You know, for a rich kid you're really acting like you lived on the streets."

"Well just so you know I've actually lived in a small cramped house with two other families until my dad finally got into the whole insurance business."

"Oh my God."

He started laughing before he got down on one knee and pulled a small pin from his pocket.

"Just kidding. I've been rich before I was even born."

"You don't seem too happy about it." I observed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Because I don't think money buys happiness." He spoke as he moved the pin through the lock, giggling the knob at the same time.

"That's smart." I said.

He shook his head and finally unlocked the world. "Yeees."

"You're...frighteningly good at this."

He shrugged. "I don't use this talent to break into people's homes if that's what you're worried about."

"Oh. No-well."

Niall entered the school first and I followed after him, making sure to close the door behind me. The hallway was dark, only lit by the exit signs hanging from the ceiling and the few windows that had a view of the street.

"It's kind of creepy." I whispered and stepped closer to him. "Didn't you bring a flashlight?"

"Of course not, I don't want to attract attention upon ourselves." He whispered back.

"The classroom's on the second floor, right?"

He nodded and I followed him closely as he walked across the long hallway.

"What if we get caught?"

"I already told you that we'll go to jail."

"Yes but don't we have like an escape plan?"

"Yes we do. Run."

"Oh, great." I muttered sarcastically, trying to ignore the erratic beats of my heart. I had just broken into the school. With the school's 'player'.

When did my life become a really bad American movie?

"So what was that rumor you said you heard about me?" he asked once we started walking up the stairs.

"What are you talking about?"

"You said that the rumor was true."

"Oh yeah. I heard that you went to jail once."

"That's not true."

"But you said-"

"I went to jail four times."

"Whoa, what?"

He nodded. "Once for assaulting an officer while drunk, two times for underage drinking and once for vandalizing the school."

"Oh God you got arrested for vandalizing the school before?"

"Yeah. Last year actually. Senior prank. Why do you think they got two security guards instead of just one?"

"This is crazy. You're crazy."

"What other rumors did you hear about me?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I just want to hear the shit people talk about me."

We started walking on the second flight of stairs, and soon enough, we stopped in front of a classroom.

"Hey, I used to have algebra here in the tenth grade."

"Yeah, well, I suck at math so."

"Anyway. I heard that you um, slept with a teacher-Ms. Lancaster actually. That's why she got fired."

"That's true."

My eyes widened I guarded the door while he walked over to the desk. He shook the graffiti can quickly before writing 'YOU SUCK DICK' over the blackboard, in block letters.

"Don't you think the teacher will figure it out?"

"Nah, a lot of other people hate him."

Once he was done with the graffiti, he kneeled down behind the desk and opened the drawer, before pulled out one of the liquid pink chalk packs from his pockets and started working on it. He asked me to walk over and give him some light from my phone.

"So how is that supposed to work?"

"The next person to open the drawer will have a gross pink liquid explode in his face. I got algebra first period tomorrow, so it should be fun."

"How do you even know to assemble something like that?"

"It's not that difficult. I looked it up on google anyway."

"Of course. Hey-is it true you slept with twenty girls in our school?"

"No. I only slept with fourteen girls and three boys."

"So seventeen people."

"Well, if you count blowjobs and stuff like that then twenty-two."

"And by blowjobs you mean you received them or gave them?"

"I don't give blowjobs because I have a horrible gag reflex. Receiving them is a whole other story."


"Why are you blushing?"

"I'm not blushing."

"Yeah you are. You've never given a blowjob before."

"I think we already established that."

"We didn't actually."


"It's cute though."

"What? That I'm a loser who hasn't done anything sexual?"

"It's not really something to be ashamed of. Some girls want to wait until marriage."

"Yeah well I don't. I just need to find a fool who will do it with me and get it over with."

"I could fuck you if you want."

I choked on air. "What?"

He shrugged. "I wouldn't mind. I've fucked virgins before."

"You sound like a prostitute. And I don't really like your jokes."

"Why would you think it's a joke?" he asked and stopped working on the strings he'd attached to the drawer and the pack containing the liquid. He looked up at me.

"Because it's...I know-whatever. I don't like talking about it." I mumbled and self-consciously pulled my shirt downwards.

"You're not fat." He said out of the blue a few seconds later when he'd started working again.


"You're not fat. If that's what you're worried about."

"Yeah. Okay." I said sarcastically, feeling my cheeks heat up.

He didn't respond to that but I bit my lip and took his words as a compliment.

"Then what did you say to Liam that day I wore leggings in P.E.?"

"What? You still remember that?"

"I remember every single hurtful thing someone has ever said to me."

"I told him that your legs look really good and I would mind having them wrapped around my head."

"Wrapped around your head?" I asked confused, profoundly blushing already.

"Yeah. You know, as I go down on you?"



He probably says that to all the girls

"Okay, done." He said a minute later before carefully closing the drawer and wiping his palms on his jeans.

"Great. Now can we go-"

"There's one more locker on the first floor I need to take care of."

"Oh God. Whose is it?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Okay then."

I followed him down to the first floor, dimly lighting our way with the lantern App on my phone. He stopped in front of the locker he already knew the combination to and quickly started working on the trap.

"You really don't care if you get in trouble, do you?"

He shook his head.

"I got the money to get out of it, so why should I care?"

"Well I do-if I get caught vandalizing the school then that's it for me."

"Calm down, we won't get caught."

I looked around to make sure he was right, before turning back to him.

"Almost done." He said and once the string was attached to the door and the cap, he closed the locker carefully.

"So do I know the person you plan on pranking?"

"You do. He's kind of an asshole so."

"Oh. Okay. I guess-"

I froze when I heard footsteps approaching and saw one of the guards at the end of the hallway.

"Shit." Niall muttered under his breath before he told me to run. So I did. I ran after him as fast as I could, with the guard right behind us, yelling at us to stop. Like that would work.

Niall did a couple of confusing turns (and it seemed like he knew the school really well), before he pulled me into a room that smelled like sweat-the boys' locker room.

"Come with me." He said and gripped into my wrist, pulling me after him as he quickly walked over to hide behind a set of lockers. We heard the guard coming in and setting light over everything in the room.

"We need to run again." Niall informed me and before I even had time to catch my breath, he took off again. He was sure enjoying this more than needed.

The guard yelled again once he heard us run off behind him, out of the locker room and into the hallway. I followed Niall down the hallway before he turned left and pulled me in a tight space between two separate lockers at the end of the hall.

I had trouble evening my breaths and my heart was threatening to pound directly through my ribcage because of the sudden rush of adrenaline.

I was then aware of Niall pressing me against the wall so we could fit better in the space, and okay, our chests were pressed against each other.

"Shh." He whispered, barely audible and his breath smelled like fucking cigarettes mixed with some kind of sweet energy drink. "Calm down."

"I'm trying." I whispered back and I heard the guard approaching. If he'd look to the right as he passed us, he'd definitely see us.

I closed my eyes when he was directly next to us, but to my surprise he continued walking, not even bothering to look to his right or left. What a stupid man.

I looked up at Niall, whose hands were both on either side of my head, and he was towering over me in sort of a protective stance that was really attractive to me for some reason.

"He's gone." He said but didn't move an inch.

"I know."

Our noses are touching

Our noses are touching


I was freaking out because I hadn't had a boy so close to me since I broke it off with Sam. Well, truth or dare at parties didn't count.

"You've kissed a boy before, right?" he asked, lowering his head and our lips brushed as he did so.

"Yes. You asked me that before." I said, too afraid to move.


And with that, he pulled back.

"At the party a week ago."

"Oh. I got too drunk and didn't remember anything really so."

"That's great."

"I enjoy your sarcasm." He said sarcastically.


He stepped backwards, suggesting that we should head back because it was already past 1am. We sneaked out through the back once again, trying not to get caught.

He helped me over the fence and soon enough, we were back to the car, happy that we hadn't been caught.

"See? It wasn't that bad now was it?" he said and leaned against the car, fishing a cigarette pack out of his jacket.

"I guess not. I'm curious to see what happens tomorrow though. I still think he'll figure it out though."


I shrugged. "What if you get suspended?"

"It's not like it's the first time it would happen."

"You've been suspended before?" I asked.

"Yeah. Twice."

"Oh my God, what did you do?"

He placed a cigarette between his lips, before offering me one. I took it and did the same thing as he did a few seconds prior. He then lit up his, before lighting up mine.

"I got in a fight in sophomore year, and then I cursed in class pretty badly." He said nonchalantly, letting out the first smoke.

"Oh. And what did your parents say?"

"They didn't really care anyway so." He answered.

I felt kind of bad for him because his parents were probably rarely home due to their jobs. Then again, I wished my parents weren't home that often either; I could use some time away from my mother.

"So you're into smoking now?"

"Not really. I tried buying cigarettes the other day but they asked for my ID, which is rubbish. But I like them, they're relaxing."

He laughed and shook his head. "You're the youngest in our year, right?"

"Right." I said, blushing. "My parents thought it would be a good idea to send me to school at six years old.

"You were six when you got in the first grade?"

"Yeah. Well, then I turned seven in February. And don't you dare laugh at me or I'll fight you."

He snorted. "You can't fight me, you're too small."

"Excuse you? I'm 166 centimeters tall."

"Wow, that's a lot." He said sarcastically, before taking another drag. "I'm 183."

"That is a lot. It's like...six feet?"

He laughed. "I know. I'm tall."

"It's good if boys are tall, don't worry."

"Is it?" he asked, as if he didn't already now. "And why would that be?"

"Because...I don't know. If you have a girlfriend...or a boyfriend and you kiss them it's cute if they're smaller because they have to stand on their tiptoes."

He raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to continue.

"Or when you hug. It gives a feeling of protection if you're taller."

"Do you think you need a boyfriend to do all that?"

"You've had a tall boyfriend before?"

"Yes. But it was like, in eight grade."

"Eight grade? With who?"

"Um, Sam Craske. He doesn't go to our school."

"I think I know him. He comes by the skate park sometimes. He has tattoos right?"

"Probably. He used to tell me wanted tattoos but couldn't because he wasn't eighteen yet."

Niall snorted. "I got my tattoos when I was fifteen."

"What? Are you serious?"

"Mhm. And the piercing when I was sixteen."

"Why though?"

He shrugged. "Because I felt like it."

"What does your tattoo say?" I asked, pointing to the small, black Arabic letters that poked out from his sleeve.

"Not important."

"So it must be something really deep then."

He didn't comment any further.

"So have you ever had a girlfriend?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"You could say that."


"Mhm. She broke up with me because she fell in love with me."

"She told you?"

He nodded.

"And what did you say?"

"What was I supposed to say? I wasn't in love with her, so that was the end of it. And do you think you need a boyfriend to do all that? The whole kissing thing."

"Well, yeah?"

"Have you ever heard of friends with benefits?"

"Yeah, I saw the movie."

"They did everything couples do except of the whole 'feelings' bullshit."

"Then what's the fun in it?"

"That's exactly it! You have fun and there are no complication."

"In the movie they ended up falling in love."

"It's a movie, real life is different. I had four different friends with benefits in the past five years and they all ended up just fine."

"Really? And who ended it exactly?"

"I did."

"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Because I got bored of them."

"So you're telling me you never had feelings for any of them?"

"I've never had feelings for anyone. It's stupid. Why would you waste your time and energy on someone, just to break up with them in the future?"

"What if you don't break up?"

He snorted. "Yeah, sure."

"You know there are married people in this world, right?" I asked sarcastically.

"Some people sure. But there are also people who get divorced because they get bored."

"People get divorced because some cheat."

"And why do people cheat? Because they get bored."

I rolled my eyes.

"So you'd never have a friends with benefits kind of thing."

"I don't know if you noticed, but I don't really have boys lining up for me." I said jokingly, even though it was sadly true.

He didn't say anything after that. We finished the cigarettes one minute later, and squished them with our feet before we got back into the car.

"I'm so tired right now." I said and yawned, probably making the ugliest face ever.

He stopped in front of my house and I thanked him for bringing me home (?), before I got out of the car and walking over to the gate.

He waited until I got inside before driving off, and I was glad that his car didn't do much noise, or else my parents would have woken up and lost their shit.

As I changed back into my pyjamas that night, I couldn't keep a smile off my face and replay everything in my head, because I had finally done something reckless. With a guy, who also happened to be every girls' secret wet dream in our school.


"Did you hear that Niall got sent to the principal's office?" Jake asked me during the first break the next morning. I was still tired and grumpy because I'd barely gotten any sleep.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. But they called him through the speakers a few minutes ago. Seriously, where were you?"

"Dozing off in geography."

He rolled his eyes. "Let's go and see what the whole deal is."

"Jake I'm really not-"

"Come on, Tyler won't mind if we run a bit late."

"You mean Mr. Flack?"

"Yeah, why not?" he said and winked at me, before he started walking towards the principal's office, which was on the first floor.

Once we got there, we could see that there were quite a lot of people trying to pretend like they weren't there to see what was going on.

"Do you see anything?" Jake asked Louis, who was already looking through the window, trying to see something. It was kind of hard due to the blinds.

"No. There's that annoying algebra teacher we had in year ten. And he's covered in pink slime oh God! And Niall is on the other seat...they're arguing."

"Exfuckingcuse me!" someone yelled from behind us and I placed a hand over my mouth when I saw Sean walking towards the door to the office, also covered in pink slime.

Why would Niall put pink slime in Sean's locker? Weren't they good friends?

Sean knocked on the door and didn't even wait to be invited in, before he opened the door himself and walked in. He didn't bother to close the door and tried to ignore everyone who was snickering behind him.

"Someone made a bad joke!" he exclaimed, pointing to himself.

"Mr. Black, we were just having a talk with Mr. Horan here, who is suspected for pulling the same prank on Mr.-"

"Why would I put explosive liquid in my friend's locker?" Niall asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Someone did a really disgusting thing and instead of interrogating Niall you could maybe-" Sean started and I shook my head, because of course he would manage to get out of it.

"Mr. Black-"

"No! If someone doesn't pay for this joke I will call my parents!" Sean exclaimed and I had to bite my lip from laughing because come on.

"Well then. I believe we can dismiss Mr. Horan and you can tell me more about the students you suspect, Mr. Geller?"

Mr. Geller sighed and nodded. Niall stood up from the chair and left the room without as much as a goodbye.

"Nice color mate. Looks good on you." Niall said and patted his shoulder.

"Why the fuck would someone put explosive chalk in my locker?" Sean asked, staring at his slimy hands.

"Maybe because you call girls fat." Niall answered and Sean looked confused. "Just saying."

And with that he was gone, but the smile on my face wasn't for the rest of the day.


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I have a few questions for you and it would be great to hear your opinions ! :D

What did you like the most/the least in this chapter?

What would you like to happen in the future? Any ideas?

And also, I didn't make them kiss because I want them to take it slow; I hate it when everything happens too fast in fanfics.

(Also, for those who read my Larry fic, it has been updated today !)

Updates will be on Saturdays!

Hope you have a great day :)



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