Chapter 3

Wow thank you for over 1,6k comments on the last chapter :D They make my day !

This chaper goes to @restinstyles, who commented a lot on the previous chapter; thank you :)

The song in the video on the side was sent to me on Tumblr a long time ago but I just listened to it and it's fits this story (and also Teenage Dirtbag) perfectly ! It's called Noserings and Shoestrungs by Nina Nesbitt.

I was on holiday in Spain-Barcelona last week and it was absolutely amazing !!! Where did you go on holiday this summer? :)

Please keep commenting and voting to let me know what you think ! Also, read the end notes and enjoy !


Rey's POV

"I'm going to the party too." I announced to my mom as soon as she entered the door at half past five.

"Good for you." She answered and let her keys fall in the small bowl by the door. "Your father can take you."

"That won't be necessary, Jake will pick me up."

"Jake? Is there something going on here?"

"Mom. He is literally gay."


I rolled my eyes and turned around, running up the stairs to start the preparations for the party. I showered and went to the closet to pick out the clothes.

As much as I wished to wear a skirt or a crop top I couldn't because I didn't want people to see me dressed in that and think that I was too fat to wear those.

I picked out a black low-cut tank top that showed some cleavage, black skinny jeans and black studded Vans. And yes, black was my favorite color. After that I walked over to the bathroom so I could put make up on.

It was five to eight when Jake sent me a text. I was in the process of fighting with my cat, who wouldn't let go of the sleeve of my black jacket.

Jake: bitch we just left my house be ready in like NOW!!!!!

Rey: take a chill pill

I stuffed my phone in the pocket of my jacket and after I checked myself in the mirror one last time, I rushed downstairs.

"I'm leaving now! I don't know when I'll be back!"

"Come back with Katherine!"

"OKAY! BYE!" I yelled and slammed the front door behind myself. It appeared that Katherine and my dad had already left. Thank God.

Zayn's BMW pulled up in front of my house two minutes later, and I quickly climbed in the back.

"You can sit on my lap." Harry offered and I shook my head.

How could I politely tell him that I didn't want to break his thighs?

"It's fine, I'll just hold Sophia."

Sophia smiled and lifted her ass up so I could slide under her. Perrie was in the passenger seat talking to Zayn and Jake kept interrupting them with his own irrelevant opinion.

"So what did you guys get Niall?" I asked. "I'm going to give him money."

"Everyone's giving him money even though he has already. It's difficult to buy a present for someone who has everything already." Zayn said and that was the first time we ever had a proper conversation.

"His parents got him a Bentley, didn't they?" Perrie asked and Zayn nodded.

"I thought he already had a car?" I said confused.

"A motorcycle."


We got to Niall's house ten minutes later and it wasn't a complicated way from my house to his.

"Wow it's huge." I gasped when I saw Niall's giant mansion.

"That's what she said." Jake replied and everyone laughed.

As soon as we got out of the car we could already hear the music coming from inside.

"Where are his parents?"

"They took his little brother to their penthouse in Liverpool."

"He has a brother? And a penthouse in Liverpool?" I asked.

"I didn't lie when I said that there was money coming out of his ass." Jake told me as we walked towards the door.

There were cars scattered all over the expanded driveway with to entrances and there was a fucking fountain in the middle. Jesus Christ.

Zayn didn't even bother to knock; he just pushed the door open and entered, with us following behind. The loud music hit me straight in the face and the floor was literally vibrating under my feet.

"Are we the last ones arriving?" I asked Jake as we walked down the hallway and entered the crowded living room. The double doors were wide open and people were everywhere; in the hallway, the living room, in the kitchen.

"We're actually early."

"Early? The house is full."

"Everyone in junior and senior year was invited. And some freshmen are probably going to crash it anyway."

"This is crazy."

"And there's a whole year filled with these parties coming." He said and winked, before he put an arm around me.

Out of all the people I knew personally, Katherine, Luke, Sean and Kylie were the only ones who had arrived. Of course I knew some other people, but just by name.

"Where's Niall?" Jake asked the first person he saw (of course he was friends with everyone).

"Kitchen." The girl answered and Jake thanked her, before he told me to follow him.

The kitchen was right across the hall and was pretty full when we got there. I wasn't even surprised to see that it was two times bigger than my bedroom and was fully equipped.

I immediately spotted Niall. It hadn't been hard, since he had the loudest laugh in the entire room and was also the tallest in the room. He was probably around 185cm. Which was unfortunate, since I wasn't taller than 165.

"Happy birthday!" Jake screamed over the music once we got to Niall. He turned his head to look at us and smirked when his eyes fell on me.

He was wearing a white tee with something written on it, blue skinny jeans that weren't even clinging to his thighs because they looked as if they came from a chicken. He was wearing Vans too and a snapback that was turned around. He had some band bracelets on his right wrist that didn't really fit the outfit but oh well.

And I wasn't going to ever admit it, but he looked really good. I had a weakness for boys who dressed like that.


"Thanks. I see you decided to come after all."

I didn't answer because if I did, I was afraid that I'd say something really rude.

"So you're not talking to me then?"

"I'm not wasting my time talking to you."

"You just did."

Wow u so smart


"Where can I put my jacket?"

He smirked and I wanted nothing but to slap those cocky smirks off his face.

"I'll show you, follow me."

I followed him out of the kitchen and into a room right by the door that was filled with coats.

"Pick any spot you want princess." He said and the last word was spoken in an amused tone.

"Please stop calling me that."

"Why?" he asked after I placed my jacket on the small couch in the corner and followed him out of the room.

"Because I hate it. Oh and here is your present."

I took the fifty-pound bill out of my jacket and handed it to him.

"You're giving me money for my birthday? Have you looked around? Do I seem like I need it?"

Shut the fuck up

"What else am I supposed to give you?"

"Birthday sex...birthday sex." He started singing and I rolled my eyes, leaving him there.

I found Jake in the kitchen chatting up some poor guy so I decided to leave him alone. Sophia was in the living room doing shots with Harry. I walked next to her and she asked me if I wanted in on it too. I shrugged and nodded, because why the fuck not.

Harry poured Vodka in three shot glasses and after he counted down from three, we downed them.

"Bleah, this is so horrible." I said and shook my head at the bitter taste.

"You get used to it eventually." Harry told me.

"I hope so." I laughed and he laughed too.

We heard a few shouts and someone yelling 'Tommo', before we turned to the door to see Louis and Eleanor walking in together.

"Do you want to um-dance? Maybe." Harry asked and put his arm around my shoulder.

I was taken aback by his gesture and I spotted Louis immediately catching my eye before he looked me up and down.

"Okay?" I said unsure and Harry squeezed my shoulder before he guided me towards the mass of people dancing.

I'd never danced with anyone before but I could easily learn by watching someone else do it. Sophia winked at me as we walked and I had no idea what was going on.

There must've been some reason for Harry doing this. And I was going to find out.

He pulled me against his chest and all I could do was oblige, and as soon as his hands reached my hips we started moving in sync. It wasn't hard at all to be honest, and soon enough we were literally grinding.

I knew people were probably watching us and thinking why someone like Harry would dance with me. I decided to let go for a couple of songs and got the hang of dancing pretty quickly.

After a few more songs I finally turned around and let him know that I wanted to go get a drink, and he offered to go with me. I didn't miss the look he shot Louis as we walked past him, who was on the couch, listening to Eleanor telling a story.

"I don't mean to be nosy, but what is going on with you and Louis?" I asked as he mixed some Red Bull with Vodka.

He smiled down at me, showing off his dimples.

"I'll have to be more than just tipsy to tell you that." He said and I raised my eyebrows because it sounded like it was something really serious.

"Better get on that then." I replied and he nodded, handing me the cup filled with my drink.

We drank the cup in approximately three minutes, and I was starting to feel slightly dizzy to be quite honest. Harry started getting a bit touchy after that, putting his arm around my shoulder and mumbling stuff into my ear about the way Louis looked so good in a tank top.

And I was by now almost completely sure that Harry had a crush on him.

"I really need to um-find a bathroom. Like, right now." I said into his ear and he nodded, giving me some instructions about how to get there.

I found both of them but they seemed to have been occupied, so I decided to wander upstairs, not really sure whether that area was off-limits or not. It seemed like it wasn't, judging by the group of people getting high by the window at the end of the hall and the two girls basically devouring each other's faces.

I tried every single door but they were almost all bedrooms and one office. When I finally turned left on the hallway, I stumbled upon two doors right across from each other.

I went to open the one on the right, but completely froze in mid-action when I spotted some girl on her knees in front of Niall, sucking him off with a passion. She seemed to have been joying it more than he was.

Niall and I made quick eye contact before I turned crimson and slammed the door back shut. I turned around and knocked at the door across from what was probably Niall's bedroom. When I didn't get an answer, I opened it and looked around.

It was pitch black, so I felt the wall up until I turned on the light to reveal what seemed to be an actual children's room.

I was about to close the door when I spotted a small boy peeking at me from under his blanket.


" I'm uh, I'm Rey."

This must be Niall's little brother

Didn't Zayn say that his parents took him to Liverpool?

"Is Niall here?"

"No. He's...busy. What's your name?"

"Eddie." The small boy said and sat up properly in his bed. He had sort of long hair and brown eyes and he was really cute.

"I'm Rey."

"I'm FOUR!" he yelled and showed me three fingers. "How old are you?!"


"Niall is NINETEEN! It's his birthday today!"

"I know. Don't you mind the loud music?"

He shook his head.

"Niall plays it all the time when mommy and daddy fight."

"Where are they now?"

"In Liverpool but Ni said that I should stay here with him."

"Oh...okay." I awkwardly said. I really needed to pee. "Do you know where I can find a bathroom?"

Eddie nodded and pointed to a door across from his bed.

"You can use mine."


He nodded.

"Thank you."

I quickly made my way into the bathroom and two minutes later I was already done.

"Thanks again. Are you sure you're alright?" I checked, kind of feeling sorry for him.

"Ni would never do something bad to me." He assured me smiling. "I'm just going to sleep now."

"Sorry if I woke you up."

He smiled and got under the blanket once again, clenching his eyes shut. I sighed and turned off the light before I left the room, only to bump into Niall. He was shirtless and his hair was disheveled. He seemed mad.

"What were you doing in there?" he questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Uh-your brother let me use the bathroom. And it's really inappropriate to keep a four year old child while a party goes on downstairs."

"Is that so?" he asked sarcastically, taking a step closer. He probably thought he was intimidating me (which he kind of was but that wasn't the point).

"It is. Not to mention that you were-doing stuff in the room right across the hall."

"You jealous?" he asked, lips spreading into a smirk.

"As if!" I replied and tried to walk past him, but he blocked my way. "I need to go back downstairs."


"Because I don't want to spend time with you."

"Aw babe I'm hurt." He mocked and placed a hand over his heart. I tried not to obviously stare at his defined abs. I spotted a small empty heart tattooed on his right hip. He had one more tattoo of a quote in Arabic right under his left wrist bone.

"You're staring."

"You're in my way."

"Oh by all means princess." He said and stepped aside, showing me the way with his arm.

"Please stop calling me that."


"Because it's annoying and I don't appreciate you mocking me. Now if you'll excuse me." I mumbled and walked past him, quickening my pace.

Jake greeted me as soon as I entered the living room, completely drunk and sloppy, hands all over the place.


"Are you drunk?"

"Shhh." He said and placed a finger over his nose, probably thinking it was his lips.

"They got Mary J."


"SH!" he yelled and looked around.

Jesus Christ, he needs to lie down.

"Follow me."

He led me to the middle of the living room, where two couches were put in a semi circle, a small coffee table in the middle. Jake sat down between Harry and Sophia, who were in the process of taking drags from two different hookah hoses.

"Jake, this isn't weed." I told him and sat down in the small space between him and Harry. Perrie was next to Sophia and Sean with Kylie next to Harry. Louis, Eleanor, Liam, Katherine, Zayn, Luke and Max were on the couch across from us, sharing another hookah.

"No?" he dumbly asked, taking the hose away from Sophia.

"There's Vodka in the water and weed mixed in the tobacco." Sean explained.


Wow, they really had no limits.

"Too much for you huh?"

Everyone turned their heads to look at Niall, who was approaching. He had put his tee back on and his hair was styled into his previous fringe.

He sat down between Eleanor and Liam, right across from me. He then pulled a small metal box out of his back pocket.

"Now that is weed." Jake slurred when Niall opened it and placed it on the table in the middle.

Niall took out the five small papers and Liam scooted forward to help him roll the joints.

"You ever tried one?" Harry asked me five minutes in, when almost everyone was giggling.

I shook my head. I hated the fact that I was the only one who seemed inexperienced.

"Want to?"

I shrugged and Harry smiled.

"You know what shotgunning is?"

"Yeah it's exchange of smoke, right?"


My heart was beating out of my chest, not because I was about to have an almost-kiss with Harry; but because everyone was watching me and if I did something wrong they'll laugh at me.

I hated it when people laughed at me.

He gripped into the back of my head and brought our faces close, until our lips almost touched. Then he blew the smoke and I inhaled it, before exhaling it after I pulled away from him. I was proud of myself for not choking or doing anything else embarrassing.

Jake whistled and I rolled my eyes because I wasn't interested in Harry. I mean, I wouldn't mind making out with him but nothing more than that. And Harry would never even be attracted to me so that was that.

"Not bad Carter." Niall said.

"It's Parker."

"Same thing." He laughed and leaned back into the couch.

Fuck you

Not literally

Because you might have aids from so much sex

"I'm gonna go um, refill my drink." I said and stood up, grabbing a random cup from the floor. It was getting weird and everyone was watching me, probably thinking how the hell Harry would do such a thing with me.

I placed the cup on the counter and turned around, just as Luke entered the kitchen. He was wearing a leather jacket and I wondered how the hell he wasn't sweating in that.

"You're Rey, right?"

"Um...yeah?" I said, unsure as to why he was talking to me when he was Luke Black and I was Rey Parker.

"We have English together."

I nodded, wanting nothing else but to get out of this small talk. I hated small talk.

"How's the project going?"

Why are you interested

"Um...I haven't even started."

"Because of Niall?" he asked smirking.

"Yeah, actually."

"He won't do it unless you suck him off or something." He said and then laughed.

What the fuck

Is everyone here retarded

"I don't need you to try and get me laid mate." Niall said as he entered the kitchen with a red cup in hand.

"I'm just making conversation." Luke said and turned to look at him.

"She probably doesn't want her first blowjob to choke her to death."

"Because your dick is so big or what." I mumbled.

"You ever given a blowjob before?" Luke bluntly asked and I blushed. I had a boyfriend back in eighth grade, Sam, but that wasn't anything serious other than a few makeout sessions and maybe some under the shirt action.

"Look at her, she didn't." Niall said.

"Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." Luke wisely said.

Did he just quote 5SOS

Niall snorted, looking me straight in the eye.

"So have you ever given a blowjob or not?"

I shook my head. Yes, I was a senior with no sexual experience, get the fuck over it.

"I can show you." Niall continued seriously and Luke laughed as he walked out of the kitchen.

"I'm going now."

"Aw princess did I upset you?" Niall pouted and I honestly wanted to bash his face in.

"You're such an asshole." I muttered and watched him as his eyes shamelessly drifted down to my cleavage.

Oh god

He's staring at my boobs

"Eyes are up here."

"This top is kind of tight." He observed and my stomach fell.

"Leave me alone."

I wanted to cry.

"I don't mind it, I mean. Shows off your tits."

I absolutely hated the word tits. It sounded so...weird. And kind of rude.

"You're a pervert."

Was it weird that I kind of felt good about myself because he liked my breasts?

"Rey?" Perrie asked, stopping in the doorframe when she saw Niall and I. It might've seemed suspicious because he almost had me pushed up against the counter.


Niall turned his head to look at her too.

"Um, I came to tell you that Jake is literally about to have sex with the couch and Sophia may or may not be snogging Liam's face off."

"Oh dear God." I breathed and quickly stepped towards her.

"Sophia and Liam?" Niall asked confused and then proceeded to follow me.

It was true; Jake was faced down on the couch making some weird sex noises and Sophia was straddling Liam on the other couch as they made out.

Everyone appeared to have once again scrambled around the living room.

"How late is it?" I asked her and she checked her phone quickly.

"Half past midnight."

"I think I should drive them home. Or at least Jake. Sophia is um, occupied. Call a taxi, actually."

"I'll help you get Jake." She smiled.

"C'mon bae, sit up straight." I muttered to him as we tried to turn him around and get him up from the couch.

"But I'm gay." He whined.

Niall sat down next to Liam and Sophia on the couch (who were now biting each other's necks), not even bothered by their PDA. He took out a cigarette from his pack and waved someone over.

Soon enough, the same girl who was sucking him off appeared and he patted the place next to him, like she was some kind of dog.

"Okay well um, thanks I guess." I said to him awkwardly. He seemed seconds away from jumping her on the couch. Jesus.

"You can get home safe?" Perrie checked as Jake leaned into me, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Uh, yeah. I think I'll take him to his house though. Oh, fuck."


"I don't have money on me."

Niall groaned and looked through his pockets with the arm that wasn't draped around the girls' shoulder, getting out a fifty pound bill-probably the one I gave him.

"Here you go."

"I can't take-"

"You need it more than I do."

I didn't even thank him as I grabbed the money. I called a taxi as soon as I was outside and it wasn't long until a car pulled up in front of me.

After I gave the driver Jake's address, I let Jake lay down in the car. He opened the window and put his feet out.

"Oh God you're not wearing shoes." I said and he shushed me with his finger, giggling. He had a penis drawn on his leg with a sharpie.

Once we were finally in front of his house, I paid the driver and struggled to get him out of the taxi. It wasn't that hard to get him into the house after I found his keys into the pocket of his jeans. I dropped him on his couch in the living room before I left the house, hoping no one would rob them until the morning because there was no way I could lock the door behind me.

It was a bit terrifying walking home alone in the darkness because I was afraid of getting raped but then I remembered that I was so fat no one would even think about that.

I'm a horrible person for even thinking that

Everyone can get raped, no matter how they're dressed or how they look

People are just vile

Luckily, I got home safe and managed to go into my bedroom without anyone talking to me. My parents were already asleep and my brother was probably out too.

After I brushed my teeth and took off my makeup, I went back to my room to change into my pyjamas.


I forgot my jacket at Niall's house

Great job

I would have to talk to him at school on Monday, which wasn't something I was too excited about.


As expected, my Instagram was full of party pictures the next day, and it went on until Monday.

I found time to approach Niall right after English, when he was getting up from his chair once the bell had rung.

"And don't forget that this project is due next week and a really important grade this semester. You don't do it, you fail." Mr. Grey reminded us before people started leaving.


He turned to me, not really saying anything as he walked out of the classroom, so I went on.

"I kind of forgot my jacket at your house on Friday so I was wondering if I could like, come by to get it? Or you could bring it tomorrow at school?"

"I don't have time to look for your jacket so you can come by today after school."

"Okay. Thanks. Is it okay if we also work on the project?"

"Do I look like I have time for a stupid project?"

"This might be stupid to you, but I don't plan on failing a class because you're lazy and would rather get high than study."

"You don't know me." He said in a low voice, tightening his grip around the handle of his backpack.

"Oh I know what type of guy you are. You think everything is about sex and getting mortal, but once high school ends, you'll have none of that because you won't get into college and people will eventually grow up."

"How do you even know I'll be alive then?"

"Why wouldn't you be? Don't you like living or something?"

"Live fast, die young." He said and oh my god, he was actually serious.

"That's ridiculous." I said and rolled my eyes.

He shrugged. "I don't need to explain myself to you princess. Just drop by after school and pick up your jacket. See you."

Niall adjusted his snapback and I looked down at his football varsity jacket. He kind of looked good in it and I felt like a potato in my own clothes.


I watched him walk away from me and I actually wished to have his long, skinny legs.

"Do you have practice after school today?" I asked Jake at lunch. I wanted to know if I should drop by Niall's house at three or at five.

"Not today, why?"

"Oh. Well, I'm going by to Niall's house after school to get my jacket and to maybe study, so I just wanted to know his schedule."

"Whoa, wait. You're going over there?" Sophia interrupted.

"Yeah." I answered nonchalantly and Perrie shook her head, smiling.


"Just keep your legs closed." Sophia advised.

"And don't come back pregnant." Jake added.

"Are you serious? You're the ones to talk! You were humping a couch on Friday and you were trying to get Liam's tonsils out with your tongue!" I said pointing at them.

"Oh yeah, about that? Whatever happened to going on a date before letting him reach third base?" Jake asked.

"Shut up, we didn't even get to that."

"Then what did you do?" I asked, happy that the attention had shifted off of me.

"I blew him, but that's it."

"Is he big? I hear him they call him eleven inch." Jake spoke, completely absorbed in the conversation.

"Ten inch. But pretty close."

"Why are we talking about Liam's dick?" Harry asked as he sat down next to me at the table.

It wasn't as weird as I expected it to be the first time we'd interact after the party, so I was kind of relieved. We started talking and after Jake asked us what was going on with us we just laughed it off, because there was nothing interesting there.

But I had other things to worry about.

Like the fact that I'd go over to Niall's house after school and I had no idea what to expect.

Maybe I'm just overthinking things

Nothing will ever happen



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I think this is the worse chapter ever but I just had to write it because this is where the plot actually starts.

I have two questions:

1. What did you like/didn't like in this chapter?

2. Do you have any predictions/preferences as to what should happen in the upcoming chapters?

Updates will be on weekends from now on, probably at this time on Saturdays because school starts so I'd like to focus on Uni :)

Love you and please comment/vote/follow if you want me to continue *heart eyes emoji*

Hope you have a great day :)



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