Chapter 25

I can't believe that this is the last chapter of the trilogy I started three years ago. I'm way too emotional right now, so the author's note will be at the end, as well as a few other announcements, so make sure to read it :)

Don't forget to comment throughout the chapter so I know what you think about it ! x

I hope you like it :)


Previously on Chapter 24:

Now that I look at everyone, it's becoming clear how much things have changed over the course of eight months.

Eight months ago, Harry and Louis were secretly...something, and now they're both in happy relationships yet they're still very good friends.

Eight months ago, Zayn had no idea what to do with his life, and now he just got accepted at one of the best art schools in the country.

Eight months ago, Katherine was in love with Perrie...and now...well.

Eight months ago, Jake was the type of guy who wouldn't take things further than a one-night stand, and now he's in love with Harry.

Eight months ago, Liam and Sophia absolutely hated each other's guts, and now they're dating and going to be attending the same University.

Eight months ago, Niall and I barely even knew each other, and now it's like we're best friends.

But most importantly, eight months ago, my self-esteem was as low as it could get, and I thought things weren't going to get better.

And right now I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life.


"Can I come in?" Niall's voice is heard from outside our tent the second day of the festival.

I groan and roll over, rubbing my eyes. "I don't like being woken up from my naps. What is it?"

"Are you decent?" he asks and I snort, stepping over Jake to unzip the tent for him as a way to invite him in.

"Yeah, like you've never seen me naked."


Niall smirks as he steps into the tent and manages to squish himself between Jake and I. We're the only ones in the camping zone, since everyone insisted on going to see some indie band I didn't have the energy to watch. It's two in the afternoon now, but I know that I won't be able to function unless I get at least four more hours of sleep. Niall apparently gave up on the idea to see the band.

"So what's up?" I ask and wait for him to lay down and open his right arm so I can cuddle up into him. When he does, I shuffle back down and place my face on his chest.

"Um, people I trying to get some sleep here. So if you'd keep it would be dandy." Jake sleepily says and struggles to turn on the other side.

I roll my eyes before I motion for Niall to continue.

"Okay so I have some good news for you." He starts, and looks at me with a cute smile.

"What surprise? Oh God."

"I know the person who organized the festival, and I heart that there might be a surprise guest tomorrow night to close the festival."

"Who is it?" I excitedly ask.

"Okay but promise you won't scream?"

"She better not." Jake mumbles.

"Come on, I promise. Just tell me, please?"

"It's Five Seconds Of Summer."

Before I even get a chance to react (because my heart drops in my pants), Jake sits up straight and starts yelling.


I detach myself from Niall and join him into a giant tackle hug, since it's been our dream to see 5SOS live ever since we discovered them on YouTube. They've toured England before, but the tickets were always either sold out or I wasn't allowed to go.

I almost cry of happiness and don't even notice that I might be suffocating Niall because I'm half laying over him, half over Jake.

"Are you sure? Why did they tell you?"

"I randomly bumped into her and we got to talking, so she told me because she knows my dad."

"Do you like...know them?"

Niall looks at me with a smirk. "The boys? Yeah I do."

"NO! Why haven't you told us?" Jake asks, shocked and looking dramatically betrayed.

"Because I didn't really...I don't know. Didn't seem like something I should've mentioned at the time."

"I almost always talk about them!" I whine. "Do you think you can get me backstage? Or is it too much to ask?"

Niall shakes his head. "I'll see what I can do. In the mean time, how about we get some sleep until tonight? Arctic Monkeys are going to be on in like...five hours or so."

I smile. "Alright then."

I cuddle back into him and close my eyes, inhaling his amazing cologne.


I really have no idea how it happens, but all I know is that I wake up the next day way past noon with a huge hangover in the boys' tent. Louis is sleeping next to me, snoring like a fucking tractor, and Harry is on his phone, scrolling through Instagram.

I have no recollection about what happened last night, but I'm pretty sure I got way too drunk, judging by the way my head is pounding.

"What happened last night? Why do I have the worst hangover?" I ask, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"You don't remember any of it?" Harry asks with an amused grin on his face, which means that I did something really stupid.

"Please tell me."

"So Zayn bought two bottles of Stroh and dared us to take a shot each, but you really liked it so you took another one, and then another one, until you were so wasted Niall had to carry you back to the tent. This was during the Arctic Monkeys concert, so you can imagine what type of madness he had to go through."

I bury my face in my palms. "Oh God. Did I throw up?"

Harry shrugs. "I have no idea, really. I was too tired when I came back so I just went to sleep. You were passed out anyway."

I stand up, making sure I don't hit my head. "Alright, I'm going to go look for Niall. And some fresh juice. And some food."

I climb out of the tent and go over to the girls, who are all still sound asleep, which means that they've had a good night as well.

Zayn and Jake are smoking a few feet away, drinking beer and talking.

"Heyy, have you guys seen Niall?" I ask and take Jake's cigarette from him so I can have a puff.

"Yeah, uh, he went towards the food stalls with Liam." Zayn answers and points in that direction.

"How's your head?" Jake asks after he takes the cigarette back.

I sigh. "Killin' me."

I know I must look like shit, so I brush my teeth and try to sort out my hair before I go and try to find Niall.

When did we change places? How did I end up getting drunk and Niall taking care of me?

I need to sort myself out

I eventually spot Niall by the hot dog cart, talking to Liam.

"Hii." I hesitantly say.

They both turn their heads towards me and smirk. "Finally up?" Niall asks and checks the watch on his wrist. "It's almost four."

I roll my eyes and cuddle into him when he extends his arm to pull me in for a side hug.

"I'm so sorry about last night. I have no idea what happened." I say and look up at him. "The last thing I remember is you taking me on your shoulders during Lana Del Rey, and then that's it."

Niall hands me a hot dog and guides me over to the tables nearby, with Liam on our heels.

"It's fine. I carried you back to the tents when you were way too drunk to even stand up straight."

I shake my head. "Did I throw up?"

"No, thank God. But you were really funny. You're a funny drunk."

"What did I do?" I ask, a bit afraid of the answer.

Niall shrugs. "I don't even remember really. You were just mumbling and blabbering on about stuff, but you were really funny."

I lean my head on his shoulder. "At least I didn't miss Five Seconds Of Summer."

He places an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him. "I can get you backstage I think. I talked to my dad and he said it's okay, that he'll handle it. Which probably means that you guys can get backstage."

I smile up at him. "You can't let me drink tonight, okay? I want to be completely sober and remember every single second of tonight. Alright?"

"Yeah babe, I'll make sure you don't drink anything."


Five Seconds Of Summer is announced after the last act of the night, and people go absolutely nuts over the news. I hug Jake excitedly and we jump around for a few seconds until Sophia tells us to calm down so we can push our way to the front of the stage.

"I want them to sweat on me!" Jake screams over the loud crowd noise and I nod, completely agreeing with him.

When the lights of the stage turn off, everyone screams and I nearly faint, because merely five seconds (no pun intended) later, the guys from Five Seconds Of Summer appear on stage and the first beats of She Looks So Perfect start.

I can't actually believe that I'm seeing one of my favorite bands live with my best friends.

Jake, Sophia, and I dance along to all the songs, just like we used to do in one of our rooms when we were having a sleepover.

They close the festival with Heartbreak Girl, and before the last beats are heard, Niall whispers to me that he'll take the three of us backstage to meet the band.

I hug Niall as soon as he gets us behind the scenes, and almost faint when I see Luke Hemmings walking towards us. I try not to freak out but it's pretty impossible since I've been a fan who's been dying to meet them for over two years now.

"Hey buddy." Niall smiles and pulls him into a bro hug; you know, one of those 'guy hugs' where they side-hug each other and then pat their backs. "This is my girl Rey."

My knees are going weak, and I'm not sure if it's because Luke Hemmings is currently towering over me, or if it's because Niall just called me his girl. Probably a combination of both.

I actually get to hug Luke Hemmings before the rest of the band bursts in through the door with big smiles on their faces as they shout greetings towards Niall.

I honestly can't believe he's friends with them and never told me!

After Sophia, Jake, and I meet the whole band we take pictures and have a couple of drinks (not too many because I know my limits now), and then the band tells us that they have to leave so they can get to Ireland for their gig tomorrow.

As sad as I am to watch them leave, I'm excited and happy that I got to meet them for like, five minutes.

"Thank you so much!" I say to Niall once we're back outside, and give him a big hug. I want to tell him I love him, something I've been wanting to do for so long now, but I know that now is not the time because I don't want him to think that it's just for helping me meet Five Seconds Of Summer.

We meet with our group a few minutes later and I let Jake tell them all about it while I sip on my cocktail and have eye sex with Niall. He looks like he wants to tell me something but can't find the right words or the right time to do so.

"Can we talk?" I ask him as I place an arm around his shoulders.

He looks at me and nods, motioning towards the camping grounds.

We walk towards our tents in silence, but I can tell that he wants to talk.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Niall snorts. "You asked me to come to talk."

"Yeah because you looked like you wanted to tell me something but didn't want to."

He smiles and looks at his shoes. "Now this is awkward."

I cock my head and look at him, propping my hands on his waist. He sighs and looks towards his tent.

"I have to get something from inside, wait for me here."

He disappears inside of his tent and comes back out ten seconds later with a small bag that has Cartier written on it.

"Niall what-"

"Just...listen to me, okay?"

I nod, speechless anyway.

He pulls out a long velvet box. "I just-I don't know, I got you this because it's our two month anniversary tomorrow-well, today actually because it's after midnight...but I wanted you to be surprised."

I'm at loss of words. "Trust me I'm...I'm surprised alright. But I can't accept it. It's way too expensive."

"Don't even start with me." Niall says and opens the box, revealing a gold bracelet with a diamond hanging from it. "Hold your wrist out."

"I didn't get you anything." I trail off, feeling extremely bad now.

"You got me...a lot of priceless things over the past six months Rey, and I'll never be able to repay you for that."

I look down, feeling my cheeks heat up as he puts the bracelet on my wrist.

How in the world can he make me blush after all this time?

I look back up at him, to see that he's really nervous for some reason.

"Things like what?"

"Happiness...l-everything." Niall says and steps closer. I want to ask him what he wanted to say that started with 'l' but I don't want to push it.

Then he pulls out another box, somewhat smaller but I know it looks like there's a ring in it.

"It's not an engagement ring or anything like that. It's just a ring, but I really want you to have it."

He opens the box to reveal a silver diamond ring.

"Niall, come on-"

Niall doesn't listen to my words and places the ring on my finger. "There you go. Now you can have something to remember me by."

I frown. "Remember you by? Where are you going?"

"I don't know; just...I can't explain it."

"Niall." I say, biting my lip. "What's going on?"

He sighs. "Rey, we're going to go to Uni and things might not work out."

"Why wouldn't they work out?" I ask, getting a bit nervous.

Why wouldn't they work out?

What's going on?

"Because you might someone better than me, smarter...I don't know. I just want you to remember me regardless of who you're with okay?"

"Niall, you have to stop worrying okay?" I place my hand on his arm. "Yeah, there might be smarter...guys at Uni and all that, but I'm not going to be looking for or at them. As long as you'll have me, I'm not going to go anywhere."

Because I'm fucking in love with you


He looks into my eyes, clearly unsure of my words. I want to say it, I really do, but I don't want it to be awkward when he doesn't say it back.

"Do you promise?" he asks.

I nod. "Pinky promise."

He pulls me into a hug and I close my eyes, burying my face into his chest and inhaling his perfume. I squeeze him harder than any normal person would do during a hug, and he smiles into my hair.

"I love you." Niall whispers so low that I barely catch it.

My heart starts beating faster than it's ever done in my entire life. I look up at him. "I love you." I smile, and because life really is a cheesy movie, fireworks start from the main stage downhill, to mark the end of this year's festival.

He pulls me in and starts kissing me, so I close my eyes and let my NiallNiallNiall thoughts engulf me completely.


When Sophia and Jake find out about the bracelet and the ring the next morning on our way back to Manchester, they freak out of course, because they think it's an engagement ring.

"Are you fucking serious? There will be no wedding?" Jake pouts.

Niall stopped the car to get gas so the three of us are alone in the car and can talk in peace.

"No Jake, there will be no wedding. But he said I love you first last night." I add.

"WHAT?" Sophia exclaims, almost hitting Jake over the face. "And you didn't think you should've mentioned it by now?"

"I didn't get the time. Niall and I went to...bed last night" I say, thinking about the sex we had right after the fireworks, "and I couldn't tell you when he was in the car."

"So that's why you wanted us to come with you." Jake concludes, crossing his arms. I nod, not even denying it.

"Let's go back to the fucking Cartier jewelry please?" Sophia says, taking my right hand. "My aunt has one of these bracelets and they're like...over five thousand pounds! And the ring is probably even more than that. That guy isn't right in the head, I swear."

I look down. "I know, that's what I told him. I mean, it's so nice and everything, but I feel bad for accepting such expensive gifts."

"So what did you get him? Besides your pussy I mean." Jake asks.

"Nothing. That's what I feel bad about. But he said that I got him priceless things over the past six months. Like happiness and love and-"

Jake places a hand over his mouth. "Did Niall James Horan actually say that? I can't believe it."

"Yes he did!" I say. "And he was serious. Dead serious even."

"You want to know what I think?" Sophia asks.

"Oh, enlighten me." I say, raising my eyebrows.

"I think the guy is fucking in love with you and has been for a while now."

Jake snorts. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock."


The next two months are fucking hectic. From packing and preparing for Uni to going out with the squad, I feel like I can barely breathe, but in a good way.

My parents are supposed to drive me to Uni in like, an hour, but my mother thinks it's actually her day, because she can't seem to find a decent pair of fucking shoes.

Fifteen minutes later, my parents and I are finally in my car and on our way to London.

We get to King's College about three hours later, and I can already tell that my mum is about to cry, even though we're not even in my dorm yet.

I used the campus map I've received to find my dorm building, and the nice lady behind the desk hands me my key to room 23 on the second floor.

"I can't believe that my baby will be staying here for the next three years." My mother cries and hugs me as soon as I turn around to ask them what they think of my dorm.

My mother smothers me with a hug while my dad busies himself with arranging my stuff into the room. It's not a big room, because I'll have to share it with someone else (I'm quite curious to see who it is), but it's alright. I love it because I'll be able to decorate it just the way I want to.

My dad starts taking out my books and other heavier things so he can arrange them on the shelves, and my mother does my bed for me while I put my clothes in the closet.

We finish about an hour later, and my parents nearly suffocate me to death with their 'group hug'. They have a train to catch in thirty minutes, so they're off five minutes later.

I send Niall a snap asking him where he is. He responds ten minutes later saying that he's also getting adjusted in his dorm, and which room number I have.

The door suddenly opens and a curly girl comes in, carrying three suitcases and huffing about them being heavy and no one helping her.

"Are you okay? Let me help." I say and get out of bed to help her with her stuff.

"Yeah, shit. Thanks." She smiles as she hands me two boxes.

I place them on the ground next to her bed and sit on the bed.

"So what's your name?" she asks while I help her get her stuff out.

"Renee, but people call me Rey."


"Danielle." She smiles and shakes my hand. "What are you gonna study?"

I place one of her dresses on a hanger. "Journalism. You?"


I turn around to look at her. "You say it like you don't want to?"

"Well, my parents pretty much forced me to study psychology since they're both psychologists. They don't agree with my ambitions of becoming a dancer."

"A dancer? Wow. I've got two left feet."

She laughs and hands me a pillowcase so I can start on her pillows.

Once we're done, I take a photo of the dorm so I can post it on Instagram, and then she asks me if I want to go outside and check out the welcome week activities and student clubs.

"Sure. Let me just change into something more appropriate. And maybe take a shower."

I take a shower and put on some jean shorts and a tank top, before Danielle and I head out.


I see Niall just as he enters the building and walks over to the lady at the front desk.

"Hey baby." Niall smiles and pulls me into a hug, before kissing the top of my head. "Did you settle in already?"

I nod. "Oh, sorry. This is Danielle, my new roommate."

"Hi." Niall smiles and shakes her hand. 'm Niall, her boyfriend."

Danielle laughs. "Figured."

"We were just about to go outside and check out the campus." I tell Niall. "You want to come with?"

"Sure." He nods.

He places his arm around me as we begin walking towards the exit.

We check out every single club the student body has to offer, and Danielle signs up for the dance team (I do too, just to show support even though I know I'm going to be kicked out at auditions), Niall signs up for the 'soccer' team, and I sign up for the Uni magazine.

"You two are so cute." Danielle tells me once we're back in the dorm.

"Who? Niall and I?" I smile.

"Yeah. He's so nice to you. Makes me miss my ex girlfriend."

"Why did you two break up?"

She shrugs and sits on the bed, pulling her laptop over her lap. "Because she wanted to go study in Ireland and I don't like long distance relationships."

"Oh...I don't know whether I'd be able to survive a long distance relationship either."

Danielle cocks her head to the side. "I think you would."

"Really?" I ask. "Why?"

"Because from the way he looks at you, I can tell that he's really crazy about you."

I blush. "Oh stop."

"No, for real! You should see him when you aren't looking. That kind of love could survive any distance."


"You ready?" Niall yells from outside the door, already getting inpatient.

"IN A MINUTE!" I yell back as I check my hair in the mirror.

I'm wearing a baby blue gown and golden heels for our four-month anniversary dinner. I make sure my makeup is stable before I finally turn around and ask Danielle to take a few pictures of me.

Then I open the door to finally face Niall, who I haven't seen in a week, ever since classes started.

He's dressed in a black suit, white shirt, and black tie, and of course, black Vans.

"You look...amazing." He breathes and steps closer to kiss me.

"And I am...absolutely disgusted." Danielle laughs. "I'm going to the pub down the street later so after you're done you two can join me."

I nod and grab my clutch. "Alright, we'll see you later."

Niall places his hand on the small of my back and guides me towards the elevator, because there is no way I can take the stairs in these heels.

"Out of service? Are you fuckin' kiddin' me?" I say when I see the sign on the door.

"We'll take the stairs, it's fine."

"How am I supposed to walk down the stairs in six inch heels?" I pout.

"Jesus, I'll carry you then."

Niall suddenly lifts me up and carries me bridal-style towards the stairs.


"Niall you don't-FUCK!" I yell when he accidentally hits my head against the wall. "What the fuck are you doing? Stop."

He places me down once we're by the door, and I feel a bit embarrassed because Jazmine (the dorm administrator) has been watching us ever since we came downstairs.

"There you go princess." He teases as he opens the door and lets me step outside first.

We take his car to the fancy restaurant he's made reservations at, and I'm not surprised at all when he orders an expensive wine bottle to start off the night. By this stage in our relationship, I've stopped being surprised and overwhelmed, and just got used to the fact that he has money he just likes to spend. On me, occasionally.

But it is not a sugarbaby/sugardaddy type of relationship; I won't let it get that far.

Niall places his elbows on the table and leans forward. "So, your new roommate is nice."

"She's gay." I say.

He snorts. "Why would I care about that information?"

I shrug. "Just thought I'd put it out there."

"Do you think I'm attracted to her?"

"I don't know."

He rolls his eyes. "I thought you were way past the jealous phase."

"Well, are you?"

"No, but you have nothing to worry about."

I wave my hand. "Oh please, you're the bisexual one. Not only do I have to worry about all the hot girls, but I also have to worry about the hot guys."

"Oh, come on. I've been Reysexual for a while now."

"Reysexual?" I ask confused.

"Yeah. As in, you're the only one...and all that."

"You're so fucking cheesy, I don't even recognize you." I tell him, but can't help the smile that appears across my entire face.

"Well you've changed me."

"Oh my GOD." I laugh and he pretends to take offense but his smile gives him away.


After our dinner we head back to my dorm so I can change into some more comfortable clothes, before we walk the distance between the building and the pub Danielle and our friends are.


Louis, Harry, Liam, Sophia, Zayn, and Louis' sister are there, already acquainted with Danielle who clearly had a few shots.

"The newlyweds!" Louis screams and comes over to hug us. "How are ya?"

Okay, Danielle and Louis have had a few shots by now.

"We're alright." I laugh and kiss his cheek.

The rest of the groups screams and shouts when they see us, and we all huddle into a group hug before we toast to ourselves.

"I can't believe we got this far." Niall whispers into my ear a bit later when everyone is absorbed into a discussion about an upcoming Maroon 5 concert.

I lean into him and smile, my heart bursting with love.

"I do. You told me...a while ago, that everything would be worth it in the end." I say, kissing his collarbone. "Remember that?"

He smiles. "I do. But this is not the end."

"Far from it." I add.

I never want this to end, even though it will someday.

Everything ends at some point. Maybe not tomorrow, not in a month, not in a year.

But it will someday.

And I won't be sad because it ended. I'll smile because it happened.



I really don't know how to start this. Honestly I don't. These stories and these characters have been a part of me for the last three years, so I guess I could say I kind of 'grew up' with them.

You have no idea how much I enjoyed writing this, but what I enjoyed the most was your feedback and the messages I've received for the past three years from you guys, telling me how these stories have helped you on an emotional level, how much happiness they caused you, and how they brightened your day.

As an author-if I can call myself that, because this was never a 'job', it's just something I do because I love it so much-, there's no greater feeling that receiving messages from people who enjoy your story and tell you how you've influenced them. Even the littlest comment, a simple 'i liked your chapter' was enough to make my day.

I can't thank you enough for this experience, honestly. I can't believe (and I'll continue saying this) how big this story has gotten even though it was never my intention because I just wrote it for myself; it's overwhelming and amazing at the same time.

It's hard to find words right now because I'm way too emotional for my own good, but the main idea is that I'll be forever thankful for everything you guys have done and all the effort you put into reading my stories, leaving feedback, following and even creating accounts for the characters that I built.

I know some of you are sad that this story-this era-is ending, because I won't be writing any more Niall stories (at least not in the near future-who knows, maybe in a couple of months I'll get a new idea and start a new Reyall story :)) ), but I'll quote Frank Herbert:

"There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story."

These stories and these characters will never end; they'll always be here for you to reread and experience; that's the beauty of it.

I'll be continuing to post on their Instagrams, Tumblrs, and Twitters, so you can follow their lives on there. I love it way too much to let it go.

I'm also working on some sort of trailer to sum up the past three years of TDB, TOTGA, and BIAS, so watch out for it tomorrow, as well as the Baby I'm A Sinner paperback copy :)

I'll also have a contest for those interested for a chance to win a signed copy of BIAS (a lot of you have asked me to sign your copies-even though I have no idea why :))-but there was a problem with the shipping and all that; so consider it my treat :D

I'll see you all tomorrow. Stay beautiful and stay strong.

Thank you,



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