Chapter 24
Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like this chapter :)
The question of this chapter is: since this is the second-to-last chapter, what would you like to see in the last one? What would you like to happen/see?
Don't forget to leave comments throughout the story and don't forget to answer the questions at the end ! xx
Happy reading :)
Eleanor calls a taxi while Niall leads me outside, gripping into my arm harder than he realizes. He's even more alarmed and angry than I am, and although I want to tell him that it doesn't hurt that much at all, and that it's going to be okay, I don't, because I know he'll flip out.
The taxi arrives in five minutes, and I climb in the back with Niall right behind me.
"To the Royal Infirmary please." He tells the driver. I know he's extremely nervous and agitated, so I place my hand over his to try and calm him down.
"What?" he asks, his tone calmer than I expected it to be.
"Relax, please."
"I can't fuckin' relax. You're bleeding down your leg."
I look down at my thighs, which are now clean, thanks to the fact that Harry wiped them off earlier while we were waiting for the taxi.
"I know I am, but please. You being stressed out is the one thing I don't need to be worried about right now, okay? It's going to be fine."
His tense behavior dies down a bit, and he squeezes my hand. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried. Are you sure you're not hurt?"
"I didn't hit my head or anything, if that's what you mean."
Niall shakes his head. "Those fucking bastards. I'm going to punch their face in."
I roll my eyes but don't say anything because I know that he usually threatens the people he's mad at to calm himself down, ironically.
We get to the hospital ten minutes later, and Niall hands the driver a twenty-pound bill. He doesn't wait for the change as he gets out of the car and helps me do the same.
The nurse behind the front desk is already looking at us when we enter, so Niall walks right up to her.
"We need to see a gynecologist. She's pregnant and got pushed down the stairs, and bled down her leg."
The nurse nods and tells us to go right down the hall and knock on Dr. Lutz's door.
Niall does as told, and I can barely keep up with his erratic pace.
He heavily knocks on the door until a woman opens it and welcomes us in.
"You're in luck tonight, I just finished with my last patient." She says and points me to the bed in the corner of the room. "What happened?"
I walk over to sit on it, waiting for Niall to tell her the problem.
"She's like, three months pregnant and got pushed down the stairs."
"Alright then. Lay down and I'll take a blood sample and do a sonogram."
I do as I'm told, barely even wincing when she sticks a needle in my arm. She pages a nurse and gives her the blood sample.
"It will take about ten minutes for the results to be back, so I'll do a sonogram in the mean time."
She then rubs some cold liquid over my belly and waits a couple of seconds before she places the device against my stomach and starts rolling it around.
I bite my lip and look at her screen, trying to decipher whatever it's showing.
"That's weird." She says and squints at the desktop, as if she doesn't understand what she sees on there.
"What?" Niall asks.
"I don't see a baby."
I look at Niall, whose hands are in his hair already, tugging at it because he's starting to freak out.
"Does it mean I lost it? What-"
There's a knock on the door and the nurse came back in with a piece of paper.
"I've got your results Ms. Parker."
"Well?" Niall asks.
"You're not pregnant. You've never been."
"What do you mean?" I exclaim, almost falling off the bed.
"I called the doctor who did your first blood test, and she said that she accidentally switched blood samples with someone else, and deeply apologizes for it."
My mind goes blank. Somehow I'm happy because I feel like a huge weight just got lifted off my chest, but on the other hand, I feel sad because the baby had become a part of me and was lowkey excited about it.
"So how would you explain the fact that her period was late?" Niall asks.
"The results show a serious lack of calcium and protein, which is very alarming."
"What does that mean?" Niall asks, but I know already what's coming. I don't want Niall to hear this, but apparently I have no other option.
"Ms. Parker, are you by any chance anorexic, or on a really rough diet?"
Niall's eyes widen, and his face expression turns from confused and stressed to angry and stressed.
"Uh...I haven't been...since I though I was pregnant."
"I think the best things we can do right now is to get you to get back on track with what you're eating so your calcium levels can come back to normal."
I feel like I'm going to pass out from the looks Niall is giving me, but all I can do is nod and accept a paper from the doctor that has foods and drinks high in calcium and other stuff my organism is apparently lacking from.
Surprisingly, Niall doesn't say anything from the moment we exit the hospital until we get into the car, and the whole ride goes by in an eerie quiet that is nothing but stressful and filled with anxiety.
"Say something." I finally tell him because I can't take the silence anymore.
"What do you want me to say, Renee?"
If he calls me by my whole name then it's really bad
"I don't know. Just something. I hate it when you're quiet."
"We're going to eat right now." he eventually tells me and turns right on the street that leads us to the city center.
I pout but don't say anything, because I don't want to make him madder than he already is.
He eventually picks an Italian restaurant and I make sure to order a nice, big pizza and it the entire thing right in front of his eyes. The entire dinner/early breakfast goes by even slower and in a more tensed atmosphere than the car ride here, and by the time we're in the car again, I'm legitimately afraid that he's never going to talk to me again.
"Why are you mad?"
He pulls the car up and turns to look at me. "Are you serious? Why am I mad?! Maybe because you've been starving yourself for God knows how long and you may die!"
"Is that all?" I huff, crossing my arms. I know I'm acting like a child, but it's what my defense mechanism does when I know I'm being cornered and made uncomfortable.
"Yes, that is all." He mumbles and stares back at the road, but doesn't start the car. He sighs and opens his mouth but then closes again.
"Say what you want to say."
"I just-I care about you okay? And I really want you to be healthy because I couldn't." Niall stops for a second as if to overthink whatever he's about to say next. "I couldn't imagine losing you over something like this."
"Something like what?" I ask, crossing my arms. Even though my heart is melting because of his words, the discussion still makes me uncomfortable and I still feel the need to get into protective mode.
"Something you can fix. Something I can help you with."
"You can't just snap your fingers and make it go away, Niall. It's an eating disorder. A mental problem. I can't make it stop just because I want to."
"No, but you can try. And I can help. You became anorexic because you wanted to become thinner right?"
I nod, not saying anything.
"Well, you can start by eating more in constant portions."
I bite my lip. "I can try."
"Please. That's all I ask of you."
"Alright then, glad we settled it. Can we go now? I'm actually a bit hungry."
My words put a smile on his face and he starts the car, before he continues driving towards out initial destination. I end up eating the whole portion of spaghetti and he drives me home, assuring me that he'll kick everyone out of his house once he gets there.
We continue dating with no fights at all for the next two weeks, and I'm so deep in exams and dates with Niall that I don't even notice graduation is already two days away. How is that even possible?
I'm better with my disorder, because I haven't purged ever since that night at the Italian restaurant when Niall and I talked, and I'm trying to eat normally, but healthy.
Before I know it, my mother is pulling a graduation robe over my head, tops it off with the hat and snaps a thousand pictures of Katherine and I faking smiles.
The schoolyard is filled with seniors dressed in their graduation robes and excitedly talking about college and finally being on their own, but to be honest, I'm absolutely terrified. I don't want it to end, because I like not being responsible for everything, and most of all, I like having being with my squad all the time.
I know for a fact that most of us want to go to London, but Katherine, Eleanor, and Jake want to stay in Manchester, and Harry wants to go to Sheffield, even though he also applied in London.
"After this shitshow is over, we're going to Starbucks." Niall whispers in my ear after we've sat down on the seats right by the stage.
"All of us?"
He nods and places his arms around me with a smile. "So I got us tickets for Leeds festival in a month."
"There were tickets left?" I ask.
"No, but my father knows some people so I managed to score us ten tickets."
"How much is one?"
"Like, thirty pounds or something? I thought they'd be more expensive."
"Oh. That's goo then. I can pay you back after-"
He snorts. I hate it when he does that; pay for me, that is. It feels like I'm taking advantage of him even though I don't want to and that's definitely not my intention.
"Rey, I thought you already learned that I like paying for you when we go on dates."
"Yeah, but this isn't a date-"
"Technically, it is. So stop insisting, you know I'll never accept your money."
I roll my eyes. "It feels like I'm taking advantage of you."
"How can you be taking advantage when I'm offering? Plus, you always try to put up an useless fight."
Before I can say anything else, music starts playing and Mr. Brooks steps on stage all the way to the podium, and then starts off his speech. He then calls everyone in alphabetical order to gather their diplomas; right after the valedictorian (who's a girl on the cheer squad) delivers her own speech.
When Niall walks off stage with his diploma in hand, I kiss him on the lips. "I'm so proud of you." I smile.
He laughs. "Second time's a charm, right?"
"I think it's third time's a charm, but sure." I say and he sits back down next to me.
"Oh, I just graduated, give it a rest."
My name is called a few minutes later, and I make sure to smile into my mother's camera so she can frame the picture and brag about it ten years from now; just like she does with Chris.
The ceremony ends about an hour later, when everyone does the really cliché hat-throwing part and parents (and students) begin crying.
I tell my mother that I'll be going to Starbucks with my friends for a bit, and then I'll come home. Tomorrow is the date I'm supposed to receive my acceptance letter, and I'm really nervous, but I just smile as I follow my friends towards the parking lot.
I get a ride in Niall's Bentley, together with Louis, Eleanor, Jake, and Harry, while Liam, Sophia, and Katherine go with Zayn.
After we get our orders we sit down outside so we can smoke, and Zayn starts the inevitable college discussion.
"So we're going to receive our acceptance letters tomorrow." He says and looks down at his drink.
I know that every single one of us doesn't want this 'era' to end, but it has to, so we can get a fresh start-even though I have no idea why any of us would want a fresh start.
"Have you decided on your top two?" I ask Niall when the subject changes.
"Yeah. City University London and King's College. Both football."
I smile. "I hope I get accepted at Imperial rather than King's. They've got a better journalism program there."
He nods and kisses my cheek. "There's no doubt in my mind that you'll get in."
"I sure hope so. It would be the best thing if we went to college in the same city."
I can't suppress my smile so I just bury my nose into his shoulder, which causes Jake to make gagging sounds at us and the rest of the table to laugh at us at how gross we're being.
Well, things couldn't go better even if I tried.
I wake up with a lump in my throat the next morning. It's already 11am, which means that the acceptance (hopefully!) letters must've arrived by now.
My suspicions are confirmed when I get downstairs and see the two envelopes on the kitchen table. My parents are sipping their coffees and smoking their morning cigarettes, watching me carefully.
"Well? Aren't you going to open them?" My mother urges when I pour myself a cup of coffee and gets some toast.
"Uh...I'm not sure if I'm ready yet. Kind of nervous."
"Do you want me to do it for you?"
I shake my head and sit down across from them, before grabbing the two that are actually mine. There's one from Manchester University, which belongs to Katherine, but it seems like she doesn't really bother to get up and open them.
I open the one from King's college, because it's the one that I don't really care about; my second option. I read the first lines and smile. "I got in."
"That's amazing!" my mother exclaims.
"Yeah, but it's my second option though. Shit."
I open the second one, which is from Imperial College, but don't have the courage to read it, so I give it to my dad.
"Well?" I ask after a few seconds of silence and him reading.
"I'm sorry." He responds in a serious voice, and I almost pass out.
"Are you serious?"
He smirks and shakes his head. "Just kidding love, you got in."
"YAS!" I yell and jump, almost knocking the table over.
"We're so proud of you baby." My mother smiles and my father nods, before they both hug me.
"I have to text everyone." I say and run upstairs to my phone.
The group chat is already filled with messages, and it seems like everyone got accepted at their first option.
Rey: I got into Imperial !!!!!
Zayn: :DDDD
Liam: good for you! (thumbs up emoji)
Sophia: bitch YAS!
Louis: we're going to be UNI buddies !!! get in !!!
Harry: I'm also coming to London :D
Katherine: why is everyone up so early? :))
Niall didn't even receive the messages, so I try to calm myself down and not worry about whether he got in or not (although there's no doubt in my mind that he did) by going back downstairs to eat.
Niall eventually texts me half an hour later when I'm trying to pick out my outfits for Leeds festival, since we're leaving in three days.
Niall: I got into Kings!
Rey: :) that's so great!
Niall: (kissing emoji) (kissing emoji)
With a smile on my face, I begin pulling out clothes and picking out outfits for the three-day festival that is going to be sort of a last hurray before we all head off to Uni.
It's really sad to think about to be honest, because in less than two months from now, we are all going to go on different paths to pursue our dreams (even though we're probably still going to meet up and keep chatting on the WhatsApp group).
After I'm done packing I sit back down at the desk and go onto the Imperial College site to see what I'm about to get into.
It's scary yet exciting at the same time.
It's Tuesday morning when Niall arrives in front of my house with his Bentley. Katherine, him, and I are going to the festival together, since we all divided each other into groups of three or two.
We're going to be staying in tents for three days, but I'm excited nonetheless. I packed a giant suitcase even though I know I won't be using even half the clothes in there, but you know, a girl has to be sure she has a lot of options.
I dress up with a pair of jean shorts (the typical girl attire to any summer festival to be honest), a white crop top with BOYS on it, white converse, and a jeans jacket, because I'm as basic as one could be.
Leeds is about an hour away, so I don't bother taking off my shoes and getting too comfortable, because I know Niall drives like a maniac and will probably get there in thirty minutes.
"How big are the tents?" I ask fifteen minutes in.
Niall turns down the volume to look at me. "They're for five people. Jake will be staying with you girls."
"Yas." I smile and turn the volume back up. I'm excited to see The 1975 and Arctic Monkeys, even though I saw the latter live.
The festival officially starts at ten am, but we only get there by eleven, and we have yet to set up our tents on the hill.
That's always the hardest part, because 90% of us know little to nothing about setting up a tent. Thank God for Liam though, who sweats like a pig while doing both of the tents.
Once everything is set we place our suitcases in and pick our spot, because we're three year olds, of course. I end up sleeping between Sophia and Jake, like we always do when we have sleepovers.
"I'm going out for a smoke." Jake says and leaves us girls inside.
"Can you believe this is like...our last 'thing' together? Before we separate?" Katherine sighs and lays down on her sleeping bag.
"Don't say that, we're going to see each other again." Eleanor pouts.
"Yeah, but we're going to be too busy with Uni and other stuff. Perrie uh...she told me that's how her mother ended up with her group of friends."
Everyone is silent, just like we always are when someone mentions Perrie.
"You know what? I say we all forget about the future for the next three days and have the most fun we've ever had in our entire lives." I start and smile encouragingly. "For Perrie."
The girls smile and we all huddle together into one massive hug. "For Perrie."
The only main act that actually seems interesting to us today are The 1975, who don't go live only after eight pm, so we busy ourselves by checking out the surroundings and going to grab a bite.
We sit down on some beanbag chairs that have been set up close to the food stands, with burgers and kebabs.
Niall is sitting next to me, and as soon as I take my first bite, he comes closer to whisper into my ear:
"I'm so glad you're eating properly baby."
I roll my eyes. "I've been doing that for the past month Niall, it's old news."
"Yeah, but I'm still going to say it."
We spend the rest of the day fooling around in the photo booth and taking more pictures that normal people usually do, and by the time there are only thirty minutes left until The 1975 go live, we make our way towards the main stage.
"I feel like the kebab is coming back up." I tell Jake after a while of dancing to the band that usually opens for The 1975.
"Bitch, I'm like same." He answers and slings an arm around me, pulling me towards him.
"Have you and Harry talked about Uni yet?"
He shakes his head. "We're going to have the talk after the festival is over. Don't want to ruin it and all that."
"Wouldn't you want to come to London too though? So you can be with all of us?"
Jake smirks at that, and I know that there's something he hasn't told me.
"What is it?" I ask, shooting him a severe look.
"I got accepted to Manchester Metropolitan, but I also applied to City University, and got accepted there too. I'm going to surprise him."
My jaw drops to the floor and I swat his arm. "You bitch! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
He shrugs. "Wanted to surprise you, but you're way too nosy for your own good."
I jump and hug him, and then we sway together for a bit. Out of everyone in our group, Jake and Sophia were probably the only people I'd cry over because we've been friends for so long now, and not seeing them every day would break my heart.
"Okay, what's all the hugging about?" Niall interjects and places a protective arm on my lower back.
"Seriously? I'm gay." Jake laughs and steps back right into Harry's embrace.
"Yes you are." Harry says and kisses the back of his head.
The band thanks everyone before they're off stage, so The 1975 should be on any moment now.
I can't wait for them to sing 'Sex' and 'Robbers', because they're sort of mine and Niall's songs. (Yeah, so sometimes we have sex to The 1975, but no one needs to know.)
When the first beats of 'Girls' start, everyone goes crazy and starts screaming.
"This is our fucking song!" Sophia yells into Jake's and mine ear. She places an arm behind both of our necks and we scream along to the song.
At one point during the song Sophia and I sandwich Jake between us and dance like that until the song is over. Robbers comes on after that, so I pull away and tape myself to Niall's chest, but he seems to have other ideas when he crouches down and lifts me up so I can sit on his shoulders.
Liam does the same to Sophia and we intertwine our fingers before we raise our arms up. Jake already knows what's up because he takes a picture of us as he sings along.
Niall apparently thinks he's the Hulk, because he keeps me on his shoulders for the next three songs.
When Sex finally comes on, he puts me down and pulls me against him so we can grind like we always do. He whispers the lyrics into my ear and keeps his hands on my waist for the rest of the song.
When Matty sings 'but if we're going to do anything, we might as well just fuck', Niall starts kissing my neck. I can't help but pull away, because getting turned on in the middle of the concert when there are so many people around isn't the best scenery. I'm not one who's into exhibitionism.
The 1975 finish with that song, so people start clearing out soon after.
"Anyone fancy something to drink?" Zayn suggests and points over to the giant bar.
And to be honest, who are we to deny a couple of drinks with the squad?
Everyone gets Vodka with Apple Juice, and then we go to sit back down on the beanbags close by. Even though it's warm, the wind is blowing harder than usual, which means our hair is getting more and more fucked up with every passing second.
"Your hair looks like a bad comedy movie." I say to Niall, and I already feel the drinks kicking in. I'm a bit tipsy, but not to even close to being drunk. It's that good kind of tipsy, where you're in a good mood, yet you're sober enough to think about your actions.
"Hey." Niall pouts, but smiles nonetheless. "Stop being rude, I made you cum."
Harry starts laughing next to us, so I shoot him a look to make him shut up. He raises his hands up in defense and goes back to his previous discussion with Louis and Eleanor.
Now that I look at everyone, it's becoming clear how much things have changed over the course of eight months.
Eight months ago, Harry and Louis were secretly...something, and now they're both in happy relationships yet they're still very good friends.
Eight months ago, Zayn had no idea what to do with his life, and now he just got accepted at one of the best art schools in the country.
Eight months ago, Katherine was in love with Perrie...and now...well.
Eight months ago, Jake was the type of guy who wouldn't take things further than a one-night stand, and now he's in love with Harry.
Eight months ago, Liam and Sophia absolutely hated each other's guts, and now they're dating and going to be attending the same University.
Eight months ago, Niall and I barely even knew each other, and now it's like we're best friends.
But most importantly, eight months ago, my self-esteem was as low as it could get, and I thought things weren't going to get better.
And right now I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life.
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Aww...there is one chapter left of this story :( I'd like to hear what you'd like to see/happen at the end of this book x
Hope you have a great day and don't forget to follow/vote/comment if you liked the chapter!
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