Chapter 23
Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like this chapter :)
The question of this chapter is: if you could have anyone in the world as your best friend, who would it be? (besides your current best friend of course)
Don't forget to leave comments throughout the story x
Don't forget to answer the questions at the end !
Happy reading :)
Previously on Chapter 22:
"I can't believe you got me a car!" I say into his neck. "Thank you! But I can't accept it."
"Yeah you can." He says, stroking my back and kissing my cheek. "I'll get mad if you don't."
"If you insist." I smile, and he puts me down.
I look at the new car, and run my palm alongside of it. "How did you manage to buy it in a day?"
"I bought it last week with one of the credit cards I never use. You mentioned the car a month or so ago, but I just wanted to make sure yesterday that I got it right. Imagine if I didn't."
"I just-it's so overwhelming. You shouldn't have done this, really."
"You deserve it. Here."
I take the keys from him, then smirk when I meet his eyes.
"So how about I take it for a ride, and then you take me for one?"
To answer my question, Niall pins me against the car and kisses me with force.
I drive around for a little while with Niall in the passenger's seat, and then I drive him to his house.
"Finally, you get to drop me off at my own house, and not the other way around."
"Yeah, well don't get used to it because gas is expensive." I laugh as he leans over to give me a kiss on the lips.
"I know I know, I'm a gentleman and all that."
"Yeah you are." I smile and wait for him to get out, before I start driving back towards my house.
When I get inside, it doesn't take longer than a few seconds for my mother to ask me if I got my license.
"Yeah, I did." I proudly say.
"Can I see it?"
She doesn't ask because she doesn't believe me. She asks, because for the first time in all my eighteen years, she's finally proud of me.
"It's in the car."
"What car?"
"Oh...uhm. Niall bought me a car." "He bought you a car?" she exclaims, standing up from the kitchen table, shutting her laptop.
I nod. "Is that bad?"
"No it isn't! Are you pregnant or something?" she jokingly asks as she follows me out the door to go outside and look at the car. My heart drops out of my chest for a second. She stops when she sees it parked right behind hers.
"Oh! It's gorgeous! How did he have money to pay for it?"
I shrug. "He's rich."
"Keep him then." She jokes and I force a smile. "No, honestly. It's nice and all, but you have to tell him that we'll pay him back for it. Your father was going to wait until graduation to buy you this exact model. We looked at it yesterday."
I sigh, relieved. For a moment, I thought she was going to say that I have to give it back.
She nods. "You've been good all year and your grades are great, so why not? It was supposed to be a surprise."
"It still is, trust me."
"Can you give me Niall's phone number?"
I fidget uncomfortably. "What for?"
"Or better yet, just invite him over! It'll be fun. Invite him over on Friday for dinner. He can even stay the night." She adds, giving me a look.
"Mum, no." I shake my head.
"Invite him over for dinner."
God help me.
I drive Katherine and myself to school the next morning, and she can't shut up about how jealous she is of my new car, and the fact that Niall bought it for me.
"How ridiculous is that? He buys you a fucking car because you passed your test. That's sugar daddy as fuck." Jake says when we meet up at his locker before first period.
I roll my eyes. "He's not my sugar daddy."
"Bitch, please. He bought you a car, he always pays. He is your sugar daddy."
I frown. "Does it look like I'm taking advantage of him? Because I don't do that. Oh God, what if he thinks I am?"
"Chillax. He doesn't. I think he gets off on paying for you and spoiling you."
"He doesn't spoil me." I protest.
Jake slams his locker shut and looks at someone over my shoulder. "Yes, he does. I wonder how come he hasn't taken you shopping yet. Buy you one of those fur coats and Jimmy Choos."
"You're crazy."
"Always." A deep voice says and I don't even get to turn around to greet Harry because he's already kissing Jake.
"Okay, that's way too gross." I say and push them apart. "I'm still here."
"Nice car. Heard you got it from-" Harry starts and I look at Jake.
"Seriously? You already told him?"
"I told everyone in our squad babe. It's like you're officially married."
"We're not-ugh, whatever. I hate you both."
"You love us."
"And you're also incredibly gross by the way. I think I know Harry's tongue better than I do my own by now."
They laugh, just as I see Niall turning the corner and spotting me, before he starts walking over.
"Hey babe." He says, pressing a kiss to my temple.
Jake throws me a knowing look that I choose to ignore.
"What did your parents say about the car?" Niall asks, putting a hand next to my head so he can lean over me when Jake and Harry finally get distracted by their own conversation a foot away.
"My mum said that dad wanted to get me the exact same car for graduation, and that they want to pay you back."
Niall rolls his eyes. "They don't have to, and I won't accept it. It's a gift, and it's not like I'm going to miss the money."
"Also, they said they want to meet you, so you're invited to dinner tomorrow. And by dinner, I mean, you are obligated to come over."
"Are you being serious?" he asks, expression changing.
I nod. "Unfortunately, yes. Please. Chris and Ellie are coming too, and we can invite Jake and Harry too."
He bites his lip, looking me in the eye like he's searching for something.
"Alright. I guess? Do I have to like...wear a suit?"
I shrug. "I don't know. Wear whatever."
Jake and Harry announce that they're heading over to class, but Niall doesn't even notice them because he keeps staring.
"Wear whatever isn't going to do it for me. Is it casual? Black tie? Formal?"
"It's a simple dinner, not tea with the fucking queen." I laugh. "I don't know. What do you even care?" "Why don't you? I've never made a good impression on parents before. Hell, not even my own parents like me."
"That's not true."
He looks at me with a contradicting look. "And how would you know?"
I shrug, smiling. "Just a hunch, okay? Just dress nicely and be on time. It doesn't matter what impression you make anyway. I'm going to tell them I'm pregnant after graduation, so they're going to hate you either way."
His face falls. "You're joking."
I shake my head. "I'm really not. I decided yesterday."
"So you're keeping it?"
"Yeah. I can't abort it. I don't have the heart."
He smiles. "Alright."
The late bell rings, so he pushes himself off the locker.
"Come on. I'll walk you to your class."
To say that I'm nervous about the dinner tonight would be an understatement. I've been pacing around my room for probably half an hour when Niall rang me to tell me that he's ready to come over. And because I heard Ellie downstairs already, I told him to leave in like, five minutes.
And because I don't feel like dressing up because I'm in my house, I just put on a blue sweatshirt and grey sweatpants, before I walk downstairs. Ellie and Chris are already in the kitchen helping my mother set the dinner table, both dressed in fancy clothing. Which makes me feel like an idiot, but I couldn't care less to be honest.
My mother frowns at my choice of clothing, but surprisingly doesn't say anything.
Everyone is ready so sit down when the doorbell rings, and I know it's Niall. Immediately, I feel butterflies in my stomach as I look at my parents.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go open the door!"
I nod and hurry out of the kitchen, towards the door. When I open it, I feel emptiness in my stomach at the sight of him. He looks amazing, in black skinny jeans, red Vans, and a red and black-checkered button up.
He's carrying a large bouquet of tulips in his hands.
"Wha-hi." I say and he steps inside, closing the door with his free hand. He kisses me on the cheek, and I can tell that he's nervous.
"Are these for me?" I ask incredulously.
"No one's ever brought me flowers. Well, except of me dad."
"Wow, associating me with your dad. How romantic." He says, letting out a nervous laugh.
"As much as I appreciate them, I think you should give them to my mother. She'll love you."
"Alright then." He smiles. "Lead the way."
I nervously smile and walk towards the kitchen with him right behind me.
When my parents see him, they lift their heads to analyze him from head to toe, in a way that makes me want to face-palm myself.
My mother has a giant smile on her face as she circles the table to come over and kiss both of his cheeks and shake his hand.
"Hello, you must be Niall."
"And you must be Rey's mother." Niall jokes, before he hands her the flowers. "These are for you."
My mother's eyes light up like a child's on Christmas.
"Oh, you're so sweet! You shouldn't have."
"My pleasure."
My dad's next, and he straightens his back like a tough guy as he walks over.
"Mr. Parker."
"Niall." My dad says, shaking his hand.
I'm not sure if he's squeezing it or not. I hope not, imagine that. I'm sure Niall would be freaked out even more than he already is.
Then he turns towards Ellie and Chris, but stops when his eyes set on them. There's a weird look on his face and I'm dying to know what's wrong, but he's already leaning over to shake both their hands as they present themselves to him.
"Shall we?" my mothers asks as she sets the first pot on the table.
Niall and I sit down across from Christ and Ellie, next to Katherine who just walked in, while my parents take each end of the table.
I'm so happy to see that Niall gets along with my family and doesn't refrain from making jokes that has everyone laughing.
Imagine if I just told everyone now that he got me pregnant
Wouldn't that be a laugh?
Ha ha
I eat everything my mother puts on my plate, even though it's the first time in a long time that Niall isn't watching me while I do so.
"So prom is coming up, huh? When is it again?" my mother asks with a smile on her face.
Oh Jesus
She's trying to make Niall ask me to prom
Fuck fuck fuck
"Yeah, uh, it's in two weeks."
"And where is it going to be?"
"At the Four Seasons."
"What?" my father says, surprised. "That's posh, innit?"
"Isn't it too expensive?"
Niall looks down at his plate. "My dad's good friends with the manager."
I can see my mother already composing the next few sentences in her head.
"So who are you taking to prom?" she continues.
Katherine shoves my leg under the table and I pinch her thigh in response.
"I'm not sure." Niall answers, and it's a bit disappointing.
"Aren't you taking Rey?"
"I was actually thinking of that, but I haven't asked yet." Niall awkwardly says, before he turns his head to look at me. "Do you want to?"
"Do I want to what?" I ask, just to make his life a bit harder so I won't feel like I'm the only one hating all of this.
"Do you want to go to prom with me?"
I smile as I pretend to think about it. "Sure."
"Oh! How wonderful!" my mother exclaims, clapping her hands together. "You have to come pick her up so I can take a photo of you two!"
I sigh as I finish the last remains of my chicken. My mother stands up to go and get the dessert. I already feel full and way too gross, but I don't say anything.
"Can you uh-show me to the bathroom?" Niall asks me, and I nod, happy to stand up.
I lead him to the one upstairs, hoping that no one will get any ideas of what we might be doing.
"I know her." Is the first thing he says as soon as the door shuts behind me.
"Know who?"
"What?" I ask, immediately feeling anxious.
"I used to have a friends with benefits sort of thing when I was in the ninth grade. Five years ago, almost."
"'s awkward."
"Why is it awkward?"
He sighs, looking at me through the mirror. "Because I sort of slept with her best friend too, and she was in love with me."
"Oh. I'm...sorry?"
He shrugs. "It's just a bit awkward."
He turns around to face me. "Did I do good though? So far?"
I smile and step closer to him. "Really good. You actually surprised me there."
Niall places a hand on my cheek and pulls me in for a kiss. I respond to it immediately, and open my mouth so that our tongues can collide, but I break it up after a minute because I know we have to get back, otherwise people will start asking questions.
When we get back downstairs, my mother is just placing the pie on the table and cutting up slices for everyone.
"Thanks." I say and dig in immediately.
"You've been eating a lot more lately." My mother says. "You're not pregnant, are you?" she jokes, and I freeze, almost choking on my pie.
"What a lame joke." I mumble before I continue stuffing my face.
I can see that Niall is also tensed, so I place my free hand on his knee and keep it there for the rest of the meal. Half an hour later, everyone's finished and Chris says they have to get going because they're going to catch a movie in fifteen minutes, so they better hurry.
Katherine goes back up to her room, and my parents relocate in the living room with a glass of wine and a rerun of Seinfeld, which leaves Niall and I alone in the hallway.
"So...was it okay?" Niall asks as he puts his coat on.
I nod. "Better than I expected. Let's just hope Ellie doesn't tell my brother anything."
"I don't think she will."
He buttons up his coat and glances quickly in the mirror by the coat rack. "So do you want me to get us tickets for the prom?"
I nod. "How much is one?"
"Twenty. I'll have to-"
"I'll pay for them, don't worry."
"It's alright." I smile. "I'll ask my parents for more so I can finally buy me own pack of cigarettes."
Niall rolls his eyes before he pulls me in for a hug. "I'm gonna go now. Take of yourself."
I smile into his chest when he presses a kiss to my forehead, before I see him out the door. When I come back inside, my mother calls me into the living room for 'a chat'.
"Yeah?" I ask as I lean against the couch's armrest.
"Niall's great." Is the one thing I didn't expect to come out of her mouth.
I can't help but smile. "Really?"
My father nods. "Great guy, and he's got manners. We approve."
"Well, that's great, but we're not-"
"You should bring him by more often, maybe he can even sleep over."
I make a face. "Jesus Christ, I'm done with this conversation."
They laugh behind me as I walk up the stairs, but nevertheless, I'm absolutely over the moon about it.
The next two weeks fly by extremely quickly, and they're filled with prom preparations and talks about the upcoming exams. Graduation is two months away, which means that University acceptance letters should come in soon.
I applied to Manchester University and City University of London to study English Literature, and the letters are still pending.
Niall got us both tickets for prom, which is tomorrow, so that's why I found myself with Jake and Sophia at the mall, looking for some prom dresses and suits.
"So like...what's up with you and Niall lately?" Jake asks as I pick out two dresses I like. One is long and black with a side cut to the left, and the other one is white, tight, and has a lot of cleavage. I choose them both, because they're 20% off each, and my father gave me quite a generous amount of money (due to the fact that my mother keeps complimenting Niall, and I'm going to prom with him).
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you two seem a lot more cozy and lovey-dovey lately. Why's that? Are you two together?"
I shake my head. "No."
"..t yet." Sophia finishes the sentence for me.
"What are you two on about? Where's this coming from?"
"Oh, come on Rey. He was at your house for dinner; he bought you a fucking car, now he's taking you to prom? This is a relationship. An unofficial relationship."
"Yeah." I mutter under my breath.
"So? Why not ask him?"
"Ask him what?" I say as we walk towards the register.
"Where you two are, what this know."
"Just because you two are in relationships, it doesn't mean that I should be too." I snap, even though they don't deserve it.
"We know babe." Jake tells me and places a hand on my shoulder as I look for my credit card in my wallet. "And we also know that you like Niall, and that Niall likes you, and we want the two of you to get together."
I sight. "I'm going to ask him about it tomorrow at prom, but if it ends with the two of us never talking again, then you're going to give me your firstborn."
"Deal." Sophia agrees and Jake laughs.
The next day is spent in a haste; Sophia and I have makeup appointments, then nail appointments, and then a hair appointment, all in three different places.
I finally decided to wear all two dresses because they both look good and I'll probably never get to wear them again any time soon, so the white one will be the one for the first part of the night, and the black one for the second part.
When everything's finally finished, we take pictures of each other, and then one together, deciding to post them on Instagram after prom was over, so we wouldn't spoil the surprises for Niall and Liam.
I drop her off at her house before I drive back to mine, and my mother nearly cries when she sees me. She keeps complimenting me and making me feel uncomfortable as I try to pack my clutch and get going, but then I remember that I can get going until Niall picks me up. So I endure ten more minutes of compliments and photos taken, in spite of my protests.
Finally, the doorbell rings, and it's the first time I'm happy to hear that familiar chime go off.
I stand up from the couch, but my mother is quicker as she goes to open the door and let Niall in.
"Hi Niall!"
I hear two kissing sounds, which means that she probably kissed both his cheeks.
Jesus Christ
I shake my head and walk out of the living room to see Niall. He looks at me as I look at him, and I must admit; he looks amazing.
"You look beautiful." He tells me and walks over with a boutonniere and a corsage. I blush as I hold my hand out for him to place the corsage on, before I fasten the boutonniere in the pocket of his blazer.
My mother takes about a billion pictures of us before Niall finally tells her that we have to get going, otherwise we'll miss the whole 'red carpet photos' thing.
He drives us over to the Four Seasons in his Bentley, and parks it right behind the hotel before he actually circles the car so he can hold the door open for me.
"This is really nice, but I don't like it. It's not you." I laugh as I get out of the car. He places a hand on the small of my back and leads me to the front of the hotel, where we catch up to everyone who's there already, waiting to get his or her turn for a photo.
Jake screams when he sees me, and walks over to hug me tightly as Harry waits smiling a few steps back.
"You look gorgeous as fuck! Look at the two of you! And you're matching!"
"It wasn't intentional." I say, just as Niall tells him that we didn't even intend to do so. And we really didn't. I just realized that we're both wearing white.
"Then it's meant to be! Come on, let's ask someone to take a picture of the four of us." Jake says and Harry is already going over to the nearest person, which happens to be Louis, and asks him to take a photos of us.
We pose for three photos, before Eleanor also arrives in a pretty gown and kisses him on the mouth.
"Sorry 'm late guys. What did I miss?"
"Well, we're still waiting to get in the fucking line for a few professional photos, but everyone knows that you always come out looking your best in basic iPhone selfies." Louis tells her.
So we take a selfie, before it's our turn to walk the red carpet. A few hired photographers are lined up on either side, taking pictures of us as we walk and when we stop to smile at the cameras. I already know that tomorrow, everyone's profile picture on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram will be the best one of these one can find.
We finally walk inside ten minutes later and leave our coats and bags in a storage room. There is already music coming from the hall we're supposed to hold prom in, and I'm actually a bit nervous as I walk next to Niall and Sophia towards the giant double doors. Maybe even more nervous than I was at the record label party.
The room is decorated beautifully and the lights and the atmosphere are 'lit', as Jake put it when we sat down at our table.
"So who do you think will be voted queen?" Sophia asks me as we make our way to the bar, leaving everyone behind.
"Kendall. Or Eleanor. Probably Kendall." I say and ask the bartender to give me a Tequila Sunrise. Sophia asks for the same before she turns back to me. Kendall had been Kylie's replacement on the cheer squad, now being the captain.
"And king?"
"Niall. Definitely. He's running against Louis and Jack. And he won last year, so." I say, not sure how I'd feel seeing him and Kendall dancing in front of everyone.
"Won't you get jealous?"
"Him and the prom queen dancing and taking pictures."
I pull my glass towards me when the bartender sets them down. It's then that I remember I'm not supposed to be drinking, so I ask for a glass of water instead, trying to avoid the ugly glare he shoots me. "I mean, I'll get a bit jealous, but it's nothing. Just a dance. Plus, Kendall's with Jack."
"Right." Sophia says and grabs her own drink before we head back to our table. Everyone's buzzing, waiting to get the first round of drinks in before we finally hit the dancefloor.
The music is amazing and everyone's having a good time; and even though I don't really get to dance much with Niall because girls keep asking him to dance and whatnot, I still manage to (pretend) have a good time with the rest of the group.
Two hours later, I still didn't get to dance with Niall, and everyone is ready to announce prom king and queen, so we all huddle closer to the stage.
"Good evening students, teachers." Mr. Brooks starts as he takes the stage with a sheet of paper. "As you know, one of the most anticipated moments of tonight has arrived. We're about to announce the winners of prom king and queen."
He looks down at the paper for a second, before he looks back up.
"First, lets start with the nominated ladies. First up, we have Eleanor Calder."
Everyone claps as Eleanor walks up the stage, and Louis makes a show of whistling and shouting.
"Our second nominee is Kendall Lee!"
More people clap and Kendall walks next to Eleanor with a friendly smile.
"And last but not least, Angelina Heeley!"
One of the girls on the cheer squad takes the stage and smiles at the crowd.
"And now for the prom king nominees. First up is Louis Tomlinson."
I scream louder than I should for Louis as he walks up the stage with a grin on his face.
"Next up is Jack Halter."
After Jack finally stops next to Louis, Mr. Brooks leans close to the microphone once again.
"And of course, last but not least, Niall Horan!"
The girl screams are a lot more prominent this time as Niall makes his way through the crowd and stops next to Louis.
"That being said, it's time to announce our king and queen. Can I get some drumrolls please?"
The DJ plays some shitty drumroll effect as Mr. Brooks opens an envelope offered to him by Ms. Flack.
"And the prom king is..."
I bite my lip and watch Niall throughout the whole thing.
"Niall Horan!"
Everyone erupts into cheers. Niall walks over to Mr. Brook and lets him put a crown on his head and a blue sash.
"And our prom queen is..."
I can see Sophia staring at me, but I try to brush it off. There's nothing to be bothered about.
"Although it was a close one by just two votes, our prom queen is Angelina Heeley!"
I'm just as surprised as Sophia, Eleanor, and Kendall, but I clap nevertheless because it's the polite thing to do. After Mr. Brooks crowns her and gives her the pink Prom Queen 2016 ribbon, he takes both their hands like the big drama queen he is, and holds them up.
"Ladies and gentlemen, our 2016 prom king and queen, Niall Horan and Angelina Heeley!"
"He looks like a fucking wrestling referee." Jake whispers in my ear, and I can't help but burst out laughing. My laughter dies soon enough though, because Niall takes Angelina's hand as he leads her down to the dancefloor where people have cleared the way for a 'first dance'.
They're doing a slow dance that seems to go on forever, until it eventually ends and the music starts up again. Everyone is congratulating the two, so Harry suggests we go out for a smoke since it's pretty crowded on the dancefloor right now.
We get out coats from the storage room and then exit through the back. I have my own pack this time, so I give Harry a cigarette (because I owe him plenty), before he lights them both in one go.
It's not as cold as I expected it to be in April.
"So...Niall won." He starts, blowing out the smoke. It's dark outside, so the smoke looks quite phantasmal.
"You don't seem too happy."
"I am."
"But?" He asks.
Damn, he knows me too well.
"But...he barely even talked to me tonight. I mean, I know I shouldn't expect anything from him, but still. We're not together or anything."
"That's bull. He was just in the center of attention and didn't handle it pretty well. But it's obvious that even though the girls are all over him, he's only got eyes for you."
I laugh.
"I'm being serious." He pouts as he takes a long drag.
"I know you are. But so far he hasn't proved it."
"He will. I have a feeling."
"You don't have feelings. Tell me what he said." I tell him and he gives me an innocent look.
"I don't what you mean?"
I give him a serious look. "Tell me."
He raises his hands in defense, just as the door opens, almost hitting me in the face. It's Niall.
Of course
Harry takes a last drag from his cigarette and slips me a piece of gum. "Well, I'll leave you two alone. I'm getting kind of cold."
"That wasn't obvious at all." Niall says when Harry closes the door and I slip the piece of gum into my mouth. "What were you two talking about?"
I shrug. "Nothing."
He takes a step back to look at me. "You okay?"
All I can think about though is how good he looks with that crown on his head. Damn him.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"I know you better than that so I know you're lying."
I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Seriously, it's nothing. I'm fine."
"When girls say that, it's never fine."
"That's sexist."
"It's not, it's the truth."
I poke my tongue in the inside of my cheek. "Well, this time it's not."
"Anyway. Let's say that you're fine for the sake of the argument, even though I know you're lying. I came to talk to you and to give you something."
My heart starts beating faster.
What in the world could we possibly talk about?
What does he want to give me?
Oral sex?
Jesus Christ
He looks for something through the pockets of his jacket, until he pulls out a gold studded crown that matches his. Sort of.
"What's this?" I dumbly ask, not really getting what he's trying to do.
"A crown. For you."
"For me? Why?"
"Do you really need me to spell it out for you?"
"Kind of, yeah." I say, looking into his eyes, trying to figure out what the fuck he's thinking about.
"I got this from Angelina."
"Because you're my princess."
My heart literally melts because I definitely was not expecting this answer.
"Wha-" I say but he steps forward and places it on my head. I feel like I'm about to cry but I don't want to. I won't.
I will not
To stop myself from crying, I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tightly. Because he can't place his chin on the top of my head like he usually does, he rests his cheek against my temple.
"Why?" Is all I can ask.
"Because you deserve it. You deserve so much more, and you can't even see it."
I clench my eyes shut, trying so hard not to cry from the overwhelming happiness I'm feeling right now, and he holds me even tighter.
"I wish it were easy." He says into my hair.
"Just...being with people."
I pull back. "As in...being in a relationship?"
He nods, biting his lip. I know him too well to be able to tell that he's a bit nervous and maybe even on the brink of being scared.
"So like...what?" I'm still not really sure about what he's talking about, or where he's going with this, but I'm also scared. But in a good way.
"So like..." he mocks me, nervously smiling. "I've never done this before. But like...would you like to maybe, go out sometime? Just like, the two of us?"
"Weren't we doing that already?"
He rolls his eyes exasperatedly. "I mean, as in-"
I cross my arms, wanting him to say it. He sighs, realizing what I want him to do.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend? As in, for us to be in a relationship? There."
I smile, pretending to think about it just to mess with him.
He smiles and pulls me into him again, kissing me deeply and harder than usual, but I love it.
When we get back to the dance, we're holding hands like those cheesy couples do at the end of romantic movies, and everyone in our group shouts and cheers when they see us.
"Did what I think just happened just happen?" Jake asks, coming over to me.
I nod as I release Niall's hand for him to go and talk to Louis and Zayn, before Jake just tackles me, nearly knocking me off my feet.
"I'm so happy for you bitch!" he exclaims and Sophia joins the group hug.
When they finally release me, I realize that there's only one hour left until everything's over, so we try to make the most of it. I dance with Niall, Louis, Harry, Jake, Sophia, Zayn, Eleanor, and then again with Niall for 'the last dance'.
When it's finally time to go, we all talk about the after party that's going to take place at Niall's house, since his parents already told him they're going to take the kids and go to London for the weekend.
Niall drives Sophia and I back to my house where we're going to change out of our clothes and then head over to his.
I already have my clothes for the after party ready; a pair of black short, a black sleeveless button up, a black varsity jacket with an R on it, and black converse to match my 'all black everything' theme. Sophia's a bit more colorful with a pair of blue jeans, black flats, and a white blouse.
We take a taxi there, and it seems like the party has already started when we get to the 'mansion' (as everyone likes to call it); there are cars everywhere, people outside, and lights and music coming from inside.
Almost everyone I saw at prom is here, so it takes me about ten minutes to get to the kitchen where I know Niall will be, because I say hello to everyone I recognize.
I find Niall and Louis in the kitchen, talking about something in a hushed tone, so I surprise him by wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his shoulder.
He turns around with a smile, and Louis makes gagging noises as we kiss in front of him.
Niall looks amazing in a black shirt, black jeans, and a light blue jean vest.
"Took you long enough." He jokes as he hands me a glass of water. Louis doesn't question it, so I think he must've not been paying attention.
"Sorry, you know how we are. Takes longer to put on makeup than to pick out an outfit." I laugh.
He smiles.
After a bit more chatting, we finally head over to the living room where people are dancing so we can join them.
At one point throughout the night, Eleanor comes over to me and asks me to come upstairs and help her with Sophia, because she's (not so surprisingly) drunk off her ass and throwing up in the toilet.
I leave Niall behind as I follow Eleanor upstairs and into the bathroom down the hall. Sophia is bent over the toilet, retching and gagging even though nothing comes back up.
"You alright?" I ask, rubbing her back.
She nods, but she's a bit wobbly on her feet so I try to steady her.
"I think I need to lay down a bit. A bit. Just a...bit."
I nod and then Eleanor helps me get her into Niall's bed. We take off her shoes and I instruct Eleanor to bring me a bottle of water from the kitchen.
When she doesn't get back ten minutes later, I tell Sophia to stay in bed so I can go downstairs and see what's going on.
As I walk towards the stairs, a drunken couple bumps into me and I turn around to call them out for it.
"Hey, watch where you're going."
I realize it's Angelina and Luke, my fucking ex boyfriend, staring back at me with annoyance and something else in their eyes.
"You watch where you're going." Luke warns me, stepping back from her. "So it looks like you're with Niall now, aren't you?"
"It's been five months, let it go." I say and roll my eyes.
"Let go of the fact that you're a slut? Sure." He snarls and I turn around, wanting nothing to do with this.
But before I can do anything else, I hear Angelina call my name and then suddenly I'm being pushed forward and falling down the stairs.
I lit my head, stomach, and legs on the hardwood stairs, and then fall to my side when I'm finally at the bottom.
I feel tears stinging the corners of my eyes because of the pain, and there's already a small group of people forming next to me.
"What the fuck is going on?" Niall yells as he pushes two guys aside while a girl helps me up. He realizes what happened, so he looks at the top of the stairs to see the Angelina and Luke staring back at me.
"Are you fucking insane?" he continues as he starts walking up towards them.
"Niall, stop, she's bleeding!" Eleanor yells at him and I realize that I've got this horrible pain in my stomach, so I look down.
There's blood running down my leg, so I automatically place my hands on my stomach.
Niall turns around and comes up in front of me.
"Shit, I've got to take you to the hospital."
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1. What would you like to happen next?
2. What do you think is going to happen in the hospital?
There are 2 chapters left of the story! Let me know what you'd like to see next, and how you think it will end :)
Also, if my current betas would start sending the chapters back to me, it would be great!
Hope you have a great day and don't forget to follow/vote/comment if you liked the chapter!
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