Chapter 22

Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like this chapter :)

The question of this chapter is: which is your dream car?

Don't forget to leave comments throughout the story x

Don't forget to answer the questions at the end !

Happy reading :)


Previously on Chapter 21:

Five minutes later, the waiting room is filled with our entire group, and also Kylie's group, and the atmosphere is really down, so almost no one notices when the doctor that was operating on Perrie came out of another corridor.

"So?" Zayn asks, standing up from his seat, where he was currently comforting Katherine.

"I'm sorry." He says, and Katherine is the first one to burst out in tears.

My heart is beating so fast, I don't even see Doctor Hagan coming towards me. She motions for me to come over so no one can overhear us.

"Renee Parker?" she asks.

I nod.

"Congratulations! You're one month pregnant." She tells me, smiling. My heart stops, and it's as if I can't hear anything but muffled cries and voices.

I turn my head to see if anyone has heard, and for a moment I'm relieve to see that no one pays any attention to me, but then I make eye contact with Niall who's a mere five meters away, staring right at me and Doctor Hagan.

And then, suddenly, because this day couldn't get any worse, I start crying.


My eyes are welling up and I'm hiccuping and don't even know what's going on around me anymore. I feel like everything is just too much and all at once, so of course my natural instinct is to cry.

I don't even register the fact that Niall is suddenly by my side, pulling me into him so I can bury my face in his chest. There's something about his amazing smell that calms me down until I eventually stop crying and just try to get a hold of my current state.

Katherine asks the doctor if we can see Perrie, and Kylie's group are eager to see their friend as well, but he tells us that we unfortunately can't since they already took them to the morgue.

My body feels weak and there's a weird, unfamiliar feeling building up in my chest since I haven't experienced the death of someone so close to me, ever.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Niall asks me an hour later, when we all exit the hospital to go back to our houses because no one feels like going out anymore.

"About what?"

He points to my stomach. "The fact that you're pregnant."

I suddenly feel nervous and scared, because I forgot all about that with everything that's been going on.


We sit down on a bench not far from the parking lot where he parked his car. It's a bit cold, but I can barely feel it. His eyes are rimmed red because he's been crying, and it's weird to see him like this, but at the same time it's comforting, for some odd reason.

"So how long have you known?"

"Well...that Monday I left class was actually because I realized my period was late."

"I knew it."

I ignore him to continue. "I told Soph and she said I should wait one more week to make sure, and if I still don't get my period then we would visit Liam's sister. But she wasn't available today yet we still came and it turns out that I'm actually pregnant."

I wait for him to say something.

"And what do you want to do about the baby?"

"I don't know. What can I do?"

"Do you want to keep it?"

"If I keep it then I'd have to give up all plans of going to Uni and my parents would probably kick me out of the house. But I also can't...I can't abort it. I feel like I'd be too cruel." I hesitate for a couple of seconds. "What do you want to do?"

"Well...if you keep it I'm not going to be one of those arseholes that doesn't want to help out, so I'm going to respect your decision and be there for you."

My heart feels like it's about to burst from his words, and I can't believe how he managed to give me such a perfect answer.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to take it like this."

"Like how?"

" okay. I don't know. I expected you to flip out and make a scene."

"It's my responsibility too."

I cuddle up into him and he holds me close, pressing a kiss to my temple. "It's going to be okay. If you want, after you've made your decision we can tell your parents together."

"What about your parents?"

He shrugs. "They're the least of my worries right now. When do you have to go in for another check up?"

"In three weeks."

"Alright, I'll come with you."

I smile into his chest. "You have no idea how much it means to me that you're okay about all of this."


Perrie and Kylie's funeral is on Saturday, three days after their parents got checked out of the hospital. They've only got minor injuries; their mother hit her head against the back of Perrie's seat, and their father broke a fucking finger.

The entire school has been mourning for five days, now, and classes got cancelled on Tuesday. The school counselor told us that her door is open for everyone who wants to go in and talk to her during a school assembly about why it isn't good to text and drive.

I blame myself to some extent for what happened to them, since she was texting me when the accident occurred. A lot of people, almost half of our school shows up at the wake that's held inside the church. It's grim to see two coffins instead of one, but nevertheless, everyone goes up to say their last goodbyes, before only close friends and family walk up to the hill so they can watch the two girls buried.

"No parent should bury his child." The pastor says, and that's when I zoom out. It's too painful to hear the words, and also think about never being able to see Perrie and Kylie ever again.

Katherine holds my hand until the coffins are in the ground, and even afterwards, when we're in the car on our way back to our house.

When I get home I go up to my room with no desire to eat dinner whatsoever, and open my driving test book, even though I'm definitely not in the mood.

My test is going to be on Wednesday, and I'm way too distracted to even pay attention. Niall promised to take me driving on Tuesday; right before the record label party he has to attend.

I call him just so I can hear his voice, because I realized a few days ago that it soothes me for some reason.


"Hi. What are you doing?"

"Trying to figure out how algebra works. You?"

"Oh, shit. We have that test on Monday."

"Yeah..." he trails off, probably wondering why I called him. We've never spoken on the phone before, mainly because I mentioned the fact that I hate phone conversations due to the fact that they're more awkward than talking to a person face to face.

"So I was wondering whether we're still up for Tuesday? You told me you'd take me driving."

"Yeah, still good. Oh, speaking of Tuesday, my dad's record label party is at seven, and he told me I can bring a plus one."

"You want me to be your plus one?"

"Why not?"

"Uh...alright. Although I have to find a decent dress, I'm good."

"I'll come pick you up and then we can get going."

"How late is it going to be?"

He thinks for a second. "Probably until the morning hours but we can leave whenever."

"I'll tell my parents."


"See you on Monday."

"Okay. Bye Rey."



I barely make it on time to school on Thursday, because I had trouble waking up in the morning. I'm excited about the driving test though, and the record label party that's going to follow later.

I sit down next to Niall in our first class.

"So, my parents told me I can come and stay until midnight today."

"That's great." He smiles, right before Mr. James comes in.

He talks to us about teen pregnancy, the ups and downs, pros and cons, and it makes me feel weird hearing about it because hey, couldn't he have said so earlier?

At the end of the period, he gives each of us a condom, telling us to stay safe.

"A bit too late for that." Niall mutters under his breath as he shoves it in his wallet.

I slap him on the arm and smile, just as the bell rings, which has the entire class standing up at once.

"I've got Algebra now, but I'll see you at lunch and then after school, okay?" Niall says as we walk towards my locker so I can get my History stuff.

"Good luck on that test." I tell him and kiss him on the cheek, before he's off in the opposite direction.

The day goes by quickly, and I actually manage to eat a salad for lunch to avoid dirty looks from him. At the end of the day, we meet by his Bentley so he can take me driving.

"Are you actually going to let me drive your Bentley?"

He nods. "You've been taking driving lessons with an instructor for a month now, so I think you're not going to do much damage to my car."

I get in the drivers seat, and he mutters "I hope" under his breath.

"I heard that." I tell him as I start the car. "So where to?"

"I now a deserted road not far from here, we should be alright."

He gives me directions, and indeed, we reach a small field two minutes from the school that he lets me drive back and forth on for an hour, before he has to get to Pre School to pick up his siblings.

"So if your parents would want to get you a car, what car would you want?" he asks.

"Uh, they're not going to get me a car, that's for sure, but I've always wanted a Mercedes."

"What type?"


"That's like, what? Twenty two grand?"

I nod. "My parents make that money in like, half a year, so I don't think they're going to buy it for me. I told them about it numerous times, but it's not going to happen."

"Well you don't know if they're going to come around."

"They're not, I know them."

I stop the car at the end of the road so we can switch places.

He drives to his siblings' pre school and waits for them to get in, before he drives me to my house.

"I forgot to ask you how you did at the test."

He shrugs. "I don't know. I'm hoping for a C."

"Oh come on, you can get more than that."

"Let's hope so."

He drops me off at my house and asks me if I want him to pick me up tomorrow, but I tell him no, otherwise my parents will ask way too many questions about what's going on between us.

"I'll come back around half past five to pick you up, my mother already talked to a makeup artist and she really wants the both of you to get your makeup done."

I make a surprised face.

"Alright. Bye."

"BYE REY!" Eddie yells and Lilly waves me off with a smile.

When I get to my room I start on my homework before I search through my closet for a decent dress to wear tonight.

I find a Stella McCartney dress in the back of my closet; a purchase I made a couple of months ago when there was a big sale and got it 70% off, for only sixty-five pounds.

Then I pick out a nice looking red-ish blazer and matching pumps, a white clutch to go with the dress, but I have to fancy earrings, nor a fancy necklace to go with the outfit, so I just hope that whoever does my hair at Niall's house wil leave it down.

I barely get the time to pack everything nicely in a bag before I hear a honk outside, meaning that Niall is here to pick me up. I send my mother a text saying that I'm already off at the 'gala', as she calls it, and then I run down the stairs to put my shoes on and get going.

Niall's house is a bit more agitated than usual, with stylists running all around carrying dresses and makeup supplies.

"My mom's in her room getting her hair done." Niall says as he leads me upstairs.

He stops at the door to look at me. "It won't be too weird, will it?"

"I hope not." I nervously say as he opens the door.

There are two chairs lined up in front of two make up desks with large mirrors, and I shyly walk up to Mrs. Horan.

"Good afternoon." I say and place my bag next to the empty chair.

She turns to look at me, and it strikes me how beautiful she can be.

"Rey! Oh, how good to see you! Sit down, come on! We have one hour left, then we have to get going."

Another guy comes into the room and asks me how I want my hair done, so I tell him I want it down, with a bit of wavy curls at the end.

"Great choice." He tells me as he gets to work.

Should I tell her that I didn't bring any money to pay for the stylists? Would that be too weird?

I decide against it, but I make a mental note to ask Niall about it later.

"So how are you and Niall doing?" Mrs. Horan asks.

Oh no. It's THAT type of conversation

"Uh...we're good?"

It's meant to come out as a statement, but it sounds like a confused question.

"How long has it been now?"

"Since when?"

"Since you've started dating."

"Oh. We're not-no. We aren't dating."

"Really? Well, I can't say I'm surprised. He's never brought someone home more than once, and always for the night."

She looks at me, and sees my confused face, so that's why she adds "But that hasn't happened for quite a while though, so that's why I thought you two were together. I've only seen you around. And his behavior has changed in good."

"I'm happy to hear that." I say and shoot her a relieved smile.

We chat about the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show she attended in London a few months ago, and as soon as our hair is done, two new guys come in to work on our make up.

"So I was thinking I could put some eyeliner and dark mascara to fit your tan." James (my makeup artist apparently) tells me as he looks at me through the mirror. "What colors are you wearing?"

"Red and white."

"A light red would be good for eye shadow, don't you think?"

All I can do is nod, because I've never really used an eye shadow besides black or dark blue.

He starts working on my face with concealer first, then bronzer and blush, before he does my eyebrows and puts eyeliner and mascara. He finishes with a nice light red color on my eyelids, and points my head back to the mirror.

"What do you think?"

"It looks great!" Mrs. Horan excitedly says. "Do her lips with that red Yves Saint Laurent lipstick, and then it's going to be perfect."

James does as told, and I'm really pleased with the result.

Five minutes later, we're left alone to change into our outfits because it's already half past six and we should get going.

"Oooh, that dress is beautiful!" she gushes when I pull out the white dress from my bag. "And it goes so well it that blazer!"

I feel awkward changing in front of her, and she sees that so she tells me I can change in her bathroom. When I come out, she's looking at herself in the mirror, trying to decide what necklace to put on. They're both gorgeous and look fucking expensive.

She looks exactly the way any girl would want to look when they're forty; she's wearing a nice dark green gown that accentuates her eyes and her slim figure, black stilettos, and a white fur coat.

"No earrings and necklace? I've got the perfect ones for you. Hold on."

She goes to one of the huge dresses that are against the wall next to the bed and pulls out a drawer with a couple of jewelry boxes in it.

"Take these. They're Swarovski." She says and hands me two giant diamond earrings.

"Oh, I can't take these."

"Of course you can! I've got two pairs anyway. You can keep them."

"Are you sure?" I timidly ask as I put them on. They're not as heavy as they look.

Then she helps me put on a diamond pendant she says she got from Bloomingdales but can't match to anything from her wardrobe.


When we're finally done, we look at ourselves in the mirror one more time before we step out of the room.

I can hear Niall and his father downstairs chatting.

"Jazmine, are you girls done?" Mr. Horan yells, so we walk down the stairs.

When I make eye contact with Niall, he smiles and walks over to me, still holding a glass of whatever is in it. He looks amazing in the black suit he's wearing, and the tones of my dress match his shirt.


"You look great." He says, placing his free hand on my back. "Was it awkward?"

I shake my head, and then answer him in a low voice so his parents won't hear: "She was really nice. Gave me earrings and a necklace."

Niall pushes my hair back to look at them, before he rolls his eyes. "Always showing off."

I slap his arm softly and then we're out the door, climbing into their Porsche SUV. His father drives faster than Niall by far, so the ride to the hotel where the party is being held at seems like a roller coaster.

I get intimidated when I see the red carpet leading up to the entrance and the hired photographers that crowd the sides of it.

"I think I just saw Ed Sheeran." I tell Niall as we walk up the red carpet to get inside. We lose track of his parents who probably stayed behind for pictures, but the red carpet doesn't end in the hallway. It goes farther along under a double door a good few meters away.

Niall asks me to stop for a picture in front of the giant hoarding with the sponsors and the record label logo, so I do, but as soon as ten seconds are up, he leads me to the second set of doors, until we're finally inside the hall where the party is taking place.

It's incredibly overwhelming because I recognize a lot of famous faces, but I try to keep my calm as I follow Niall over to the bar.

"Do you want me to introduce you to anyone?" he asks.

"Uh...Ellie Goulding? And Adele? And Sam Smith. Oh good, I need a drink."

He looks at me. "You shouldn't be drinking."

It suddenly dawns on me why not. "Oh, shit."

He orders Red Bull Vodka for himself, and a coke for me.

"Diet, please." I tell the bartender, trying not to look at Niall's face as I say this.

He nods.

"That's the only type of coke we have here anyway. Everyone's watching their figure."

"Our table is right there." Niall tells me after we got our drinks and points to the table right in front of a stage where some acts are supposed to be performing tonight.

It's not long before Ellie fucking Goulding comes over to say hi to Niall, and I watch their interaction in awe, not able to say anything other than a small 'hi'.

When she leaves, I almost vomit from excitement.

"Don't get too excited." He laughs.

"How do you know each other?"

"We hooked up once, a year ago during another one of these parties."


He nods.

"So I technically had sex with Ellie Goudling?"

He nods again, smiling this time. "You're weird."

"I know. It's way too overwhelming."

His parents join our table at some point during the night, and offer us both two glasses of champagne. Niall ends up drinking both of mine when they're not looking so it won't seem suspicious, so by eleven he's already tipsy on his way to being completely drunk.

It's funny though; watching him go up to celebrities and ask for a picture, acting (only sometimes I think) like he already knows them.

I end up taking a picture with Lady fucking Gaga and Demi Lovato, so the night's been a blast.

Around half past eleven, Niall asks me if I want to get home, and I nod. I'm already a bit tired and I have to go back to his house to take my stuff anyway, so we say goodbye to his parents and call a cab on our way out.

We don't have to wait longer than a minute for the taxi to show up, and as soon as Niall gives him his address, he's kissing me. I'm overwhelmed by it but can't say that I didn't expect it; after all, I've been dying to kiss him ever since I saw him in that suit.

When we get inside his house, he turns on the lights downstairs and I immediately start laughing.

"What?" he dumbly asks and I point to his mouth.

"You've got red lipstick all over your face."

He tries to wipe it off but it's to no use.

"I have to pick up my stuff from your parents' bedroom." I tell him so he follows me up the stairs and into their room.

I pick up the bag from the floor and intend to go to the bathroom to change, but he stops me.

"Let me help you unzip your dress."

That line already has me knowing what's about to happen, but I'm not opposed to it, so I let him unzip my dress and pull it over my head before I turn around to face him.

"You look beautiful." He tells me and leans down to kiss me properly.

Our tongues find each other immediately and I wrap my hands around his neck. I lean up on my tiptoes so I can make it more comfortable for him, but he's having none of it so soon enough he's lifting me up and carrying me out of the room towards his own.

He drops me on his bed and takes off his suit, then his tie and pants, before he gets on top of me with an eager expression on his face.

"You'll have to be quick." I tell him and he nods.

"Won't be a problem." He says into my neck as he's kissing down on it. "I'm halfway there."

I snort. "Liar."

"You really have no idea what you're doing to me, have you?"

I answer by searching for his lips through the darkness and locking them together with mine in a deep kiss. I can already feel his erection pressing against my hipbone so I start unbuttoning his shirt without breaking out kiss.

As soon as it's off he reaches for the nightstand and pulls out a condom.

"Better safe than sorry." He jokes.

"Too late for that."

He doesn't say anything as he rolls over onto his back to get off his briefs and roll the condom on. Before he can get back on top of me though, I straddle his thighs.

"You want to ride me?" he asks, and even through the dim darkness I can tell that he looks like a kid on Christmas.

"Why not?"

"I lo-fuck yeah."

I lean back down to kiss him and start grinding against him so I can feel his cock against my stomach and he can slip a finger inside of me.

"You're so wet already." He murmurs into the kiss with a smile.

"You really have no idea what you're doing to me, have you?" I quote him.

He slips a second finger inside of me and works them expertly in a scissoring motion, then upwards until he's massaging my g-spot.

I break the kiss so I can let out a low moan and wrap my fingers around his cock to position it right under my entry. I sink down onto him slowly, trying to adjust to his girth.

My body stays on top of his for a few moments, until I start moving up and down, with a bit of help from his hands that are placed on my waist.

He helps me by lifting me up and down, until I find an adequate pace and place my hands on his chest for leverage.

"You feel so good, you have no idea."

I start moving faster, to pleasure him (and also myself) even more.

At some point, my thighs start to cramp up so I stop moving and lean down to kiss Niall, letting him do the rest of the work. He starts thrusting up in me with force, picking up his pace, and at the same time he tries to kiss me.

I slow him down my grinding down his cock and up against him, which causes Niall to moan into my ear and stroke down my back.

When I pull back and finally sit properly, he sits up too so our chests are still touching and I'm practically sitting in his lap as we move against each other, panting into each other's mouths.

It feel absolutely blissful and I know I'm really close to my orgasm when Niall starts fucking upwards for a few moments, before he ends up rolling us over so I'm under him.

He starts thrusting again, this time even faster, and brings his hand down to my clit. I come a few seconds later with his name on my lips, and he follows a minute later, shooting into the condom.

Niall collapses on top of me and waits a few moments to regain his breath, and then rolls off of me, pulling the condom off.

"Was it better than last time?" I ask as I watch him walk over to the rubbish bin and throwing the condom in.

"Definitely." He smiles, kneeling on the bed and over me so he can press a kiss to my forehead. "Can't you stay the night?"

I shake my head. "Unfortunately, no. My parents will get mad because tomorrow's a school day. And I have to get some rest before I take my driving test."

I put my underwear (that I don't even remember taking off) back on, and then walk back to his parent's room to change into the clothes I came in earlier this afternoon. I pack my dress, pumps, and blazer into the bag, and leave the earrings and the necklace on the dresser.

"You should keep them."

"I can't keep ten grand worth of jewelry Niall."

"My mom told me to tell you that you can have them. She's always wanted a girl so she can dress her up and spoil her."

"She's got Lilly." I say, looking at the jewelry on the dresser. It is pretty, but I don't think I'm going to have another occasion to wear them.

"Lilly's five. She's going to have to wait at least ten years for that. Or, maybe seven."

I shoot him a look and he smiles. "Seriously, take it. She won't use it."

"Fine." I sigh, even though I'm glad to do so.

I put them in my wallet before we head back down the stairs. He's only wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, but he still calls a taxi and comes along with me.

"See you tomorrow." He tells me, and then leans over to give me a kiss.

I gladly kiss him back and thank him, right before I get out of the car.

I get up to my room unnoticed, since the entire house is sleeping and Nacho is the only one up but not doing any noise.

It takes ten minutes to take a shower, remove my make up and get into bed; but as soon as my face hits the pillow, I fall asleep with a smile on my face.


To say I'm nervous about my driving test would be an understatement. I can't even concentrate in school because my palms are sweating, and I can't stomach anything. It's the first time in a long time that I don't eat because I literally can't.

"Are you okay?" Niall asks during lunch.

"No. I'm super stressed about the driving test today."

"Don't be. You were great yesterday when I took you for a ride."

We make eye contact and he smirks, letting me know that I understood the double meaning correctly.

"The sexual tension is killing me." Jake says and fans his face in a dramatic way.

"By the way." Niall says, shooting him a look. "I got a B on my Algebra test."

"What? That's great!" Harry exclaims. "I knew I didn't tutor you for nothing."

After lunch, we head over to English, and I can't even focus on History, or Spanish. Before I know it, the day is already over and Niall is taking me to the driving school.

"I have something to do, but I'll be back in an hour to pick you up after you get your license."

I nod and kiss him on the cheek before I get out of the car and go inside, looking for the man that is supposed to assist me. He makes me drive down a nearly deserted road, and then on a really busy one, and so on, until we finally reach the building again.

"Well...Mrs. Parker. Congratulations. I can officially hand you your driver's license."

I smile, relieved. "Really?"

He nods. "You just have to come in and sign something."

I follow him inside and sign the papers he hands me over, before he gives me my driver's license. I stare at it.

Well, I guess no one comes out looking good in license photos after all.

My phone rings, so I thank the instructor and leave the room, walking towards the exit.

"Are you done?"


"When you're outside, come towards the parking lot. I've got something for you."

"I hope you're not naked or anything."

Niall laughs through the phone. "Jesus, no. Just come."

I hang up and take a right towards the parking lot, where I see him leaning against a white Mercedes CLA.

"You got a new car and wanted to show off?" I ask.

"No." he says and opens the drivers door.

"It's yours."

I stop in my tracks a few meters away from him.


"It's yours. Because you passed your test."

I get an overwhelming feeling in my stomach as I take off towards him, and almost knock him down when I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"I can't believe you got me a car!" I say into his neck. "Thank you! But I can't accept it."

"Yeah you can." He says, stroking my back and kissing my cheek. "I'll get mad if you don't."

"If you insist." I smile, and he puts me down.

I look at the new car, and run my palm alongside of it. "How did you manage to buy it in a day?"

"I bought it last week with one of the credit cards I never use. You mentioned the car a month or so ago, but I just wanted to make sure yesterday that I got it right. Imagine if I didn't."

"I just-it's so overwhelming. You shouldn't have done this, really."

"You deserve it. Here."

I take the keys from him, then smirk when I meet his eyes.

"So how about I take it for a ride, and then you take me for one?"

To answer my question, Niall pins me against the car and kisses me with force.


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1. What would you like to happen next?

2. What should they do with the baby?

There are 3 chapters left of the story! Let me know what you'd like to see next, and how you think it will end :)

Also, if there's anyone willing to read through all of the chapters up until now, and those to come, and correct grammar mistakes, please message me on private because I'd like to make this story into a book as well !

Hope you have a great day and don't forget to follow/vote/comment if you liked the chapter!



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