Chapter 21

Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like this chapter :)

The question of this chapter is: do you think Rey gets pregnant or it's just a scare?

Don't forget to leave comments throughout the story x

Also, I'm sorry for how it ends and don't forget to answer the questions at the end ! 

Happy reading :)


Previously on Chapter 20:

"Today, on March 1st..." Mr. James starts but I completely zone out.

"What?" I ask out loud.

"I said, today on March 1st." Mr. James repeats, clearly annoyed that he just had to repeat himself. As he goes on, I start to panic and gather my stuff.

"Everything alright?" Sophia whispers to me.

I shake my head and lean over so I can tell her without anyone hearing.

"I just missed my period."

She's confused for a second but then suddenly her eyes go wide in realization.

Well, I'm fucked.


I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror for God knows how long; until the door opens and Sophia barges in with a worried look on her face.

"What's going on Rey?"

Her tone is a mix between anger and worry, so I sigh and turn my head to look at her properly.

"I just-nothing."

She gives me her 'really bitch, really?' look and puts a hand on her hip. "Tell me. Now."

"I missed my period this month."

Sophia frowns, coming closer.

"When was it supposed to start?"

"Like a week ago? And I missed it. I've never missed it before."

"Maybe because you don't eat enough."

Shit, she might be right.

"You think?"

"Yes." She answers, impatiently. "But the safest way to find out is by going to a doctor."

I shake my head immediately. "No. No way. I don't want my parents finding out."

"They won't. Liam's older sister is a doctor and she can run a test to see why you missed your period."

"Maybe it's just late-"

"We'll go next week if nothing changes, okay?"

I nod. "Thank you."

"Of course. Always." She says smiling, and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Also, don't tell anyone okay? Not even Liam."

"I won't. I promise."


When I get home that day, both my parents are home way too early, which seems a bit suspicious.

"What's going on? Hi." I say as I enter the kitchen. They're both at the kitchen table sipping tea and talking, so something is definitely not right.

"Do you know what today is?" my mother asks, looking up at me.


"No. Today is the day your grandparents celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary."

"Really? Wow."

"Yes. So I suggest you go to your room and pick something nice to wear because we're going out to dinner tonight."

"Who is we?"

"Your grandparents, your father and I, Katherine, and your brother with Ellie."

"Alright." I say, trying not to roll my eyes as I walk out of the room.

When I get to my own room, I drop my backpack on the bed and sit down to my desk so I can check Tumblr and see what's going on on Twitter. Honestly, who needs homework?

I change into my house clothes and actually start on the homework that's due in the next couple of days, before I ask myself if I really need lunch. Probably not. And that's not just my eating disorder speaking, it's also the knot I feel in my stomach at the thought that I might be pregnant.

What if I really am pregnant? What will I tell Niall? What will I tell my parents? How will everyone react? What about my future?

There are just too many questions swirling through my head and I can't make them stop even if I wanted to. So to try and get my mind off things, I look for the latest Teen Wolf episode and put my earphones in to drown out all the sounds, including the voices in my head telling me that everything is going to shit.


Niall's POV

I park my Bentley next to my mother's car, which means that she's home. Which also means that her and my dad continued the fight they started this morning before I left for school and neither of them got to work, even though his Mercedes in missing from the driveway.

As soon as I enter the house, I can already hear yelling coming from upstairs, so I go into the living room to check if my siblings are in there, but judging by the fact that the TV is turned off and the car our driver uses also wasn't parked, they're both at their after school program.

When I get to my room I drop my backpack on the bed and walk into the bathroom to change and take a shower. By the time I'm back and sitting down at my desk, trying to actually do some work on an essay that's due tomorrow, the screams get way too loud for my liking so I exit my room and stride over to theirs.

I push the door open and try not to be taken aback by the chaos my eyes meet when I do; bed sheets thrown against the wall, the glass table shattered in the corner, a few broken vases lying on the floor next to the window, and most importantly my crying mother and red-faced father.

"Can you two shut the fuck up? I'm so tired of your screaming and I'm actually trying to do some schoolwork but I fucking can't! Stop fighting and think about the fact that you have two little children in this house who still think their parents love each other, okay?"

They stare at me without saying anything, probably as surprised as I am by the sudden outbursts. I mean, I'm always telling them to shut up or to take their fighting elsewhere, but I've never been this angry or this serious before.

I slam the door to their bedroom before I walk back to mine and slam that door too, and then I drop into the seat. However, the silence bothers me and ironically, I can't seem to concentrate on what I'm supposed to be doing, so I log into WhatsApp on my laptop and answer conversations that don't really interest me.

I block a few girls that get on my nerves and then plan my next smoking session with Zayn and Louis, before I click on my chat with Rey that's been left with a ':))' from me two days ago.

I bite my lip as I think of what I could write to her without seeming too desperate and bother her too much.

Why do I even feel like I bother her? I don't have this problem with anyone ever.

So I type:

hey :)

why did you run out of class today?

The message delivers but she doesn't answer right away, so I minimize the tab and get to work. I'm supposed to be writing an essay in history, but all I can think about is what Rey is doing and why the hell did she run out of class today.

I'm halfway through copying the essay off a site when I get a notification that she answered.

Rey: I felt sick

Rey: why? Did I miss anything interesting? :))

Niall: no

Niall: I was just worried about you that's all

Rey: Niall horan worried about someone? Wooow

Rey: never thought I'd see the day

Rey: :)))

Niall: (annoyed emoji)

I lick my lips and close the conversation so I can refocus on my essay. A few minutes later there's a knock on my door and I don't answer, but it opens anyway.

"I didn't say come in." I say and turn around with my chair. My father is standing in the doorframe with his arms crossed, looking more tired than I've ever seen him.

"What?" I ask.

"Can we talk?"

"I don't know, will you scream and throw things?"

"The throwing was all your mother."

I roll my eyes. I never pick sides, because I don't really care, or at least I try not to care, but seeing my mother this upset and actually crying makes me want to take her side this time.

"What?" I repeat.

"Your mother and I are going through a rough time."

"You've been going through a 'rough time' for years now, then."

He sighs and sits down at the edge of my bed, keeping his distance.

"So why are you fighting about? Why don't you just get divorced? It would help everyone, honestly."

"Because we love each other."

I snort, and then I realize that this wasn't at all the answer I expected to receive. I was expecting something along the lines of 'because of your siblings', or 'because it's too complicated to get divorced, too much paperwork and we don't have a prenup'. But definitely not this.

"How does that work? It doesn't make any sense." I say, turning around and looking for a cigarette pack through my desk drawers. I definitely need one if I'm going to have this conversation.

My father waits for me to light it and pull the ashtray out of one of the drawers, before I motion for him to continue while trying to look as indifferent as possible.

"We l-"

"Yeah yeah, you love each other. Then why are you fighting? Did you cheat? Did she cheat? Is it money? What is it?"

"She's jealous of my new secretary and wants to take a job in London to be as far away from me as possible because she thinks I'm cheating, but I want her to stay here."

"Did you cheat?"

He shakes his head. "No. I would never."

"Then why does she think you did?"

"Because I took Jane out for her birthday last month and one of her friends saw us at the table."

"Why did you take her out if you knew it would make her mad?"

"I didn't know that. I told her the same thing, that I thought after twenty years of marriage we trusted each other enough for this."

"That's bullshit."

I flick my thumb over the cigarette bud so the ash can fall into the ashtray, without taking my eyes off of my dad.

"And what's this about London? What job offer does she want to take?"

"She has to work four days ever other week at a new firm that offered her the CEO position. It pays double what she earns now and she's have to do even less work."

"So? Let her take it."

"I did tell her to take it, but she wants to move there even though she can work there from Monday to Thursday, every other week."

"Then what's the problem?"

"The problem is that she wants to move. Honestly Niall, can't you understand?"

"What I can't understand is why you have to fucking fight all the time about every little thing."

"ALEX!" my mother yells from somewhere downstairs.

My father stands up from the bed. "Listen to me son."

I raise an eyebrow as I put the cigarette out.

"The moment you stop fighting, that's the moment you know you stopped caring. And it's scary. I'd rather fight with your mother for what we have, than stop fighting and lose everything."

I don't say anything else as I watch him leave the room. I just pull out another cigarette and light it up, before I turn to my computer to see if Rey replied.

Rey: sorry

Rey: I'm just stressed right now

Niall: why?

Rey: my parents want me to go to this fancy dinner

Rey: because my grandparents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary

Rey: and I'm not in the mood

Niall: where are you going?

Rey: Rosso

Niall: never been there

She reads the message but doesn't answer. I always hate this part. When I really want to talk to someone but the conversation stops and I don't really know what else to say.

I close the conversation and leave it at that, and then put the cigarette out. After I finish the essay by copy and pasting it on my computer, and then removing the parts that sound a bit too wise for my vocabulary, I consider it done, so I move to my bed with my laptop to watch a new horror movie.

I hear my siblings downstairs two hours later, so I stop the movie and wait for them to come into my room for a hug, like they usually do.

When the door opens, I don't even get to turn towards them because they already jump over me and yell my name.

"Niall!! We learned to count to a hundred today!" Lilly tells me and wraps her arms around my neck, while Eddie kneels over me with a smile.

"I can count over to one hundred and ten! Ha!" he says and sticks his tongue out.

Lilly pushes him and then they start wrestling, so I have to pull them apart.

"Hey hey hey! What did I tell you about fighting?"

"That we shouldn't do it." Eddie pouts and sits down next to my head.

"Can we watch cartoons on your computer? Mom and dad are downstairs."

"Of course. What do you want to watch?"

"Cinderella!" Lilly says, at the same time as Eddie says "Aladdin."

"Okay. We're going to watch Cinderella today, and then Aladdin. That sound okay?"

They nod, before they both settle in next to me and cuddle up into my chest. When the movie finishes, I play Aladdin, and then send them off to bed because it's already past eight.

I decide to check if Rey has messaged me, but to no luck. So I text her instead.

Niall: hows dinner going?

Rey: well, besides the racist and sexist jokes, everything is ok

Rey: I guess

Niall: I'm boreed

Niall: do u think you can come out for like 10 mins?

Rey: yes please

I get up from my bed and walk over to the closet to change my sweats for some jeans, before I grab the keys to the Bentley and walk out of my room.

My parents are in the living room now, sitting on the couch and watching a Tv show, not fighting anymore. My father turns his head when I get to the door but doesn't ask me where I'm going, so I just exit the house.

I know where Rosso is because it's one of Louis' favorite places to eat, and he and Harry would go there on their secret dates where no one they knew would see them.

It takes me ten minutes to get there by car, and unfortunately I have to park one block away because parking is for clients only.

I text her to come outside, and then I sit down on a bench around the corner and light a cigarette. I see her soon enough, coming out of the restaurant and looking around until she spots me.

She looks gorgeous; she's wearing a white dress with a matching leather jacket over it, and a pair of white flats she must be freezing in.


"Hi." Rey says and sits down next to me, putting one leg over the other.


"'s pretty cold outside, innit?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I just wanted to see you." I say before I can stop myself. Since when do I admit these things out loud, let alone think or feel them?

She smiles, so it's all worth it.

"How's dinner with your family?"

"Eh. Rubbish so far." She says, and then looks at the cigarette I'm currently holding.

"Want one?"

"Just a drag. I don't want my mother to smell me when I get back."

"Come here." I say as I take another drag and bring my face closer to hers, so we can exchange the smoke.

After she blows it out she turns her head to look at me. There's something in her eyes that I can't quite place, but it doesn't look good so I ask if she's okay.

"What do you mean by okay?"

"I mean, in general. I still don't know why you rushed out of class."

"I told you, my stomach was hurting."

"You told me you felt sick."

She bites her lip. "Same thing."

There's something that doesn't add up, but I'm not going to push her since it's obvious that she doesn't trust me enough to tell me what actually happened.

I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. So much.

"Are you okay?"

I nod.

"You seem distant."

"Because you won't tell my why you really left the class so suddenly."

She sighs. "I already told you. Really, I just felt sick so I left."

"Did you throw up?"


I bow my head to shoot her an incredulous look.

"No!" she says, this time more defensive.

"When was the last time you've-"

"You know what? If you asked me to come out just so you can grill me about my 'eating disorder', then I'm going back inside. See you tomorrow." She says and stands up, smoothing her dress down.

I catch her arm and stand up too, not wanting her to leave. For some reason, I pull her up against me and hug her by wrapping my arms around her neck.

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried, that's all."

"Is it weird that I don't believe you?" she asks, this time in an amused tone so her previous anger is probably gone already.

"No. I wouldn't believe myself either."

"Do you, though?"

She pulls away from me to look up at me as she asks the question. I nod.

"I do."

"Okay then."

I smile and lean down to press a quick kiss on her lips, but she continues it by opening her mouth and intertwining our tongues.

The kiss doesn't last long because she pulls away soon enough, saying that she has to go back before her parents get the idea that she might have gone outside to smoke since they're already suspicious about it.

I want to tell her that she's eighteen and entitled to do whatever she wants, but then I remember that some parents actually care about their child's well-being, so I kiss her forehead and let her go.

I wait for her to enter the restaurant before I get into my car and leave.

When I get home, my parents are both out, and I check on my siblings to make sure they're sleeping. It's a bit irresponsible to leave two small children home alone at night, but there's no one I can yell to about it so I just go to my room and pack my school bag for the next day.

Two hours later, as I lay in bed still watching American Horror Story, it occurs to me that it's going to be one of those nights again where I just can't sleep for some reason. I go over what I ate and drank today, and there's nothing out of the ordinary; nothing containing too much sugar, and no energy drink whatsoever.

By the time the sun comes out it's already time to get dressed for school, so I just take a quick shower and change into some presentable clothes before I leave.


Rey's POV

I'm in no mood for school a week later, so as soon as my father drops Katherine and I off, I join Zayn and Louis behind the school building where I know they must be smoking.

One of the reasons is that I didn't see or talk to Niall since Tuesday, which was the last day he showed up at school. Another reason is that my period was still late, and I had a pact with Sophia that we'd go to the doctor today to check out what was wrong.

And it turns out I'm right about the smoking part; Louis, Zayn, and Niall are all leaning against the wall smoking. When I see Niall, I feel this unfamiliar warmth in my stomach, combined with butterflies and a feeling like I might be sick.

He's wearing black skinny jeans, a black shirt, and a grey jacket underneath one made out of leather, matched with Black Vans.


"Hiii." I say and start kissing everyone on the cheek, until I get to Niall who turns his head to kiss me on the mouth.

"Where have you been?" I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest in a scolding manner.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? I haven't seen you in almost a week."

"Were you worried?" he asks, grinning. There's something sad in his eyes, even though his smile suggests otherwise, but I don't point it out in front of everyone.

"I was worried."

He changes the subject after that, which means that he probably doesn't want everyone to know where he's been, or he just doesn't want to talk about it at all.

"I'm so not in the mood for school today. And we have that test in History, fuck." I mumble as all of us finally make our way back towards the main entrance.

"Me neither." Niall says, putting an arm around me. "Do you want to skip?"

"Skip school? As in, just history?"

"No, as in, the entire day."

"And do what?" I ask as we stop by my locker so I can get my things.

"I don't know. See a movie. Go out for coffee. Go to my house."

"Well, I definitely can't go back to my house because my mother still hasn't left for work."

"Great then. I'll drive us to the mall."

I sigh. "What if my parents find out?"

"They won't."

"How can you be sure though?"

He raises a brow. "I'm Niall. I'll find a way."

"Alright then."

I close my locker and announce Sophia that I'm leaving for the day. She looks at me, and then at Niall, and then back at me.

"You sure?"

I nod.

"Are we still on for today at four?"


"Great, I'll call you when I get out."

I kiss her on both cheeks and then follow Niall back outside, right before the late bell rings.

"What's going on at four?"

I panic. "Uh...Sophia and I are going to um-she's going to buy contraceptives and wants me to come along with her since she's never done that before."

Niall frowns, but doesn't say anything else. We get into his car and soon enough, due to his crazy driving, we arrive at the mall that's just opened for the day.

"Starbucks?" he asks and I nod.

"Of course. Have you forgotten who you're talking to?" I laugh.

He smiles and holds the door of the coffee shop open for me, before he follows me inside. The two people behind the counter look at us annoyed, probably wishing they wouldn't have to start their jobs so early in the morning.

I order a Caramel Latte and he orders a Caffè Americano, before we go to sit down in a corner.



He looks up from his drink.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Then will you tell me why you weren't at school last week?"

"Will you tell me why you ran out of class last week?" he retorts.

"I told you. Why can't you believe me?"

"Because I know you. And you're lying."

"How can you possibly tell that I'm lying?"

"Because you're too good of a person to lie to someone's face, so whenever you lie, you look at my lips or my nose. Anywhere but my eyes."

"Maybe I just like your nose. Or maybe I just want to kiss you."

Well, both statements are correct...

"See, I also know you well enough to know that you wouldn't say things like that without having a reason."

"And the reason is?" I ask, raising my eyebrows and leaning closer.

"That you're trying to cover the fact that you're lying to me right now."

"I am not!"

"I still don't believe you."

"You're so tiring."

He shrugs. "So are you Rey."

"Okay. If I tell you the reason I ran out of class, will you tell me why you weren't in school?"


I look him in the eye. "I ran out of class because I was sick."

He bites his lip. "Fine. I believe you."

Now I feel bad for lying to him, but he just doesn't deserve to get freaked out over the period thing until I'm completely sure.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. It's a message from Perrie on our WhatsApp group, saying that her family is just about to enter Manchester, so they should be arriving soon enough, and that we should meet up somewhere after school. They visited their grandma in the hospital to make sure she's okay.

"So?" I ask, turning my attention back to Niall.

"So what?"

"Why weren't you in school? I mean, if you're not comfortable talking about it then-"

"No, it's not that."

I raise a brow.

"I was in the hospital."


My heart starts beating faster, and I have to remind myself that he's literally right in front of me, which means that he must be okay on some level.

"What for? Are you okay?"

"My mother saw these." He explains and pulls the sleeves of his right hand up to show me a trail of horizontal scars leading all the way up to his elbow.

My heart sinks in the pit of my stomach and I feel like I'm about to cry, but I try not to show it.


"Why did she see them?"

"No, why did you do it."

He shrugs. "My parents were fighting really loudly so my grandparents had to take Eddie and Lilly in for a few days. Plus I had some problems with insomnia and shit. It all got too much and I just had to."

I place my chin into my palm and look at his arm. I wonder if it hurts and how and why and where.

"So she took you to the hospital?"

"I was changing in my room when she came in to tell me that we had to leave for a record label party my dad was throwing that night, but then she saw the scars and they postponed the whole thing in two weeks. Like it's a big deal." He mumbles.

"It is a big deal. I would've been worried too." I make a short pause. "Where did they take you?"

"Manchester Mental Health."


"Yeah. They placed me on 'suicide watch'." He says, snorting.

"It's not something to laugh about."

"Like I'd ever kill myself."

"Well, everyone would think so judging by the scars." I say and trail my fingers over them, before I pull his sleeve down because I can't look at them any longer.

"I'd never kill myself. I've got my siblings to take care of, and my friends...and you."

"Me?" I ask, surprised.

"Yeah. Who would make sure you're safe and happy? And besides, the thought of someone else kissing you would make me turn in my grave."

I try not to smile but I fail miserably. "I shouldn't be smiling."

"Eh, don't let it go to your head." He says with a wink.

"I won't I promise." I joke back, glad that we're ourselves again.

He checks his phone after that, and we take a short break to look at our messages and social news feed.

"Perrie is comin' back today." He says.

"I know, I read."

He looks up and takes a sip out of his coffee, before going back to his phone. I get a snap from Perrie in the drivers' seat, of her and her family being all smiley.

I send one back with Niall and I, writing 'don't take snaps and drive' on it.

I get one back, a video this time, of her filming the road. And then another one of her smiling and her parents looking a bit worried, with the text 'u guys are so cute! U shuld be 2gether'.

I take one of my smiling face, and send it to her, before I open WhatsApp to let her know how the Niall situation is going, since she always wants to know what's up.

The messages don't deliver, so I lock my phone and look back up at Niall.

"Do you want to catch a movie?"

"Which one?"

"I don't know, whatever plays at ten."

"Of course." I smile.

"Great. Let's go get something to eat."

"Right now?" I ask, panicking. I always feel weird eating around Niall for some reason.

"No, as in, get something for the movie. It's always more fun to buy things from a grocery store and eat it in the theatre. But if you're hungry right now, then we can-"

"No, no. It's fine. I mean-I had a huge breakfast." I lie and smile, trying to look him in the eye without looking suspicious.

He seems to believe me, so we make our way towards the nearest grocery shop and buy a lot of sweets and snacks, which I stuffed in my backpack.

We catch a really horrible rom-com but we sit through it by making out and laughing at all the cliché parts, and we don't even realize it has ended when someone clears their throat behind us, telling us that the movie is over and that they're trying to sweep up the place.

That's what happens when you make out with someone in movie theaters and lose track of time.

After the movie we go over to the food court and get something to eat, and before we know it, it's almost three which means school is out and I'm supposed to meet Sophia at the bus station at a quarter past three.

He drives back to school where I meet Sophia and he picks up Liam and Louis.

"So how was it?" Sophia asks as soon as we get on the bus and are on our way to the hospital.

"Good. We went to Starbucks and then saw a movie. It was nice."

" a date. A long date."

I roll my eyes. "Sort of. Did anyone say anything about me not being at school?"

"Uh, Mr. Andrews asked me where you were and if you're okay since last time. I told him you're fine but you stayed home today."

I nod. "Thanks."

When we get to the hospital it's a quarter to four, and my heart is beating out of my chest.

"I think I should maybe use a pregnancy test-"

"No, it's safer this way. Trust me. My sister took three pregnancy tests that showed she was pregnant, and when she went to the doctor it turned out she wasn't."


She nods. "It's better to get a doctor's opinion. Plus, your parents will never find out."

We sit down on two chairs right by the gynecologist office.

"You're right. You're right." I tell myself rather than her.

"Renee Parker to see Doctor Hagan?" a nurse asks, coming out of a room with a blue door.

"Yeah, that's me." I say, and Sophia sits up too.

"Come in."

We step inside the room and I try not to freak out when I see the baby pictures on the wall.

"So I'm going to take a sample of your blood and I'll be back out in fifteen minutes with your results." Doctor Hagan tells me, and smiles as she takes a sample of my blood.

"Can we wait outside?" Sophia asks. The doctor nods, so we quickly exit the room and I sit back down, trying not to hyperventilate.

"Do you realize that in fifteen minutes, my life may change?" I ask.

"You don't know that. And if you're actually pregnant, you can have an abortion."

"I know. But I just-I don't know. I'm not sure if I want to kill my baby-"

"You won't kill your baby. You can always have another one. If you have this baby at eighteen, you're going to kill your future. And your parents will be so mad. And I'm not sure how Niall is going to feel about it if I'm honest."

"Well, if I'm having an abortion, then I'm not going to tell him."

"Are you crazy? He has to know."

"No, he doesn't. He'll just freak out."

"GET OUT OF THE FUCKIN' WAY!" someone yells, and it sounds strangely similar to Niall's angry voice.

"Did I just hear him?" I ask Sophia, and then we both turn our heads towards the main entrance, where I can see Niall rushing in, followed by Zayn, Katherine, Louis, Liam, and Sean, all heavily breathing and eyes rimmed red.

"What happened?" Sophia yells, standing up and running towards them.

"Perrie and Kylie got in an accident. Katherine just got the call." Niall said, running a hand through his hair.

"What? What?" I say, not able to process anything.

"What?" Sophia repeats, going by Liam's side.

"Perrie was driving and-and she was texting or something and she didn't see the truck-they were just outside of Manchester and she wasn't careful-I always told her-if she dies, I swear!" Katherine tells me, and I hug her to stop her from crying.

"Where are they now?" I ask, wiping my eyes and trying to make my voice stop trembling.

"They just took them into an operating room for an emergency surgery." Zayn says, coming back from talking to the receptionist.

Five minutes later, the waiting room is filled with our entire group, and also Kylie's group, and the atmosphere is really down, so almost no one notices when the doctor that was operating on Perrie came out of another corridor.

"So?" Zayn asks, standing up from his seat, where he was currently comforting Katherine.

"I'm sorry." He says, and Katherine is the first one to burst out in tears.

My heart is beating so fast, I don't even see Doctor Hagan coming towards me. She motions for me to come over so no one can overhear us.

"Renee Parker?" she asks.

I nod.

"Congratulations! You're one month pregnant." She tells me, smiling. My heart stops, and it's as if I can't hear anything but muffled cries and voices.

I turn my head to see if anyone has heard, and for a moment I'm relieve to see that no one pays any attention to me, but then I make eye contact with Niall who's a mere five meters away, staring right at me and Doctor Hagan.

And then, suddenly, because this day couldn't get any worse, I start crying.


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1. What would you like to happen next?

2. What should they do with the baby?

Hope you have a great day and don't forget to follow/vote/comment if you liked the chapter!



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