Chapter 20

Sorry for the wait, but Uni started last week and I was in over my head! Hope you enjoy this chapter though :)

The question of this chapter is: which was the favorite concert you've ever been to? Mine was OTRA in Buffalo :)

Happy reading ;), don't forget to leave comments x


Previously on Chapter 19:

"Don't look but Luke is coming over." Louis asks and all of us turn our heads at the same time.

"I said don't look!"

Luke walks over quite determined and I am scared of what's to come.

He stops at our table next to me and I look at him curiously.

"So you didn't want to fuck me but you fucked Niall on your birthday?" He asks.

Judging by Niall's face, this won't end well.


I look up at Luke, and then back at Niall, who doesn't look happy at all.

"What the fuck did you just say?" he asks, standing up from his seat.

"I asked her how she could fuck you but couldn't fuck me."

"Well first of all, dick sizes differ." Louis says from his seat.

Luke doesn't pay attention to him.

"Apologize and go away." Niall says.

"I'm not going to apologize for stating a fact. She's a slut-"

Luke doesn't even get to finish his sentence because Niall's fist is in his face. Someone yells and there are whispers of 'oh shit' coming from other tables.

"You're fucking pathetic Horan." Luke smiles as his nose bleeds. "Did you really fuck everyone here except of her and decided to try her out too?"

"I swear to God Luke if you don't shut up-" Niall starts.

"You'll what? Punch me? Oh, I'm so scared, my knickers are wet."

Niall doesn't waste any more time before he steps forward to punch him in the face.

Luke loses balance but doesn't fall on his ass like I expect him to; instead he clutches his cheek and looks at Niall like he could murder him.

"Did you just fucking punch me?"

"I just fucking did." Niall states, and then Luke lunges for him, slapping him before getting a punch in.

Niall isn't phased by it; instead he tackles Luke to the ground and proceeds to punch him over and over until his nose is surely broken and there's blood oozing out of it.

"Horan! Black! What on earth are you doing?!" Mr. Flack yells as he comes to pull Niall off of Luke.

Niall looks like a crazed maniac, and tries to free himself out of Mr. Flack's grip, but to no success.

Mr. Grey comes to Luke's rescue a few seconds later by pulling him off the floor. He turns his head to look at Mr. James, who is quickly approaching our table.

"What on lord's name is going on? Are y'all crazy? Starting a fight in the middle of the day? Can't y'all take it outside at least?" he screams, gesticulating. "Black, get your ass to the nurse. And I want to hear the whole story! Who started it?"

He directs the question at our table. No one responds.

"Alright then, everyone at this table, including these two idiots is going to spend the rest of the week in detention!"

Everyone groans, and Mr. Flack interrupts us by sending us off to class and telling Luke to go to the nurse to put some ice on his face.

Niall doesn't seem to be too hurt, but he's send to the nurse too, for precautionary measures.

The rest of the day is spent whispering about the fight, or hearing whispers about the fight and joining in. Everyone is on Niall's side of course, and I even hear some girls saying how courageous it was of Niall that he punched Luke.

Detention starts at three pm until six, and I have no idea what I'm going to do for three hours. On the plus side, I'm in detention with everyone at my table so it won't be that boring.

The tension in the room is however suffocating, because Luke is at one of the tables, and Niall is sitting right across from him.

We've got Mr. James as our supervisor today, but we know we won't be as lucky tomorrow. Mr. James makes sure that the hallways are clear before he shuts the door and goes to sit on his desk, facing us as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"So can anyone tell me what in the world went on today? Why did you punch each other like crazy?"

Obviously everyone knows, but no one wants to go first. I see Niall looking at me like he doesn't know whether I want Mr. James to find out, so I take it upon myself to explain the whole thing. I mean after all, the fight technically started because of me.

"I slept with Niall." is probably not the best way to start a topic, especially with a teacher. But to hell with it, 90% of the people here are my friends and Mr. James is a Sex Ed teacher, so this shouldn't be news to him.

"You did what?" Mr. James asks, leaning forward.

"I slept with Niall."

"Why you were with Luke?"

"No. A long time after that. But Luke was too mad about it for some reason-"

Luke perks up and interrupts me. "Because you didn't want to have sex with me, when we were together for like two months, but you slept with this poor excuse of a human being!"

"Luke, calm down." Mr. James warns, looking at him, and then at Niall. "So is this the reason the fight started?"

"He called her a slut, so I had every right to punch him and break his nose." Niall explains, leaning back into his chair.

Everyone in the room is quiet, and I feel too exposed for some reason.

"So let me get this straight. Luke, you were mad because Renee slept with Niall and not with you, then you called her a slut, and you're still wondering why Niall punched you?"

Luke doesn't answer.

"So the conclusion is..." Mr. James continues, looking around the room and stopping when he sets his eyes on me. "Did you use a condom?"

Niall and I are both silent.

"Did you use a condom?" Mr. James repeats himself, this time louder.


"What was that?"

I sigh. "No."

"Dammit! Weren't y'all listening when I was telling you about the risks of practicing unsafe sex? What if you get pregnant? What with happen then? Are you willing to jeopardize your future because you had sex once and weren't careful enough to use protection?"

I look down at my hands.

He has a point. But I'm supposed to get my period this Saturday so I have a few days left before I need to start panicking.

"I didn't come inside her." Niall says, and Louis bursts out laughing, unable to contain himself anymore.

Everyone else is quiet.

"Seriously?" I ask, shaking my head. "You couldn't have kept that information to yourself?"

I find myself incredibly angry with Niall, treating this whole ordeal like it's nothing, like my privacy doesn't matter.

"Why are you going off on me right now? I took your side-"

"Just drop it, okay?" I sigh. "Nevermind. Let's just change the subject."

Niall looks at me weirdly before he sighs and turns his head back towards Mr. James. I stay silent for the rest of our time in detention, even though it's not that easy because I have to listen to all the shit Luke says to one of his friends who is always in detention, and Sophia's rambling about why Liam should stop drinking so much during the week.

Mr. James appears to be immune to all the irrelevant subjects that were debated during detention, because at six pm sharp he gathers his stuff and leaves with just a quick 'bye'.

"Rey." Niall calls my name as I make my way out of the classroom, but I don't listen to him. I'm still mad about what he said just a couple of hours ago, so I continue walking down the hallway towards my locker.

He stops a few steps behind me, and leans against a nearby locker. I know he's waiting for me to gather my things so he can ambush me on my way to the exit, but I pay him no attention.

I close my locker and put my bag over my right shoulder, before I start walking away.

"Seriously? Stop." Niall says and grabs my arm, making me stop and turning me around to face him.

"What, Niall?"

"Why are you mad at me right now?"

"'I didn't come inside her'? Really? That was such a shitty thing to say."

Niall lets out an exasperated sight. "Oh come on, it just slipped. Who cares?"

"I do! It's not enough that everyone in this school knows I lost my virginity at eighteen years old in someone else's' bed during a student exchange, but now they'll also know that you 'didn't come inside me', so I can't be pregnant. Thanks. I really needed that."

He stares at me for a few seconds, probably thinking of something to say. "Everyone thought you were a virgin before, there's no shame in that."

My eyes go wide. "Are you serious?!" I raise my voice. "All you got from that is that it's not a shame being a virgin? It's not even about what you said, it's about the principle! And that you can't even think to apologize!"

"Because there's nothing to apologize for!"

"Alright then, we're done here."

He lets go of my arm before I even get the chance to pull away, so I turn around and walk out of our school, not looking back.


I don't talk to Niall for the rest of the week. Not even in detention, or any of the other times he tries to talk to me in the hallways or during class. He hasn't apologized and I'm not about to forgive him for being a prick just yet.

It's Saturday, which means that I'll be seeing Arctic Monkeys live in concert in less than twelve hours. I'm currently in my bathroom at home, putting on concealer while Sophia showers and Jake is taking a piss.

"So like, we're going with Niall's car and then Zayn, Perrie, Eleanor, and Harry are going with Louis?" Sophia asks, raising her voice so we can hear her over the running water.

"That's the plan." Jake confirms, flushing the toilet.

I finish applying my makeup and leave the two of them alone so I can go back to my room and dress up with the clothes I'd picked the day before.

I put on a white tank top, black shorts even though it's pretty chilly outside, black leather jacket, and matching black converse. I'm not going to give up the opportunity to look like a 'white girl at a concert starter pack', and the weather isn't going to stop me.


Jake and Sophia spend five more minutes in the bathroom gossiping and getting ready, while I play with Nacho and make sure he has enough food until I come back. I stuff some tampons in my jacket in case my period decides to check in on me unannounced during the concert (today is the day, and it should go like clockwork), before I drop on my desk chair and scroll through Tumblr for a while.

Niall calls Jake to let him know he just left the house, so I call for Katherine and tell her that we're leaving in five.

Katherine comes out of her room a couple of minutes later, and after we check for our wallets and phones, we're walking down the stairs to put on our shoes.

My mother is in the living room watching TLC, and she tells us to have fun and to call her in case we need for her to come pick us up. We both know though that she'd rather not move from the couch until she has to go to sleep, so I say goodbye and we're out the door.

Niall's Bentley pulls up in front of my house one minute later, and I get in the back after Sophia and Katherine. We're still not talking, and I'm not about to start now. I know it's probably really rude and ungrateful of me to do so since he paid for our tickets and made this possible, but I still can't forgive him until he apologizes. That's all I really need, an apology. For him to realize that he was wrong and for once not right.

The concert is being held at the Manchester Arena, and we're supposed to be let in at five, so we have two more hours to kill before we can go in and find our seats.

We meet up with the rest of our group at the entrance of the arena, and decide to go and explore the merchandise stands and the food carts to kill some time.

We then sit down on a curb to smoke and eat, until it's time to go in.

At five pm sharp we're at the gates and two guards finally let us in, so we hurry to find our places right by the stage. I end up between Niall and Sophia, just my luck.

The concert starts in less than two hours, but I don't think I can put up with Niall for that long. I can feel him looking at me when he thinks I can't see him, and saying something to Louis about me.

When the lights go out and people start screaming, I try to focus on the stage and not on the boy just a few centimeters away from me.

It turns out to be harder than expected since most of the songs Arctic Monkeys play are sexual or about love. It wouldn't be such a big deal if I were standing next to Jake or literally anyone else, but the thing is that these songs make me want to dance and Niall is the only one available right now, since Sophia has been making out with Liam for the past five minutes.

When 'Do I Wanna Know' comes on, I suddenly the urge to dance with Niall but I try to refrain myself from doing so. The urge to touch him and kiss him is too strong, because as much as I may deny it, I want to kiss him and I've missed him so bad for the past few days.

Damn, I must be bipolar since I'm mad at him one second, and then want to forgive him the next.

So I turn to my right and decide to put everything behind us, even though he didn't and probably won't apologize, because I want to talk to him. I place my hand on his lower back and grip into his shirt so he looks at me with surprise written all over his face.

"What?" he asks and I wave my hand so he can lean down for me to whisper in his ear.

"I don't want us to fight anymore." I yell into his ear so he can hear me over the music. We're too close to the speakers, but I know he can hear me nonetheless.

He presses his lips to my ear. "We weren't fighting! You were mad at me for no reason."

I start to get angry again. "Why can't you just say sorry?" I yell.

He makes a face. "I'm sorry."

I shake my head and the hair falls in my face, so I put it behind my ear. "Like you mean it!"

Niall stares at me for a second, before he suddenly leans down and presses our lips together. His hands come down to my hips so he can bring me closer until our chests are touching.

I lose myself in him, because it's been too long since I've kissed him, longer than I can remember, and I have no idea how I survived.

God, I sound like a fucking sap and it's not good because he definitely doesn't feel the same.

I wrap my hands around his neck and he lifts me up by my hips, but someone pushes him so he lets go, not minding whoever pushed him one bit.

Someone kicks me in the back of my head so I turn around to see that Liam has just taken Sophia on his shoulders and she's filming from up there.

"Do you want me to lift you up too?" Niall asks right into my ear, startling me.

"Can you hold me?"

He rolls his eyes. "Don't be stupid of course I can."

Niall crouches down and I straddle his shoulders, gripping into his hair before he stands up with me on his shoulders. I can see everything better from up here, and I look around to look at people of all kinds enjoying themselves, dancing, and singing along to the music.

I take my phone out of my jacket and start filming so I can post something on Instagram when I get home. Or after the concert is over.

Niall is gripping into my thighs and I sit on his shoulders for three more songs, until my ass actually goes numb, so he puts me down.

"Thanks. Sorry if I was too heavy."

He puts an arm around me and pulls me into him. "Don't be silly."

Somehow I end up in front of him with his arms around my shoulders as his chin rests on the top of my head, humming in rhythm with the songs.

The concert ends half an hour later at nine, and we struggle to get out of the swarm of people alive. We make a human chain out of our group and hold hands until we're out of the arena and safely back to our cars.

We all take a photo for our Snapchat stories thanking Niall for the good time and making this possible, and then decide to go to McDonald's and eat because all the dancing and singing definitely wore us out.

I'm not too excited about going to a fast food so late at night, but I go along with what the majority wants.

Plus, I know better than to say no and have Niall and Sophia look at me with worry in their eyes for the rest of the night, maybe even the rest of the week. I can never know.

She hasn't said anything to me, but sometimes I catch her whispering to Niall and looking in my direction, especially when we're at lunch. I want to ask her what they keep talking about, but I'm kind of scared of the answer.

Everyone orders at least a burger and large fries, so I ask for a Happy Meal with McNuggets and water. When we sit down, I pretend to be busy with the nuggets and do the eating disorder routine I'm used to. I pretend to take a nugget to my mouth but then say something so it's forgotten.

I give two of them to Jake, who is way too hungry, and then take a bite out of one of the two that are left, because Niall is staring.

When we finish eating we sit around the table and talk about the concert, until it's almost closing time so we have to head home.

Niall drives Sophia home first, and then Jake, and then Katherine and me. I don't get out of the car when Katherine does, because I feel like I need to talk to Niall, although I have no idea what to say to him.

"I'm just going to wait on you outside." Katherine tells me and then closes the car door. She walks up to the gate and sits down in front of it before she lights a cigarette.

"Everything alright?" Niall asks, turning to look at me.

I'm sitting in the passenger seat because Sophia and Jake quickly got in the backseat, leaving me no choice but to ride next to Niall on the way home.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"Otherwise, why would you stay behind?"

"I just..."

Just say it.

"What do you have to talk with Sophia so much? I see you whispering and looking at me all the time, like you're gossiping about me. If you have something to say, just say it to my face."

He looks at me confused, until recognition spreads over his face.

"Oooh. Right. Well." Niall bites his lip and looks at me like he's thinking what to say next.

"Well?" I question.

"Well, we were talking about your eating habits."

That was the last answer I ever expected to receive from him.

"What? Why? What's wrong with my eating habits?"

Niall sighs. "We've been over this already Rey. You eat way less than necessary, you've been losing weight non-stop, your bones are showing-"

"Oh Jesus, give me a break, honestly." I say and grip into the door handle, ready to get out of the car because the conversation is making me uncomfortable.

"We say this because we care about you-"

"You know what? If you cared about me, you'd want me to be happy. And I'm happy when I look and feel good about myself. So fuck off."

I come off way too rude than intended, but what's done is done, so I just get out of the car and slam the door behind me.

Katherine stands up and gets her keys out, but before she can do anything else she looks behind me and I feel someone tugging on my arm, turning me around.

I'm facing Niall now, and I don't even get the opportunity to pull away because he's kissing me; hands on my hips pulling me into him.

I can't help but continue the kiss, until he pulls away to press our forehead together.

"I want you to be happy, but I also want you to be okay. That's all I care about, really."

I stare at him, wondering whether I should believe him or not. As a response, I pull him back in and he lifts me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist.

And just like that, we're back to normal.

Well, not really normal, because as soon as we get upstairs, the questions start.

"Do you love him? Are you together? Do you want to be his girlfriend? I think he likes you."

I'm taken aback by all the questions, so all I can answer is: "Why do you think he likes me?"

Katherine sits down on my bed and takes her hair out of the ponytail.

"Um? Because it's obvious? He's never been after a girl this long and I've personally never heard him say that he cares about anything else other than pizza and video games. Honestly."

"What do you mean by 'after a girl'?"

"I mean...he's never just 'been' with one girl this long. I don't know how to explain it. Basically, he hooks up with someone one or two times and then it's over. He's on to the next one. But with you it's different somehow. I haven't heard him talk about anyone else in a long time. Longer than I can remember."

"Oh...alright. No matter how cute he is, I don't think he wants a relationship though. And I don't think I want one either. It would be too complicated and it wouldn't work. We're two different people."

Katherine smiles.

"I think that's why you'd be perfect for each other."


Monday at school, everything seems to have gone back to normal. Niall and I make out during breaks under stairwells or in dark corners, Luke doesn't dare to come in our direction anymore, and we all have detention from three to six.

In Sex Ed, Mr. James has taken it upon himself to talk about the dangers of unprotected sex once again, since last time apparently someone had a pregnancy scare and almost dropped out of school.

"Today, on March 1st..." Mr. James starts but I completely zone out.

"What?" I ask out loud.

"I said, today on March 1st." Mr. James repeats, clearly annoyed that he just had to repeat himself. As he goes on, I start to panic and gather my stuff.

"Everything alright?" Sophia whispers to me.

I shake my head and lean over so I can tell her without anyone hearing.

"I just missed my period."

She's confused for a second but then suddenly her eyes go wide in realization.

Well, I'm fucked.


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