Chapter 2
Thank you so much for over 1k comments on the last chapter! WOW! I love you guys and I apologise for the chapter not being updated yesterday but I had a really bad stomach ache so I couldn't write anything. Updates will be however still on Tuesday at 3pm UK time :)
As for the personal fact about me (that no one wanted to know) is that my favorite subject in school used to be English. What is yours? :D
Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to comment throughout it and vote so I know you want me to continue this ! I will dedicate the each chapter from now on to someone who commented a lot through the previous chapter :) Last chapter is dedicated to @niallsicetea for comment on literally everything ! I love your comments, don't worry :))
Please don't forget to ALWAYS read the end notes !
This chapter is dedicated to @maliksstripper whose birthday is today ! Happy birthday !
Rey's POV
I met up with Harry after last period by the cafeteria so we could walk together to the meeting for the school magazine. I was a bit nervous because I'd never been a part of any club before, due to the fact that I had severe anxiety whenever I had to socialize with people that I didn't know.
"Do you know Zayn?" Harry asked as we walked together.
"Um, you could say that. I mean, I'm not like, good friends with him, but we get along."
"So you think he'll let us in the club?"
The club was on the second floor, right next to the library. Harry knocked on the door and opened it. I followed him inside, to see a blonde girl with glasses sitting at one of the desks with a Ben & Jerry's tub in her hand. There was another blonde boy laughing at something Perrie was saying. I didn't know she was in the club too.
The three of them looked up at me and I awkwardly smiled, turning my head to look at Harry, urging him to say something; anything.
"Uh, hi? We'd like to um-join the club? If that's possible."
Perrie smiled and the blonde girl stood up.
"I'm Amy." She came over to us and shook our hands as we introduced ourselves.
"That over there is Max and that is Perrie. Zayn's the chief editor but he's got football try outs."
After they explained how everything worked, Harry decided that he could do the photographs with Amy and I was assigned to make the weekly interviews. Which, by the way, completely freaked me out because that meant I had to socialize with people who meant something to this school.
"Does anyone read the magazine anyway?" Harry asked when we were about to leave.
"Of course. It's not like those cliché movies where people don't read the magazine." Amy laughed. "Don't you guys want to hang out here for a bit?"
"Um, I actually promised a friend of ours we'd go and see him trying out for the football team. Tomorrow though." I answered and Amy nodded.
Harry and I left the room with smiles on our faces.
"You're coming with me to watch the tryouts right?" I asked and he nodded, smiling and showing off his dimples. We walked to the pitch while talking about the new teachers and I decided that I really liked Harry as a friend because he was funny (in his own way).
His phone beeped at some point and he told me that he had something to take care of, but he'll meet me in the bleachers.
When I got to the football pitch I already spotted Sophia sitting in the first row, waving me over.
"Finally!" she exclaimed. "They're starting soon."
I sat down and placed my backpack at my feet. I could see coach Adams walking out of the locker rooms, followed by the team and the boys who were planning on trying out. The cheerleaders didn't come out though, since their try outs were taking place in the gym.
"EVERYBODY LINE UP!" coach Adams yelled and blew into his whistle. The boys dressed in normal gym clothes lined up in front of the coach (Jake included), and the ones dressed in proper football equipment stood beside him.
I recognized Niall, Liam, Zayn and the Black brothers dressed in their football kit and there were two other boys I only new by their faces.
"Aren't there supposed to be more players?" I asked Sophia.
"The back ups didn't come. They're only starting the training tomorrow."
"Do you think Jake will make the team?"
"He better be, so he'll get us in the cool parties this year. I'll literally cut off his balls if he doesn't."
I laughed and she shot me a serious look.
"Hey, I'm just remembering something. What did Mr. James mean when he said that Niall was the reason he got the job? Didn't Ms. Lancaster quit?"
"She did quit, but not because she wanted to. Jake said that principal Brooks caught them fucking in detention on the last day of school so he made her quit. So it wouldn't get on the news probably." She answered.
Oh my God. I'd never thought Ms. Lancaster would do such a thing. I mean, she was attractive but she was ateacher, for God's sake.
When the coach blew into his whistle my train of thought was interrupted. He started calling everyone's name to check who was present.
There was no answer for Louis Tomlinson, which made the coach go crazy.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS TOMLINSON?" he yelled and turned to Niall, repeating the question to him.
"I don't know Sir-"
"I'm here coach, sorry! Got a bit...caught up with stuff."
"It shouldn't happen again or you can kiss the co-captain title goodbye."
"Oh my God." Sophia whispered and I turned my head to look at her, confused.
"Louis has a semi! He was definitely fooling around with his girlfriend before this." she snickered and I looked back at Louis, to see that he indeed have a semi tent in his football shorts. His neck was red and he seemed to be breathing heavily even though they hadn't even started yet.
"This is gold." Sophia laughed.
"What is?"
We turned our heads to see Harry coming towards us with a big smile on his face. He sat down next to me and let his bag fall at his feet.
"Louis fooled around before coming to tryouts."
"What?" Harry asked, eyes widening.
"Her girlfriend must've sucked him off or something, look at his pants."
"Oh." Harry said and looked towards the pitch.
The tryouts seemed pretty easy from where we were standing but they were apparently much more difficult that they seemed because by the end of them, everyone was heavily panting and cursing.
"Results will be up tomorrow ladies, you did a decent job today." Coach muttered and blew his whistle to announce the end of it.
Jake jogged towards us, hair sticking to his forehead and literally drenched in sweat.
"How was I?" he asked.
"You stink." I told him.
"You were okay, decent." Sophia replied and he rolled his eyes.
"You mean flawless. And by the way, did you guys see the way Louis' ass bounced in those shorts?"
Harry's cheeks turned read and Sophia nodded, before opening up the subject of Louis Tomlinson's backside.
I thought that Harry having a crush on Louis was pretty cute, even though I'd never thought he was attracted to boys. Maybe he wasn't and I was just imagining everything.
"DELILAH!" my mother yelled from downstairs.
I rolled my eyes. "WHAT?"
"DINNER IS READY!" she repeated and I groaned before I slammed my laptop shut. There was no way I would get out of having dinner with my family because it was the first day of school, so it was a must.
I hated it because we had to tell how our day went and it was usually either Katherine or Chris; no one was interested in what I had to say because my life was boring.
"You didn't even set the table?" I exclaimed when I got downstairs.
I absolutely hated it when my mother would call me down to dinner, just to discover that the table wasn't even set.
"You're helping. You can't stay on your ass all day locked up in your room."
I rolled my eyes and went over to the cupboard to get the plates out. Katherine was helping too and Chris was just talking about himself instead of actually lending a hand.
When we finally sat down for dinner-we were having spaghetti, my mom opened up the school subject:
"So how was first day of school? And Uni?"
"I joined the school magazine." I muttered, knowing that she didn't care anyway.
"Oh. That's...great." She said and once again, I was a disappointment to her.
I'd gotten used to it.
"I'm officially a cheerleader!" Katherine jumped in, and I kid you not, my mother looked at her like a child on Christmas.
"That is amazing! I'm so proud of you! You need to show me your uniform! See, Renee? You could've tried out for a spot on the team too. They accept thicker girls, don't they?"
My stomach dropped and Katherine looked at me, but didn't say anything.
"What about you Chris?" my dad asked, changing the subject.
"Our professors are really cool, at least the ones that I saw today."
"How's Ellie? You should invited her to dinner sometime."
"She just got installed in her dorm but she can come this weekend."
"She lives in a dorm?"
"Yeah, she doesn't want to live with her parents anymore."
"And why don't you want to go and live in a dorm too?" I asked him, annoyed. The reason why he didn't want to escape this place and go live in a dorm with a roommate was beyond me. I'd take absolutely any opportunity to get out I were him to be honest.
"Renee! We're happy that he still wants to live with us!" my mother interjected.
"Well as soon as I finish high school, I'm out of here." I mumbled.
"That is if you get into a proper University."
"Oh I'm sure I will. Or maybe I should try out for the cheerleading team, that will definitely get me into a good University rather than journalism." I said sarcastically.
"Renee!" my mother exclaimed, her fork falling against the plate in shock. Oh, get the fuck over it.
"Go to your room."
"You think that's an actual punishment? I'm happy to go to my room!"
I let the cutlery fall next to my plate, happy that I didn't even get to actually eat, before I stomped out of the kitchen.
Ha, she thought that sending me to my room would affect me. I'd rather spend time online in my room than with them in the kitchen. People on the Internet were a lot nicer, let's be honest.
There was a knock on my door half an hour later. It was probably my mother, trying to come and make up with me. I mean, why do mothers come to you ten minutes after an argument pretending like nothing happened?
"Come in."
I looked up from my laptop to see Katherine opening the door and great.
"I'm sorry about...dinner."
I squinted my eyes at her. Since when was she nice to me? Well, now that I think about it, she never really did anything to me that would indicate her being rude, but the fact that she always sucked up to my mother made me kind of despise her a bit.
"It's fine. I wasn't hungry in the first place."
"I think it's cool that you joined the school magazine."
"Thanks? I guess."
She closed the door and walked over to my bed, sitting down at my feet. I eyed her suspiciously.
"No, seriously. You know what you want to do in life and I honestly have no idea where I want to go to Uni."
I sighed, feeling a bit compassionate towards her.
"So how were tryouts?" I asked, trying to make conversation with her.
If it turns out that she is genuinely nice, then I think I can be friends with her
"They were great. And Eleanor got named co-captain because she did an amazing backflip!"
I frowned.
"Wait, she was there too?"
"Of course she was! Why?"
"The whole time?"
"Yeah, she had been there with Kylie before tryouts even started. They're so dedicated."
So Eleanor wasn't with Louis? What?
"Anyway, I'm sorry if I'm sometimes a bitch to you, but it's only because I'm jealous."
"It's fine."
"Great! I'm about to have a smoke on the balcony, you in?"
I shrugged. "Sure."
I didn't actually intend on smoking, but it wasn't like I had anything better to do. My dashboard had been the same for the past five minutes, so might as well.
The next morning I was woken up by my alarm. I hit the snooze button, because I had fifteen more minutes to enjoy in bed. I always set my alarm clock in the morning earlier than needed, just to make sure that I had more time to sleep and feel good.
When I got to the bathroom I was already down to 59kgs so I knew it was going to be a good day. After I brushed my teeth I went back into the room to pick out the clothes for the day.
I absolutely hated dressing up before going to the bathroom in the morning; it felt weird and I had a minor OCD.
I put on a 98 jersey, some black skinny jeans and red Vans that matched my leather jacket, before I grabbed my backpack and hurried downstairs. Even though I was trying to stay under a certain amount of calories a day, I read on the Internet that it was good to eat breakfast to get my metabolism going.
The ride to school was filled with my mother's blabbering of what I did wrong last night at dinner. To be honest, I didn't give flying fuck whether she was mad at me or not. It was better when she was mad, because it meant that she wouldn't bother me.
It was going to be a good day.
"Oh my God did you see that?" Jake asked at the end of first period, which was history.
"See what?"
"Tyler looked at me longer than necessary."
"Tyler?" Sophia asked confused.
"Mr. Flack." Jake said, rolling his eyes.
"Why do you call him Tyler? It's weird."
"Because I need to get used to it. If I fuck him I don't want to be screaming Mr. Flack, now do I?"
"Wait, shouldn't he be the one fucking you?"
"Just because he's older doesn't mean he's a top, Renee."
"He seems like a top though."
"With an ass like that, I don't think so."
"How can you even tell these things?"
"With talent."
I snorted and opened my locker to get my French books out.
"You know that we have French with his wife, right?"
"I know, I can't wait to see that bitch."
"Maybe she's nice."
"Of course she's nice because she's oblivious."
The bell rang and I was glad, because it meant no more hearing Jake's bitching. I was (not really) pleasantly surprised to see that a lot of people took French, including the entire football team and half of the cheerleaders. Amazing. I sat down between Amy and Jake, who was already preparing himself for the meeting with Mrs. Flack.
As soon as the late bell rang, the door opened and a woman who looked in her mid thirties came in with a bright, white smile on her face.
"Oh my goodness." Jake breathed when she placed her Bugatti bag on the desk.
"Good morning class. I'm Mrs. Flack and I'll be your French teacher."
"Does that include French kissing?"
Everyone burst out laughing, except of me. I rolled my eyes.
"I suppose you're Niall then?" she asked and Niall smirked, nodding.
Oh God give him a brain please
"Well then. Why don't we go around the room and introduce ourselves but in French? Or even better, I'll call attendance and you can do that then."
Oh goodie.
By the end of class I had to admit that I really liked Mrs. Flack because she was nice and funny. Jake, however, had another opinion of her. He even nicknamed her as 'the witch', for whatever reason unknown to me. Actually, no. I knew he was jealous of her for getting Mr. Flack's dick every night but I didn't want to say anything.
We all do inexplicable things when we're in love. Or something like love.
"There's a party at Niall's this Friday. It's his birthday." Jake said that afternoon at lunch.
"And?" I asked, not really sure where he was going with this. We (Sophia and I) were never really invited to any 'cool' party, so Jake telling us this was kind of pointless. Unless he wanted to brag, which wasn't really any surprise because it was Jake.
"And, you're coming with."
"What? No we're not. Since when?"
"Since Niall said I could bring anyone."
"Did he actually say that or did he say that everyone was invited and you made of it what you wanted?"
"The second one. But it doesn't matter. He won't notice anyway because he's got the biggest house in this fucking town and there's going to be weed and we are going. It's not up for discussion."
I sighed, turning to look at Sophia.
"You want to do this?"
She shrugged. "I don't have anything better to do on Friday anyway."
"Fine. But I'm not going to get drunk."
"You've never been drunk, you don't even know what it's like."
"I won't drink because alcohol tastes really b-"
"You don't drink because of the taste!" Jake exclaimed, as if I'd just offended him deeply. "You drink to get mortal!"
"What are we talking about?" Harry asked and sat down next to me, placing his tray on the table. Perrie sat down across from him, next to Sophia.
"Niall's party this Friday." I answered before Jake could open his mouth full of food and answer.
"Oh. I'm going too! Lou inv-I mean, I'm-yeah."
"We should all ride together. I can get Zayn to drive us there." Perrie suggested as she opened her can of coke.
So it was true, the fact that Perrie was indeed dating Zayn. People would talk around school, but they weren't as public with each other as Louis with Eleanor or Sean with Kylie.
Sean and Kylie were the worst because they would literally make out anywhere; at the table in the cafeteria, against her locker in the hallways or on the benches in the bleachers. They were unstoppable, but I could see that they really cared for each other.
Unlike what I could say about Louis and Eleanor. Well, they made out at school too, but it was like Louis was trying too hard, it almost seemed unnatural. But that's none of my business.
When the two of them passed our table, I saw Louis shoot Harry a quick glance but made nothing of it. I was just paranoid and maybe a bit too desperate to see two guys together. Which, shouldn't have been that hard to do since my best friend was a gay man who loved fucking guys, no matter the circumstances.
Sophia, Harry and I walked together to English, and I was actually anxious about it because Mr. Grey seemed to be quite interested in Sophia. And yes, he was attractive, but it was still creepy.
Niall entered the room just as the bell rang, followed by Mr. Grey who had a cup of coffee in his hand. Why he drank coffee in the middle of the day was beyond me.
"Good afternoon class!"
He placed his coffee on the desk and leaned against it, crossing his arms.
"Have any of you read The Catcher In The Rye? Show of hands."
Zayn and two other people held their hands up.
"Good. Because we're going to go through it this year."
There were groans and mumbles, and after everyone had calmed down, Mr. Grey continued.
"But to make things more interesting, I want you to read it at home and make a PowerPoint for it. You have three weeks to do so, and to make things easier, you'll be working in pairs."
Everyone started talking then, obviously excited about the whole 'working in pairs' thing.
"But I will make the pairs for you, so there won't be any difficulties. Everyone please write your names down on a piece of paper and I'll come to collect them in a minute."
This made people groan once again but everyone ended up obliging anyway. After Mr. Grey gathered small pieces of paper from everyone, he let them fall in his cup of coffee (which was apparently empty), before he shook it a bit.
"Okay. Here we go."
He pulled out a piece of paper.
"Harry Styles and...Zayn Malik. Sophia Smith with Luke Black."
His eyes drifted up to look at Luke for a second, before looking back down in the cup. And I was completely panicking, because this meant that I would end up with someone I didn't know or like.
"Renee Parker..."
He pulled the piece of paper and unfolded it.
"And Niall Horan."
I rolled my eyes because this was so fucking cliché. The quiet girl in class was assigned with the school's bad boy for a project and fate would make them fall in love. Give me a fucking break. I knew that nor Niall or I didn't like to read, so this would be an especially difficult assignment, not to mention the fact that he probably hated me already. That is, if he knew who I was.
And he seemed to know who I was, because he turned his head and rolled his eyes at me. I knew this project, or whatever, would be a complete and utter disaster.
"I want you to discuss technical matters with your partner after class, not right now. You can get the book from the library or buy it, it doesn't matter. What's important is that you read this in three weeks. It's not that much to read and it's interesting."
"What happens if we don't read it?" Niall asked and I frowned. So he was already planning on slacking off.
"Both you and your partner get an F."
I wasn't going to let that happen, even if it meant that I'd have to do everything by myself.
When Mr. Grey said that class was dismissed, I stood up, determined to get some things straight with Niall.
"Hey, um, wait a minute!" I called after him in the hallway and he actually turned around, rolling his eyes at me.
God please make him get stuck like that
"So what are we going to do about the project? Because we both know that neither of us like to read."
"Look, you can read it and then just let me in on it yeah?"
"Excuse you? I am not one of those girls that will fall for your charm and do the project to get into your pants, okay?"
"You wish you'd get to see my cock princess." He laughed and turned around, walking away. I stared at his back in awe, not believing my ears. But I wasn't going to give up on this; there was no way I was failing in English because of him.
"Niall Horan is officially the most annoying human being I've ever met. And I live with my mother." I said when I met up with Sophia, Harry and Perrie in the hallway.
There was a big crowd by the pin boards, so that meant that all the results had been put up; who got on the football team, the cheerleading squad and other clubs that apparently weren't as important as these two.
"I MADE THE TEAM BITCHES!" Jake screamed when he saw the list, then came over to us, almost knocking us on the ground.
"What was that about Niall?" Sophia asked once Jake had calmed down and we were on our way out of school. The second day of senior year was officially over and I was already having a problem with the most popular boy in school.
"I was saying that he's the most annoying person I've ever met."
"What did he do?"
"So we were partnered up for a project in English and he's expecting me to do all the work."
"Aw, that's too bad. You could've gone over to his house to study on weekends."
"Why would I want to spend more time with him?"
"To study." He said, and I shook my head at his innuendo.
"I would never to anything with him."
"He's got a big dick though." Perrie said and I looked at her surprised.
"I dated him back in freshman year."
"He's had girlfriends?"
"Just me."
"And how long did you guys last?"
"About three months."
"How come you broke up?" Jake butted in.
"I fell in love with him and when I finally got the courage and told him, he said thanks. So I realized that I should get out of the relationship before I'm in too deep."
"What I don't get is how could you fall in love with Niall Horan?"
"He's actually really cool with the people he knows. He doesn't open up often. At all, actually."
"Well he's still a prick to me, so that won't change my mind."
"I'm offended princess."
I turned around to see Niall approaching us together, with Louis, Liam and Zayn behind him.
"Well then, we're off! Bye guys!" Jake said when Zayn let him know that they had to be home to babysit their little sister since their parents were leaving. Perrie went with them, and now I was 100% sure she was dating Zayn.
"You should watch your mouth yeah? Or it'll get you in the bad kind of trouble."
"What's the good kind of trouble?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You wouldn't know." He said, eyes drifting down to my mouth, then at his own crotch.
"You disgust me."
"How am I going to get over it I wonder?" He spoke sarcastically, before he took his keys out and pressed a button on them.
The Bentley next to us beeped and I should've known it was his. Of course it was.
"Whatever, let's go." I told Sophia and her head snapped towards me. She was exchanging looks with Liam when I interrupted her. There was something going on there and I needed to find out what.
We left without another word and Harry turned his head to look at them one more time before saying goodbye to us and walking away towards his car.
Literally everyone had a car except of me. My eighteenth birthday was coming up in February, so I had to suck up to my parents in order to get one. That would be torture.
"So what's going on with you and Liam?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I saw the looks you gave each other. They were almost as hateful as Niall and I."
She sighed as she unlocked her Mini Cooper and we both got in.
"You know that I got transferred here because I got in a fight with someone right?"
"Well, that person may or may not have been Liam."
"Liam?! You got in a fight with Liam?"
"Well, technically. I was blamed for starting the fight because he kind of cheated on me with this other bitch so I jumped her in the cafeteria and it got really bad. He was the one to pull us apart."
"But he came to our school a year later."
"He did, because his parents got divorced. They were fighting while we were together so I think that must be it."
"Oh. Maybe it's destiny that you guys are together now."
"We go to the same school together, but we'll never be together together."
"Never say never."
"Stop quoting Justin Bieber right now or I'll leave you on the side of the road."
"Sorry." I laughed, knowing that it annoyed her. I didn't like Justin Bieber either to be honest, but some of his songs were catchy. His personality thank you.
"Can I go to a party tonight?" Katherine asked at the breakfast table that Friday morning.
"Who's party?"
"Niall Horan's nineteen birthday party."
"Sure." My mom said and turned her head to me. Oh God.
"Are you going too Renee?"
"Uh, I don't think so."
Because I'm fat and ugly and everyone will find someone except of me so I'll end up awkwardly sitting on the couch
"I don't want to go."
"Were you invited?"
"I was." I said in an annoyed tone.
This bitch I swear
"Okay then. Mike can drive you there tonight, right?"
My dad nodded without even looking up from his iPad. He probably learned to nod automatically at everything my mom asked him.
First period on Friday was gym, or P.E., and I didn't want nor need that class to be honest. It was just coach Adams making us sweat our lives out by giving us some useless exercises while he shouted at us.
"This is the worst thing ever." Sophia mumbled while we changed in the locker rooms.
I absolutely hated gym, and not only because it meant physical exercise. It meant seeing the girls flaunt their amazing bodies in shorts and tank tops, while I couldn't bring myself to wear any of that, not until I reached my goal weight anyway.
I went with black leggings and a Los Angeles California tee because I had nothing else that I felt comfortable wearing to gym class.
"We're doing class inside today because it's raining. Which means that after everyone did the basic warm ups the boys would get to play basketball or something while the girls stared at the walls.
Coach Adams blew into his whistle as soon as the bell stopped ringing, to announce the start of first period. After everyone sang Niall a happy birthday, he started talking:
"I want all of you to give me three laps, then basic warm ups and who wants to can play basketball. And-what is it Horan?"
"What if we don't want to play basketball?"
"Then you can stay on the bench with the ladies. You'd love that, wouldn't you?"
"I would, actually." He said and everyone laughed except of the coach and I.
"Start running everyone!"
After three laps we finally got into a big circle and Kylie started the warm ups. Which meant that every time she bent down boys whistled and Sean would protest at that.
"Why are we warming up if we'll sit on the benches anyway?" Sophia asked out loud and coach Adams crossed his arms over his chest.
"Just so I can hear you ask that question Smith."
"Ha." Liam childishly laughed and Sophia looked at him.
"Oh get over it." She shot at him and he made an ugly face.
I made eye contact with Niall, who smirked and drifted his eyes down to my legs. And even though I hated to admit it, his stare made me feel insecure. He must've been thinking how fat my legs were and how my tummy was visible through the shirt I was wearing.
I wanted to turn away from him, but he did it before I could do anything. He leaned over and whispered something into Liam's ear, who looked me up and down, then nodded.
My stomach felt empty (because it was-I had a glass of orange juice for breakfast) at the thought of what he could've said to Liam. I hated him so much; it was unreal.
"Horan, take that sweatshirt off there are twenty five degrees in here!"
"I'm fine coach." Niall answered, wiping of his sweaty forehead.
"At least pull your sleeves up or you'll get a heat stroke!"
"I'm fine." Niall repeated and returned to the game.
The rest of first period was spent with the boys playing basketball and the girls looking at them.
"So we're still on for tonight yeah? I'll pick you up at eight." Jake told me when the game was over. Coach Adams said that there were three more minutes left until we could go and change which was stupid, but anyway.
"I'm not coming to Niall's party."
"Why not? It'll be fun. And I promise that if we both don't find someone to hook up with, I'll make out with you."
"I don't-"
"She doesn't want her first kiss to be before marriage, does she?" Niall's voice was heard and I screamed inside because I was about to lose it.
"Can you go away please." I said annoyed.
"I can't because you're the only one here that didn't wish me a happy birthday."
I snorted. "Happy birthday then."
He shook his head. "So you're not coming at my party then?"
"Why not?"
"Because I don't like you."
"At least there will be more food for me." He answered and I honestly wanted to cry because that actually hurt.
"You can go now! Class dismissed!" coach yelled and everyone groaned thankfully, before we started walking towards the changing rooms.
"Hey, um, Jake?" I asked once we walked out on the hallway. We were headed towards our lockers to get our French books.
"Pick me up at eight."
So as promised, here is the list of the new characters in this chapter:
Caroline Flack as herself
Rebel Wilson as Amy Jones
Jack O'Connell as Sean Black
Max Ryder as himself
More will be added as the story progresses :D
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What did you like/didn't like in this chapter?
Do you have any predictions/preferences as to what should happen in the upcoming chapters?
I also think that you'll like the next chapter ;)
I'm going on holiday as of Saturday and I'll be gone until late August but I'll try to update :)
Love you and please comment/vote/follow if you want me to continue *heart emoji*
Hope you have a great day :)
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