Chapter 17
So I'm sorry for the long wait and this chapter isn't too nice for Reyall shippers but oh well, every story has to have it's ups and downs :))
This chapter is over 5000 words long, and I've already started chapter 18 because I have too many ideas, so it should be up this weekend!
The question of the chapter is: how did you come across my stories?
Enjoy and make sure to leave comments throughout the chapter!
Previously on chapter 16:
We find ourselves in the airport parking lot of the airport a week later; sleep deprived and excited to travel all the way to Poland, and then to France. Since Mr. Grey had been fired and there was no one to accompany Mr. Andrews on the trip to Poland next week, they've decided to join the two exchanges and pick 50% of the students from each exchange and to France and Poland too.
We would be spending three days in Poland, and then the rest of them in France. Each student will spend two days with someone else and their exchange student, and then the other way around.
I chose to room with Eleanor, since both of our exchange students were really nice girls and we got along really well on Facebook. Mine was named Leigh-Anne and hers was called Nins.
"Alright listen up y'all! I don't want none of y'all to get lost on this damn trip because Mr. Flack and I are responsible and neither of us wants to spend their lives in jail. Teaching is enough!" Mr. Andrews yells, placing his hands on his waist. "Also, remember what we learned in Sex Ed! Use condoms! Or else y'all gonna get pregnant!"
Everyone is laughing, but Mr. Andrews seems pretty serious, although he's obviously trying hard not to smile himself. We're all too excited about missing an entire week of school and travelling through Europe.
Let the fun begin.
The flight to Warsaw was quite exhausting, even though it didn't last longer than three hours. I sat between Zayn and Liam, who were quite keen on discussing their current sex lives right over my lap, so I couldn't get any sleep.
Now we're at baggage claim, I'm exhausted, and Kylie Edwards is yelling into Mr. Andrews' ear about how she hasn't gotten her luggage yet and that she's going to sue the airport if it doesn't show up in a few seconds.
"Take a damn chill pill young lady!" Mr. Andrews yells at her so she can calm down. "I am not the suitcase keeper but I guarantee you that your luggage didn't get lost on the way here okay? You just have to be patient because you weren't the only one on the plane!"
That shuts Kylie up, and she crosses her arms over her chest before heading back to us. Apparently, ever since her and Sean split, she became friendly with us and somehow infiltrated herself within our group.
And I don't mean the actual SQUAD (which was made out of Jake, Sophia, and I)-thank God-, I mean the girls' group: Sophia, Eleanor, Perrie, and I. We weren't quite the best friends in the world, but it was nice to have a girl group to hang out with from time to time outside of school.
Thankfully for everyone's well being and ears, Kylie's luggage shows up one minute later, and she happily claims it before we all listen to what Mr. Flack has to say.
"Well then. I'm glad I finally got everyone's attention. The fifteen exchange students are waiting for us at their school, and they've already prepared us lunch. After you get to meet everyone, you'll be going back to your respective homes and we'll see each other tomorrow right back at the school. We'll talk details while everyone gets there."
We pile into the bus that is waiting for us outside the airport, and I sit next to Sophia so we can talk about Liam and Niall, of course.
"So I might have told Niall that I wanted to have sex on my birthday."
"With him?" she asks, almost spitting out her sandwich.
"No, with his grandma. Of course with him! And keep your voice down or he'll know we're talking about them." I whisper. We both turn our heads towards the back where the boys are located, and miserably fail to be subtle because they're looking right back at us.
"And what did he say?"
"He said yes."
"That's huge! I mean, that's huge." She says, adjusting her tone. "Do you have everything?"
"Was I supposed to have something?" I ask her, now panicking.
"You know, condoms, candles...shaving cream. Razor."
"Uh...I got the shaving stuff but I figured he brought the condoms? And also, candles? Why would I need candles?"
"For it to be more romantic? When Liam and I first-" she starts.
"Oh here we go." I sigh.
"I heard the story of your first time with Liam like ten times before."
"Well...I don't think it's such a big deal. But I feel sort of weird because...what if he doesn't like it? And then he'll never speak to me again."
"Yes he will! Trust me, if you give a penis a hole to thrust into, there is no way it's going to be anything other than good."
"Yeah but I'm definitely more inexperienced than all the other people he's slept with. Have you seen the guys and the girls he's slept with? They look so good. And I'm-I don't know."
"That's what I'm here for babe. If I'm not mistaken, your birthday is on our last day in France right? Which means that we have plenty of time to hit Victoria's Secret and buy you some sexy underwear that'll help him seduce you."
"Okay. That sounds like a good plan."
"What's a good plan?" Liam asks, and suddenly, Niall and him are right by our seats, blocking the hallway.
"None of your business boys. Can we help you?" Sophia answers, innocently smiling up at them.
"Were you talking about us?" Niall asks.
"Don't flatter yourself." I say and he winks, which makes my knees go weak even though I'm sitting.
"Horan, Payne! Get back to your damn seats! Everyone listen up! We're going to arrive in the school parking lot in about five minutes. Please keep in mind that English isn't their first language so it might not be perfect. I don't want to hear none of y'all making fun of them or being shitheads. Understood?" Mr. Andrews barks into the microphone.
"Yes sir." Everyone replies at once.
"Good. Now clean up your shit and be ready."
Niall and Liam exchange looks, then inform Sophia and I that the discussion isn't over, before they head back to their places.
"What was that?" Sophia laughs as she zips up her backpack. "Liam won't get away with that attitude."
I roll my eyes and look over my shoulder once again, only to have Niall stare back at me and smirk.
The bus pulls up in the school parking lot five minutes later indeed, and we're all eager and excited to get off of it and see the exchange students.
There's thirty of us and fifteen of them, but it doesn't matter because everyone's happy to see everyone.
Eleanor introduced me to her exchange student named Nins, which is probably one of the coolest names I've ever heard in my life, so aesthetically pleasing.
She's taller than me but shorter than Eleanor, has brown hair and blue eyes, which is another thing I completely envy. I absolutely love people with natural dark hair and natural light eyes.
If Niall and I would have a baby (by accident) it would most probably come out with dark brown hair, blue eyes (hopefully), a cocky attitude and good heart. It wouldn't be so bad.
Alright, I'm getting ahead of myself.
I shake her hand, but she goes right in for a hug.
"Hi Rey, I'm Nins! Nice to meet you. This is my best friend Natalia." she says and points to a blonde girl with blue eyes. "She's Kylie's exchange student."
What is it with polish people and blue eyes? Jesus move me to Poland.
Despite what Mr. Andrews had warned us about, although their accent is obvious, their English is great. And their high school might be even bigger than ours.
Everything is amazing and I'm extremely overwhelmed to see new faces and a new country.
We walk into the school and they lead us to their cafeteria where they've ordered pizza and other types of food, and we settle down at the tables with the exchange students to talk about random stuff.
They're all in their last year (just like us), and they're just as excited about this as we are.
After we eat they give us a tour of their school and explain how the education system in their country works.
"All right then. Now that we've given you a tour of our school, everyone can go home and do what they please. We're meeting in the parking lot tomorrow at ten so we can drive up to the city centre and look around. Have a good day." One of their teachers tells us, and then chatters start up again.
Nins drives us to her home, since she has her own car (lucky). She has a home that's bigger than mine, and two dogs, which is overwhelming.
Her parents are still at work, so she lets Eleanor and I settle in in her older sisters' room, who's now apparently at Uni in Switzerland.
"I can't wait to meet your exchange student!" Eleanor tells me as we unpack and place our clothes on the hangers in the empty closet. "Everything is so cool here."
I go to shower as she texts with Louis, and when I come out, she's already got a change of clothes ready and heads to the bathroom.
It's not weird to hang out just with her, but it's still a bit new because out of all the girls in the group, Eleanor's the one I'm the least close to.
"So what are we doing tonight?" I ask Nins when she comes into the run to check up on us and see if we've made ourselves comfortable.
"Well everyone's divided into friend groups, and our group is going out for dinner tonight."
"Okay...who's in your group?"
"Natalia, Julia, Kacper, Oskar and Kuba."
I quickly try to remember who's got who. Natalia is obviously with Perrie and Kylie, Oskar is with Niall and Louis, Julia is with Sophia and Amy, Kuba is with Zayn and Liam, and Kacper is with Harry and Jake. Alright, so everything worked out.
"By the way, who's that blond guy?" she asks and sits down on our double bed.
"Which one?"
"The tall one."
"Yeah, with the irish accent."
"Oh. He's...Niall." I answer, and I can't help but feel a sudden rush of jealousy, even though I have no reason to.
"He's cute. Is he single?"
"Yeah. Why?"
My question might have come out in a sharper tone than I initially intended.
"I don't know. I just wanted to know if he's available I guess. You like him." She observes and I look at her surprised.
"How can you tell?"
"You're a little possessive over him. I'm not planning on flirting with him if you like him."
"Oh, no. You can do whatever. I like him but it's not that serious." I lie.
"It's fine. Besides, the black haired guy is also nice."
"You mean Zayn?" I smile. "He's single."
"Great then! I know who I'm going to drunkenly make out with when we go to the club tomorrow."
"Club? Don't you need to be eighteen to get in?" I ask, suddenly feeling bad about the fact that I'm the only minor there. Well, I'll be the only minor for the next few days, but I couldn't image my shame if I wouldn't be able to get into the club while all my other friends are allowed to.
"Yes you do. You're not eighteen?"
"No, I'll be on Valentine's day."
She kindly smiles. "We'll work something out, don't worry."
I nod, and we're interrupted by Eleanor walking in.
"If we're ready to go, I'd like to show you around the neighborhood a little and then we'll join the others at the restaurant later. Is that okay?" she asks, and Eleanor and I both eagerly nod.
After Eleanor touches up her makeup and Nins changes clothes, we're off to walk through the neighborhood.
The restaurant they chose to take us to is really elegant, and I feel a bit bad for Nins having to pay for both Eleanor and I, but she smiles reassuringly to let us know that it's no trouble at all.
Her group of friends is really nice and funny, even though English isn't their first language.
Niall seems to be having a blast with Oskar and Louis, and also seems to be having a pretty good time with the attention he gets from Natalia throughout the evening.
Before we leave, they plan another meeting tomorrow night after dark, but it's going to be at Kacpar's house because his parents will be out of town the whole night.
"Did you like it today?" Nins asks us while we're on the bus, on our way back to her house. We took a bus there and back because she drank beer.
Her parents are home when we get there, and they're really friendly and welcoming towards us. We spend an hour in the living room watching some polish TV show that I understand nothing of, but it's fun because her father starts telling us funny stories from his work.
When we go to bed that night, Nins reminds us that we have to get up around half past eight so we can have time to get dressed and drive up to school.
I chat with Niall on WhatsApp until I fall asleep with a smile on my lips.
It's sunny outside the next morning, so I put on a sundress and flats, and on top of it a jean jacket.
Nins' parents have already set up the breakfast table when we get downstairs, and since it's Sunday, they don't have to go to work.
They give their daughter some money and tell her to call them if we need anything, so after we finish eating we get in the car and drive to school.
The parking lot is full when we get there, and everyone's dressed up for a warm day.
Based on the weather app on my iPhone, the highest temperature today will be thirty-one degrees, which is something really rare to see in England.
I make eye contact with Niall as I try to focus on whatever Natalie is saying to Kylie, and he winks at me before looking me up at down. So of course, I do the same.
He's wearing black skinny jeans; a white V-neck, a jean vest and those Ray Bans that make him look incredibly good. The difference between him and I is that my glasses are fake, and he actually spent more than a hundred quid on his, not five like I did on mine.
We pile into the bus when Mr. Flack instructs us to, and I take my place next to Sophia, who immediately starts telling me about how cool Julia's house is and how hot his brothers are.
The city centre is amazing and colorful, and on one side there are different buildings, each in different colors.
"Holy shit, this is amazing!" Sophia exclaims as everyone from Manchester starts taking pictures.
"You get used to it." Nins laughs and crosses her arms.
"You have three hours to wander about, and then we'll meet back here so we can go to the Royal Castle. We have a tourist showing us around at two, so don't be late!" Mr. Andrew yells so everyone can hear, before he and the rest of the teachers are off.
"So what can we see here?" Niall asks and comes up to us, directing his question at Nins.
"There's nothing much to see in the centre, but there's a really good coffee shop close to here if you want to go."
"Great then! 's everyone in?"
Sophia and I agree, and Julia, Oskar, Louis, Amy, Kacpar, Liam, and Zayn also say that they want to join us.
We make our way towards the coffee shop Nins told us about, and it's fairly empty when we get there so we settle down outside, pushing two tables together so the ten of us can fit.
As soon as we order (well, our exchange students order because it's really difficult to understand the writing and the language), Niall takes out his cigarette pack and lights one up. Zayn, Liam, Julia, and Oskar follow.
"You know how cheap the cigarettes here are? A Marlboro is like two pounds something. I can buy four here and one in England. Fuckin' amazing."
I immediately make a plan to buy some cigarette packs while in Poland, because honestly the prices were the best ones I've heard yet.
The hours we have to spend in the coffee shop until the teachers need us to get back pass by quickly and are filled with fun conversations and laughter. I immediately hit it off with Oskar, who tells me about the things they do for fun in Poland. I'm not surprised that they mostly involve alcohol and weed, but I like it. It's not like we don't do the same things back in England.
I catch Niall shooting us curious looks from time to time, and although I'm pretty sure he's jealous, I don't flatter myself. However, making him jealous was one of Jake's suggestions when I asked him how I should make Niall notice me a couple of months earlier.
So I lean further to Oskar and bump our shoulders together.
"So which are your best nightclubs?"
He starts telling me out the usual nightclubs they go to, and the one we'll be going to tomorrow. I tell him that I'm not legal, and he smiles.
"Don't worry about it, they usually let the pretty girls in without checking their ID's." Oskar assures me and winks.
I hear Niall snorting across from us, so I shoot him a confused look, even though inside I'm congratulating myself.
The teachers meet up with us at the time they told us to be back, and they're not that surprised to learn that all of us spent the three hours inside a pub or a coffee shop instead of wandering out and about. They don't say anything though, because they're glad we're getting along well.
When we get back to Nins' house, it's already getting dark and we have one hour to shower and get dressed so we can get to Kacpar's house at nine.
I put on a checkered shirt, my blue jeans, white Doc Marten's, and a jean vest in case it's going to be too cold outside. Eleanor dresses up quickly when she's out of the shower and Nins is already waiting for us downstairs, ready to go.
We call a taxi that takes us to Kacpar's house, and I'm in awe of how cheap the taxis here are. Everything is cheaper than in England and I'm quite jealous of that.
Kacpar's house is a two-storey Victorian building, and there's music coming from the backyard, so we ring the doorbell.
A minute later, Harry comes out to let us in with a big smile that indicates he might already be tipsy.
"Heyyyy Rey. Eleanor. Nins." He smiles and leads us inside.
Everyone is in the back, sitting at a large picnic table. There are several packs of cigarettes, lighters, bottles of alcohol and phones scattered on it.
I sit down next to Sophia after greeting everyone, but don't get to talk to her much because Louis calls me inside. I look at him confused but follow him inside nonetheless.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I ask him as he leans against the counter with a bottle of beer in hand.
"It's Niall."
I look up at him, a sudden wave of worry rushing through me. Did something happen? Did he say something?
"You're making me nervous. What's up?"
"You like Niall right?" he asks cryptically and takes a sip from his beer.
"How do you define 'like'?"
"I mean, do you fancy him or not? As in, more than a friend."
"I may. Why the sudden question though?"
"You know earlier when we were at that coffee shop and you tried flirting with Oskar to make him jealous?"
"I didn't-"
"Oh, give it a rest Rey! Anyway, on our way back home Oskar started asking about you and if you were single and how you're like and stuff, and Niall got mad."
"Oh God, what did he do?"
"Nothing drastic or anything like that. He just told him to kindly back off because you're already in a relationship."
"He said what?"
"He seemed pretty mad and Oskar told him that he'll leave you alone because he wasn't aware you were taken."
"That fuckin' prick! Where does he get off, telling Oskar to back off? Maybe I fancy Oskar and maybe I'd like to make out with him, did he ever think of that? God, I'm so mad." I exclaim.
"I get it, and I told Niall he shouldn't have done that because it wasn't his place to, but he seemed so possessive I was afraid to say anything else."
"If he thinks he's being cool by being 'possessive', well I'll give him a reason to."
"I think you need to calm down-"
"Calm down? He can flirt with everyone and I'm not allowed to glance in a guy's direction without him going off? He says he doesn't want a relationship, and that he doesn't do girlfriends, yet he gets all mad about it. What the fuck? How is that fair for me?"
Louis looks at me apologetically. "It isn't. I'm sorry Rey, I just thought you should know in case Oskar might seem a bit distant."
"Oh, I'll clear things up with him, no problem."
"Be careful."
I shrug and get myself a bottle of beer before we walk back outside. I change my seat and instead of sitting next to Sophia, I squish myself between Liam and Oskar, who are smoking and talking about football.
"Hi." I tell Oskar, and Liam doesn't seem to have a problem directing his attention to someone else.
"Hey." He says, and I know he's being careful, so I place my hand on his thigh. Oskar seems surprised by my action, but not uncomfortable.
"Look, I don't know what Niall's told you, but I don't have a boyfriend. And I was definitely flirting with you back at the coffee shop."
He's surprised, and even I am surprised by how forward I am. But blame me for wanting to make Niall jealous and realize that he can't be 'claiming' me but not commit.
"So you were flirting with me eh?"
"Yeah. I might have been." I tease and smile.
I see Jake watch me in awe with the corner of my eye, before he leans over to whisper something in Harry's ear. They both giggle and I roll my eyes.
Oskar and I continue talking about the fact that I'm going to see Arctic Monkeys live and how my birthday is going to be in four days.
"What are you going to do for your birthday?" he asks and blows the smoke right in my face.
I smile and look around in my pocket for my own pack.
"I don't know." I say as I light up my cigarette. "Probably go out with my friends. We're still going to be in France so it's going to be perfect."
I make eye contact with Niall, who's just coming back with Julia and sits down in front of me.
"Do you have anything special planned?"
Yeah I'm planning to lose my virginity to the guy I currently don't want to talk to
"Not really." I shake my head and take another drag.
"It's a shame I won't be there."
"Yeah." I smile, and then think of a way that will definitely make him realize I want to makeout with him. Because let's face it; with that body and those eyes he's not half bad. "But you're here now, so."
"I am." Oskar smiles and puts his cigarette out in the ashtray. He then reaches for the whiskey bottle and takes a small swig before he turns back to me. "What are you implying?"
I look at him innocently. "Me? I'm not implying anything."
He smirks. "I think you are. And I think I know what it is."
My heart is beating out of my chest now, and I'm pretty sure everyone at the table is listening in. "Oh really? Try me."
He doesn't waste any moment to place his hand on the back of my neck and pull me to his lips. We kiss sloppily; with my cigarette burning out in my right hand and our tongues meeting halfway. He's a good kisser, but I break it off so I can take a breath and smile at him.
"Not bad."
"Not bad? I'm a great kisser."
Niall laughs from across the table, but I don't look at him.
"And who said that?" I ask, teasingly.
"People." Oskar smiles back.
"I think you need a bit more practice."
"I'll keep that in mind." He says, winking.
I finish my cigarette and then excuse myself because I desperately need to pee. When I come out of the bathroom, Jake ambushes me with an eager expression on his face.
"You slut!" he excitedly screams, and I immediately realize he's tipsy.
"What?" I laugh, drying my hands on my jeans.
"You were on fire out there! I've never seen you so flirty in my life! Where did it all come from?"
I proceeded to tell him about the whole Niall thing, while he listened with his mouth open.
"So you just decided to make out with Oskar right in his face to make him jealous?" Jake asks in a serious tone.
"High five bitch! My little grasshopper is all grown up I'm so proud!"
"I think you need some nachos or else you'll pass out from how much you've had to drink." I laugh.
"Oh come on, I've had like three shots."
"And we both know you can't hold your alcohol to well."
"That's not true." He protests.
"Do I need to bring up photos from Sophia's birthday last year?"
"Point taken. Let's go eat some nachos."
Niall doesn't talk to me for the rest of the night, nor does he pay attention to me the next day when we're all in the school's auditorium listening to some presentation about Poland's history.
"Are you and Niall alright?" Nins asks me as we get to bed that night. We didn't have any party in honor of our departure the next morning because we have to be at the airport at half past eight, and most of us can't get up that early.
"I don't know. But I'm definitely not going to be the first one to talk to him."
"I think he likes you."
I look at her curiously.
"Why do you say that?"
"From the way he looks at you. It was obvious that he was incredibly jealous last night when you kissed Oskar."
I shrug. "I don't care."
"Well then. I hope you work it out because you'd be cute together. I'll let you both go to sleep now because we have to get up early tomorrow." She smiles and gets up from our bed.
We tell her good night, before she leaves the room and turns off the light.
It's hard to say goodbye the next day, but we eventually manage to get on the bus after endless hugs and kisses.
"Julia was so cool, honestly. Such nice people. I got Oskar's Instagram for you by the way." She suggestively informs me.
"So?! He's fit. I thought you might like seeing his face once in a while. To reminisce."
I roll my eyes but smile. Oskar is fit.
We get to the airport on time, but unfortunately we have to wait two more hours until the gates open. I sit down between Eleanor and Sophia at the terminal, and stretch my legs out.
Niall hasn't talked to me or texted me on WhatsApp in more than thirty hours, and I'm angry because he's angry. He has no right to be upset about anything.
Although, truth me told, I'd probably be feeling angry too if I saw him making out with a girl in front of me.
So I decide to be the mature person (well, more like Sophia forces me to) and go see what all the silence is about.
I get up from my seat and walk towards him in the smoker's area. He's there with Louis, so I feel comfortable talking to him.
"Hi." I say.
"Hey." Louis smiles and places his free hand around my waist, pulling me into him. Niall doesn't even look up from his oh so interesting phone.
"I came to talk to Niall."
Still, Niall doesn't flinch, pretending that I'm not there.
"Oh I see how it is." Louis teases and gets up. "I have to go to the bathroom."
I roll my eyes at his pathetic excuse and turn my head to Niall.
Still nothing.
I sigh and place my palm over his phone, and then tilt his head so he's looking right at me.
"What?" he asks, bored.
"Why aren't you talking to me?"
"Because your mouth is probably too busy sucking on Oskar's tongue, isn't it?"
"Are you serious? Why are you even mad about that?"
He shrugs, and then pulls his face away from my hand like he's disgusted.
"You're being childish."
"I am being childish? I'm not the one who sucked faces right in front of you."
"Why are you even bothered?" I ask, trying not to raise my tone. My stomach is in knots, but I have to ask because I've wondered about it ever since I saw him and Julia coming out of the house together. "You hooked up with Julia too."
He looks into my eyes as soon as the words come out of my mouth. "So?"
"So you did." I say, and take a step back because I hoped it wasn't true.
"Yes I did. We made out in the kitchen."
I bite my cheek.
"See? We're even."
"Why did you tell Oskar to back off me?"
"Because I wanted to." Niall replies nonchalantly.
"Yeah, but why?"
"What do you want to hear from me so you'll finally leave me alone?"
"You know what? Fuck you." I say and turn around to leave.
"Oh, you wish." He snorts and I flip him off over my shoulder as I walk back to Sophia.
"What happened?" she asks when she sees the angry state I'm in.
"Niall can go fuck himself."
"I think he'd rather fuck you." She smiles.
"I don't care about that anymore. Fuck our plans."
I tell her about our discussion and she assures me that he'll eventually apologize.
"He can apologize a thousand times for all I care. I'm over it. He's so confusing, I can't even."
She sighs loudly. "I can't wait for the day to come when you both realize you want and need each other."
"Oh, that day can wait."
My phone vibrates in my pocket, signaling that I have a new message.
Niall: _|_
Rey: _|_
I pocket my phone before I stare at the clock on the wall. We still have an hour and a half to wait, and I already want everything to be over so we can go to England.
"Why are you so sad?" Jake asks and comes to sit down in Eleanor's now vacant place.
"Niall and her are fighting." Sophia answers for me, not looking up from her book.
"Oh, fuck him!"
"She doesn't want to anymore." Sophia answers again.
"Seriously?" I tell her.
Jake rolls his eyes and places his hand on my thigh as he crossed his legs. He evilly smiles at me as he speaks:
"Cheer up bitch, we're going to Paris."
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