Chapter 14

Sooooo sorry for the long wait but I went through a rough time at home, not to mention the terrible writers block.

I hope everyone is okay and I'm glad I can finally post a new chapter, after so long :)

The usual chapter ask: how you feel about Zayn leaving? I personally got over it after a day and I completely support both One Direction (who I honestly think have a few more good year ahead of them :) ) and Zayn :)

So enjoy ! :D


Previously on Chapter 13:

"Is he going to be okay?" Lily asked me after Niall followed the doctor.

"Yeah. He has a fever, he'll be alright."

"I hope so." She said and hugged me tightly.

After a while, Niall came out and told me that he was fine but he'll have to spend the night in the hospital so he could be monitored.

"My mom will be here soon-oh there she is."

I turned my head and saw Mr. and Mrs. Horan quickly walking towards us, dressed in a suit and a beautiful, expensive-looking dress.

"Is he okay? Where is he?"

"He's in room thirty-four in the pediatric ward."

"Thank you love. Go home and get some rest." Mrs. Horan told him, and Niall didn't wait for her to kiss him on the cheek before he already started walking towards the exit.

He put Lily to sleep when we got back to his house, and my eyes were already falling into my mouth from how tired I was.

Niall decided to go out on his balcony and smoke one last cigarette before going to sleep, so I joined him.

"Today was a shit day." I told him and pouted as he let the smoke out.


"What are you doing for Christmas?"


"Because I usually invite some friends over and we exchange gifts."

"And you want me to come?"


"You should probably stay away from me." He said, staring at me through the thick smoke that came out of his mouth as he spoke.

"And what if I don't want to?"

"Trust me, you do."

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm the guy your parents warned you about when you were little."


"So are we going Christmas shopping today or not?" Sophia asked on the 24th while we're talking on the phone.

I was holding in between my shoulder and ear as I tried to do my toenails.

"Christmas shopping?"

"Yeah, you know, as in, to buy present for our friends? We're all meeting up at Niall's on Louis' birthday before going out."

"Oh. Right."

"How much money do you have for presents?"

"I don't know? Two hundred quid?"

"I've got three hundred but I don't think I'll spend it all. I need to give some back to my mom or else she'll flip."

"Alright. Let me just finish my toes and then we can go to the mall."

I finished my nails ten minutes later, so after I dressed up and asked my dad for some present money, Sophia and I were on our way to the mall.

Jake met us there, and he seemed really pissed off because we made him wait.

"You shouldn't be complaining." I said. "You're always the one who show up 'fashionably late' to everything!"

He agreed, so without further ado, we entered the mall. It was full, as expected, because it was Christmas Eve and the laziest people were out shopping. Well, you couldn't call it shopping because there wasn't that much left of anything really; just ugly clothing, cheap toys, and the most boring books and video games that no one even thought of buying.

"So what are we going to buy something for everyone? Actually, who is even coming?"

"The whole squad. Perrie, Zayn, Katherine, Liam, Niall, Harry, Louis, and El."

"Jesus. Those are a lot of presents."

I my mind, I was already dividing the money by ten and assigning twenty pounds for each of their presents.

"You don't need to get me anything." Jake told me while we were browsing through H&M for clothes. That was probably what everyone was going to get for everyone; clothes. The small Christmas party/Louis' birthday that Niall held each year wasn't about presents, it was about being together (and getting wasted but that's besides the point).

"I know you're saying this to seem polite but we both know that you want a present so shut up and pick something that's twenty quid or less."

"You know me so well." He smirked and disappeared in the men's section.

Sophia and I bought matching shirts that had a funny message written in big letters across them, that we would then give to each other. Then we decided to screw everything and buy the exact same shirt for Eleanor, Perrie, and Katherine. I bought Jake a nice beanie and a scarf, a nice jean jacket for Louis, a phone case and a pair of gloves, and a sweatshirt that said YES for Niall.

"These are the worst presents ever." I laughed as I checked the things that I bought at the cash register, together with Sophia and Jake.

"Does it really matter? As long as there will be weed and alcohol, who cares what we bought?"

"You're right." Sophia laughs and hands the money for her part to the lady behind the counter.

We wait for the bus for a few minutes, and then each one of us got off at a different station. We made plans to share a cab to Niall's, so we would meet up in front of the school at 7:30.

Once I got home I packed and named every single present, before I got into the shower to wash my hair. As I rinsed out the shampoo, I started panicking because there was a large amount of hair sticking to my fingers, which was unusual.

My hair was falling out now, great. I twisted it into a towel and rushed to my room, where I opened my laptop and looked up 'causes of hairloss'. After fifteen minutes of reading several different articles, I concluded that it was from my eating disorder, due to the lack of protein.

I closed the laptop and walked over to my closet so I could pick out the clothes for tonight. I chose a Minnie sweatshirt, my favorite pair of blue jeans and the black boots I'd recently bought from H&M.

After all the presents were shoved in a giant bag, I walked downstairs to announce my departure.

"What time will you be home?" My father questions as I put on my coat and beanie.


"Uh...around twelve? One, tops."

"How will you get back?"

"With a taxi."

"I don't want you in a taxi late at night."

"Then I'll carpool with Louis or Zayn. I'll be fine dad."

"Alright. Take care."

I smiled and left the house, and I ended up running to the bus station because I was already late.

I met up with Sophia and Jake at 7:30 in front of the school, and we caught the 7:35 bus to Niall's house just in time. By eight o'clock sharp, we were already ringing the bell.

"It's open!" came a voice from inside, so Jake just pushed the door open and we walked in.

The hallway was decorated with fairy lights and Christmas decoration, and so was the rest of the house apparently.

The whole group was already in the living room on the couch, and a giant-ass tree was in the corner, with a lot of poorly wrapped presents underneath.

"Where are your parents?" was the first thing I asked Niall.

"Out at a Christmas party. Won't be home until later. And my siblings are out with the nanny at a movie, so we're all good."

I sat down next to Perrie on the couch, after I placed the presents under the tree and kissed Louis for his birthday. Niall walked into the kitchen and came out with a bottle of wine to pour in the eleven glasses that were on the table.

"To Christmas, and to Louis who turns nineteen today!" Niall said and we toasted before everyone drank the wine in quick gulps, as if the giant glass was a shot.

Then we exchanged presents, and it was really funny because no one spent more than thirty quid on a present, so they were all disastrous.

I got an entire set of Bambi pyjamas from Jake that he then made me put on and leave them until I went home, a NERD onesie from Perrie and Eleanor together (that I was also forced to wear over the pyjamas), a set of John Green books from Zayn, a HOMIES beanie from Liam, a dress from Katherine, the whole Teen Wolf season 1 collection from Louis, and the new 5SOS album from Harry.

Niall insisted he'd be the last one to hand over our presents, because all of us apparently had the same thing, so we were excited about it.

He pulled out ten envelopes that looked exactly the same and had each of our names on it.

"Are you giving us money?" Zayn asked and everyone laughed as we opened our envelopes.

"No fucking way!" Katherine exclaimed and pulled out what looked like a concert ticket.

I looked into my envelope and pulled out a ticket that had ARCTIC MONKEYS written on it. To say that I was shocked was an understatement.

"Front row seats for the February concert." Niall said, pleased.

"But these must've cost-" I started.

"Not that much; my dad knows their manager."

"I love you man!" Liam said and jumped up to tackle him in a hug. Everyone except for me followed his lead. I didn't, because I was too distracted by the diamond necklace that was in a small Swarovski envelope that was in the initial envelope with the ticket.

I looked up and made swift eye contact with Niall, who winked, and returned to hugging the rest of the excited group. I decided to leave the necklace in the envelope so the others wouldn't feel weird or left out about it, and finally went to join the group hug.

We ordered pizzas and even I decided to eat because I didn't want my hair falling out any longer. Niall seemed to check up on how much I had left on my plate from time to time, thinking he was being slick and that hadn't noticed.

One hour later, after all of us had full bellies and the TV is playing in the background, the boys brought out a hookah and some weed from Niall's room.

"Now that's what I call a party!" Louis excitedly said and scooted in his seat to be closer to the coffee table.

Zayn took out four joints and three of us paired up to share one. Niall sat down next to me and told me that we would share one because he always smokes more than the rest of them and I barely do.

Liam then changed the channel to MTV and raised the volume to the maximum, so I leaned over to Niall so I could whisper into his ear:

"Thank you for the necklace, but you shouldn't have."

"Do you like it?" he asked and put his free arm around my shoulders.

I felt something warm and fuzzy in the pit of my stomach as I nodded.

"How much was it?"

"Doesn't matter."

"I want to know."


"Because I feel bad-"

"It was nothing, honestly. Just enjoy it."

"Alright. Thanks."


I pressed a kiss to his cheek and then took the joint from his fingers so I could take two long drags. I saw Louis shooting us innuendo stares but I waved him off because it wasn't what he thought it was. Yes, Niall and I would snog from time to mine, but it was meaningless. Just like when I snogged Louis. Friends kissing friends. No biggie.

"What are we doing for New Year's?" Eleanor asked and leaned into Louis, smiling.

"I'll host the party this year." Niall announced and took the joint back.

"Should I make an event on Facebook?" Harry suggested.

"Yeah. Fifty people max."


After that no one really talked about anything interesting; we just smoked and laughed and had a good time with each other.

"Nothing says Christmas spirit more than weed and wine." Louis said when we were at the door two hours later, saying our goodbyes. Niall's parents hadn't come home yet and his siblings apparently spent the night with their sitter.

"Can you drive me home?" I asked Zayn who was just instructing Jake, Perrie, Liam, and Sophia to get in his car.

"It's fully babe, I'm sorry."

"I can-" Louis started but Niall caught in, saying that he'll drive Katherine and I home tonight.

"Alright then. Take care." Louis smiled and wiggled his eyebrows as he kissed both my cheeks and then walked away with Eleanor and Harry.

Katherine and I got into Niall's Bentley at half past twelve, and we were in front of our house at fifteen to one, just like I'd promised my dad.

"I'll see you in a week then?" Niall asked and turned to look at me in the backseat.

"Sure." I awkwardly answered.

"I'll...go inside." Katherine said and got out of the car after telling Niall goodbye.

Then there were two.

"Thanks for the necklace again."

"You're welcome."

"You know that as soon as I get inside I'm going to google how much it cost right?"

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it was custom made."

"What? Those are like, twice as expensive!" I exclaimed.


"So...I feel bad. You had no obligation to buy me anything."

"I wanted to though."

"Alright then. I owe you one."

"You don't have to-"

"Yes I do." I said quickly and got out of the car so he couldn't say anything else.

I waved at him and he rolled the window down, telling me to come closer because he wanted to tell me a secret.

"What?" I asked and bent over so I could be at the same eye level.

He didn't say anything; he just leaned over and kissed me for two or three seconds and then pulled away smiling.

"Thank you for that too." I laughed, and I was glad that it was dark so he probably couldn't see me blush.

"See you on Wednesday."

"Why not earlier?" I found myself asking.

"Because I'm going on holiday with my parents tomorrow."


"The Caribbean. We stay there until Monday."

"Oh, alright."

"I'll text you." He said and then started the car.

I smiled and said goodnight before I turned around to go inside. He didn't drive off until I turned on the light to my bedroom and closed the curtains.


Christmas went by quickly and I barely even left the house due to the bad weather. If there was one thing I couldn't stand about England, it was the horrid weather.

New Year's Eve came quickly and now I found myself half naked in the bathroom with a curling iron in one hand and a mascara bottle in the other. I was late, of course.

Zayn was supposed to come pick Katherine and I up in fifteen minutes, and I didn't even know what dress to put on and which shoes would match. Everything was a disaster.

I ended up putting the dress that Katherine got me for Christmas on, my only leather jacket, the black pumps from my mother, and the beanie I got from Liam.


Katherine knocked on my door a couple of minutes later, and I was finally ready to go. We told my parents that we were going to be home the next day around noon, and then walked out of the house to see that Zayn's car was already there waiting for us.

We get to Niall's place at around nine, and there aren't many people there yet, so we take time to greet everyone and put the bottles of alcohol on the island counter in the kitchen.

"Hi." Niall said when there was only Jake and I in the kitchen, taking care of different tasks such as filling bowls with snacks and putting away anything that might break.

"Hi." I responded and smiled up at him, before I took a few moments to check him out because God did he look good.

He was wearing a leather jacket, a simple great t-shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, and black Vans. I had to admit; I had a thing for guys who either wore Vans or Converse. It just seemed sexy to me.

"How are you?"

Why would you ask me that???? Since when do you check up on how people are doing?

"Been good. How was your holiday?"

It seemed so weird, making small talk with him.

"Good. Actually, not really. I was bored out of my mind."

"Any girls or boys at the hotel?" I asked as I busied myself with emptying a bag of chips in the last remaining bowl I could find.

"Yeah. Nothing happened though."

"I didn't...ask."

He looked at me weirdly, but thank God Sophia came in with Liam on her heels so that we could stop the discussion right there.

"Oh my Gooood!" Sophia exclaimed. "You look so good babe!"

She kissed and hugged me, and then Liam did the same. Then Sophia passed on to Jake, who was as excited to see Liam and Sophia as she was.

"Is she...?" I asked Liam, motioning my hands in a drunk gesture.

He shook his head and put his thumb and index finger together, to let me know that they'd smoked up before they got here.

A few minutes later, people were starting to fill in, so we moved to the crowded living room that was already blasting with club music and happy chatter.


It didn't take long for Perrie and Sophia to get so wasted that Jake and I had to help them throw up in the upstairs bathroom.

"So who's going to be your New Year's kiss?" I asked him as I held Sophia's hair. He was currently giving Perrie something to drink in order to help her get back on her feet.

"I don't know. I haven't really talked to Harry in a while. I mean, after that night on the trip we haven't said much to each other. Things are weird."

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to be your kiss?"

"Aren't you always?" he asked and smiled, winking.

Once Sophia was finished, we gave her the same treatment we gave Perrie, and then laid them down on Niall's bed.

"Come back in thirty minutes." Sophia said and I nodded.

"Promise! We don't want to miss New Year's." Perrie cried.

"Yeah yeah, you won't miss it. It's not even eleven yet."

Jake and I then left the room, and we walked back downstairs. I danced with Liam and Harry for a while after that, until I retrieved into the kitchen to pour myself some Cranberry juice mixed with Vodka.

"Where's Perrie?" Katherine asked as I mixed my drink.

"Upstairs, taking a short nap."

"Oh. Do you think...she might want to be my New Year's kiss?"

"Yeah. I mean, if that's how you want to come out."

"Oh I'm not worrying about that, girls kiss girls all the time. I just don't know whether she'd be comfortable with everyone seeing."

"I'm sure she will." I assured her and finally took a sip of my first alcoholic drink tonight.

"Underage drinking is not good."

We both turned our heads to see Niall entering a kitchen with red eyes and a big smile on his face. Jesus.

"Are you high?" I asked him once Katherine left us alone.

"It's hey, just so you know." He laughed and leaned against the counter.

"Oh dear lord." I said, but couldn't hold down a smile.

"You're smiling."


"I like your smile. It's preeeettyyyy."

I felt something weird in my stomach when I heard his words, but I didn't respond. I just took another giant gulp.

"Can I kiss you?"

His question took me by surprise.

"Since when do you ask for permission?"

"That's what I wanted to hear." He smirked and leaned down to press our lips together.

I didn't think I would ever get over how good of a kisser he was. The way his lips moved, a perfect alternation between fast and slow, and how he knew just where to put his hands and tilt his head to make everything inside of me light up.

It was only when he tried to pull me closer that I spilled my drink over his shirt and fucked it all up.

"Oh shit, sorry."

"Nah, it's alright. I'll go get changed."

He walked towards the door, leaving me there with an empty cup and bruised lips.

"Are you coming or what?" he asked and I was embarrassingly quick to follow him.

Perrie and Katherine were still napping on his bed but he didn't say thing about it; he just walked to the closet and picked out another shirt.

I tried not to stare too obviously at his naked chest and tattoo while he changed, but we both knew I was not good at being subtle.

"I can see you staring, you know." He said and then pulled the shirt over his head completely.

"Well...I have no line for this. And what if I was staring?"

"You still are."


I crossed my arms and looked at him with a smug look on my face.

"I'm not complaining. But you have to let me stare at you too."

I blushed and he stepped towards me, cupping my face and kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, as soon as he secured my waist with his and lifted me up. My heels fell to the floor and I put my legs around him until he walked backwards to go and sit at the edge of the bed.

He slid the jacket off my shoulders and then laid back so I would straddle him from thighs to neck. His hands came to rest on the back of my thighs under the dress and I could feel something warm building in the pit of my stomach.

I kissed down his neck and tried to pretend like Sophia and Perrie weren't sleeping literally a few inches away from us. Were they awake? Could they see and hear us? Dear God.


"Just kiss me." He whispered into my neck and who was I to deny him such a nice plea?

I sat up on his thighs and trailed my hands down his chest until I reached the hem of his shirt, and then pulled it off his head.

He smirked and did the same thing to my dress. When he looked me up and down in the dim light coming from the balcony it made me a bit self-conscious, standing there in just my underwear, but I got over it quickly because he began kissing down my neck and pushing my hair to the other side.

Niall kissed me and it didn't even take a split of a second before he unhooked my bra. He cupped my boobs for a while as we kissed, and then flipped us over so he could hover over me.

"Move up." he told me and I obeyed, moving further up his king sized bed until I was on the other half that wasn't occupied by Perrie and Sophia, who seemed to be asleep.

My heart was beating out of my chest; probably because I was nervous-what if he thought that I wasn't good enough at...stuff?

He took off his pants before he kneeled on the bed and came to lie between my legs. His hands went up and down my thighs as we roughly kissed, and when he started grinding his body against mine he lost me.

My mind went into overdrive and all I could think about was how bad I wanted him to fuck me. Take my virginity, whatever.


"Say it."

"I want you to f-"

"Oh Jesus Christ."

We stopped and turned our heads to see a disgusted Sophia looking at us.

"Can't someone have thirty minutes of sleep around here? Honestly, get a room."

"We do have a room." I told her.

"Yeah, my room as a matter of fact."

Sophia rolled her eyes and turned her back to us, spooning Perrie. But we didn't even get to kiss again, because Jake barged in, telling us that the fireworks would be set up soon.

"Oh shit-did I interrupt something? A foursome? You crazy kids."

Then he left.

"Great." Niall mumbled and rolled off of me. I could see the obvious erection in his boxers and I was so sorry that I couldn't do anything about it, because God did I want to.

Sophia groaned but her and Perrie both stood up and left the room with difficulty.

"So...this sucks." Niall said and sat up to put on his jeans and then shirt.

He handed me my bra without saying anything.

"What did you want to tell me?" he asked as I slid my dress on. He stood up from the bed to put his shoes on.

"You know what I wanted to tell you."

"Yeah but I want to hear it from you." Niall said, smirking as he stared down at me once I put my heels and jacket back on.

"I wanted to tell you that I wanted you to fuck me."

Although I was blushing, I was really proud of myself. He smiled, and placed his hand on the back of my neck to bring our lips together.

"Later, promise." He whispered against them and then pecked me shortly, before he walked to the door. I followed with the biggest smile on my face.

Downstairs, the living room was almost empty, since everyone was already outside, trying to arrange the fireworks. I looked at my phone, to see that there were fifteen minutes left until midnight.

Niall and I joined the squad outside in a corner, where everyone took their own firework that you could actually hold in your hand.

"What if I burn myself?" I asked Jake, who already had the timer ready so he could count down from ten to one.

"You won't burn yourself if you don't fuck around with the firework. Also, girl, we need to talk about what I just interrupted."


"Were you two about to have sex?"

"Maybe." I admitted and he opened his mouth.

"Oh my God! I'm so proud of you!"

"But nothing happened though. Yet."

"Yet." He said in a seductive voice and then looked back down at the clock.

"One minute! Everyone pick your partners!"

I smiled at Jake, but then I saw Niall whispering something to Harry, who nodded excitedly and walked towards us. He put his arm around a surprised Jake, which meant that I wouldn't be kissing my gay best friend tonight.

I eyed Niall, who winked and waved me over.

"So I guess...I'm going to kiss you at midnight." I told him and he shrugged.

"I don't mind."

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!" Jake started and I nervously twiddled with the firework that was still burning in my hand.

"Three! Two! One!"

Niall smiled and leaned down to kiss me just as the clock turned to 00:00. We kissed for a couple of seconds until he pulled back to go and light the bigger fireworks.

I smiled like an idiot and Sophia saw because she came right over to me looking really smug.

" and Niall?"

"What about me and Niall?"

"You together or?"

"Oh no. We're just...friends who like to kiss."

"And fuck."

"We haven't done that yet so."


I shrugged and our conversation was cut short when the fireworks finally started shooting up in the sky, one by one.

"This is amazing." I said while a few boys came out with bottles of champagne and trays of glasses.

I took a glass and a few seconds passed before Niall raised his glass.

"To the best year yet. Happy 2015!"

"Cheers!" everyone said at once as we clinked glasses.

As I drank, I caught Niall's eye and he winked. I got a weird feeling in my stomach and winked back.

This is definitely going to be an interesting 2015.


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