Chapter 11

Sorry for the long wait but I had two busy weeks :) Hope all is good!

Also, this story reached 100k views and almost 10k comments wow!! Thank you so much :D

Christmas is coming I can't believe it's already December ! What do you guys want this year for Christmas? :)

Happy reading and don't forget to leave comments throughout the chapter I really like this one :)


"You're in love with Harry?" I asked to double check if I'd heard correctly.

"Yeah. I mean-I don't know. It's so confusing. He's so confusing."

"But this is the first time you ever did something with him-"

"No it isn't. He called me to his house two weeks ago and we hooked up after we got high. And I know that he has something going on with Louis, I'm not that stupid."

"But I don't understand how...and why? You never really showed any interest in him."

"It just kind of happened, I don't know."

I bit my lip.

"So are you going to tell him?"

"What? Are you crazy? Of course not!" he exclaimed. "Just don't tell anyone, I'm freaking out as it is."

"Okay. I won't tell anyone I promise."

"Thanks babe." He said and pulled me into a hug, kissing my temple.


We were back in Manchester the next day at noon, and neither Niall nor I mentioned what happened between us that night after we went sleighing. And it was better that way to be honest.

One week later everyone began making preparations for the winter formal, which I didn't really want to take part in, but I had to because Luke bought us tickets and my mother forced me out of the house to go and find a proper dress.

"How about this one?" she asked, handing me a blue dress with a generous cleavage.

"Um? Isn't it a bit revealing?"

"That's the point!" she exclaimed.

"Why can't you be like the other mums."

She rolled her eyes and looked at the size, before shaking her head.

"You need a size ten, not an eight."

"Actually, I need eight."

"Since when?" she asked, looking me up and down. "Have you lost weight?"

"Maybe." I mumbled and she handed me two other dresses that were really expensive.

I knew she was excited that I finally had someone to go to a dance with, and that's why she spent over one hundred quid on a black lacy dress and a pair of black pumps.

"Mum you're crazy." I told her when she announced that she made an appointment for me at the hairdresser's. "It's like this is your winter formal, not mine."

"I'm just happy that you finally have a date to one of these things! And then we can make photos and he can give you your corsage-"

"Mum. We're not in American movies, chill." I told her a few days later, ten minutes before Luke was supposed to get there.

She looked at me through the mirror, smiling as she took in the way I looked. It was the first time ever that she did that, actually complimenting my looks. It should be in the record books.

The doorbell rang a few minutes later and she screamed before rushing down the stairs to get the door.

"Luke is here!" she announced and I rolled my eyes, checking myself out for the last time in the mirror. Then I grabbed my clutch and walked out of my room as quickly as I could on my five-inch heels.

Luke was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs with a smile on his face, looking really hot in his tux.

"Hi." He said and I smiled, pecking him on the lips. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. Now let's go before-"

"Photo time!" my mother exclaimed and pulled out her phone.

"-that happens." I mumbled and Luke laughed, placing his hand on my waist and turning me around to face my mother.


I forced a smile and she took five pictures of us, before asking Luke to come up behind me and do a traditional prom pose.

"Seriously? We're going to be late." I said and Luke kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you for your time Mrs. Parker, but we really have to go now because we have to be at the hotel at seven."

"Oh sure! Have fun! Don't drink too much! Call me if I have to come pick you up tomorrow okay?" she told me and I nodded, already half out the door. Why was she so fake sometimes?

The limo was waiting outside, and it was already half-filled with our group.

"Oh my GOD! You bitch you look fabulous!" Jake yelled and I smiled, greeting him as I sat down next to him. Sophia was there with Liam, Louis was already in with Eleanor, and Katherine went over to Jake's earlier that day because they were going together.

"Who's Harry going with?" Louis asked while we were on our way to Zayn's house.

"Niall and him are coming alone." Jake informed him and Louis nodded, making swift eye contact with me. I wished I knew what he was thinking.

Zayn and Perrie didn't take long to come out of the house, so it wasn't long before we were already going to Niall's.

When the doors opened for Niall and Harry, I immediately knew they were as high as kites, because they were giggling and joking and hugging everyone longer than necessary.

"Seriously? You got high before the dance?" Louis asked Harry, who shrugged, not even turning his head to look at him. I frowned but decided to ask him about that later, when we weren't surrounded by everyone.

'You okay?' I mouthed at Louis, and he nodded, sadly smiling. There was something going on.

"Oh my God." I said when Sophia finally stepped into the limo with a tight green dress and a smug smile on her face. "You look great!"

"You too bitch." She winked and sat down next to me, kissing me on the cheek.

"Anyone else we have to pick up or are we good to go to the hotel?" Liam asked and Luke told him that we were on our way to the hotel, because we were late already.

It turned out that the hotel wasn't that far after all, and after we flashed our tickets to the two guys that stood at the entrance, we were already in.

The boys went with their tickets to get the rooms (each ticket had a room written on the back), while we waited in the lobby in front of a huge mirror.

"You look so good in a dress! I haven't seen you like this since...ever!" Sophia told me and I turned to look at her.

"Yeah my mum went all out with the shopping I think she wants to be eighteen again."

"But you're not even eighteen."

I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look at Niall who was approaching us with a smirk on his face. Even though I hated to admit it, he looked really good in a tuxedo, with his hair pulled up in a quiff.


"When will you stop with the age jokes? I can joke about you being a grandpa too you know."

"I'd like to see you try." He laughed.

"Can you even see or heard when you're this old?" I asked and he raised his eyebrows.


"Seriously, I have a brother at home, I really good at comebacks."

"Doesn't your brother live in a dorm?" Sophia asked.

"No. He loves having my parents kiss his ass on a daily basis; he's never going to be out of the house. And they call me lazy."

The rest of the boys finally came to us with the room keys so we started walking towards the entrance of the dance hall.

Luke intertwined our fingers as we walked down the stairs, wiggling his eyebrows at me as he told me that we had our own room. I knew what he meant by that and it annoyed me. Lately it seemed like he was with me just for one reason: sex.

Right at the bottom of the stairs was a beautiful arch decorated with fairy lights and snowflakes, and on each side of the staircase was a white Christmas tree. The round tables were scattered on the sides of the giant room, and there was stage right in the back where the DJ was standing.

Our table was in the far left corner. A lot of people exclaimed and greeted Niall as we walked towards it, and all I could do was roll my eyes. Why did everyone here think he was some kind of God?

I placed my clutch on the table and my blazer on the back of my seat, between Luke and Sophia.

"We got chicken in the menu yaaas!" Jake exclaimed and I laughed. I could go for some chicken, since I hadn't eaten in more than twenty-four hours.

I grabbed a glass of champagne from the entrance after that, and then I asked Sophia to take a photo of me with it.

A new song started and Luke asked me if I wanted to dance, so I said yes.

We danced for about five songs, but I couldn't help notice that Louis and Harry were having an argument at our table while Eleanor was dancing with Perrie.

Harry pushed Louis, who looked lost, before he marched away, leaving Harry alone.

"You okay?" Luke asked me when he saw that I wanted to walk away.

"Yeah I just-I need to go check on a friend, be right back okay?"


I kissed him on the cheek and then quickly walked in the direction that Louis had just left. I went up the stairs just in time to see him exit on through a back door that led behind the hotel.

I opened the door after he closed it, and saw him leaning against the wall, opposite to the stairs, looking for something in the pocket of his blazer. It was snowing, wow.

"You okay?" I asked him and he looked up as he pulled a cigarette out of his Marlboro pack.

He shrugged and I sat down on the steps, face-to-face with him.

"Saw you having a fight with Harry."

"Oh...yeah. Well."

He lit up his cigarette.

"Want one?" he asked and held out the pack to me.

"Um, sure."

I took a cigarette before he lit it up for me, and then put everything back into his blazer.

"So what was it all about?" I asked and he sighed, sliding down the wall so he could sit on the ground.

"He told me that he slept with Jake."

"I know."

"And that he wants to be with him."


"And I know I don't have any right to get mad since I'm also in a relationship and Harry and I were never official but...I don't know what to do. I can't choose between him and Eleanor."

"So you actually do love her."

"Yeah. But I also love Harry. That's my problem. I can't fucking pick one."

I bit my lip before I took another drag from the cigarette.

"Which one did you fall in love first?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Just tell me."


I smiled. "Then pick Eleanor."

"Why? How-"

"If you really loved Harry, you wouldn't have fallen for Eleanor."

"But it's just-Harry gets me you know? Like, he's my soulmate. I don't think I can give up on him."

"And you don't have to. You can still be friends. Jake and I are soulmates and he's gay as fuck."

"We have too much history. It would be awkward."

"It won't be if you don't make it."

"You're right." He sighed and I shivered.

"Cold?" he asked. I shrugged but nodded in the end.

He smiled and stood up, coming to sit down next to me as he placed his blazer on my shoulder.


"So what about you and Niall?"

"What about me and him?"

"You don't like him?"

"No? I mean, as a friend."



"Nothing. I just thought you liked him like more than a friend."

"Niall?" I snorted. "I don't think so."

"Why not? You'd be cute together. Size difference and all."

"You and Harry have a generous amount of size difference. Height wise and maybe even penis wise, I don't know." I laughed.

"Yeah you're right, my dick is way bigger."

"Yeah, I don't know how you fit it in your pants."


"I wouldn't know."

"Eh, who knows. Maybe you will some day." He teased and I smiled, making a confused face.

"Are you hitting on me?" I joked.

"Depends. Is it working?"

I snorted. "I don't know. It's weird. You're like my brother."

"Oh yeah?"

I nodded and he smiled, eyes crinkling, before he leaned in to press his lips against mine. It took me by surprise but I continued it just for the sake of it.

He cupped my face with the hand that wasn't holding the cigarette and I wrapped my arm around his neck to bring him closer. I couldn't believe that I was actually properly snogging Louis. It meant nothing, I felt nothing.

Our tongues were in a really heated lock so when he finally pulled away there was a trail of saliva left behind that I wiped away.

"How was that?" he asked, smirking.


"Don't pretend like you didn't like it."

"Felt like snogging my brother."

"You've snogged your brother before? Do tell more."

"Ew, stop."

He laughed and took a drag from his cigarette.

"Does what we just did count as cheating?"

"Did you feel anything?"


"Then that's your answer. And I'm offended by that. Not even a small tingle in your vagi-"

"Louis stop!" I laughed and pushed at his shoulder.

"Sorry babe. I guess I overestimated my kissing skills." He said sadly, but I knew he was just pretending to be offended.

"Shut up." I laughed and actually pulled his face back to mine so we could kiss again. His mouth was hot and I was angry at Luke so sue me.

We kissed for a while after that, until we heard someone coughing behind us, which made us pull away quickly.

It was Niall, who was smirking with a cigarette pack and a lighter in his hand.

"Well well." He slurred. Great. He was drunk too. Which meant that he would be throwing up if he started smoking cigarettes since he got high like an hour earlier.

"You're a great kisser." I told Louis, ignoring Niall who stepped between us and went to lean against the wall.

"Better than Niall?" Louis asked.

"I never kissed Niall." I said.

"You haven't?"

"I kissed her other lips." Niall told him Louis whistled.

"Well blimey." He exclaimed.

"Oh shut up Louis."

"But seriously what was going on here? Did I interrupt something?"


"Where's Luke? Got in a fight?"

"No, he's just annoying."

"What did he do now?"

"He thinks we're going to have sex tonight."

"And you don't want to?" Niall asked as he finished lighting up his cigarette.

"I don't think so. Especially since sex is the only thing he's been talking about for days. He's obsessed."

"So why don't you want to fuck him?" Louis asked.

"Because she's a virgin. And he has a small dick."

"He doesn't have a small dick." I argued.

"Smaller than mine."

"Yours is a fucking python, shut up." Louis told him.

"How would you know?" I asked.

They exchanged looks.

"Tell me!"

"We had a threesome once, no big deal. Now back to you-"

"Wait. You had a threesome? As in two guys one girl?"

"No, three guys. With Harry." Niall told me and I couldn't help but find that idea incredibly hot.

"Oh my God."

Niall wiggled his eyebrows and Louis rolled his eyes.

"So what are you going to do if you don't want to fuck tonight?" he asked.

"I don't know?"

"You can come stay in my room if you want." Niall suggested.

"Why would I want to stay in the same room you're fucking some random girl in?"

"I just fucked a girl in the bathroom. I think I'm good for the night. Fuck, I'm going to be sick-"

And then he turned around and completely threw his guts up on the ground.

"That's gross." I said once he finished, standing up.

Louis handed him a gum and Niall smiled, claiming that he felt a lot better now that he'd vomited.

"Never drink alcohol and smoke weed. I thought you learned your lesson." Louis scolded him and Niall shrugged, coming to sit on the steps behind me.

He pulled at my hair as he continued smoking.

"Stop it! I sweat to God, it's like you're three years old."

"I thought I was a grandpa?" he asked grinning.

"You're so annoying."

He laughed and then blew smoke right into my face.

"Oh my God." I groaned.

"You know that if you blow smoke in someone's face it means you want to fuck them, right?" Louis said.

"I know." Niall told him, not looking away from him.

I shook my head and finished my cigarette before I threw it away, automatically putting itself out in the snow.

"You've got snow on your head." I told Niall before I reached out to shake it out.

"I think I got some snow in my underwear too, would you mind checking?" he asked and I choked because what even.

"That is so horrible mate." Louis laughed, leaning against his leg.

"Do girls really fall for that?" I asked.

"Most of them do."

"You're unbelievable." I disapprovingly said, shaking my head.

"Oh don't pout babe, you'll get your name." he teased and cupped my cheeks in one hand, pursing my lips as he did so.

"Perfect mouth for a blowjob, doesn't she Lou?"

"Yeah." Louis laughed.

I actually felt good about his observation, but I tried not to show it. Blowjobs were one thing I could pride myself in, since I had no gag reflex.

"We should probably get back." Louis suggested once Niall also finished his cigarette.


We all stood up and slowly made our way inside.

"Hey if Luke does anything you don't want to do let me know yeah? So I can talk to him." Louis told me, placing a hand on my shoulder after he got his blazer back.

"And so I can beat him up." Niall added, winking.

"Sure, thanks guys."

"Always babe." Louis smiled and kissed me on the cheek, before stopping to talk to Niall about something I was apparently not allowed to know.

I rejoined Luke on the dancefloor, and I could tell that he'd gotten drunk while I was gone. Which. Great.

"How did you get drunk so fast?" I asked, placing my hand on his arm.

"I don't know, alcohol?" he laughed, stumbling over his own feet.

"You need to sit down."

"Why not sit up?" he asked and began laughing.

"Are you high?"

"It's hi, Rey."

"Oh my God." I sighed and pulled him away from the dancefloor, then made him sit down on a chair.

"The room is spinning." He whined, pressing his fingers against his temple.

"No shit. Do you want some water?"

"Yeah and something to eat."

"They bring out the food in an hour, you have to wait."

"I don't think I can."

"Fuck. Okay."

I looked up to spot Jake. I saw him dancing with Sophia and waved him over quickly. He obliged and soon he was standing next to me, asking what he could do to help.

"Can you run to the store a block away to get him some crisps? He's going to throw up soon. Or pass out."

"Sure babe. I'll take Harry with me."

"Okay. Thanks."

He smiled and called Harry over, before they left me with Luke.

"You're a mess babe." I told him and he smiled, pulling me sideways on his lap.

"I'm sorry. I haven't been drunk in a long time."

"You okay?"


I stroked I face before I leaned down to press a quick kiss to his lips.

"Maybe I should get you to bed?" I asked him and he nodded, pouting. "But who'll dance with you?"

"Jake. Sophia. I'll find someone, don't worry. C'mon, give me the key."

He looked through his pocket and gave it to me once he found it.

"Up, come on."

He stood up and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, leaning into me, almost knocking me over.

"Is everything okay?" Niall asked, coming towards me with Louis on his heels.

"Yeah no. I need to get Luke into his room he's really drunk and needs to rest."

"I'll take him." He offered and both Louis and him took one of Luke's arms, putting them around their necks.


We met Harry and Jake at the entrance, who handed me the crisps. There was an awkward moment between Louis and Harry before I asked them to finally start moving again so Luke wouldn't pass out yet.

The room was on the fourth floor, and as soon as we got in, Luke collapsed on his back on the bed and closed his eyes.

"Niall mate." He said sleepily.

"What?" Niall asked as he untied his tie and took his blazer off.

"Take care of my girl tonight? But don't do anything I wouldn't do."


Niall turned him on his side and placed the rubbish bin right next to his head so he would vomit in it once he wakes up.

"Untie his pants so he has more room to breathe." Louis told me and I did so.

"Okay now take the key and we'll take turns every hour to come check on him." Niall said. I nodded and thanked them for the help, and then we left the room in silence.

"Any of you fancy a spliff? Got one left." Niall said and pulled it out once we got in the elevator.

"Seriously? You literally just threw up from it."

"I'm better now."

Louis shot me a questioning look and I shrugged, agreeing.

"Fuck it. But I have to go and get my jacket."

They groaned but accompanied me back to the main hall anyway. I put my coat on and took my clutch because I had my phone and cigarettes in it.

We walked towards the entrance since they decided to go to the park right across the street. It was lightly snowing and kind of chilly, thank God I decided to get my coat.

Once we got to the deserted playground, we went straight to the two swings in the corner. I wiped the thin layer of snow off of the swing and sat down, and Louis did the same with the swing next to mine.

Niall lit up the joint from both sides before handing it to Louis first and sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Rey get up from the swing."

"Excuse me?"

"I want to sit down."

"What a gentleman." Louis sarcastically said after letting out the two puffs of smoke and handing the joint to me.

"No, you can sit in my lap. C'mon."

"Fine." I sighed and stood up, letting him take my place.

I took two quick drags from the spliff and let them out once I held them in as long as I could. After Niall passed the joint back to Louis, I turned around and sat down on his lap, leaning my head back against his shoulder.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and breathed hot air in my ear, sending shivers down my back. My ears were probably one of the most sensitive points of my body.

"You smell nice." He complimented.


"Should I leave?" Louis joked and handed me the joint.

"Don't be stupid." I told him before I took the joint to my lips.

"I'm just asking. It looks like you two have some unresolved sexual tension."

"I've got a boyfriend."

"Who's piss drunk passed out in a bed." Niall laughed.

"You two would be good together though."

"I don't do girlfriends."

I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. Louis, let's shotgun."

"Yes m'am."

Louis gripped into the chain of the swing and leaned over to me so our lips could brush and I could let the smoke between his lips.

He pecked my lips after he let out the smoke and pulled back.

"I think you guys have some unresolved sexual tension." Niall said and took the fag from my fingers.

"Ew, he's like my little brother."

"That's what Selena Gomez said about Justin Bieber and look where we are now." Niall mentioned.

"I'm not attracted to Louis."

"Gee, thanks love."

"No, I mean-"

"Am I like a little brother to you too?" Niall asked, passing the joint.

"No, you're more like my grandpa. Different age group."

Louis began laughing more than he should have, which meant that the marijuana was finally kicking in. I could feel the corners of my mouth drifting up, which meant that I was starting to feel it too.

And the next thing we knew, all four of us were laughing like idiots.

We finished the joint two minutes later, and Louis buried it in the snow under his feet.

Louis' eyes fell on Niall's hands, which were now resting on my thighs, a bit under my dress.

"Okay so I think I'll go now, 'm freezing my balls off and they're quite valuable."

"They're tiny hamster balls, don't flatter yourself mate." Niall told him and Louis flipped him off as he stood up.

"See you inside. Don't...fuck on the swings."

He then left, laughing as he went.

"What an idiot." I mumbled.

"Look at that ass." Niall added and I began laughing.

Then I stood up, since the other swing was empty.

"What are you doing?"

"Sitting here."

"No, come sit in my lap. You keep my crotch warm."

"I really don't want to do your dick any favors."

"Why? I did your cunt a favor a few weeks ago."

I blushed and swatted his arm.

"Shut up."

"Oh don't pretend like you didn't enjoy it. Best orgasm of your life. Probably the only one, or am I wrong?"

"Please stop talking." I huffed, white clouds coming out as I spoke.

I took a step towards him.

"Grip into the chains."


"Don't let go."

"Niall what are you doing." I said but gripped into the chains anyway, placing the clutch on the empty swing.

He then proceeded to grip into the back of my knees and pulls them up and over the swing so I was properly straddling him, my legs dangling on the other side.

"I almost died."

"Don't be overdramatic."

He then blew air in my face.

"Why do you keep doing that? You know it's annoying right?"

"Yeah, I just like it when you're angry. It's hot."

I rolled my eyes and he pulled me closer by wrapping his arms around my torso. Our crotches grinded together for a moment and I took a sharp intake of breath because his face was so close to mine.

He began kissing down my neck and sucking on the skin there to leave a mark.

"Niall." I protested.


I sighed and he pulled back after finishing his job, before leaning in to my lips.

I pulled my head back.

"What are you doing?"

"Kissing you."

"I have a boyfriend."

"You were kissing Louis earlier."

"Yeah but-"

"But it meant nothing? Does this mean something or?"

I snorted. "No."


"So... I don't know."

"He said that I shouldn't do something he wouldn't."

I looked him in the eyes as he cupped my face smirking.

"Come on, I know you want to see if I'm a good kisser." He whispered, licking his lips.

"Shut up."

"Make me then." He said, cockily.

So I leaned in and pressed our mouths together.


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