Chapter 10
I'm so so so so so sorry for the wait but I've been honestly so busy lately I haven't gotten around to write the chapter. So I decided to update once in every two weeks :)
I wanted to thank you for your patience and almost 600 comments on the last chapter !
Also, my boyfriend got me tickets for One Direction in September (in New York), and I was wondering if any of you got tickets for the tour and where are you going?
Thank you so much for the wait (again) and don't forget to leave comments throughout the chapter to make me happy :D
It was two hours into the bus ride and I was already freezing my non-existent balls off. My legs were crossed under me and my parka was zipped all the way up, covering my nose.
"You cold?" Luke asked.
"No shit." I said sarcastically and he laughed, pulling out his beanie from his backpack and handing it over to me.
I pulled it all the way down over my ears, and I was sure that I was looking like an Eskimo but I couldn't be bothered. It was too cold.
"You look so cute like that." He said and wrapped both his index fingers in my hands, pulling me towards his face so we could kiss.
"Keep the kissing for the bedroom!" Niall exclaimed and I rolled my eyes, pulling back from Luke and flipping him off.
"Look who's talking." Luke replied, leaning his cheek against this headrest.
I threw my legs over his lap and did the same, and we smiled at each other as we did so.
"That's disgusting." Came Jake's voice.
"Shut up."
"Let's play a game, I'm getting bored." Luke suggested and turned his head to look in the back.
"What game are you thinking of?"
"How about truth or dare? Like the good old days."
"You mean the good old days in sixth grade?" Niall snorted and Luke rolled his eyes.
Everyone shrugged and agreed, since there was no way to pass time anyway.
The ride took three more hours and then we finally pulled up in front of the Fife Arms Hotel (that's how it was called), and it looked like it could actually be nice. It was okay.
"If they don't have heating in this things I'm going to lose it." Sophia complained once we stepped inside, luggage at our feet as we waited for the teachers to go talk to the reception.
"How do you think we'll get assigned in the rooms?" I asked her, turning my head to take a proper look at her.
"They'll probably assign our rooms by gender and name."
Once coach Daniels got twenty keys, he turned to us and coughed, so everyone would pay attention to him and stop talking.
"So what happens if I'm gay?" Jake asked out loud.
"Then good for you!" Daniels yelled.
"I'm going to read out the room numbers and who will stay in which room. After you get your key, you will go in and unpack, before we'll meet down for lunch. PLEASE take a shower before you come down for lunch, ain't no one wanna smell your disgusting ass armpits alright?" Mr. Andrews said and looked down at the sheet of paper he was holding in his hand.
Luke got assigned with Sean in room 101, Eleanor was with another girl from the cheerleading squad in 102, Perrie and Kylie were in 104, Niall was with Jake in 110, Zayn was with Liam in 111, Katherine was with Amy in 112, I was with Sophia in 113, Harry was with Louis in 116, and then there were other people I didn't really care about.
The teachers each had different rooms, except of Mr. and Mrs. Flack, who shared one, much to Jake's disappointment.
Our room had two twin beds, a small private bathroom but no balcony.
"I'll take the bed by the window." I said, walking towards it quickly and placing my suitcase on it with a low thud.
I had this thing where I would always pick the bed furthest from the door, just in case someone came in at night and decided to murder us. It was stupid, I knew, but I've seen enough horror movies to know what might happen, and how to act upon it.
"I'm gonna shower first then." She smiled.
"Wait. How are we going to split up the closet?"
"I don't need the closet for three nights. I can live out of my suitcase."
She pulled a towel out of her suitcase and a change of shirt, before she walked into the bathroom and locked the door.
It then just occurred to me that chances of me purging during this holiday were close to none.
When Sophia came out of the shower, I had already arranged my clothes in the closet, before I sat down on the bed and pulled out my phone, texting my mother to let her know that we'd arrived.
I quickly took a shower and changed into another sweatshirt and some thicker socks, before we both walked down to the restaurant of the hotel.
There were small tables of four scattered all around the room, so I took a seat with Jake, Sophia, and Harry.
We were served some weird, absolutely disgusting soup, which I didn't even touch at all.
"So we're going skiing after this, right? And then we go out after?" Jake asked, to make sure.
"Yeah." I nodded, taking a bite out of the bread.
"Okay listen up everyone!" Mr. Flack spoke up, which caused Jake to spit out his soup, wipe his mouth and give him his full attention.
"We've established some rules that EVERYONE has to follow. If anyone breaks one of them, you'll get in a lot of trouble."
"So if we do something bad, you would punish us?" Jake asked, raising his hand.
Mr. Flack nodded, unfazed by Jake's sexual tone. Jake pouted, stuffing his mouth with bread.
"Everyone needs to be in their room by ten. Lights out at eleven. If anyone is caught outside of their room after curfew, there will be consequences. Breakfast is at nine, at ten we have a shuttle bus that will drive us up to the ski resort. Everyone is free to do what they want on the slopes, but we leave at five. We have dinner at seven, and then free program until half past nine. Your rooms will be searched for illegal substances and alcohol when you least expect it, so I hope that if you were stupid enough to bring something of that nature on this trip, you were at least smart enough to hide it. Any other questions?"
No one raised their hand, so we were allowed to return back to our meals, because we would be leaving in half an hour.
We spent the rest of they day on the slope, stopping twice at the nearest lodge to get hot chocolate and eat at one of those auto-serving restaurants.
We got back to the hotel at fifteen past five, and Sophia was once again the first one to go shower because I was too busy scrolling through Tumblr on my phone than actually caring about my hygiene.
"What is taking you so long?" I asked Sophia, knocking on the door annoyed.
"I'm washing my hair!" she yelled from inside and I groaned, rolling my eyes. We had to be down to dinner in twenty minutes and she was definitely going to take longer than that.
I grabbed my towel and another sweatshirt before I walked out of my room, not bothering to lock it.
I ended up in front of Jake and Niall's room, knocking on it like my life defended on it.
A shirtless Jake opened the door, half naked with a toothbrush in his mouth.
"Hi, can I use your shower? Sophia's been masturbating for too long."
He snorted and nodded, before he let me walk past him into the room.
"Where's Niall?" I asked, and Jake pointed to the bathroom.
"Has he finished showering?"
"Yeah." Niall answered my question by stepping out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist.
"Why is everyone in this room topless?" I asked.
"We have a topless rule. You should follow it." Niall suggested and I shook my head, walking past him and locking myself in the bathroom.
I took a quick shower and changed tops, then used Jake's hairdryer to dry my wet tips.
When I came out of the bathroom, Niall was smoking a cigarette and Jake was on his phone as usual.
"Let's go somewhere instead of dinner." Niall suggested, puffing out the smoke as he leaned against the windowsill.
"I found a Nando's ten minutes away."
"You found a Nando's?" Jake exclaimed, suddenly not interested in his phone anymore.
"Yeah. Let's go get dinner there."
"I don't really think I have any money for that." I lied, just trying to make up an excuse not to eat.
"I'm gonna pay for you." Jake told me and patted me on the back, pulling his jumper over his head.
"Okay then." I mumbled and saw Niall frown, but didn't make anything of it.
We met up with the rest of our group (Perrie, Eleanor, Louis, Harry, Katherine, Luke, Kylie, Sean, Liam, Sophia) in front of the hotel, and after Louis assured us that he talked to coach Daniels to let us leave, we started walking in the direction that Jake's phone was pointing us at.
Ten minutes we indeed reached a Nando's restaurant that was glowing like a Christmas tree through the dark.
"They have Nando's in Scotland yaaaas!" Jake yelled and got first in line to order.
It took us fifteen minutes to get all the orders down and the boys waited at the counter to pick up the food while the girls went and found two tables of six that we then pushed together.
"Do any of you want to go shopping tomorrow night? There's a mall fifteen minutes from here." Eleanor asked before she took a bite out of her chicken.
Sophia and Kylie also seemed excited about the idea, and decided to ask around tomorrow for anyone who wanted to join.
I didn't really want to go because I didn't have enough money for a proper shopping spree. And if I went shopping without any money, I knew I'd end up wanting a lot of things. It was plain torture and I wasn't a masochist.
"Do you want to go shopping tomorrow?" Luke asked me as soon as we were back on our way to the hotel, with full bellies and smiles on our faces.
He intertwined our fingers and smiled because he was warm.
"Not really. Don't have money for it. Do you want to?"
"I think I'll just stay back at the hotel. You wouldn't mind right?"
"No babe." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me for a few seconds.
"Get a room." Niall commented laughing as he walked past us, pinching my ass without Luke noticing.
Luke rolled his eyes and laughed, pulling me forwards so we'd start walking again.
"Hey, do you know that our two month anniversary is in two weeks?" he asked smiling.
"December is next week? What the fuck?"
He nodded. "When do you turn eighteen?"
"In February why?"
"Just asking. So do you think you'll want me to take your virginity for your birthday?" he asked out of a sudden, and I frowned, confused as to where all of this was coming from.
"Um...I don't really care about the age...why?"
He shrugged and pressed a quick kiss to my lips to shut me up.
"Okay then." I fake smiled, not knowing what to say anymore because his question took me by surprise. Had he been thinking about it for long? Did he want us to have sex? I wouldn't have minded at all, since my virginity has never been to important for me anyway.
Once we got closer to the hotel, I let go of Luke, who was now talking to Harry, and hurried to get in lien with Niall. I pulled at his jacket to make him stop and turn to look at me while everyone else kept walking.
"Hey do you want to go for a quick smoke before we lights out?"
"Sure." He shrugged. "But you have to come with me to get my cigarettes because I don't have them with me right now."
"Everything okay though?"
"Yeah. No. Well. I'll talk to you then okay?"
Ten minutes later we were exiting his room and walking towards the back exit of the hotel. It was dark and incredibly cold, but thankfully I didn't discard my ski jacket when I arrived.
Niall pulled out the pack from his hoodie (how on earth wasn't he freezing?) and I took a cigarette out of it. He lit mine first, before lighting his and putting the lighter away in his pocket.
"So what did you want to talk about?" he asked after the first two silent puffs.
"Why do you think Luke is with me?"
He seemed confused.
"Well, sometimes I wonder why he's with me and not with someone else."
"Because...I don't know? You're hot and funny and he likes you."
"No you think that maybe he has a bet going with his mates?"
"I'm one of his mates and I assure he has no bet going. Why?"
"Because he asked me about sex today. Like, if he could finally take my virginity once I turn eighteen. And that struck me as... I don't know. Like that's what he's been waiting for all along."
"I don't know anything about a bet but I'll ask him about you if you want."
"No! I mean, ask him, but be subtle so he won't know that I asked you to do so."
A short silence followed after that in which we both took two drags.
"So do you actually want to fuck him?" he asked and I let out the smoke, sighing.
"Well...I never really thought about my virginity like it was something important. I'm like, if the opportunity comes then that's that."
"So if I asked you to come back to my room right now and have sex would you?"
"Why not?"
"Because I have a boyfriend."
He nodded and smirked, letting out another puff of smoke.
"Good girl."
I bit my lip at his nickname, but it probably meant nothing.
"You done?" he asked a few seconds later, after he'd put the cigarette off with his shoe.
"Yeah, almost. Don't go yet."
He buried his hands in the pocket of his jacket to keep him warm, jumping from one foot to the other.
"It's fuckin' freezing." He breathed, white clouds coming out of his mouth as he did so.
"No shit Sherlock." I laughed and threw my cigarette away in the snow, before we quickly hurried inside.
The next day was also spent skiing until late that afternoon, when more than half of the people attending, even three of the teachers, decided to go shopping.
"Aren't you going with them?" Niall asked when he saw me that day after dinner still on my phone in the restaurant.
"Nah. Don't have enough money."
"I could lend you some."
"Thank you, but no thank you."
"We're gonna go sleighing in the back yard do you want to come?" Jake interrupted us, appearing with Harry next to me.
"Sure." I shrugged. "I just gotta dress up thicker so I won't die from the cold."
Harry decided to accompany me to my room where I quickly changed in the bathroom, and then we made our way back downstairs and outside, where Jake and Niall were already smoking.
"Couldn't wait for me, could you?" I asked and shook my head, holding my hand out for Niall to put a cigarette in.
"What?" he asked, like he had no idea what I was talking about.
"Don't play dumb." I smiled and he sighed, giving me a cigarette.
Once we finished smoking Harry finally gripped into the sled they'd brought (God knows where they got it), and invited me to sit behind him so we could sleigh down the hill.
"What if we fall over? I don't want to die."
"Shut up and get on." He laughed and I sighed, finally sitting down behind him and gripping into the sides of the sled.
We screamed as we went down the hill and to my surprise and luck, we didn't actually fall over.
"Ugh, I don't want to climb the whole hill up again." I whined.
"I can carry you."
"Oh, I don't think you can."
"Yes I can. Come on." He smiled and crouched down so I could get on his back and wrap my limbs around his waist and neck.
He carried me up the hill while also pulling the sled behind him. We finally got back and now it was Jake's turn to go down the hill with Niall.
"Want to go one more time?" Harry asked and I shook my head, sitting down in a pile of snow next to him.
"I'm going to make a snow angel but you go ahead."
"You're no fun." He pouted but got on the sled nonetheless before pushing himself forwards.
Jake laid down next to me and decided to join me into making snow angels, while Niall lit up another cigarette.
He decided that kicking the snow in my direction would be fun, which only made me mad.
"Stop it." I warned and punched him in the leg.
"Or what?" he teased, kicking some snow on my face, making me scream and finally sit up properly.
"You fucking asshole!"
"Whoa, easy." He laughed and I stood up to try and push him on the ground, but with no success.
"You actually think you're going to knock me down? You're so tiny, try again in a few years."
"Fuck you."
"You wish princess."
I rolled my eyes and turned around to ask Jake to go inside with me, when I felt something cold running down my back. I realized that Niall literally let snow down my back.
I screamed and jumped away, smacking him over the face.
"You fucking idiot I'm going to get sick now!"
"So?" he cockily smirked and shrugged.
"You're so annoying sometimes, I swear to God." I huffed and turned around to go and walk inside, despite Jake's screams for me to stay and just ignore Niall's shitty attitude.
I went back to my room where I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and pulled on the fuzziest socks I brought with me because it was so cold I was literally shuddering.
I got into bed and thought about ordering room service, before actually realizing that I was broke and fat, so I just pulled my phone out and opened Tumblr.
It was twenty minutes later when there was a knock on the door, but it was probably Jake so I didn't bother to get up and actually open it.
The knocks kept insisting so groaned and got up from the bed, walking to the door bundled up in the blanket and opening it.
"What?" I asked, to turn surprised after because it wasn't Jake. It was Niall.
"Hi." He smiled and I wanted to slap that smirk off his face.
"What do you want?"
"Can't I say hi?"
"Not after you poured snow down my back."
He rolled his eyes.
"Jake and Harry are getting high in my room."
"And you don't want to smoke with them?"
"Nah. They'll probably end up fucking or something."
"Jake and Harry? I doubt it."
"I don't. So can I come in or are you going to keep me here?"
"I'm going to keep you here."
He pouted and I sighed, stepping aside so he could come in.
I locked the door after him and he sat down on Sophia's bed.
"Are you cold?" he asked when I sat down on my own bed, pulling the blanket tighter against my frame.
"No shit."
"Don't be like that now, c'mon."
I shook my head and leaned back against the wall, crossing my legs.
"You ordered room service?" he asked, pointing to the menu on my nightstand.
"No. Don't have money. A hot chocolate is five pounds what the fuck."
"I'm going to order two."
"Why do you always want to pay for everyone? Are you one of those guys that get off on paying for people?"
He laughed. "No, but I have more money than I need."
"Rich people."
"Don't pretend like you hate it. You love to be spoiled."
"Yeah, I'd like a sugardaddy." I laughed, forgetting about what an idiot he was.
"You would, wouldn't you?"
"Yeah. Liam looks like a sugardaddy. I bet Sophia calls him that."
"What, daddy?"
He laughed and picked up the phone, ordering two hot chocolates to my room.
"Do you just carry money with you at all times?"
"You never know when you're going to need it."
I shook my head.
The hot chocolates came five minutes later, and Niall gave the man fifteen quid before locking the door again.
"Thanks." I said as we sat down on different beds, facing each other.
"Fuck, it burned my tongue."
"Mine's alright." I told him, and of course he stood up and came to sit next to me, taking my mug and drinking from it.
He let out a satisfied moan after he took a sip, before placing it on the night.
"Can you scratch my back?"
"Because it feels good."
"I thought only girls did that to each other."
"Nah. Harry usually scratches my back but girls do it better because they have long fingernails."
"Okay then."
I reached my hand out and started scratching him as I drank from my mug, but he stopped me and took his jacket and shirt off, leaving himself topless.
"You're going to get cold." I told him, trying to seem unfazed by his sudden nakedness.
"No I'm not."
I shrugged and continued scratching him while he started telling me about the afterparty that he's going to throw after the Winter Formal.
"Are your parents really not saying anything when you throw parties every week?"
He shrugged. "They don't care."
"Can you check the heater? I don't even think they turned the heat on."
He got up from the bed and I let my hand fall into my lap, setting the now empty cup on the nightstand.
"Yeah it's on. You still cold?"
He bit his lip for a second, thinking about something, before he asked:
"Do you want me to help you get warm?"
"How?" I asked, my heart beating faster.
He smirked and put his knee at the foot of the bed, gently pushing me on my back so my head was against the pillow.
"Niall." I said and he shushed me, untangling me from my blanket.
"Open your legs for me."
I gulped and did as he asked, so he could kneel over to me and start kissing my neck.
"You smell good." He mumbled against my neck, before pulling back and shuffling further down the bed.
"So did you finally get that orgasm from Luke?"
I shook my head, my cheeks heating up.
"Then let me make you feel good."
"O-okay." I stuttered and lifted my bum off the sheets so he could pull my sweats and panties down my legs.
He laid down on his stomach, wrapping his hands around my thighs and hungrily smirking.
The first flick of his tongue made me bite my lip and close my eyes. I knew it was going to be good. And I wasn't doing anything, so technically it didn't count as cheating, right?
He licked a long stripe up along my slit and I couldn't help but moan, because it had been long since I was touched down there. And since I had no idea how to properly masturbate, everything felt twice as good.
He caught my clit between his lips and started sucking on it, which made me grip into the sheets and bite down hard on my lip.
He started licking and sucking in a quick pace, causing shivers to run through my body with every single tiny movement, and it was like nothing I'd felt ever before.
Luke wasn't even half as good as Niall was, but I wasn't going to let Niall know of course. Wouldn't want to add to his already huge ego.
"You taste so good." He hummed, biting his lip and smiling, fingers pressing into the flesh on my thighs so hard I was sure it was going to leave bruises by tomorrow.
One of his hands came down and he sucked on two of his fingers, before he pushed the middle one in, curling it upwards to press against my g-spot. He found it so easily; I was so amazed and at the same time turned on.
"Does it feel good?" he asked, his laugh sending vibrations against my clit and caused me to moan loudly, before biting my lip so people in the other room couldn't hear.
"Oh my God." I breathed when he inserted his index finger next to the middle one, pressing both of them against my g-spot, rubbing them over it again and again.
"Fuck, go slower."
He shook his head but pulled his fingers out, drying them off against my thigh and then leaning his head back down to play with my fun button again.
I opened my eyes and looked down to see his head between my legs, just a fluffy mop of dirty blonde hair.
My right hand let go of the sheets and came up to tangle into his hair.
"Niall." I moaned when he finally darted his tongue out and past my walls. He started to fuck me with his tongue and it was the best thing I had ever experienced.
I could feel heat building up deep in my core, and I knew that I was going to come any time now. It was just too much, and he was amazing, so skilled at this. He wasn't lying about it.
He stopped a few seconds later, leaving my whole body pounding as he looked up at me, dark blue eyes meeting mine.
"You close?" he teased.
I nodded, not managing to say anything else.
"You gonna come for me then?" he continued, pulling his head back and pressing his thumb against my clit, quickly flicking and pushing against it.
My toes curled up and my breathing was getting heavier by the second. I was so close to climaxing, it was the best feeling I'd ever had.
"Oh my God." I moaned, arching my back and finally coming against his hungry lips.
I tried catching my breath in the seconds that followed, and watched his sit up on his knees, obvious erection in his jeans.
"Good?" he cockily asked, even though he already knew the answer.
"How do you say?"
I shook my head and pulled my panties and sweats back up.
"No thank you?" he pouted.
"No." I answered, even though my mind was screaming THANK YOU.
"Best orgasm yet?"
He laughed and crossed his legs so he was sitting indian style in front of me.
"Aren't you going to do something about that?" I asked, nodding towards his erection.
"Aren't you?"
"Why not?"
"Because it would count as cheating."
"So it doesn't count when I go down on you?"
"You said it yourself that it doesn't, since it doesn't mean anything and I'm not doing anything."
"Okay then. But just so you know, if Luke ever gets angry and tries to fight me, I won't hesitate to break his nose."
"Why does everyone have something with him? First Jake, now you. Is it just because of the whole drug dealer thing?"
"Yeah. That, and he makes bad jokes."
"So can you find out if he's got a bet going with the boys?"
"I actually asked him about that today and he said that he doesn't."
"Oh. Okay." I said relieved.
"So do you think you two will last?"
"I don't know. I hope so. Why?"
He shrugged, getting off the bed. "Just asking."
"Are you jealous?"
"God no. I just want to fuck you, and I can't really do that while you're with him, can I?"
I blushed and shrugged, cuddling back up in my blanket.
"So are you going to assist me with a handjob or do I have to use the bathroom?"
"Bathroom." I laughed and he pouted, but stepped in and locked the door anyway.
He came out ten minutes later with a red face and a big smile.
He sat down on Sophia's bed and pulled out his pack of cigarettes, handing me one too.
When Sophia came back we were halfway through with smoking, and then she started showing off what she had bought and telling us how great it was.
"Why aren't you in your room?"
"Because Jake's getting high in mine and I don't really want to."
"Did you hit your head?" she asked and I laughed.
He rolled his eyes and got up from the bed.
"Aw come on don't get upset now." Sophia said and went to hug him.
"I'm not upset but someone's going to come and check to see if we're in our room in ten minutes so I better get back and make sure it doesn't smell like weed."
"Okay then. Goodnight." Sophia said and smiled.
I didn't say anything and waited for Sophia to lock the door before I pulled my phone back out.
"So what did you do while we were gone? And wait, why was Niall in the room?"
"Nothing that interesting happened."
"Is there something going on here?"
"What? No!"
"Okay, okay! No needs to get so defensive." She laughed. "I believe you."
I nodded and returned to my phone while she went to shower.
Ten minutes after Mrs. Flack came to check on us, I received a text from Jake telling me to go meet him outside on the balcony in five minutes. I was confused as to why he wanted me to do so, but agreed anyway.
The balcony was at the end of the hallway and he was already there waiting for me, bundled up in one of his thick coats.
"What is so urgent that couldn't wait until tomorrow?"
"I had sex with Harry."
I blinked.
"And I might be falling for him."
"Well shit."
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Not really sure how I feel about this chapter :/ Didn't really like it but I hope you did?
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Updates will be once in every two weekends around 8pm UK time !
Hope you have a great day and don't forget to follow/vote/comment if you liked the chapter :)
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