Chapter 9

Louis woke up at seven am that same day and was surprised for a moment to see Harry sleeping on the other side of the bed, with the blankets kicked at his feet.

He got out of bed and quickly managed to walk out of the room to get back to his own, so Eleanor wouldn't wake up and find his place in the bed vacant.

Everything that happened a few hours ago with Harry kept running through his mind as he laid in bed and waited for her to wake up.

Louis then realized that it was actually his birthday and Christmas was tomorrow. It made him feel better about this whole situation.

Eleanor woke up around nine, and everyone had to check out at noon. When he saw Harry at the reception, the older boy sent him a cheeky wink and all Louis could do was turn his head.

It had been the best night Louis' ever had for sure, and the images of it were still running through his head.

They had Christmas Eve dinner as usual, and his younger sisters went to bed excited about the next day. Louis knew he'd probably get a lot of money for Christmas, since he already had the car.

Louis had been right, because the next morning he found an envelope with his name on it under the tree, next to another bag full of Belgian sweets. He wasn't surprised to see a new American Express Centurion credit card in it. There was a small printed out paper in there too, with the PIN number and other details.

He thanked his parents and his dad let him know that he'd get thirty thousand pounds a month on it, so he could save up for the future. Louis had it all planned out anyway; he'd get a house in London, then a beach house on Canvey Island, where he'd get the yacht he'd always dreamed of.

It started snowing later that afternoon and it didn't stop two days later when Barbara called him to let him know that they were going out for lunch.

Louis made an excuse to his parents, telling them that he was going over to Eleanor's for a bit. He dressed up in a soft blue Lacoste polo, a pair of blue jeans and his leather jacket/coat from Burberry. He decided to go with the converse, since he couldn't find his boots.

They were meeting up at a Chinese place at the mall and normally Louis would've detested that place, but he'd gotten used to it. Everyone in their group was there, and Jade joined too, with Perrie. So they went up from eight people to ten, and Louis had no problem with that because the two girls were funny and in love. He should've missed Eleanor, he really should have, but he didn't.

"So what are we doing for New Year's?" Niall asked after they'd ordered their lunch.

Louis was sat between Niall and Liam, right across from Harry, and it was his first time ever trying Chinese food.

"Party at your house right?" Zayn asked and Niall shrugged.

"If that's okay with you guys."

"We do it every single year, Niall." Harry spoke and everyone seemed to be fine with the idea of having their New Year's party at Niall's.

Louis usually went to Times Square with his family on their private jet so they could watch the ball drop. So as much as he'd actually prefer to spend the last day of the year at Niall's house (where did that even come from?), he knew there was no way getting out of going to America.

"Do you need me to bring some weed?" Harry asked as the waitress poured water in his glass. She made a face at him but Harry didn't even seem to notice.

"If you can then yeah. But everyone was told to bring their own so." Niall answered and took a sip out of his coke.

"You gonna come Louis?" Barbara asked when their food came and everyone started stuffing their faces.

Louis looked up from his food and found himself actually debating the answer.

"Uh...I don't know. I mean, I'm usually going away with my family."

"Where?" Zayn asked and Louis knew Harry would make fun of him as soon as he answered.

"Um, Times Square."

Harry snorted. "With what? Your private jet?" he mocked.

"Actually, yeah."

"Are you for real?"

"Stop laughing!" Louis protested and Harry shook his head, returning to his food.

Louis felt a bit ashamed that Harry had laughed at him in front of anyone. He couldn't believe that he actually cared about what these people thought of him.

"I think I can get out of it though." He found himself adding a few minutes later, and everyone was now staring at him. "If they let me stay home for New Year's I may be able to throw the party at my house."

Okay, what?

"Seriously?" Niall asked, excited.

Louis shrugged and nodded, knowing that his chances of that happening were close to none.

"I can't promise anything though."

"That would be so fucking cool because your house is huge!" Niall continued with his mouth full. "And we could blast to full volume without anyone hearing."

Louis felt proud about propositioning, he felt like he was actually starting to fit in his new group of friends. Which was at the same time confusing and exciting.

After they finished their lunch and left the money on the table, Niall suggested they went in the park next to their school to finish the two joints he had left.

Louis found it kind of weird that almost every time they got together, they were either drinking or smoking or getting high. He didn't mind it per se, but it was a drastic change from listening to classical music and eating salmon bread crumbs to drinking alcohol and smoking pot.

He wasn't sure if he liked the change or not.

Louis was sitting on one of the swings while the rest of them sat either one the snow covered ground or the bench next to the swing set. Perrie joined him on the other swing while the others were lighting up the joints.

"All you guys do is smoke and drink." Louis said and Harry shot him a look.

"It's better than doing homework and listening to Sebastian Mozart." Harry replied as he let out the smoke from his lungs.

"First, it's not, and second, it's Sebastian Bach."

"Of course it is."

Harry rolled his eyes and Louis wanted to slap that look off his face immediately.

"Stop looking at me like an idiot." Louis snapped when Harry wouldn't stop glaring at him with glassy eyes.

"I'm not."

Louis ended up being silent for the rest of their stay in the park. They left at five, when it was starting to get dark and a blizzard was coming up.

Everyone except Harry and him (oh just his luck) was headed in the opposite direction, so he ended up walking down the street with Harry to his left.

"So you going home now?" Harry asked him as they turned the corner. Louis couldn't believe he was actually walking through snow with his shoes while it was almost dark outside.

"I guess so. I might have to take a taxi though, I don't really know my way home from here."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"You're going to get stuck like that if you keep rolling your eyes."

Harry rolled them again just to make Louis angrier. He laughed when he saw the younger boy huff in annoyance.

"I'm hungry." He announced and stopped right in front of a restaurant that had PIZZA over the door in orange lights.


Louis stopped too, burying his hands in his pockets and Harry pointed at the sign.

"'m gonna get pizza. You can join me if you want, since you've never tried it before."

"It smells funny in here." Louis told him once they stepped into the pizza parlor.

"It smells good. Or do your rich nostrils don't tolerate peasant smells?"

"You're so annoying."

"That's not what you were saying when I had your dick in my mouth." Harry answered and Louis turned red, quickly looking around to see if anyone had heard him. There was an elderly couple in the corner sharing a pizza and a poorly dressed man right across from them sipping from what was probably hot chocolate. There was another group of adults right in the middle and two girls in the booth behind them.

They sat down across from each other in a booth Harry had picked out, and Louis wondered if the food was actually good, judging by the customers and the prices.

"It's kind of cheap, isn't it?" he asked as he scanned the menu.

"That's the whole point."

"I don't think I have any small bills left." Louis spoke and Harry shook his head.

"I can pay."

"Like you have any money."

"I'm not that poor as you think, Louis."

"So what's good here?"

"I usually get the pepperoni pizza." Harry answered and Louis looked at the name on the menu.

Before they ordered he pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and searched the calorie count in a whole peperoni pizza.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"There are one hundred eighty-one calories in one slice of pizza? How many slices are there?" Louis asked shocked.

"Eight...and who cares?"

"Um, I do? That's...almost sixteen hundred calories."

"You don't have like, an eating disorder right?" Harry asked and Louis frowned.

"What? No."

"Because you seem really obsessed with food and think you're fat."

"Harry, I don't have an eating disorder."

"Then why do you care about this stuff?"

"Out of habit." Louis answered and locked his phone. "I don't need my arse getting even bigger."

He placed his phone on the table. Harry's eyes fell on it.

"I'm probably going to steal it when you aren't looking." Harry said with a smirk and Louis would've taken him seriously if he hadn't seen his face.

The waiter eventually came and took their order (Louis ordered the exact thing as Harry), and Louis couldn't help but notice the way Harry stared at the guy as he walked away.

"You like him?" he asked directly.

"Who? That guy? Nah. I mean, I'd probably fuck him if I'll ever get bored one day."

"Oh and what is it that you do all day so you're not bored right now?" Louis asked mockingly and Harry leaned in, propping his elbows on the table.


He was taken aback Harry's the answer. "M-me?"

Harry shrugged. "You're interesting."

Louis didn't know how to feel about it. He'd never been called interesting and he kind of liked it.

"I thought I was boring and rich." He answered, raising a brow.

"That was before I saw your cock."

"You have no shame do you?"

Harry shook his head and smiled, leaning back against the leather.

"So you still on the idea that sex should only be practiced after marriage?"

Louis nodded.

"Between a man and his wife, just like the Bible says."

"Does the Bible say anything about letting the guy you supposedly hate suck your cock?"

"No." Louis spoke, blushing and looking down at the table.

"So you're telling me that you've never done anything besides make out with your girlfriend." Harry stated.

"Are you trying to make me feel like a loser on purpose?"

"I'm just asking, no big deal."

"Yes, we've never done anything else."

"And you don't want more? You never feel the need to do more with her?"

"Not with her." Louis answered and Harry smirked.

"So you're saying you'd do more with me?"

"I'm not saying anything. Stop putting words in my mouth."

"I'd rather put something else in your mouth." Harry replied and Louis felt a shiver run down his back because wow. And he actually got the reference, kudos for him.

"Stop making everything dirty!" He told Harry.

"I meant pizza you pervert." Harry smirked and pointed to the pizzas that were being brought by the waiter.

"No you didn't."

"You're right."

Louis stared at the giant, round thing in front of him.

"Come on, it won't bite." Harry told him.

"It's greasy and smells funny."

"It smells good."

Louis watched Harry take one triangular slice in his hand and then biting the tip of it.

"So you eat this with your hands? Just like those burgers and fries?" Louis questioned, placing a napkin in his lap so he wouldn't stain his jeans.

"The things you can eat using your hands are the best." Harry answered. "Including dick."

Louis would've told him to stop with the innuendos, but he actually laughed at it.

"Come on, try it."

Louis opened his mouth and took a bite out of the slice.

"It's actually good." He admitted.

He ended up eating the whole thing in twenty minutes and felt kind of ashamed afterwards that Harry had just witnessed him doing it.

"I'm so full." He said and patted his tummy that was now obvious through his polo. "You won't think I'm some kind of fat pig now are you?"

"Since when do you care what I think about you?" Harry asked as he chugged the rest of his coke down.

Louis didn't answer him; he loosened his belt instead and sighed contently. It was definitely one of the best things he'd ever eaten, even though he wouldn't admit that to Harry.

He paid for their food and after he got the change back, they walked back out to see that it was now completely dark outside and it was snowing pretty heavily. Louis could see the snow falling in the light of the street lamps and he was actually mesmerized by it.

Harry had pulled the orange jacket he'd been carrying around on, and Louis complained about his ears freezing.

They stopped at a clothing store that looked kind of cheap in Louis' opinion, but he decided to shut up because he needed something to cover his ears with.

It was either some kind of earmuffs or a hat/knitted sack that Harry called a 'beanie'. Louis went with the beanie, since it covered his entire hair.

"I look like a homeless person." Louis said when he put it on in the mirror.

"No you don't, I got like five of these."

"That's exactly my point."

They made a left turn from the shop and Louis recognized the chain of small houses as Harry's street.

"I should call a taxi now." He said when Harry eventually stopped in front of his house. It was made out of brick, and Louis could see a window upstairs and one downstairs. It seemed small and cramped.

"You can do that inside if you want."

"Isn't your mother home?"

Harry shook his head. "She has a night shift."

"It's only seven."

"She's not here, Louis."

"You won't like, kill me or anything if I come into your house right?" he asked as Harry unlocked the front door.

"That's exactly my plan." Harry said sarcastically and opened the door, walking in.

Louis closed the door after himself and looked around as Harry locked it. There were two doors downstairs, one which led into a small living room and one which lead to a smaller kitchen. There were stairs right by the door, which probably led up to the bedrooms.

"'m gonna go change." Harry told him and Louis followed him upstairs, not really asking for permission.

There was a bathroom right by the stairs and a bedroom with a double bed next to it. Harry went in the other room across from it.

Harry's room had a queen sized unmade simple bed in the corner by the window, a desk with an ancient laptop right across from it, and a wooden closet in the corner by the door. The room was messy; it had clothes everywhere. On the bed, on the desk, on the chair and on the floor. It oddly smelled like cologne and Harry, which, considering the way it looked, was actually good.

"Is that the laundry basket?" Louis asked and pointed to the white plastic basket next to the closet.


So as Harry looked for some clothes to put on, Louis found himself picking up every single item of clothing that wasn't in its place and throw it in the basket.

"Are you actually cleaning my room?" Harry asked and took off his jeans.

"I can't stand the mess." Louis answered.

Harry dressed up with a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain white V-neck.

"You wanna do my bed too? Or aren't you familiar with that since your maids do it for you?" Harry asked.

"Uh...I can do that."

Harry snorted, not really believing him.

"Can I put my jacket on your chair?" Louis asked and took off his beanie and jacket.


Harry was laughing at him, he knew it.

"There's no reason to laugh at someone who's trying to be polite." Louis told him and did the two necessary steps from the desk to the bed.

Louis tucked the sheets properly until they were smooth and not wrinkled, before he leaned over the bed to adjust the blanket. He was about to stand back up properly when he felt Harry pressing his crotch against his lower back.

He took a deep breath and finally stood up straight. It was that easy to keep an indifferent stance when Harry was breathing into his neck and his huge hands were gripping into Louis' hips.

"I'd love to bend you over the desk and fuck you." Harry told him and turned him around.

"But I'd rather have you on your knees right now."

Louis' mouth fell open and his cheeks heated up. He hated the fact that Harry would always make him blush.

"But I don't know how to-um. Do that."

"I'll guide you through it." Harry assured him and leaned against the desk.

Louis took a deep breath and dropped to his knees right in front of the older boy, looking up at him.

"Take my pants off." Harry instructed and Louis did just that, before he did the exact same thing with Harry's briefs. He bit his lip when Harry's long cock almost hit him in the face.

"You like that? Like my big cock so hard for you?" Harry asked and Louis' felt his stomach drop at the filthy words coming out of his mouth.

He placed his left hand on Harry's skinny thigh, and used the other one to wrap Harry's cock.

One of Harry's hands came down over Louis' and he slowly guided their hands up and down, showing Louis how it was done.

"Take me in your mouth and cover the rest with your hand."

Louis obeyed and he was surprised by how soft Harry's cock felt against his lips, then into his mouth.

"Fuck." Harry breathed out and looked up at the ceiling for a moment.

Louis closed his eyes and soon found an even pace between his mouth and hand. Harry was heavy and thick in his mouth, and Louis made sure to suck on the red tip, just like Harry had done to him,

Harry's hand came to tangle into Louis' soft hair and guide him. He then held Louis' head steady as he stood up properly and started fucking his mouth.

"Look at me while you're sucking."

Harry's voice was raspy and Louis couldn't do anything but listen to him. He looked up at Harry with glassy eyes as he continued sucking.

"Shit, take me in as deep as you can."

Louis opened his mouth as wide as he could and took Harry's cock until he felt the tip brush against his gag reflex.

"Good boy." Harry praised and Louis leaned into his touch, proud of himself for pleasing Harry.

He cupped Harry's balls and let the older boy fuck his mouth until he literally choked on it.

"Everything alright?" Harry asked and lifted Louis' chin up to stare at him. Louis nodded and wrapped his fingers around Harry's shaft again, determined to make him come.

"I'm going to-you need to stop."

"I don't want to." Louis answered and looked up at Harry as he jerked him off.

"I don't think you want me to come in your mouth."

"Why not?"

"Because you won't be able to swallow it all and you should do some research on the calorie count."

Louis licked his lips and nodded, asking Harry if he could come on his face. Harry was surprised at the proposition, but he did it nonetheless. He came all over Louis' face, on his cheek, forehead, everywhere.

After Harry removed the cum from Louis' eyes, he opened them, blinking up at Harry. Harry cursed, because the sight of Louis with cum all over his face and red, plump lips was absolutely amazing.

"Was it good?"

"Yeah." Harry said and as soon as Louis stood up, he slid his right hand into Louis' pants, the other one resting on his hip.

He jerked him off quickly and made Louis come in the span of two minutes.

"Looks like praying isn't the only thing you do on your knees." Harry observed as he wiped his hand on a tissue, and Louis bit his lip.

"You should probably call a taxi now."

Louis nodded and searched the number in his contact list. He called the company and quickly put on his jacket after he'd hung up.

Harry walked him to the front door to lock it after Louis left, and reminded him to ask his parents about the New Year's party.

Louis got home at nine and told his parents that he didn't sleep over at Eleanor's because he'd forgotten his stuff. They bought it, of course.

He approached them about the party the next day, when they were at the breakfast table and his father had opened up the discussion to let them know that they would leave the next day.

"Uh, can I ask you something father?" Louis asked as he picked at his muffin.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Um...I was wondering if I could stay home this year for New Year's? Hear me out please. I have some extra credit work to do for algebra and Liam is throwing a party for New Year's. And I've been doing well in school, not to mention that I'm eighteen now."

His father looked at him and Louis held his breath for the verdict. He wasn't sure how his family would react.

"What do you think about this, Helen?" his father asked his mother.

"I think that he's right. I mean, he's been doing well in school and he's a grown up now, he can look after himself and his friends."

"Alright. You can stay home, but if I see any change in your behavior or at school, I'm confiscating your car." His father warned and Louis smiled.

"Thank you. Oh, and one more thing. I think the maids don't need to come here on the 31st and the 1st because I'll be at Liam's anyway. Just a thought."

"Of course they won't come over."

Louis smiled relieved and finished his breakfast quickly so he could run upstairs to his phone.

He opened WhatsApp (Niall installed it for him so they could make a group) and typed in a message for the other seven members in it.

Louis: i can have the party at my place on wednseday ! :)


Barbara: how come?

Louis told them I was going to Liam's

Liam: :))

Niall: who can I invite?

Louis: everyone who would've came to your house

Niall: no one from your school?

Louis bit his lip and decided that he didn't want anyone telling on him.

Louis: just Liam Barbara Jade and Perrie

Perrie: :*

Jade: yay!! :D

Niall: I'll send everyone a text then ! thx mate

Niall attached a kissy face and Louis laughed, before he locked his phone and went over to the desk. He had some extra credit work to do.

As he solved equations he couldn't help but smile at the thought of him throwing a party. He finally felt like a normal teenager that was fun and had friends that actually liked him for who he was and not for his money.

He loved it.


if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !


🎀 Insta,Twitter, Snap: ronniebennett94

🦋 TikTok: ronniewrites

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Next update on July 30, 3pm UK time. I'll be updating every Wednesday and Saturday from now on.



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