Chapter 8

Thank you for the comments on the last chapter ! They make my day so keep them coming :D


When Louis woke up the next morning, Eleanor was not in the bed anymore. He found her in the living room, sitting on the couch between Harry and Barbara, eating breakfast they probably ordered.

Everyone was already there, dressed in the clothes from the night before, looking tired yet content.

"Good morning." He said to no one in particular and almost everyone greeted him back with mouths full.

Louis found his place next to Niall on the armrest of the armchair. He picked out a chocolate chip muffin from the plateau filled with sweets and fruits.

Louis picked at it for a while, trying not to make eye contact with Harry. He felt a bit weird about what had happened last night, just like he felt that day after Harry had gotten him off. But it faded eventually, because Harry was acting as usual, teasing him all through breakfast and making jokes.

"So what are you doing for your birthday Louis?" Eleanor asked as she drank what was left in the glass of orange juice.

"'m thinking about a pool party at my uncle's hotel." He answered and Barbara nodded excitedly.

"But it's going to be one day earlier than my birthday, on the 23rd, because my parents want me home for Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas."

"Your uncle owns a hotel?" Zayn asked surprised and Louis nodded.

"St. Paul's."

"That's the most expensive one. in England." Harry spoke.

"Of course it is."

They finished breakfast at fifteen to twelve, and by noon they were checking out. And if Louis reported the woman at the door for sleeping with a customer, well then, that was nobody's business but his own.

The next week was filled with two more tests, and then they were finally done with school for the year. Eleanor came over almost every night, and Louis didn't mind the fact that all they did before sleep was maybe make out a bit. They rarely even cuddled, and Louis was alright with that.

He didn't know whether he should feel guilty about the fact that Harry had gotten him off and vice versa, or because he didn't feel guilty at all.

He hadn't seen Harry since the day after the formal, and to be honest, he was a bit nervous about his birthday party. It was going to start in two hours, and he knew that Harry was coming, and also that everyone would get their own hotel room.

Louis' mother had ordered his suit from Dolce Gabbana, and Louis was excited about wearing it, because it was the most expensive one yet. It was really smooth and he had matching shoes to it, and a really nice black shirt with a white collar. His hair was styled in a soft fringe and he couldn't be more excited.

Louis' whole family was coming, but his parents promised him that they'd make themselves scarce by ten o'clock to leave him with his friends.

The party was going to take place at the restaurant first, where everyone could eat and his family could attend too. Then, when the adults and little children would go to their rooms, they'd take the party down to the indoor pool, that was equipped with a huge bar and a DJ.

And Louis was extremely happy because he could finally drink in front of his parents and feel official. The cake would be brought in at midnight-it had six different colored levels with different flavors, and there were eighteen cupcakes at the bottom, each with a candle in it for Louis to blow out.

They got to the hotel twenty minutes before the guests had to arrive. Louis was starting to get nervous now, because not only everyone in year 11 and 12 was supposed to attend, but also some people from Harry's school.

Everything seemed to be perfect; thirty tables for ten people were scattered around the restaurant, there were three long tables filled with drinks and desserts, and the cutlery was pure silver. So yes, Louis could calm down a bit.

Eleanor and Liam were the first ones to arrive, fancily dressed and bearing gifts. Louis' blood was starting to pump faster, because if there was one thing he absolutely loved about birthdays, it was the presents.

His uncle had already gotten him a new Rolex watch and he got the newest iPhone from his godparents. Every other relative gave him envelopes filled with money. Not that he minded though, he was saving up for a yacht anyway.

Barbara bought him a new pair of Prada suspenders with a matching black button-up shirt, and Niall told him that he also chipped in (which was probably a lie, but Louis didn't mind to be honest).

Harry and Zayn showed up last, of course. Zayn brought him an iPhone case, and Harry something from Prada, which Louis was sure was stolen.

"Did you steal this?" he asked when he looked inside the bag, spotting a grey sweater.

Harry shrugged and smirked, looking around. Louis took this as an opportunity to take a proper look at him. He was wearing a plaid blue shirt that was rolled up to his elbows, a pair of black skinny jeans (that's all he seemed to wear) and black converse.

"Can you like, roll your sleeves down to hide your tattoos?" Louis asked him as he set the gifts on the big table were all the other gifts were.


"Because my parents will kick you out for sure."

Harry rolled his eyes and sleeves down, before he adjusted his collar and stuck his tongue out.

"Still got my tongue piercing though." He cockily said and Louis turned around to guide him to his table.

"Then keep your mouth shut. You're not at home where you can do and say whatever goes through your head yeah?"

"So after this we'll go to the pool?" Harry asked, completely ignoring what Louis was saying.

"Yes, but-"

"And I'll get to see you in just swimming trunks?"

"Shut up!" Louis hissed at him, turning red and looking around to make sure no one heard him.

"And everyone has their own rooms?"


"Even I do?"

Louis rolled his eyes. "Yes. It's my uncles' hotel."

"Of course it is." Harry mocked and shook his head, before he walked over to the table where Zayn was, to sit down. Louis ignored the fact that some girls from his school were sat there, and that they seemed totally charmed by the two of them.

Louis was sitting at a table with Eleanor, Niall, Barbara, Perrie, Jade, Tom, Liam and his parents. He could do this; he could.

One hour later it turned out that he couldn't. Because during his father's speech he spotted one of the girls from his school leading Harry out of the restaurant by his hand, and Harry's eyes trained on her arse. Louis was going to scream for no apparent reason.

They only came back thirty minutes later, when they were serving desert, and Louis could clearly see the girl had her hair disheveled and Harry's neck was pink.

Louis didn't like it to be honest and it made him feel uncomfortable. A few minutes later his parents announced that they were going to head up to their rooms, together with his sisters, so at exactly nine pm everyone moved from the restaurant down to the basement of the hotel, where the pool was. There weren't enough lounge chairs for everyone, but Louis found out that people didn't mind sharing one, and he was surprised to see that his schoolmates were actually crazier that he'd thought.

Eleanor and him occupied the lounge chair closest to the pool bar. She was wearing a blue bikini and had her hair up in a bun. Louis had his Hawaii-themed Tommy Hilfiger trunks under his dress pants, but wasn't that confident to take them off. Everyone was already in their swimming clothes, except of him.

Louis knew he'd eaten a bit too much so he could feel his tummy pressing against the waistband of his pants. He looked around the pool and saw Harry right across from his place, in a pair of yellow swimming shorts that showed off his tight abs and tattoos.

The older boy was chatting up some other girl from his class, and Louis was now getting angry because private school girls weren't supposed to associate with public school boys, let alone flirt. She was twirling her hair around one finger and was pushing her chest out. Harry didn't seem to mind, because instead of actually paying attention to what she was blabbering, he was staring at her breasts.

Louis sighed and decided it was time to get undressed, because he was the only one that was still dressed for a fucking gala. He took off his blazer and unbuckled his pants, pushing them down to his ankles. He toed off his shoes and pushed them under the chair.

Louis then folded them neatly on the lounge chair, before he covered them up with his towel. He was now in his trunks and shirt, so he slowly started unbuttoning it, before completely pulling it off.

When he turned around from arranging his clothes on the lounge chair, he saw Harry staring at him while biting his lip. Louis felt a bit self-conscious so he turned back around to ask Eleanor if she wanted to go in the pool with him.

She looked up from her phone and shook her head.

"A bit later Louis."

"What are you doing?" he asked, stepping closer to her and bending down to see that she was on Instagram, picking a proper filter for a selfie.

Louis rolled his eyes and decided to go in the pool by himself. He dipped his right foot in the water to test the temperature, and after he made sure it was warm enough, he turned around and climbed down the stairs.

The water came up to his nipples and he slowly walked towards Liam. As he looked around, he came to the conclusion that people were actually having fun; there was a DJ in the corner blasting party music all through the room, and everyone was either in the pool or outside of it with a drink in their hands, either dancing or chatting. The lights had been dimmed and now the pool was lit up.

Louis saw Harry at the long table filled with buckets full of champagne and ice, with a glass in his hand, talking to Zayn.

"So what's up with you and Zayn?" Louis asked Liam.

"He asked me if we could share a room tonight too."

"What did you do that night of the formal?"

"Um, we just kissed because he was really tired."

Louis smiled to himself, because he'd actually gotten Harry off. It wasn't a contest between them per se, but as always, he preferred to be the one in the lead.

"Harry's been staring at you for the past five minutes by the way." Liam told him and Louis blushed, throwing a quick look in Harry's direction, to see that he was actually staring at him. Louis quickly turned his head and asked Liam if he wanted to do a round of shots over by the pool bar.

They swam through the mass of people to the bar and sat down on the only two empty chairs left. They ordered two rounds of Tequila shots, so after they sprinkled salt on the back of their hands, they went through the whole process of taking shots.

"You know you're not legal yet, right?"

Louis turned his head to see Harry right by his side, water barely reaching a few inches under his collarbones. Louis rolled his eyes at him and Harry placed a hand on his thigh underwater.

"You look good in trunks."

"I do not." Louis said, and yes, maybe he liked Harry complimenting him. But then he ended up wondering what Harry wanted from him now.

"What do you want?"

"Do I need to have a reason for talking to you?" Harry asked innocently.

"Um, yeah?"

"I'm offended now." Harry pouted and Louis slapped his wandering hand away.

"Stop touching me."

"You weren't complaining last time."

Louis turned red and quickly looked around to see if anybody had heard. But no one was paying attention to them, and Liam was too busy talking to Zayn.

"So how long do we have to wait until we can go up to our rooms?"

"Um, you can go any time."

"Okay then, how long do I have to wait for you to come up to the room with me?"

"Wha-what makes you think that I'd do such a thing?"

"Because I barely touched you and I can already see you're half hard in those tight trunks of yours."

Louis looked down at his crotch, but he couldn't really see anything under the water.

"You're lying."

"Am I?" Harry asked and Louis got down from the chair because a girl wanted her turn to the bar too.

"The cake comes out at midnight, so I'll probably stay here until one." Louis found himself answering the question.

"And when are you coming out?" Harry asked, which made Louis slap a hand over his mouth.

Harry laughed and licked his palm, of course he did, and Louis pulled his hand away.

"You're gross."

"I really like this pool idea, because no one can see my hands." Harry told him and placed his palm on Louis' lower back.

Louis shot a look in Eleanor's direction, but she was too absorbed in her phone to actually notice what was going on.

"Stop." Louis said when Harry's hand slipped lower, over the curve of his bum. However, he did nothing to stop him because his stomach felt tighter at Harry's touch and he wanted more.

"Okay." Harry said to Louis' surprise, and pulled his hand away.

He then turned around and left Louis standing there, staring at his back.

Harry found the girl that had given him a blowjob earlier in a corner of the pool with two of her friends. He didn't have to say anything to her, he just grabbed the back of her head and kissed her open mouthed.

When Harry saw Louis undressing by his lounge chair, he was completely turned on and imagined himself fucking Louis in the pool, over the bar, against the wall.

He wanted to get Louis naked tonight, because the trunks the younger boy was currently wearing showed off his thick thighs and perfect ass. And the fact that Louis seemed so oblivious to everything, so innocent and had no idea about how hot he actually was turned Harry on even more. He wanted nothing but to eat Louis out, bite and lick and mark his ass until it was red all over.

When he pressed his crotch against the girls' pelvis, she smiled against his lips because she probably thought that she was the reason for Harry's hard on. Oh, if she only knew.

Louis didn't know who exactly came up with the idea, but one hour later he found himself in a circle made of about twenty people, right next to the pool. There were two bottles of Vodka going around, and everyone had a shot glass in front of them, and they were apparently playing a game called Never Have I Ever.

He was confused, he had no idea what the game was about, but Zayn dragged Liam in, and Liam dragged Louis. Eleanor, Niall, Barbara, Jade, Perrie and Harry were playing too, and Louis was kind of scared because it involved alcohol.

"So for those who don't know how it's played." Niall started, looking at everyone who was from Louis' school. "Everyone will say something that they've done, like, Never Have I Ever fallen asleep on a roof, and those who did have to take a shot. We'll stop when the bottles are empty, and the loser has to do something the winner dares them to do."

Louis decided that he didn't like this game.

Niall started the game by saying that he'd never tried drugs, and everyone obviously took a shot. Half an hour into the game Louis learned that Eleanor, Liam and himself were the only virgins left in his year. Apparently he'd been wrong about his schoolmates (once again); they weren't saints.

Louis felt like a loser and the fact that Harry was laughing and shaking his head (obviously tipsy-he was winning) didn't help him at all.

"Never Have I Ever cheated or helped someone cheat." Eleanor said and Louis almost, almostreached for the glass, but luckily Barbara elbowed him in the ribs.

Harry and Jade took a shot, and Perrie scratched the back of her neck. Louis looked down at his tummy and pulled his trunks up to cover it.

"Never Have I Ever wanted to fuck someone in this game so bad." Niall said and everyone except of Louis took a shot. Even Eleanor. Louis was appalled and felt like shit, because he was inexperienced.

They finished the game twenty minutes later, and it was no surprise when Harry won and smirked at Louis, because he had to dare him to do something.

"I dare you to...walk around the pool naked."

"No way!" Louis protested and shook his head, feeling his face heat up.

"You have to, rules." Niall told him and Louis crossed his arms over his chest.

But to his luck, the DJ announced that it was officially midnight, and that the cake would be brought out in a minute.

So Louis stood up from the circle, glad that he had an excuse not to complete the dare.

The cake was amazing, as promised, and after everyone sung him happy birthday, he blew the candles, wishing to get in at Oxford.

Everyone got a slice and some of it was actually left over, so Niall and Barbara thought it would be a good idea to have a cake fight. Almost everyone ended up covered in cake and the whole room was now messy, filled with cake-covered people.

Louis didn't really like being all sticky, so he escaped to the bathroom to wash his face and hands. Thank God it didn't get into his hair, or else he would've thrown a fit.

People were starting to go up to their rooms as expected around 1am, and Louis was the last one by the pool, because he had to instruct some hotel workers to clean everything up.

Eleanor was already up in their room on the sixth floor, half asleep when Louis got in.

"Happy Birthday Louis." She smiled when he came out from the shower, dressed in his new blue cotton pyjamas.

"Thanks." He answered and got into bed with her.

They exchanged kisses before Eleanor told him that she was tired and wanted to sleep. Louis was scrolling through his Facebook when his phone buzzed to signal him that he'd received a message.

It was from a number that he'd never seen before, but he could tell who it was immediately.

Cum over

Louis: how did you get my number?

He put Harry in his contacts list, before he waited for him to reply.

Harry: stole it from Barbara

Louis: ??? I want to sleep

Harry: room 482

Louis snorted to himself and locked his phone, not actually intending to go to the room.

Five minutes later, he decided that he couldn't fall asleep. He definitely would NOT get up and go to Harry's room.

He wouldn't.

Louis got out of bed and grabbed the card from the door, quietly slipping out of the room and closing the door behind him.

He decided to take the elevator down to the forth floor, so he wouldn't get any time to reconsider things. He couldn't believe that he was actually doing this, going to Harry's room to do God knows what.

Louis knocked on the door but quickly changed his mind and was about to run away when Harry opened the door. He was shirtless, wearing his jeans and socks.

"Hey." He smirked and took a step aside to let Louis come in.

Louis walked in and saw that Harry was watching TV while drinking out of a chardonnay bottle.

"Did you order room service?" Louis asked when Harry closed the door.


"You have no shame in taking advantage of the fact that my parents will pay for everything, do you?" Louis asked and Harry shook his head nonchalantly, grabbing the filled glass from the table.

"Want some?"

"I'd rather not drink after you."

"You do realize that we've kissed before yeah?" Harry mocked and Louis bit his lip, drifting his eyes to the TV.

"So girlfriend's asleep then?"

Louis nodded and Harry came to sit down next to Louis, who was actually kind of disappointed that they weren't doing anything.

"Did you bring that girl back here?" Louis asked, trying to make conversation.

"Which one?"

"Any one of them."


"What did she do to you?"

"Sucked me off."

Louis bit the inside of his cheek.

"You jealous?" Harry teased and Louis shook his head.

"I'm not jealous of some slag." He answered and Harry rolled his eyes, before muting the TV.

Louis' heart started beating faster. He didn't even get to turn his head and look at Harry properly, because Harry literally attacked his lips, pushing Louis on his back.

Louis reacted immediately by putting his hands on Harry's hips, while Harry placed his left hand on the back of Louis' neck, pulling him closer.

Harry's knee came up between Louis' legs and pressed against his crotch. They were lying side by side, with Harry half draped over his body.

Harry's hand went down from Louis' neck to his arse, and he squeezed one cheek, brining Louis as close as possible.

"Get up." Harry ordered when he pulled away from Louis, leaving him with puffy, wet lips.

Louis obeyed and stood up. Harry sat up at the end of the bed and spread his legs, pulling Louis between them.

The way Harry was looking up at Louis, with a hungry expression on his face and dark eyes, made Louis' pyjama pants tighten.

"Take off that ridiculous shirt." Harry told him and Louis did just that, telling him that the shirt alone cost a lot more than everything he owned put together. He unbuttoned it and threw it on the bed, hands hanging at his sides as he looked down at Harry.

His long fingers dug into the hem of Louis' pants, before he pulled them down to his ankles. Louis' face turned red when his hard cock sprung free.

Harry bit his bottom lip at the sight of it, because it was bigger than he'd imagined (probably about seven inches), and thick. He licked his lips as he placed his hands the back of Louis' knees, running them up his legs until he cupped his bum with both hands. His thighs were muscular and thick and he was so curvy.

"Fuck, your ass is so fucking big."

He turned Louis around to take a look at it, his mouth watering at the sight. It was big and round and definitely the best ass Harry had ever seen.

Louis was furiously blushing, and was actually glad that he was turned around so Harry couldn't see the effect he had on him.

"Do you want me to suck your pretty little cock?" Harry asked him and turned Louis around. "Do you?"

Louis' throat went dry and all he could do was helplessly nod.

"Sit down on the bed then, c'mon." Harry instructed and Louis did just that.

Harry got on his knees in front of Louis' spread legs, placing one hand on his right thigh, the other one wrapping around his cock.

Louis moaned at the contact, because he'd never had anyone touch his cock and it felt incredibly good. He was leaning back on his palms, looking down at Harry, who was now licking a long stripe from his base all the way up to the tip.

Harry took Louis into his mouth, all the way down until Louis' tip hit the back of Harry's throat. It was the best thing he's ever felt by far, and he could literally feel every single muscle of his body clenching.

"Harry." He breathed out and Harry looked up at him, his eyes glassy and dark green. And fuck, it was the hottest thing Louis had ever witnessed. Without actually thinking about it, he reached one of his hands out to tangle his fingers in Harry's messy hair. It was unexpectedly soft under his fingertips and Harry seemed to enjoy it, because he hummed around Louis cock.

He circled Louis' head with his tongue a few times, before sucking on it like his life depended on it.

"You close baby?" he asked, his voice raspy.

Louis nodded, and could actually feel the orgasm build up in the pit of his stomach. When Harry started cupping his balls he felt like crying because it felt so fucking good.

"Look at me." Harry ordered the moment Louis' eyes rolled in the back of his head.

"That's the eye roll I like on you." He added and Louis would've said something sarcastic in return if he hadn't been too occupied with coming right then and there. It was so sudden and overwhelming, Louis couldn't do anything but moan Harry's name.

Harry swallowed everything Louis gave him, and then proceeded to slowly jerk him off as he came down from the best orgasm yet.

"Happy birthday." Harry breathed against Louis' lips as soon as he stood up and leaned over to kiss him.

He then sat down next to Louis and came with a few quick tugs at his massive cock. Louis was still blushing at the size of it, and it was yet another thing Harry was better at.

"You hungry?" Harry asked and Louis shook his head, even though he could actually go for some ice cream or something.

He gave a shrug in response and Harry rolled his eyes, standing up to go and get the room service menu.

"Pick anything you want." He told Louis, who snorted.

"Well I'm paying anyway."

Harry rolled his eyes and lied back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Louis told him that he wanted the chocolate soufflé and Harry couldn't help but mock him for that.

When room service came Louis disappeared in the bathroom so nobody would see him. He took a moment to stare at himself in the mirror; his neck was red and his cheeks were pink and he'd never looked as messy as he did then.

As soon as he knew for sure that the coast was clear, he walked out of the room to see Harry sitting cross-legged on the bed, eating some kind of croissant that Louis was planning on eating for breakfast.

He sat down next to Harry and they watched a movie as they ate, occasionally making fun of the bad actors.

"I should go back." Louis said around three in the morning, when the movie was finally over.

"You could sleep here."

"What if Eleanor wakes up?"

Louis surprised himself by not actually turning down the proposition.

"So?" Harry asked and Louis sighed.

To be honest he was too tired to actually bother getting out of the bed, so he just crawled under the blanket. Harry went to the bathroom first and came out a few minutes later, smelling like soap and toothpaste.

They laid in bed for God knows how long (it might've been minutes but it seemed like hours), when Harry turned from his back to lie on his side and face Louis.

"What?" Louis asked and Harry shook his head, before he grabbed the back of Louis' neck and brought their mouths together. Louis sighed into the kiss and Harry pulled his right leg over his waist to bring them closer.

The kiss wasn't rough nor hasty like usual; it was slow and lazy, like no one was rushing them and they had all the time in the world.

And it was weird for Louis to actually feel like this, like he had no care in the world and could do whatever he wanted.

It was scary but he liked it, and he found himself wishing for it to never end.


if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !


🎀 Insta,Twitter, Snap: ronniebennett94

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Next update on July 26, 3pm UK time. I'll be updating every Wednesday and Saturday from now on.



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