Chapter 7

Announcement: So I'm going away for a few days, and I'll be back on Tuesday-which is my birthday!-, which means I'll only be able to update then. (So next update is on Wednesday, 23rd of July.) But here is the longest chapter yet to make up for it :D

Please leave your comments throughout the chapter to let me know what you like :)


To say that Louis was freaking out over the 'Harry incident' (as he liked to call it) was an understatement. It only went downhill since that night, because all Louis could think of when he wasn't busy with homework was the way Harry's hands fell on him (and it wasn't even on him, it was over his boxers!).

Every time he would see Harry leaning against the brick wall of his school when Louis got out, he would blush and turn his head. It probably meant nothing, but Louis still couldn't help but feel weird around him. It bothered him a bit to be honest.

He had so much on his plate; with the formal coming up and the midterms, so Harry was the last thing he needed. Well, thoughts of Harry because he'd never personally spoken to him since that night.

And he didn't want to, mainly because he'd get really weird and start rambling.

"Do you have everything? Wallet, keys, phone?" his mom asked at the door as she fixed his tie.

"Yes mother." He sighed and she kissed his cheek, before handing him the corsage and boutonniere, which they were going to put on at Eleanor's house. He was picking her up with his Lamborghini and driving them over at the hotel.

Louis left his house at exactly six pm that 12th of December evening. He was planning on having a good time and forget for everything for a while; school, future and Harry. Not to mention, his birthday was in two weeks and he planned on throwing an inner-pool party at his uncle's hotel, one day before his actual birthday, because he had to be home for Christmas Eve dinner.

Eleanor's house was five minutes by car from his home. The gates opened when they saw it was him, and he drove all the way up to her front door, before he got out of the car. He walked to the door and knocked on it. Eleanor's dad, who greeted him with a firm handshake and a nod, opened it.

"Good evening." Louis politely said and hugged her mother.

"Eleanor! Louis is already here!" her mother called and all three of them looked up at the staircase, where Eleanor suddenly appeared.

Of course she has to make an entrance, Louis thought to himself and it took every fiber of his being not to snort and roll his eyes.

She was wearing a long blue cocktail dress that was ordered from Valentino, some skimpy-looking Jimmy Choo's and a YSL clutch.

"You look amazing love." He told her the line he'd rehearsed in the car, and then put the corsage on her wrist as her father filmed them. She then fastened the boutonniere and they posed for a couple of pictures.

She uploaded one of them on her Instagram as Louis drove them to the hotel. It was a fifteen-minute drive and they got in line behind the numerous limousines, Ferraris and Lamborghinis.

He contemplated whether or not he should park the car himself, but everyone was giving their keys to one of the many valets that were waiting. His schoolmates were all walking the red carpet that was rolled all the way up to the stairs and led inside. There were a lot of hired photographers taking pictures at the entrance and Louis felt kind of important because he could see people across the street staring at them with envy.

Louis got out of the car first and walked all the way to Eleanor's door, handing the valet the keys.

"This car costs more than your entire existence, take care of it." He warned and the guy nodded, before Louis opened Eleanor's door and took her hand.

They walked towards the entrance with their fingers intertwined and bright smiles on their faces. The woman at the door checked their tickets and let them in with a tight, obviously fake smile.

Barbara, Niall, Liam and Jade (one of Liam's close childhood friends) were waiting for them in the lobby, by the check-in desk.

"Tommo!" Niall exclaimed and held his hand up to pull Louis in a 'bro-hug' after they shook it. Eleanor shot him a confused look but he brushed it off.

Niall looked weird in a suit and with his hair in a fringe.

"We got a triple suite, right?" Louis asked and Liam nodded, handing him the keys to room 412.

"Check out is at noon tomorrow." Barbara informed them, and after they took the couple photos right by the banner in the corner, they were ready to head to the main room where the formal was taking place.

Their table was right next to the small stage of the DJ, and everything was as prestigious as expected. Waiters with expensive uniforms walking all around the room, holding trays filled with champagne glasses, lights flickering across the room in different colors and party music blasting all over the room. Louis knew 20% of the songs that were being played, mostly from Niall's party.

They had a round table for ten, and they were joined by two more couples; Perrie and Tom, and Lindsay with her new 'boyfriend'.

People were already dancing on the dance floor that was in the middle of the room, so as soon as Barbara placed her clutch on the table and jacket on the back of her seat (she didn't like coatrooms, unlike Louis), Niall was already pulling her towards the crowd.

Louis drank a glass in three large gulps then ordered another.

"Maybe you shouldn't start with champagne so early." Eleanor advised him and he wanted to tell her off so badly, but signaled the waitress to bring him one more.

"I like this song!" Eleanor exclaimed and pulled Louis to his feet against his will. He followed her into the mass of people, towards where Niall and Barbara were already dancing.

Louis danced with her; of course he did, even though he'd rather be somewhere else, doing something else. For some reason he wished for their five-year anniversary party to repeat itself...and if it were because Harry got him off (and that was the best thing Louis ever experienced), then nobody had to know.

"Why do you keep checking your watch?" Barbara yelled at him so he could hear her over the music as they danced in a circle to some upbeat song.

"Zayn and Harry should be here any minute and I gotta let them in!"

Louis stopped dancing and his mouth fell open because Harry was coming here? Ha. How the hell would they even get in if they didn't have tickets? They probably weren't even properly dressed for this occasion and would get kicked out immediately.

He looked around the room for some teachers, but he found none.

"Where are the teachers?" he asked Eleanor.

"They're at the lounge, in the room next door! They don't like dancing and they don't have tables, so we thought that it would be better if they didn't bother us."

She was in the organizing committee, Louis had forgotten about that. Oh well.

This meant that the teachers would most probably not notice if there were students from other schools crashing the formal, unless someone would go and report them.

So Harry is coming?

Will he stay the night?

Where will he sleep?

Are we going to get together just like a month ago?

I don't want to.

Louis was overreacting to things as usual. He was sure that Harry would laugh at the way he danced and the way he was acting with Eleanor.

He decided that he would ignore Harry from the minute he showed up to the minute he left, because the tall, tattooed boy wouldn't get the pleasure of ruining his night.

After two more songs, he walked back to the table where Liam had just sat down and told him about the fact that Zayn was about to show up.

"I know, I asked him to come." Was not what Louis had expected to hear as an answer.

"You what? You asked two public school kids to come to our formal? Without even paying for the tickets?" Louis exclaimed, but then lowered his voice in case anyone else heard.

He saw Jade listening and discretely nodded towards her to signal Liam that she heard everything.

"She knows I like Zayn, Louis." Liam assured him and Louis' mouth fell open.

"And she has nothing against that?"

"As long as he has nothing against me and my girlfriend." She answered and Louis had to sit down.

"Wait you're a lesbian? What? Who's your girlfriend?"


"Perrie Edwards?" Louis asked, not believing what he was hearing.

Since when?

Perrie had been dating Tom for as long as he could remember. They were together almost as long as Louis and Eleanor.


"When? How? Why?"

"Last year at her birthday party, we were drunk, because I like her." Jade answered and Louis bit his lip.

"What about Tom?"

"He doesn't know but we're telling him as soon as high school is over."

"So she's cheating?"

"He's cheating with Lindsay too, but Perrie didn't tell him about it because she thinks it's only fair."

So that's how Eleanor and I are probably going to end up. I already cheated and now it's only a matter of time until she finds someone.

Should I tell Tom though? He's one of my best friends.

Louis was surprised to be actually relieved by the thought of Eleanor cheating, so he could have an excuse to get out of the boring, monotone relationship he'd recently found himself in.

Did he feel a bit shitty because he'd cheated on Eleanor? Yes.

Did he feel guilty for doing it? A bit.

Did he care? Not really.

He had to admit, the last few months with her had seemed to be more of a job and it felt like a burden. However, this was probably not an excuse for cheating, and he was totally against that. But...he was getting bored. He wanted something new, something exciting and spontaneous. Not predictable and plain.

What the hell am I thinking about right now?

"So do I get to meet this Zayn guy finally?" Jade asked as she sipped on her champagne, to make sure she wouldn't mess up her lipstick.

"Yeah...uh, he's supposed to be here at nine, and it's five to nine." Liam answered, and he looked nervous.

Louis desperately wanted to know what Liam and Zayn had done. He wanted to know if Zayn had gotten Liam off too. He hated it, but he wanted to be more experienced than Liam. He was atelophobic; he always had to be the best at everything.

"So um, how far have you know. Sexually?" Louis asked, trying not to choke.

Jade laughed and Liam blushed.

"Um, well he-he kind of gave me a handjob?"

Like what Harry did to me? Or was that not a handjob? What?

"That's it?"

"Yeah and we made out a lot."


"What about you and Harry?"

"What?" Louis and Jade asked at the same time.

"Wait you're gay?" Jade asked in a hushed tone but Louis shook his head and turned his attention to Liam.

"Where did you get your information?"



"So is it true? That you and Harry kissed and he-"

"Yeah." Louis rushed, not wanting Liam to say it out loud.

"So you're gay." Jade repeated.

"I'm not! I'm just confused. I'm not gay." Louis assured them.

"So that's all you did? Just like Zayn and I." Liam smiled and Louis frowned.

"Well, actually, uh, I gave Harry a handjob too." Louis rushed.


Louis nodded. He couldn't help it; he panicked and it just came out. Plus, there was no way that they could actually check if his story was true or not.

"And how was it?"

"He said I was good."

The words were coming out of Louis' mouth like they were the actual truth. But you know what they say: "Overprotective, strict parents raise the best liars."

Not that Louis was blaming his parents though. He owed everything he had to his parents if he was being real.

Louis drank his second glass of champagne and was about to order the third (the appetizers weren't as good as he'd expected them to be) when he saw Zayn and Harry enter the room through the double doors with the corner of his eye.

His hand stopped in mid-air and he gave up on the mission of getting another glass, instead he focused on Zayn and Harry, who now had attracted a lot of looks from throughout the room.

People didn't really react, most of them knew Zayn and Harry already, and Louis wondered if he was the only one who actually had a problem with them being public school kids in the first place.

He absentmindedly buttoned his blazer, knowing that Harry would probably make fun of his two thousand pound tie, and stood up straighter to look at the two of them. They were chatting to Niall and Harry was now looking at the seating chart by the door, probably looking for Louis' name.

Harry was wearing ripped black skinny jeans, the jean jacket wrapped around his waist, a white V-neck and the black Vans. He was showing off his arm muscles and tattoos and-was that an actual cigarette between his fingers? There was a sign that clearly said NO SMOKING ALLOWED.

Maybe he can't read

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realize that Harry was now looking at him with a smirk on his face. Louis turned his face immediately, knowing he got caught. He was so embarrassed and angry with himself because he didn't want Harry to have the satisfaction of knowing that Louis found him attractive.

He looks better dressed in poor clothes than Eleanor does in a ten thousand pound outfit

Oh God what has the world come to

Louis signaled the waiter for another glass just as Niall, Zayn, Barbara and Harry made their ways towards their table. Lucky for him, Eleanor had made an appearance to keep him company.

"You shouldn't drink anymore." She suggested him and he rolled his eyes, wrapping his fingers around the glass that was offered to him.

"You-" he started, but didn't get to finish because five ridiculously long fingers gripped into the glass and pulled it away from Louis' grasp.

"Excuse you!" the younger boy exclaimed and looked up, knowing already that it was Harry who had taken the glass away from him.

Harry drank the glass in one go, before he placed it on the table and sat down in Lindsay's seat. God knows which bathroom she was sweeping with her knees right now. Louis' eyes widened at his own sexual joke.

Jesus no.

"So um, Jade this is Zayn and Harry." Liam said in a casual tone trying to act cool, because Eleanor didn't know about Zayn.

Introductions followed and Zayn took a seat next to Harry. Louis was now drinking a glass of water, since all the champagne was gone. He didn't like it.

"Hey El, can you come to the bathroom for a minute?" Barbara asked, grabbing her clutch.

"What for?"

"I need to...check my tampon." Barbara stuttered and the boys' faces changed.


Eleanor stood up and kissed Louis on the cheek before she followed Barbara to the exit.

"She's not on her period is she?" Niall asked Jade and she shook her head, much to Niall's relief.

"She was a distraction so I can tell you that I brought some Mary J." Zayn said and Louis had no idea what he was talking about.

Did he bring a girl named Mary J with him? What?

"That's weed." Niall explained, seeing Louis' confused expression.


"We're going out to smoke it in a few." Zayn continued and Louis wondered if all they did was smoke joints and fuck.

"Can I come too?" Jade asked excited and Zayn nodded.

"If you won't tell anyone."

Jade promised and Zayn smiled, before he placed his leather jacket on the back of Liam's seat.

"You wanna dance?" he asked Liam and also Jade, to look less suspicious.

They both got up and left, and as soon as they did, Harry was taking the seat next to Louis, who rolled his eyes. Niall had disappeared too and now it was just the two of them. Amazing.

"Brought you something." Harry told him and searched through the pocket of his jacket.

Louis was genuinely surprise, but it soon washed away when he saw Harry pull out a small silver container. He knew it was probably alcohol; his dad had like, ten of those.

"You brought me alcohol?"

"I brought us alcohol." Harry corrected and unscrewed the bottle, before he let some droplets into Louis' water.

"What is it?"


"I don't know if you remember, but the last time I drank alcohol I ended up throwing up."

"And then some other things happened that I'm sure you don't really regret." Harry shot back and Louis' cheeks were now heating up.

He ordered Louis to drink the glass, but the younger boy was reluctant.

"Did you spike it or something?"

"I would never do that." Harry assured him smirking. Louis wanted to slap that smirk off his face. Or kiss it off.


He raised the glass to his lips, taking a small sip, but Harry's hand came up to push the bottom up, and half of it ended up on Louis' blazer. Thank God he'd buttoned it up, or else it would've spilled over Louis' black Kiton Cashmere tie.

"You're an idiot!" Louis exclaimed and shook his head at the bitter taste of whiskey. He then wiped his chin and looked down at his blazer.

"You should pay for this, but then you'd have to sell your house and body to become a slave."

"I could be your slave." Harry suggested nonchalantly.

Louis' eyes widened and he kept himself busy with the unbuttoning of his blazer.

"Nice tie." Harry mocked. "How much did it cost?"

"More money that you'll ever see." Louis snapped and took off his blazer, then stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"To the coatroom. I'm not leaving it here for you to take and sell it somewhere else."

Harry shook his head in amusement and Louis walked away, huffing and mumbling under his breath.

He returned to the table, only to see that Harry was gone and he'd placed his jacket on the back of Louis' seat. Eleanor was at the table though, and Perrie with Tom too.

"Louis, finally! Can we go dance? I'm bored!" She said and Louis squinted at her because she seemed tipsy.

"Are you drunk?"

"Not really."

"Who gave you alcohol?"


Louis shook his head and Eleanor grabbed his arm, pulling him with her towards the dancefloor. Louis didn't like this; the lights had gotten dimmer and the music dirtier. Everyone was now dancing like they belonged in a club and not at a school formal.

He could see Harry dancing with Zayn, who had his back against the older boy's chest as they moved to the beat, grinding against each other.

"Is no one else minding this?" Louis asked Eleanor and she shrugged, suddenly pulling Louis' head down to her lips to kiss him.

He was surprised and she literally shoved her tongue inside his mouth. He did what he could remember doing with Harry, but Eleanor was far from Harry. Not to mention, Louis had his eyes wide open and he was watching Harry, who had his eyes trained on him.

Well, if Harry could have fun with Zayn, why couldn't Louis pretend to have fun with Eleanor?

He made the crucial decision to grip into her tiny waist and pull her closer as they made out, closing his eyes to make it seem more real, and not like he wasn't enjoying this at all.

She was the one to pull away-thank God- and shot him a pearly smile.

"I love you." She told him and Louis said it back, not really looking her in the eye.

He needed to pee, so he excused himself and quickly made his way out of the room to the toilets down the hall.

When he was done, he splashed cold water on his face and turned to his side to see if his tummy was showing through his tight white shirt. It was a bit, but if he sucked in it looked like it wasn't even there. His ass was bulging out though so Louis turned back to the mirror to wash his hands and dry them.

Someone entered the bathroom and he looked to his left to see that it was Harry. He walked over to the sink next to Louis' and washed his hands, ignoring Louis who was drying his hands.

"So what's this I hear about you telling people you got me off?" Harry asked and the hand dryer stopped when Louis' hands fell to his sides.

"Um? What?"

"You told Liam you gave me a handjob?"

"I didn't-I just. I don't know."

"So you wanked to the thought then?"


"As in, masturbated?"

"Oh! God no! I don't 'wank'." Louis defended himself and tried to loosen his tie because it was getting hot in the bathroom.

"Then how do you get yourself off?"

"I don't! Stop it!" Louis exclaimed and thanked the Lord that there was no one else in the bathroom.

"Do you even know how to?"

"I don't! And I don't need to!"

"Why? Because it's a sin?" Harry mocked and Louis got furious, because how dare he make fun of God.

"Are you quite finished? You're getting on my nerves."

Harry pouted and stepped closer, grabbing Louis by the end of his tie.

"Don't touch this tie! It costs more than-"

"Than my house bla bla bla. Give me a break already." Harry muttered and his hand moved up the tie until it reached the middle.

"So is she a better kisser than I am?" Harry asked, but Louis didn't reply. He wasn't going to give Harry the satisfaction of knowing that he was indeed a much better kisser than Eleanor.

"Is she?" Harry urged impatiently, tugging on Louis' tie.

"Yes." Louis lied and Harry pulled him closer by his tie, until their teeth clashed. But their teeth immediately turned to lips and soon enough their tongues were desperately rubbing against each other.

Louis had to stand on his tiptoes to reach Harry's lips, and Harry was holding him up by his tie.

"" Louis mumbled against Harry's lips and pulled away. "Someone's gonna walk in."

"Lock the door then."

And Louis did. He wasn't sure why, but he did. It was like he felt the need to please Harry, to do anything Harry demanded.

Harry pulled him back into a kiss as soon as Louis turned away from the locked door, gripping into his hips, just like he did with Eleanor a few minutes earlier. Louis found himself pushed against the counter that was uncomfortably digging into his back.

He let out a surprised yelp when Harry's large hands gripped into the back of his thighs and placed him as if he weighed nothing on the counter. He pushed Louis' legs apart to get between them and rested his palms on Louis' muscular thighs as they kissed.

Louis' hands were awkwardly resting behind him on the counter, because he had no idea how or where to touch Harry without being laughed at.

"Touch me." Harry said and Louis pulled back, blushing.

"I don't know where to put my hands."

Harry huffed in annoyance and Louis stared at his red lips as his palms were placed on Harry's waist over the white t-shirt. He unwillingly pulled Harry closer until the other boy's pelvis was hitting the counter.

Harry's hands went from Louis' neck to rest against the counter on each of Louis' sides, and he pulled away.

"Unbutton your shirt." Harry ordered and Louis shook his head.


"Because I'd give you a hickey but I don't think you want people to see."

"Why do you even want to give me a 'hickey'? Isn't just kissing okay?"

"Why won't you unbutton your shirt?" Harry fought back.

"Because I have a tummy and you'll think I'm fat." Louis admitted and Harry frowned, changing his mind. He pressed a palm against Louis' chest and pushed him back until Louis was leaning against his elbows, looking down at Harry.

His shirt was suddenly pushed up to his chest, revealing his small tummy and he tried to pull it back down, but his hand was slapped away.

Louis bit his lip as he watched Harry hold his hips down while he sucked and bit and licked right under Louis' bellybutton. It was sloppy but Louis kind of liked the feeling, and he could see some tattoos peaking out of Harry's low-cut shirt now that he was behind over. He had a few necklaces on, a paper-plane, a skull and a (ha! The irony) cross, that hit the top of Louis' thighs as Harry was still bent over.

When he finally pulled away, there was a huge bruise under his bellybutton that was slowly turning from dark red to dark purple.

"So you got a room?" Harry asked in a deep voice as he slowly ran his hands from Louis' knees up until the top of his thighs.

"I got...I got a suite." Louis stuttered and he looked down to his crotch, where Harry was already looking. He was embarrassingly hard, which caused him to blush madly.

"But I share it with Eleanor."

Harry shook his head like it didn't matter.

"Why though?" Louis asked, his heart beating even faster than before.

"We wouldn't want what you told Liam to be a lie, now would we?" Harry answered smirking and stepped back.

Does he want me to give him a handjob? Oh my God. I'll make a fool out of myself. He'll laugh at me.

He calmed himself down with the thought that he actually had to share a room (and a bed) with Eleanor, so there was no way he was getting with Harry tonight.

But I kind of want to

"Where are you going?" Louis asked when Harry unlocked the door.

"Back to dance."

"What about...this?" Louis pointed to his growing crotch embarrassed.

"Ask you girlfriend to take care of it, since she's better at it."

Louis' jaw fell to the floor and he jumped off the counter, adjusting himself in his pants. He washed his face against and left the bathroom, cursing Harry out in his mind.

They spent two more hours there, finishing dessert and bringing out a big cake (for what??). At half past midnight everyone was starting to get back to their rooms.

"We going out to smoke that weed or not?" Niall asked while the girls were gone to the bathroom and the boys were left to gather their stuff.

Zayn nodded and turned to Louis.

"Do you want your girlfriend to come too? I don't think we have enough weed for eight joints though."

"Um-" Louis started.

"She looks like she's going to go to sleep at any moment anyway." Harry said and Louis stared at him in panic.

"What did you do to her? Are you crazy?"

"She probably had too much to drink, relax."

The girls were back in no time, and Louis was surprised to see Perrie trailing behind them.

"Um, Tom went home because he was feeling a bit ill. Which actually means that he's going to fuck Lindsay but oh well." She explained and Eleanor patted her on the back, yawning and announcing that she was tired.

"I'm Harry, by the way." Harry introduced himself and Zayn followed.

"So you're Zayn." Perrie smiled and everyone turned to Liam, who found his shoes extremely interesting.

"You can sleep over at my room if you want." She asked Jade and Eleanor frowned.

"Then who'll sleep with Liam?"

"We'll find someone." Niall answered and Zayn bit his lip, smiling.

"Let's go up then."

They made their way towards the elevators and piled up in one of them. Louis pressed the button for their floor while Perrie and Zayn started talking about hair dye.

Perrie and Jade's room was right across from their suite, so they decided to meet up as soon as Eleanor was put to sleep. Louis should've felt bad for doing this to his girlfriend, he really should have. But he didn't.

They stepped into the room and didn't even have time to hang his stained blazer on a coat hanger in the closet, because Eleanor had already fallen asleep on the bed, faced down.

Louis rolled his eyes and struggled to roll her on her back and shove her on the right side of the bed. He took his tie off too and went to the bathroom to make sure that his hair looked good (for no one other than himself, of course).

They met outside in the hallway five minutes later, and after Niall suggested they smoke in Perrie's room (Zayn preferred to do it outside, he liked the fresh air even though it was December-what an idiot), they walked back to the elevator.

Louis guided them to the back door of the hotel that led to an alley with dumpsters (he'd been there before, of course) that only hotel staff had access to.

Zayn, Niall, Harry and Perrie leaned against the wall while everyone else sat on the stairs. Louis realized that he was the only one freezing (Liam had Zayn's leather jacket on, Barbara had Niall's blazer and the rest of them all had coats-and Harry had that jean jacket of his), and he wondered if Harry would give him his jacket if he dramatically acted like he was cold.

It was Harry's fault anyway for staining his blazer and making it impossible to wear anymore.

It wasn't snowing yet, much to everyone's surprise, but it was kind of cold and Louis could literally see his goosebumps under the shirt.

Zayn passed a joint to everyone (even Louis got one) and apologized when there was nothing left for Perrie.

"It's fine, we can share." Jade assured him.

"Wait. You two are-"

"Together, yeah."

"Oh cool."

"You bisexual or-" Harry started smirking as he took a drag out of his joint.

"No." they both answered.

"So no threesome then."

"No." they laughed and Harry pouted.

Louis rolled his eyes and Harry caught that because he sent a wink in his direction.

That was Louis' chance to pretend he was freezing to death (which wasn't that far from the truth actually), so he embraced himself and rubbed his arms, his joint held by his closed lips.

"You cold?" Perrie asked and he nodded.

"I can give you my jacket if you want." She offered and Louis felt ashamed that a girl had actually offered to give him her jacket.

"I wouldn't take one from a girl."

"So you'd take one from a boy?" Harry asked, coming closer.

Louis nodded, not getting his innuendo.

"Just boys?"

Louis nodded again and everyone snickered. Harry placed the joint between his lips and took his jacket off, handing it to Louis.

"Thanks." Louis said and instantly felt warmer as soon as he slid his arms into the sleeves. They were puffy and cozy on the inside, so he buttoned it all the way up, putting his left hand between his thighs to get warmer.

Louis smoked the joint with his right hand, holding it between two fingers as he talked to Liam. He got up a few minutes so Perrie could sit down next to Jade and share her joint. He ended up leaning against the wall between Harry and Niall, who were already giggling over something a teacher had said.

Louis smiled from ear to ear, feeling the drug slowly starting to kick in. Harry had already finished his joint, and was now asking for Louis'.

"No way!" Louis protested. "'m not giving you mine."

"We can share." Harry suggested.


Louis agreed only because he was high and too giddy to turn him down. Harry ended up finishing it anyways, because he had a higher tolerance of drugs.

"You feeling warmer now?" he asked, a hand resting on the wall next to Louis' head, the other one in the pocket of his jeans.

Louis nodded shyly and dug his hands into the pockets of the jacket.

"But I'm cold." Harry pouted mockingly, then laughed and leaned over to Louis' ear so he couldn't whisper just for them to hear: "Maybe you can keep me warm once we're inside hm?"

"Uh...but you'll be warm once we get inside." Louis tried.

Harry shook his head, amused, before he took a step back and ran a hand through his hair.

They got back to their rooms at half past one. Jade went with Perrie, Zayn with Liam and Niall with Barbara. Which left Louis wondering where Harry would sleep.

"Where are you going to sleep?" Louis asked when everyone was already in their rooms and they were on the hallway.

"I'm going to take the couch. It's more comfortable than my bed at home anyway."

Louis felt a bit bad for him.

"How did you actually even get in the hotel?"

"Well Niall got us in but I also slept with the woman at the door."

"What?" Louis asked, surprised and kind of...jealous.

"I fucked her." Harry clarified and toed his Vans off by the couch, then sat down on it.


"I don't remember, like, a few months back? I think."

"She's old."

"She's twenty-four."

"That's old."

"You're not even legal yet, so I don't think you should be talking shit about adults." Harry said and scratched the bracelets from his left arm absentmindedly.

"Shut up." was the only good comeback he could think of.

Harry shook his head and stared at Louis for a second, red-rimmed eyes going up and down his body. Louis then proceeded to take the jacket off and put it on the couch next to Harry.

"Thanks for that." Louis said and Harry nodded, before he stood up to pull off his shirt and pants. Louis didn't move, he was just staring, once again feeling jealous of Harry's amazing body.

"I can see you checking me out." Harry let him know as he stretched his arms over his head and put them behind it.


"Take your shirt off." Harry instructed and Louis looked at him, unsure.

"Um. No."

"Why not?"

"Because someone could walk in here any time."

"Your girlfriend is asleep, and the rest of them are probably busy with other things."

"I just don't like being naked in front of people."

"Come on, it's not like I haven't seen naked guys before." Harry laughed and exactly, Louis thought. He knew Harry would compare him to someone else better than him.

Harry groaned impatiently and Louis sighed, not knowing what actually convinced him, but he found his fingers dancing over the buttons of his shirt, unbuttoning them one by one.

Harry bit his lip and leaned back against the couch, rubbing himself over his briefs, and Louis could see that he was already half hard. He couldn't help but blush furiously when the shirt hit the floor, but he quickly picked it off and placed it on the coffee table; it was expensive after all.

"Come here." Harry said and Louis was glad he didn't have to take his pants off too, because his thick thighs were twice as big as Harry's. He put his hands in front of his tummy to hide it was he stepped in front of the couch.

Harry gripped into his wrists, pushing his arms away from his body, and then pulling Louis to straddle his lap. Louis' hands came to wrap behind Harry's head, just like that night a month ago.

Harry's large hands gripped Louis' sides, thumbs pressing against the front and his other four fingers splaying over his back. Louis felt like he was on fire when Harry ran his hands up to the back of his neck and brought their mouths together.

His hands fell on Harry's chest once Harry nudged his head to the side and started sucking bruises along his collarbones, like a necklace.

"This will be visible tomorrow!" Louis protested as Harry ran his tongue over them one last time.

"It is what it is." Harry answered and took Louis' right hand in his left one, guiding it down between their bodies. Louis had to hold back a squeal when he knew he had definitely touched Harry's hard cock through the thin fabric.

"I want you to get me off." Harry whispered in his ear.

"But...I don't know how to."

"Fuck, I'll-I'll guide you through it okay? Just-touch me."

Louis nodded and Harry stared at the beautiful marks he'd done on his body while Louis kept rubbing him over his briefs. Harry moaned and pulled out his shaft that was already red and leaking precum, heavily pumping into his palm.

Louis couldn't help but stare at the pink tip and the thick vein running along the side.

"C'mon." Harry urged and Louis hesitantly reached out, replacing Harry's fingers with his own. It was soft but he could feel the soft thump that was probably all the blood that had rushed to his cock.

"Just...go up and down. Like this." Harry instructed and placed his hand over Louis', who was busy staring at all his chest tattoos. He guided the younger boy's hand up and down his cock, occasionally twisting his wrist.

"Yeah, like that."

He let go of Louis' hand, and Louis followed his instructions by spreading the precum over it, lubing him up a bit so he could slide his hand up and down easier.

"Fuck, yeah. That's it." Harry encouraged and Louis actually felt kind of good and proud of himself that he was able to please Harry.

"Faster, come on. Play with my balls with the other."

Louis was confused at first, but then quickly obeyed, which caused a moan to slip between Harry's parted lips.

"Come here but don't stop." Harry told him and Louis leaned down to kiss him open mouthed.

"Your hand is so good...faster baby come on." Harry breathed out and Louis was absolutely speechless at home amazing Harry looked when he was experiencing pure bliss.

"'m close Louis."

Louis picked up his pace, and he was surprised that his arm hadn't actually cramped up in the process.

"Ugh, fuck. I'm gonna...ahh." Harry groaned and threw his head back as his muscles clenched, revealing his six pack while he came all over Louis' golden chest.

"Fuck, you look so good like this." he complimented Louis, who ate it all up. "Do you want me to-"

Harry motioned to Louis' pants, but he shook his head, blushing.

"You came from getting me off?"

"And because I was still kind of turned off from the bathroom incident." Louis admitted, standing up.

"Was it good?" he asked as he grabbed his shirt.

"For your first time yes, but you'll get better with time."

"Okay." Louis said, a bit sad.

"Hey, no. You were amazing yeah? Really."

"But I'm not gay."

Harry snorted. "Of course you're not. Goodnight Louis."


Louis walked back to his room and took a shower once he got there, happy that he'd brought a change of underwear with him. He slipped under the duvet with ease, in his clean underwear.

That night he fell asleep with a smile on his face because Harry had told him that he was amazing at giving handjobs.

And yes, maybe it wasn't something to be proud of, but Louis didn't care.

His chest was littered with purple bruises and he had an orgasm, so things couldn't get better.


if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !


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