Chapter 6

So Louis might be gay and he might be in a crisis.


And he was freaking out because one, guests were about to arrive for his and Eleanor's five year anniversary party and all he could think about was kissing Harry Styles, and two, he wasn't sure if he wanted to spend the rest of his life with a girl he'd cheated on three times already with two different people.

So yes, you could say Louis was in a crisis and was about to have a breakdown if someone didn't bring him a glass of champagne filled to the brim.

Louis motioned for one of the waiters to bring the tray of champagne glasses over to him. He took two glasses before he sent him off, leaning back against the couch. Eleanor was still getting ready and his parents said they'd stay the first thirty minutes so his father could give a speech, before they would leave for Paris.

His dad had a business event there and his mother had to go with him so he could show her off, obviously. Louis didn't mind, and to his luck Elena would come and spend the night with the girls upstairs so he was off the hook. They weren't allowed downstairs where the party would take place anyway, mainly because they served alcohol (yes, Louis knew he was still underage but no one seemed to care).

The moment the doorbell chimed, Louis downed his third glass of champagne in the span of ten minutes before he got up from the couch and walked over to the door. A maid should've taken care of that, but he was tired of sitting around.

"ELEANOR!" he called out, his yells echoing through the entire house.

She then saw her walk down the stairs, wearing a blue dress that looked more like a garbage bag rather than a four thousand quid dress. Since when did he insult her choice of clothing? Jesus.

There were about four people from their school at the door already, and thirty minutes later, the living room was filled up with people. Eleanor's parents were there, chatting away with Louis' parents, everyone in year 12 and some from year 11.

Louis had already had five glasses to drink and he could feel them kicking in. He was a bit dizzy and his parents were ten minutes away from giving a speech.

He found Liam in the kitchen, on his phone.

"Isn't your boyfriend coming?" Louis asked him.

"He's not my boyfriend and he's...yeah he's right down the street."

"Are you texting him right now?"


"Who's with him?"

"Niall and Harry. I mean, I know you said you didn't want Harry here but-he kind of invited himself."

"No that's-that's okay. It's fine."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and he rushed to open it.

Niall, Zayn and Harry were staring at him, each of them carrying different bottles of alcohol.

"Uh...don't let anyone see those. Let's just-put them in the kitchen." Louis said and did a 360-degree turn, before leading them to the kitchen.

"Are you drunk?" Zayn asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I am not." Louis said and slapped his hand away.

"Louis your parents are about to give a speech." Barbara said as she made an appearance in the kitchen. She smiled when she saw them, and walked over to Niall to kiss him hello.


Louis walked across the hall into the living room, where his parents were on the small podium by the fireplace, each holding a glass of champagne. Louis felt as if he was going to be sick.

"Settle down everyone, I have a limited time to give a speech."

The room turned quiet and Louis found his way right in front of the podium, next to Eleanor, who smiled at him and intertwined their fingers.

"I'd like to propose a toast to my son, and his lovely girlfriend Eleanor Calder for finally hitting five years together."

A waiter appeared as if on cue to hand everyone a glass and Louis knew he was going to throw up. His father started blabbering on about something and Louis looked to his left to see Harry leaning against the wall next to Zayn and Niall, also holding a glass.

That's probably the first time he'll ever taste champagne

"And I am glad that my oldest son has found the love of his life, and I am sure that they have a bright future ahead of them."

He raised his glass.

"To five years of being together, and fifty more. Cheers!"

Everyone cheered and Louis muttered 'cheers' under his breath, before downing the glass in two large gulps. He heard Harry snort from the side and wanted nothing else but to go up to him and just smash his face in. Because five weeks ago, when he'd first had the pleasure (sarcasm please) to meet him, he was perfectly content with his life and Eleanor.

And now, he might be gay. A sinner. Everything his mother had warned him about when he was younger.

Their parents pulled both of them aside in the hallway, congratulating them and handing each of them a big fat envelope, 'for the future'.

"We're going to go to the airport now, and we'll be back on Sunday. I'm so proud of you son." His father told him and patted him on the back. Eleanor's parents let them know that they were going to go too, since they were the only adults at the party and they didn't want to feel like they were intruding anything.

The moment they were out the door, Eleanor kissed Louis and told him that she was happy at that exact moment, and all he could do was kiss her back.

The atmosphere changed a few minutes later when Niall blasted some music through the speakers from his phone and Zayn got sixty shot glasses from the cupboard in the kitchen.

There was nothing Louis could do anyway, he was tipsy; and all he wanted to do was to sit down on the couch and never have get up again.

"You alright Tommo?" Niall asked as he let himself fall heavily on the couch, putting an arm around Louis. At this point the younger boy didn't even care that Niall was smoking a cigarette right in front of his face.

"Yeah." Louis lied and Niall pointed his cigarette towards the mass of people that were dancing.

"You don't seem to be enjoying the fact that you and your girlfriend just turned five years together."

"Yeah well...I'm kind of one glass away from throwing up."

"Okay then. I'll just go before you throw up on me. Gotta find my girlfriend anyway. She's probably at the cupcake table."

Then Louis was left alone. But not for long, because a couple that was making out fell into the couch on his right, and-oh great. Harry Styles found him, sitting down next to him. And the fact that Harry smelled good wasn't helping him at all.

"Hello Louis."

"What do you want, Harry." he replied and Harry smirked, liking the fact that he could get a reaction out of Louis that easily.

"You're so fucking drunk."

"Don't tell me what I am."

Harry shook his head. "You sure do know how to have fun, don't you."

"I think we had already established the fact that our ideas of fun are somewhat different." Louis said, turning his head to get a proper look at him.

He was wearing a HIPSTA PLEASE t-shirt (what the hell did that mean, Louis had no clue), a plaid shirt that was apparently supposed to serve as a jacket, black skinny jeans and those Vans of his.

"And what are you even doing at my party? You weren't invited."

"Please, this party would've been boring if we hadn't showed up. You rich kids should actually be the ones who know how to party."

"We use our money on more important stuff."

"Like five thousand quid watches? I can get a knock off for ten."

"Yes but it wouldn't have a value then."

"A value? It literally does the same thing; it shows the time."

"Whatever. I don't expect you to know what you're talking about."

"Your head is so far up your ass you don't even know anymore. And you're drunk."

"I am not drunk!" Louis protested and Harry placed a hand on his thigh, which Louis slapped off a few seconds later.

"Don't touch me."

"You didn't have a problem the last two times I touched you."

"Shut up!" Louis hissed, looking around to see if anyone had heard. But they were too caught up in dancing and having a good time to actually pay him attention.

Louis wanted attention. He liked it; it made him feel good about himself.

"Why isn't anyone paying me attention? It's my party!" Louis complained.

"I am paying you attention." Harry said.

Louis rolled his eyes.

"I want a shot." He decided.

"You're an idiot. You need to lay down-"

"Don't ever tell me what to do! You're nothing compared to me!"

Harry sighed and searched through his pockets for something, before he pulled out a small bag filled with tiny white pills.

"What are those? Drugs?"


"That sounds...sexual." Louis said and his cheeks heat up.

"It's not. Well...maybe." Harry said and winked at him, shaking the bag a bit.

"Where'd you get that?"

"Where I get all my drugs from."

"So you stole it." Louis stated. He'd never admit it, but he loved teasing Harry and harmlessly making fun of him.

And if Harry actually felt offended by it...Louis didn't really care.

"Ha-ha. Drugs are the only things I'd never steal."

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Louis asked when he saw Harry get up from the couch.

"Going to find some people to give this too."

"Didn't that cost money? Why are you giving it away?"

"That's what I do." Harry answered and Louis frowned, unsure of what exactly he meant by that.

He's not a drug dealer, is he?

He followed Harry through the living room, watching him hand a pill to Niall, then Barbara, who swallowed them without any kind of fluids.

Louis decided they were not to mess with.

They found Zayn and Liam making out in a dark corner of the room, with Zayn's hand in Liam's pants; Liam, who was flushed and panting and Zayn, who was grunting in the other boy's ear.

"Don't you have powder?" Zayn asked and Harry shook his head.

"Cheers anyway." The both of them also swallowed the pill extremely quickly. He wasn't that surprised about Zayn-he probably was used to swallowing...stuff, but Liam? This was new to Louis. He was kind of jealous.

"Louis!" Eleanor yelled at them over the music, appearing out of nowhere.

She was clearly drunk and smelled like vodka mixed with strawberries. Louis was going to throw up any minute now.

"What's that?" Eleanor asked, pointing out the almost empty bag of pills in Harry's hand.

"Magic candy...MDMA." Harry replied and Eleanor held her palm out.

Harry gave her one and she thanked him, before she kissed Louis on the mouth and turned around, making her way back to her friends.

"What does this...thing do?" Louis asked Harry, who swallowed one too.

"Makes you happy."

"That can't be true."

"It is. Try it."

"What if I die?"

"You'll die happy." Harry responded and Louis rolled his eyes, holding his hand out.



Harry repeated the word and Louis finally understood, hesitating a bit before holding his tongue out. The older boy pressed the pill against his tongue and Louis swallowed without actually choking.

"I don't feel different."

"You'll see."

"Oh my-" Louis started and suddenly felt like he was on the verge of throwing up.

"What?" Harry asked, his pupils already blown.

"I need to-I'm gonna vomit."

Louis managed to run up the stairs and get to his bathroom, before he spilled everything in his stomach in the toilet.

It smelled horrible and he scrunched his nose as he flushed the toilet, before he went over to the sink to wash his hands and brush his teeth.

"Louis? You still alive?" he heard a voice in his room and he groaned, walking out of the bathroom.

Harry stood by the door, scratching the back of his neck and smiling.


"I'm so happy right now." He answered and Louis sat on his bed to apply some perfume on himself.

"You're high."

"Maybe." Harry said and locked the door.

"Why'd you lock the door?"

"In case someone comes in." Harry answered and circled the bed to come and sit next to Louis.

"Get off my bed please."

"I've slept in it before."


"So don't act like you don't want me on it."

Louis placed the Gucci perfume on the bedside table and stood up.

"Please leave my room. It's enough that you've actually crashed my party, but you're invading my privacy-"

"You call this downstairs a party?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to bring the fucking mob and a few other illegal drugs."

"You're hot when you swear." Harry said with glassy eyes, which raked over Louis' body from his head to his toes. Louis didn't know what to say, he felt trapped and his jeans were getting tighter by the second.

"Well you're getting on my nerves right now so if you'd please-"

Louis' talking stopped abruptly when Harry pulled him towards him by his suspenders, causing him to trip over his own feet and fall over Harry on the bed.

He struggled to get up, because their chests were touching and they're noses bumped together for a second there. And Harry's breath smelled like those liquor candies they were serving downstairs.

Louis couldn't even get up properly, because Harry was pulling him in again, this time by the back of his knees so that Louis ended up straddling his lap. He wondered if Harry didn't mind his weight.

He placed his hands on Harry's shoulder for balance and stared down at him, breathing heavily. He knew Harry was high on that pill, but Louis wasn't because he'd probably vomited it out.

Harry's large hands came down to Louis' ass, spreading over his cheeks and Louis could cry because his fingers were so long they literally covered his entire bum.

"Your ass is literally so fucking hot." Harry told him and squeezed it, which caused Louis to yelp in surprise and jerk forward because it actually felt quite good.

"Fuck Louis, you're so eager for it."

"For...for what?" Louis asked, voice shaking a bit because he was aware of Harry's hard-on pressing against his right thigh.

"For my cock."

"Wha-I don't."

"You just want someone to make you feel good, don't you? Make you moan and scream and squirm until you explode."

Louis felt his stomach tighten at Harry's words. His voice was deep and raspy and Louis swore he could come just from his voice. He'd never had someone talk like this to him and he liked it.

"And you're so hard for me right now...I can almost see your head through those tight jeans." Harry whispered straight into his ear, his warm breath sending shivers down Louis' back.

"Have you ever been touched, Louis?" Harry asked and Louis couldn't say anything. He had his eyes already closed and there was heat pooling in his stomach.

"Have you?"

Harry was getting impatient because he squeezed Louis' arse even harder now.


"Not even yourself? You never touched yourself?"

Louis shook his head and Harry swore under his breath, hands leaving Louis' arse to come at the front of Louis' jeans.

"Do you want to?"

Louis didn't answer this time either. He wanted to. So bad. He wanted Harry to touch him and make him feel good and everything Harry had mentioned. But he couldn't bring himself to say it because he was just overwhelmed by everything that was currently happening.

He realized that Harry was still waiting for an answer and staring at him, so he nodded briefly and Harry smirked. Normally, that smirk would've made Louis angry but his brain was cloudy and he couldn't think straight (oh the irony).

"I bet you'd come in your pants if I just rubbed you...because you're a fucking virgin."

And for the first time ever, Louis felt a bit shamed that he was that inexperienced. He didn't like the effect Harry had on him-emotionally. Physically, he loved it, wanted more.

"Is it bad?" he asked in a low voice, barely audible.

"No." Harry shortly answered, before his long fingers started working on Louis' pants. He undid the button before he pulled the zipper down.

Louis' arms came around Harry's neck and he looked down to see what the older boy was doing. Harry unclasped the suspenders and let them hang behind Louis.

He looked up at Louis, before he brought their faces together for a sloppy kiss that Louis very much enjoyed. Their tongues rubbed against each other a few slow times, and as Harry sucked on his bottom lip, his fingers worked to undo the first three buttons of his shirt.

Then he let himself lay down on his back, pulling Louis with him, who could feel his cheeks heat up because he was lying over and on Harry. He had no idea where to put his hands, so he chose to keep himself up with either palms next to Harry's head.

"You can lie on me." Harry assured him and Louis did. He bent down so his face was in the crook of Harry's neck that smelled amazing. Louis may or may not have a thing for the way Harry smelled. He could also imagine how obscene his bum must've looked when he bent down like that, but thankfully no one could see it.

He gasped out suddenly when he felt Harry's hand slip into his pants, gripping him through his briefs.

"Fuck, Lou you're so hard and leaking already." Harry whispered in his ear and pressed two of his fingers against Louis' head.

Louis moaned and jerked forward to create more friction.

"Slow down babe, I'm gonna take care of you." Harry said in a rough voice, and then Louis felt him cup his balls and massage them. He was a bit embarrassed because he knew he'd be coming soon.

"You're so thick, wouldn't have guessed."

Louis blushed and Harry started rubbing him through his briefs, pressing his palm against Louis' cock.

"Ah." The younger boy breathed and he didn't even recognize his own voice because it was high and shaky.

Harry nudged Louis' cheek with his nose, to make Louis move his head to the other side of Harry's neck. As soon as Louis did that, Harry pressed his hot lips against Louis' skin, right where the neck met his shoulder. And then he started suck, biting and licking, over and over again.

The mixture between Harry's rubs and the attention he was giving to Louis' neck sent Louis over the edge, moaning 'Harry' into Harry's neck as he came into his Armani boxers.

As he came down from his high Harry kept sucking on his neck and stroking his back, the other hand on his arse.

"I'm sorry." Louis said and Harry pulled away from Louis' neck.

"For what?"

"For...uh. Not lasting long."

"It's fine, it's normal for a virgin."

Louis blushed and sat up so he was now straddling Harry's chest, feeling his cock press against his jeans.

"Seriously, it's fine." Harry assured him and patted his bum once before rolling Louis off so he could stand up.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked.

"To the bathroom to finish."

"Oh. Don't leave a mess."

"I won't."

Louis tried to block out the groans coming from the bathroom as he zipped his pants up and clasped his suspenders back. He buttoned his shirt up and ran a hand through his hair, still breathing heavily because of what had just happened.

His briefs felt sticky but he knew he had to deal with that for two more hours until everyone left. Harry came out of the bathroom two minutes later and his eyes fell on Louis' neck.

"What?" Louis asked.

"You might want to button it all the way up."


Harry pointed to the mirror and Louis stood up to go and check himself out. He let out a weird noise when he saw a big bruise where Harry had previously sucked, which was slowly turning from dark red to purple.

"What's that?"

"A hickey."

"You marked me? When will it go away?"

"In about two or three days. Four, probably."

"What? What if someone sees?"

"Tell them you burned yourself or something. Just button it up, no one will notice."

Louis did, and to his luck, it was covered. They went back downstairs and people were still dancing and drinking, so they managed to go unnoticed.

People started leaving around midnight, thanking him for the party and asking for another one soon.

Niall, Zayn and Harry were the last ones to leave. Louis and Eleanor led them to the door, and as Eleanor thanked them for attending before actually inviting them to church on Sunday (they all knew the three of them wouldn't show up, but they cut her some slack because she was wasted, barely getting out proper words), Harry leaned over to whisper into Louis' ear:

"Soon God won't be the only guy you get on your knees for."

Louis watched his back until they disappeared behind the automatic gates. Eleanor was smiling brightly at him and pulled him in for a kiss, before asking him to go to bed and let the maids clean everything up.

That night as Louis laid in the bed with his back turned to Eleanor as she spooned him, all he could think about was the way Harry had gotten him off.

He wouldn't mind if they could repeat that, and he actually found himself wondering when it would happen again.

Soon, hopefully.


if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !


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