Chapter 4
"So I think I like Zayn."
Louis stared at Liam from across the table, not really shocked. It was Tuesday and they were in the cafeteria eating lunch. Barbara and Eleanor had gone to her bathroom because apparently Eleanor had just gotten her period.
It was exactly ten days after the party, and Louis hadn't seen Zayn, Harry and Niall ever since. Well, unless you counted the times he'd seen them leaning against the wall of their school, smoking and laughing while Louis waited to be picked up.
"You've-you've been talking to him recently?" Louis asked.
"Uh, not really. I mean he approached me last Thursday when I was waiting for my chauffeur and asked me if I wanted to go somewhere."
"He just said 'somewhere'. Of course I didn't go, because I had to be home and I don't really have anything to talk about with him."
"Do you have his number?"
"No. He didn't ask for it and I couldn't just offer it to him."
"So did you two do anything other than make out?"
Liam shook his head, to Louis' relief. Louis wasn't relieved because Liam didn't do dirty things with a boy (he found out that he didn't really mind), he was relieved because if Liam had done anything other than making out, he'd officially be more experienced than him. And Louis always wanted to be the best in everything.
"But uh, don't tell Eleanor that yeah? I don't want my parents, or anyone else for that matter to find out."
"I won't tell her, of course."
And their conversation was cut short when the girls returned to the table, smiling. They changed the subject to the upcoming cricket game that was this Saturday. Louis didn't really enjoy sports, because doing sports meant sweating and stinking and he just wouldn't have that.
Maybe that's why I have a tummy and a fat arse.
When school finished that day, Liam, Barbara and Louis went to buy tickets for the Winter formal, that was going to take place in a month at The Dorchester Hotel, the most expensive hotel in Doncaster, if not in all of England. Each student would get a suite for them and their partner to stay the night. Usually the boys bought the tickets, and the girls just did a big effort on looking pretty.
"Who are you taking?" Louis asked Liam, who shrugged.
"I don't know. I'll probably go with a girl in our class."
"You should take Lindsay. She broke up with Tom last week."
"I probably will."
"I'm taking Niall." Barbara said and normally, Louis would mind it if a public school boy would even step in the hotel, but he just shrugged.
Niall seemed cool and laid back, knew how to have a good time.
They waited at the carpool for their chauffeurs, when Louis saw Niall and Zayn approaching. He elbowed Liam discretely, who blushed and looked down at his shoes, trying to seem occupied.
"Hi babe." Niall said, looking around but Barbara assured that her chauffeur hadn't arrived yet. He pecked her lips, before swinging an arm around her shoulders.
"We're going out tonight yeah?" he asked her and she nodded.
"You want to come?" Zayn asked, looking at Louis, then at Liam.
On a school night? Like that would happen.
"Uh...sure?" Liam said. "Where?"
"We're just going out for dinner at a diner in town." Niall answered excitedly. "They have the best burgers in Doncaster, hands down."
Burgers? As in, greasy, fattening meat squished between two pieces of white bread and fried? Like in those disgusting commercials?
"We go there at eight and stay until ten. Maybe you should give me your number so I can text you the address." Zayn told Liam, who was close to having a stroke.
"Uh...yeah sure. Of course. Give me uh-your phone. I guess."
Liam typed his number in Zayn's phone with slightly shaky fingers, before he handed it back, obviously trying to hold back a smile.
"Great. See you then." Zayn said and literally leaned down to press a kiss to the corner of Liam's lips, which okay, anyone could've seen. But then Louis remembered that Zayn probably didn't give a shit what anyone else thought about him and if Louis was being honest, he kind of admired and at the same time envied him for that.
Now all he had to do was figure out a way to get his parents into letting him go out on a school night.
He decided on asking them during dessert that day, when they were eating chocolate mousse.
"So Liam and I were thinking about going out to eat at a seafood restaurant tonight?" he asked calmly.
"Which Japanese place? The one where they serve the good shrimp?" his mother asked while wiping her mouth with a napkin.
"That one." Louis answered, even though he had no idea which one that was.
"That's good. But have you done your homework?"
"I got to read something in economics one more time but then I'm done."
"Hm. What do you think Christian?"
Louis' dad looked up from his food and shrugged. "If he says he'll be home by ten then so be it. How will you get there?"
"A taxi?" Louis said without even thinking.
Everyone at the table burst out laughing and Louis felt like an idiot.
"Good one, son." His father told him. "We'll ask Richard to drive you there. Remind me to leave you some money."
"I got enough money."
Since when did he turn down the offer of money? He needed a reality check.
"You can never have too much money."
Louis nodded and thanked him, before finishing up his mousse, then going up to his room. Liam had texted him the address and after he looked up the seafood restaurant his mother had told him about, he realized that he could walk the two blocks.
He dressed up with the red jeans from Forever 21, and a simple shirt, since it was quite warm that evening and he wasn't in the mood for carrying around a coat.
So after he'd made sure he looked presentable (not sure who he was trying to impress), he walked downstairs to grab the money his dad had left.
Harry groaned when he heard the doorbell go off downstairs. He wasn't in the mood for talking to anyone, since he had a dark haired girl on her knees in front of him, lips around his cock and sucking like her life depended on it.
He looked at the clock on his wall, school finished half an hour ago, so it must've been either Zayn or Niall, because his mum had a shift until midnight.
"Maybe you should answer that." The girl said in a low tone but Harry tangled his fingers into her hair and pushed his hips forward to gag her, telling her to shut up and finish him off.
He came into her mouth thirty seconds later, just as the bell rang for the second time.
"So we should do this again." She said as she pulled her top back on.
Harry nodded, even though he didn't even know her name. He knew that she was in his English class...or French, didn't matter.
"Maybe next time you get me off." She propositioned as Harry escorted her downstairs in just his briefs.
"Maybe." He said and opened the door for her, to see Zayn there with a six-pack of beer.
"Hello." Zayn spoke smirking and the girl just smiled, before walking away.
"Who was that?"
"I have no idea." Harry responded and closed the door behind Zayn, before they went in the cramped living room/kitchen to sit on the couch.
Zayn placed the beers on the coffee table and pulled out his little metal box that was labeled 'NOT Weed'.
"Nice mark by the way." He complimented Harry, pointing to his neck, right under his chin. It was the size of a fist and they knew it wouldn't go away for another few days.
"She got a big mouth then?"
"Yeah." Harry laughed as he popped open a can. "What are we doing tonight?"
"We're going out tonight."
"Who's coming?"
"Niall, Barbara, Liam and Louis probably."
"Yeah. He's cooler than we thought."
"Still trying to get into Liam's pants?" Harry asked as Zayn rolled two joints for them.
"Mhm. Won't be that easy though, he's a virgin."
"That makes it more fun though."
"I know."
Zayn handed him his joint, before they lit both of them up with the same flame and leaned back into the couch.
"So Niall told me the St. Mark's winter formal is coming up next month."
"He's going with Barbara."
"Ha, I'd like to see him in a tux." Harry laughed, feeling the drugs kicking in.
"We should crash their formal." Zayn suggested and Harry smiled at the idea.
He would mind seeing Louis' shocked face when he sees them dressed in normal clothing stepping into their fancy ballroom.
"We definitely should."
He watched Zayn take another drag of smoke, before finishing his joint a few minutes later, laughing at something he remembered Niall saying.
"You should've come to school today."
"Mm why?" Harry asked, taking a long drag, then putting the joint out in the ashtray.
Zayn licked his lips. "Mr. Waters wore a tight pants today."
"Already fucked him." Harry reminded him and Zayn rolled his eyes.
"Yeah but I only sucked him off, I can fantasize."
"Mind your private school twink."
Zayn rolled his eyes, before he swung his left leg over Harry's lap and straddled him.
"Why don't you mind me right now?" he asked, eyes red and glassy.
Harry smirked and brought their lips together, hand reaching for Zayn's belt, undoing it and letting it fall to the floor. He sucked a big bruise into the side of his neck to make sure Liam would see it and be jealous, before he pressed Zayn back against the couch and dropped to his knees in front of him.
He stroked, licked and sucked him repeatedly, paying special attention to his tip because he knew that got Zayn off the most, then played with his balls and swallowed everything Zayn gave him.
"Your mouth is so fucking good." Zayn told him when he came back up and lied down on the couch so Zayn straddle him again.
"You know what else is good?" He asked, pulling down his briefs to let his cock slap against his stomach.
Zayn shook his head, as he got undressed, laughing even though it wasn't funny at all. He was high and about to get fucked by his best friend; things couldn't get better than that (well, unless it would be Liam instead of Harry, now that would be perfect).
They spent the rest of the day naked on the couch, finishing the weed and watching some bad reality show on the small TV.
When it got half past seven, they took turns showering and got dressed up so they could leave the house. Harry didn't bother to leave a note for his mother, he knew she wouldn't worry about him; she never really did. Harry threw on a black shirt, his black jeans, his white converse and the jean jacket he stole from Acne Studios last week.
They walked to Rockies diner; they didn't want to spend money on a taxi and they weren't going to wait for the bus.
Niall and Barbara were already there, in a booth in the far corner right next to the end of the bar, making out.
"Whoa, easy." Zayn laughed and Harry took a seat next to Barbara, so Zayn had to sit opposite of Niall.
Liam arrived five minutes later, shyly smiling as he sat down next to Zayn, and the only thought about them that Harry had was that Zayn picked a good twink.
However, Liam was nothing in comparison to who had just walked in. Louis' hair was in a soft fringe, swept to the right, and those red jeans clung to his thick thighs quite sinfully. He was only wearing a thin shirt, and Harry knew he'd be cold in a few minutes.
Louis took a seat next to Liam and looked directly at Harry for a moment, before greeting everyone and apologizing for being late.
"Still no girlfriend?"
"No." Louis rolled his eyes.
"So you two finished then? And I don't mean it in the good way." he pushed, knowing it got on the younger boys' nerves.
"Actually, we turn five years together next Friday." Louis snapped, but stopped when he spotted the huge hickey on Harry's neck. His eyes widened, like he'd never seen one but knew what it was. And Harry honestly wanted to suck a necklace across those collarbones that were peaking out from under the dip of his collar.
"You've never seen a hickey before?" Harry asked, mocking him. Louis angrily frowned and shot a look in Zayn's direction, just to see the mark Harry had left on him.
Liam noticed too, because his eyes saddened a bit.
"Let's fucking order, I'm starving here." Niall interrupted their little moment filled with tension as he leaned over to the middle of the table and grabbing a menu. They followed his lead, even though everyone (except of Louis and Liam) already knew what to order because they'd been here countless times before.
"Oh my God these pictures look disgusting." Louis said and Harry looked up at him. "I don't even know what's good here."
"You should get this one." Zayn told Liam, getting closer to his face than necessary, which had Liam blushing and squeaking out an 'okay'.
"I'll get that same as him then." Louis told the waitress when she came to take their orders.
"Hey Harry mate didn't you fuck her last year?" Niall asked as he draped an arm around the back of Barbara's seat.
"No, that's not Michelle. This one's new. Wouldn't mind fucking her though." Harry replied and saw Louis' face contorting in disgust.
"She has small breasts." Louis commented and Harry smiled because he'd gotten a reaction from him.
"Well Zayn has no tits and I still fuck him."
Liam choked on his water and Zayn laughed, joined by Niall and Barbara. He saw Zayn place his right hand under the table, and judging by Liam's beamy smile, it was probably on his thigh.
He wanted to sit next to Louis too, to touch him under the table and make him squirm uncomfortably. He wanted to pin him down on a bed and touch him everywhere. He wanted to eat him out and suck him off until Louis would beg to have his first orgasm but Harry wouldn't let him because he was such a fucking snob and needed to be taught a lesson.
Harry could feel his cock twitch in his jeans, so he tried to focus on the conversation about the St. Mark's winter formal, and how Zayn was mocking Niall for wanting to find a suit.
He forgot about wanting to do dirty things to Louis until the waitress-Emily, according to her name tag-brought them their orders twenty minutes later. Louis had ordered a cheeseburger with a side of fries and a coke. At first he'd scrunched his nose at the way it looked; probably not exactly like lobster dipped in butter. But then Liam convinced him that is was actually good, so he grabbed his fork and knife, but Harry stopped him.
"You eat it with your hands." He told him and Louis looked at him like he was crazy.
" animals?"
"No, like normal people. Like this."
Harry took a hold of his own BBQ burger, and Louis mimicked his actions, a disgusted look still on his face.
"And now you take a bit."
"What if I stain my shirt?"
"No one would mind."
Louis nodded and stared at the burger, before he opened his mouth and fuck, stuck his tongue out before actually taking a bite. And the fact that his mouth opened so wide made Harry think about fucking his mouth raw and coming on his face until Louis would literally be unable to see.
Louis moaned, like an actual moan, before saying that it was actually really good, even though it was greasy.
Harry crossed his legs under the table and nodded; while Niall started lecturing Louis about the next food he should try the next time they came here.
That's when Harry decided he wanted to corrupt him in every way possible.
When Louis was done with his burger-he was the last one to finish-, he actually sucked his fingers clean and Harry couldn't help but stare at the way his cheeks hollowed and how his cheekbones looked.
Louis realized he was being watched and his cheeks reddened, because everyone'd seen him doing such a disgusting act. If his mother had seen him, he'd be grounded for a month.
"So was it good? Or amazing?" Niall asked after they paid and got up to leave.
"It was really good." Louis answered, patting his tummy over his shirt. "I look like I'm pregnant though."
"Watch this." Niall said and stopped when they were out of the diner to pull his shirt up and push his stomach out obscenely. He looked like he was pregnant, literally.
"Oh my God, put it away." Zayn protested and shielded his eyes away from Niall.
Liam and Barbara laughed as Niall adjusted his shirt.
"It's half past nine, let's go up the hill." Harry suggested. He didn't want to go home where he'd feel alone and would probably end up sitting on the toilet with bloody wrists.
So they went up the hill, laughing at a story that Niall was telling them about a girl in his trig class. When they got to the top (it wasn't a long walk, and it was definitely worth it because you could see the whole town shining bright in the darkness of the night and the moon in the middle of the sky), everyone except of Louis sat down on the grass.
Niall gave his jacket to Barbara, who was apparently cold, or just looking for an excuse to dress up with Niall's clothes.
"Why don't you sit down Tommo?" Niall asked and Louis raised his eyebrows at the sudden nickname.
"I don't want to get grass stains on my jeans."
"Jesus." Harry said rolling his eyes and taking off his jean jacket so he could spread it out on the grass for Louis to sit down.
"Thanks." Louis muttered and sat down cross-legged on it.
Then Zayn pulled out a small bottle filled with Vodka and they passed it around while Harry and Niall smoked.
They spent the next twenty minutes up on the hill, and Louis realized that he'd been wrong for the first time in his life; not all public school kids were arrogant and poor. Well, he wasn't sure about the poor part (they definitely had less money than Louis by far), but they were actually really nice and fun. They were also the only people Louis knew who weren't at all judgmental and open to everything, not find any value on material things.
"Liam, uh, we need to go." Louis told Liam when he saw that it was already ten to ten, and they had to be at the seafood restaurant at ten pm sharp.
"Already?" Niall pouted when Barbara stood up too.
"Yeah, we have a curfew." She said and rolled her eyes, bending down to kiss Niall goodbye.
"No kiss goodbye for me?" Zayn asked Liam, who was close to choking on air.
"Uh. Yeah, sure."
Liam leaned over to Zayn and kissed him quickly, before he stood up and walked quicker to catch up to Louis and Barbara.
Louis didn't even realize the fact that he had dressed up with Harry's jacket until they were in front of the seafood restaurant and Barbara pointed it out.
"Oh-bollocks." Louis mumbled. He was cold and had forgotten that it was Harry's jean jacket. It was quite warm and smelled good, so Louis didn't pay that much attention to whose it was and now he felt like an asshole.
He had to fold it up when he entered the house though, in case his parents would notice the fact that it wasn't his jacket.
Louis got to his room without any complications, and after he'd showered and changed into his pyjamas, he went to place the jacket on the desk. He would give it to Barbara the next day to give it to Niall, who would give it to Harry.
He couldn't help but look at the brand, and when he saw it was Acne Studios, he knew it was probably another stolen item. He got into bed after that, making sure to turn off the bedside lamp and set his clock for the next morning.
He needed exactly eight hours of sleep for him to be able to function the next morning.
However, that all went to hell when his iPhone buzzed on the bedside table, waking him up. Louis groaned and sat up in the bed, pushing his sleeping mask to his forehead so he could check who was calling and tell them off.
He frowned when he saw it was an unknown number, but he answered anyway.
"Hello, is this Louis Malik speaking?" came a slurred voice from the other end and Louis was a bit confused, but then it dawned on his that it was actually Harry.
"Harry? How'd you get my number? And why are you calling me at..." he checked the time on the clock, "...two in the morning?"
"You listed yourself as my guarding you dumbass." Harry sarcastically said and Louis face-palmed himself.
"I'm at the police station and they gave me one call, so I called you since your sheet was in the database."
"Oh, that's the first time I've heard you swear."
Louis closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.
"What do you want Harry?"
"For you to come and bail me out."
"I'm not-I'm not going to come bail you out in the middle of the night! I have school tomorrow and maybe you should learn a lesson."
"Louis, I've been in there five times already, if there would have been a lesson to be learned, I would've learned it by now."
"Then I'm sure you won't mind spending another night there. I'll tell Zayn in the morning and he'll take care of it. Or maybe call your mother."
"Louis please." Harry said. "You owe me anyways."
"And why would I own you? For waking me up?"
"For taking my jacket. I'm freezing right now."
Louis could hear a warning that the time was almost up, probably an officer, so he sighed.
"Fine. How much is it?"
"Two hundred."
Louis hung up, slamming his head against the headboard, before he stood up from the bed. He knew his parents wouldn't hear him because their room was on the next level, but the alarm would go off if he wasn't careful.
He put on a black shirt, black jeans and black converse, and also Harry's jacket, before he grabbed the house keys, his wallet and his phone.
Thankfully their Samoyed dog (Sammy-very original) was sleeping and the Ashera cat (London) didn't care enough to start making noise.
Louis quickly typed in the code by the door, which gave him ten seconds to get out the door. He managed to do that in time, and his heart was racing when he opened the gate, running down the street so no one would see him. Even though no one in their right mind was awake at this hour, he always liked to be precautious.
He took a taxi from the taxi station he'd discovered a block away from his house, and got to the police station by two thirty.
"Louis To-I mean, Louis Malik, I'm here to bail out Harry Styles."
"Again, I see." The officer said and handed Louis Harry's file.
"He's been arrested for urinating on private property and assaulting an officer while drunk."
"Is he sober now?"
Louis signed the paper and handed the officer the money, but didn't walk to the cell this time.
Harry smirked when he saw Louis at the front desk, impatiently tapping his foot against the floor.
"Hi Louis." He said, pointing out his jean jacket. "Nice jacket."
"Shut up."
Harry flipped off the officer at the front desk as they walked out.
"Fuck you Stanley!"
"I'll be seeing you soon Styles and you wish!" the officer yelled after them, but they were already out the door, going down the steps.
"A thank you would be ni-are you actually smoking?" Louis asked, completely astonished when Harry acted as if nothing had happened.
"You were literally in police custody for pissing on private property and assaulting an officer, and your response to all of this is smoking?"
"Chill, Louis."
"Don't tell me to chill!I am chilled." Louis spat.
"You don't seem like it."
Louis was close to having a mental breakdown.
"So where did you even pee? And why?"
Louis knew he should've already left Harry to go home, but this was just too interesting.
"I peed on my economy teacher's fence. As a pay back for failing me."
"Oh my God! Are you serious?! You're so...fucked up." Louis said and Harry raised his eyebrows at Louis' word.
"I see you've learned new words."
"You're so annoying. I don't know how your mum puts up with you."
"She doesn't."
"She doesn't 'put up' with me; she just looks away."
"So that's why you're like this."
"What? 'Fucked up'?" Harry asked, laughing. He actually took it all as a joke and it made Louis furious.
"Just to be clear, this was the last time I ever come to bail you out."
"Sure. Isn't that what you said last time?"
"Then it will be what you'll say next time."
"Why would there be a next time? Just stay out of trouble, it's not that hard."
"It isn't, when your parents put everything you need under your fucking nose. You're so fucking spoiled Louis; you have no idea what the real world is like. But you'll see-or maybe you won't, because your parents will still kiss your fucking as even when you'll be forty years old with two children and a wife that doesn't even touch your cock an-"
Louis lost it. Who did Harry think he was? This-this hooligan, a scumbag with no future or a penny to his name. So Louis pushed him because he was angry; and the scariest part was that he wasn't sure whether he was angry because Harry was so disrespectful and had no idea what he was talking about, or because he was completely right.
Harry looked at him surprised as his back bumped into the brick wall; cigarette falling to the ground and Louis stepped on it.
"You have no idea what you're talking about! You're nothing! You're nothing compared to me! You're poor and have no future! I have a family that loves me and a girlfriend and money! What do you have? You-"
He yelped when Harry gripped into his biceps over the jacket, pinning him against the wall and his grip was so tight and angry it made Louis question his previous actions.
"You think you're better than me just because your parents have money? You're snobby and I actually feel sorry for you, because you're seventeen and you have no idea how to properly live life."
"Oh and being arrested is the right way to live life?" Louis shot back, trying to get out of Harry's grip, but the older boy was twice as strong as Louis.
"I'd rather be imprisoned in a cell than my own house!"
"That doesn't make sense and it's stupid. Let me go or I'll scream."
"You know why you're so uptight Louis?" Harry asked, moving his face closer and Louis could smell the cigarette smoke on him. He couldn't move, or breathe, because Harry was so close their noses were almost touching and Louis had never been this close to someone (except of Eleanor and that girl he'd kissed a few weeks ago), yet alone a boy.
"Because you're fucking sexually frustrated, that's why."
Louis' breaths were uneven and slow, like he just ran a marathon.
"And it's just so pathetic because you've never snogged someone...or been snogged for that matter. It's also a shame, that you're straight, although I'm not sure you are."
"What-what are you talking about? I'm not gay!"
"You sure about that? Would be a shame though, a waste of that big bum of yours."
And now. Okay. Harry had crossed the line by calling him fat, Louis wasn't going to stand there and just take the verbal abuse. He pushed Harry away, and the older lad stumbled two steps backwards, but then got back into Louis' face.
"Don't you fucking push me, ever." He growled at Louis, before gripping into the back of his neck and smashing their lips together.
Louis gasped against Harry's lips, before he felt a tongue in his mouth and hands gripping into his hips.
His whole body felt as if it were on fire; Harry's fingertips burned holes into his hips over his shirt, while his tongue explored Louis' mouth.
Louis didn't know what to do, and even though his first instinct was to pull away, he followed Harry's lead, and soon enough they were properly making out.
Louis' could feel a weird feeling, that also felt kind of good in the pit of his stomach and it was as if his pants had gotten tighter.
Harry's left hand left Louis' hip and tangled itself in his hair, pulling Louis away so they could breathe.
Louis was about to tell him off, defend himself somehow, but all his words got stuck in his throat when Harry trailed his right hand down to his crotch and squeezed him. The action sent a jolt through Louis' entire body, and he couldn't help but let out a moan.
"You like it don't you?" Harry breathed in his ear and Louis could literally feel every single hair on his neck stand up. "You're hard, I can tell."
Harry then pulled away, smirking.
"Good luck getting rid of it. And you said you weren't gay, tsk."
Harry ran a hand through his hair before he turned around and left Louis standing there, breathing heavily.
"Oh and you can have the jacket for tonight, looks good on you."
Then he was gone, disappearing into the darkness of the night. Louis didn't move from there for another five minutes, touching his lips, not believing what just happened.
He had made out with someone.
A boy.
And the scariest thing was that he actually enjoyed it, but the problem was in his pants now; and he had no idea how to get rid of it.
if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !
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