Chapter 3

When Louis came back downstairs there were even more people cramping up the house and he was starting to feel claustrophobic. He had made a plan to stick to Liam all night and maybe even allow himself a shot of what was best (he needed to consult Barbara on that).

However, he knew that wasn't going to be possible the moment he saw her sticking her tongue down Niall's throat in the corner of the living room.

If Louis was being honest, he wanted someone to snog too, his girlfriend probably. He'd just always wondered what people liked so much about making out, why everyone said it was fun.

He made a promise to himself to ask Eleanor if she was up for it the next time he would see her, which would probably be this Sunday at church.

The living room was packed with people he didn't even know, or recognize for that matter, dancing, drinking and kissing. He had no clue what music was playing, something about running the town tonight.

"Let's get a drink." He suggested to Liam, because the best thing to do at a party when you didn't know what to do with yourself was to get a drink.

They made their way into the kitchen, which wasn't as occupied and cramped as the living room, thank god.

He saw Zayn leaning against the counter, sharing a joint with some other guy that Louis found totally irrelevant.

"Uh...where can I get some water?" he found himself asking Zayn, who shot him a look like he had said the stupidest thing in the world.

"Water?" Zayn asked smirking, even though he wasn't looking at Louis, he was looking at Liam. "What are your names?"

"I'm Liam and this is Louis." Liam answered quickly, and Louis shot him an incredulous look, because Liam was actually blushing and he never really talked to strangers, he was more of the shy type.

"Liam." Zayn repeated, and Louis had a déjà vu from last night, when Harry had repeated his name.

"Would you like some water too, Liam?"

"Uh, I'd like a beer please." Liam answered, as if Zayn was a bartender.

"Okay then."

Zayn handed he guy next to him the joint and sent him off, before he turned around to get two red cups out of the plastic bag.

He filled one with Stella Artois and the other one with plain water, then handed them their cups.

"See you around." He said, looking at Liam rather than Louis, before he walked away.

"He's flirting with you." Louis told Liam as soon as they were left alone.

"What? No he isn't. Is he?"

"Does it matter? He's a boy, Liam. You're a boy-wait. Are're not gay, are you?"

Liam shrugged and Louis' eyes widened.

"How would you even know? You never kissed anyone!"

"I kind of always preferred Mr. Green rather than Mrs. Ridge, or any other female teacher for that matter. But please don't judge me Louis, only Barbara knows."

Louis frowned, not really sure how he felt about his best friend just coming out to him. If he came to it, he'd always preferred Mr. Green, the young French teacher, rather that Mrs. Ridge. But...that didn't mean anything, did it?

Am I just having my gay freak-out? I have a girlfriend for God's sake! Being gay is wrong.

I need a proper drink.

But Zayn was gone and he didn't really know his way around the kitchen, or what drinks he should and shouldn't mix together, how much was too much.

"So you want to...'hook up' with Zayn?" Louis asked, still shocked and feeling weird.

"I mean...he is hot, but...he's much more experienced and he would never go for someone like me."

Louis didn't add anything to that; instead he made a mission for himself to find Zayn and ask him to tell him the strongest drink he could drink loads of without falling into an alcoholic coma.

They made their way back into the living room, but the first thing his eyes fell on was Harry making out with a blonde haired girl that was straddling his lap. Louis scoffed at her choice of clothing; a tight mini skirt that was now showing off her panties, a crop top that didn't really hold back her breasts and heels probably higher than Louis himself.

So Harry liked both girls and boys...

"I really need a strong drink." He told Liam and Liam looked around, nodding towards Zayn, who was now talking to muscular guy with a lot of tattoos and no hair by the door. They saw him hand him some money, before he was handed a few small bags filled with what must've been sugar powder.

The muscular guy placed a hand on Zayn's shoulder after they traded, and told him something, before he left, closing the door behind him.

Zayn smirked satisfied and turned around to walk back into the living room, shooting a wink in their direction as he passed them. He tapped Harry's knee, who pulled away from the girl and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and smiled, before she stood up from Harry's lap and followed him to the couch.

Zayn cleared the couch of the couples that were close to having sex, and sat down with Niall, Barbara, the guy he had shared a joint with, Harry and the girl.

He spread the contents of his pocket on the table; five small white packs, his cigarettes and his lighter. Liam and Louis were watching them, and they probably seemed really weird for just staring at them, but they didn't have anything better to do and Louis wondered if he had done well by coming here.

Harry looked up at the two of them and grinned, patting the empty spot next to him, just enough for Liam and Louis to fit there. Liam sat down first, which meant that Louis didn't have to sit next to Harry.

"Fuck, I have no bills left. Does anyone have a five pound note?" Zayn asked as he searched his pockets.

"I do." Louis found himself saying. Everyone turned to look at him. "Upstairs. In uh, my bag."

"Can you bring like...six? Or seven. You don't want to snort cocaine, do you?" Zayn said and Louis' eyes widened.

So it wasn't sugar, it was an illegal drug. Holy shit.

"Uh. Yeah. I can."

He sat up, and before he could walk away, Zayn asked him to bring a credit card too, God knows what for.

If they're planning on robbing me I'll scream, Louis thought as he opened his wallet with shaky hands and pulled out the three hundred pound notes, four fifty pound notes, then grabbed his Visa card (the one with the least money on it) and went back downstairs.

When he got back to the couch, Liam was now sitting between Zayn and the blonde girl, which meant that Louis would end up sitting next to Harry after all.

He sat down next to him and placed the items he had gotten from his wallet on the table.

"Holy fuck, I've never seen so much money in my entire life." Harry said and the blonde girl laughed, even though it wasn't really necessary. And besides, she had that kind of laugh that Louis absolutely hated; the loud, fake one that was supposed to belong to a goat rather than a person.

Everyone except of Louis got a note and after he made it clear that he wanted the money back, Zayn opened pack after pack, spreading the white powder onto the table.

Louis didn't want anything to do with this; he didn't like the idea of illegal drugs being literally a meter away from him. What if cops busted the party? They would all end up in jail and even though Louis knew his father would get him out the minute he was thrown in a cell, he was sure that his parents would murder him.

So it was better if he just watched, he liked watching, observing. Liam also had a bill in his hand, but he didn't know what to do so he just followed Zayn's lead. They rolled up the bills and waited for Zayn to separate the cocaine with Louis' credit card in fine lines.

Zayn was the first one to bend down with a finger pressed against the left side of his nose and the rolled bill against his right nostril. He then proceeded to move his head up the table and inhale the whole line of coke in one go.

Everyone followed then, and the atmosphere changed to a much looser, lazier one, filled with laughter and irrelevant chatter.

Louis saw Harry's pupils dilate as soon as he finished a line, before he leaned over to press his lips to the blonde girls'. It didn't last long because she pulled away to do another line, and that's when Harry diverted his attention to Louis.

"So no girlfriend tonight? You broke up or something?"

Louis shot him an annoyed look.

"No. She just...she wasn't invited."

"She wasn't? I thought you loved her."

"I do!" Louis argued and Harry shook his head, laughing.

"You'll probably love her more once she'll suck your dick. Or are you still waiting until marriage?"

Louis blushed and ignored him.

"Want a try?" Harry changed the subject, dark green eyes staring into Louis'.

"No, thanks."

"Come on, just one. You'll love it, I promise."

Louis' eyes fell on Liam, who was just doing his second like of coke with Zayn's lusty eyes watching over him. He then nodded, and Harry smirked, handing him his rolled bill and arranging a line for Louis.

"Okay now bend down and do the same thing I did, but in one go."

Louis was about to do just that, but he froze when Harry's hand came up to grip into the back of his neck. They didn't break eye contact when Harry guided Louis' head down and he didn't remove his hand, not even when Louis finished snorting the crack and sat back up.

He could feel his mood change as he slipped in a state of euphoria, and leaned back against the couch because he wanted to look around the room and watch people out of a sudden.

Everyone had different reactions to the drug; Barbara and Niall were laughing about something that was definitely less funny than they made it out to be, the blonde girl started to get depressed and complain about her life-and. Okay. Zayn and Liam were making out.

Like, literally making out. Tongue and everything. Louis watched them in awe, not believing his own eyes. This couldn't be happening.

Louis felt strange...jealous, actually. Why would he be jealous? Was he jealous because Liam had actually gotten more from Zayn that he'd gotten from Eleanor in these past five years? Most probably.

But he was too proud to admit it. And they were both boys, that was a sin and Louis was not about to step over God's word.

A hand on his thigh interrupted his from his thoughts and he looked up to see Harry staring at him, eyes darker than before and lips slightly parted.

"Didn't you say you needed a strong drink?" Harry asked and Louis nodded automatically, eyes not leaving Harry's lips for some reason.

"Come with me."

Louis' eyes snapped up to Harry who was now standing up and walking towards the kitchen. He followed the taller boy and stopped right next to him.

"What do you want?"

"Uh...something that tastes good."

"What?" Harry asked, and started laughing. "Louis, you don't drink alcohol because of its taste, you drink it to get drunk. If you want something that tastes good, I can get you mango juice."

Louis pulled his lips into a thin line and Harry got a red cup from the bag, then wrapping his freakishly long fingers around a can of beer.

"You ever drank beer?"

"No." Louis admitted, a bit ashamed.

"Have you ever actually tried alcohol? And wine and champagne don't count."

Louis shook his head and Harry snorted, which made Louis angry because once again, Harry was making fun of him and thinking that he was better than Louis. Which was far from the truth.

"Drink it, it won't hurt."

"But isn't it like...doesn't it make you get a big belly?" Louis asked and wished he hadn't, but that's what his dad always told him; that drinking beer makes people bloat and get fat stomachs.

Harry frowned before he smirked (that's all he ever seemed to do; smirk like an asshole) and pulled up his white tank top, revealing his chest and-oh God. Louis could see his V-line, and he was extremely jealous and suddenly insecure, because all he had was a flabby tummy he had tried to get rid off for the past two years.

Harry looked down at his own body, before he let go of his tank top.

"Your father lied, apparently."

Louis tugged on his shirt self-consciously and took the cup out of Harry's hand, before taking a sip. It wasn't that bad, but he wouldn't classify it as his top 5 favorite drinks either.

"See? You didn't die, did you?" Harry mocked and Louis turned around, leaving him there.

He didn't know what happened or whose idea was it exactly, but he ended up in a circle on the floor between Niall and Liam, an empty bottle of Vodka between the twenty people in the circle. They were apparently playing a game called 'Spin the Bottle', but he'd never heard of it in his entire life.

However, once Niall explained it to him, Louis knew he didn't want anything to with this game because he's never properly snogged anyone in his entire life, and they'd all laugh at him.

Oh and I'm loyal to my girlfriend of course

The last thing he needed was having these poor kids laughing at his inexperience. They had experience, he had money, and Louis thought that he was winning this battle nonetheless.

And because God hated him for unknown reasons, the first spin landed on him, then the second on that blonde girl Harry had been kissing.

"Uh...I can't play-I-I have a girlfriend." He said and everyone rolled their eyes, groaning and telling him that she would never find out.

Louis had never been good under pressure, so he leaned against his palms, on his knees, in the middle of the circle so he could press a short kiss to her lips.

When he sat back down, he saw Harry (who was sitting next to Niall) stare at him while biting his lip, and Louis realized that he'd probably given Niall and also Harry a full view of his arse. His cheeks turned pink and hoped that they wouldn't change his mind about him, just because he had a fat bum.

Since when do I care what a couple of poor kids think about me?

The next round was Niall and a boy named Josh, and Louis was surprised to see that Barbara didn't even mind, actually cheering them on. Harry kissed Zayn, Liam kissed a girl that Louis had never seen before, two people also kissed, Niall and Harry and then Liam and Barbara.

It was Barbara's turn to spin and it landed on Harry, who sucked on her bottom lip for a bit before spinning. It landed between Liam and Louis, so Louis moved further away from the bottle, but Niall kept him in place, telling him that he couldn't cheat this game.

But Louis couldn't kiss a boy...what would everyone think of him? What if anyone told Eleanor? Or his parents?

He couldn't kiss a boy, especially Harry.

"I'm not gay." He said and everyone laughed.

"Everyone's a little gay mate." Niall told him and Harry was already shifting closer, pursing his lip in a mocking manner.

Louis was about to protest again, but he suddenly heard someone shouting, then sirens further down the street.

"COPS!" a girl yelled and everyone immediately stood up, people already starting to clear out.

Louis was panicking and it was getting harder for him to breathe. The living room was cleared in a matter of seconds, red cups scattered all over the floor, leftover weed still on the table.

"Move!" Harry told him just as the cops pulled over in front of Niall's house. Zayn grabbed the drugs from the table and stuffed them into his back pocket, before he took Liam by the wrist and pulled him after himself. Everyone seemed to be getting out the back, so when Harry pushed Louis in that direction, he obliged, quickly following Liam.

They exited the house the moment the police opened the door to find an empty house. Louis' eyes widened when he saw that they had to climb the fence in order to not get caught. He couldn't climb, he had new jeans on and he didn't have enough muscle but he still tried to grip into the cement wall and hoist himself up after Liam.

He yelped when someone's strong hands gripped into his hips and practically threw him over the wall as if he weighed nothing. The last thing he saw were two policemen pinning Harry against the wall, making him hold his hands to the back of his neck.

Louis felt like shit because Harry had literally saved him from getting arrested, and took the fall for him instead.

He waited together with Zayn, Liam, Niall and Barbara behind some big bushes for the police to drive away.

"What are they going to do to him?" Louis asked Zayn when they returned to the house that was now empty.

"They're taking him into custody until his mom bails him out."

"And when is that?"

Zayn shrugged. "Don't worry, it's not the first time he's been arrested. He'll be alright."

Louis was speechless.

When they finished cleaning up the house, they sat down on the couch and despite the things that had happened just a few minutes ago, Zayn still pulled out the weed.

"It's not the first time cops busted one of our parties. It wouldn't actually be a party without the police." Niall explained as Barbara lit his joint.

Zayn's phone rang, and he took it out of his pocket.

"Yeah? Hi mate. How much? Holy fuck. Okay. What? Uh...tomorrow I guess. I don't know. Okay. Bye."

Zayn dropped his phone on the table and looked at Niall.

"That was Harry. They set his bail at ten thousand pounds."

"What? That's insane. They never set that much."

"What?" Louis asked surprised.

"They usually bail him out at two hundred or three hundred pounds, which is pretty easy to get in a week. But ten thousand? That's insane, his mum doesn't have that much money."

"She doesn't even know he's in jail."

Louis stared at them for a second, before he bit down on his lip.

"Where's the nearest ATM machine?" he asked and everyone looked at him surprised.


"I'm going to bail him out."

"Whoa that's-"

"He got arrested because he had to help me, so I think I owe him that much."

"You don't owe him ten thousand pounds though." Zayn said.

"That's alright." Louis found himself saying. When did he get so generous? Maybe the moment Harry had saved him from a lifetime of punishment from his parents.

"It's right next to the police station-I can, I can call you a taxi." Niall suggested and Louis nodded, before he went upstairs to get his Burberry coat and wallet.

He still couldn't believe what a night he'd had. More happened in a span of four hours than in his seventeen years of existence. And now he was taking a taxi. Sitting on a seat that a lot of people had sat on before him.

He paid the driver more than he needed to, before he got out of the taxi and walked over to the ATM machine. He got ten thousand pounds in cash from his Visa card (his last money for this month on that card), before he made his way up the stairs of the police station.

Louis couldn't believe that he was actually in a police station. He walked over to the front desk.

"Uh...I'm here to bail out Harry?"

"Harry Styles?"

"Uh...I think so?"

"Are you Zayn Malik?" the officer asked as he pulled out a sheet of paper.

"Um. No."

"Then who are you?"


"Louis and?"

"Louis...Malik." He said in a panic. If he'd give out his real name, maybe his father would find out.

"You need to fill out this form."

He was handed a sheet of paper. All he had to do was write down his name, birthdate and address.

"You're eighteen, right kid? Because you can't bail out someone if you're a minor."

"Yeah-yeah I'm eighteen." Louis stuttered before changing his birthdate and handing the sheet back.

"Where's the money?"


He handed over the hundred bills, and after the officer put them through the machine that counted money, the asked Louis to follow him. With unsure steps and hands in his coat, Louis did.

He was taken through a dimly lit hallway that look severely unsanitized, before they stopped in front of an iron cell.

"You're out Styles." The officer said.

Harry was sitting on the small bed in the corner, staring at his shoes. He looked up and his eyes fell on Louis, surprise written clearly on his face.


The officer opened the cell and Harry stepped out, still surprised but smirking now.

"So how come you came to bail me out?" Harry asked him a few minutes later when they were waiting for a taxi.

"'s not like I wanted to. I was kind of obligated to, because you saved me from getting caught."

"No thank you?"

"I should ask you the same thing." Louis replied and Harry nodded.

"Fair enough." Harry laughed.

"Aren't you cold?"

"What? You going to offer me your coat?"

"No way." Louis said and Harry shook his head. "So where are you going now? Should I drop you off at your house?"

"Uh, yeah."

So Harry told the taxi driver his address first, then Louis Niall's address. He couldn't help but stare at Harry's house when the cab stopped.

It was quite small and seemed cramped, just like the other identical brick houses that went up the street, literally taped to each other.

"Thanks mate." Harry said before he got out of the cab.

Louis watched him walk up to his door, before he took his keys out and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He wondered what how Harry's mother would react to the fact that Harry had been arrested before and that he always came home so late at night.

But then again, it wasn't any of his business.

He ended up sleeping over at Niall's house, sharing a bed with Liam while Zayn took the couch. He'd asked Barbara not to post any pictures of him on her Instagram the next morning, because he didn't want anyone to know that he'd been out, especially Eleanor or his parents.

Louis didn't fall asleep easily that night; he lied awake on his side of the bed, thinking about the night he'd just had. It had been a complete chaos.

And to be honest, he didn't really mind.


if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !


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