Chapter 22
Thank you so much for the lovely comments on the last chapter :)
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?" Louis' father yelled as soon as he entered Louis' room and his eyes fell on the two of them.
Harry quickly pulled out of Louis and Louis' heart started beating faster as he pulled the duvet over himself. His life was over. He just knew it.
Harry pulled on his boxers and then pants while Louis' father continued yelling.
"What is this!? Louis William Tomlinson! And who are you?! You're two my house!!"
Louis couldn't say anything because he was too weak to speak, and his chest was covered in come.
"Christian why are you yelling?" his mother said and as soon as she stepped into the room, she went silent. Her eyes fell on Louis, who was naked under the duvet, and then on Harry, who was quickly dressing up.
"You don't go anywhere until I learn your name and call the police for sexual harassment!" his dad yelled and pointed at Harry, who stopped from putting his shoes on.
"You weren't supposed to come home until tomorrow." Louis said, tears brimming his eyes because this was literally the worst thing that ever happened to him. It was unreal.
"Your grandmother called us and told us that they caught a flight to Ireland this morning so we came back! We wanted to surprise her, but it's good that we came back! This is an outrage! This is a sin!" it was his mother's turn to yell at him.
"Is this why you broke it off with Eleanor? For this scum of a waiter?"
Louis' blood pressure was rising because how dared his father speak about Harry that way. Harry, who was lovely and nice and just Harry.
"I'm calling the police for trespassing and sexual harassment, and then I'm calling the boarding school in Wales. I don't care if you have to repeat your last year there, but you're out of here! Away from this punk!"
"Please don't, please." Louis begged and great, he was crying now.
"And you, you're going to jail." His father warned and wrapped his hand around Harry's arm.
Harry pulled out of his touch, and he looked like he was close to punching him.
"This won't go unpunished-"
Louis said the only thing that he knew would calm his father down and maybe set things right:
"I'll get back with Eleanor, I'll ask her to marry me at graduation! In front of everyone. Please. I'll stop seeing him. Just don't..." Don't do anything to him. Please. I love him. "Don't send me away."
The three of them looked at Louis, but Harry's expression was the worst. He looked like he'd just gotten the worst news ever and he was crushed.
"Alright." His father said in the end, probably catching Louis' look. Louis was trying to communicate to him that he could tell his mother about his affair.
His father let go of Harry's arm and Harry looked at Louis with a hurt expression.
"You promised." He said and didn't even look back as he walked out of the room. As soon as the front door was slammed shut, his parents turned to look at him with their hands on their hips.
Louis' heart felt so tiny yet heavy in his chest at the words. He'd promised Harry he loved him, that he wouldn't break his heart-and he was still keeping it.
"You're disgusting. You are to call Eleanor as soon as you get dressed. You're coming to church tomorrow and we'll talk to the pastor about christening you from whatever that boy did to you." His mother said and his father agreed nodding. Louis wanted to die.
"Lunch will be ready in thirty minutes." Was all she said before they both left the room, leaving Louis staring at the back of the door.
It wasn't five seconds later that he collapsed on his back and started crying. And he didn't stop crying for the rest of the day, not even bothering to go down to lunch or dinner.
His life had no meaning if he couldn't have Harry anymore.
Two days later, he showed up to school holding Eleanor's hand. Eleanor, who had gladly accepted his apologies and believed him when he told her he wasn't thinking clearly that day he broke up with her. Eleanor, who had admitted on cheating on him for a year two years ago with a guy who not attending their school anymore.
And Louis couldn't do anything against it. He accepted it because he cheated too, even though that didn't make it okay.
A week later, his father knocked on his door and came in with a small velvet box containing a diamond ring which he had to give to Eleanor on graduation day, in front of everyone attending. Louis had never been so miserable.
He hadn't talked to Harry ever since that day they were walked in on. Barbara and Liam knew everything, which meant that the rest of their group probably knew too. Louis wasn't allowed to go anywhere other than school and that made him cry every single day after he came home.
His parents took away his credit cards, Lamborghini and phone, but he didn't even care about that. All he cared about was Harry not being by his side every night as he fell asleep, or Harry not sending him good morning text with two x's at the end.
One day he was looking through his walk-in closet, trying to find something to wear around the house, when he stumbled across the grey sweater. Harry's grey sweater.
He fell to his knees right there because it smelt like Harry. It smelled like home. He slept in that every night since then. He didn't even bother to put it in the laundry basket; afraid that Harry's smell would wash away. His heart hurt and he couldn't do anything but live with it because he knew nothing but Harry could make him feel better.
Which was unfortunate, because there was no way he would ever see him again; his parents would make sure of that.
The worst day of his life wasn't the 22nd of April, it was the 22nd of May, when his watch woke him up to announce what would have been their two-month anniversary. Louis didn't get out of bed that Friday, faking sick. Finals were in two weeks and the prom was in one, and Louis didn't want to do any of those.
When he got in a fight with his parents on Sunday before church, his first instinct was to run away to Harry's, but then he remembered that he couldn't do that anymore.
All he wanted to do was to cuddle with Harry, but that was impossible, since Harry would probably never talk to him again.
"I think I'm going to take Zayn to prom tomorrow." Liam said that Thursday afternoon once school was over and they got in line to buy tickets.
"Zayn?" Louis asked surprised, trying to ignore the horrible feeling in his heart, which was a mix of hurt and jealousy. Jealousy because Liam was able to bring Zayn to prom. Zayn, who he loved and was planning to move in with once they finished school.
"Yeah. I told my parents yesterday and they were surprisingly cool about it. They want to meet him though."
"I'm going with Eleanor." was all Louis managed to reply.
Liam opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but closed it at the last second.
"What?" Louis asked.
"Nothing it's know Lindsay broke up with Tom two weeks ago, right?"
Louis nodded, shrugging.
"And now she's buying um-tickets."
Louis looked behind him, to see Lindsay chatting with some guy, a few people away from him.
"For who?"
"For her. And Harry."
"What?" Louis asked, and everything started spinning.
"I saw them last week at Niall's party. I mean, I walked in on them. She was sucking him off."
Louis didn't know what to do, how to react. It was too much. He'd spent the past month crying over someone who apparently didn't even care. He chose not to reply to Liam, and he actually managed to keep his tears in until he got home.
He just wanted the school year to be over so he could move away. But then he remembered that he was expected to propose to Eleanor at graduation, right after his valedictorian speech. He dreaded that day.
The next day everyone in school was excited for the prom and everyone who wasn't in Louis' year was pouting because the 'senior prom' was always the best. Louis would have traded it with any desperate freshman if he could have. It would take place at his uncles' hotel, of course, and everyone who had bought tickets had a room number written on it. Louis didn't want a room. He wanted a way out.
That didn't happen, so at seven o'clock sharp he was in front of Eleanor's house. Barbara had ordered a limo and Zayn, Niall and Perrie were already in it when it got to his house. The plan was to drive by to each of their dates' houses to pick them up.
Eleanor was wearing a pink cocktail dress, and Louis didn't even bother to compliment her on it before he posed for a picture in front of her parents. Her mother complimented how good they looked together. Louis' hair was up in a quiff and his blazer matched his shoes.
The limo drove up to Liam's house after that, and Eleanor didn't say anything when she saw Zayn kissing Liam on the lips, nor when she saw Perrie almost making out with Jade after she'd been picked up. Louis' heart was crumbling because he was the only one who wasn't taking someone he loved (or even remotely liked) to prom.
And the horrible feeling in his gut caused by the idea of Harry coming with Lindsay to the prom didn't make anything better.
Louis tried looking for a girl with a pixie cut in the lobby, as soon as they passed the red carpet and took a photo at the entrance. He let out a relieved sigh when he spotted her with a guy he recognized, from Niall's school.
So Harry isn't coming tonight
He didn't know whether to be sad or happy about it. Niall and Zayn kept exchanging nervous looks all through the process of getting their room keys and Louis wanted to ask them about it but didn't get a chance because everyone was already entering the huge ballroom.
He could see the two crowns on the table next to the stage, and he rolled his eyes because he knew he would most probably win the crown. He didn't want to.
Their table was right next to the stage; a round table of ten, as usual. Lindsay and her boy...friend also joined them and soon enough the room was filled. There were waiters dressed in sophisticated suits carrying out trays of champagne.
Louis was about to tell Liam something about the whole 'prom king' thing, but then froze.
He smelled Harry before he actually saw him. He turned his head just as Harry set the tray of glasses on their table, too preoccupied to serve them their champagne and joke with Niall, than to realize that Louis was there too.
He spotted Louis a few seconds later though, because his hand clenched around the glass a bit too hard and his eyes fell on Eleanor, who was in the process of taking a selfie.
Louis held his breath, not tearing his eyes away from Harry's green ones. Harry looked breathtaking in a slick black suit and polka-dotted white shirt, tattoos peaking out from the collar.
He was beautiful and Louis was so in love it hurt.
Harry broke the eye contact and fist-bumped Zayn before disappearing.
Louis was very aware of his friends' looks and decided to ask Eleanor to dance, so he could avoid uncomfortable silences and looks. His whole table joined him a minute later, and even though Eleanor was grinding against him during an explicit song, his eyes were looking for Harry.
He found him in the corner, talking to a waitress who was too occupied to twirl her hair than actually make sure she filled champagne glasses.
It was so weird to see Harry after an entire month of no contact. His whole body wanted nothing more than to walk over there and kiss the fuck out of him.
When the girl touched his arm, that's when Louis decided it was time to intervene.
"Do you want something to drink? I'm going to ask for something." He asked Eleanor half-heartedly.
"A cocktail. Your choice." She smiled and pecked his lips before he walked away from her.
Harry stared at him as Louis approached with an erratic-beating heart. His palms were sweaty but he was doing this.
"The table over there needs a refill." He told the waitress, whose nametag read 'Molly'.
She nodded, probably recognizing him as the boss' nephew and turned to Harry before leaving:
"So you coming by my room once we're done cleaning up?"
Harry shrugged and Louis bit his lip, before Molly disappeared.
"Eleanor wants an-uh. Cocktail. And I'd like some water." He said, looking him straight in the eye.
Harry didn't answer for a while. "What kind of cocktail?"
Louis' heart jumped into his throat at the sound of his raspy voice. He'd missed it so much.
"The strongest one you have. I want her to pass out before we can do anything tonight."
Harry nodded but didn't move. Louis wanted to kiss him.
"You got back together." Harry asked, but it came out as a statement.
"Mhm." Louis sadly answered.
"You don't seem too happy about that."
"I'm not. I'm sad. I've been sad for a month."
Harry nodded at that, as if to say 'me too', before leaving Louis alone so he could bring him the drinks.
Louis watched him leave, still not over the way Harry looked in a suit. He wondered if he'd bought it himself or it was the uniform for tonight. His question was answered when he saw another waiter dressed in the same suit, but with a different shirt.
"Here you go." Harry said and handed Louis a water bottle and a cocktail-filled glass. Louis frowned and sniffed at Eleanor's drink.
"Oh God, what's in it?"
"Seventy-five percent Vodka and twenty-five percent coke."
"Thank you." Louis said, barely audible before signaling Eleanor to come to their table. He wasn't sure why he didn't ask Harry to bring the drinks directly to their table.
Five minutes after they sat down Eleanor had already downed the drink and asked for another. Louis didn't mind; as long as she kept drinking, it was alright. And if she got elected for prom queen, she'd be too drunk to dance with Louis, which would be amazing.
The waiters brought out the main courses one hour into the dance, and by eleven people were already gathering in front of the stage, where their principal was starting to announce the 'crowning', as most people liked to call it. Louis thought it was bullshit.
"I'm going to ask the nominees to step onto the stage as I call them out. The nominees for prom king are...Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Tom Daley."
Louis rolled his eyes as people clapped for them and he followed Liam up the stairs to stand on the stage in front of everyone in their year.
His eyes found Harry's, who was leaning against the wall, next to the other waiters, watching him and shaking his head.
"And the nominees for prom queen are...Eleanor Calder, Barbara Palvin and Jade Thirlwall."
The three girls walked on stage, and Eleanor almost tripped over the microphone chords, giggling as she stood in line between Barbara and Jade.
"And this year's prom king is..."
Dear God not me please please please
"Louis Tomlinson!"
Louis rolled his eyes but quickly faked a smile as he stepped forward so one of their teachers could place the crown on his head. He felt ridiculous but everyone seemed to praise him; and normally he would've loved the attention, but the only person he wanted attention from was the one who didn't seem to enjoy this at all.
"And this year's prom queen is...Barbara Palvin!"
Everyone cheered and Louis sighed relieved because he wouldn't have to dance with Eleanor in front of everyone. Barbara shot him a reassuring wink as she was crowned, and then they walked down the stairs together, waiting for a slow song to begin so they could have their 'royal dance', as most people called it.
"Harry's watching." She whispered once they've started dancing in front of everyone.
"What is he doing?" Louis whispered back.
"No, I mean, is he talking to anyone?"
"Yeah, to that waitress."
"She invited him over to her room tonight."
"Do you think he'll go?"
"I don't know but there's only one way to find out." Barbara said and Louis frowned as they swayed across the dancefloor.
"What way?" he asked confused.
"Go to his room after midnight, once the dance is over."
"He has a room?"
She nodded and Louis held his hand out for her to make a pirouette.
"Niall told me that the staff is staying in the hotel tonight, that's what Harry told him." She told him once they were chest to chest again.
"What room is he in?" Louis asked, not even sure if he wanted to go to Harry's room after prom was over.
"I don't know. You can find out."
He nodded and thanked her, before they both bowed down because the song came to an end. It was long before the dancefloor filled again and the attention was off Louis.
"I didn't win." Eleanor pouted at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Too bad." He said and tried to take her hands off, but she took it as a signal to lean in and kiss him. Louis would've pulled away but her tongue was already in his mouth and people were watching them, cheering them on.
What the actual fuck
Is everyone here mad
"You're drunk." He told Eleanor when she pulled away from his mouth, leaving a trace of saliva between their mouths. It was only attractive and hot when it happened to him and Harry.
"And you're Louis." She giggled, not at all cute like she probably thought she was.
He turned to see where everyone was looking then, and saw Liam in a full-blown makeout session with Zayn in the middle of the dancefloor. He felt sad because he really wished it were Harry and him.
Luckily, everyone was soon asked to take a seat at their tables so they could show a small slideshow of photos accumulated all throughout the year by the photography club. Barbara was the only friend of Louis' who was in that club.
They projected the slideshow on the big curtain over the stage, and halfway through it everyone was in tears, except of Louis, who was watching Harry watch the slideshow. He hadn't smiled once during the slideshow. Except, he did right at that moment and Louis turned his head to the screen, just to see a photo of himself at the lunch table, making a horrible face as he tasted the salad.
Oh God
"I can't believe you put that picture in there!" he told Barbara, who was blowing her nose already.
There were two more pictures of him in there, one of him and Liam in their schoolyard by the tree, and one of him making a funny face with eyes crossed.
"Seriously?" he groaned and she just smiled.
The slideshow ended and everyone clapped, some people even doing a standing-ovation, which, okat, wasn't that necessary.
"There's an after party going on in room 420, do you want to go?" Eleanor asked him when they made their way out of the ballroom fifteen minutes later.
"Uh...I just have to check something before I come. You have your key right?"
She nodded and Louis checked if he had his own card, before walking over to the front desk. He made sure no one was around, and then turned his head to the receptionist.
"Hi can I please get someone's room number?" he asked and the lady looked at him weirdly.
"That's private, I'm afraid."
"I don't care, I need-"
"It's confidential Mr.-"
"Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson. Now give me the Harry Styles' goddamn room number."
Her eyes widened and she nodded quickly, before typing something on the computer.
"Harry Styles is on the last floor, room 931. It's the staff floor."
"Thank you." Louis said and then proceeded to walk towards the kitchen to ask for another drink and maybe look for Harry.
He needed a bit of alcohol in his system if he wanted to go to his room.
"Can I get a Vodka Soda please." He said to one of the waiters.
Two minutes later he was sitting on a table in the kitchen while people around him were working, probably recognizing him and not daring to kick him out.
"Hey...have you seen Harry? He's a waiter." He asked someone named James, who was just carrying two empty plates.
"No, I think he left."
"What about Molly?"
"She's gone too." James complained before walking away, muttering something inaudible under his breath.
Louis' heart was in his pants because apparently Harry had accepted Molly's offer and went to her room.
He left his empty glass on the table before thanking the waiter who brought him the drink, and then walked out of the kitchen.
The lobby was almost empty by the time he got there. He wasn't feeling the effect of the alcohol he'd consumed in the past few hours.
He pressed the button to the tenth floor once he got in the lift, and then checked himself out in the giant mirror.
His heart was beating out of his chest as he walked down the long hallway, eventually stopping in front of room 931.
He knocked twice before he had time to think about it and then waited. He wasn't sure for how long, but the door never opened. He knocked three times after that but then sadly gave up.
Louis turned around and walked away, biting his lip to stop himself from actually crying until he got to his room.
He heard a door open behind him and stopped dead in his tracks, his heart picking its pace up once again. He turned around to see Harry looking at him from the doorframe. Harry then stepped back once Louis started walking towards him.
Louis wasn't breathing by the time he stopped in front of his door, only a meter away from Harry, who was still dressed in the suit.
They stared at each other for a few seconds, neither of them saying anything, only heavily breathing. Louis wanted to kiss him.
So he did.
He made a step towards Harry and pulled him down by his collar, smashing their lips together in a bruising, long overdue kiss.
At first Harry was frozen, but then his strong arms wrapped around Louis' waist and pushed him backwards, closing the door in the process.
Louis' whole body was on fire from Harry's lips. Their tongues found each other quickly and Harry's hands were already slipping lower to cup his ass over his dress pants.
His heart and each and every single cell in Louis' body was in overdrive, just from the feel of Harry finally touching him. It was something he didn't really think he'd get to do again.
He finally let go of Harry's collar and moved his hands to tangle in his hair, tilting his head so he could have better access into his mouth.
He hadn't even realized he was crying until they pulled away to breathe, and his cheeks were wet. Harry wiped his tears away with his thumbs as he cupped Louis' face.
"Don't cry." He whispered and Louis pouted.
"I'm so sorry. But he would've sent me away and I just-"
"It's okay." Harry assured him and Louis gulped.
"I missed you so much."
"Don't be sad."
"I can't."
Harry brought their faces together once again, not wasting any time. Louis' hands found Harry's belt and unbuckled it quickly before letting his pants fall down to his ankles with a thud.
Harry smiled against his lips and did the same thing to Louis' pants, and soon enough they were both pantless.
Louis then quickly managed to unbutton Harry's shirt and toss it to the floor, running his hands over his chest. He could really see anything in the semi darkness (the only light coming from outside), not to mention it was cold.
"I'm cold." He told Harry once his own blazer and shirt were removed.
Harry turned around quickly and went to close the balcony door. Louis realized that Harry didn't hear him knocking the first time, maybe because he was on the balcony.
"You lost your tummy." Harry observed as he stepped closer to Louis once again, after turning on the bedside lamp.
"Wasn't really in the mood for eating with my family so I only ate at school."
"Baby." Harry said sadly and Louis' stomach did a backflip because they were back to calling each other pet names. Maybe they could fix this, find a way out.
Harry's hand gripped in the back of Louis' neck and pulled him in, kissing up his neck and finally finding his favorite spot to suck on.
Louis' arms wrapped around Harry's waist in the meantime, pulling his closer as if he were afraid to lose him if he let him go.
"Up." Harry said and gripped into the back of Louis' thighs, before lifting him up and walking over to the bed. He dropped Louis down on it before walking over to the bedside table and getting out a sachet of lube.
"You anticipated this?" Louis asked as he moved further up the bed, and Harry shook his head.
"Was planning on jacking myself off. To the thought of you."
Louis smiled and Harry returned it, before placing a knee between Louis' spread legs at the end of the bed. They were so desperate for each other; they didn't even bother getting under the covers.
Harry kneeled further up the bed until he was sitting on Louis' chest, and Louis understood what Harry wanted, so he opened up his mouth and lifted his head off the pillow to get better access at his cock.
Harry waited for Louis to slick his shaft up properly before he started fucking his mouth and Jesus,Louis was so obedient and eager for it.
He stroked Louis' hair as he slowed down with the fucking, eventually coming to a halt. When he looked down at Louis, he saw that the boy had tears in his eyes, and he knew they weren't just from choking, so his heart hurt a bit.
Louis had no idea how much Harry had cried over the past month because he tried to hide his feelings from everyone, when asked about how he felt.
Harry shuffled back down so their chests were aligned and he was between Louis' legs. Louis' cock was pink and angrily curving up over his stomach.
"I'm going to fuck the sadness out of you." He whispered in Louis' ear before ripping the sachet open with his teeth and lubing his cock up. He didn't even bother to stretch Louis out with his fingers because they were both too eager for it.
"Please." Louis said and Harry nudged his tip in before going all the way in.
"Fuck yes." He groaned and rested his palms on each side of Louis' head. It took one look to the right for Louis' heart to hurt again at the sight of the red lines covering Harry's forearms.
Louis reached his head to press a kiss against them and Harry bit his lip, deepening his thrusts.
"My God." He moaned and diverted his attention back to Harry, who was looking at him intently, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.
Louis' knees were against Harry's hips and their mouths found each other again. Louis ended up scratching down Harry's back the way he knew Harry liked and wrapped his legs around his waist, digging his heels into Harry's lower back.
"You feel so good." Harry muffled into Louis' neck and nuzzled his nose behind his ear, loving Louis' smell.
I love you, Harry thought as he kept pounding into Louis at a faster pace, trying to find his prostate soon because he was getting close to climaxing.
He huffed out a breath before he gripped into the back of Louis' knees and brought them up over his shoulders to get a better angle.
And it seemed to have worked, because Louis was moaning his name in no time, back arching off the bed and cock leaking already.
Harry wrapped his hand around it and tugged on it, in sync with his thrusts. He started going faster, hitting Louis' prostate over and over again, bringing them both closer to the edge.
Louis closed his eyes and bit hard down on his lip as his stomach clenched and he was already coming all over his chest. Harry quickened his thrusts and soon enough, after he gave a particular hard, deep one, he was coming inside of Louis.
"I love you." The words spilled from his lips as he did so, not even being able to stop them. He took a hand to his mouth because he wasn't planning on telling him.
Both their eyes widened and Louis smiled as he removed his legs from Harry's shoulders. Their hearts were beating fast and Harry pulled out of him, rolling on his back next to Louis.
Louis was smiling brightly, not believing what he'd just heard. Harry told him that he loved him. He LOVED him.
Harry couldn't believe it either; he'd just told the beautiful boy he loved him and he didn't really regret it one bit.
"You love me?" Louis checked, just to make sure.
Harry sucked a breath in before nodding. "I do. Or should I say 'I Lou'."
"You're such an idiot." Louis smiled and leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek.
They laid in silence next to each other for a while, before Louis turned his head to look at him.
"So you didn't go to Molly's room after all."
"Of course I didn't." Harry said, still not believing the fact that he just declared his love for Louis. Something he'd wanted to do for a few weeks now.
"What about Lindsay? You let her suck you off."
"I was drunk. And high. And her hair was short and she had blue eyes so I just pretended she was you. Lou, I was miserable."
"Me too." Louis said and stood up from the bed to go find something to wipe himself off with. He found a napkin at the table and after he threw it in the trash, he padded back to the bed. He wanted to finally cuddle with Harry again and make sure things were back to normal.
Harry got under the covers with him and Louis didn't waste any time before he threw an arm and a leg over him, taping his chest to Harry's side.
"My dad wants me to ask Eleanor to marry me at graduation." He whispered into Harry's neck. He felt Harry tense up against him.
"Are you going to do it?"
"I think I have a plan."
"What plan?"
"I've actually thought about coming out during my valedictorian speech."
Harry laughed. "A straight A student coming out during his speech."
"Or, better said, a gay A student." Louis whispered and Harry snorted. "Besides, he can't say anything about it because I will have my results by then. I'm an adult, he can't hurt me after I graduate anymore. I just need to start being financially independent and then I'll be free."
"You're right." Harry smiled. "I got such a smart boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?" Louis asked, grinning. "We're still together?"
"Aren't we?"
"I just thought...I thought you were mad at me. And I kissed Eleanor...and Lindsay sucked you off."
"That doesn't count as cheating. It didn't mean anything."
"Speaking of cheating, Eleanor told me that she cheated on me for a whole year when we were three years into our relationship."
"The fucking nerve." Harry said.
"It's not funny!" Louis protested.
"Do you care that she did?"
"Not really. At all, actually. She's irrelevant."
"Is there anything relevant for you in this world?"
"I'm flattered."
"Oh shut up."
Louis had the most idiotic smile on his face as he looked up at Harry.
"You didn't take your watch off." He observed and pointed to Harry's wrist, purposefully avoiding talking about his cuts.
"Yeah. Wasn't going to until I got some closure."
"You would have let us break up?"
"If that meant you being happy then sure."
Louis' heart felt warmer and he propped a palm under his head, leaning on his elbow to look down at Harry.
"I'm happy only when I'm with you."
Harry replied by pecking his forearm, too lazy to lean up and go for the lips.
"Did your watch also go off on the 22nd?" Louis asked and Harry nodded, before yawning.
"Let's go to sleep. 'm tired."
Harry turned his back to him and Louis was confused for a second, but then realized that Harry wanted to be spooned. It was rare for Harry to be the small spoon, and Louis knew that occurred only when he was vulnerable and needed the reassurance that Louis was there to hold him.
So he moved closer until they were chest-to-back, one of Louis' hand draped over Harry's waist, the other one under his own head, and his lips brushing Harry's neck.
"Don't let me go." Harry said and Louis tightened his hold.
"I won't." Louis promised.
"I'm tired of feeling alone."
Louis hummed in agreement and his eyes eventually slipped shut.
He fell asleep with Harry in his arms.
Harry, who loved him, in spite of everything. Harry, who made Louis feel safe. Harry, who was home.
if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !
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Next upadate will be on September 20th :) Vote/comment if you liked it !
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