Chapter 21
Last chapter was (once again) on private and I hate that!!!!! :(( Thank you for the comments though :D
They've been officially together for only a month but for Louis it felt like a year. In a good way, of course. He'd always tell him 'I love you' before hanging up or when they parted ways after a day of being together, before they went home.
And Harry never said anything except of smiling and kissing him, but that was enough for Louis because all he wanted was for Harry to be happy and to feel loved. And Louis knew that Harry was both of those things, so that made him happy.
But he knew Harry really cared for him, maybe even loved him, because three weeks ago for April Fools he'd said that he wanted them to break up and Harry almost cried. So that was that.
He was currently in a Rolex store with Liam, trying to decide which watch to get Harry for their one-month anniversary tomorrow. He knew Harry hated the fact that Louis kept spending ridiculous amounts of money on him, but Louis absolutely loved it. He wanted to spoil Harry, even though he was two years older than him.
His parents had grown out of the Eleanor breakup phase and were now back to normal; his mother still didn't know about his father cheating and Louis was planning on telling her eventually. His family was leaving tomorrow to visit their grandparents in London and Louis got out of it by saying he had to study for the exams, which where only a month away.
(He wasn't actually planning on studying that Saturday, he was going to invite Harry over to his house.)
"How about this one?" Liam suggested, obviously annoyed by the fact that they've spent almost and hour in the shop trying to find the perfect watch to match Louis' taste.
"Look! You can also set up daily alarms!" Liam tried and Louis turned to look at the golden watch Liam was pointing out.
"And it has a matching silver one you can get for Harry."
Louis looked at the price. It was just four thousand pounds since it was on sale.
"I'll get these two." He told the man behind the counter, who had tried selling him different models. "And program them so an alarm goes off every month on the twenty second."
The man nodded and began working on them while Louis pulled out his credit card. If his parents were to ask why he bought two similar watches, he'd just tell them he couldn't decide on just one.
"So what are you planning on doing tomorrow?"
"I invited him over and we'll most probably order pizza and have sex. He's easy to please." Louis told him.
Liam nodded and zoomed out, probably thinking about what Zayn and him did on their first month anniversary. They had been in a relationship for over four months now and Louis could see that they were really happy together. He also knew that Liam was planning on asking Zayn to move in with him once summer was over, when they'd both go to Uni. Liam would attend Oxford with Louis and Zayn would study at University of The Arts. They were one hour away from each other but they'd find a way to work it out.
He knew it was probably too soon to even think about it, since they've only been dating for a month, but Louis also wanted to ask Harry to get an apartment with him (if Harry got into a University in London). They'd have the same problem as Liam and Zayn though.
After he paid for the watches the man wrapped them up and handed them over to Louis.
"Thank you." He said.
"Finally." Liam groaned as they walked out of the store and stepped on the boulevard. It was one of the few Fridays that Niall wasn't throwing a party, so the two of them decided they should go and catch a movie, maybe do some shopping beforehand.
Yes, Louis' life couldn't have been better now that he was about to graduate and had a boyfriend he loved.
"We'll be back tomorrow evening and we left money downstairs in case you want to go out and eat." His father told him the next day during lunch.
Louis nodded, not saying anything. He didn't want to delay his family's departure in any way. Harry was going to be at his house at exactly 2pm sharp and it was already 1:45pm.
"If there's an emergency, call us." His mother reminded him as if he were a ten-year-old child.
"Yes mother."
"Don't roll your eyes at your mother." His father warned and Louis bit his lip because he wanted to yell at them to go already. He couldn't wait to have the house to himself...with Harry.
He smiled at the thought, and as if on cue, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out under the table to look at it.
Harry (heart eyes emoji): im right outside
Louis: parents are still here :/ this is the one time u choose to be punctual
Harry (heart eyes emoji): was too excited :D
Louis: xx
Harry (heart eyes emoji): xxxx
Louis: xxxxxxxxxxx
Harry (heart eyes emoji):xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Louis fondly smiled down at the screen before putting his phone back and looking up at the table. Everyone was finishing their meal, thank God.
His family was about to leave just as he was coming out of the shower, so he said aying goodbye to them at the door with a creepy happy smile on his face. He texted Harry as soon as his family got into the car and the gate automatically closed behind them.
It wasn't long until he heard footsteps behind him and two strong, tattooed arms wrapped around him from behind. He leaned back into Harry as the older boy pressed a kiss to his neck, whispering:
"Happy one month anniversary."
He smiled and turned around in his arms.
"Didn't think you'd be so excited for just one month."
"I am because I would have never thought you'd stay with me this long."
Louis sadly smiled up at him before bringing their mouths together. Harry's lips were cold and tasted like chocolate.
"You went out to get ice cream without me?" Louis asked once they've pulled apart.
"You stocked my fridge to the brim Lou, that's where I got the ice cream from."
"Doesn't matter. What matters is that we got the house completely to ourselves and I bought you something."
"I have a present for you too." Harry said and followed Louis up the stairs. His cat, London, followed them up too. Harry seemed to have a thing for cats because every time he would come over he'd play with her. And Louis was surprised because London would barely even play with him.
Not that Louis was much of a cat lover.
They sat down cross-legged on his bed, facing each other.
"You first." Harry said and Louis nodded, before he pulled out the two wrapped boxes from his jacket.
Harry raised his eyebrows as he took the box Louis handed him and unwrapped it.
"Are you serious?" he asked incredulously as he opened it and looked at the watch inside of it.
"Do you like it?"
"I do but it's's too expensive."
"You don't even know how much it was!"
"It's a fucking Rolex, Louis. I can assume how much it cost!"
"Put it on. Look, we match and it beeps each month on our anniversary."
"That's cute." Harry smiled and they helped each other to put them on.
"Okay now let's take a selfie."
Harry rolled his eyes but Louis just scolded him for it and turned around and shuffled so he was sitting between Harry's spread legs, back-to-chest.
He opened his camera and after they took a picture, his phone started ringing, showing that it was his mother calling.
"Shhh." Louis shushed him, even though Harry hadn't said anything.
And Louis would've tried to listen to his mother reminding him to make sure he locked everything before he went to sleep at night, but all he could focus on were Harry's hand down his pants.
"Louis? Are you hearing anything I'm saying?"
"Yes mother" He responded, the last part coming out as a squeak because Harry cupped his slowly growing bulge through his boxers, underneath his pants.
"Okay, then repeat everything I just said." She demanded and Louis rolled his eyes, pinching Harry's hand to cut it off as he began to recite everything his mother had told him.
He thought he would lose it when Harry started kissing down his neck and sucking bruises into the skin there. At one point he began nosing at his hairline and sucking on his lobe, which. Okay.
"Okay Louis, take care then. See you tomorrow."
"Bye mother." He said before hanging up on her and tossing the phone on the bed, then getting up on his knees and turning around to face Harry.
"You're such a tease." He smiled before practically throwing himself over him, knocking him on his back so they could kiss lying down.
"What did you get me?" Louis asked when he pulled away for breath.
Harry was interrupted by the doorbell ringing, and said, as if on cue:
"I ordered pizza which I'm going to pay for, and then I'm going to give you your present, which is four in one so I think you'll like it."
Louis got up from the bed and Harry did too, before they both hurried down the stairs. He was really excited about Harry's present, and was sure that he'll like it, no matter what it was. Actually, the best present Harry could give him was himself, which Louis already had, so he felt content.
After Harry paid for the pizza they sat down on the couch to eat while watching a really bad show on HBO.
"If you get pizza or sauce on the couch I'll literally make you lick it clean." Louis warned when Harry opened the spicy sauce.
"Would that turn you on?" Harry asked with a serious expression on his face and Louis rolled his eyes fondly. They moved on the floor though, their backs resting against the couch as they talked, rather than watch telly.
Once they've literally both eaten two entire pizzas in less than twenty minutes, Louis turned his head to Harry and asked him:
"So what did you say you got for me?"
Harry smirked. "Remember when I said I once made a guy come three times in a row?"
Louis' heart stopped but he still managed to give a weak nod.
"Well. I'm planning on making you come four times today." Harry trailed off and leaned over to attach their lips.
Louis' heart was doing backflips at the thought of coming four times.
So that's what four in one means
"What if I lose conscience?"
"I'll be careful." Harry promised, although it wasn't really up to him. It was up to Louis' tolerance for these kind of things.
Louis' back hit the white carpet as Harry continued kissing him, getting between his legs and rutting up against him.
"What do you say about taking this upstairs where I can be on my bed?" Louis asked, trying to mask with sarcasm the fact that he was nervous.
Harry smiled down at him as both his hands rested on either side of Louis' head.
"Sure baby."
He then rose to his feet, pulling Louis up with him before actually hoisting him up and throwing him over his shoulder. Louis squealed but didn't really protest because he had a view of Harry's tiny ass upside-down.
"You got a perky little bum. And my pizza is coming back up in this position." He said as Harry went up two flights of stairs, like Louis didn't even weigh anything.
Louis was dropped on the bed and Harry didn't even bother to lock the door because they would be alone until tomorrow, before he crawled over Louis and kissed him.
He just couldn't get enough of the younger boy; he loved touching him everywhere, feeling every single inch of his skin against his. There was just something about Louis that had Harry wanting more, made him feel like he never wanted to let go of him.
He'd pick Louis over anyone any day, because he was cute and lovely and Harry absolutely loved to spend time with him. He remembered thinking the exact opposite a few months back.
Harry already knew how he'd get Louis to come four times in a row; he'd blow him, then eat him out, then finger him and finally fuck him from behind.
"What are you thinking about so deeply?" Louis asked and smiled. That made Harry snap out of his day-dreaming and lean down to kiss his neck.
His hands found the bottom of Louis' shirt and pulled it over his head, letting it fall on the floor next to the bed. He then ordered Louis to move further up until his head was resting against one of the pillows and take his pants off, which Louis gladly did.
He was already half hard in his briefs, waiting for Harry to do something;anything.
Harry bit his lip as he stripped down to only his boxers, before putting a knee on the bed and leaning down, spreading Louis' knee. He then shuffled down so he was on his stomach and hooked his fingers into Louis' underwear, slowly pulling them off.
Louis' cock was red and resting against his belly, begging to be touched. Louis himself was completely blushing at the thought of getting to come four times.
Harry didn't waste any time before he wrapped his long fingers around Louis' cock and spread the precum over the tip with his thumb.
Louis closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the pillow, deciding to enjoy it.
Harry's tongue started teasing the head of his cock, before he completely took Louis into his mouth. The other hand came down to massage his balls and cup them in sync with the sucking.
He looked up at Louis only to see his eyes closed and small teeth biting down on his bottom lip.
"Look at me baby, I want to see you." Harry demanded and Louis' blue eyes met Harry's.
Harry stopped sucking Louis off after a few bobs of his head and chose to suck a hickey into his thigh instead. He kept the pace of his hand though, slowly jacking him off as he peppered his thigh with bites and licks.
He looked up once more because he absolutely loved the view he had of Louis; stretched out for him, tummy rising up and down. His delicate fingers gripped into the sheets while Harry sucked on his balls, pretty moans coming out of his mouth.
Harry's lips attached themselves to the tip of Louis' cock once more and he sucked as hard as he could, knowing that Louis was close to coming.
"Harry." Louis begged and all it took was for Harry to flick his wrist two more times before Louis was coming into his mouth, toes curling as he moaned.
"Good?" Harry asked and Louis nodded, still coming down from his high.
Harry smirked, satisfied, before sliding an arm under Louis' ass so he could have better access at his pink hole. His other arm came to wrap around Louis' right thigh and he pressed a kiss over the love bite there, before turning his head back.
Louis propped himself up on his elbows so he could look down at Harry and see what he was doing. He knew he could come again because Harry's breath was hot on his hole and he was so turned on, his cock was already hard again thanks to the sensitiveness.
Harry's fingers pressed against Louis' thigh as he licked a long fat stripe all the way up to his balls. Louis sighed softly, not tearing his eyes away from Harry's sinful lips.
Harry began tracing the ring of muscle in slow circles, occasionally pressing his tongue against it to make Louis squirm. He smirked at Louis' reaction and started flicking his tongue faster over his hole before spreading his cheeks even wider and eventually slowly entering him.
"Oh God." Louis moaned when Harry started moving his tongue inside of him quickly, pulling his arm from under him.
Harry's giant hands blindly found Louis' hard, sensitive nipples and that made Louis' elbows give in. He fell back against the pillow and clenched his eyes shut because Harry's hands were now twisting and pinching his sensitive nipples. It was driving him absolutely crazy how good Harry could make him feel with just simple touches.
His legs clenched around Harry's head when Harry sped up the pace of his tongue, and all he could see was Harry's hair between his legs, which was a major turn on.
Harry's fingers left Louis' painfully hard nipples and travelled down his chest. His left hand rested on his tummy while the other one came down to wrap around his hard, leaking cock.
Louis could feel the muscles in his core clench as he desperately gripped into the sheets, which meant that he was once again close to coming and it felt absolutely amazing. Harry was so amazing.
His chest was heaving up and down and he felt like he was out of breath the moment Harry squeezed the base of his cock, which caused Louis to come for the second time in the span of an hour, all over his chest.
His hair was sticking to his forehead and he was barely breathing as he tried to calm down.
Harry finally lifted his head up and spread Louis' legs so he could get out from under them. He laid down on Louis' side so their lips could meet in a proper kiss.
Louis' left hand came up to cup Harry face and Harry propped an elbow up next to Louis' head so he could have the upper hand.
Harry rutted his hips against Louis' upper thigh, letting him know that he's hard in his briefs and couldn't wait until he was inside of him.
Louis tried to move so their chest would be pressed together, but Harry pushed him back down onto his back because he was far from done with him. His right hand trailed down Louis' body and softly brushed over his cock.
"What are you doing." Louis breathed into his mouth when Harry's middle finger rubbed against his sensitive wet hole.
"What do you think." Harry smirked and Louis would've rolled his eyes if he didn't feel over-stimulated and horny.
"You're so wet from my tongue already, don't even need lube." He whispered into Louis' ear and pushed his finger in, all the way in to the knuckle.
Louis' back arched off the bed when Harry nudged a second finger in, stretching him out as he did quick scissor motions. He wasn't sure whether he could come a third time.
He was about to say something about that when Harry's lips attached themselves to his left nipple, which was already pink and hard. Harry began sucking on it, flicking and pressing his tongue against it.
Louis' eyes fell shut because it was too much. Harry's fingers inside of him and his tongue on his nipple.
"Fuck." He moaned when Harry pushed his fingers in as far as he could, brushing them against his prostate. It sent a shiver through Louis' already shaky body and Harry let go of his left nipple with a 'pop', before moving on to the other one, fingers not stopping for a second.
It was breathtaking how easy he could bring Louis to the edge three times in a row, in almost an hour. He knew that the more Louis came, the easier it would be to make him do it again.
Louis' thighs clenched around Harry's hand, trying to get it to stop because he was extremely sensitive and felt like he couldn't come again. It was painful yet pleasurable at the same time.
Harry looked down at Louis' body and he was in love with the way Louis' come-covered tummy clenched and unclenched which each stroke at his prostate.
"Harry, I can't." Louis pleaded when he felt like he was close again, but not really able to come.
"Yeah you can baby, you're doing so great. Come on."
Harry sped up the movement of his hands to the point where he was literally fucking Louis with his fingers, jabbing at his prostate repeatedly. Louis had tears in his eyes and couldn't help but push his hips into Harry's hand, desperately trying to get to his orgasm as fast as he could.
"That's it, you're almost there, so good for me." Harry praised.
Louis opened his eyes and struggled to turn on his side to kiss Harry, who was still fucking him with his fingers. The change of angle caused Harry to have better access at Louis' sweet spot. That made Louis come a third time all over his tummy with a small whimper.
He had tears rolling down his cheeks, which Harry softly kissed away.
"So good for me." Harry whispered and pulled his fingers out of him before wiping them down against his briefs.
Louis closed his eyes to try and even his breaths, so Harry took that time to get up and hurry over to the bathroom to get some toilet paper and wipe Louis off with it.
He slowly wiped off his stomach and then threw it in the trash, before walking back over to the bed. He kneeled over to Louis, stroking up and down his soft thighs.
"Get on your stomach." He asked and Louis shook his head.
"Harry, I can't. I literally can't." Louis told him, running a hand through his hair.
"You're so close, come on baby."
Louis sighed and turned on his stomach, just like Harry asked him. He slid his arms under the pillow, hugging it as he rested his left cheek on it.
Harry licked his lips at the sight in front of him and finally took off his underwear, setting his cock free. He wrapped a hand around himself and moaned out loud at the touch. He was already leaking and so turned on; he wouldn't last longer than ten minutes once he'd be inside Louis.
He kneaded Louis' ass cheeks for a bit, massaging them with his giant hands and pressing butterfly kisses up his back until he reached his hairline.
He pressed his chest to Louis' back, cock wedging between his ass cheeks and rutting up against Louis as he sucked on his earlobe.
"One more time and we're done, yeah?" he whispered into Louis' ear.
Louis looked back at him, nodding his head and biting his lip. His prick was squished between his own belly and the sheets, and it didn't really help his situation at all. It hurt, it really did, because his cockhead was rubbing against the sheets and it was so sensitive it made Louis shudder every uncontrollably.
Harry's hands wandered down Louis' soft back and gripped into his hips, before pulling him up so that his ass was in the air and Louis was on all fours.
His back was arched obscenely and Harry was in love.
He took hold of his shaft and pressed his tip against Louis' tight heat, before pushing in slowly, careful not to hurt him because he was in a state that went beyond 'wrecked'.
"Oh my God." Louis managed to choke out and Harry started moving, fingertips pressing into the flesh of Louis' sides.
He went slowly at first, and when he eventually picked up his pace, Louis' arms gave in once again and his face fell into the pillow. He groaned because his cock was rutting up against the sheets with each of Harry's thrusts.
The pillow was wet from his tears, and Harry would've gotten scared that he'd hurt him if he hadn't heard Louis' constant moans and pleads for more.
He gulped as he gripped into Louis' ass, stroking it as he kept thrusting in and out of him.
"Harry, I want-" Louis said but was interrupted by a particularly hard thrust against his prostate.
"What do you want?"
"I want to kiss you, please."
Harry cursed and tangled his fingers in Louis' sweaty hair, before pulling him up against his chest. Their tongues met before their lips did, in a bruising kiss. Louis began sucking on Harry's neck after that, before Harry took matters into his own hands and pushed him back onto his elbows.
He then draped himself over Louis, wrapping his arms around his stomach and pushing into him so that he could reach his prostate once again.
"I'm so close." Louis said in a shaky voice, not even having the power to reach his hand out and tug at his cock. Harry did it for him though, running his thumb over the slit of his tip just to tease him.
"We can come together."
Harry gave a deep, hard trust that hit Louis' spot just right, which caused Louis to clench around Harry's cock, and they came together with tangled moans. Louis collapsed on the sheets and passed out for a few seconds. That had Harry worrying, but then Louis opened his eyes.
Harry would have pulled out of him and pressed kisses all over his body. Harry would have cuddled him tightly as he whispered him to sleep. Harry would have told him he loved him right then and there, before they'd fall asleep together on that afternoon.
He would've done all of that... if Louis' screaming father hadn't walked in on them in that exact moment.
if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !
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Next upadate will be on September 17th :) Vote/comment if you liked it !
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