Chapter 18

So many comments on last chapter thank you :D They make my day !


Louis didn't do anything but stare for a couple of seconds. That was his father. His father. Kissing a woman. That was not his mother.

He recognized her though; she was his father's secretary. He was completely devastated and couldn't even manage to say anything. He simply turned around and started marching away, not looking anywhere but in front of him.

"Louis!" Harry called after him before he actually started following Louis out of the mall.

Louis only managed to walk around the corner before Harry caught his arm and turned him around. Louis let himself fall on the bench behind him and stared at the road in front of him for a couple of endless minutes.

Harry just sat there with him and that's all Louis needed. He needed someone to just be there for him without actually saying or doing anything.

Louis leaned his head against the backrest of the bench, close to Harry's shoulder without actually touching it. He felt like shit for not believing him.

"Lou-" Harry started, putting his arm around Louis' shoulder.

He squirmed away from the touch.

"I just-I need to be alone for a bit." He muttered and got into one of the taxis that were lined up at the end of the street.

Harry immediately got in the one behind it and told the driver to follow the one in front of them.

Louis gave the driver a ten pound bill-which was a lot more than actually needed and got out of the car without looking back. A million thoughts were swirling through his head and he just couldn't believe his eyes. That couldn't have been true. His father was an honest man; he'd never cheat on his mother. He'd never do that to his family.

But apparently he would.

He tried to get the door open but then realized that Harry had the card, so he just banged his forehead against the door, exasperated. He wanted nothing but to collapse on the bed and cry for hours with no one there to see him.

He was definitely bipolar.

"Louis, I got the key." Harry said and Louis turned his head to see Harry walking towards him.

Harry opened the door without saying anything and Louis walked in his room, not even looking to see if Harry followed him inside (he did).

He let himself fall down on the bed and buried his face in his palms, feeling tears welling in his eyes. he didn't want to cry in front of Harry.

"I'm sorry." Harry said, not moving from his place by the door.

"You can say it."

"Say what?"

"Don't play dumb." Louis muttered and looked at him.

Harry knew that Louis was really close to breaking down at crying in front of him.

"You can say that you told me so. You can tell me that I didn't listen to you and that I was really shitty for ignoring you and telling you off." Louis started blabbering, everything spilling out of him.

"Louis. It's okay-it's fine. I didn't believe my mom cheated on my dad until I saw her."

"But my father...he's..." Louis said, voice shaking and Harry knew he was so close to breaking.

"Lou." Harry softly spoke and that's when Louis really started crying. Harry stepped towards him and wrapped his long arms around the younger boy's frame.

Louis immediately sunk into his arms, gripping into his shirt as tears spilled out of him, accompanied by occasional hiccups and sobs.

He didn't want Harry to ever let him go, it was completely mesmerizing and scary at the same time how safe he felt in Harry's arms. He felt like home.

When he calmed down a few minutes later, he looked up at Harry, who wiped his tears with his thumbs.

"I want you to have sex with me."

Harry's eyes widened, not really sure he'd heard him right.

"You want me to-"

"Yes. Please. I need you to. I need you."

"'re vulnerable and you don't know what you're saying-"

"No. No. Look." Louis gulped, before he turned around and opened the bedside table, revealing the lube and condoms.

"I-I wanted to do this since before we got into that fight."

"We didn't get into a fight. You got mad at me."

"I'm sorry. You were right. But please I want this so bad."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Please. I need a distraction."

And fuck, Harry had wanted this ever since he saw Louis. He wanted to fuck him in each and every way he could, but lately he just wanted to fuck him slow and deep, like they were more than friends.

He leaned down and kissed Louis a couple of times, before actually taking Louis' bottom lip between his own. His heart was literally beating out of his chest and his pants were already tightening by the second.

Louis wrapped his arms around his neck to bring them closer together and tilted his head to deepen their kiss. Harry pulled his own shirt over his head and then Louis' letting them fall on the floor together.

"Lay down for me baby." He whispered and Louis did exactly that, leaning up on his elbows to look at Harry.

"Head on the pillow."

Louis nodded and pushed the duvet away to lay down properly, toeing off his shoes and socks in the process. Harry did the exact same thing before he pulled down his pants and boxers.

His cock sprung free and he then proceeded to straddle Louis' hips. He helped him take his pants and underwear off, so both of them would be completely exposed to each other.

He could tell Louis was nervous and all he wanted to do was make sure this was the best thing Louis would ever get to experience. He wanted to be gentle and assure him that everything would be okay.

He pulled the drawer open and got out the lube and condom, placing the latter next to Louis' head before he opened the bottle.

"You actually went out and bought this?"

Louis blushed and nodded, but Harry smiled at him reassuringly.

"That's really good. You're so good." He whispered as he ran his hands down Louis' chest, like he couldn't believe they were actually doing this.

"Stop looking at me like that." Louis said, blushing.

"I're so beautiful." Harry admitted and reached out to grab the lube. Louis was heavily breathing in anticipation and it made Harry feel better now that he knew he wasn't the only one who was incredibly nervous.

He leaned down to kiss Louis again, opening the bottle at the same time. Louis looked down at his hands, biting his lip.

"'m gonna open you up with my fingers to get you ready okay?" Harry breathed and Louis nodded, not taking his eyes off of Harry's hands.

Harry fell on the bed next to Louis, pressing his chest against Louis' side. He ran his hand down Louis stomach until he reached the opening between his legs.

Louis softly moaned when Harry's middle finger teased his hole, quickly flicking over it. He finally entered it, going all the way in to the knuckle. He pushed his index in soon after it, and that made Louis buck his hips off the bed, signaling that he wanted more.

"Feels so good Harry." He breathed and Harry bit his lip, watching Louis' red cock curling up over his stomach.

"I'm going to try three okay? Stretch you out properly."

"Yeah, go for it." Louis encouraged him.

When Harry's ring finger passed his ring of muscle, Louis moaned, face stretching into a pained expression, so Harry kissed him to attenuate the pain.

Harry was now finger-fucking him, curling and scissoring his fingers to stretch him out as best as he could without actually hurting him.

When Harry saw Louis arch his back, he knew that he'd found his prostate. He decided on pulling out his fingers and getting on top of Louis, between his spread legs.

And fuck, that was the best thing Harry had ever seen in his life; Louis all stretched out and ready for him, trusting him enough to do this.

Louis was looking right into his eyes, as if begging him to go already.

So Harry did after he pulled the duvet over his back to partially cover them both.

He gripped into the base of his own cock and brushed the tip over Louis' hole a couple of times before nudging the tip in. Louis opened his mouth to let out a breathy moan when he was already halfway in but had to stop because Louis was so incredibly tight.

"Harry...please. Do something. Please." Louis begged and Harry placed both hands on either side of Louis' head to steady himself.

Louis bucked his hips off the mattress once again, trying to create some friction between them. That's when Harry snapped out of his trance. He had been too busy thinking how intimate this felt, being under the covers with Louis and getting to fuck him.

He started moving, pushing into Louis until he bottomed out completely.

"You have no idea how fucking tight you feel Lou." Harry told him and slowly started moving back and forth, still unsure about how much Louis could handle.

"I can almost feel you in my stomach." Louis spoke and looked up to meet Harry's eyes. They were a bit glassy but so fucking blue and mesmerizing, Harry stared right back as he fucked him slowly.

Louis' eyes were probably the closest Harry would ever get to Heaven.

"No." he said when Louis tried to wrap a hand around his cock. "I want you to come untouched."

Louis whimpered at that and Harry kneeled up for a quick second to tangle both his hands with Louis', bringing them back up to Louis' head.

He started thrusting into Louis' again after that, deep and slow because he wanted to feel every single inch of him.

"Harder." Louis asked, squeezing Harry's fingers.

"Can you take it?"

"I want to."

Harry nodded, tearing his eyes away from Louis' to look down between their bodies. Louis' cock was rubbing against their chests, painfully hard and leaking precome.

He untangled their hands one after another, choosing to place his palms flat against the mattress on each side of Louis' ribs so he could get a better angle.

The moment Harry started thrusting harder into him, breathless moans coming from the both of them started filling up the room and that was the best thing Harry had ever heard.

Louis' heels were digging into the back of Harry's thighs as Harry sped up and leaned down to attach their lips. It was a bruising kiss because he was concentrating more on fucking Louis rather than properly kissing him, but Louis didn't seem to mind. He had his nails buried in Harry's back, scratching him with each move.

"Ooh G...od." Louis voice shook and Harry knew he'd hit his prostate.

His own stomach clenched at the sounds spilling from Louis' lips as he pushed against his prostate again and again. Louis was shaking and moaning right into Harry's mouth, digging his nails so hard in Harry's back he was sure they drew blood.

Harry growled because it hurt so Louis' hands left his back and came down to his lower back under the duvet, fingers pressing into the dip right over his ass. When Louis' small fingers splayed over Harry's ass, actually gripping into the flesh, Harry came right on the spot.

"Please don't s-stop." Louis whispered when Harry slowed down his rhythm to come down from his high.

"Not planning on it baby." Harry mumbled against his neck, choosing to go slower but deeper and harder.

He latched his lips onto Louis' neck, sucking and biting on the skin to mark him up as much as he could. He wanted to cover Louis in bruises, wanted to make everyone see that Louis was his and onlyhis.

"I'm so close Harry, please touch my-"

"Shhh, no." Harry whispered into Louis' neck, catching his earlobe between his lips.

Louis shuddered at that and ran his hands all the way up from Harry's thighs to his shoulder blades.

Harry then gave a really hard thrust inside of Louis that had the tip of his cock hit straight into his prostate. Louis almost screamed as he came, stomach muscles tightening and eyes closing.

Harry slowly fucked him through it, until finally coming to a halt, almost collapsing on top of Louis.

Harry pulled out and rolled on the bed next to him, before taking the condom off and throwing it on the bedside table. Louis was too euphoric to actually scold him for it.

Two minutes later, Harry finally turned his head to look at Louis, placing both hands over his stomach.

"You okay?"

Louis nodded. "Feeling a bit sore though. Like I just ran a long marathon with a stick up my ass."

Harry laughed and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before standing up. He threw the condom in the bin and fished out his boxers from the pile of clothes that were on the floor.

"'m gonna shower okay?"

Louis nodded, not opening his eyes.

While Harry showered, he still couldn't quite grasp the fact that he'd had sex with Harry. He'd had the most intimate show of affection between two people with Harry. And he didn't regret it one bit. He couldn't keep a smile off his face actually. It was unbelievable.

When Harry came out of the bathroom, he got up from the bed to shower too, but almost fell over at the sore feeling between his legs.

Harry laughed and shook his head as he sat down on the bed with a towel around his waist.

"You're going to feel that for another two or so days. I hope."

"You hope?" Louis asked incredulously as he limped towards the bathroom. When he finally disappeared inside, Harry smiled and started taking off his bracelets.

It was short after ten when Louis finally came out of the bathroom, dressed in a fresh pair of Calvin Klein boxers. He walked over to Harry's backpack and rummaged through it without any explanation until he found his favorite sweater of Harry's; the grey fluffy one.

Once he had that pulled over his head, he jumped on the bed and grabbed his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. He sent Eleanor a text about going home because he was feeling sick and that they had to talk tomorrow.

He was actually going to break up with her.

And that automatically made him think of his father cheating. He'd completely forgotten about that because he'd been so happy with Harry.

He turned his head to look at Harry, who was watching him closely from his part of the bed. He was leaning against the headboard with his phone.

His eyes feel to Harry's left wrist that was covered in faint red lines, about to turn white. He knew they had to be recent, maybe about a week old.

"I'm sorry." Louis said, almost whispering. He knew that they were because of him. Because he had treated Harry like shit for no reason at all.

"It's fine."

"No it's not. I was such a shit to you and didn't even believe you because my head was too far up my ass. But...I trust you now. Actually I trusted you before. But now more than ever. More than anyone. And that's a big deal because I rarely trust people."

Harry frowned, not really understanding what Louis meant. "You said you trusted me that day I took you out with the motorcycle."

Louis scooted closer to him under the duvet, crossing his legs under himself so that their knees were touching as they faced each other.

"No. What I mean by this is that I feel safe with you. Like, I can be myself."

"You make me feel safe too." Harry dumbly answered and gripped into the back of Louis' neck to bring their mouths together in a slow kiss.

He pushed Louis on his back so he was now on his side once again and they kissed for what seemed like hours; lazy and deep like they had all the time in the world, stopping for short breath pauses.

When Louis finally yawned against Harry's mouth, Harry decided it would be good if they went to sleep. So Louis took off the sweater and placed it by his head because it had gotten too warm, before turning on his side so his back could be against Harry's chest. He liked being the small spoon because Harry would just cover him from head to toe.

"So I'm going to break up with Eleanor tomorrow." He stated once they were in complete darkness.

Harry tensed against his back, not saying anything.

"I'm going to do it after breakfast. I don't care what she says. Or what anyone says."

When Harry still didn't respond, he started getting impatient so he turned around to face him.

"Are you hearing anything I'm saying?"

"I am."

"Then why aren't you saying anything?"

"What am I supposed to say?"


"I think you're doing the right thing by breaking up with her."

"I'm nervous."

"Why do you want to break up with her?"

"Well because I like cock and I've just lost my virginity to you." Louis answered sarcastically as he laid his head over Harry's chest, cuddling into him.

He then sighed, because he knew Harry could see past his sarcastic façade.

"She doesn't make me happy. I don't think I could spend my whole life in a lie, and then end up cheating on her with someone. It would be a waste of time."

"Did your father help you uh...realize this?"

Harry wasn't sure how Louis would react if they talked about his father cheating.

"No. You did."

"I did?" Harry asked and Louis felt his heart starting to beat faster against his ribcage.

"Yeah. You make me happy."

Harry smiled, bringing one hand up to Louis' waist. He'd said that to Louis before.

"Are you um...going to confront your father about this?"

Louis tensed up. "I don't know. I mean, I don't want him to get away with it. I just-I need some time to think. I'll probably talk to him about it if I see he's continuing the lie."

"Have you seen her before?"

Louis nodded. "She's his secretary for Christ's sake. He'd bring her over for dinner but she's also married. I just-I don't want my parents to divorce. I've got five sisters and a brother. They're young and I don't know how they'll cope with it."

"It's going to be alright." Harry tried to assure him as he rubbed circles into his skin.

"I hope so." Louis mumbled and closed his eyes, bringing his knee up to Harry's waist.

They fell asleep like that.

When Louis woke up the next morning, it dawned on him that he'd lost his virginity the night before, to Harry. He just couldn't grasp the fact that he wasn't a virgin anymore, and even more so the fact that he lost it to a guy. A guy he loved.

And then it dawned on him that he was going to break up with Eleanor today. His parents would probably find out today.

"You okay?" Harry mumbled into his hair, rubbing up and down his arm as he stirred awake.

"Mhm, why?"

"Your heart is beating really fast so you're nervous about something."

"Oh. Yeah." Louis said and sat up on the bed, stretching his arms out and cracking his back. Then he looked down at Harry, who was looking up at him with a dopey smile on his face.

"I'm going to tell Eleanor today. After breakfast. I'm just...I don't know."

"You're afraid about what your parents will say, aren't you?"

Louis nodded and Harry ran a hand up his back.

"It's going to be okay, yeah?"

Louis shrugged before he got up from the bed to go to the bathroom and get ready for the day. It would be a long, very exhausting one.

He was silent at breakfast, not even daring to meet Eleanor's eyes when she talked to him about what she'd bought the day before. He wished Harry were at the table with him.

Of course he wouldn't tell her at the table; that would be really shitty coming from him because everyone would witness what would probably be Eleanor's outburst.

"Hey Eleanor can we um, talk after breakfast?"

"Sure? Is everything okay?" she asked and he nodded, not looking at her.

Dear God.

When they finally finished breakfast she excused them from the rest of the table, before they started walking towards the exit of the restaurant.

"Why are you limping?"

Louis bit his lip. "I have a sprained ankle, no big deal."

And a sprained asshole

"So what did you want to talk about?" she asked once they sat down on a couch in the lobby.

Louis looked around to make sure no one was paying them attention because this would probably get ugly. He fiddled with his fingers as he talked.

"I'm-God. I mean I'm not God, that's not what I...mean."

Eleanor frowned, obviously confused by why Louis was acting this way.

Fuck it

I'm just gonna say it

"I think...we should break up."

Her eyes widened and her brows rose freakishly high.

"We should break up? Is this like an early first of April joke?" she asked, completely appalled by Louis' words.



Okay, she was raising her voice at him, which wasn't good at all.

"Because our relationship has felt more like business rather than a pleasure."

"Oh, do continue!" she exclaimed and stood up, propping a hand on her hip. Louis stood up too, not wanting to feel weird by sitting down.

"I think it would be unfair to you if I married you and started a life with you when I didn't even love you."

"You don't know what you're talking about! You need to take a moment and-"

"Eleanor, if you don't want us to break up, am going to break up with you. I can't do this. Being with you feels like a chore, not like something I want to be doing. You're going to find someone else who will treat you better than I did and you're going to be happy."

"You're out of your bloody mind Louis!" she yelled and pushed against his chest, almost making him trip and fall.

"It is what it is."

"You're deluded!"


"You know what, you're right. I'm going to find someone else who will treat me better, but I don't think you will find a girl who will accept you the way your are. You're whiny and greedy and not to mention you've put on some weight so good luck finding someone!" she screamed before she turned around and stomped away, almost walking into a lady.

I don't think I'll find a girl who will accept me the way I am either

But I found Harry

He sadly smiled before he followed her path, with the intention of going back into the restaurant.

She wasn't there when he sat down at the table next to Liam, who was just finishing his meal.

"I broke up with Eleanor." he said and both Liam and Barbara looked at him surprised.

"Now?" she asked.


"How'd she take it?"

"Not well. But I'm glad I finally did it."

"What are your parents going to say?" Liam questioned as he wiped his hands.

"I don't know, but they can't say anything that will change my mind. It's not like they can force me back into a relationship with her, can they?"

"I don't think so."

After breakfast they decided to go out shopping again, with the other three boys, Jade and Perrie. Barbara tried talking to Eleanor, but the girl wasn't in the mood for shopping or seeing Louis, so she decided to stay back at the hotel.

Louis didn't really mind, it meant that he could be more open with Harry.

"I broke up with Eleanor," was the first thing he said to Harry as soon as he saw him. They were in front of the mall and everyone was watching them curiously, but trying to be really secretive about it.

Harry looked down at him with surprise written all over his place, not stopping from his walking though.

"What did she say?"

"That I was 'deluded'. And that I would never find a girl who would accept me like she did."

Harry snorted and shook his head. "She didn't really accept you either. Kept pointing out stuff."

"I know. She told me that I'm fat and greedy, the fucking nerve." Louis ranted.

"The fucking nerve." Harry repeated with an amused expression.

"Do you think it's funny?" Louis questioned and crossed his arms over his chest as they stopped in line at the Starbucks right at the entrance in the mall. Barbara wanted to get some coffee and Louis would never turn down an opportunity like this so.

"Oh no baby I agree."

"With her or with me?"


Louis squinted his eyes up at him and Harry smiled down fondly.

"You are greedy."

"Exfuckingcuse you?"

"Remember last night when you went like 'please don't stop', 'please touch my-'"

Louis clasped a hand over his mouth and blushed.

"You guys had sex?" Barbara exclaimed and Louis wanted to disappear because two people in front of them turned to stare.

"Oh my God we're not discussing this in public." Louis answered, at the same time as Harry said 'yes we did'.

"So are you like, a thing now that you're not dating Eleanor anymore?" Jade asked.

"No." Louis quickly answered; before Harry could actually say it first and complete disappoint Louis.

Silence settled after that, mainly on Harry's part, who didn't say anything as Barbara and Niall bantered about something irrelevant.

"You okay?" he asked Harry a few minutes later while they were walking through Top Shop.


Louis frowned but chose to let it go.

It was only when they got back to the hotel so they would get on the bus and go home that Louis noticed Harry was being really weird. He was joking around and having a good time but then he'd get really quiet and Louis didn't like it one bit.

"What's wrong with Harry?" he asked Niall after he gave Harry the room key and told him that he'd meet him in the room.

Louis followed with Barbara and Niall to their room a few doors down from his own.

"Are you that stupid?" Barbara started before Niall could even open his mouth. The door was opened and they stepped inside, closing it behind them.

"Um, I'd like to think that I'm quite smart." Louis answered, not sure why Barbara seemed angry at him.

"Well, you seem really stupid to me. Or just plain oblivious."

"What the bloody fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that he completely likes you more than a friend and you said that you two weren't together when Jade asked you." Barbara said as she quickly packed her stuff.


"Oh God!" she exclaimed and Niall sighed.

"Babe, calm down. Look, Tommo. Thing is, I've never seen Harry as happy as he is right now. I've known him for three years and I can assure you that he's been happier in three months with you than he's been in three years put together. Of course he fuckin' likes you and I know you also like him to-"

"He loves him!" Barbara exclaimed. "And you had sex with him!"

"Let me fucking finish!" Niall said exasperated and Barbara crossed her arms, waiting for him to go on.

"He's obviously feeling like shit because you answered the question so quickly."

"But we're not together."

"Then do something about it for Christ's sake!"

"He said he doesn't want to date because he doesn't really know how to."

"But you do! You have five years worth of experience!"

"It works out perfectly." Niall added. "He teaches you about sex and you teach him about love. You complete each other."

Louis scratched the back of his neck. "I'm going to talk to him uh...about it. I'll just-I'll go now, yeah."

"See you later!" Niall called after him as he left the room.

Harry was waiting for him on the bed in their room when Louis got back, scrolling through his phone.

"We're supposed to um, check out right about now."


"You alright?"

"Sure." Harry smiled and it was a genuine smile, so Louis didn't worry about the fact that Harry was upset about before.

"What are you doing tonight?" Harry asked him as they walked down the hallway.

"Probably listening to my parents yell about the break up."

Harry shook his head. "See you tomorrow then? Text me... if you want."

The unsure tone used by Harry in the last sentence made Louis a bit sad, because Harry always told him to text; without the 'if you want' part.

The ride back to Doncaster was really awkward and filled with tension because neither Louis, nor Eleanor talked, which meant that Barbara and Liam didn't either.

He felt like he was about to pass out as soon as he stepped into the house and was met by silence.

"Louis? Can you come in the living room for a minute?" his mother called and he knew he was in trouble, judging by her tone.

"Yes?" he asked as soon as he stepped into the room. His parents were on the couch, with the TV muted off and their faces very strict.

"You broke up with Eleanor?" she questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.


"WHY?" his father asked in a loud, yet calm tone.

"Because I don't love her anymore."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T LOVE HER ANYMORE?" his father exclaimed, standing up outraged.

"I mean-"

"You had a future planned out with her! What did we invest in all these years?" His mother asked, standing up too and stepping closer to him.

"In my future! I am going to find someone else!" Louis tried to reason with them but it was to no use. They were too angry with him.

"I can't listen to this! We're going to cancel your credit cards and you're grounded until you get back with her!" she said and left the room, leaving Louis alone with his father.

Louis felt like he could cry.

"What were you thinking about boy? Do you have a single rational bone in that body of yours?" his father asked, raising his voice at him.

Louis took a step back, scared by his tone. He'd never seen his father this angry.

"Why Louis?!"

"I just don't love her."

"How can you stop loving someone!! That is a sin! You were committed to her!" his father exclaimed.

What the fuck are you even talking about

"You tell me." Louis muttered and his father immediately gripped into his chin, forcing his head up so they could make eye contact.

"What did you just say?"

"You know what I'm saying father. Don't you dare tell me that what I did was a sin when you're out there with a mistress." Louis hissed lowly so his mother couldn't hear him.

The next thing he knew was that a palm collided with his cheek, creating a loud slapping sound. Louis' cheek was horribly stinging and he had tears in his eyes because he'd never been slapped in his life.

"Don't you bloody dare speak that way to me. And if you ever as much as hint at whatever you think you know, I'll make sure you're on the next train to a boarding school." His dad threatened and Louis stepped back, rubbing his cheek.

He didn't say anything before he turned around and rushed out of the living room and up the stairs.

This was the worst day of his life.

When Louis thought the day couldn't get worse, it did. Because his mother yelled at him from downstairs that he was grounded until further notice and his dad threatened to cancel his credit cards once again.

He laid on his bed, crying because his parents were honestly the worst ones in the world. And who did his father think he was? Lecturing him about love and whatnot, when he was the one who would break this family apart.

So he wasn't really thinking when he pulled out the duffle bag out of his closet and started randomly stuffing clothes in. He also neatly packed his school uniform in because tomorrow was Monday and he couldn't miss a day of school.

As soon as he was all packed, he changed into a pair of jeans, a polo and a burgundy jacket.

He was doing this. He was running away from home.


if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !


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Next upadate will be on September 6th :) Vote/comment if you liked it !



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