Chapter 17

Thank you so much for over 200 comments on last chapter ! WoW :D

Keep them coming because they make me smile ! 


"So when is this trip again?" Louis' father asked him a week later during Sunday dinner.

"In two weeks. On the thirteenth."

"And where are you going to be staying?"

"At the Sanderson."

"And when are we supposed to pay?"

"This week probably."

"I'll be in Manchester for business that weekend." His father said.

Louis nodded, not really caring to be honest. All he cared about was that he wanted to pay for Harry's room so they could spend the night together. And it wouldn't have been that big of a deal if Louis didn't have something planned.

He was 100% sure that he wanted to have sex with Harry. He was so in love it kind of hurt and he had no idea whether Harry even liked him more than a friend or not, but he wanted Harry to take his virginity. He was also planning on breaking up with Eleanor on the very same trip. So yes, it would be a really eventful and nerve wracking one.

The next morning he decided to wear Harry's Ramones shirt at school. They didn't have a strict code other than the blazer and dress pants, but his parents liked to make sure that he always wore button ups to school.

He buttoned the blazer all the way up and swept his fringe to the right before he left his room.

Barbara was the first one to figure out that the shirt was Harry's, but only because she'd seen Harry wear the shirt before.

"Nice shirt." She complimented during lunch. "Where did you get it from, your boyfriend?"

Louis looked up and shot Eleanor a fake smile as she approached them with her tray.

"Maybe." He muttered to her just as his girlfriend sat down across from him.

"I'm so excited about the trip to London! We get the afternoon off so we can go and visit Oxford! And see where we'll live once we graduate!"

Oh God

"Yeah...that's great."

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, the uh, salad is really bad today."

She scrunched her nose up and picked up her fork to start with her chicken.

He sent Harry a text before last period while he was in the bathroom, to make sure that they were still going to Louis' uncles' hotel after school.

Louis: so are we still going today? :)

Harry: yes

Harry: you're picking me up after school? Im excited to see it :D

Louis: yes Harold im going to pick you up with the Lamborghini

Harry: I meant your ass but :/

Louis bit his lip when the bell rang to announce that class would be starting and he knew that he was going to be late. But he found himself debating whether he should do the crazy thing that had just crossed his mind.

Fuck it, he thought before he pulled down his pants and turned his back to the mirror. He opened up the front camera and took a picture of himself, making sure that he was biting his lip innocently and that his ass could be visible in the mirror.

He was blushing by the time he was pulling up his pants and clicking send. He rushed to class after that, not having time to check his phone for Harry's reply.

Louis felt the phone buzz in his pocket during class ten minutes later, and he discretely pulled it out to check it. He almost gasped at the photo Harry had sent back.

Harry: u look so good baby

There was a picture attached under that text, of the outline of Harry's hard cock in his jeans. It seemed that he'd taken the picture during class and Louis smiled not only because Harry told him that he looked good, but also because this meant that Harry was attending class and actually making an effort.

When school ended Louis couldn't have been happier. He had to wait for most of the people to leave though so they wouldn't see him driving over to the public school.

It was a quarter past three when he finally got into his car and drove it to the Harry's school.

Harry was waiting by his Bentley, arms crossed and serious expression on his face.

"Hi." Louis said after he'd opened the doors.

"Hi. Can you drive me back here after we're finished so I can get my motorcycle?" Harry asked as he got in.

"Of course."

"Nice shirt by the way."

"You think?" Louis smiled as he started driving.

"Mhm. Looks better on you."

"Sorry that you had to wait by the way. Everyone had to be gone."

"It's fine. Wanked in the bathroom so I didn't wait that long."

"Oh?" Louis gulped and tried to concentrate on the road.

"I like that you're starting to get more confident."

"I'm always confident around you, don't flatter yourself." Louis joked and Harry smiled.

"I mean with your own body."

Louis turned his head to look at Harry for a moment.

"You boost my ego." He admitted.

"I do?" Harry teased.

Louis nodded and turned on the radio.

They arrived at the hotel five minutes later and Louis gave his car keys to the valet before he turned to Harry, taking in his looks.

"You couldn't have picked another day to dress up with a basketball jersey?"

Harry looked down at himself, then back up at Louis.

"I took out my piercings though."

Louis smiled. "You look good."

"Thanks. And thanks for doing this; for talking to your uncle and everything."

"They wanted to hire a waiter anyway. And it pays okay, I asked. Thousand quid a month."

"Thousand? Holy shit."

Louis was amazed by how excited Harry got over that sum of money, in comparison to his dad, who earned that much an hour.

His uncle was waiting for them in the lobby, greeting both of them with a big smile on his face.

"Louis! Good to see you! And this must be Harry?"

"Nice to meet you." Harry said and shook his hand.

"I'll show you around for a bit and explain what you have to do so you can start working tomorrow?"

"I don't need to give an interview or?" Harry asked.

"Oh no, Louis assured me that you'd be great at the job and I trust him."

"Oh, okay then."

Louis sat down on a couch in the lobby as he waited for his uncle to show Harry around, and half an hour later they were done already.

"Do you think you're going to like it here?" he asked Harry as they made their way to the valet pick up.

"Yeah. Thank you."

Harry shot him a nice smile and Louis smiled back, getting into his car after tipping the boy.

"What are you going to do after I drop you off?" Louis asked.

"Um, 'm gonna smoke and then head back home. Got homework."

"You're going to do your homework!" Louis said, pleasantly surprised.

"I got a math test in two days and I need to pass with a good grade."

"Speaking of school, um. Are you going to London with the others?"

"I would, but I don't think I'll get paid until then."

Louis rolled his eyes. "I'm going to pay for your room."


"Well, I'll practically be paying for mine, since I'll be in it too."

"You will?"

Louis nodded.

"What about your girlfriend?"

"I can sneak out once she falls asleep. And I'm planning on breaking up with her on the trip."

Harry raised his eyebrows and then smiled.


"What do you mean why? Because I don't see myself having a future with her."

"No, I mean, why now?"

"Because..." Louis gulped, not sure if he should say something about the fact that he was completely in love with him. "I might like someone else."

Harry smiled, turning his head to look at him.

"Oh yeah, who?"

Louis shrugged. "Some punk asshole that is definitely not good for me."

"And does he like you back?"

"I don't know, does he?" Louis asked, looking at him questioningly as he slowed down in front of Harry's school.

"He might." Harry smiled and Louis felt his stomach do a backflip.

Harry opened his door and waited for it to go all the way up, before he turned to Louis once again.

"Thank you, you're really...nice. See you tomorrow."

"You can smoke your cigarette in here." Louis found himself saying in a rushed tone. He didn't want Harry to go yet.

"I can?" Harry asked surprised.

"Yeah, but we'll keep the door open."

"Okay then."

Harry leaned back into his seat and took out a cigarette from the pack he kept in the pocket of his tight skinny jeans.

Louis watched him as he lit it up and took a long drag out of it. His eyes then drifted to his left wrist, that had, to Louis' surprise, faint white lines on it.

"Your wrist is starting to um...look better."

Harry looked down at it.

"Yeah. 've been clean a month now."

"That's great! What made you stop?"

Harry chewed on his lip. "You, actually."

"I did?" Louis asked, looking him in the eye and feeling extremely proud and happy about that.

"You're staring now." Harry said.

"Because you look really hot when you smoke."

"Do you want to shotgun?"

"That's when you like, put smoke into my mouth?"

"That's it." Harry said amused.

"Okay then. You did that before though."

"I'm pretty sure it was weed then."

"Same thing." Louis said and Harry took a drag, before bringing his face to Louis'.

Louis couldn't help but make a silly face because he was so in love and Harry let out the smoke right into his face because he had to laugh.

"Stop making funny faces!" he protested but Louis shook his head.

"You look like a frog when you're outraged."


"My point exactly." Louis laughed and Harry pouted, finishing the cigarette by himself in the end.

"Well I got to go now and you do too, unless you want your parents to ground you for two more weeks."

Louis rolled his eyes. "They won't ground me."

"Whatever you say."

"I'm disappointed though." Louis admitted, heart beating faster because he was going to say this.


"I was expecting road head."

Harry's eyes widened.

Louis would never admit that he knew what 'road head' was because he'd been watching porn lately while getting himself off. He'd figured out that it wasn't as difficult to wank as he thought it would be.

So when Harry leaned over him to press the button to lock the doors, he bit his lip in anticipation.

"Road head? How about just head now?" Harry asked and Louis nodded frantically as Harry unbuckled his pants.

Harry gripped into his cock and pulled it out with ease. He flicked his tongue over the tip a few quick times before fully taking him into his mouth.

Louis closed his eyes and let his head fall back because that was the best way to enjoy this. He shuddered when Harry kissed up the underline of his cock and licked under the tip.

When he opened his eyes he found Harry staring right into his, cock filling up his mouth and precome dribbling down his chin.

He couldn't help but bring his hands up to tangle into Harry's hair, guiding him up and down his shaft. And fuck, Harry took it so well without even gagging. He hit the back of his throat repeatedly and started fucking Harry's mouth until he came with a low groan right into his mouth.

It took him a few moments to calm down and Harry sat up straight, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Good?" he asked and Louis nodded.

"Do you want me to-"

"No, it's fine." Harry assured him even though Louis felt a bit guilty.

"You sure?"

"Yes, Louis."

"Okay then."

"See you tomorrow then." Harry said and leaned over, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth before getting out of the car.

Louis waited to make sure that Harry drove away safe and only after that he started his car to drive home.


"How is it?" was the first thing Louis said when Harry called him the next day while on break.

"It's really good! Someone tipped me twenty quid! Twenty!" he said excitedly into the phone.

Louis laughed. "I knew you'd like it. When do you get off?"

"When you decide to get me off." He answered and could image Louis blushing at that.

"No, but seriously now."

"At seven I think. My shifts are four hours long."

"I can do the math." Louis said and Harry could hear him smile.

The door to the kitchen opened and Amy, one of the waitresses came in with an order.

"Harry, the VIP table in the back needs a waiter and you're the only one who's free. Table five."

"Gotta go Lou, and you're still driving me to work tomorrow yeah?"

"Of course. Bye."


Harry hung up and slid his phone into the back pocket of his jeans before he turned around and grabbed the small notepad from the counter.

He knew where the VIP tables were; there was a smaller room in the back with the tables set much more elegantly and bigger chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Not to mention that the lighting was dimmer and there was even a private concert on a small stage going on.

He quickly found table five, right in the corner by the door. He could swear that he recognized the man sitting on one of the chairs but he couldn't quite place him.

"Hello, I'll be your waiter this evening, Mr....?"

"Tomlinson. Christian Tomlinson."



Should Harry maybe mention that he knew Louis? He wasn't completely sure that this was Louis' dad, only 95%.

"And you must be Mrs. Tomlinson then." He smiled down at the brown haired woman.

"Oh, n-"

"We're here on business." Louis' father interjected, as if Harry had asked about the occasion. "We'd like a bottle Chateau Margaux and two menus."

"Sure, coming right up." Harry said, eyeing the lady curiously. He'd seen Louis' mother before and that was definitely not her. And he had the feeling that this wasn't just a normal business meeting.

He got the wine bottle Mr. Tomlinson had requested and was not really surprised when he saw that it was the most expensive wine they had, costing almost one hundred thousand quid. It was kind of ridiculous but Harry knew Louis.

He smiled at the thought of Louis as he walked back to the table with two menus under his arm and a wine bottle in the other.

He'd decided to pretend that he didn't know Louis until they were about to leave and he'd figured out whether this was a mistress or not.

They ended up ordering the most expensive thing on the menu (of fucking course), and Harry could see why Louis was so anxious about telling his dad about wanting to break up with Eleanor. Mr. Tomlinson didn't hesitate to shamelessly check out Harry's tattoos and make a disgusted face at them. He seemed very patronizing.

When he finally returned to their tables twenty minutes later with their plates in hand, he almost dropped them. Because Mr. Tomlinson was kissing his business...whatever. That wasn't Mrs. Tomlinson and if Harry knew one thing for sure, it was that Louis took pride in the fact that his parents were the perfect example of love.

He bit his lip and set the plates down in front of them once they've stopped kissing, asking if they needed anything else.

"No, we're good. Thank you."

They asked for the bill thirty minutes later, after they'd eaten dessert. Harry asked about Louis as soon as he placed the bill on the table:

"Are you by any chance Louis' father?"

He saw Mr. Tomlinson freeze and he knew it. Louis' dad was cheating.

"You know Louis?"

Yes sometimes I eat his ass and I also really like him

"Vaguely. I also know that he thinks very highly of you."

Mr. Tomlinson seemed to have caught Harry's drift because he was nervously chewing on his lip now.

"Well then. Hope you had a good time and enjoyed your meal. Come back soon." Harry said nicely and clasped his hands together before turning around and leaving.

When he returned (after he made sure Mr. Tomlinson was gone), he opened the small booklet in which Mr. Tomlinson had left the money, only to see that he'd left a really generous tip of five hundred quid in there. The wine had been on the house (since Mr. Tomlinson's brother owned the place), and they've only eaten food worth three hundred.

Harry knew he was being bribed. He also knew that telling Louis about his dad cheating would absolutely destroy him.

But he would tell Louis tomorrow, because Louis would never forgive him if he found out about his father and that Harry already knew and didn't tell him.


"Hi." Was the first thing Harry said to Louis the next day.

Louis smiled at him and leaned over so their lips could meet.

"Hey. How was school?"

"It was good mom." Harry answered and Louis shook his head as he pulled out of the school's parking lot.

"How was the test?"

"Good. I mean, I think I'm going to get a really good mark."

"That's great. See? I told you that if you'd get really ambitions and determined you'd do good! I'm proud of you."

Harry smiled, but then remembered what he had to tell Louis.

"Oh, and funny thing! Your dad was yesterday at the hotel having dinner. Or late lunch."

"He was?"

Okay, so Louis didn't know about it.

"Yeah." Harry said slowly. "I was his waiter."

"And did you ask about me?"

"I did, actually. To make sure he was your dad."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing. He gave me a generous tip though."

It was Louis' turn to smile.

"He was...was he with your mother?"

Louis frowned. "No? I think it was something business related, or a relative."


"What?" Louis asked confused, turning his head to look at him.

"'s just-that didn't look like they were relatives."

"What do you mean?"

"They were kissing."

Louis breath hitched in his throat and Harry stopped breathing as he watched him. The next thing he knew was that the car abruptly stopped on the side of the road.

"Get out." Louis said sternly, not even looking at Harry.


"Get out." He repeated.

"But I didn't-"

"How dare you say that about my father? Accuse him of doing such a thing? He would never cheat on my mom! Never! Just because your parents didn't work out doesn't mean mine won't!"

"Lou I-"

"Don't 'Lou' me! Get out of the car!"

Harry sighed. "Fine. But don't say that I didn't tell you."

Louis didn't look at him when Harry got out of the car and closed the door.

He didn't even wait for Harry to walk away, he just sped off. His mind was racing in sync with his heart and he was sure that Harry had made everything up. His father would never cheat on his mother.

He was sure of it.


The second Friday finally came, which meant that they would travel to London, right after school.

Their economics teacher, Mr. Lance (the one who was organizing the trip) had booked a bus (an ACTUAL bus) that would drive them from their school to London. The drive would take about four hours so they would arrive at the hotel around seven.

He hadn't talked to Harry since last Wednesday, when he was told that his father allegedly cheated on his mother. That was outrageous and Louis thought that maybe this was because he didn't want to be the only one with divorced parents.

He decided that he needed to let go of the whole Harry thing for the weekend and try to have a good time on the trip. He still wanted to break up with Eleanor though.

"You don't seem excited about the trip." Barbara said that day at lunch.

"Have no reason to be." He muttered, looking around to see if Eleanor was anywhere near them.

"Why not?"

"Got in a fight with Harry. 's nothing."

"What did you fight about?"

"I don't want to talk about it to be honest."

"Oh. Okay? You know he's still coming though right?"

Louis didn't know if Harry was actually coming; they hadn't talked in over a week and maybe he had some common sense in him.

To be quite frank, Louis was also disappointed about the fact that they were currently 'fighting', because he'd planned to have sex with Harry over the weekend. He even packed lube and condoms, and looked up tips online. And in spite of it all going to waste, Louis still had those packed in a secret pocket of his trolley.

When Eleanor kissed his cheek that day after school, he couldn't do anything but smile; she had no idea that he was planning on ending things with her on Sunday.

The bus had stopped right in front of their school at fifteen past three, just as planned. Everyone had already changed into something more comfortable in the changing rooms before they handed over their luggage and got on the bus.

Louis was sitting next to Liam and Eleanor next to Barbara, right across from them. He wanted to ask Liam about Zayn, but he knew he couldn't because Eleanor was right next to them.

Two hours into the drive, Liam leaned in closer to whisper in Louis' ear:

"Zayn told me that you and Harry had don't talk anymore. Is everything okay?"

Louis nodded and he knew in the back of his mind that he was completely overreacting but he was so scared that Harry might be right, it was easier to blame someone else than his own father.

"What did he say to you exactly? Or what did he do?"

"He just-it's not important. He lied about something and I'm really pissed at him. That's all."

"You'll work it out."

"Why do you even want us to?"

"Because you're at your best when you're with him Louis. You don't think about yourself, you don't try to prove yourself to him and he makes you a better person. He makes you want to be yourself, and that's all that matters. So whatever it is that you two are fighting about, you're going to get over it because you both care about each other but are too stubborn to admit it."

"That's bullshit." Louis mumbled, even though he knew that Liam was right.

"Skinny love, is what it is."

"Skinny love? What does that even mean?"

Liam shrugged, telling him to look it up before he leaned his head against the window and looked at the road.

They arrived at the Sanderson hotel shortly after half past seven.

"When is um, Zayn coming?" Louis asked Liam.

Liam probably knew that Louis was indirectly asking about Harry's arrival.

"They're going to be here at eight. I don't know if Harry's coming though."

And that definitely was not disappointment in Louis' heart. It wasn't.

At eight o'clock he was already in his room, placing his trolley next to the bed. He sat down on it and pulled his phone out to google whatever 'skinny love' meant.

Skinny Love: when two people love each other but are too shy to admit it but they still show it

Louis scrunched his nose up and closed the page. Maybe Liam was right. Maybe he was too stubborn to admit the fact that he was completely head over heels for Harry.

He showered before he dressed up with a plain crimson shirt from YSL, blue jeans and his black converse. It seemed to be quite cold outside so he chose to put on a beanie too, just in case his ears would start freezing.

They had to meet up at nine for dinner in the restaurant next to the lobby, but the last thing Louis wanted to do was eat. He hoped that Harry also came to London with Zayn and Niall; he just wanted to know that Harry was there, even though they weren't talking.

He grabbed the leather jacket out of his trolley and pulled the card out from the door, before leaving the room. Everyone was already at the restaurant when he got there. He sat down between Liam and Eleanor.

During dinner the four teachers that accompanied them started talking about tomorrow's schedule. They were meeting up at nine for breakfast, and they had to be at the Buckingham Palace at half past ten. Then they'd go visit the Big Ben and Madame Tussauds. They'd eat lunch in the city before going to the London Eye. After that they'd be free to do whatever they please until eleven. On Sunday they could go shopping or do whatever until noon, when they would be leaving.

They finished dinner at ten and Barbara suggested that they'd go out to a bar with Niall, Zayn and Harry. Louis almost slipped by asking surprised if Harry was actually there, but caught himself at the last minute.

So that's how he ended up with Eleanor gripping into his arm (because he just couldn't hold her hand anymore) as they walked down the sidewalk by their hotel, heading towards the Irish bar located right around the corner.

Her hands slipped further down his arm until their fingers were touching but they weren't really holding hands. And it was the first time ever that Louis felt tired of being with her; she was talking his ear off about a shop they really had to visit on Sunday. Louis wanted to scream out at her, tell her to leave him alone.

Zayn, Niall and Harry were already at the bar, sitting in a booth in the corner.

Louis' breath caught in his throat the moment he made eye contact with Harry, who was the first one to break their intense stare-down.

His heart was literally beating out of his throat when he sat down across from him, between Eleanor and Barbara. Eleanor was still oblivious about Zayn and Liam, and Louis really hoped they wouldn't show any signs of affection towards each other in her presence.

Everyone started talking about London and how excited they were, except of Louis and Harry, who had been silent throughout the whole night.

Louis could see Harry looking at him a couple of times, thinking that he was being subtle, when he really wasn't.

They left the bar a bit past eleven, because they had a strict rule about being in their rooms at eleven o'clock sharp. They'd probably get shit from their teacher for being late, but the others seemed to have had a good time so they didn't really care.

It was almost midnight and Louis was under the blankets in Eleanor's room (he tried telling her that he wanted to sleep in his own room but failed), when he heard someone knocking at the room next door, which was actually his.

He got out of bed without waking her up and opened the door to see Harry there with a backpack over his right shoulder. Harry was staring at his feet, chewing on his bottom lip as he waited for Louis to respond.

He still hadn't noticed Louis when he leaned his forehead against the door.

"Louis please open the door. Come on, I'm tired."

Louis sighed and that made Harry turn his head.

"I'm uh-I'm in Eleanor's room."

"Oh...well um can you-will you let me in? I mean I know you're not talking to me but I really need a place to sleep."

Louis nodded.

"Yeah sure."

He went back in Eleanor's room to get his card from the bedside table, and before he could think about it, he closed the door behind himself, automatically locking himself out of her room.

"Fuck." He cursed when he realized it.

He opened his own room and entered before Harry, who closed the door after him.

"You're locked out now." Harry observed and let his backpack fall at the door.

Louis didn't answer him; he just got into bed and pulled the covers up to his chin. Harry sighed and looked for something through his bag. He pulled out a small silver bottle that Louis knew had alcohol in it.

He watched Harry pull off his shirt and pants, before going to sit down at the edge of the bed. Harry opened the bottle and took a long gulp.

He fell asleep with Harry drinking god knows what out of the tiny silver bottle.

When he woke up at half past eight, Harry was sleeping next to him, with his back to Louis. Louis didn't wake him up when he got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom.

He got dressed with a white shirt that had blue stripes, black suspenders and the same blue jeans as the day before.

Louis left his card in the room, only taking his bag, because he counted on Harry to take care of the card and not lose it.

He didn't see Harry for the rest of the day, until after they visited the London Eye and were allowed to do whatever until eleven o'clock. They were joined by Perrie, Jade and the other three boys at six in a pub, so they could figure out what everyone wanted to do. Finally, after almost half an hour of bickering, they decided that they'd go to the mall to do some shopping.

"I'm really not in the mood." He sighed when Eleanor asked him to go with her to Sephora. "'m tired."

She scoffed. "Fine then, I'll just go alone. You can just sit on your ass at Starbucks."

That's what he actually ended up doing; sitting on a bench with a Latte in one hand and his phone in the other. He saw Harry approaching with the corner of his eye, but pretended to be too busy to notice him.

Harry sat down right next to him with a bottle of beer in hand, not saying anything though. Louis felt like the silence between them was suffocating but before he could say anything, he saw something that made him do a double take.

"What?" he whispered to himself and Harry looked up.


Louis stood up and Harry followed his gaze until he saw.


"Just a second."

Louis started walking towards the restaurant right across from Starbucks. He stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted him. He'd recognize that Versace blazer anywhere.

His throat clogged up and he couldn't say or do anything but watch his father kiss another woman over the table.


if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !


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I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter ;)

Updates will continue weekly as usual, but once Uni starts to actually get serious (usually 2 weeks in) I will post on weekends. If my calculations are correct, this story will finish being posted on the 4th of October !

Next upadate will be on September 3rd :) Vote/comment if you liked it !



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