Chapter 16

Wow so many lovely comments on last chapter, thank you :) And thank you for waiting because I was on holiday


Louis had been avoiding Harry like the plague for the past week. Well, he hadn't been avoiding him per se (they didn't cross paths yet and it was already Wednesday), but he still liked to think he was.

Ever since he'd realized that he was in love with Harry three days ago, he'd been really freaking out because he wasn't supposed to fall in love with someone (especially when he had a girlfriend he was going to marry), let alone a boy.

He really wanted someone to talk to, he really did but he had no idea who to approach. Liam was too caught up in his relationship with Zayn (they were basically married already-it was disgusting), Jade had been absent from school that week and Perrie was dealing with relationship issues. Eleanor was out of the question and Barbara was-Barbara.

Louis knew he couldn't approach her at school (because of the fear of someone hearing him), so he was planning on talking to her after school.

Another thing he'd realized during a boring math lesson was that he really wanted to break up with Eleanor. Their relationship was like dead weight on his shoulders, holding him down from what he actually wanted. He didn't want a relationship with Harry (he knew that Harry would never want that); all he knew is that he wanted Harry. All of him.

The six hours at school that day couldn't have passed slower, Louis was sure of it. So after he'd kissed Eleanor goodbye and made sure she had driven off in her Bentley, he turned to look for Barbara.

Louis spotted her right at the crosswalk, so he quickly started walking over to her.

"Hey!" he greeted and got in line with her.

"Hey Louis, what's up?" she smiled back.

"I need to talk to you about something. Something serious."

"Then it must wait, because I'm just about to say goodbye to Niall for the day."

"He's not coming over?"

"They have another period."

"Oh, okay."

He walked with her to the side of the school building, where a couple of people smoked like nobody was watching.

Zayn and Niall were there, in a what seemed to be a deep discussion. Barbara kissed him on the cheek as a form or greeting and they stopped talking, turning their heads to Louis.

"What's going on? What were you talking about?" Barbara asked.

"Harry's at school today."

"What? Seriously?"

"Yes, and he doesn't have bags under his eyes as usual. It's weird." Zayn said and took the cigarette back to his lips.

Louis smiled to himself. He liked to think that he was partially the reason Harry was starting to get better.

"Well we came here to just say goodbye and are we still doing London?"


"Yeah, we're planning on getting them to come to London with us this March."

"March? Wasn't it April?"

"The committee decided it was better if it was in March."

"Are they even allowed on our school trips?"

"No, but they can get rooms in our hotel."

"Is uh...Harry coming too?"

"He said he can't pay for a room."

"Well I can pay!" Louis rushed. He was pathetic, really.

Zayn smirked. "I'll tell him that."

"Okay. Well, we better go now." Barbara said after the bell rang.

"See you later baby." Niall spoke and kissed her, before he followed Zayn towards the entrance.

"So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Barbara asked Louis once they were on their way back to their cars.

"Uh...I think-I want to break up with Eleanor."

"Whoa, what? How come?"

"I'm in love with Harry."

It was so weird, saying that out loud to someone, it was like he was finally admitting it to himself.


"Yeah, but please don't judge me. And don't tell anyone, not even Niall."

"I won't tell and I'm definitely not judging you. It's just sudden, that's all. I didn't think you two were that close."

"Well...technically we're not but I'm just strangely in love with him."

"How are you planning on breaking up with Eleanor?"

"I haven't figured it out yet but-I can't just do it. Our families have it all planned out and I'm not even sure I'll ever find someone else-"

"You found Harry."

"But he doesn't-he doesn't want a relationship. He said that he wouldn't know how to treat someone properly."

"Oh he knows, I can tell you that. He's a romantic at heart but he's too proud to admit it."

Louis sighed. "I know. So what should I do?"

"Let him know how you feel, and if he feels the same then you should definitely break up with Eleanor."


"Because you and Harry are meant to be."

"What? We're literally polar opposites."

"Exactly, you complete each other."

Louis' eyes fell to the ground. Everything was so messed up; he had no idea what to do.

He decided to go on a drive to clear his head before he actually got home to his homework and all that boring stuff.

Louis didn't know how or why it happened exactly, but fifteen minutes later he found himself stopping in front of a big building he saw as he passed by. A really irrational idea came to him and he couldn't actually believe he was debating it. But he was doing this. He was.

He quickly drove back home and didn't even waste time on eating, before he looked through the envelopes filled with money in the secret drawer, picking out three really fat ones.

He spotted Harry fifteen minutes after three pm while he waited for him, illegally parked on the sidewalk in front of the public school. He honked once, and it was enough to get everyone's attention, including Harry's.

Harry frowned and said something to his group of friends, before he started walking over. Louis pressed the button to his side and the doors opened up, and he was extremely aware of the fact that people were literally filming the car.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked but got in anyway, putting the backpack at his feet.

"I want to buy you something for your birthday."

"My birthday was two weeks ago. And you already got me something."

"Yes but I think you'll like this more."

"Okay?" Harry asked, unsure as to what Louis' intentions were. Louis didn't know what had came over him either, but he wanted to give Harry everything.

He stepped on the gas pedal, causing the Lamborghini to make a loud noise. He smirked and Harry shook his head, trying to push down a smile.

"You're such a show off." He told Louis once he started driving away.

"You absolutely loved it, shut up."

"So where are we going?"

"Um...this is going to seem kind of weird, but you'll see."

"It's not like, something, really expensive right? I don't like when you act like my sugar daddy."

"Sugar what?"

"Sugar daddy? You know, when someone has a lot of money and spoils someone else."

"I don't mind."

"Yeah, but I do. I feel bad every time you buy something for me."

"I never bought you anything, except of those pills Harry."

"Well-seriously? What is this?" Harry asked in awe when Louis stopped in front of the motorcycle rental building.

"What is this? You want to rent a motorcycle for me?"

"No, I want to buy you one."

Harry's eyes widened.

"You're fucking crazy. You can't just buy me a motorcycle."

"I can. Don't you want me to?"

"Of course I do! But I feel bad."

"Come on, I want to. It's not like I have anything else to do with the money other than hoard it."

"You're out of your fucking mind. You should save up for a yacht or a house with Eleanor or some shit."

"Okay first, I already have money for a yacht, second, I'm planning on breaking up with Eleanor."

"What? Are you high or something?"

Louis rolled his eyes. "I don't-I'm gay."

Harry raised his eyebrows. This was the first time Louis actually said that out loud.

"And I don't think it's fair to her to make her believe that we'll have a life together when I'm clearly not, lady bits."

And I'm also kind of in love with you but that's...whatever

"Lady bits." Harry repeated, amused.

"Please stop mocking me, this is serious."

Louis parked the car and they got out of it after Harry tried to convince Louis that this was a bad idea but failed.

"I honestly have no idea what you're on right now, but you're going to regret spending money on me like this."

"Can you just accept the fact that I want to make you happy? Your mother promised you a motorcycle and since she didn't get it for you, I will."

"You know that I won't be able to pay you back for it, right?"

"Yes." Louis groaned as they entered the building.

They walked up to the front desk, Harry unsurely trailing behind Louis.

"Hello. I'd like to buy a motorcycle."

"Uh...we don't sell. We only rent." The man behind the counter said, looking Louis up and down.

"How about you count this money and tell me if you can do something about it?"

Louis sometimes loved the fact that he was rich, he wasn't going to lie.

The man stared at him for a moment, before he took the three envelopes from Louis and opened them. His eyes widened at the bills inside and he pulled them out, putting them all through a money counting machine. He set them to hundred pound notes, before pressing a button that made the machine start working.

"You're mental." Harry whispered in Louis' ear and Louis shrugged, not even noticing when he leaned back against Harry's chest.

He only became aware of it when Harry wrapped an arm around his waist but he didn't really want to move. The man behind the counter-Jack, the nametag read-looked at them for a moment, before the machine stopped and showed the money count.

"Is that enough?" Louis asked with an innocent smile on his face.

"More than enough sir."

Louis smirked and Harry pinched his hip before pulling away from him.

"Lead the way then." Louis told the man.

They were taken to a big gallery of motorcycles that looked brand new and even though Louis didn't want to buy Harry something that had been used before, he knew he had to settle for these.

"Do you have any new ones? That haven't been used before?"

"We have some that are going to be put up for rental only next month."

He showed them six different motorcycles, and of course Harry picked the cheapest one.

"I didn't come all the way here for you to pick the cheapest one. How about the Bentley?"


"How much is it?"

"Fifty thousand."

"I'm going to faint." Harry said and Louis smiled.

"Just get on it, see if it fits."

"It's not a shoe, Louis. Of course it fits." Harry spoke and swung a leg over it so he could properly sit.


"Great, we'll take it."

"Do you want helmets or?"

"Uh?" Harry asked, turning to look at Louis.


"How about this one?"

Harry held a black helmet in front of Louis, who shrugged.

"It's not like I'm going to wear it."

"You're not planning on getting one?" Jack asked and Louis shook his head.

"There's no way I'm going to get on one of these things in my life."

"Oh. I just assumed-oh."

"What did you assume?"

Louis had a bad habit of being extremely forward with people who seemed to be thinking less of him.

"That you two were together and were planning on-"

"Well, we're not." Louis rushed, cheeks heating up.

"You still have to get a helmet though. Maybe you'll change your mind." Harry said and Louis shook his head once again.

"What if I fly off the back of it or something?"

"Don't be stupid." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Get me one. But I want the blue one. And do you have one of those wheel locks things with alarm? So it won't get stolen?"

"Of course."

After they'd bought the helmets, a wheel lock and signed the papers, Harry gave the man their address where they could deliver the motorcycle.

"You alright?" Louis asked when they got back into the car.

"'s just-I don't know how to react to this."


"I'd never had someone do this for me before. It's weird and overwhelming."

"Aren't you happy though? I just want to see you happy."

"You're trying to buy my happiness?"

"No! Of course not. Money doesn't buy happiness." Louis found himself saying and whoa, what? A few weeks ago he would have never said that, not even if someone had held a gun to his head.

"You're literally on drugs today." Harry said and smiled, so Louis knew they were okay.

He really wasn't trying to buy Harry's affection or anything; he genuinely wanted to get him his birthday present and indirectly show him that he really liked him.

He dropped Harry off at his house and after Harry assured him that he'd manage the whole delivery thing, Louis drove back to his house with a bright smile on his face.

He was so fucked.

It was Friday before fourth period when his iPhone buzzed into his pocket, signaling that he had a new message. He leaned against the wall in the hallway, opening it.

He bit down a smile when he saw that it was from Harry, before he clicked on the icon to view the message.

Harry: skip fourth period and come meet me behind my school

Louis' heart started beating faster because there was no way in hell he could skip without his parents finding out about it. But he still wanted to do it; he wanted to see Harry. He decided to excuse himself to the bathroom in the first ten minutes, and then never return to the lesson.

"Liam!" he called out when he saw Liam walking down the hallway, talking to Tom.

Liam turned around and smiled, before saying something to Tom, who nodded and left.

"I need you to do me a favor." Louis told him, lowering his voice.


"Um...I'm going to meet Harry this period and I need you to get my books after class."

"Okay? Sure, I guess. Zayn told me that he started taking school seriously, by the way."

"That's nice." Louis said idly and they walked to class together, with Liam taking his ear off about Zayn.

His heart was beating up in his throat the first five minutes of the economics lesson, and he knew his lip had to be bleeding by now from so much biting.

"Miss?" he asked, raising his hand out of a sudden.

"Yes Mr. Tomlinson?"

"Can I be excused? I need to use the toilet. I feel...ill."

"Of course."

He smiled at her and stood up, before he quickly hurried out of the room. He was lucky that the economics class didn't have a view of the front yard because then they'd be able to see him sneaking off.

He quickly hurried across the front yard of his school, praying to God that no one would recognize him by the back of his head. He smirked when he saw the motorcycle he'd bought Harry nicely parked in one of the parking spots, with the wheel lock and all that.

Harry was waiting for him behind his own school, hands in his pockets while staring at the ground.

Harry smiled and turned around so Louis could follow him. He pulled Louis against him once they were behind a tree where no one could see them, pressing their lips together.

He pushed Louis against the tree, accidentally hitting him in the back of his head in the process.

"Oops." He said when Louis rubbed the spot.

"Hi." Louis said as he looked up at Harry.

Harry leaned back down, opening Louis' mouth with his tongue and they kissed for two minutes before they had to pull away for a small break of air.

"So any reason you called me here during class?"

"I wanted to see you."

"I see you like your birthday present."

"I do. Thanks."

"What did everyone else say?"

"They like it."

"Don't tell anyone it's from me. Just our friends."

"Everyone at school, and also my mother thinks I stole it so it's okay." Harry laughed and Louis smiled at that.

"I'm going to drive to Sheffield today after school, test it out a bit."

"Why would you drive to Sheffield?"

"Just because. Do you want to come with?"

"I'm not getting on that thing, I already told you."

Harry pouted; widening his eyes and Louis rolled his, because Harry was being ridiculously cute.

"And why would you go? Do you even have a reason?"

"I don't need to have a reason for everything I do. I like doing things because I feel like it."

"But they can affect your future."

"I don't like thinking about the future."

Louis brought his hand to grip into the back of Harry's head and pressed their lips together in order for them to change the subject. And also because he felt butterflies whenever Harry touched him, or did as little as look at him.

Harry's lips trailed down his neck, kissing and licking but not enough to leave a bruise. Louis wanted him to though. He wanted Harry to mark him up in every way possible, everywhere possible so people could see that Louis was taken.

And the worst thing was that he wasn't actually taken by Harry, he probably never will be. But he was optimistic by nature, so he hoped for the best; as usual.

"So what do you say? Are you coming or not?"

"Well I wouldn't mind to come." Louis answered, high fiving himself in his mind for the amazing line.

Harry smiled. "I've corrupted you baby."

And okay, that shouldn't have made Louis' stomach turn inside out.

"I'll think about it. And I should get back before the teacher notices something is wrong."

"Tell them you ate a really bad caviar or something."

Louis shook his head but smiled; he loved it when Harry playfully teased him.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked when he saw Louis debating something.

"How can I get back without anyone seeing my face as I walk."

"Here." Harry said and took off his grey jacket. "Pull the hood over your head and no one will recognize you."

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Louis muttered as he slipped his arms in the sleeves of Harry's jacket. It was warm and fluffy on the inside, as well as the outside, not to mention it smelled good. And the fact that it was so big on him was even better.

"I'll text you." He told Harry who pecked his lips one more time before watching him walk away towards his school.

He got to his locker first to drop the jacket off and then walked to class.

"You spent quite some time in the toilet." The teacher noticed as Louis sat down, throwing a look at the clock. It was already half past.

"Uh...I had some really bad caviar for breakfast." He found himself saying, with a small smile playing on his lips.

During break he texted his dad, asking him if he could spend the night at Liam's. When he got a confirmation text back, he opened the conversation with Harry.

Louis: I'll be at your house at five

Harry: wear something warm

Louis: yes mom

Harry: id rather u call me daddy

Louis squealed, locking his phone and looking around with flaming cheeks.

At home he wore Harry's jacket the whole time. He would never admit it, but he felt cute and tinyunder the huge garment. Maybe even sexy, but that was definitely not something he'd even think of.

Around half past four he'd already packed a backpack filled with a pair of Calvin Klein briefs, a new toothbrush and his glasses. He slung it over one shoulder and looked at himself in the mirror once more, before he left his room to go to Harry's. His helmet was also at Harry's, since his parents would probably ask too many questions if they'd ever find it in his room. And yes, he was actually going to walk all the way over to Harry's because he may or may not know the way.

"I brought a backpack." Was the first thing he said when he saw Harry sitting on the front steps of his house, smoking.

"Put it on my bed inside."

"Is your mom home?" Louis asked, looking around for her car.

"No. She's got a late shift today and then she's going out."

"Wasn't there any party tonight?"

"Yes, but you're way more entertaining. And important."

Louis tried to play it cool and stop a smile from bursting out on his face as he walked upstairs to Harry's room to drop off his backpack and grab the helmet.

He'd even dressed properly; a leather Armani jacket (the only one he owned), black skinny jeans, an Abercrombie&Fitch polo and black Converse.

"This seems really dangerous, I don't know if I want to." Louis said when Harry put the keys in the ignition of the motorcycle.

"Just get on it."

Louis sighed and pulled the helmet on, before climbing on it with Harry's help-so what if he was a bit short? He liked it actually, it meant that Harry had to baby and manhandle him, which kind of turned him on.

"This is fucking crazy, I'm not doing this. Let me down." Louis said once had Harry climbed on the motorcycle in front of him.

"Yes you are, stop being a baby."

"I can't do this."

Harry turned his head to look at him.

"Do you trust me?"


Louis' eyes drifted to the ground for a moment as he debated whether he should let Harry know that he trusted him with his entire life for whatever reason.

"Okay. Fine."

Harry nodded and turned his head back to the road. The moment they started moving, Louis wrapped his arms tightly around Harry's torso. He'd never held onto something as tightly as he was right now. And if half of the reason was because he wanted to feel Harry's toned back against his chest, well, that was nobody's business but his own.

They arrived in Sheffield at quarter to six, in front of a big mall.

"You brought me to Sheffield to visit a mall?"

"I didn't come to Sheffield to visit anything, but we could go check out a church if you want princess." Harry replied as he got down from the motorcycle.

They put the helmets in the small bag attached to the back of the motorcycle, before they started walking towards the entrance of the mall.

"You hungry?" Harry asked and Louis shrugged, but then nodded.

"KFC okay?"


"Oh Christ."

"What? It's a fast food thing isn't it?"

"It is."

Apparently, it was quite a popular chain because they literally had to wait five minutes in line for some crispy strips and hot wings. It was outrageous, but they managed to find a small booth to sit in.

"So it probably has a lot of calories, right?" Louis asked after he bit into one of the hot wings.

Harry rolled his eyes. "You still on that? I already told you that I'll still like you if you get fat."

"You like me?" Louis asked, without thinking it through.

"What?" Harry pretended as if nothing had happened.

"You like me." Louis repeated.

"Um...well, I mean. I do. More than I should."

"More than you should?"

"It's a good thing."

"Okay then." Louis said, but a huge, dopey smile spread over his face.

"Stop smiling like that."

"I can't."

Harry found himself smiling too, and that's how they continued eating; with big smiles on their faces that were smeared with greasy hot sauce.

"You know what I like about going to another town?" Harry asked when came out of the bathroom, after they washed their hands.


"The fact that no one knows who I am. I can do anything and no one will ever see me again."

"Like what?"

"Like this." Harry said and suddenly pulled Louis towards him, pressing their lips together.

"Harry!" Louis exclaimed, quickly looking around to see if anyone had noticed, but people weren't even paying attention to them.

"I need to get new aviators, and you need to try out Starbucks."

"Why do I need to try Starbucks?" Harry asked and followed Louis into the Ray Ban store.

"Because I tried every single fat food you've introduced me to.


It wasn't long before Louis found a pair that he actually liked and showed them to Harry after he made sure he looked good with them on.

"Are you serious? These are almost two hundred quid! You can get glasses that look just like this for ten!" Harry exclaimed when he checked the price tag.

"Yeah but then I'll know they aren't from a real brand and then I won't feel good about myself."

"If you need money to feel good about yourself then you've got a problem."

"Whatever, I don't expect you to understand." Louis mumbled and turned away from Harry, deciding on giving him the silent treatment to see if he really cared.

He paid for his sunglasses without saying a word, then marched out of the store, knowing that Harry was right on his heels.

"Are you seriously not talking to me now?" Harry asked when they got in line at Starbucks.

Louis raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, propping a hand on his hip as he waited.

"You're ridiculous." Harry laughed and swung a hand over his shoulder, pulling Louis into him. And as much as Louis would've wanted to pull away just to prove a point, he felt himself relaxing into Harry's touch.

"Still mad?" Harry asked and Louis fixed his fringe as he stared up at the menu, even though he already knew what he was going to order.

"Babeeeeee." Harry drew out and put the other hand around Louis's shoulder so they would properly face each other now.

Louis averted his eyes and was kind of proud of himself because he was managing to hold down a smile. He loved Harry's attention.

Harry pouted then ran his tongue over his bottom lip, which definitely got Louis' attention because he was staring.

"You're not mad." Harry smiled and Louis rolled his eyes as Harry pulled him closer into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and sighed because he was too weak to actually stay mad at him. Which was a bad thing; he didn't want Harry to think that he could get away that easily.

"So what should I get?" Harry asked this time as he looked at the menu.

"I'm getting the caramel Frap so you can try that."

"How's the Cinnamon Dolce thing?"

"It's good."

"I'll get that then. To go yeah?"


After they got their orders in plastic cups, they started slowly walking back to the motorcycle.

"So? Is it good?" Louis asked.

"Mhm. Really sweet though."

"Told you." Louis sucked on the straw and Harry stared at his hollowing cheeks as he did so.

"That's really distracting."

"Is it?" Louis teased, looking up at Harry over his aviators and sucking again.

"Stop." Harry warned and took Louis' hand off the cup.

"It's nice to know that I turn you on." He admitted smiling.

"You're abusing your power."

"I'm irresistible."

"And extremely modest."

Louis shrugged.

"Kiss me." Harry said out of a sudden and Louis shook his head.

"We're in public."

"No one knows who we are." Harry pulled on the hand he was still holding.


"Kiss me for fuck's sake." Harry repeated seriously and Louis didn't waste any time to stand on his tiptoes to press his lips against Harry's.


"Extremely." Harry said, smiling contently. And if that made Harry happy, then Louis wouldn't mind doing it again.

He froze however when he felt Harry's hand brush further down his own until their fingers automatically intertwined and wow, okay, they were holding hands now.

He stared up at Harry, unsure, but the older buy sipped on his drink instead and started walking, Louis getting in pace quickly.

They were doing this. They were walking, with people around them while they held hands. And no one was even batting an eye at them as if it were completely normal.

It was really overwhelming for Louis, but a good kind of overwhelming.

He looked down at their hands as they walked, and was completely mesmerized by the size difference. Harry's giant hand was swallowing Louis' tiny one almost completely but they felt like puzzle pieces fitting together. At least for Louis they did.

"I'm so tired I could literally sleep right here in the parking lot." Louis said once they got to the motorcycles, drinks thrown out and ready for going back.

"You can sleep when we get home."

It was no 'my place' or 'my house', it was just simply home. And Louis had no problem with that. He liked Harry's house more than he liked his to be honest. It was small yet comfortable and there weren't loud noises and voices talking and the best thing was that Harry was in it, of course.

It was half past eight when they got back and Louis knew that if he'd go to bed right then, he would wake up too early.

"My back hurts." He complained and sat down at the table as Harry got two glasses out of the cupboard.

"I could massage your back if you want."

"You're volunteering to massage my back?" Louis asked and drank the water Harry had poured into the glass with two large gulps.

Harry shrugged. "I'm not grossed out or anything, if that's what you're talking about."

"Okay then."

"Get upstairs on the bed with your shirt off and I'll be there soon."


Louis quickly walked upstairs, excitement pooling in the pit of his stomach for unknown reasons. He stripped off his pants too and laid down on the bed on his tummy in just his Armani briefs.

He heard Harry coming in and put a pillow under his chin to prop his head up and sit more comfortably.

"Is that actual massage oil?" Louis asked.

"My mom has it."

"Okay. Smells good."

Harry climbed on the bed and straddled Louis' thighs, and okay, he wasn't wearing jeans anymore.

"Relax yeah?"

"I am."

He heard Harry pop the oil bottle open before squirting some into his hands then rubbing them together. He flinched a bit when Harry's hands came down and latched onto his skin, slowly rubbing circles into his upper back.

"This feels really good." Louis said and closed his eyes.

Harry moved on to his shoulders after a while and Louis let out a soft moan.

"This feels better than sex for you, doesn't it?"

"I never had sex."

"We'll have to fix that then, soon."

Louis' heart sped up at that because now that he thought about it, he trusted and wanted Harry to take his virginity.

Louis back arched when he felt Harry's lips on his skin, actually sucking and biting there.

"What are you doing?"

"Marking you up." Harry answered and Louis relaxed against his lips, even though he had butterflies in his stomach.

He wasn't sure how, or why, but he felt asleep like that; with Harry's lips on his skin and a smile on his face.

He stirred awake a few hours later, with his face squished against the pillow. He looked around to find Harry leaning out the window with a cigarette between his fingers.

"What time is it?"

"Half past eleven."

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I usually get in bed at midnight."

"But you can sleep, right?" Louis checked as he got out of the bed.

"Yeah, don't have insomnia anymore."

Louis smiled and walked to the bathroom to brush the stale taste out of his mouth.

"It's kind of really cold in here. Can you turn the heating on?"

"It is on, but you're in your underwear."

"Can I take one of your jumpers?"


"Because I like them. They're big...and fluffy."

"Sure. Pick one out of the closet." Harry smiled and put the cigarette out in the ashtray that was placed on the windowsill.

Louis opened Harry's closet and rummaged through the sweater on the shelf (he'd cleaned it the last time he was here and it appeared that Harry chose to keep it that way), before picking one out that was plain grey but fluffy.

It hung low, revealing his collarbones and almost his nipples, and reached past his thighs. It went far past his fingertips and Louis was literally swimming in it.

He turned to look at himself in the mirror, adjusting his fringe and smiling.

"You love the way you look in those, don't you?"

Louis nodded and walked over to him, fitting himself between him and the opened window. They had a view of the deserted street that was dimly lit by the streetlights.

"I'm thinking about going to Uni." Harry started and Louis raised his eyebrows, not saying anything.

"To study law. And I want to get a job."

"I can help you with that if you want."

"With what?"

"Studying. And getting a job. My uncle is hiring waiters for his hotel. The pay is decent."

"Oh. Okay. That'd be great."

"What's your GPA?"


"That's like a...what, 75?"

Harry nodded.

"If you start studying and actually concentrate on school you can get to 3.0. And go to London University."

"Why would I go to London?"

Because I'm going to be there

"Or the one here in Doncaster." Louis shrugged.

"Where are you going?"


"Of course you are." Harry laughed. "That means I have to get into the one in London, right?"

"Are you saying that we're going to be together a year from now?"

Harry turned his head to look at him.

"Are you saying you'd like that?" Harry answered his question with a question.

"Well...I wouldn't mind."

"What would your girlfriend think about that?"

"I uh, actually. I want to break up with her."

Harry's eyebrows met his hairline as he stared at Louis.


"I don't know. As soon as possible. I just-I'm afraid of how my parents are going to react."

"This is your life, not your parents'." Harry said and Louis nodded.

"I know. But it's like...I don't want to disappoint them."

"Take your time then." Harry said and took a step back from the window so he could close it.

"I want to get in bed." Louis told him.

"Get in then."

"With you."


After they closed the window and Harry went to the bathroom, they got under the covers together. Louis cuddled up to him without even asking, curling up against Harry and slipping his toes under Harry's knees to keep them warm.

"Goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight Lou."

Louis smiled to himself at the nickname and closed his eyes. However, he fell asleep way after Harry's breaths got even.

He woke up at ten the next morning, with Harry sleeping right next to him. He didn't want to wake him up, so he stood up from the bed silently, before he walked over to the bathroom.

After he brushed his teeth and dressed up for the day, he came out of the bathroom to find that Harry was already up.

"I need to go home now before they decide to ground me again."

"Okay. You want me to walk you there?"

"What, home?"

Harry nodded as he rubbed his eyes and stretched.

"No, I can manage."

He secretly stuffed Harry's Ramones shirt in his bag so he could wear it at school without anyone knowing that it was Harry's.

"'m gonna go now. You should come and lock the door."

Harry got out of bed and trailed behind Louis until they got to the door.

"See you then?"


Harry bent down and pecked his lips. Louis smiled up at him before he turned around and walked away with butterflies in his stomach. This couldn't be real.

When he got home he had breakfast alone in the kitchen and went straight up to his room.

Later that day when he was in the bathroom getting ready for bed he spotted the hickeys Harry had left on his back.

He bit his lip when he saw that they were in shape of an actual heart. And if that was Harry's way to let Louis know he was falling too, then Louis had no problem with it at all.


if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !


🎀 Insta,Twitter, Snap: ronniebennett94

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Next upadate will be on August 30th :) Vote/comment if you liked it !



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