Chapter 12

Chapter 11 was put on private for some reason so you have to follow me in order to read it :) Also, please make sure to leave comments throughout the chapter so I know you enjoy the story and want me to continue it :D


"So what did you do for New Year's?"

Louis looked up at Eleanor from his salad, his heart suddenly beating faster. It was the first day back at school and they were in the cafeteria for lunch.

"Uh...I was planning on-I wanted to go to Liam's but it got cancelled the last minute."

"Oh you did?" she said, not believing Louis for a second. She looked at someone behind Louis out of a sudden and asked out loud:

"Why wasn't I invited to this New Year's party of yours Liam?"

Louis sucked in a breath and looked at Liam as he sat down at the table with Barbara.

"Uh..." Liam stuttered, shooting a confused look in Louis' direction.

"You didn't invite me either?" Barbara jumped in to help, then turned to Eleanor. "He invited Niall though. I think they wanted a lad's night."

"Yeah! Yeah...that's what we did." Liam said and Louis shot him a thankful look. Liam nodded and smiled, grabbing his fork so he could start eating.

Eleanor seemed to believe the lie because she dropped the subject and started talking about her New Year's Eve. And it was weird, because Louis could barely stand the sound of her voice for some reason, even though he was the one cheating.

Louis didn't really condone cheating...but Harry was Harry and he was much more interesting than Eleanor. If it were up to him he would break up with her but he knew that his parents would kill him. They had already planned their future for him; he was going to Oxford and moving in with Eleanor, and once he graduated and overtook his father's business he'd get married and build a family with her.

He used to be all for the idea, but recently all he'd been dreaming of doing was breaking up with her. It left him wondering if he'd ever find someone again (Harry was out of the question-he was poor and a boy), but all he knew was that he really wanted to be free.

That's when he realized he was-for the first time in his life-jealous of Harry. The older boy could do anything he wanted, was carefree and knew how to have fun. Louis hated him a little bit for that.

"So how was the date with Zayn?" Louis asked once lunch break was over and they were headed back to their classroom.

Eleanor and Barbara went to the bathroom right after lunch; God knows why girls always had to go to the bathroom together.

Louis hadn't had a chance to ask him about it because Liam had left for Barbados on Saturday after the date.

"It was nice." Liam answered and blushed.

"Did anything happen?"

"Uh...yes, actually."

Louis' stomach dropped and he tried to seem nonchalant.


"Well...we went back to his house and he um..."

"He what? It's not like Harry and I haven't done that already."

Louis had no idea what he as talking about.

"Harry has rimmed you before?"

Louis stopped in his tracks and stared at Liam.


"Zayn kind of...ate me out."


Louis hated himself for being so clueless about all of this.

"It's um...I can't explain it right now. You could look it up." Liam suggested.

"Does it feel good at least?"

"Oh yeah."

The thought didn't leave Louis' mind all day, not even when he got home and started working on his homework. So one hour in, he closed his notebook and opened his MacBook.

He was doing this. He was.

As the laptop turned on, Louis got up from the desk and went to lock his door; just in case.

He sat back down at the desk and as soon as the desktop lit up, he clicked on the Safari icon. He typed in 'rimming' and clicked on the first link, which was an 'Urban Dictionary' link.

Rimming: The act of using one's tongue on the anal rim of another person in order to gain and/or give sexual pleasure.

His eyes widened and he was grossed out for a second, before he decided on going back and clicking the 'videos' tab. There were a few 'Red Tube' links and he almost gasped at the thumbnails. He clicked on the first one and put his earbuds in. The video started with a guy on his knees on a couch, naked with his ass in the air.

Louis bit his lip and ignored the twitch in his pants, continuing to watch the video.

There was another guy kneeling down behind him and okay whoa he was literally licking him...there.

But the sounds coming from the guy who was getting rimmed indicated the fact that he was enjoying this...and it kind of made Louis hard.

Louis gulped and clicked on another video, then another one and another one until he remembered that he had to get back to his homework. His pants had gotten so incredibly tight to the point where it was actually uncomfortable.

He finished his homework around six and stared outside the window at the dark sky for a few minutes, before he made a crucial decision. He was going to text Harry and ask him to come over.

Louis was surprised by his own confidence but the thought of Liam, Liam being more experienced that him and the way that guy seemed to enjoy it helped him convince himself.

And the worst-case scenario would be if Harry said no to coming over, which, okay, would probably bruise Louis' ego but that was it.

He took a few deep breaths before he unlocked his phone and opened WhatsApp.

Louis' parents would be home around eight, just in time for dinner and his sisters were in their rooms, completely oblivious. He knew if any of the maids happened to see Harry they wouldn't say anything because he'd pay them off or something.

So yes, he was doing this.

Louis: can you come over?

As he waited for Harry's reply (Harry hadn't been online since three pm), he googled how he had to prepare himself. It was stupid, he knew, but he was a perfectionist.

As it turned out, it wasn't anything fancy, he just had to shower to make sure he was completely clean and that was it.

His phone buzzed and he almost fell off the chair while opening the App.

Harry: why? U miss me ? ;)

Louis: no

Louis: so will you come over?

Harry: idk

Louis: my parents aren't home

Harry: be there in 15

Harry: how should I get in?

Louis: through the back door

Harry: I like the sound of that ;))

Louis: shut up

Harry went offline and Louis decided to take a shower and calm his nerves. He was going through with this.

Louis came out of the shower having doubts about his decision but he reminded himself that Harry didn't really know why he was coming over. If Louis got too nervous he could just suck Harry off and that would be it.

He shook his head at his own thoughts and his phone buzzed on the table. It was Harry sending him a text to let him know that he was in his garden.

Louis: get in

Harry: id love to

Louis walked out of his room to meet Harry halfway on the stairs.

"How come no one ever sees me when I sneak in?"

"The house is too big and everyone usually stays isolated in their own room so chances that you'll bump into someone are close to none."

"So how come you called me over?" Harry asked once he locked the door to Louis' room behind himself.

"Uh...I was bored...and um."

"So am I supposed to entertain you or what? Am I the knew buffoon for you princess?"

"Shut up."

"Hey if you're rude I'm going to leave." Harry warned, but took off his beanie and let it fall on the bedside table.

"Uh-I need to-" Louis started, turning his head to look at his closed laptop. He wondered if he should show Harry what he discovered and get his opinion on things.

But Harry wrapping a hand around his neck and turning his face interrupted him.

"So the hickeys have faded."

"Well it's been a week." Louis said sarcastically.

He pushed Louis into the table to tower over him, but stopped when Louis' laptop lit up, revealing what he was looking at on the Internet.

When Louis had asked him to come over, Harry was in the middle of fucking a girl from his P.E. class. He read the message as soon as it was over and of course agreed on going over to Louis'. He'd pick Louis over anyone any day, because he was innocent and pure and Harry absolutely loved to teach him new dirty things, see how Louis reacted to everything.

He pulled away smirking.

"What's that?"

"What's-oh! Oh!" Louis gasped, turning red and going to close the window.

"You weren't um-supposed to see that."

"You were looking at porn, everyone does it." Harry said and sat down on the chair by the desk, reopening Safari.

"You were watching gay porn."

"I uh-I got a problem." Louis admitted and that's when Harry actually looked down at Louis' straining cock.

"You've got a big problem."

Louis blushed and tried adjusting himself over his pants.

"Come here." Harry said and Louis walked over to him.

Harry discarded his shirt before doing the same with Louis', and then pulled Louis over his lap to straddle him on the chair.

He tangled his fingers in Louis' hair, pulling his head back before leaning down to suck on his neck.

He started working on Louis' neck once again, his cock twitching every time Louis let out a soft moan.

Harry pulled away with a slippery sound and stared at his artwork. Louis' neck was turning purple and he had smaller marks too.

Louis suddenly pulled away and looked down at Harry's chest.

"What's that?" Louis asked, pressing his index finger against the forming hickey on his right peck.

"You know what it is."

"But it's not from me."


"Who's it from?"

"A girl from my school."

"Was she good?"

"Yeah. Don't pout now;Iam your booty call-"

"I want you to eat me out."

Harry's voice got caught in his throat and he just stared at Louis' serious face.

"Wait you're-are you serious?"

"Yeah. I want you to rim me."

"Give you a rim job you mean?"

"Yes, that."

"Wha-how come?"

"I want to. I want you to give me a damn rim job! Zayn gave Liam one!"

"So that's what it's all about. Whatever Liam does you do?"


"Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? The need to always be the best at everything?"

"Don't you want to do this? I thought-"

"Shh. It's fine. I'd love to." Harry smirked and leaned in again, catching Louis' bottom lip between his.

"But...don't laugh at me okay?"

"Why would I laugh? I'm the one doing everything, you just sit there and enjoy."

"If...okay. Okay." Louis said and grabbed Harry's head between his tiny hands, deepening the kiss.

Harry's hands came down to Louis' ass and he stood up from the chair, taking Louis' with him to the bed.

"Hands and knees, take your underwear off."

Louis nodded and did just as told, which caused Harry to bite his lip and cup his growing bulge.

The way Louis was so submissive turned Harry on even more. Because even though Louis seemed really dominant and always sure of himself with everyone in public, he was extremely insecure and obedient in private. This was the real Louis, blushing as he exposed himself to Harry and actually asking Harry not to laugh at him, when laughing was literally the last thing on Harry's mind right now.

Louis was just like Harry had asked him to; on his hands and knees, back arched as he revealed his pretty pink hole.

"You're so pretty." Harry murmured and took off his own pants before he kneeled down on the bed behind Louis.

He ran his hands down Louis' back, then brought them back up to Louis' ass, spreading his cheeks and biting his lip at the sight.

Harry knew Louis was probably blushing like mad right now and the thought made him smirk. He loved the effect he had on Louis.

He then leaned down and licked a long stripe from Louis' along Louis' hole. Louis moan and Harry repeated the action three more times, just as slow.

"Harry." Louis moaned and Harry shushed him by pressing a kiss to the tight ring of muscle.

Louis' arms gave in and he was now arching his back even more, his hands clutching the sheets and cheek buried into the duvet.

"You look so good like this, all spread out and eager for me." Harry spoke and traced Louis' rim with his tongue in quick circles that had Louis squirming.

He kept licking fat stripes and circling his tongue because Louis was so incredibly responsive to everything.

Harry could see Louis' cock leaking already and he would've asked him to touch himself but decided against it, he wanted to make the younger boy wait and beg.

"You like this hm?" Harry asked and Louis nodded his head, eyes closed.

Harry's tongue darted out again and pushed against Louis' hole, slipping in just a bit. He could've moaned at how tight Louis already felt.

Louis whimpered as Harry pushed in even deeper and started moving his tongue in circles.

"No." Harry protested when Louis' hand came down to his cock. He slapped the hand away. "You're going to come untouched."

"I c-can't." Louis said and Harry gripped harder into Louis' cheeks, working his tongue even faster. "Har-ry."

Harry's cock twitched again at the sound of Louis' needy voice. He moved his head downwards to suck on the base of Louis' balls and Louis let out a small whimper, pushing back against Harry's mouth.

"Harry please."

"Please what?" Harry asked pulling away.

"Let me come. Please."

"You want that hm?"

Louis nodded and whimpered into the duvet, gripping into the sheets until his knuckles literally turned white.

Harry smirked and his right hand shot out to wrap around Louis' cock as he started jerking him off. Louis came two seconds after Harry touched him all over Harry's hand and even on the duvet.

Harry had time to pull his hand away before Louis collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily.

"Turn around and suck me off." Harry ordered and stood up to wipe his hand on a tissue by the bedside table.

Louis rolled over on his back and shuffled to the edge of the bed to take Harry's cock in his mouth.

"Fuck, you look so good like this." Harry moaned at the sight of Louis. He was lying on his back, head hanging over the edge as he sucked Harry off upside down.

Harry came right down his throat with a low groan a minute later, and Louis almost choked but managed to swallow everything.

He patted Louis on the cheek after that, helping him sit up.

"I feel so dirty." Louis said as he pulled on his boxers.

"You are...what's that song? Beautiful, dirty and rich by Lady Gaga."

Louis blushed at Harry calling him beautiful and Harry nodded, letting him know that he'd be in the shower.

When they switched, Louis took some time to stare at himself in the mirror. His chest was flushed red and he had beads of sweat on his forehead. Even though he looked completely wrecked, he was still coming down from a great high.

He took a shower and dressed up in new clean clothes, before he made sure to wipe off his own come from the duvet.

He didn't even get a chance to talk to Harry, because his parents were calling him down for dinner. He didn't panic like he would've a few weeks ago.

"Um...I think I'm going to go down for dinner do you-want some? I can bring some up."


"Okay then-"



"You have a giant hickey on your neck, don't you think it would be better if you covered it up with something?"

"Oh shit." Louis said and Harry smiled at his vocabulary.

Louis picked out a Prada cashmere turtleneck before he left the room.

"You cold?" his mother asked as soon as he sat down at the table and they said the prayer.

"Yes. A bit."

"Esmeralda, turn the heating up."

The middle-aged woman nodded and immediately left the dining room.

"So anything new at school?" his father opened up the subject and Louis wanted to roll his eyes so badly. Why couldn't they talk about something else other than school and money?

"Um...well the prom will be on May 29th and they're doing a trip to London in April."

"A trip to London?"

"Yeah. The committee is planning on a two day trip from Friday to Sunday with fifty people from our year."

"Oh. That sounds great." His father said and then Lottie started talking about her upcoming test.

"Can I um-take the pudding upstairs? I really have to...get my reading done before I take a bath."

"Don't leave a mess." His mother answered and Louis thanked them for dinner, before he basically dashed upstairs.

Harry was still there, sitting on the bed with his phone.

"I brought you pudding." Louis said and Harry accepted it as Louis locked the door.

"I feel like one of those prisoners that get food sneaked in to them if they blow the chef."

Louis shook his head and went over to his desk, opening a drawer and pulling out a box.

"What's that?"

"Um, a new phone."

"I'm not a charity case."

"I know, but I keep my promises. you go."

"Fine, but you can't hold this over my head yeah? Don't brag about it."

"Alright, Jesus." Louis rolled his eyes and watched Harry switching his card from one phone to the other.

He helped him make an Apple ID but realized that Harry didn't really need much help because he knew his way with technology.

"I'm not an idiot."

"You're not?" Louis teased and Harry huffed in annoyance, tackling him on the bed before kissing him.

Louis pushed him on his back and straddled him, which took Harry by surprise. He liked it when Louis took control.

"I don't want to kiss you."

"Why not?"

"Because you kissed that girl from your school just a few hours earlier. It's gross."

"Seriously?" Harry groaned.

"Yes, seriously."

"Fine. I won't kiss girls anymore."

"And boys either! I don't want to catch some kind of sexual transmitted disease." Louis said and Harry rolled his eyes.

"You can't catch that only if I put my cock up your ass."

"Herpes then."

"If I can't kiss anyone else, then you can't either." Harry said.

"I have to kiss Eleanor from time to time. But-"

"Look, we're not in a relationship right?"

"No. But I'd still like to make sure I won't die of God knows what."

"You're such an idiot."

"Okay then. No kissing other people."

"Why not?"


Louis knew he was being really stupid because why would Harry of all people give up fucking other people for me.

"Fine. No kissing." Harry sighed. "But you have to let me sleep in this bed tonight."

"I have school tomorrow. And so do you, in fact."

Harry shrugged.

"I can be out of here as soon as you wake up."

"That's seven am. Can you get up that early?"

"Don't make me angry."

"Or?" Louis smirked and Harry stared at him for a second, before moving to push Louis on his back again.


"What?" Harry asked annoyed.

"I want to um-" Louis started but stopped because he was turning red.

"You want to what?"

"Can I like, take your shirt off?"

"I don't know, can you?"

"Don't be a smartass."

Harry let Louis take off his shirt and smiled when Louis' lips started sucking on his chest, right over the hickeys that girl had given him.

"What are you doing?" he asked into Louis' hair, even though he already knew what Louis was trying to do.

"Nothing." Louis muttered and pulled his mouth away so he could stare up at Harry. He ran a hand over the forming bruise and thought that maybe hickeys could be their thing.

"Can you take that turtleneck off, it looks kind of ridiculous."

"It's Prada, that's fashion."

"Oh my God." Harry laughed and Louis stood up.

"If you're planning on sleeping over tonight, I just want to let you know that at ten I have to be in bed."

"Lights out at ten? Baby has to get some sleep?" Harry mocked in a baby voice and Louis shoved at his shoulders to make him fall on his back.

"No need to get violent princess."

"Stop calling me that, it's annoying. And now please don't bother me, I have some work I need to finish."

"How much homework do they fucking assign at that school?"

Louis ignored him and Harry actually made himself busy with his knew phone.

At half past nine Louis closed his notebook and stood up, cracking his neck. Harry was leaning against the headboard and was still absorbed in his phone when Louis went to brush his teeth and change into his pyjamas.

"I didn't know you wore glasses." Harry said as he leaned against the doorframe. It startled Louis, who was in the middle of taking out his contact lenses.

"I'm not. I wear lenses."

"Then what are those?" Harry insisted and pointed out the pair of glasses in the open cupboard. Louis closed it and finished taking his lenses out.

"Put them on."


"Come on, I want to see how they look on you."

"They look horrible."

"I bet you'd look like one of those twinky schoolboys from porn movies." Harry said, trying to make Louis feel better.

"I don't know what twinky means, but still no."

Harry stepped into the bathroom and walked over to the cupboard that was over the sink to take the glasses.

"Look at me."


"Look at me." Harry demanded and Louis actually did.

Harry placed the glasses on his nose and smiled.

"Don't laugh." Louis said.

"I'm not laughing." Harry tried to defend himself but the tiny smile on his lips begged to differ. "They look cute."

Louis bit his lip and took his glasses off, neatly folding them and putting them back. He offered Harry one of his spare toothbrushes (he had three new ones in the cabinet) and went back into his room to get into bed.

"Why is it so hot in here?" Harry complained as soon as he slipped under the covers.

"My mom turned the heating on. Open the window."

"Your wish is my command." Harry said sarcastically and got up to open the window.

"That's better."

Louis shifted so he was facing Harry and put one leg over the duvet because it was still kind of warm.

The silence was comfortable and he could tell that Harry wasn't trying to sleep from the way he was staring at the ceiling with open eyes.

"Why don't you take the bracelets off at night?" Louis asked, even though he knew the answer.

"They don't bother me."

Louis didn't really know how to approach Harry and he was scared of driving him away, scaring him, so he chose to remain silent for a couple more minutes.

"How many people have you slept with?"

Harry then turned on his side to face Louis too.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to."

"I want to know."


"Because I do. I'm just curious. You know how many people I slept with, it's only fair."

Harry snorted and then sighed.

"Uh...I think about seventeen."

"Seventeen?" Louis exclaimed.

"Wait, no, twenty-seven."

"Oh my God."

"I know, I'm a slut." Harry said, but his voice didn't have a humorous tone to it.

"No...I mean-kind of. But. Is it that good?"

"It is."


Louis knew he was asking stupid questions but he really liked talking to Harry. He liked hearing his deep voice when he couldn't see anything because of the darkness in the room. He liked the fact that even though it was raspy, it was slow and kind of soothing. It made him calm and lulled him to sleep.

He stared at Harry, waiting for his answer.

"You know, the moment you reach your orgasm is...I don't know how to explain it. It's so good you forget everything for a couple of minutes because all you can feel is pure bliss. It feels so good and it's addictive."

"What, the feeling of orgasm?" Louis dumbly asked. He didn't want Harry to stop talking.

"No, the feeling of being carefree."

Louis licked his lips and blinked at him.

"I thought you didn't have rules and can do what you want when you want. That means being carefree, right?"

He expected Harry to laugh at his stupid questions and ignore him, but Harry didn't.

"That's careless. Carefree is when you don't have to worry about anything."

"Like what?"

"Like where your next meal will come from and not getting killed."

"I thought you said you weren't that poor."

"I don't like people worrying about me."

"And who's trying to kill you?" Louis asked, getting slightly concerned about Harry.

"My mind."

Louis frowned and held his breath for a few seconds. Harry was more fucked up than Louis had initially thought.

His first instinct was to drop the subject but he wanted to know more. Louis wanted to know what kept Harry up at night, what scared him and what made him sad, what he liked and didn't like; everything about him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry asked, breaking Louis out of his thoughts.

"No reason."

"Well I'm tired, so good night."

"Good night, please don't snore." Louis said and pulled the sleeping mask over his eyes.

"To be honest that mask is a bit creepy."

"Go to sleep Harold."

"If you call me that ever again I will slap you across the face.", he said half-joking.

"Good night."

Louis turned his back to Harry and even though he had the sleeping mask on, he didn't manage to fall asleep until after he heard Harry's breaths get even.

He woke Harry up at seven am sharp the next morning.

"Fuck off." Harry muttered and slapped Louis' hand away to turn his back at him.

"Get up for Christ's sake!"

"After you go to the bathroom." Harry negotiated and Louis sighed. He didn't have time to argue with Harry so he started his morning routine; he brushed his teeth and hair, dressed up with his school uniform and packed his bag.

"Harry, get up now. I have to be downstairs in five."

"Ugh." Harry groaned and rolled out of bed.

Louis waited for him to brush his teeth and dress up.

"You need to leave."

"Am I supposed to fly from here?" Harry asked when Louis pointed to the balcony.

"As cliché as it may sound, you need to um, climb down the tree by my bathroom window."

"Do I look like fucking Tarzan?" Harry said but followed Louis anyway.

Louis opened the window that was literally on the roof by the chimney and Harry shook his head.

"I'm going to die."

"You're not."

Louis crossed his arms and Harry bent down to press a quick kiss to his lips. He then stepped on the toilet bowl and lifted himself up to get through the window and onto the roof.

"You still alive?"


After Louis closed the window he went out on his balcony to see Harry crawling over to the tree that their first gardener had planted the week they moved in.

Harry gripped into a branch and actually managed to hold himself up by his arms until he reached the bark. He then quickly climbed off of it and jumped over the brick fence and landed on the street.

He looked up to give Louis a thumbs up, before he turned around and walked away like it had been noting.

To say that Louis was completely intrigued by Harry Styles was an understatement.


if you want, we can keep in touch so you can see updates about the books i'm writing/going to write and i would love to hear what you think about my works :) !


🎀 Insta,Twitter, Snap: ronniebennett94

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Next update on August 9th, 5pm UK time.



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