The Start of a New Friendship

"Ok momma," Liyah said getting aggravated as she try to close the door. "Little girl you see me trying to talk to you." "Mom I gotta go find something to wear for dinner." Ella look her up and down, "Whats wrong with what you got on."

She shrug her shoulders, "I just want her parents to like me, and not think I'm some girl who would badly influence their child." Ella sighed, "Just call me when you get back, ok." Liyah nodded as she closed the door. 

She slid down the door in deep thought. "You don't have to worry about my family judging you." She jumped up from her voice, "Girl you gon need to stop with that popping up shit." Cassandra stared at her. "Though I do suggest you change whatever that is you got on."

They went into her room and search for some cloths. "How about this." Liyah held up and light blue and yellow flora tank top with some bleach jeans. "That's cute." Cassandra excused her self out the door as Liyah got dressed.

Once she had her cloths on she look for her blue sandals. She grab her necklace that her dad got her when she was little, and walk over into the living room. "Ok I'm all set." Cassandra nodded as she continued talking on her phone

15 minutes later they was walking out the door. "So where we going today." "We going to the mall first then back to campus at this place called The Mosali." Liyah winced at the name, "The what." Cassandra laugh, "Relax I heard its good there." 

Liyah nodded and they walk outside towards the parking lot. "So how do you feel about them girls from earlier." "Those Delta girls." Cassandra frown, "Hell no. The Zetas." Liyah mouth o and hunch her shoulders, "What about them."

"Is you gonna join." "Don't these people give you hell before you join." Cassandra shrug, "Yea, but so what." "I have a terrible mouth on me they ain't ready for me girl. I would've been went off if one tried me." They laugh as a black Pathfinder truck pulled up in front of them. They beep their horn and Cassandra got up, "Come on Aliyah."

They hurriedly got in the car and put their seat belts on, "Good evening baby." "Good evening mom," her mom look over at Liyah. "Hi sweetie my name is Rochelle." "Hello Rochelle , my name is Aliyah." Rochelle smiled as she turn back in her seat.

"Hello Aliyah my name is David." He said keeping his eyes on the road, "Hi." She said shyly. The car ride to the mall was peaceful and quick. As they was going in Liyah got a text from and unknown number.

Liyah-Who is this

Unknown-This Tyrell

She instantly started blushing but soon frown when she walk into a poll. "OWWW!" She look up and saw the poll in front of her, she huffed as she look over at Cassandra and her parents laughing. She then felt embarrassed and look else where, "Awwl its ok Liyah we all have our moments."

Her phone vibrated again as she look back at it, but being more cautious to her surroundings. 


Liyah-Tyrell who

Unknown-Damn how many Tyrells you know

Liyah-You'll be surprised

Unknown-Oh so you dem type of girls

Liyah-Lol no I'm not, I was just playing

"Liyah please come have fun with us instead of your phone." Cassandra said pouting making her bottom lip quiver. Liyah laugh, "Ok I'm finna tell them ima talk to them later." Cassandra instantly smiled and turned back to the short hot pink skirt.

Unknown-I know you aint but what you doing

Liyah-Hanging with my roommate and her parents at the mall so I have to go

Unknown-Aight but can you come to my bros party tonight

Liyah-Sure but you have to take me since I'm new here.

Unknown-Aight mama

Liyah smiled hard as she walk over to and annoyed Cassandra, "Ok ok I'm here stop pouting." Cassandra rolled her eyes and ignored her, "Oh so you gon ignore me." Liyah was now getting into bitch mode. 

"Aight be that way," Liyah walk over to Rochelle and started talking to her. Cassandra huffed and storm out the store. Personally Liyah didn't  feel it was that serious. "Whats wrong with my baby." Liyah shrug, "She mad at me because I was on the phone, but when I got off the phone she ignored me so I came over here with you.

Rochelle shook her head, "She spoiled, she loves attention and if she doesn't have it then she gets mad." Liyah nodded not really caring because she don't kiss no one's ass. They walk around laughing and talking and met back up with David, "Where is Cassandra."

"Having her little hissy fit because Aliyah was on her phone and not with her." David chuckled a little but then grew concern because he wondered where she went. "So where she at." They act as if they didn't hear him. He didn't say nothing because he doesn't want to deal with his wife. 

After a few more minutes they was out that store and going to another. While they was walking Aliyah saw Cassandra talking to a short blonde head. "Aye there goes Cassandra." Rochelle look over at where Liyah was pointing and shook her head.

"Yea, I'll go talk to her." Liyah nodded as her and David kept walking into another store. "So Aliyah where are you from." "Boston." He smiled, "That's my hometown." "Oh really." He shrug as they walk into  "IT." 

Liyah walk ahead of him and went to these cute tights. David walk up behind her and bent down to her ear. "That would look very sexy on you." He smack her butt and walk off leaving her speechless. Liyah was so shook she couldn't even turn around, so she kept walking the other way.

Liyah walk over to a corner where they had some heels. She saw some nude heels with a skinny heel. She started to reach for it, but saw some cute wedges. "Damn these hot." She got those and kept looking around. She felt like some one was staring at her, but she was scared to look up and see David.

She tried and tried but fail. She look up into the eyes of Tyrell. Instantly smiling she walk over to him. "Hey what are you doing." "Buying and outfit for tonight. Wassup with you." "Just like I said early still with my roommate and her parents." He nodded and then look at her tights and heels. "I hope you wearing that tonight."

She shrug and started to walk off but he stop her, "Mane don't play where else would you wear it." She act like she was in deep thought. "Maybe for my boyfriend, duh." He furrowed his eyebrows, "Yo chill even though you ain't my girl yet, I don't wanna hear you talking about another nigga." Liyah started giggling.

"Come here." She stop laughing and walk over to him. He pulled her close and hug her. "I want to get to know you more aight." 'Aight." "So after the party ima take you home." Liyah started shaking her head. "Nope I see what this is." Tyrell was now confused, "What you talking about." "Nigga don't play dumb. I don't know what you use to but I'm not sleeping with you tonight."

Tyrell started laughing at her as his friends started coming back, "Yo chill mama, I know you ain't like them other girls, I promise you I just wanna talk to you." Liyah still didn't know but nodded anyway. "Aight mama." He said as he hug her and left with his boys.

"So you got a boyfriend." Liyah stiffened a little before she turn to see David standing there with an annoyed look. "Nigga first you married second you old and third I'M NOT INTEREST." She said loud but only for him to hear it. He then grimaced at her and walk away. She laugh at him and continued shopping.

2 hours later

Liyah and Cassandra was now getting drop off and they was walking back to their dorm room. Once they was in they went their separate ways. Cassandra let Liyah go first since she knew she would take forever. Once they was through with their shower they was in their room putting their cloths on.

Liyah liker how the tights look on her. She didn't have much but it was enough. She got the flat irons and straighten her hair but curled it on the end. "Liyah can I use your flat irons please." Liyah stop what she was doing and look at her. "Yea but ima let you know we ain't gon do like be sharing every thing up in here."

Cassandra waved her off and walk over to where it was plugged up. Once she was finish they was ready. Liyah look at her phone and it was on 64%. "Shit." She hurriedly put it on the charger because she ain't got time to be hanging out with people she don't know with a dead phone.

She plop down on the couch and look at the time it was 8:30. She only been to three parties that started at least around 10 or 11. So she took her self a nice nap.

Hour later

"Girl when is he coming." Liyah slightly raised up from her slumber and stared back at Cassandra. "Who." "Tyrell." Liyah then remember about the party and furrowed her eyebrows. Before she could speak the door bell rang. "Coming."

She jump up and walk over to door. She open it and it was the same blonde head talking to Cassandra earlier. "Hey is Cassandra here." Liyah nodded and walk away as Cassandra walk over to the door.

Liyah walk to her room and saw that she was getting a called, but it went to voice mail time she reached it. She unlock her phone and saw she had ten missed calls from Tyrell. Before she could call back he was calling back again.

"Hello," "Yo man why the fuck you cant answer the phone you must be with another nigga." Liyah look at her phone and put it back to her ear, "Hello." "Damn I know you heard me Aliyah. Why cant you answer your phone is you hard at hearing." Liyah was now hot so to avoid saying something she was gonna regret she hung up on him.

"Liyah is he coming." Liyah bawled up her fist, "Fuck him." she gritted through her teeth. Cassandra was a little concern by her sudden mood change. "What happen," Liyah told her about what he said and Cassandra shook her head.

"I hate when niggas be like that. Like bih I already have a daddy and I'm not looking for another one." Liyah started laughing but then stop. "I'm sorry Cassandra. We suppose to been went to the party tonight for our first night here and now its ruined." "Girl please its that nigga fault he wanna be shitty we can too boo."

"What that suppose to mean." Cassandra smiled, "Would you like to go to one the sorority parties." "Guh I don't wanna be a ZETA I would prefer to be a DELTA." "Why DELTA." "Why ZETA." Cassandra sighed feeling frustrated. "Ok lets go to the DELTAS."

Liyah held her arm, "We don't have to if you don't want to." "Nah I might like it." Liyah then question her. She went to go get her phone seeing that Tyrell still calling and texting. Looking at the texts makes her laugh. "Guh this nigga sending me paragraphs, one of them he apologizing and the next he cussing me out."

"Uh uh, girl don't fuck with a nigga like that. He already in his feelings and y'all just met today." Liyah grab her things and they was out the door. "Girl please its just that Liyah Love." Cassandra stop in her tracks and look at her with a smirk. "Liyah Love?" Liyah nodded then Cassandra started laughing, "OK Liyah."

Later on that night

"Liyah." Liyah was dancing with this cute dude she met when she walk in and she was having a good time with him. "Liyah." Liyah stop and turned to see Cassandra standing there pouting. "Whats wrong." "Girl I'm hungry as hell and these motherfuckers ain't got no food in here. This chip and dip ain't working for me."

Liyah shook her head as she ask the dude for his number. He she didn't want to date him, but he could be someone to always come to and chill with. "Aye let me walk you ladies outside, that's cool with y'all." Liyah and Cassandra nodded on their way out the door.

Once they was out he gave her a hug, "AWWWWL THAT'S SO SWEET!!" Cassandra scream attracting a lot of attention. "Girl chill with all that." Liyah snapped a little at her. "I knew yo ass was out with some other nigga." They all turned around to see Tyrell and two of his boys behind them. Liyah rolled her eyes and walk away with Cassandra.

In the midst of their conversation someone grab Liyah arm hard and yank her towards them. "Yo ass cant see me." She look at him like he was crazy. Of course she was scared but she didn't show it. She tried to pull from him but it was no use. "Look please leave."

"Nawl you a rude motherfucker." Liyah kissed her teeth and snatch her arm away from him. "Aight be that way. I didn't even like you anyway." Liyah turned, "That's what they all say." She laugh and kept going with Cassandra cracking her self up. "Yo Liyah you funny." "Nawl he wanna be petty so I'm done, and he cant think I was gon turn back around for him." "Girrrrl" Cassandra said shaking her head.

They end up going to this pizza place down from their dorm. "Is it me or all the restaurants right by us." "Yea they really is, but that's even better." They walk in and ordered one large pepperoni pizza. "Would that be all for you two tonight." said the man behind the register. He was smiling like he was going to take his senior picture.

"Two sprites." He nodded as he pushed the buttons on the register adding up their total. Once they got their pizza they was on their way back to their dorm. Once they walk through the building they saw a girl sneaking a two dudes into her room. Cassandra was choking on her pop at that. "These hoes they for everybody."

Liyah and Cassandra was having a good time and no one could stop that. They stayed up another hour still eating and talking about everything. "I never really had a friend that long." Liyah nodded as she listen to Cassandra. "I mean I don't know why. Its like after three months they gone and they try to avoid me."

 Liyah wondered why someone would do that to her, but David cross her mind. She tried to think of a way to ask about her parents relationship. "Cassandra, how would you describe your parents relationship." "Strong, Trust worthy, hope, and love. Not just that new school love but that old school love." Liyah didn't say nothing as she reach for another slice. She thought maybe she shouldn't be the one to tell Cassandra about that and left it alone.

Sorry for mistakes. Don't you hate it when men at like how Tyrell did, stupid. Also do you think Liyah should tell Cassandra about David.

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