Mad or Nah?

Aliyah and Cassandra was jogging around the campus still exploring. "Girl look over there." Liyah turned her head over to where Cassandra was pointing, "I think that's a theatre." They jogged over to the door and walk in. It look old but new at the same time. They walk down the hallway and saw a room with a stage.

They peek through the doors and saw an excessive amount of people in there. They saw this older looking man. He was heavy set, tall, had a low cut hair, and had a big mole above his lip. "Ok again everyone," he screamed. 

Some people took their places while others stood there watching. The play was funny and very entertaining. Aliyah like this play, but she decided they should leave so when they present they won't know what happen. They walk around some more looking at the pictures and trophies. "I'm guessing we good at theatre."

Liyah nodded as she read some of the certificates. Soon they heard doors opening and people walking down the hall. They still walk slowly down the hall till there was no one in there no more, at least they thought. They look back in the same room and gasp.

They duck down and crept away from the door and then took off running. They made it back to the front of their building. "Guh did you see that shit." Aliyah shook her head, "For why though." Cassandra shrug, "Trying to pass, the easy way."

They walk back into the lobby and was soon in the sitting area with the girls in the building. The D.A came in front of them. "Girls we really need to talk." Everyone look around before she spoke again. She talk to them about respecting each others privacy, and about having boys over. Apparently these girls be so loud the whole hall complaining.

Liyah laugh at a little at that and was glad she wasn't on that hall. Knowing her she would've went down there and beat on their door till someone came, and tell them to shut the hell up. The girls also mention that someone being playing pranks, and that they won't tolerate that.

"Of course you straight out of high school I understand that, but you guys are young lady's." Everyone nodded to her, "SO ACT LIKE IT." She walk out with her head held high and went to her office. Some girls got up and started giggling. Cassandra nodded her head over there at them, "They ass must be the childish ones." Liyah laugh and they went back to their rooms.

They grab something to eat and was now watching TV. Both of their phones vibrated. They look down to see there was a text from Jayla saying they had 15 minutes. Cassandra and Aliyah look at each other like they was caught in traffic. "AAAAHHH!" They scream and jumped off their couch, then bolted out their room. Locking the door because those little hoes weren't getting them.

20 minutes later

Aliyah and Cassandra finally made it and was out of breathe. When they walk through the doors they went and sat in the back. Miya wasn't paying attention so they was kinda happy. Jayla gave them a stern look then went back talking. "Girl I know she mad, but hell better late than never." Cassandra started laughing with her.

"Miss Miya it seems that two of these young girls decided to come on their own time." Cassandra and Liyah stop talking and look up to see the nasty heifer her self, Natasha. She was smirking at them as Miya walk over in front of everyone, "Who," Natasha pointed over at them, "Them." Liyah sighed hard clenching her fist. Cassandra shook her head.

Miya look back at them, "Why y'all late." Liyah couldn't speak so Cassandra did the talking, "We are sorry-" Natasha cut her off instantly getting her aggravated, "She didn't ask for an apology, she ask why is you late." Cassandra bit her lip and glared at Natasha. She look back over at Miya.

"As I was saying we are so sorry, but we lost track of time. We promise it won't happen again." Miya nodded and look back over at Natasha and the girl who was staring at Liyah yesterday. "Mistakes happens its cool." Natasha turned her lip up at her, "Nawl let them do two laps around the track."

"The hell," everyone turned to Liyah who was now standing up. Then the other girl jump in too. "Miss we don't put up with attitude." "We sure don't." Liyah sat back down and silently count to 20. Miya went on and straighten things out. She told them its ok and don't make it happen again, and that if they do be late again that's 5 laps around.

"You don't have to do it if you don want to, you can always leave." Natasha whispered walking past Liyah. She rolled her eyes and walk over to Miya, "Again I'm sorry Miss Miya, you won't have to worry." Miya gave her a reassuring look, "I said its cool and I'm not worrying, I already got mines you need to get yours if you want it. I wont force you to, ok." Liyah nodded and left out the door.

She sat on the bench and waited for Cassandra. She saw some football players over on the field. She wanted to go see if Tyrell was there, but she figured that she had enough of that family attitude. Her phone vibrated and she saw that Cassandra text her.

Cassandra-Don't wait for me I'm busy.

Her stomach started growling and she groan as she rub it. She closed her eyes and thought about what she wanted to eat. "Awwl you so pretty baby." She turned over to this skinny dude. He gave her a toothy smile. She got goose bumps and began to shiver at the man. "Um is you a student here."

The man started laughing at her and soon began coughing up a storm. He was now wheezing and started to walk to her. Even though it was wrong Liyah panic and took off running. She look back to see was he following her and she was satisfied that he wasn't. Before she look back she bump into someone and she went down.

"The hell," Liyah sighed and rolled her eyes. She got up and look at a pissed off Natasha, "Oops." Liyah smirk at her and began to walk off. "Keep fucking playing little girl. You obviously don't know me, and just for that ima tell Tyrell." Liyah laugh at her and kept on walking.

By the time she made it into her building Tyrell was calling. "Hello," she said in a annoyed tone. "Mane why I just got cussed out for you." "You need to keep your pet in her cage." "Now hold up, don't say that shit mane I don't play about family." "I really don't care because if she would've showed some respect we would be ok, but nooo she wanna get me in trouble at the Deltas meeting and talk shit. So I don't give a fuck about family because that's the last thing on my mind." The line was quiet and Liyah was pacing the floor ready to say more. "Lets go get some to eat." Liyah stop then she instantly started blushing, "How could you make me go from 100 to 0 that quick." Tyrell chuckled into the phone, "Ion know but be ready when I roll through." Liyah nodded and hung up her phone.

She hurried up and went to go freshen up. Since it was night time, it was chilly so she wore some tight jeans, her low black boots, and a black thin sweater. She let her hair fall down and sprayed some perfume on. She smiled in the mirror and blew a kiss. She walk back out her room and the front door open.

Cassandra walk in with this dark skin dude. They was too busy hugged up kissing to notice she was there. Liyah cleared her throat but apparently that didn't work. She did it again and still nothing. She look at them like they was crazy, "Damn it aint that good." Cassandra pulled back smirking, "My bad." She said rubbing her lip.

"Go in to my room, its right there." Once he left, Cassandra turn back at Liyah, "I must be dreaming because I know you aint leaving without me begging you." She said jokingly and Liyah stuck her middle finger up. "Shut up and yes, I'm going to go eat with Tyrell." Cassandra gave her a blank look and then shook her head going into her room. "Have fun," "You too and I will be coming back in like two hours so finish up your business ok."

Cassandra yelled ok as Liyah shut the door behind her. She took the elevator down and walk out into the lobby. Tyrell was just pulling up in his black lamborghini aventador. Liyah walk out into the windy weather satisfied with her outfit choice. Tyrell got out and surprisingly had on a black outfit too. He stop and stared at her.

"So you just gon steal my ideal." Liyah laugh as he open the door for her. He walk around and got in, "How the hell you work this car." He shrug and start to pull off. "It really is easy." Liyah shook her head, "Shit to fancy I like stuff simple."

They pulled up to another restaurant called Bishop's. The outside of it was so beautiful and breath taking. When you walk in there is this little fountain in the ground on each side. Plants and trees surround the place and made it more appealing. Their was two big buff men standing at the door. 

Tyrell pulled her close as they step up to them. The Mexican looking one step forward, "Did you make reservations sir." Tyrell nodded and gave him his name. The man found his name and direct them to a table on the second floor.

There table had candles and there was rose pedals on the floor. Once Tyrell help her in her seat and they place their drink order Liyah look at him like he was crazy. He sighed hard and rub his face, "Mane Liyah don't start now, you say you want a gentleman that's what I'm trying to be." Liyah couldn't do anything but smile.

"Awwl Tyrell you this is so sweet, and I wasn't gon start going crazy I just thought this was a little too much for a first date." Tyrell was taken back from her words, "Girl please if anything this isn't enough." She pulled a string of hair behind ear as she blush. "Well thank you Tyrell, but try not to be too fancy because like I said in the car I'm a simple girl."

They begin to have a nice conversation, and the waiter came back with their drinks. Tyrell and Liyah order meat loaf, potatoes, and string beans. As they continue to talk Liyah look down at the first floor. It looks the same but there was more booths and tables. What caught her eye was her mom sitting at the table with a man.

She swiftly got up and walk over to the railings. Tyrell wrap his arms around her, "Whats wrong mama." Liyah eyes watered as she began to smile. "Look at my mom." He look down at her as she held hands with the man. "Oh shit yo mama getting sum tonight too." Liyah playfully punch him in the chest, "Nigga you would ruin the moment."

He smirk at her and nodded. Liyah took a picture and walk back to the table with Tyrell. They stayed there for an hour talking about everything. She learn that his mom died when him and Natasha was younger and that they had to go live with their grandma.

He got his nick name, Ty, from his old friend , name Bob. Bob was a skinny nerd with big glasses and he was always trying to fit in with the cool kids. Once they grew up Tyrell and Natasha got a job at a restaurant, but Natasha quiet on her second night. He never met his dad and he wish he could see him.

He look like his mom and Natasha look like her dad's mom. He is an Omega and he showed her the sign that was burned on to his chest and arm. "Nigga couldn't be me." He laugh at her as he tried to finish desert. "Come on Aliyah." She raised her hand up, "Call me Liyah." He turned his nose up at her, "I'll call you what I want to call."

She playfully rolled her eyes, "Take me back to my room because I got class tomorrow at 10." He nodded and paid for the bill.  The car ride was cool and humorous. Tyrell sang every song to her.

'Cause girl you're perfect (girl you're perfect)

You're always worth it (you're always worth it)

And you deserve it (and you deserve it)

The way you work it (the way you work it)

'Cause girl you earned it (girl you earned it, yeah)

Girl you earned it (you earned it, yeah)

Tyrell sang Weekend "Earned It" to her perfectly. "Omg you are so good at singing." She said still blushing. He walk her to the building all the way up to her floor. They didn't even make that far when they saw a girl standing at Liyah's door pissed off. "Um can I help you." The girl look over at her, "Mane Liyah please tell Cassandra to stop all that damn beating on the wall."

Liyah nodded as the girl storm back into her room. She look back at Tyrell who was smirking. She unlock the door and walk in. Tyrell walk in and closed the door. "Cassandra." Liyah yelled and the beating stop.

Soon Cassandra came stumbling out the room. "Girl why you so loud." Liyah look at her like bih what. "Me loud. Nina had to come over to tell you to stop beating." Cassandra instantly got embarrassed. "Guh it was either the beating or the screaming." They all started laughing, "Well tell ole dude its time to go."

Cassandra got quiet and look over at Liyah with pleading eyes, "See I was wondering would you go spend the night with Tyrell and I have the place to my self tonight." "Oh hell nawl, I'm not leaving so you can have fun." Liyah was getting annoyed.

Tyrell pulled her arm, "Come on mane let her have her time, and when you want your time she will give you yours." Liyah glared at her and left out with Tyrell. Cassandra did her happy dance as she closed and lock the door.

Sorry for mistakes. I hope you guys are enjoying Baby Girl Knows Best. Do you guys love the characters if so, who. Also please spread the word about my book so I can have more views. Thx -Canary

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