
" A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying... that he is wiser today than he was yesterday"

I woke up to someone shaking me. "Wake up! You'll be late for school!" It was Lukas. I grumbled and got out of bed. I was so not ready for school today, nor any day, knowing that Ryan Kemal and his gang of miscreants will be their waiting for me so they can beat me up again, like they always do. "Too dead to go to school," I grumbled as I tried to go back to bed. "Don't make me get the bucket," Lukas says more firm. My eyes shoot open, not wanting the ice bucket. "Alright, get out Luke," I push him as I get up. I yelped as he slapped my thigh. "No pushing," he scolded. I grumbled as I went to my closet to pick out something to wear. He threw me onto the bed. "Stay while I get your outfit," he says. Oh yeah, forgot; they fucking baby me! Excuse my foul language conscience. He throws me a pair of kaki shorts and a space unicorn shirt. I sighed and put them on as well as my goldfish socks and went down for a cold bowl of name brand cereal. The house was dark and the sun barely peeked out from its hiding place. Suspicious. I thought as I flicked on the kitchen lights and wait for someone to get the cereal for me since I'm too short to reach the high cabinets where the cereal is located and would end up in the corner of I get a chair to get it myself. My stomach rumbles. I began to yell at someone to help me. Matthew was the one who came to help. "Nate! It's like three in the morning what are you doing up in this devilish hour?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. "No it's not it's-" I looked over to the oven to see it is exactly 3:32. Oops now 3:33. "It was Luke!" I pleaded. He held his hand in my face. "Save it, we'll deal with this in the morning. Get your butt back to bed unless you want it tanned," He says. With that, I shuffle back to bed, my bottom clenched together in fear he might slap it anyway. I get rid of my shorts and got back to bed, though I couldn't fall back asleep. Joshua had taken my phone as soon as it reached curfew and I know he won't give it back until right before we get to school. I lied there for what felt like hours, staring at my plain ceiling that had a huge crack in it from when me and Timmothy had playfully wrestled. I turned to him, seeing him snoring away on his bed. Lucky, he wasn't woken up by that bitch Lukas. Sorry Conscience, you'll have to deal with my foul language, I'm just soooo upset. The morning came slower than I thought. "Sit!" Matthew ordered me that morning. I do as told, not wanting to get into trouble. "Lukas!" He shouted. Lukas came running in, wait. He's wearing a pull-up! A wet pull-up. Oh.....so that's what they were arguing about yesterday. "Did you by any chance oh I don't know...." great he was slowly going into his hulk mode. "Did you wake Nathan at 3 in the morning!" Yep, there it was. "Um..." Lukas gulped. "N-no?" It was obvious he was lying. "Lukas you don't lie to me!" Matthew snapped and Lukas gulped again. "I-I'm not," he stuttered, which made Matthew even more upset "go to our room and stand in the corner!" He says, his face red with anger. Lukas does as told, I could tell he was on the verge of tear. Don't feel bad. He deserves this. Right Conscience? "And you, Why were you yelling? What you want the whole neighborhood that you're too short to reach the damn cereal?" I whimper, his words stung like fire, even more than his spankings. "I-I just didn't want to get in trouble using a chair," I squeaked out. Joshua grabbed Matthew by the collar, having heard what he said. "Matt! You don't say that to him! Even when you're angry!" He yelled at him, fear shooting into Matt and anger flushing out. "Go to my bathroom and get the bar of soap!" He ordered, Matt immediately obeying. I gulped as tears began to steam down my face. "It wasn't your fault hun. He didn't mean it," Joshua says sympathetically to me, which was something he wasn't often. I nodded a little as tears poured down my face. "What's with all the yelling?" Timothy yawned. "I'd shut it, unless you want a punishment too!" Joshua says before going to his bedroom, from what I assume to deal with Matthew. I looked to Tim, tears still flowing as he took home in his arms. "Poor guy, tell me what happened," his soothing voice was all I wanted to hear. That was when I felt an extra pair of arms around me, these arms much more muscular and protective. "Marc?" I tilted my head slightly to look up to my big brother, my eyes still red and puffy. "It's me baby, I'm here," Marc nodded as he sandwiched me more against him and Tim. I closed my eyes and relaxed into him. "So why were you up so early little one?" He asked me. "Lukas got me up f-for school as a prank," I sniffles. "Honey it's Sunday and school doesn't stay at three am," I blushed, feeling stupid. "Where's the little punk now?" Tim asked a bit upset. "Matthew Sent him to corner before he hurt me," I sniffle. "I'll deal with him," Marcus nodded to Tim. "We all say things we don't when we're mad, I know he didn't mean to," Tim says soothingly as he wiped away a stained tear. I nodded. "Thanks bubba," I hid my face in his chest. "Let's get you some cereal," he says as he went to the tall pantry that he reached with a bit of a boost on his tippy toes. I didn't even come close to reaching on my tippy toes. He got me some Captain Crunch and fed me it as if I were a messy one year old, though I didn't quite mind it. I then began to hear screams come from Lukas and Matthew. "It won't come out!" Matthew sobbed. "Well maybe you shouldn't have said that to him!" Joshua yelled, I could tell his teeth were bared. "Stop! I'm sorry!" Lukas was also sobbing, I could hear the thwack of Marcus's belt. "Give more, and you're going to wear a pull-up for the rest of the day. You've lost your bathroom privileges!" I hear Marcus tell Lukas as he hit him again with his belt. I whimpered a little as milk spilled on my chin. I didn't like yelling, especially this much so early. Timmy stroked my hair, trying to get me to relax. He then took me to our room to watch ninja turtles, which I happily did, sucking on a watermelon sucker. Mmm. Yummy!

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