18-Seeing Eye to Eye

*Mathew's perspective*
Everything was looking up for once. Joshua had gotten over his illness and Nate had become a cheerful bouncing boy again. I had started talking to Dillan, turns out I might be bi. I wasn't sure what it was about this guy, but man was he a comedian. Perhaps that's what it was. I was shy and timid, he was out going and seemingly fearless, especially when it came to his disability. I was partially blind myself since most lights hurt my eyes so I have to wear special glasses to help me; my family used to call me Mole because if it. Only they could call me that, and only them, or I'd punch them or cry...maybe both. My dream is to one day see a sunset in it's entirety without the shades, just to see all the colors blending throughout the sky. How I could imagine, the gently breeze passing by and the birds chirping. Just like a fairytale. Did I have high hopes? Perhaps. I even knew the perfect place to see it; at picnic hill just by the public park. Maybe we could bring Moose as well, or Lefty. They were both Marcus's dogs, but had not been out since Joshua had been diagnosed with pneumonia. Maybe I could train one of them for Dillan since I've noticed he doesn't have a seeing eye dog and thought maybe he was lonely. That's what I'll do! I'll train Moose since Lefty is missed her right paw in front, and Marcus has a huge attachment to her. Can't really see why since she doesn't do much. Perhaps it's companionship. Yeah. That's it. Companionship. She was a real sweetheart,  it not much to look at, a black and white pit mix with boring brown eyes. Not that Moose was much more of a stud to look at either.

*Nathan's perspective*
I hugged Joshua, getting all excited since he said we could go out to the park. My favorite were the swings! I love swings! Especially when Joshua pushed me up high! I bounced all the way to my room, feeling as though I could explode since I was super excited. I screeched, having not expected the large orange cat in the closet. "You alright?" Josh asked as he quickly opened the door. "Yeah, Bushyew scare me," I said as I hugged my big bubba. "Awe he did? What a silly kitty," he cooed as he picked me up before helping me find an outfit to wear to the park. I hope no one else is there. That'd be embarrassing! I began to look for Buster, the cat, bit had no luck. That's when I get an idea. "Yoshi?" I asked as I looked up to him. "What's uo baby?" He asked. "Can I brings toy?" I asked him shyly, "sure," he nodded and got my diaper bag. Yay! I'm gonna bring my pastel pink strawberry bear since he loved to play with me and my purple giraffe stuffie as well since my bear needed a friend to play with. This is going to be all exciting! I began to bounce as I went off to find Marcus to see if he wanted to come! And my other bubbas as well. I then hear the doorbell ring and I get all scared, unsure of who it was. I quickly ran to Timmy who was sitting on the couch. "I'll get it," Josh sighed as he pulled his shirt on, walking to the door. As he answered, there was a small bark. A dog? Did Marcus get another dog? I glanced over to see it was Dillan. Since when did he get a dog? "Matt!" Joshy called from by the door.

*Mathew's Perspective*
I got scared when I heard my name being called. I quickly go over to the door to see Dillan standing there. I then gasp, looking at the golden retriever with a service vest on. "You got a dog?!" I asked excitedly. "I know how much you worry about me," he answered with that stupid grin that always made me smile. Man I think I really like this guy. "What you doing here?" I asked him. "I was on a walk when I decided to stop by here first since I'm your neighbor and all," he told me. Wait, neighbor?! "Wait, neighbor?!" I asked. Since when? "Yep, moved here with my new roommate since apparently a blind man can't safely live on his own," he said sarcastically. "Really?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No, but I moved in with him because he's my best friend and he was running late with some payments, so it'd be easier if we both owned the same house," he replied to me. I nodded, accepting the answer before checking on Nate who was still with Josh, "Nate bubbas you okay?" I asked, getting all excited. "Yep!" The boy giggled as he pack some of his toys. "Is that okay if Dillan comes?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No, he no come," Nathan huffed. I frowned upon hearing his answer. "Why not?" I asked. "I no want him come," he told me, which made me sad. "Okay," he walked off with his head held low. Why does he hate him so much? Was it something he did? Something a said? I'll have to ask him. I was just hoping  things would work out between the two of them.

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