10- Baby

"Live like you're scared to death of never finding the one you should have met"

~Josh's Perspective~
Everything was all set, we just need to get our baby bro. I was actually excited, though most of it I contained. I was about to walk into his old room where I knew he was when I heard Lukas call for me from the other room. I turned around and went to him. "Joshua, it didn't work. He didn't sleep long enough for us to do anything," he frowned. I simply nodded and grabbed the chloroform from the medicine cabinet and took it with me to Nate's room. "Hey Josh, you finally finished redecorating?" He asked. "Yeah I am," I say nervously. "What's that?" He asked as he glanced at the bottle I was holding behind my back. "It's medicine," I tell him "But...I'm not sick. Josh? What's going on?" He asked as he sat up. I could tell I was as scaring him. I jumped onto him. "I'm sorry Nate but you'll understand later why I have to do this," I say before using the chloroform on him. It was rather easy despite him struggling. Gosh he's such a weak noodle. I turn to see Marcus in the doorframe look at me as if I had just murdered him. "I had to. He wouldn't let us unless he's passed out," I sat and slowly got off of him. "Did you get an outfit ready for our baby bro?" I asked. He silently nodded as he picked up Nate in my arms. "Need help?" Marcus asked softly. "No, he's as light as a newborn," I joked and handed him off to Marcus. "I'll get a bottle ready for when he wakes up, you and the other brothers can change him," I tell him. He nodded and carefully carried him out of the room.

~Marcus's Perspective~
Josh was right. He is really light. He hasn't been eating lately and I had started getting worried. He looked so peaceful sleeping in my arms. He looked like an adorable little baby. Like I remember he once was. That was when everyone was happy. Better times. I carried him to the guess room that we had turned into a big nursery for our little brother. "I love you baby Nate," I say as I sat him on the changing table and pulled off his shorts in boxers since that's all he was wearing and began to change him into his adorable baby diaper and baby clothes.

~Four Hours Later~
~Nate's Perspective~
I began waking up. Everything was fuzzy around me, I felt strange. What happened to me? Josh. What the hell did he do to me? That was when I heard someone coming. "Marc, you've been checking on him every ten minutes. Our baby needs his rest," I hear Tim say. "Awe, I'm sorry I just can't help it. He's just so adorable," Marcus replied. "He's awake!" I whined a little at how loud Marcus had gotten and snuggled against the blankets. "Shh, you're being too loud," I felt myself being picked up. Everything felt so warm around me. I closed my eyes then opened them again. I wasn't in my room. Quite frankly I'm unsure if I'm even in my house. "Shhh, it's okay Bubba," I looked at Tim. "T-Timmy? What's going on?" I asked scaredly. "Shhh, it's okay baby lets go take you to the kitchen. Josh had a bottle for you," he says and carried him to the kitchen. Bottle? "Why do I need a bottle?" I asked. "Because babies need to eat," he cooed. I was still confused. "But I'm not a baby," I say. "Yes you are. You're our baby brother," he says as we arrive at the kitchen. They all coo at me. "Can I feed him?" Marcus asked excitedly. "You can during dinner," Josh says and got me from Tim. I could see Marcus pout. "Morning baby," Joshy says as he shoved the nipple of the bottle in my mouth. I try to spit it out. "Eat up NaNa, you need to eat," he says as he firmly kept the bottle in my mouth. I began to drink it, knowing there was no way I was going to be able to fight him. I could feel him bouncing me a little, the nipple bobbing in my mouth a little. I had finished half of it before Josh took it out of my mouth and laid my head on his shoulder and began to burp me. I looked to Mathew who was just standing there, shoving his face in some left over pizza and watching me be babied by my oldest brother.

~Mathew's Perspective~
I honestly felt bad for the little shrimp bait. He hadn't grown since the seventh grade. At least, that's when I remember him ever growing. Ever since he was young he always gave our parents stress because he had so many complications and health problems. When he was born I remember he was almost too small and everyone thought he wasn't going to make it. It was Josh who had hope for him, and even named him since our parents wouldn't. He had got his name when he was three years old, when we knew he'd live. We're unsure of how long he will live but we like to enjoy the moments we have with our little brother. We always had to be careful with him unless we wanted to worsen his chance of living until he was at least thirty five or so. I was usually the most gentle with him, despite him ever really noticing me there. I also have...complications. It's one thing we have in common; besides our last name that is.

~Marcus's Perspective~
I couldn't help but notice that Mathew was zone out. I stepped in front of him. "Everything okay?" I asked him. "Everything's perfect," he smiled. "Yeah, Baby Nate is so cute," I say as I looked to Nate who was finishing his bottle. He really does look adorable, even more than before, especially with the cute outfit on. I made faces at him, causing him to laughed a little. It was the cutest laugh I have ever heard. I love our baby brother and I can't believe we didn't do this sooner. Thanks Josh, for this great idea. I always thought you were the boring one.

~Nathan's Perspective~
Marcus kept making stupid faces at me, making me laugh. I blushed a little when they all cooed at me. I love my brothers, even if they do embarrass me all the time. I wish they didn't but at least they care about me. I guess if it makes them happy I'll be their baby brother.

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