Chapter One
Author's note: I am spicing up Jason and Tim's origins, now they are biological brothers and Bruce took them in much younger than in cannon.
"Come on, Jay, we are going to be late." Tim yelled at his older brother, slipping into his Red Robin suit as Jason emerged in his classic Robin one, a smirk on his face. "Well then, lets go! Dick and his friends are going to be waiting."
The two siblings made their way out of the cave, glad the Gotham zeta tubes were close by so no one would spot them in costume during the day.
"You know, if we are both Robin, how will they tell us apart?" Jason turned to his younger brother, turning down the alley that contained the tube. Tim stopped before entering the tube, looking back at Jason.
"They will probably call me Red and you Robin." He shrugged, stepping in the tube with Jason quick to follow.
Recognize Red Robin
Recognize Robin
"Finally! Took you two long enough." Nightwing smiled at his approaching brothers. "We were just about to start the briefing. Batman should be here shortly."
As if on cue, the caped crusader himself strode into the room with Black Canary and Red Tornado on his heels. "Team, before we begin let us welcome Red Robin and Robin for their trial run." Everyone mumbled hello, turning back to the adults with serious faces. "Our mission today is to gather intel on an operation that has been gathering a wide variety of dangerous chemicals on a remote island. Recently, they have begun shipments off the island. We need you to infiltrate and observe, do not engage. Got it?"
The teens nodded, getting the go ahead before heading towards M'gann's bioship. They all piled on, taking their seats as she punched in the coordinates. Nobody said a word until they were a good distance away from Mount Justice.
"So, are you two actually related? Cause you look a lot like." Wally asked, drawing out the 'so'.
"Yeah, Robin is my older brother, but only by eighteen months." Red Robin looked to Nightwing to see if sharing the information was acceptable, which it seemed to be giving the little nod of his head.
"But you aren't related to Nightwing, right?" Artemis clarified, looking between the three black haired teens.
"Nope." They all responded in unison, eerie grins appearing when they realized what they did.
The ship fell silent again, everyone getting lost in their own thoughts as they flew towards their destination. Both the new recruits had looks of determination on their masked faces, while their seasoned teammates all looked slightly bored, ready to get the recon done with so they could get back to the cave and start their movie marathon.
M'gann started the descent to the drop point, putting the ship into camouflage mode while doing so. Kaldur had scanned the island while they had flown over head, noting the one factory sized building on the smaller sized island. As the teenagers departed the ship, he broke them into pairs, sending them off to different areas of the island and building to observe.
"M'gann and Nightwing, you two take the docks. Artemis and Superboy, you two take the Northeast section of the building while Kid and I will take the Southwest." He turned to the youngest members, almost chuckling at how serious they were trying to seem. "You two, take to the vents and the rafters. Hack their systems, find as much information as you can on their supplies. Got it?"
The team nodded, splitting off to take to their assignments, M'gann linking them all mentally beforehand. Jason and Tim ran soundlessly through the forest, approaching the building in the shadows. Tim popped open a low air vent while Jason pulled up the schematics of the building. When the vent was open, they crawled in and sealed it behind them, heading towards the control center of the operations.
Nothing happening at the docks so far, how about anyone else?
They seem to be taking stock of vials in the Northeast. Dozens of them, all in crates. Looks like they are getting ready to ship.
Same here in the Southwest.
Red and Robin, how are things on your end?
Tim looked up from the holoscreen, glancing through the slits in the vents that showed the control room. He squinted, noticing the men in the room place a red colored vial into a dispenser before pushing a button.
I'm not sure what, but something is happening. One of the goons just dispensed a vial and drained it into-
He was cut off by the vents groaning, the section him and Jason were in suddenly being sectioned off by plexiglass. The slits in the vent slammed shut, startling Jason from his hacking.
Red, report.
Uh, we might be trapped.
What?! Explain.
I don't know, the vents just slammed shut on us and now- Suddenly, a gas filled the small space, the same color as the vial that the man had placed in the dispenser. -now it is filling with a gas. I activated our trackers just in case.
Robin, Red, get out of there. Now!
Tim and Jason were way ahead of Nightwing, frantically banging on the plexiglass. But with each hit they gave it, they felt weaker and weaker, getting drenched in sweat. Their muscles began to cramp, Jason letting out a low groan as Tim's leg started to spasm. aster...
Dick and M'gann had long abandoned their post the second they sensed their youngest members in danger, now fully engulfed in battling their way to Red Robin and Robin's location. Luckily, the rest of the team had the same idea, so it didn't take long for them to take the control room.
"According to the tracker, they should be in this section of vent." Nightwing pointed at the ceiling containing his brothers, anxious to get them out. M'gann flew up with Superboy, who took down the vent covering.
"Uh, we have a situation." Conner called down. Dick instantly bristled, demanding to see his brothers. Conner sighed, scooping them up in his arms. When he emerged from the vents, a collective gasp fell upon the room.
Jason and Tim were fast asleep, unharmed, in Conner's arms. But they were now no older than five years old, collectively. The teenagers just stared at the very young boys, unsure what to do about the unorthodox situation.
Kaldur cleared his throat, not taking his eyes off the brothers. "We need to get back to the Mountain. Now."
It wasn't until halfway through the journey back to the base that one of the two young boys stirred, strapped into a booster seat the bioship made for them. Jason sleepily blinked open his eyes, taking in his surroundings. When he didn't recognize anyone, he began to sniffle. "D-daddy?"
The team jumped, not realizing he had woken up. Dick turned around, smiling at his brother. "Hi Jay, have a good nap?" He tried to talk softly, as to not scare the toddler. Ultimately, he failed.
Jason's tears came faster as his lip trembled more. "W-who are you? Where is my daddy? Timmy? Dickie? I want my daddy!" He wailed, kicking his feet against the bottom of his chair.
His kicking woke Tim up, who blinked up at his brother's tears. He pouted, poking his cheek. "Jay? Jay?" Jason stopped mid wail, noticing Tim next to him for the first time. He gasped happily, pulling the younger boy in for a tight hug. Tim giggled, wiggling out of his grip. "You okay, Jay?"
Jason nodded, wiping his tears and snot away with the back his hand. The teenagers were amazed at how quickly his mood changed, none of them really having much experience with young children. They decided to just let the brothers be unless they cried, until they got to Mount Justice and needed to get them inside.
"Don't touch Timmy!" Jason hissed, swatting M'gann's hands away. And Artemis'. And Dick's. And anyone who came close.
"Jay, we have to get the two of you inside." When the toddler still stubbornly shook his head, Kaldur came up with an idea.
"Boys, daddy is waiting inside, do you want to go see him?" Unsurprisingly, the boys let themselves be unbuckled, much happier this time. They slid out of their seats, holding hands the whole time. When the door to the ship opened, they ran behind the team, giggling when Tim tripped a bit.
Thankfully, Kaldur did not tell them a lie because Batman was waiting for them with Wonder Woman and Flash, their backs turned to the teens as they entered the mission room. Not being able to contain their excitement any longer, Jason and Tim pushed past the much older kids and ran full speed at Batman, squealing.
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