chapter seven


Donna, Jackie, and Babe all stood on Eric's porch as they leaned over the railing. The latter two listening to Donna as she told them about Eric's plan in which he asked her to go with him to the Drive-in to watch the scary movie, The Omen.

"The Omen? That's at the drive-in." Jackie expressed excitedly. Babe smiled and nudged the redhead, who was freaking out.

"I know. I don't know what to do." She replied exasperated. "I really like Eric, and I'd like to have a physical relationship, but..." Babe rolled her eyes at Donna's answer and Jackie interrupted her.

"It's called, "make out," Donna. Say it." Jackie scolded Donna.

"All right, make out. But I don't want it to be public, I don't want it to be tacky, I don't want there to be pressure, and now it's this tacky, public pressure make-out thing." Donna listed off.

"I understand. Everybody wants their first make-out to be special, in some place romantic. Like Ireland. Or Disney World." Jackie said dreamily.

"Really? My first make-out place was behind the stage at a Decathlon." Babe said frowning.

"And I'm sure that's like the Disney World to nerds like you Everly." Jackie told the girl making her let out a scoff.

"Disney World?" Donna questioned Jackie.

"Right, sorry. So, let's focus. He asked you to the drive-in." Jackie questioned her. "And you said, "yes"?"


"Will you come with us?" Donna asked Babe.

"I mean me and Brett are going but we wanted to go alone..." Babe replied awkwardly because of her hinting at the implication.

"Oh my god, you little minx!" Jackie exclaimed as she nudged the girl's elbow.

"But I'll definitely be around if you need anything, I'll even try to sneak off for a while." She reassured Donna.

"Thanks, will you come with us?" Donna asked Jackie.


"You'd be like a loophole."

"That's smart." Babe commented.

"Loophole?" Jackie asked confused.

"I, I could always talk to you if I get nervous. 'Cause you've got to be bored with s*x by now." Donna told her in an obvious tone.

"What do you mean?" Jackie asked confused and worried. Making Babe shake her head slightly at the answer she already knew.

"You and Kelso... Have done it like a million times." Donna said matter-of-factly.

"We have never done it." Jackie told her in slight shock at Donna's answer. " He got to third base once and that was an accident."

"Whatever." Donna replied.

"Don't worry, we'll be there." Jackie reassured her.

"Thanks." Donna said leaning her head on Jackie's shoulder briefly before turning to look at Babe. "And you missy need to catch us up on you and Brett."

The girl grimaced as she recalled her last conversation with Hyde at the disco. The two hadn't talked since, other than when they hung around with the group and those times they kind of felt forced to interact with one another. It seemed it had taken a slight toll on their friendship. On the other hand, her and Brett had surprisingly been doing fine, he didn't know about Hyde's confession —nobody did.

"We're good. Like surprisingly doing really well. We drove to Waterford for his little cousin's birthday yesterday and after I went with him to his baseball game." She said with a cute smile, making the other two girls giggle.

"Did you wear his jersey?" Jackie asked teasingly.

"Yeah I did, happily sported the number 24 on my back." She answered.

"Did he score any home runs?" Donna questioned.

"He got two home runs and managed to get another point by hitting one into left field, letting his teammate get the point." She explained.

"I'm gonna act like I understood what you just said." Jackie told her. "Did he kiss you after the game? That's way more important than if he scored any points."

"He did." Babe replied with a blush. As the girls laughed and teased her. Yet in the back of her mind, a curly-haired boy who wore sunglasses resided in her thoughts.

The group sat in Eric's basement the familiar cloud of smoke surrounding them. But something not as familiar was that instead of sitting next to her usual spot next to Hyde, Babe was missing.

"I am telling you, I heard it. The devil is singing backwards on the record." Fez told them concerned.

"It's not the devil, man. It's Congress. They passed a secret law to put backward messages in our records, man. They want to kill rock and roll because they know it makes us horny, man." Hyde exclaimed.

"Doesn't, uh, doesn't pretty much everything make us horny?" Eric asked as he shoved a twinkie in his mouth.

"Cartoons make me horny." Kelso said laughing. "Oh, uh, and food."

"When you play the record backwards, you can hear the devil speak. I am starting to hear him everywhere. Ay." Fez look around scared. Hyde spoke in gibberish before speaking clearly.

"Satan is your master, Fez. Worship satan." Hyde said in deep and creepy voice.


"Before you worship satan, get him a cherry pop. Get satan a cherry pop. Get satan a cherry pop. A pop, man. Get me a pop. Fez, man, get me a pop." Hyde changed back to his voice midway and laughed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I misunderstood." Fez replied.

"Satan's second choice is root beer." He exclaimed in the voice again.

"Ay." Fez muttered scared, Kelso suddenly laughed as he remembered something.

"You guys will never guess what!" He exclaimed all giggly.

"What?" Hyde asked smiling.

"Jackie told me that Brett is taking Babe to see The Omen. Which is funny because Babe is getting more than you Hyde and that's literally your supposed thing." Kelso laughed and Eric joined, Fez laughed too the worry about the devil never left his face but Hyde's smile completely dropped.

"What do you mean he's taking her to The Omen?" He asked confused both by what he was smoking and by Kelso's statement.

"Yeah! They're going alone in his car and you know what's definitely going to happen." Kelso laughed again and Eric did too. The latter having no idea what was being said,

"Man, don't say that. They are most likely not there yet." Hyde scoffed.

"Actually according to Jackie, they already di–" Kelso was about to finish but wasn't able to.

"Okay, whatever man. Don't finish that, it's not our business." Hyde replied rolling his eyes, the others didn't notice how much this truly affected him and changed the conversation to something about guinea pigs. While Hyde sat there consumed in his thoughts which included Babe and mind controlled guinea pigs.

Brett and Babe laid in the backseat of Brett's car in an intense make-out session. Babe's arms were wrapped around his neck pulling the boy closer to her. As his hands rested at the back of her thighs as she straddled him. He slowly trailed his kisses from her lips to her cheek, then jaw, and her neck until he reached the spot behind her ear that made her ticklish.

Babe let out a loud laugh as he continued to tickle her, his hands wrapping around her waist to not let her get away. He smiled at the sound of her melodic laughter, very much enjoying it. He then began tickling her sides making her squirm and slide off of him as she laughed and he continued his attack.

"Y-You know people don't usually take this time to go into a tickle fight." She told him in between laughs. He smiled at her leaving a kiss on her lips before replying.

"Well, we aren't most people are we." He replied with a smirk. "Plus it doesn't seem like much of a fight to me, there's clearly one winning person here and it's not you." He said as he didn't give up.

The girl raised an eyebrow before suddenly pulling him by the back of his neck into a deep kiss which distracted him, making her take the advantage. She pushed the boy back and resumed their position from earlier in which she was straddling him. Only this time she held both of his hands down over his head.

"I win." She smugly told him.

"Actually, I win. After all, I'm quite enjoying this predicament I'm in." He teased her, she shook her head at his answer before she frowned as she saw Eric and Kelso approaching the back of the car, seemingly on their way to get popcorn.

Brett used her distraction to sit up, the girl now sitting on his lap. And he too stared at her approaching friends. She sighed and turned to stare at him about to tell him that she needed to go check on Donna and Jackie but was stopped by a sweet peck on her lips. Brett stared up at her after he separated from her and smiled.

"Go." She smiled at this and gave him one more quick kiss before getting out of the car.

Fixing her hair and clothing on the way. She saw Eric's car and instantly made her way over to it and slid inside at the driver's seat. Surprising both girls, she offered them a smile but both girls wore grimaces on their faces.

"I'm guessing it's not going well." Babe said, making Donna sigh and Jackie wince.

"This is so awkward." Donna told Jackie continuing their conversation, Babe would eventually catch up.

"You're right. And I wasn't being a very good friend." Jackie apologized, Babe frowned confused. "No more making out. I promise." Jackie finished as she patted the girl's shoulder, and finally, Babe caught up.

"I somehow knew Jackie and Kelso were gonna end up making out." Babe said mostly to herself earning her a slap on the back of her head by Jackie. "Geez, calm down."

"Since I'm on a streak of apologies, I need to apologize to you Everly." Jackie said earning a confused stare from both girls. "I told Kelso about you and Brett hooking up and he may have spilled the beans to Hyde."

Babe and Donna widened their eyes at this. Donna knew about Hyde's feelings so for obvious reasons she was concerned about this new knowledge he had acquired but she also didn't know Babe knew something about his feelings to an extent.

Babe's head began spinning at the newfound knowledge and at the probabilities of what the boy thought. Donna noticed the intense turmoil the girl was facing within her mind and tried to change the subject.

"By the way Babe, I can see that hickey on your neck." Donna pointed at the spot and Babe instantly covered it with her hand as her face burned in embarrassment.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" Kelso asked the girl confused as he leaned on the window, Eric wondering the same thing from behind Kelso. This spooked Babe who didn't notice their presence.

"Uh... Nothing." She said as she opened the door making Kelso stumble as he was pushed back. "Bye now!" She sprinted off back to Brett's car. Hyde was long forgotten and Kelso was down on the floor grumbling.

As she got in the backseat she was instantly met with arms wrapping around her waist as she was pulled into Brett's side who began leaving kisses on her neck this time in that spot and not her ticklish spot. The girl sighed and slung her arm around his shoulder. As he brought his face up and was about to connect their lips, the driver's seat opened up and there sat Mr. Ruth. Making both teens instantly separate and sit up straight.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Babe asked trying to subtly hide her hickeys with her hair.

"I got a call from a very bad Eric Forman impersonator, telling me you would be here watching The Omen and you know I'm a sucker for horror movies so here I am." He said turning a blind eye to their situation in the back, knowingly knowing what was happening.

Babe sighed as she thought up a person who would've ratted out her location to her Dad. When her face scrunched up as the perpetrator came up in her mind loud and clear, Steven Hyde. That little jerk was going to pay for this.

As Hyde walked back to his home coming back from Fez's home, he noticed a figure waiting for him by the door. One he instantly recognized, he cursed to himself. Already knowing the scolding he was bound to receive.

"Why'd you rat me out." Babe questioned him. "Didn't take you for a snitch Hyde, that's more of Jackie's thing."

He sighed as he stood in front of her looking at her in the eyes. Before his eyesight shifted to her neck which looked to be completely covered in purple, he scoffed. You couldn't even see where one finished and the other began.

"I was just worried about you, as any friend would be." He shrugged away its importance.

"Okay, then why didn't you do the same for Donna?" She asked him expectantly.

"I did not wanna talk to Bob." He quickly came up with that excuse to which Babe scoffed.

"Whatever." She said while rolling her eyes. "Just mind your business next time." As she went to walk away he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back to face him. Their faces inches away from one another. "You said, you would respect my relationship." She reminded him before he did something crazy.

"And I am. I'm not gonna kiss you, don't worry about that. If I were gonna kiss you I would do it at the right time and that's not today." He said and briefly glanced at her lips before putting his sunglasses up in his hair with his free hand, the other still rested on her arm. "I'm not ready to admit it and you don't know how you feel." He told her softly.

"There's nothing to admit. You said it yourself it's just a friendship crush." She said pointedly. "And I do know how I feel, I like Brett and I'm happy with him." Hyde tensed his jaw at the last part.

"Okay." He said with a scoff, she frowned at him.

"Stop it with your jealousy, I am happy and I like him." She told him.

"I'm not jealous. As your friend, I just don't think he's good enough for you." He said to her seriously.

"And who is? You?" She asked incredulously, he slightly released her grip on her arm.

"Definitely not me, you deserve better than me too." She deeply frowned at this not appreciating his degrading words towards himself. "Maybe someone like Thomas Purell." He told her, changing the tone in his voice to a more lighthearted one.

"The track star, really? He has your great seal of approval?" She asked him with a raised brow, a small smile peeking through. He shrugged his shoulders.


They both sighed as they stared at one another, he finally released her arm from his grasp. She reached forward and enveloped him in a hug which he gladly returned. Tucking his face on top of her head, the smell of her coconut shampoo invading his sense of smell.

While she closed her eyes and mentally scoffed at how easily they both always glossed over whatever issues they had because they both had that same fear of abandonment. As if they were to suddenly confront whatever was happening, the other would up and leave.

She was also mad at how much his recent words about her and Brett were taking a toll on her relationship all of a sudden. Sure nothing physical was going on between her and Hyde but something was happening mentally and she didn't know which one was worse, definitely the former but the latter also sucked.

God was she a mess, and she hated it. If there's one thing she hated a lot it was being disorganized and not having everything be under her control. And this situation was definitely out of her control and completely disorganized.

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