Wildcats, Snow Monsters, and Evil Discs

Azure's POV

"I'm a Pirate! Pirates are the definition of cool. Although, you would think I would get invited to more parties." I rolled my eyes with a tired grin.

"Sea Hawk, you're going to a royal wedding next month." I pointed out. Either he did not hear me, or he chose to keep blabbering on.

"I mean, you think I'm cool, right?"  There was a shout, and I gasped as the rope jerked in my belt. Sea Hawk was falling. I drew my axe, and slammed it into the ice wall, holding on for dear life.  There was a final tug and Sea Hawk stopped screaming. The safety rope worked. I enjoyed the moment of relaxation before Bow started pulling him up. I was Not surprised to hear Sea Hawk singing sadly.

"I'm Sea Hawk, I am, I am. Want to take a guy for granted? Then I am your man. Unappreciated in all I do. Why can't they see I am very cool? Guys, back me up, I'm very cool!"

Once he was back on his feet, I allowed myself to look up.  "How much further?" I asked, and Bow shielded his eyes from the wind.

"Probably forty feet?" I nodded, though it seemed so much farther.

... It seemed an eternity later before Glimmer reached the top.

"Any sign of She-Ra? Preferably the version that won't throw us off a cliff?" Bow asked.

I could feel Glimmer's heart rate accelerated, and smell a familiar buggy sent.  "No. no She-Ra. Just a terrifying snow monster!" I hauled myself over the top with the help of Petra.  Looking towards the Horde base I nearly screamed. It was massive; a long body, with red eyes and small red dots on his neck and back, and heaven knows how many legs it had, I was a bit too preoccupied with panicking. It slithered around the building and I coiled back, almost stepping back on the edge.

I could feel the electric hum of some kind of beat, so loud it seemed as if it were next to me. A shadow loomed over us, and I went stiff. Or it was right behind us... I turned, seeing a second creature. I opened its mouth and roared.

"Go!" I shouted, quickly severing the safety rope in four swipes, throwing myself out of the way as it slid upward farther.  Before I knew it, we were running in three different directions. Petra and I were grouped, Glimmer and Bow together and Sea Hawk alone.

Petra grabbed my arm, steering me towards a flat side of the horde outpost.

"Petra, we'll corner ourselves!" I shouted over the roaring of monsters and rushing wind. Petra swung down and gripped a grate in the wall.  "A vent." I realized. I dug my nails into the metal and ripped it open.

"Get in." She ordered. I slid in, and crawled on, feeling her get in after me. Once we came to a stop I relaxed.

"Are you okay?" I asked and Petra chuckled.

"Sort of. Why is it always the two of us when we're chased by a giant bug?" I cackled a little, and Petra snorted.  "We should keep going." Petra said between small breaths. I nodded looking ahead, seeing a small intersection.

"Left, or right?" I asked, and Petra hummed.

"Chose the right when the choice is placed before you. Chose the right..."  She trailed off and I stifled another cackle as I turned right, leading us further into the Horde outpost.

There were shudders through the walls, and we found ourselves staying pretty level. The vents twisted around, and I could not help but think of Entrapta's castle back in Dryl, when we were escaping her bots, which had been prone to murder anything alive at the time. We stayed relatively quiet as we navigated our way to the inner workings of the outpost.

I was making a left turn when I saw the dim light and felt the heartbeats of two people.  "Petra, it's another grate." I informed her, and she pushed on my rear.

"Hurry up and get out already, I am sick of looking at your big butt." She snorted. I mock gasped.

"Hey! My butt is adorable." I teased.

"Sure, whatever you think."

I reached the grate and scanned the room. It was packed with crates and a big screen was mounted on the wall, Entrapta at the front. I listened as a heartbeat grew faint before I took my hands to the grate. I slid my finger through one of the holes in the grate and found the screw with my nail. I quickly twisted it before it dropped to the floor with a small plunk.

I went stiff as Entrapta turned her head. I watched, feeling my heart pound. A moment crawled by, then another but Entrapta shrugged and turned around. I breathed heavily and carefully unscrewed the others.

With a small twist, I pulled the grate from the wall and slid out, keeping an eye on Entrapta who gasped loudly. The screen filled with the face of the weird bugs. I waved to Petra who had thought I was seen and pulled her out. We darted behind a stack of crates, sliding in between the boxes. I crouched down, flicking my ears while facing Petra. She did the same thing as we listened. It was mostly Entrapta talking to herself until a second heartbeat came into focus.

"What's happening? Why is the power going out?!" Catra burst into the room and snapped at Entrapta.

"Apparently, by drilling into the ice, we've unleashed these creatures; and now they're obsessively trying to destroy us. What an unexpected twist!" Entrapta informed her cheerfully.

There was a pulse of energy that I recognized, and a small flash of light sneak past my head. There were two new heartbeats pounding in my ears in seconds.

"Hi!" Entrapta called, then there was an awfully familiar voice crack within a scream.

"Bow." I breathed. There was an arrow fired and Entrapta yelped in surprise.

"Fascinating..." Entrapta oohed moments later.

Petra leapt upward over the small wall of crates, and I followed. Catra was up high, sword in hand, and Entrapta was rolling to a stop on the floor.

"Bow, Glimmer." I breathed standing next to them.

"Azure, Petra! Where have you been?" Glimmer asked as we kept our eyes on Catra.

"Running from a Giant monster?" I tried.  The dome rumbled and bits of debris fell from the ceiling.

"Always great to see you, sparkles, but we're a little busy here." Catra spat and Glimmer raised her glowing fists.

"Where's the disc, Catra?" Glimmer barked back.

"What? You didn't like my new, improved version f She-Ra?" Catra smirked coyly.

"Entrapta, please, look who you're working with. Whatever the Horde is giving you, it's not worth the damage you're doing." Bow pleaded as Entrapta measured the weird grey wrap around her body.

"Those monsters outside are infected by the same virus that's infecting She-Ra." The building shook, and Glimmer pulled me closer to her to save my head from taking a knocking by a block of debris the size of my fist.

"Infected? That can't be right. The disc only infects First Ones tech. Unless..." Entrapta trailed off, eyes growing wide.  "The Bugs are First Ones tech" She gasped, rolling over. The Building shook again, and Petra dodged a falling wire.

"We have to destroy the disc, or none of us are getting out." Petra snapped at Catra.

"Huh. Guess I must have lost it." Catra smirked slyly.

"Catra, it's in your pocket, remember?" Entrapta reminded her from the ground, rolling about excitedly.  Catra rolled her eyes. Bow set an arrow to his bow, and Glimmer raised her fist. I pulled my axe from its sheath and the staff shot open. Petra took her own collapsible spear from her back and growled.

The dome shook wildly and a giant head tore through the metal sides. Catra was knocked off the tower of crates and fell to the ground. I saw a large crate go tumbling towards Entrapta, and I put on a burst of speed. I was not going to let her die this time, even if she was not on our side.

I slammed into her, and lifted my arms, bracing for the impact which came much sooner than expected. My knees buckled but I threw the crate to the side and stumbled upright. Staring at the bug.  Two beams of acid green light shot forward and struck the creature's face. I turned to see Scorpia, Sea Hawk and Adora running in.

"For the Horde!" Scorpia shouted, and Sea Hawk glanced at her. "I don't agree with that sentiment, but I am also here!" He added loudly.  Adora swung a mop, mimicking shooting sounds with her mouth.

Adora stopped next to Glimmer and pointed at her.  "Hey, I know you."

Glimmer hugged her.  "Adora, I'm so glad you're okay."

I saw Catra running towards them.  "Petra!" I shouted instinctively. Petra whirled towards Catra and snarled viciously, leaping at her and tackling Catra to the ground.  Petra reached for the disc which Catra held high, and Bow struggled to find a good shot. Petra opened her mouth and snarled in Catra's face as she twisted her wrist, sending the disc flying. Catra swiped up on Petra's jaw and threw her off. I looked around wildly for my axe and found it on the floor.

I flew forward and grabbed it, before charging. Bow fired an arrow at Catra, but she grabbed it out of the air and threw it back at him.  I shot forward and knocked him out of the way. The arrow making a small explosion behind us.

"Maybe we shouldn't shoot exploding arrows in an unstable dome." I suggested, and Bow nodded from under me.

"Sounds good." He agreed. I jumped off him and helped him up.

"Just give us the disc!" Glimmer snapped at Catra who she had pinned.

"Are you kidding? I've got control of Adora. I am not giving that up."

The fight paused as the giant bug like creature made the hole bigger and threw its head down towards them mouth gaping open.

Petra flew across the floor and pushed them both out of the way. The creature forced itself into the room and pursued Catra. I shot forward and watched as bow held Scorpia back with Sea Hawk and Adora. I leapt up, gaining momentum off the crates, and shot onto the back of the bug's head. I held my axe in the air, and with a shout I slammed it into the bug's head, but it did not do more than scuff the tough armor.

"Catra, you have to destroy the disc. It's the only way to stop them." Bow called from the ground.  Scorpia knocked him off and shouted Catra's name. The best swung its head down, and I dropped my axe.

"Azure!" I did not know who called my name, but the bug pulled upward, and I nearly fell.  Catra kicked off the metal wall but headed straight into danger.  In a moment of blindness, I threw myself into the bug's mouth. I planted my feet in the corners of its mouth and dug my claws into the soft, pink flesh of its mouth.

"Don't you dare!" Catra called behind me to Scorpia bellow. I could not hear anything but the constant roaring in my ears.

"Sorry, wildcat. This is for your own good." Scorpia said from below.

"No!" Catra roared.

The creature vibrated a moment before it reared back, spitting us out. I fell to the ground but landed in someone's arms, before we sprawled across the floor, my weight clearly too much. I rolled off my rescuer to find it was Bow.

"Sorry, sorry, I am so sorry." I apologized profusely.

He grabbed my hand.  "No. It's okay Azure. I'm glad you're okay."

I looked into his eyes and breathed.  "Thank you."

I looked up, seeing the creature scuttle away, slithering out its hole once more and disappearing into the tundra. Adora moaned.  "Oh, what happened?" She wondered.

I helped Bow up and Hugged him. Petra was watching over his shoulder with a smirk. I stuck my tongue out at her. Petra's eyes widened, and I turned, seeing Scorpia grab Catra, and run.

"Hey, put me down!" I heard Catra shout as they disappeared into the hall...

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