A Minor Hiccup
After sitting through another a long boring lecture from Professor Port Team BLES return to their dorm room to relax.
Y/N: (exhausted) Thank god it's over. Thought that old man would never shut up.
Hyde: Yeah I though I was gonna literally die of boredom. Who knew one guy could talk for hours.
Jin: Well now that class is over let's get something to eat.
Yu: Sounds good. I know a great ramen place we eat at.
Hyde: Hell yeah I'm starving.
Y/N: Cool I'm down.
Suddenly the team hear a voice coming from the window.
???: Sup bros
The team turn to the window and saw Sun who was hanging upside down from his monkey tail. Team BLES slightly jumped back at the shock.
Y/N: (shocked) Sun?! Why hell are you here?!
Sun: I just want to ask you guys a favor. I overheard that the girls are tracking down Torchwick and the White Fang. I was thinking that we could all tag along and help out. Y'all in?
Yu: So they're going after those guys from the other night.
Hyde: They must being trying to figure out why the White Fang working with Torchwick.
Y/N: This could be my chance to settle the score with that punk.
Jin: Besides they going up against a notorious criminal boss and a Faunus army. They definitely need all the backup they can get.
Y/N: Alright count us.
Sun: Cool! I knew I could count on you guys.
Sun turn to the window.
Sun: Hey Neptune they're in.
Team BLES looked at the window and saw Neptune standing on the ledge of the building.
Neptune: Sup
Y/N: You guys know we have a door right?
In the Team RWBY, the girls are gearing up for their investigation and going over their roles.
Ruby: Great we'll meet near Yang to go over what e found. Let's do this!
Sun: Yeah
Sun appeared hanging upside down from has tail out their window.
Team RWBY slightly jumped back at the shock.
Blake:(shocked) Sun!?
Yang: How did you get up there?
Sun: It's easy. I do it all the time.
Weiss: You do what?!
Sun: I climb trees all the time.
Weiss then glared at Sun out of suspicion.
Sun: (climbing in the room)So are finally getting back at that Torchwick guy.
Blake: We are going to investigate the situation (gesturing to her team) as a team.
Ruby: Sorry Sun. We don't want get friends involved if we don't have to.
Sun: (walking over to the door) That's dumb. You should away get friends involved. That's why I brought Y/N and the others.
Sun open the door revealing Team BLES all geared up and ready.
Y/N: what sup.
Sun: (pointing out the window) And Neptune here too.
Team RWBY then peaked out the window and saw Neptune standing on the ledge of the building.
Neptune: Sup
Y/N: (peaking out the window) Dude just use the damn door like we did!
Neptune: Sun said this was a cooler entrance.
Ruby: How did you even get up here?
Neptune: I have my ways? Seriously thou, can I come in? We're like really high up right now.
Ruby: I'll go with Y/N, Weiss can go with jin, Sun you can go with Blake, Yu can go with Yang, and Neptune you can go with Hyde since he doesn't have a partner. Everyone good?
Weiss: (smiling) We're good right Jin
She wrapped her around Jin's arm.
Jin: (smiling) No complaints here.
Y/N and Ruby walking through Vale to investigate any local dust shops that Torchwick targeted and try to find out any information about where his hideout is. Suddenly Ruby accidentally bumped into someone. They were surprise to see that someone is Penny Polendina.
Ruby: (shocked) Penny?!
Penny: Uh
Y/N: Where have you been? Since that night at the docks.
Penny: Sorry I think you're confused.
She made a hiccup that cause her to lightly toss the scroll to Ruby's hands.
Penny: Uh I got to go.
She then walked away in a hurry.
Y/N: What was that about?
Ruby: I don't know but we're going to find out. Come on Y/N let's follow her.
Y/N: Right
Ruby and Y/N caught up with Penny.
Ruby: Penny where did you go? It's been weeks.
Y/N: Yeah why did you just disappear like that?
Penny: There seem to be a misunderstanding.
Ruby: What?
Penny continued to walk away from Ruby and Y/N. But they caught up to her and Y/N grabbed Penny's hand to stop
Y/N: Hey, Penny wait. Look we just need to tell what happen that night.
Ruby: Y/N right. Those guys we fought at the docks, we think they're up to something, something bad! We need you tell us what happen to you that night. Please as a friend.
Penny thought about they said and then she walk closer to them.
Penny:(whimpering) It isn't safe to talk here.
Ruby, Y/N, and Penny were walking down the street together talking about what happened during that night at the docks.
Penny: I wish I could help you two but I don't know anything about those men.
Ruby: Well what happened to you that night? We were all together and then you just disappeared. Were you kidnapped?
Penny: Oh no nothing like that.
Y/N: Then where did you go?
Penny: I've never been to another kingdom before. My father and mother asked me not to venture out too far but you have understand my parents love me very much. They just worries a lot.
Y/N: Yeah I know what you mean.
Y/N thought back to when he was a little kid. His mom would always coddle him and Jin. She always loved them so much that sometimes it was embarrassing. But he still misses the love and care of his mother. Y/N snap back to reality when heard Ruby's voice.
Ruby: Believe me I know the feeling too. Be why not let us know you were ok?
Penny: I...was ask not to talk to you two or Weiss or Blake or Yang or anybody really.
Ruby: Your parents were that upset.
Penny: No, it was my parents.
Suddenly they heard General Ironwood voice. When they turned the corner they saw a crowd of people in front of a hologram of General Ironwood. The hologram we present newer models of Atlas robotic soldiers. Ruby looked amazed and Y/N looked a little impressive.
Penny: Guys maybe we should go somewhere else.
Penny noticed two Atlas soldiers had spotted her. She turn around started to run.
Ruby: Penny? Wait, where are you going!?
They saw the two guards run towards them.
Y/N: (turn to Ruby) We should haul ass too!
Ruby nodded and they both followed Penny down an alley with the the guards chasing them.
Atlas guard: Down here! She went this way!
The three teens ran across the street into another alley. While they were run Y/N saw a wooden platform hold several wooden crates. When they were running passed it Y/N quick unsheathed his bloodscythe and cut the support beam causing the platform to fall and make the crates block the way to keep the guards from chasing them. Ruby and Y/N continued following Penny.
Ruby: Y/N hang to me!
Y/N Huh Why?
Ruby: Trust me!
Y/N wrapped his arm around Ruby then she activated her semblance. She then grabbed Penny and the three of them transformed into rose peddles. Using all her strength Ruby boost them out of the alley. When she deactivated her semblance Y/N and Penny landed on a sidewalk but Ruby had rolling into the middle of the street. She sit up and rubbed her head. Suddenly a truck was driving right behind her. Y/N eyes widen out of shock. In that moment Y/N's body reacted without thinking and he ran in the street and wrapped his arm Ruby to protect her. They both closed their eyes and braced for impact when suddenly Penny jumped in front of them and she stopped the truck with her bare hands. The impact cause the street under her feet to crack and made a large dent the front of the truck. Ruby and Y/N widened their eyes in shock and Penny look around seeing people staring at her and then she looked at her hands. Penny suddenly starting running into an alley then Ruby and Y/N ran after her.
Ruby: Penny wait! What's wrong?!
Y/N: Why are you running?! How the hell did you do that!?
Penny: I-I can't. Everything's fine! (hiccup) I-I don't want to talk about it (hiccup)
Ruby: Penny, if you could just tell us what's wrong we can help you.
Penny: No no no, you would understand.
Ruby: Let us try. You can trust us.
Penny: You're my friends, right? You promise you're my friends?
Ruby: I promise.
Y/N: I promise too.
Penny looked at both Y/N and Ruby before looking down.
Penny: Ruby, Y/N there's something you should know. I'm not a real girl.
She then opened her hands to show them her hands, revealing the metal beneath the torn skin on her palms.
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