R&R Ch. 41: Guardian's Embrace

Kuoh Academy

3rd Person POV

Issei stretched wide, yawning loudly and leaning back in his chair until he began to tip over, only to be caught by his best friend from behind. "Thanks." He said. "Dude please tell me that I wasn't the only one who thought last class was so boring. I kept dozing off throughout the whole lecture!"

"You can't do that, man." (Y/N) lightly scolded. "Though I do get what you're talking about. Mr. Yamashiro's voice is so monotone. Makes it really hard to stay conscious and pay attention."

"Ya got that right." The brunette agreed, leaning back with his arms behind his head.

"Actually, now that I think about it, didn't he just kinda show up outta nowhere?" The curious Dragon Emperor pondered.

"Oh yeah, now that you mention it, it is kinda weird. He just showed up early last year and that's about it." Issei replied.

"Yo, didn't he teach the drama classes?" Matsuda questioned.

"He did, but he scared so many of the students they pulled him out." Motohama explained, shifting his glasses.

"Wait, doesn't that mean he doesn't even have a class to teach?" The brunette asked.

Matsuda chuckled. "Maybe the other teachers are just scared of 'em so much they can't fire 'em."

"Then how would you explain the fact that he teaches some of our classes?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Maybe they just have him do it just to give 'em somethin' to do." Issei suggested.

"Maybe..." The Azure Dragon Emperor leaned back in his seat, glancing over to the shaved-headed young man. "Hey Matsuda, doesn't he live up at your family temple?" He asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah, he does. But he kinda just keeps to himself most of the time, so nobody really talks to 'em." He explained.

"Huh, that right?" (Y/N) pondered. He glanced at the classroom clock, only to see that it was almost time for his check up with Chisato for the week. 'Oh shit, I should get going.' He rose up from his seat and proceeded to leave.

"Yo, where you goin'?" Matsuda questioned.

"Got my appointment with Ms. Hasegawa today." He explained.

"Man, you so lucky you son bitch!" Matsuda cursed.

"I'm so friggin' jealous I can't even see straight!" Motohama cried.

"Dude, you have no idea how much a dream come true it is to be so close to such a babe for so long!" Issei declared.

"Whatever you say, pervoes." (Y/N) said before taking his leave.

Nurse's Office

"Pardon me." (Y/N) announced as he walked into the infirmary, but was met with no answer. "Huh...Chisato? Are you in here?" The Azure Dragon asks to make sure his physician was in the room.

"Is that you, (Y/N)?" Chisato's asked, her voice holding a slight hit of relief.

"Yeah hey! I came for the weekly checkup." (Y/N) replied.

"You came at the perfect time. Sorry, but could you come over here?" Chisato beckoned, her tone sounded rather begging.

(Y/N) looked to the closed curtain, assuming her to be behind it. "Uh, yeah sure. Excuse me." (Y/N) pulled back the curtain and immediately blushed intensely when he sees her current state.

She was dressed her lab coat, but also in a one-piece zip-up swimsuit and it greatly complimented her voluptuous, hourglass figure. The green lines complemented the outlines of her marvelous assets perfectly.

"Uh Chisato...What are you wearing?" The Azure Dragon asked nervously, unable to look away at the beautiful sight.

"Oh, I was asked to help supervise the girls swimming classes. There weren't any standard issued swimsuits that fit me, so I had one specially made. But..." The nurse explained, moving her hand down towards the zipper, pulling it down to only reveal half of her cleavage. "The zipper got snagged."

"I see." (Y/N) leaned down, gaining a closer look at the small metal slab. "That blows." He said, already pondering a way to fix it.

"Sorry but..." Chisato sat down on the bed behind her. "Would you mind helping me get the zipper undone?" She requested.

"You want me to help you get it off?" (Y/N) questioned.

Chisato cupped her hands under her breasts, lifting them up to the young man for him to grab a better hold of the zipper. Seeing the overwhelming volume and softness of her cleavage made the young man's heartbeat increase wildly.

(Y/N) gulped. "Alright then, well here goes nothing." The Azure Dragon said.

"Good. Thanks." Chisto said with a sigh of relief.

Grabbing a firm hold on the zipper, (Y/N) pulled as hard as he could without ripping the swimsuit itself. "I'll be damned...This thing is really stuck on there, huh?" He grunted. "I don't want to pull too hard, I might end up breaking it." (Y/N) hummed in thought, thinking of an alternative method for freeing his teacher from the confines of her swimsuit. 'There's gotta be some way we could make it come off...' He looked over nearby sink and spotted something that would possibly help. "Hang on a minute." He advised as he walked off.

"(Y/N)?" Chisato watched her student, curious as to what he was planning on doing.

He quickly returned with a bottle of foaming soap. "Chisato, would it be alright if I used this?"

Chisato looked at the bottle of soap, acknowledging the potential of it working. "Go ahead, if you think it'll help." She said.

With the brunette's granted permission, (Y/N) began pumping the white foam from the bottle onto the zipper of the swimsuit.

The contents began to stain Chisato's breasts bit by bit with ease. Some of the soap spilled onto Chisato's exposed skin as it eventually reached the top, making the beauty unleash a light squealish moan.

The young devil's cheeks turned red in reaction, jumping back from the sudden sound. "S-Sorry about that." He apologized bashfully.

"It's alright. Please continue." Said Chisato. "Except, won't this make the clasp slippery and difficult to hold?" She questioned, looking down her soap covered chest.

"It'll be alright." (Y/N) reassured as he set the soap down. "Now then, round two!" He declared, causing Chisato to blush. "On the count of three." He advised, grabbing hold of the area above the zipper. "Ready? One two...!" (Y/N) forcefully pulled the two sides apart.

With the equally applied force, Chisato's swimsuit opened with ease. Her naked body revealed itself as her breasts popped out with such boldness, almost as if they were jumping in celebration of their freedom.

(Y/N) stood silent, dumbfounded by Chisato's bare naked breasts' sight right in his face. He couldn't find the strength to turn away, he was too captivated by their perfect appearance.

"Well that was a bit rough, don't you think?" Chisato finally spoke up.

The flustered young man release his grasp on the swimwear and quickly turned around. "S-Sorry about that." He said. Feeling utterly embarrassed by his actions, he handed Chisato a box of tissues to clean up some soap that had gotten onto her skin.

"I'm not upset, you know. This is just the first time you've stripped me so forcefully." Chisato teased as she whipped herself off of the soap around her ample breasts.

"Easy on the context, would ya..." (Y/N) sighed, scratching his face.

Chisato giggle at (Y/N) embarrassment. "Thanks to you, I didn't have to cut up my new swimsuit." She praised.

"Right, well I'm just happy I could help you out." (Y/N) said.

"Hey..." Chisato called, causing her patient and student to turn and see her wearing her green sweater, lying on the bed with open arms. "Come lay with me." She requested.

(Y/N) remained silent, only to smile at the nurse. "Sure." He said, making his way to the bed.

Chisato sat up and moved over so the young man could lay down, only for her to scooch closer and lay her head down on his chest, her hand on his chest as his laying over hers and his other arm held her closer by the shoulder. She sighed in contentment, a blissful smile on her face. "I've missed this." She said. "Being alone, together with you. I've missed our private time."

"Yeah, me too. I'm sorry." (Y/N) appoligized. "Things have been really busy at the club. Then my old job caught up to me, the whole thing with Beerus..." He groaned in exhaustion. "It's been one thing after another, I swear."

"I know." Chisato smiled, understanding her patient's situation. "Though, if I'm being honest, I can't help but be a little jealous." She admitted.

(Y/N) looked at the brunette beauty in astonishment, confused by why Chisato Hasegawa of all people were jealous. "You? Jealous? Of what?"

"It's rather silly to say... But I'm jealous of the girls." She admitted.

(Y/N) continued to be confused. "The girls? Why?"

"They get to spend more time with you. Going on your missions, club activities and you live with half of them, which I'm not too keen on if I'm being honest." She said, instantly making the young man worried. "But, in the end it all has to do with you. Being near you and being with you seems to make them happy. Honestly, the fact that I can't live with you anymore is rather troubling to me." Chisato looked up, pouting face and a begging eyes included. "Is it really so bad to be selfish once in a while and want to be pampered?" She asked.

"Chisato..." The devil leaned up and hovered over her, his arms near both sides of her head. "If there's anything I've learned in these last few months, it's that it's okay to be a little selfish. What you want is nothing to be ashamed of. I'm just sorry I'm not around as much to deliver it."

"Oh (Y/N)..." Chisato reached up, cupping the young devil's face in her hands. "I love you." She smiled.

(Y/N) simply smiled. "...I love you too." He said, leaning down and delivering a loving and tender kiss onto Chisato's lips. As they held each other, they began to fight for dominance, fighting to see would remain towering over the other.

In the end Chisato won, only to lay back down on her lover's chest as (Y/N) proceeded to gently rub her head.

"You know...I never would've thought I'd have this kind of relationship with anyone. But then, I met you. I watched you grow from a troubled child who had suffered so much into a strong, kind, caring and dependable young man. Life is really mystifying, is it not?"

"Yeah..." (Y/N) thought back to everything he's been through in his life. From his childhood, to his time working Freelance and training to control his power and increase his skills, becoming a devil and so much more. "It really is, isn't it?"

"Hey (Y/N)..."


"Tell me something. What am I to you?"

(Y/N) fell silent, thinking of the best way to describe what Chisato was to him. Not as his teacher or doctor, but as a person. "You're my teacher. But most importantly, you're one of the people who saved my life. You taught me what it's like to love, and how it's like to be loved. I know I'm still kind of a dolt when it comes to romance, but I love you dearly, and that will always remain true."

Chisato's emerald green eyes lit up, full of life and passion. She sat up and figetted about. "G-Geez, you say you're a novice when it comes to romance, but you say sweet things like that and what's a girl to do?" She looked back and smiled at the young devil.

"Chisato..." He leaned up, moving closer to the burnette.

"(Y/N)..." She whispered, leaning closer towards her love.

The two met halfway, interlocking their lips with another passion filled kiss. As the two lovers embrace each other, Chisato wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s head, holding him closer as she spread her legs, feeling his slowly hardening member rub against her crotch. They fell back and continued to kiss, eventually involving their tongues in a fight for dominance. However, (Y/N) was not intentant on losing this fight.

'His tongue...' Chisato thought through the rushing pleasure. 'He's so rough~' She moaned through her struggle. 'I love it when he gets dominant~' The gentle feeling a hand began to make its way across her well toned thighs, only to grab her ample and supple ass, causing her to moan from the sudden touch.

(Y/N) continued to caress and squeeze the doctor's perfectly sculpted rear, causing Chisato to give up ground in their battle of tongues. Grabbing the backside of her swimsuit, he pulled it up and tightened the area around her crotch, adding to the feeling of his bulging member and the additional teasing to her slowly wetting vagina.

Chisato's erotic moans continued to grow louder and louder the more (Y/N) continued to rub her sacred place. Her legs began to fall numb and her mind began to blank. 'Oh God~ I love this! When did he learn to be so assertive? I can feel his very being all around my body~' Her mind was jolted with the sudden sensation of (Y/N) fondling her large and voluptuous chest.

Pulling in the chest piece of the swimsuit, (Y/N) revealed Chisato's breasts to lay bare, only to fondle and tease her left boob's nipple.

'Oh fuck!' Chisato cired. 'I don't know how much longer I can hold on! My body's surrendering to him. The feeling of his touch, his embrace is returning. My mind's going blank! I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum!!' And in a mere instant, her pussy release a river of her erotic juces. Her screams of utter pleasure were muffled by the kiss she and her lover continued to share.

The two broke apart, a trail of saliva parting between their tongues.

"S-Sorry if I was a little rough there." (Y/N) apologize. "I just...really wanted to hear you moan like that again." He admitted, a proud smile on his face.

"Well well well..." Chisato smirked, slowly recovering from having just cum. "Looks like (Y/N)'s growing into a little pervert. About time you started acting like a normal teenager." She teased.

(Y/N) simply chuckled. "Hey, better late than never, right?"

"I suppose you're right." She admitted, slowly moving her hand down, feeling her wet cum on her soaking pussy. "I'm sorry I came first. I forgot how sensitive my body was to your touch."

The Azure Dragon Emperor shook his head. "Don't be. In fact, knowing my hands made you feel good makes me kinda happy." He reassured. "Besides..." He added. "Seeing you make such a face, hearing the pleasure in your voice was worth it. And it kinda made me..." He paused, looking down at his tent pitching member.

Chisato looked down at the hard cock, licking her lips with desire and lust. "Is that so?" She leaned up and pushed her student down onto the bed. "As a reward for making me cum, I'll take this chance to make you feel good too and return the favor." She smiled,and began kissing (Y/N) and she gently rubbed his penis, causing him to lightly moan through her movements and strokes. "Having this thing stay confined in these pants must be aggravating huh? So how about I let his big boy out and show him some love?" She asked, proceeding to undo his pants. Removing both the underwear and pants out of her way, (Y/N)'s cock sprouted out and immediately intoxicated Chisato with it's scent. "Oh my~" She moaned, lightly stroking the broadening thickness of the penis before her. "It's grown a bit since the last time we did it, hasn't it? She asked.

"W-Well, it's been..." He paused to breathe. "A few years. So it's possible." He claimed.

The doctor simply smiled. "I know how much you loved it when I sucked your cock. You always made the cutest faces whenever I gave you head." She kissed the tip of the head before swirling her tongue around. "Leave this to me. I'll have you going numb with pleasure in moments." She promised, slowly taking in the entirety of (Y/N)'s thick member into her mouth.

(Y/N) reeled back at the sensation, causing Chisato to look up and smile at her own work.

Chisato bobbed her head up and down constantly, engulfing the broad member within the confines of her wet mouth, slowly gobbling the Dragon Emperor's cock as she took it all in. She stopped for a moment to breathe, only to continue moving her head up and down on the young man's dick. Her muffled moans merged with the slobbering slurps of her taking in (Y/N)'s cock.

"F-Fuck...!" The young devil cursed. "My legs feel like their gonna melt!" He cried. "Chisato, I'm gonna...!"

'So cute.' Chisto released the soaking wet penis from her mouth, only to jerk it off as she looked at her patient. "Do you wanna cum?"

(Y/N) looked pleadingly, his hand on Chisato's head as he rubbed his wet member against her face eagerly.

"Go ahead then." Taking in the cock once more, sucking it off with more intense pressure and speed as (Y/N) held her head. "Give me your cum (Y/N)! Pour it all down my mouth! Drench my throat with your hot delicious jizz!" She begged through her muffled pleading.

"Chisato! I'm-!!!" With one final push, (Y/N) released all of the built up semen within him into Chisato's mouth, thrusting with every burst of his spewing seed.

Chisato accepted it all, drinking every last drop that fell down her mouth. As she sucked the last remaining bit of semen from (Y/N)'s penis, she sat up and licked up the remains around her mouth and breasts.

"Mm~ You came so much." She said, wiping her mouth with a nearby tissue. "How long has it been since you masterbated?" She asked.

(Y/N) breathed heavily, absolutely from Chisato's intense deepthroating. He looked up and gave her a confused, but very tired look. "Master what?"

Chisato looked at her student blankly, only to giggle at him. "Never mind." She said, laying down next to (Y/N) as she held him closely, pushing his head in between her bosom as the two drifted off for a light nap.

Time Skip

As Chisato got her swimsuit off, she made her way to the spare set of clothes that she had laid out and started getting dressed.

"This isn't the first time you've seen my body. And you still have the cutest reactions to every time you see it." Chisato teased.

"Hey come on. You know full well it's been a while since we've seen each other in that way. So you can't exactly blame me." (Y/N) argued.

"I suppose you're right. But on to the more serious matters. (Y/N), how have you been feeling recently?" Chisato asked.

"Depends on how you mean. If you mean my magical circuits and the rest of my magic power, they're still not completely restored but I feel as if I can fight properly again." He explained.

"I see. That's good. And how's the club activities?" She asked.

"It's been rather quiet lately. At least for me. Rias keeps on suggesting for me to restore my power completely before I can do any proper devil work again, but then again I feel if I don't do anything sooner I'll go completely nuts!" (Y/N) complained.

"I see, well if that's the case then I may have a solution for you." Chisato said, walking closer to him wearing only her black bra, panties, and stockings.

"O-Oh yeah. What's that?" (Y/N) asked and she bent to his level on the chair and grabbed his hands.

"Will you please spend the evening with me tonight? Just the two of us?" Chisato requested.


"You said it yourself, it certainly has been a long time since the two of us have spent any time alone together. You're always so busy with school and club activities that you hardly have any time to spend with me. It's enough to make a girl jealous, you know." Chisato teased.

"Yeah, now that you mention it. Ever since you came back from your trip, we've only spent one evening alone together. I guess I have been neglecting you lately. I'm sorry." (Y/N) apologized.

"I'll forgive you if you grant me my request." Chisato implied.

"Yeah, I'll go to talk to Rias later and see if I can get the night off. I'm sure she'll understand if it's a Personal Summoning." (Y/N) pondered.

"You'll figure something out. Well, here's your note for your next class. I'll see you after school." Chisato said, sending him off with a playful wave and smile.

Time Skip

"(Y/N)?" Asia called to the dazed young man. "(Y/N)!" She called again, snapping him out of his daze.

"Huh?!" He yelped, quickly darting his attention to the blonde. "Y-Yeah? What's up?"

"Are you okay? You seem out of it ever since you got back from the Nurse's Office."

"Oh, really? Sorry, I'm just trying to figure out what to do for tonight. Guess I'm kinda overthinking a little bit." (Y/N) explained.

"Tonight?" Asia tilted her head in curiosity.

"Yeah, Chisato wants me to spend the night with her. Probably just to catch up, visit and whatnot." (Y/N) explained, taking a bite out of his boxed lunch. "So I probably won't be home tonight."

"Oh, I see..." Asia acknowledged, slumping her head down in disappointment and gloom.

Asia's guardian noticed her downtrodden behavior as he finished a piece of his omelette. "What's wrong, Asia?"

Asia shot back up quickly. "Huh?" He asked, her face rather flustered.

"You seem down in the dumps. Everything okay? Anything I can help with?" (Y/N) offered.

Asia hesitated to answer him. But slowly building up the courage, she resides to tell him. "Well actually-"

Out of the blue, the school's bells rang loud, indicating the end of the lunch period.

The two devils looked over to the main building in surprise.

Asia sighed in defeat. "Never mind." She said. "It's no big deal. I was just wondering what to cook for dinner tonight, since it's my turn and everything." She said as she began packing her belongings.

"Oh, okay. If you need help thinking of anything, I'm more than happy to help." (Y/N) offered.

"Hm hm!" Asia smiled. "Sure. Thanks (Y/N)!"

Time Skip

ORC Headquarters

The day proceeded on as any other, finally ending after its 6 hour long cycle.

As the devils from class 2-A arrived at the clubroom, they were immediately greeted by their fellow devils.

"Hey you guys!" Asia smiled.

"Hey..." Koneko greeted in her usual monotone.

"Hey Kiba, can I ask you somethin'?" Issei approached the blonde Knight.

"Oh sure, what's up?" He smiled.

As everyone began to mingle, (Y/N) looked around the room for his master to let her know about tonight.

She was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, has anyone seen Rias?" Asked the young devil.

"Oh Rias? She's in a meeting with Sona right now." Akeno informed. "They should've finished a little bit ago, so she'll be back soon. You need her for something sweetie?"

"Not really, just wanted to let her know that I've got a Personal Summoning from Chisato tonight." He explained. "It's cool, I'll meet her halfway. Have a good night guys!" He bid farewell and left through the door.

"Have a good night!" Asia waved, slumping down in defeat upon (Y/N)'s leaving.

"You okay Asia?" Koneko asked, biting into her chocolate bar.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm okay." She said, trying to wear a fake smile.

"Girl, I know something's bothering you so spill." The Rook implored to the Bishop, only to revive a whimper. "...It's about (Y/N) and Chisato, isn't it?"

"Oh! I know she's his guardian and I shouldn't be jealous, but I can't help it for some reason!" The innocent devil cried in panic. "Dear Lord, please grant me the strength I need to overcome my jealousy-?!" She prayed, only to receive a sharp stabbing pain run through her head.

Kuoh Academy

As (Y/N) continued on his way to the Student Council Room, he quickly spotted the red haired beauty standing by the door with Sona.

Rias turns to the approaching devil, her eyes quickly lit up. "(Y/N) hi!" She beamed her beautiful and happy smile.

"Hey Rias." He turned to the Sitri, bowing in respect. "Madam Sitri, pleasure to see you this fine evening."

"Hello (Y/N), it's nice to see you." Sona greeted back. "I guess I'll let you go Rias. Just keep in mind about what we talked about." She advised her fellow high class devil.

"Will do. Have a good night Sona." Rias bid farewell as she watched her friend walk off.

Both Rias and (Y/N) began to make their way back, with Rias holding onto her beloved's arm as they walked.

"So what was your meeting with Sona all about?" (Y/N) asked in curiosity.

"Just some stray devil analysis trade off. Nothing major." Rias claimed. "So, what's up with you?"

"Oh, I just wanted to let you know that I've got a Personal Summons from Chisato. So I won't be around for club activities today."

"Oh really? Sounds like fun." Rias smiled. "Will you be back later tonight?" She asked.

"Not likely. This will be the first time in a while, so we'll probably use all the time we can get."

"I understand." Rias replied, feeling rather upset that she wouldn't be able to see or be with her beloved for even a single night was going to be difficult for her. "You two are really close, huh?" She mumbled.

(Y/N) looked to the redhead in puzzlement. "You say something?"

Rias shook her head. "It's nothing. Just be safe, okay?" She advised.

The Pawn smiled in reassurance. "Of course."

Time Skip

As the Azure Dragon Emperor made his way to the entrance gate of the school, he instantly spotted a cluster of students nearby. "The hell's that all about?" His curiosity piqued, he made his way through the mass of oggiling students and broke through to the very front. There he was met by an incredibly fancy, crimson red sports car parked on the side of the road, and an older man standing by the side. (Y/N)'s eyebrow rose in curiosity and he approached the man. "Happy?" He called.

The suited man looked to the young devil and smiled, approaching him and extending a hand. "Hey there kiddo, how's it been?" He asked, taking in the young man into a brief hug.

"Pretty good, pretty good." (Y/N) replied.

All of the students continued to watch. Chatter arose and some began taking pictures.

Happy noticed and went into Bodyguard mode. "Excuse me! This is a private matter, please keep walking!" He ordered.

Many students looked to (Y/N), some for a follow up.

The young man nodded and the students dispersed.

"So uh...Tony said you had a scrap with a G.O.D, and practically saved the world." The man said.

"G.O.D?" He asked.

Happy shrugged. "Tony came up with the acronym. Apparently it stands for God of Destruction. What's that about?"

(Y/N) shook his head. "Don't worry about it. It's in the past."

Happy simply stared at the young man with an  unbelieving gaze. "You blew up a mountain, (Y/N)." He said. "Not even two weeks ago." He added.

(Y/N) simply stared back at the man, quickly glancing at the luxurious red sports car. "So uh, what's this all about?" He asked.

Happy looked to the vehicle, instantly remembering his purpose for coming here. "Oh! Right. Tony wanted me to give you this. He wants you to test drive it. He's been tuning it up on his off time and he wants to know how it drives now." Happy dig through his pants pocket, pulling out a set of keys and handed them to the young man. "Here."

The young devil held out his hand, watching the keys drop into it. "Uh...okay." He said, staring at the keys as Happy began to take his leave. A sudden idea ran through his mind and he turned back to the man. "Wait, how're you gonna get back?!" He called.

"I've got a ride." Happy said, approaching a black car.


Happy hopped in and drove up to the young man for a final message. "Be safe kiddo! And Tony wants it back by Monday!" He said before blasting off down the street.

(Y/N) simply stared at the cloud of dust from the burnt rubber Happy left behind. "Is there a time or...No? Okay." He murmured to himself before tossing the keys and catching them.

"What was that all about?" Chisato asked as she approached the young devil.

"Oh hey." He greeted. "Uh, apparently Tony wants me to test drive his fixed up ride. Happy just dropped it off. Over there." He pointed to the car.

The brunette glanced at the vehicle and simply accepted the fact that Tony would do such a thing. "I see. Figures he'd do something like that." She said.

(Y/N) simply stared at the beautiful brunette, handing her the keys with an offer. "You wanna drive?"

Chisato took the keys and stared at them before looking at the young man. "You sure?"

"Sure! Why not? I've got the thing until Monday, so might as well enjoy it." He said.

Chisato hummed as a smile crept onto her face. She made her way to the red sports car and unlocked it for herself and (Y/N) to enter. She started the car and it's engine roared alive, but quickly quieted down as she pulled out of the parking space and drove off.

Time Skip

It had been a little while since (Y/N) and Chisato left the school grounds. Eventually they came up to the apartment in which Chisato lived in.

"Your apartment huh?" He asked.

"That's right." The brunette replied. "What's wrong? You don't want my home cooking?" She snickered.

(Y/N) leaned back in his seat and pondered for a brief moment. "Let's see...Go somewhere where the food could be mediocre and with screaming children, or have a nice quiet dinner alone with you...Yeah I think I'll stick with your idea." He smiled.

Chisato's Apartment

After driving quite aways on the highway, the car pulled into the building's parking garage. The two got out and headed inside, walking down the hallway of the ground floor to the elevator. The entire building looked like a 5-Star hotel.

In all honesty, there would be times where (Y/N) would have a hard time believing that Chisato lived in such a fancy, luxurious high-rise apartment building. He himself would often have to stay in places like these with his bandmates for concerts and such, but he always prefer the simpler way of living. Though with Chisato's impressive records in the medical field, it wouldn't be too odd for her to take advantage of the benefits.

Exiting the elevator, they walked towards Chisato's apartment and entered upon unlocking the door.

"Please, make yourself at home." Chisato advised, closing the door behind her. "I'll go make us some tea."

"Okay, sure." (Y/N) replied, walking over to the couch and sitting down with a heavy sigh. He rubbed his hands against his face in exhaustion. Rubbing his tired eyes, he glanced out at the city of Kuoh, the light from the surrounding buildings illuminated in the darkness of nightfall that had fallen over the busy street.

"Here you go." Chisato placed (Y/N)'s personal mug she had for him on the table, the beverage within smoking from it's hot temperature.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"So, tell me, what's been going on with you lately?" Chisato asked, taking a seat next to her student.

"Oh boy, where do I even begin?" (Y/N) asked.

Time Skip

"I see, sound like you've had a fairly interesting past few months." Chisato smiled as she took a sip from her tea.

"Yeah, sure. That's...one way to put it." (Y/N) sighed, leaning back. "So, I never got a chance to ask before; How was your trip to Thailand? Did you find anything?" He asked.

Chisato looked down into her drink in gloom, seeing her regretful expression reflect back at her. She shook her head. "Unfortunately no. While it was nice to go and sightsee a bit, I'm afraid my research came up empty. I've looked at every practice they had to offer, and nothing they had seemed like it would help cure you for your condition."

Chisato's words weighed heavily down on the young devil. Though, deep down, he knew it wouldn't be easy.

For many years, both he and Chisato have been looking for an answer as to why his body tended to fail. Why his heart stops. They had stopped looking into standard medical practices and looked deeper into other potential methods from all over the world. Yet their efforts have been anything but fruitful.

"I understand..." (Y/N) said, his head hung low in gloom.

Chisato gently placed her hand on his. "I'm so sorry sweetie." She apologized.

The young man smiled reassuringly to the doctor, turning his hand over and held hers with their fingers interlocked. "It's okay. I know the answer's our there somewhere. Until we find it, I'll just have to keep pushing through the pain."

Chisato smiled, leaning closer to the boy and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Now, enough with all the doom and gloom. I did bring you back something from my little trip. It's not much, but I do hope you like it." She smiled. "I know how much you tear through your workout clothes when you train, so I brought back something a bit more durable." She added.

"Oh yeah?" The young man's interest was piqued. "What's that?" He asked.

Chisato smiled and directed his attention to one of the bedroom doors past the kitchen. "They're inside that room on the bed. Try them on and show me how they look on you."

"Sure." (Y/N) said as he rose out of his seat. "Be right back." He said. He made his to the designated bedroom. Upon entering, he noticed an excellent pair of boxing shorts. It's grey and black color were as appealing at the fabric it appeared to be made from, silcky smooth to the touch. "Oh wow!" He marveled. "These are nice." He admired as he held the shorts and examined them closely, looking to the side to see the word "Breaker" stitched on the side. He couldn't help but smile. "Well, let's see how they fit."

As Chisato stared out the window view of her apartment, the door behind her opened. She turned around and watched as her patient came out wearing nothing but the boxing shorts she got for him.

"Oh my, very nice." She claimed.

"Yeah, I really like these. Thanks Chisato." (Y/N) smiled.

"Well then, now that you're changed let's get down to business." Chisato finished the last few sips of her tea and stood up, making her way toward the other side of the apartment. "Follow me." She instructed.

Chisato lead the Dragon Emperor to another room. Upon opening the door, the room released itself to be a massive white-tiled room. Almost perfectly fit for training when using large amounts of destructive power.

"Woah..." (Y/N) marveled, looking around at the massive room. "It's been awhile since I've been in your training room. Seems bigger than last time though. Did you make adjustments?"

"I did. Now that you're older and your powers have grown in their destructive capabilities, I decided to make proper adjustments to meet the proper conditions for containing your powers." Chisato explained, closing the door behind her. "Since this room is disconnected from the rest of reality, we can be as destructive as we want. Nothing on the outside can interfere or be affected."

"Gotcha. So, why'd you bring me here exactly?" The young deviled asked.

"It's simple. I'm going to evaluate your current strength and evaluate your progress." Chisato explained.

The young devil's eyes widened by her proclamation. "We're going to spar? Are you sure that's a good idea?" (Y/N) asked.

"Oh? Are you thinking that you're strong enough to best me?" Chisato teased.

"No." The Azure Dragon Emperor denied. "I just don't feel like having my ass handed to me and being put in another body cast for six months." The Azure Dragon replied.

Chisato giggled. "Relax, I'm not so cruel as to give you a hard enough time than you do already." She claimed, walking to the other end of the room.

"Okay, so what? Do you want me to use my full power right from the start or what do I do?" The young man asked.

"Feel free to do whatever you want. Afterwards I'll go ahead and make us dinner. " Chisato said catching the young devil's attention.

"Sounds good to me. I haven't had your delicious cooking in forever." The Dragon Emperor cheered excitedly.

"Alright, then. Let's begin." Chisato prompted, initiating the Dragon Emperor to charge straight at her with his Blazblue charging magical energy. "Going right for the attack, huh? Radiant Light Fang." Chisato chanted, creating a circle of energy halting the Dragon Emperor at the sight of the multiple blasts coming right at him.

"Damn it!" The devil cursed trying to escape the onslaught of light attacks.

"Are you giving up already?" Chisato taunted.

The young Dragon Emperor smirked. "Heh, you wish." He replied, creating a barrier and blocked a few of the incoming attacks.

Through the smoke of the impacting attacks, (Y/N) dashed through with his Blades of Order drawn, slashing and cutting down any remaining attacks. 

"Nice to see you bounce back, but you'll wish you didn't make the decision of charging from the front." Chisato suggested, conjuring a bow of light.

"Shit! The Taufe Durch Pfeil!" The Azure Dragon said, immediately stopping his full frontal attack in order to evade the arrow that Chisato had launched straight for his shoulder. 'That was too close for comfort. If that attack connected, then I wouldn't have been able to use my left arm for at least a week.'

"Don't be so confident. It would've been for two weeks." Chisato said launching another arrow.

The Azure Dragon dodged each arrow that his mentor launched at him, only for every other shot to come dangerously close to connecting to some vital part of his body.

"It seems that you are able to dodge my carefully charged arrows with ease. For evasion and agility, you get an A." Chisato praised.

"Well, I don't mean to brag. But so long as I'm able to see the area in which you're aiming, I'll be able to make a decent enough plan to dodge. But of course that's only if-Huh?" The young devil quickly noticed a blue aura glowing around Chisato. "Uh-oh." He responded breaking into what may have been the coldest sweat he had experienced in a very long time.

Chisato rose her bow aiming for (Y/N), a few words escaped her lips. "Zorn der azurblauen Königin."

At that moment, a light began to shimmer in front of her bow and then swarms of arrows flew out aimed at (Y/N).

"Or, Wrath of the Azure Queen. Whichever you prefer." She smirked as she watched her precious student evade, dodge and run for his life.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!!" The devil panicked to himself as he ran as fast as he could from the onslaught of arrows that pursued him. But the fact that the arrows were still emerging from the bow surprised him.

"It's like a school of piranhas. Once they have their eyes set on their prey, they won't stop until they sink their teeth in that flesh, even if they hit a wall they'd still pursue their prey." Chisato explained.

Eventually the onslaught of arrows connected with their target, erupting in a violent explosion.

Through the smoldering smoke, a powerful burst of dragonic magical energy erupted. The blue and red aura shined brilliantly as the smoke began to fade. From within, stood (Y/N) in his Balance Breaker armor.

"Azure Dragon's Over Breaker..." Chisato mumbled. 'Let's see how far you've pushed yourself.'

With wings spread out wide and fighting stance ready, he blasted off, exploding the floor below.

"Azure Dragon Talon!" (Y/N) sent a vicious flying side-kick to Chisato, only to be evaded with her simple sidestep. As he corrected his trajectory, (Y/N) flew back into a spinning kick which Chisato evaded by stepping back.

'Impressive, he's gotten faster.' She smiled with pride.

Flying up high above, (Y/N) rose his leg high and concentrated a large amount of magical energy within. "Azure Dragon...!" He chanted as he began to descend. "TALON CRUSHER!!!" He roared, crashing into the ground with a massive explosion, sending rubble and debtors flying everywhere from the newly formed crater.

As Chisato floated above the massive dust cloud, a faint blue light smoked through.


Chisato's emerald eyes widened in haste and immediately moved.

"SHOT!!!" (Y/N) roared, punching the ball on concentrated dragon energy.

The oncoming attack hurled past the quickly evading Chisato and crashed into the ceiling walls behind her.

The brunette turned around and gazed at the deviation. 'Incredible...and I can sense that this is only a fraction of his true power.'

(Y/N) panted heavily, looking up and seeing his attack had missed. He grunted, beginning to concentrate on focusing his dark magical energy. 'Alright then...' His armor began to slowly crack as darkness began to seep through and emerge from within. 'Let's try something else!' His Scail Mail shattered, revealing himself in the black and green transformation that was his True Shadow form.

(Y/N) conjured his bastard sword of darkness and charged straight for Chisato.

Readying her bow of light, she pulled her weapon's string and readied another attack. "Alright then. My dear student, let's see how long you're able to withstand my attacks. Licht Regen." She chanted, creating a stream of pure white arrows and unleashing it upon her student.

(Y/N) instantly noticed the onslaught and jumped back, moving to every possible position he could find to evade and avoid being hit. Eventually he changed his weapons' shape into a double sided scythe. He spun it around at such intense speed it created a protective barrier around him, deflecting and destroying any incoming arrow heading his direction.

As the hail of arrows disappeared, (Y/N) looked around for the bow wielding brunette. Quickly sensing a powerful concentration of mixed dark and light magical energies, he looked up to see Chisato wielding a black and red bow, a massive black and white fireball conjured at the tip of the arrow.

"Now, burn bright my heart, and aim true my Apollon..." Chisato pulled the string back and the concentrated blast grew. "Radiant...Devastation." She released the arrow and the burning ball shot at supersonic speed to the shadow coated devil, growing in size with every passing moment.

(Y/N) looked up and immediately began inhaling as much darkness as he could. "Dark Calamity...ROAR!!!" He unleashed his roar attack, resulting the two dark energies to clash with one another. However, amidst the struggle, (Y/N) began to be pushed back. However, he refused to give up ground. He planted his feet deep into the ground and unleashed every amount of magical energy he had, increasing the power of his roar to almost match Chisato's flaming arrow.

Within mere moments, the blasts exploded and smoke filled the whole room.

(Y/N) fell on one knee, panting heavily as the shadows around his body began to disparate. "Damn..." He said. "Well..." He paused to catch his breath. "Maybe that did...something." He said, feeling a little optimistic.

As the dust cleared, a figure stood tall and showed no sign of being exhausted in the least.

"Impressive. Truly impressive." Chisato praised, fixing her glasses. "You gotten much stronger since the last time we sparred. Though, I really shouldn't be surprised. You're always looking to get stronger and improve yourself." She added.

(Y/N) lightly growled as he struggled to lift himself up off the floor.

"However, I'm afraid this still won't be enough to beat me sweetie." Chisato smiled, instantly vanishing before reappearing before her student with her finger on his forehead.

The young devil felt a light shock within his body. His body fell numb and mind went blank from whatever it was that Chisato did to him. He slowly began to fall back as his consciousness faded, only for Chisato to catch him in her arms, slowly laying him down on her lap.

The warm-hearted doctor simply smiled, gently caressing her patient's head as she hummed a gentle tune.

Time Skip

(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes flickered open, instantly met with Chisato Hasegawa's warm and tender smile.

"How do you feel sweetie?" The brunette asked.

The Azure Dragon Emperor was exhausted. As he laid on the ground, his breath was heavy and his body was covered in sweat. "Jesus! No matter how long I train or how strong I get, I don't think I'll ever be able to beat you Chisato! You're too strong!" He proclaimed.

"Don't count yourself so short, (Y/N)." Chisato advised. "You've gotten much stronger since the last we fought. I'm happy to know how much progress you've made." She smiled, running her hand through her student's messy (H/C) hair. "Here, it'll be awhile before dinner. So have some of these to hold you over for the time being." She said, unwrapping a cloth that held some rice-balls.

As (Y/N) and Chisato snacked, he simply stared at the bespectacled beauty, and a certain thought came to mind. "Now that I think about it, I just realized something."

"Hm? What's that dear?" Chisato asked.

"When I fought Beerus, it seemed like we were fairly equal in terms of strength. We ended in a draw. Yet, I'm still having trouble trying to take you down. So I was just wondering...Are you stronger than Beerus?"

Chisato stared blankly at her student, her face turning slightly sour as she flicked him on the forehead. "Don't say that out loud." He demanded. "Beerus has incredible hearing with those big ol' ears of his. I don't want that battle hungry maniac showing up at my front door wanting to fight."

"Gotcha, sorry." (Y/N) apologized.

"It's alright." Chisato assured, finishing off the last bite of her rice-ball as she stood up. "Come on, go wash up and I'll get dinner ready."

(Y/N) eyes widened in excitement, finishing his rice-ball and flipping himself up off the ground. "Oh hell yes!" He smiled in excitement.

Time Skip

After changing back into his slacks and (F/C) t-shirt, (Y/N) walked out and was met with a wide assortment of delicious and practical looking food.

Radish patties, curry rice, potato stew, caesar salad, ginger roast pork, beef omelette rice, fried chicken, and miso soup. His eyes widened at the large spread, his mouth nearly dropped in amazement at the delicious aroma that emanated from each dish.

"Oh...my god! This looks amazing!" He marveled.

"Thank you, please help yourself." Chisato notioned as she took her seat across

"Will do!" He smiled. "Thank you the food!" He thanked before taking a portion of the radish patty. Cutting it into bite-sized pieces, the juices immediately emphasised how tasty was. While the flavour was spreading in his mouth, he noticed Chisato staring at him.

"How is it?" She asked, a slight trace of uneasiness in her eyes and voice.

(Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle with food in his mouth, with only one answer to that. "Chisato...Your food is delicious. It's never not. Never has been." The Azure Dragon Emperor reassured.

This made Chisato calm down, and smile. "Is that so? I'm glad. Now don't be shy dear, eat up."

"Will do!" (Y/N) cheered before stuffing his face with his teacher's delicious dishes.

Chisato couldn't help but smile happily as she watched (Y/N) eat before she partook of the dishes herself.

The dishes Chisato made for (Y/N) we're nearly devoured by the young devil. Every single dish was extremely delicious. A large variety, coupled with a large quantity, were the reasons that originally made him think that it wasn't possible for him to finish everything. But in the end, he couldn't put down his chopsticks, and after a peaceful dinner between both teacher and student, the dishes were finished.

"Hey Chisato, I'll go ahead and wash the dishes." (Y/N) offered. "It's the least I could do since you cooked."

"That's alright." Chisato replied. "Washing up after a meal that's appreciated is a privilege for any cook." She claimed proudly.

'I know a few chefs who would say different but okay.' The young man thought to himself. "Alright. If you say so." He said acceptingly before getting up and walking behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "I've missed this." He sighed in contentment.

"So have I. It's been so long since we could spend time together like this." Chisato agreed. "After all, you're busy with club activities and training and I'm busy with work. We don't get to spend as much time together like we used to."

"I know..." (Y/N) said in gloom, holding the beautiful woman in his arms tighter. "I'm sorry."

Chisato gently placed her hand on his. "It's alright." She said gently. "Besides, having you hold me like this shows me how much you care." She said.

(Y/N) smiled.

"But, I hate to ask, but what's it like when you do this with Rias and Asia?" The brunette questioned.

"Do what with Rias and Asia?" He asked.

Chisato's emerald green eyes looked back at the young man, a playful grin sprouting on her face. The doctor stuck out her hip, and rubbed up against (Y/N). Her soft buttocks immediately came into contact with his crotch area, which caused his body to jump in surprise. "I mean like this." She said.

"W-We don't do anything like that!" He protested. 'Though, Rias does fidget around a lot in her sleep. And Asia has been asking for more hugs recently. Hell even Artoria has been wanting more affectionate attention lately. God I suck.' He sulked to himself.

"Is that so?" Chisato asked a mixture of playfulness and doubt in her tone. "Well, as a good teacher I suppose I'll have to believe you."

"Well a "good teacher" shouldn't be teasing her student like this." (Y/N) replied. "But then again, we have been doing this for quite a while, so I guess that's kinda up in the air now, huh?"

Chisato giggled. "I suppose you're right. So, what did you think of my home cooking?"

The young devil smiled. "Do you even need to ask?" He said as he grew closer to Chisato's lips. "It's was delicious as always." He said, kissing her passionately from behind.

Chisato and (Y/N) kissed each other with pure passion. When their tongues crossed, their kissing got even more ferocious as time passed by.

As Chisato grew deeper and deeper into the kiss, she briefly broke away for air. "I want you to hold me tighter!" She demanded.

"I will. For the rest of the night, I'll hold us together as closely as possible. And I won't ever leave your side." He claimed.

"Thank you." She said before kissing him once again before briefly parting. "Before we get too serious though, go ahead and put your clothes in the hamper in the bathroom, I'll wash them for you while you bathe. If you go back with your clothes smelling like another girls perfume some of the girls might get jealous." Said Chisato.

(Y/N) pulled off his shirt and looked back at the brunette. "Jealous? Why? They know I'm here. Why would they be jealous?" He asked.

Chisato stared blankly at her student, only to pat his cheek with her hand. "I love you honey." She smiled. "Now go clean yourself." She demanded, pushing him towards the bathroom.

(Y/N) undressed, he put his clothing into the hamper as instructed. He opened the door and saw the bath was already drawn and filled with hot water. He stepped in and felt all of his fatigue slip away with a heavy released sigh. "Man this is great. Nice hot bath after a tense training session and a good meal is just what the doctor ordered. Probably literally in this case." He chuckled.

"How's the water?" Chisato asked from the other side.

"It's perfect! Feels great!" He replied.

"I'm glad." She said.

As (Y/N) slid down deeper into the tub, he continued his deep relaxing soak.

The door suddenly slid open and the young man looked over to see that Chisato had entered with a green towel firmly wrapped around her beautiful figure, emphasizing all of her beautiful curves. From her well-toned thighs, to her fit and slender waist to her large and voluptuous breasts.

(Y/N) couldn't help but label at the sight of beauty before him, but he eventually broke out of his trance. "Oh sorry. Did you wanna get in the bath too? I'll move." He said as he began to move.

"That's okay." She said. "I just came in here to wash your back. Is that okay? After all I am the reason why you got so dirty in the first place." She explained.

(Y/N) looked into the water and pondered for a moment, thinking about her proposition before shrugging "I guess you've got a point there." He agreed. "If you want to, sure. Go ahead." He said as he stepped out. He sat on the nearby stool and poured a small basin of warm water on himself.

"I'll start with your back. That okay?" Chisato asked.

"Sure." (Y/N) replied.

Chisato immediately wrapped her arms around his chest and pushed her body firmly against his.

It took a moment for (Y/N) to process the sensation. The gently touch of warm, soft and wet mounds sliding up and down as Chisato moaned with every movement. He looked back and saw that Chisato was towelless and rubbing her breasts against his back. "What are you doing?" He asked as a faint blush grew on his cheeks.

Chisato simply giggled in response. "What's the matter? Do you not like this?" She asked teasingly, almost knowing the true answer.

"I never said that. Just kind of caught me off guard for a second." He replied.

"Then I'll go ahead and continue~" Chisato whispered, nibbling on his ear before she proceeded. Eventually there were some swelling at the tip of her breasts, emphasising their inappropriate presence on her student's/lover's back. "Ah! (Y/N)~ Amazing, my body is getting hotter and hotter~!" Her voice began to fill with feminine sweetness, and (Y/N) clearly felt parts of her body attached to him rising in temperature. Chisato had gotten so excited from using her breasts to rub, and (Y/N) could begin to feel the woman's excitement.

This fact gave the young devil some excitement. If he turned around now, he would see his teacher, his lover and her face filled with pleasure that had hardened the tips of her breasts.

As Chisato only thought about using her breasts to wash his back, it was difficult for her to process any changes in the situation. And so, she toppled into her lover's arms.

(Y/N) quickly caught her in panic, and they toppled over together as a result.

The two stared at each other, so close together, such close proximity they could feel their hot breaths on one another.

(Y/N) had finally seen his longed-for desire after so long.

Chisato Hasegawa was naked, her body hot from womanly pleasure. She was stunning. That bright red skin of her body dyed from pleasure was different from how he had been seeing her recently. Her cute, wet and flirtatious eyes, and her hot breaths merging with her student's.

The two slowly moved even closer to each other, putting their lips together and sharing a passionate and loving kiss. Their tongues crossed, fighting for dominance as their kissing got even more ferocious as time passed by. After a while, the two parted, and while looking straight into his eyes. "Oh~How I've missed the way you taste. I've missed this!" She moaned, wanting more.

Once again, (Y/N) lost himself and let loose his self-restraints. He immediately forced his way into Chisato's mouth, grabbing and rubbing her large breasts, which overflowed obscenely through his fingers.

"Haa~!... Ahah, (Y/N)~Haa... AAAA!" Her erotic moans echoed loudly through the bathroom. Just pushing around her breasts in his hands had already made her this excited.

Chisato cried out again and again from the unforgettable pleasure caused by her lover. Her reactions filled with ecstasy increased the Dragon Emperor's desires, which in turn made her be on the receiving of even more pleasure.

It didn't matter if they were covered with foam, (Y/N)'s mouth latched onto her right breast. Just like the food from before, the taste and flavour of her breast spread within his mouth. He didn't use his teeth to stimulate them, but the moment he found the tip of those large breasts, she quickly raised her voice.

Chisato wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his head and suddenly stiffened, trembling. "(Y/N)...I want it." She moaned trembling. "Please...Give me your cock!" She begged.

(Y/N) was nearly at his own limit himself. His hardened member was leading through his bath towel he had wrapped around his waist, rubbing up against her hot pussy. "Okay..." He whispered, grabbing Chisato's right leg and lifted it up by her plump and supple thigh. "I'm gonna put it in." He said, positioning his throbbing cock at the entrance of her vagina. The instant the two private made contact, the tip of (Y/N)'s member grew hot and wet. With not a further second wasted, he pushed his cock into Chisato's pussy.

Chisato cried out loud, arching back from the sudden shock of (Y/N)'s member pushing its way into her, sliding against her tight wet and warm wall. "Oh God~" She moaned, wrapping her arms tightly around her lover's neck as he began pushing in and out. "I can feel you so deep! I can feel it kissing my womb! Your cock is so hot!" She cried, feeling (Y/N)'s member pushing it's way into Chisato's womb with every push.

The sensation the two felt had become foreign to them after so long of being apart for so long, neither of them could hold on for very long. Both were coming close to their climax.

"Chisato! I can't-! I'm gonna-!" (Y/N) claimed.

"Do it! Do it inside me!" Chisato declared.

(Y/N) wanted to let her, who is now in a trance due to her long awaited orgasm, experience the ecstasy from the connection between the two. While continuing to piston his cock into her, he grabbed her buttocks lifted her up off the ground, kneading them violently as he held her up. "(Y-Y/N)! I'm-I'm cumming! I'm cumming!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH~~~!!!" Chisato's legs trembled, shaking as they stretched out from the sudden shock. Her body had become more sensitive due to her climax. 'I did it...reached orgasm...' She thought proudly, panting heavily along with her lover. She looked to him and saw his exhaustion in his (E/C) eyes.

However, even with the two exhausted, the feeling lust never faded.

Chisato pulled (Y/N) closer and leaned into his ear. "Bedroom...Let's take this there." She whispered.

With no hesitation, (Y/N) pulled Chisato close and began walking. Leaving the bathroom with haste and making his way to Chisato's bedroom, all while the two engaged in a vicious makeout session as he walked.

(Y/N) walked backward into the door, opening it and falling backwards onto Chisato's bed, their lips and tongues still inter locked.

They parted in need of air, a trail of saliva connected the two.

(Y/N) began to rise up, but was only held down with Chisato's hand.

"Not this time my love." She said. "This time, I'll be taking the lead." She demanded, shuffling down to the partially erect cock and brush up against it as she made her way down. Grabbing hold of the member, she batted it against her cheek a few times as she smiled. She licked against the long broadness of the underside, quickly taking it into her mouth once again.

It had felt just as it did earlier in the day, wet, hot and tights just like her beautiful pussy.

The woman began to bob her head, taking in all of the hardening cock into her mouth. The erotic sounds of her sucking and slurping echoed into (Y/N)'s head.

At last, with the member of her lover fully erect, Chisato mounted herself right above him and slowly made her way down. Her eyes widened and she smiled brightly as the feeling of (Y/N) sword penetrated her insides once again. "Nghhah!! This feels so good! (Y/N), you're cock feels so good! It's hitting the deepest parts of my pussy!"

With every slap of flesh, (Y/N) continued to lose himself. He wanted more. He wanted Chisato more. He reached out and grabbed her voluptuous boobs once again and began fondling them.

"Yes!! Fondle my breasts! Tease me as I take in every inch of your cock!" She proclaimed, feeling her pussy tighten as she continued to ride (Y/N).

Quickly, (Y/N) rose up and pushed Chisato down.

"Oh my~" She moaned.

The young devil continued. His movements became more aggressive and faster-paced, much to the doctor's pleasure.

"OH YES!!!" She screamed.

The feeling of being connected like this, neither Chisato nor (Y/N) wanted to let it go.

(Y/N) leaned in and held the brunette tightly as he continued to pound her.

'Oh God!! I'm still sensitive from earlier! I'm going to lose my mind if this keeps up!' Chisato thought.

(Y/N) rose up and spread her legs wider, watching as her large breasts moved up and down with every movement he made. Seeing her erotic face as she held tightly onto the sheets as he proceeded to fuck her.

They paused for a moment, changing positions and catching their breaths.

"How have you gotten..." She paused to breathe. "So good at this?"

"It's like I said before..." (Y/N) whispered, positioning himself right behind Chisato. "I react on instinct." He added. "I love you Chisato." He claimed.

Chisato smiled and rose up kissing him on the lips tenderly. "I love you too (Y/N)." She replied.

The Dragon Emperor lifted his lover up and held her tightly, slipping his nearly explosive cock inside before he continued. Hearing Chisato's moans so close pushed (Y/N) even further than before. As he fondled her breasts, Chisato wrapped one arm around his neck and placed the other on one of his hands. With his free hand, he caressed his way down to her clit and proceeded to tease it.

Chisato nearly lost her mind. She screamed loudly in erotic pleasure.

"Chisato! I'm gonna cum again!" He said.

"Me too!" She replied. "Let's cum together! Cum inside me!"

(Y/N)'s pace sped up, as did both his and Chisato's breaths. With one final push, the two released their climaxes. (Y/N) dumped all of his semen into Chisato's womb while Chisato squirted.

(Y/N) pulled out, a thick trail of jizz connecting his cock and Chisato's pussy together, which eventually lightly overflowed.

The two fell back onto the bed, pillows behind their heads. Their bodies covered in a sheen of sweat and heavy breaths of exhaustion.

Time Skip

The two continued to relax and recover after the intense session of love making. Many hours had passed and the two had yet to utter a word. Both Chisato and (Y/N) rested in silence, simply enjoying the other's company.

Chisato rested her head comfortably on her student's/lover's chest. Simply enjoying the sound of his heartbeat calmed her enough to almost fall asleep.

(Y/N) held his teacher close, gently brushing her shoulder with his thumb. The tranquil silence continued to calm his mind, feeling the calming presence of loving mentor. Suddenly, a thought came to his mind. "You know, today's been interesting with how things turned out." (Y/N) said bluntly.

Chisato looked up, her head still resting on her lover's chest. "How so?" She asked.

"Well...It started off normal, then the check up happened. Then we kinda..." (Y/N) paused, only to mumble to insinuate what the two had done to each other earlier in the day. "And now, here we are." He concluded, patting Chisato's bed with his free left hand. "It's just kinda funny how things turn out sometimes with us."

The brunette rolled over, her gaze unleaving. "Do you regret it?" She asked.

(Y/N) just chuckled in response. "Of course not. I enjoy our time together. I just wish we could do it more."

Chisato smiled, gently caressing the young devil's face. "You're so genuine and sincere, and I love that about you. Among so much more. It's why I adore you, why I love you so much." She said. "But I have to ask, you know how the others feel towards you, yes?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, a slight hint of confusion.

Chisato simply gigged in response, poking his forehead. "You're so cute. I guess you'll find out some day. And when it happens, just be honest with them and I'm sure they'll come to an understanding. After all, those who love many and remain true and loyal to them are often the best of people. And besides, the devil society is polymorus, so you won't have much to worry about." She kissed his cheek and rose up higher, changing positions so that she would be the one to hold him.

Slowly but surely the two began to slip off into slumber. Though Chisato's words continued to linger in (Y/N)'s mind. Even as he slipped off into sleep.

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