Chapter 6: An enemy that I've saved
The waves move gently into shores of the beach as we see Y/n laying on top of the blanket with only his swimming shorts on him as he relaxes at the nice warm weather as he lay on his stomach while he relaxes and enjoying the nice beach.
Y/n: (thought) Now this feels great. Itachi is going to make our first best so we can be stronger and it seems the Sakura empire seems to be quiet after we destroyed one of their factories. This is great, now I can relax and not worry about anything else.
He let out a relaxing sigh whne he can hear someone approaching him so he looks over and was surprised to see Enterprise as she look down at him in disappointment and then ask him.
Enterprise: What are you doing?
Y/n: Oh hey there Enterprise! Nothing much, just relaxing by the beach.
Enterprise: Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on any Sakura empire activity? This ain't the time for relax, we're at war.
Y/n: Yeah I know but it doesn't hurt to take a break after battle. It's good to relax your body for a bit and enjoy this beautiful day.
Enterprise: Whatever.
She sounded like she is in a bad mood as Y/n thinks she's upset because of him so he stood up and call out to her which she stop.
Y/n: Wait Enterprise! I'm sorry if I may have upsetting you but I'm just saying......maybe we can all have some relaxation after a hard battle you know. I mean Belfast told me how hard you have been doing so why not you take a break for a bit?
Enterprise: I'll take a break....Once this war is over.
She then walked off as Y/n watched her leave and let out a sigh.
(Shorth while later)
We see Y/n in town with Javelin and Laffey as they are hanging out at a nice cafe as Laffey is drinking some soda including Y/n as he place his drink onto the table and sighs while he tell them.
Y/n: After many battles and meet ups I thought Enterprise would have lighting up a bit and get along with others. But it seems she's never gonna change. What I'm I doing wrong!
Javelin: (smile) Don't blame yourself because of Enterprise. She's doesn't get along much with new people like you and Itachi.
Y/n: Guess so. Say how did you two get along with Enterprise or have she ever talked to you two?
Javelin: Not really no. I mean we do like her as a friend but she never fully bounded with other people accept those who is closes to her.
Y/n: Guess that explains why She gets along with Belfast and Vestal.
Laffey then place her head onto the table and said in the tired like tone.
Laffey: Not just them. She gets along with some like Prince of Wales or Illustrious.
Javelin: Well sort off. She sees them as close allies and they sometimes argue for a bit. Enterprise is a bit stubborn if you ask me.
Y/n: Yeah I mean she fought one of the Sakura Empire's generals with her damaged equipment which is Belfast ca,e and save her and me.
Javelin: (smile) Yep! Guess you can say Belfast is like the opposite of Enterprise.
Y/n: Yeah actually they do have similar thing and putting them side by side, they are like twin sisters.
Javelin: (smile) Yeah but they are cool right Laffey!?
Laffey: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Y/n: (thought) And she fallen asleep again.
Javelin: (smile) Say Y/n!
Y/n: Yeah?
Javelin: (smile) Can I show you something amazing?!
Y/n: Um sure thing.
Javelin: (smile) Sweet! You gonna like it!
We see the two walking through a open feild which as the wind gently blow on them as they make their walk and soon they reach what seems like a cliff with a amazing veiw at the ocean.
There was no towns, buildings, docks or anything. It was just them and a large veiw of the ocean which amazed Y/n as Javelin smiled and turn to Y/n as she sees his smiles of amazed and find his smiling face cute which her hand accidentally grabs Y/n's hand which surprised Y/n as they look down and seeing them holding hand.
Javelin: (blush) Oh my! I'm so sorry about that! My hand must have a mind of it's own! Sorry again!
She immediately let's go whioe her faces was blushing bright red and while Y/n is also blushing he smiles at her and look back at the veiw and said.
Y/n: (smile) Still this is beautiful. There is nothing around us but us and this veiw.
Javelin: (smile) Yeah. So you think your captain will return soon?
Y/n: I thinm so. He'll come back to update me aboit our island base.
Javelin: (smile) Great! Hey as soon sit done, do you mind one of us come by and see it?
Y/n: (smile) Of course.
Javelin: (smile) Awesome! I can't wait!
He smiled and so dose Javelin. Suddenly there was a strong wind followed by the sound of a helicopter engines as they look up and see Y/n's helicopter over head them as the helicopter makes it landing beside them. Once that the doors open and Itachi came out and walk up to the two and said with a smile.
Itachi: (smile) Y/n how great to see you here. And lady Javelin a pleasure to see you as well.
Javelin: (smile) Hi there Itachi. What have been doing?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah how's pur island base going?
Itachi: Not ready yet but it's going well as you wanted. But that's not the reason why I came here.
Y/n: Then what is it?
Itachi: We have detected another distress beacon. Someone is in trouble.
Javelin: Any ideas who?
Itachi: No clue but it's probably best you see it yourself Y/n.
Y/n: Okay then. Let's head to my capital ship and see what we're dealing with.
(A while later)
We see Y/n's Capital ship and his fleet heading to the distress beacon while inside the bridge we see Y/n and Itachi along with Javelin, Laffey, Cleveland and San Diego as Itachi shows them the map and where the distress beacon is located.
Clevland: That's at unknown waters! That place is pretty much unknown because it's nothing but ocean.
San Diego: So why is there a ship out there in the middle of nowhere?
Itachi: I can not say. We've picked it up in our monitors and it seems like someone is begging for help.
Y/n: Anything that we can know is on our side?
Itachi: I don't know. The singal is buggy and there is no way to know if this ship is on our side of the Sakura Empire's side.
Javelin: So if it was a Sakura Empire ship we might get attacked.
Laffey: But what if they needed our help. We can't just abandoned them even if they are our enemies.
San Diego: You crazy? If they are our enemy and we help them they're just gonna stab us in the back! Just let other Sakura Empire fleets to save them and we can just go home.
Y/n: But ever since we have set sail this beacon have been on for a very long time. Whatever is going on we got to help them by any means necessary.
Itachi: And if it's a trap?
Y/n: Then we must be ready when we approach it. It's important to not allow them to surprised us if it's a trap.
Male crew: General we're getting close to the location.
They look out of the windows od the bridge and in the distances they see some smoke and soon they see a sinking ship as they stop as they see the ship ahead of them.
Cleveland: Never seen that ship before.
Javelin: Must not be a trap.
Y/n wasn't sure yet so he press onto a radio and calls out.
Y/n: Jet fighters team. Scout the ship and see what you can find.
Soon after five jet fighters fly out of the hanger and fly towards the sinking ship as they circle around it and searching for anyone on board but nothing.
Jet fighter leader: (coms) Sir I don't see anyone down there. Maybe they are inside the ship.
Itachi: I have a bad feeling about this sir.
Y/n: Same here. Jet fighter leader: (coms) Wait a minute! Something is happening.
They too see something is happening to the ship. It started to shake a bit and then flicker and soon it disappeared all of sudden which shocked everyone as Y/n called out.
Y/n: It's a trap! Get back here no-
Suddenly there was a huge explosion that shook the ship as they stumble back. The Jet fighters sees Sakura Empire fleets and incoming Jet fighters that outnumbered them as they open fire and blow up two fighter jets as the rest dodges the incoming shots and return fire while we cut back at the bridge as we see Y/n and the rest getting up as they shake yheie heads.
San Diego: I told you it was a trap!
Y/n: All fleets defend the capital! All fighters deployed now and assist the rest! Itachi, damage report!
Itachi: Cannon weapons A, C, D, F and G are down! Hole breatched at section C3 and D6, water coming in fast!
Y/n: Right! We have toe defend this ship! Javelin, Laffey, San Diego, Cleveland, you all with me! Let's take those ships out!
Javelin: Right!
Cleveland: (smirk) Let's kick some butt!
Laffey: I'm too sleepy but sure, why not.
San Diego: Well if I have to die, I'll die with Y/n beside me then.
(Short while later)
We see more fighter jets deployed out of the hanger follow by Y/n, Javelin, Laffey, San Diego and Cleveland in their arms as they race through the ocean and heading towards the Sakura Empire's fleets that now forced their fire on them which they dodges the incoming shots.
Javelin: It seems they are forcing on us!
Y/n: Seems like it! Still we can't let those guns slow us down! Let's do this!
They node as they split up to take on their ships but for some reason the cannons ignore the rest and forced fire on Y/n which he finds it a hard time of dodging the incoming ships but fighter jets came by and fires it's missiles and damaged the ships cannons which give Y/n a chance to get close to their flag ship and leap onto the front of the ship and once he make his land Sakura Empire's soldiers race towards Y/n and aim thier guns at him.
Sakura Empire trooper: Don't move!
They aimed at him while Y/n pulls out his assault rifle and fire at the troopers which they return fire but their bullets bounce off of his armor but they continue to fire at him while Y/n steps back. He then deployed his shield while he fire his rifle through the engery shield snd took out a few troopers.
They step back but they continue to open fire at him but Y/n continues to push them back and then he dashes towards them and quickly pulled out his wrist blade and slice off some troopers which they fell onto thr ground.
A few continues to open fire at him but he swap his weapon to his machine gun and fires at all the Sakura empire troopers within seconds. Then Sakura Empire's fight jets rain down bullets at him as he leaps back but he aim his machine gun and fire at one of the fighter jets which one blow up while the other also blown up as well.
They crash into either the sea or into tne ship making a huge explosion as Y/n turned and see a Sakura Empire helicopter open fire at him while it circle around him.
It continues to fire at him but he swap his Machine gun to his rocket launcher and fire a rocket which blow up the end wing of the helicopter as it gose down and then blows up.
Around him was nothing but destruction as he looks around him and let out a sigh and then things to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I know we are being attacked right now but this is by far the coolest thing I have ever did.
???: Finally we have met at last.
He turns around to see a women standing there while also having the combat armor on her as she look at Y/n without any emotionals as he too turn to her and asked.
Y/n: So I guess your behind of this then?
Ayanami: Indeed. I'm Ayanami and I'm here to end you and fulfill my order.
Y/n: So that's why those cannons aimed at me instead of the rest. You were trying to blow me out?
Ayanami: That's correct. I do not want any directions and now your here I will kill you.
Y/n sees that she wants a dual so he pulled out his twin swords and said.
Y/n: Let's see what you got!
The two stand there while staring each other and then Ayanami surprised Y/n by fashing really fast and appear right in front of him. Y/n quickly blocked her strike but the impact cost him to slide back across the ship and nearly off the edge.
He looks over and Ayanami was right in front of him which he immediately dodged and the two clash blades at each other. Y/n was surprised how fast she was as he quickly dodges her swings and block each of her strikes with his swords.
He then leap back and then land far from Ayanami as she turn to him as the two stare at each other and then the two dash at each other and they clash blades at each other as they enter a blade lock.
Y/n: Your pretty fast. You must be training to face me.
Ayanami: You haveno idea. Now die.
The two continue to clash blades while Y/n's jet fighters and Sakura Empire's jet fighters battle at the sky as one jet fighter take down Sakura Empire's jet fighter which the fighter gose out of control and spins around and heading towards where Y/n and Ayanami are battling.
The two leap back and Ayanami was about to make her move when Y/n sees a fighter jet spinning out of control and heading towards Ayanami while she didn't notice.
Y/n: Look out!
He rush towards her and grab her and leap out of the way just in time as the fighter jet crashed at where Ayanami was as it slide through the landing pad and then splashed into the ocean.
Ayanami was surprised by this but not only that but how Y/n saved her life. Before Y/n could ask she kicked him back which she slide back and then she asked.
Ayanami: Why did you save me?
Y/n: Why not? I saw a jet about to crush you so I made a decision to save you before you would have been killed.
Ayanami: But why though? We're enemies aren't we?
Y/n: That maybe so but just because we're enemies that doesn't mean I can save the enemy that is endanger.
Ayanami is surprised by this but then look around her and see her fleet is destroyed and all it's let is the one which they are standing on as she look at him and then said.
Ayanami: Until we meet again Y/n.
She then rush up and then kicked him off the ship as he splashed into the ocean just as her ship turns around and make it's retreat as the rest watched. They were glad that the battle is over while we see Y/n coming out of the water and watching as Ayanami's ship retreated as Javelin makes her way towards him and ask.
Javelin: You okay?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine.
Javelin: It's a good thing we survived that ambush huh.
Y/n: Yeah but I don't think this ain't the last time we see our attacker. This might be the beginning.
Soon they return back to Y/n's Capital ship and once all repairs are done they sail off back home so they can take a break from that attack and continue their battles against the Sakura empire.
To be continued...................................
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